TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#563: The disaster arrives

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Chapter 563 disaster arrives 第563章天灾降临中 In the morning, sits is situated in the panda village of halfway up the mountainside, was covered by the light pride of the morning. The first wisp of dawn sprinkles from the upper air, illuminated this in plain village situated in wooded mountains......】 【清晨,坐立于半山腰的熊猫村,被淡淡的晨雾笼罩。第一缕晨光从高空洒下,照亮了这片位于山林间的古朴村落……】 Panda people along trail that winds everywhere, moves toward the farmland tree farm in mountain, started a day of practical training......】 【熊猫人们沿着四处蜿蜒的小径,走向山中的农田林场,开始了一天的劳作……】 You are controlling Chunli's body, goes out of bamboo room, toward village deep place leisure walks......】 【你控制着春丽的身体,走出竹屋,朝村落深处慢悠悠的走去……】 Mu You took dilution from now on lethargic sleep potion to Chunli a moment ago, Chunli under lethargic sleep condition naturally cannot have any consciousness of resistance, therefore Mu You took over control of her body easily. 刚才沐游给春丽服用了稀释过后的昏睡药剂,昏睡状态下的春丽自然不会有任何反抗的意识,于是沐游轻而易举的接管了她的身体。 Before one hour, Eugene discovered after the unknown microorganism that hidden in Chunli and mechanical within the body, several people discussed that recognized consistently this microorganism had to produce the mana ability, moreover what produced was pure mana, the density was much higher than Astral Spirit Realm multifarious mana. 一个小时前,尤金发现了隐藏在春丽和机械体内的未知微生物,几人讨论过后,一致认定这种微生物拥有生产魔力的能力,而且生产出的是纯净魔力,浓度远远高于星灵界驳杂魔力 Incessantly so, according to former that mechanical man can absorb in the environment the mana characteristics, Mu You guessed that this microorganism should also be able to swallow surrounding multifarious mana, and conducts certain purification processing, transforms as the strength of host. 不止如此,根据之前那个机械人能够吸收周围环境中魔力的特点,沐游猜测这种微生物应该还能吞噬周围的驳杂魔力,并进行一定的纯化处理,转化为宿主的力量。 Similar to the plant absorption carbon dioxide probably exhales the oxygen the process. 大概就类似于植物吸收二氧化碳呼出氧气的过程。 Since this microorganism can counter-balance the abyss the force field, so long as that can think the means to cultivate in the human body this microorganism, normally they can also the unzoned entry abyss. 既然这种微生物能够抵消深渊的力场,那么只要能想办法将这种微生物培植进人体内,按说他们也能不受限制的进入深渊。 Only pitifully, this microorganism before him with the process of Chunli question and answer , the opposite party has not mentioned completely, does not know existence of this thing mostly. 只可惜,这种微生物在他之前和春丽问答的过程中,对方完全没有提及,多半根本就不知道这东西的存在。 But Mu You this going out, is the preparation asks that medicine mother-in-law to inquire the information of this microorganism directly. 沐游这次出门,是准备直接去找那个药婆婆询问这种微生物的情报。 This old person seems like in the panda person oldest a number of pandas, may know anything, moreover when this person sees Chunli text twice, making Mu You feel that the opposite party has possibly discovered own existence, but stems from certain consideration, has not exposed him. 这个老人看起来是熊猫人中最年长的一批熊猫,或许会知道些什么,而且这人两次见春丽时的文本,让沐游感觉对方可能已经发现了自己的存在,只是出于某些考量,没有点破他。 On many same clan greeted toward you along the road, you turned a blind eye, moved toward village deep place directly......】 【沿路上不少同族朝你打招呼,你视若无睹,径直走向了村庄深处……】 【Before you arrives in a forest hut, in surroundings fields and gardens type filled various potion herb, the direction of bamboo room, faint medicine transmits fragrant......】 【伱来到一处林中小屋前,周围田圃中种满了各种魔药药材,竹屋的方向,还有隐隐药香传来……】 You went forward to sound gate......】 【你上前敲响了门……】 Gate opens quickly, an old age panda person appears in the entrance, is the medicine mother-in-law, sees your form, immediately stares: Chunli, you how......” 【门很快打开,一个老年熊猫人出现在门口,正是药婆婆,看到你的身影,顿时一愣:“春丽,你怎么……”】 【The old person voice stops suddenly, high and low sized up your one eyes, shakes the head quickly: No, you are not Chunli......” 【老人话音忽然止住,上下打量了你一眼,很快摇头:“不,你不是春丽……”】 You were over the two days, hid in Chunli person?” Old person as if to your appearance not extremely accidental/surprised.】 【“你就是这两天,藏身在春丽身边的人吧?”老人似乎对你的出现并没有太过意外。】 „.” You nodded to acknowledge this point.】 【“是的。”你点头承认了这一点。】 Came in......” old person to make way the front door, when oneself first walked into the room, carried teapot leisure bubble the tea.】 【“进来吧……”老人让开了屋门,自己当先走入屋中,端起一个茶壶慢悠悠的泡起茶来。】 You enter in room, saw magic stove and crucible of room central place, rich herb taste from transmits......】 【你进入屋中,看到了屋子中央置放的魔法火炉和坩埚,浓郁的药草味从其中传来……】 Made you be laughed, in Garden of Eden potion was deficient, I did not have the teacher to teach, tried to find out by oneself the negligible magical skill that feared cannot enter the eyes of your expert......” old person to self-ridicule smiles, soaked the good tea to be placed one cup in front of you.】 【“让你见笑了,伊甸园里魔药匮乏,我也没有老师教导,靠自己摸索出来的这点微末道行,怕是入不了你这种行家的眼……”老人自嘲一笑,将一杯泡好的茶摆在了你面前。】 【Before „, sees that two bottles of epic potion time, I know that Chunli definitely concealed anything, because that two bottles of potion just refined shortly, this explained that her side has high-level potion master inevitably, in addition, has the fight on vault of heaven, Chunli experienced what me also to guess correctly one or two.” The old person sits down another side of the table, is saying slowly, suddenly raised the head carefully looked at your one eyes: „Should you be Fool?” 【“之前见到那两瓶史诗药剂的时候,我就知道春丽肯定隐瞒了什么,因为那两瓶药剂刚刚炼制出来不久,这说明她身边必然存在一个高级魔药师,再加上之前发生在天穹上的战斗,春丽经历了什么我也就能猜到一二了。”老人在桌子另一边坐下,慢悠悠的说着,忽然抬头仔细看了你一眼:“你应该是一名愚者吧?”】 „? How do you know?” 【“哦?您怎么知道?”】 Mu You asked subconsciously, but just asked that responded, can change the skin to become other person of body abilities, only then Fool had, it is estimated that was therefore judged. 沐游下意识问,不过刚问完就反应过来,能换皮成其他人身体这种能力,只有愚者才拥有,估计是因此判断出来的。 However old man's reply actually came as a surprise to his. 然而老者的回答却出乎了他的预料。 „, because, I had also seen Fool here.” 【“因为,我曾经也在这里见过一个愚者。”】 Has seen Fool? In Garden of Eden?” 【“见过愚者?在伊甸园中?”】 Asking of Mu You surprise. 沐游诧异的问。 „, That · Kent's the alchemist named Turriff, made the profound impression...... old person to recall once passing on young me at that time disappointed.】 【“是啊,那个叫塔里夫·肯特的炼金师,当时给年幼的我留下了深刻的印象……”老人怅然回忆着曾经的过往。】 Turriff · Kent......” “塔里夫·肯特……” This name, Mu You has the impression. 这个名字,沐游有印象。 Initially he in the garbage dump in spiral spring city, was summoned by the thought together, finally picked the heart of machinery in the sewer. 当初他在发条城的垃圾场里,被一道意念召唤,最后在臭水沟里捡到了机械之心。 But at that time the heart of machinery had once flashed before together the image, the person in image claimed oneself are final masterpiece, is the manufacturer of TK2300 skin, his name Turriff · Kent. 而当时机械之心曾闪现过一道影像,影像中的人声称自己是‘最终杰作’,也就是TK2300皮肤的制造者,他的名字正是‘塔里夫·肯特’。 The manufacturer of machine armor skin, has really come to Garden of Eden! 机甲皮肤的制造者,果然来过伊甸园! Then, why before the machine armor skin will produce returning home the feeling, can convince, the heart of machinery likely is this person brings from Garden of Eden! 如此一来,之前机甲皮肤为什么会产生‘落叶归根’的感觉,就可以说得通了,机械之心很可能就是这人从伊甸园中带出去的! Fact that you inquired old person concerned Kent.】 【你询问老人有关肯特的事迹。】 I am not many, after all then he who Kent understands was a great person, but I at that time, but also was only one just joined the little girl in Garden of Eden, with him, only then several reasons.” 【“我对肯特了解的也不多,毕竟当时的他可是大人物,而我那时,还只是一个刚刚加入伊甸园的小女孩,与他只有过几面之缘。”】 Kent is a good person, charming humorous, will give us these new child some small gifts, but will say occasionally some words of being irrelevant......” old person is recalling off and on.】 【“肯特是个不错的人,风趣幽默,会送我们这些新来的孩子一些小礼物,只是偶尔会说一些不着边际的话……”老人断断续续的回忆着。】 ‚Does great person what refer to?” You asked.】 【“‘大人物’是指什么?”你问。】 Kent is holding the post of the position of mechanics here, is an important work, he seems to be mastering the special capability in some mechanical aspect, these mechanical men have to make a good use of him, simultaneously he is also only can come and go out the life of mechanical man territory freely. Once I in the coincidence, heard him and Eva's quarrel, what a pity I cannot understand, the content that they discussed was profound, the opens the mouth silent will be the civilized progress, the future anything of the world, to me was too remote......” old person to heave a deep sigh.】 【“肯特在这里担任着机械维修师的职位,是一个重要的工作,他似乎掌握着某种机械方面的特殊能力,这些机械人也不得不重用他,同时他也是唯一一个可以自由出入机械人领地的生灵。有一次我在巧合中,听到了他和伊娃的争吵,可惜我听不懂,他们讨论的内容过于高深了,张口闭口就是文明的进步,世界的未来什么的,对我来说太遥远了……”老人摇头叹息。】 Eva?” You strange name that noticed in the old logical expression to mention.】 【“伊娃?”你注意到了老人话中提及的陌生名字。】 Eva is main engine, virtual existence, entire mechanical man race leader, is control in Garden of Eden.” 【“伊娃就是‘主机’,一个虚拟的存在,整个机械人种族的首领,也是伊甸园的掌控者。” Artificial intelligence?” Mu You estimated before this should be, was traded one that by him forcefully main engine, is all robots main-brain and so on thing. “人工智能?”沐游估计这应该就是之前被他强行一换一的那个‘主机’了,是所有机器人的‘主脑’之类的东西。 【After „?” You closely examine.】 【“之后呢?”你追问。】 【After „, between Kent and Eva as if had the difference, the time probably in I arrive here one year later some day, Kent fled from Garden of Eden suddenly, but the mechanical men seem angry to the behavior that he betrayed, drag in lots of people, sending out massive mechanical outside the body to leave capture, but did not seem to be able to pursue, quick mechanical people drew back, and sealed up the vault of heaven, completely lost the contact with outside world.” 【“之后,肯特和伊娃之间似乎发生了分歧,时间大概是在我来到这里的一年之后的某天,肯特忽然逃离了伊甸园,而机械人们似乎对他背叛的行为很愤怒,兴师动众,派出了大量机械体外出追捕,但是似乎没能追到,很快机械人们都退了回来,并且封闭了天穹,彻底断绝了与外界的联系。”】 Old person looks to you, sighs with emotion: For these years, you are second come here bystander.” 【老人看向你,感慨道:“这么多年来,你是第二个来到这里的外人。”】 【Before Kent leaves, had said with me, Eva does not have sentiment, ice-cold data and sane balance judged, he will look for a more useful evidence, then comes back to convince them......” 【“肯特离开前曾经和我说过,伊娃没有感情,只有冰冷的数据和理智的权衡判断,他会找更有利的证据,然后回来说服它们……”】 Mu You saw that here is silent. 沐游看到这里不由沉默。 Reason that the mechanical men capture Kent crazily, naturally not because of anger, because he carried off the heart of machinery. 机械人们之所以疯狂追捕肯特,当然不是因为‘愤怒’,而是因为他带走了机械之心。 As for Kent so-called evidence, referred to should studies the machine armor skin. 至于肯特所谓的‘证据’,指的应该就是研究出机甲皮肤。 After he goes out, looks for the goblin clan cooperation, finally successfully confirmed the possibility of human computer combination. 他出去后找地精族合作,最终成功证实了人机结合的可能性。 However, has not waited for him to test the achievement to carry forward, then by the goblin back thorn, had died a violent death...... 然而,还不等他将实验成果发扬光大,便已经被地精背刺,死于非命…… Mu You shakes the head, temporarily puts down Kent's issue, asked the proper business. 沐游摇了摇头,暂时放下肯特的问题,问起了正事。 You inquired the old person, the panda clan was once connected the abyss time, had by the mechanical man has gotten up to what tricks.】 【你询问老人,曾经熊猫族被接入深渊的时候,是否有被机械人做过什么手脚。】 I guess you want to ask should be vaccine.” The old person said.】 【“我猜你想问的应该是‘疫苗’。”老人说。】 Vaccine?” 【“疫苗?”】 About, a native land of our panda person clan vanished more than 1800 years ago suddenly, lots of panda people died strangely, the surplus panda people are also destitute and homeless, when the extermination of the clan, these will soon come from the bottom mechanical man to appear suddenly, said that as Savior, screened 1000 healthy young youth panda people from us, the men and women was half and half, led into us underground, other middle and old aged panda people were given up.” 【“距今1800多年前左右,我们熊猫人一族的故土忽然消失,大量的熊猫人离奇死去,剩余的熊猫人也流离失所,就在即将灭族之时,这些来自地底的机械人忽然出现,自称为‘救世主’,从我们当中筛选出了一千名健康的幼青年熊猫人,男女各半,将我们带入了地下,其他的中老年熊猫人则被放弃。”】 Mechanical man gives us these selected panda person, injected one white reagent respectively, they call it vaccine, it is said is one type can make us adapt to the underground life, not gets sick without the disaster the lifetime benign medicine.” 【“机械人给我们这些被选中的熊猫人,分别注射了一种白色的试剂,它们称之为‘疫苗’,据说是一种可以让我们适应地下生活,无病无灾过完一生的良性药物。”】 Later we were then received in Garden of Eden by them, and divided a mountain range as stopping over, 1000 clansmen, such step by step here rebuilt panda person civilization, to today, our population expanded more than 20 times, achieved over 20,000......” 【“随后我们便被他们接到了伊甸园中,并分到了一片山脉作为落脚地,一千个族人,就这么一步步的在这里重建了熊猫人文明,一直到今天,我们的人口扩张了二十余倍,达到了两万以上……”】 Mu You saw that here one is startled, can a race only rescue 1000 people unexpectedly? Are much less than the imagination in...... 沐游看到这里一怔,一个种族居然只能救援一千人?比想象中少得多…… You inquired the old person, did the new student/life panda person have is injected vaccine?】 【你询问老人,新生的熊猫人有没有被注射过‘疫苗’?】 Does not have, according to the view of mechanical man, as if the effect of vaccine can through the maternal infant transmission, the descendant who therefore is naturally born here, does not need to inject the vaccine again.” The old person replied.】 【“没有,根据机械人的说法,似乎疫苗的效果可以通过母婴传播,所以在这里自然诞生的后代,都不需要再注射疫苗。”老人回答。】 This......” “这样……” Mu You touches the chin, it seems like, this type vaccine is quite so precious. 沐游摸了摸下巴,这么看来,这种‘疫苗’比较珍贵啊。 Reason that only rescues 1000 people, is not does not want to rescue, because vaccine limited, treats as seed 1000 people of each race, gives them the land, lets their natural multiplication descendants, expands the ethnic group, is most economical vaccine method. 之所以只救一千人,不是不想救更多,而是因为‘疫苗’有限,将每个种族的一千人当做‘种子’,给他们土地,让他们自然的繁衍后代,扩大族群,才是最节省‘疫苗’的方法。 You inquired the old person, where can this type of vaccine find?】 【你询问老人,这种疫苗在哪里能找到?】 This I do not know that we are last batch of the races that enters Garden of Eden, after us, this type of vaccine had not appeared again, even if there are, in factory that still definitely in these mechanical men control, the life is impossible to have the opportunity to see.” The old person shakes the head to say.】 【“这我就不知道了,我们是最后一批进入伊甸园的种族,在我们之后,这种疫苗再没有出现过,就算有,也肯定在那些机械人控制的工厂里,生灵不可能有机会见到。”老人摇头道。】 Really wanted to look for...... Mu You to be a pity, knows is not easy. 果然还是要自己找么……沐游可惜了一下,就知道没那么容易。 This time old person looked to you, sighed: You are quick.” 【这时老人看向你,叹息道:“你还是快走吧。”】 Your hears Yanzheng wants to say goodbye, the old person actually shook the head saying: Does not make you leave my family, but makes you leave Garden of Eden.” 【你闻言正欲告辞,老人却摇头说:“不是让你离开我家,而是让你离开伊甸园。”】 Main engine here, is equivalent to one omniscient and omnipotent god, your I cannot conceal the truth, how also possibly to hide the truth from god? Has not regained consciousness while it, you leave as soon as possible.” The old person advised.】 【“主机在这里,相当于一个全知全能的‘神’,你连我都瞒不过,又怎么可能瞒得过‘神’?趁它还未苏醒,你尽快离开吧。”老人劝告道。】 Said, old person hesitant, said: Moreover, if you are able, invited to lead Chunli to leave together, she has yearned for outside world......, but if you could not achieve, please do not give her to hope again, she was a pure child, I only wanted her to be able safe life.” 【说完,老人犹豫了一下,又道:“另外,如果你有能力,请带着春丽一起离开,她一直向往外面的世界……但如果你做不到,就请不要再给她希望,她是一个单纯的孩子,我只希望她能平安的过完一生。”】 You promised old person, later said goodbye to leave......】 【你答应了老人,随后告辞离开……】 Mu You has not said anything, even the old person did not remind, he was still about to leave here. 沐游没有多说什么,就算老人不提醒,他也准备离开这里了。 He is weak in this place, if the main engine regains consciousness, these robots close, he definitely is not an opponent, best first draw back, waited to make the preparation to come fully again. 他在这地方势单力薄,如果主机苏醒,那些机器人一拥而上,他肯定不是对手,最好还是先退出去,等做足了准备再来一趟。 However before leaving, he prepares to go to dormancy area to look at one again. Raising life that these robots spare no effort here, is always impossible not to have the goal, but the true goal likely on conceals in the dormancy area, after all there is the final homes to return to of all Garden of Eden lives. 不过离开之前,他准备再去‘休眠区’看一眼。这些机器人在这里不遗余力的饲养生灵,总不可能没有目的,而真正的目的很可能就藏在休眠区里,毕竟那里是所有伊甸园生灵的最终归宿。 During the daytime the informer is promiscuous, this matter must wait after at nightfall, can look for the opportunity action. 白天耳目混杂,这种事还得等入夜后才能找机会行动。 How in Mu You calculates tonight to act. 就在沐游盘算着今晚该如何行动之时。 Real world, in islands outside the No. 2 server exit|to speak. 真实世界,二号服务器出口之外的岛屿上。 „......” “呜……” The giant octopus brings to call out in grief from the lake bottom suddenly gushes out, direct exposure in innumerable player eyes. 巨大的章鱼忽然带着悲鸣从湖底涌出,直接暴露在了无数玩家眼中。 However the octopus actually ignores to under lots of players, crawls after the lake bottom, then brings the whole body small octopus to escape hurriedly, finally vanished in the sea of islands edge. 然而章鱼却对下方大量的玩家熟视无睹,从湖底爬出后,便带着满身的小章鱼匆忙逃命,最终消失在了岛屿边缘的大海中。 Then, while the players relax, rejoices is survivor of disaster, the lake bottom suddenly is massive giant lifeform crawls. 接下来,正当玩家们松口气,庆幸劫后余生的时候,湖底忽然又是大量的巨型生物爬出。 This time is the one after another crab and great shrimp, each figure is between several meters to dozens meters, emerges after the lake bottom, these ineffective and worthless troops then without hesitation wielded the butcher knife toward the surrounding player. 这次是一个个螃蟹和巨虾,每个身形都有数米到数十米之间,从湖底涌现后,这些虾兵蟹将便毫不犹豫的朝周围的玩家挥动了屠刀。 This has not calculated, after several minutes, trunk that passes Tianchang, since the lake bottom finds out, the width almost occupied the entire lake surface. 这还不算完,数分钟后,一条通天长的象鼻,从湖底探出,宽度几乎占据了整个湖面。 Meanwhile, white mist spout from the pore of trunk external skin, suddenly then covered the islands in white fog. 与此同时,一股股白色的雾气从象鼻表皮的毛孔中喷出,眨眼便将岛屿笼罩在了一片白雾之中。 In the player in white fog, soon discovered that all items lost the function, simultaneously the one after another body gradually becomes heavy, the action speed is even more slow, some Physique are bad, even the direct petrification on the spot, entered sank the dormancy. 身在白雾中的玩家,很快发现所有的道具都失去了作用,同时一个个身体逐渐变得沉重起来,行动速度越发缓慢,一些体质差的,甚至直接石化原地,进入了沉眠。 Ineffective and worthless troops who however rear these chase down, actually not possible, therefore produces any pities, being relentless wielded the sharp claws to the players of these petrification...... 然而后方那些追杀来的虾兵蟹将,却不可能因此产生任何怜悯,毫不留情的对这些石化的玩家挥动了利爪…… As more and more players were chased down until death, the news fed in the forum quickly, and turned into the hot topic of discussion rapidly. 随着越来越多的玩家被追杀至死,消息很快传回了论坛,并且迅速变成了热点话题。 The «disaster season has arrived! All players immediately withdraw from the real world 《天灾季已到来!所有玩家立即撤离真实世界!》 After the white fog appears, only ten minutes, reminder post that came from Dragon Team, appeared in the forum home page, was topped the unceasing manpower. 白雾出现后仅十分钟,一则来自龙组的提醒贴,出现在了论坛首页,被人不断的人工置顶。 Meanwhile the global major countries and influences also looked for the most convenient way to start the propaganda, making all players withdraw from the real world urgently, the person who has not entered do not attempt to enter again. 同时全球各大国家和势力也都找最便捷的途径开始了宣传,让所有玩家紧急撤离真实世界,还没有进入的人也不要再尝试进入。 Shortly after the white fog just appeared, Mu You also received the message in city Lord group immediately, first understood the matter beginning to end. 白雾刚出现不久,沐游这边也立即收到了城主群里的消息,第一时间了解了事情始末。 „Really wasn't this...... the clam tapir will drill?” Solomon inquired in group. “这……不会真是蜃貘钻过来了吧?”所罗门在群里询问。 Although is the interrogative sentence, but grasps the first-hand information numerous cities Lord to be clear, besides the clam tapir, does not have the second possibility. 虽然是疑问句,不过掌握着第一手情报的众城主们心里都清楚,除了蜃貘外,没有第二种可能。 Obviously, after the clam tapir previous time they awaken by noise, again has not entered the deep sleep, instead discovered from habitat not far transmission point, at this moment obviously is the plan across the transmission point, here came. 很显然,蜃貘上次被他们吵醒后,没有再度进入沉睡,反而发现了距离栖息地不远的传送点,此刻显然是打算穿过传送点,过来这边了。 Must light/only be the clam tapir comes fortunately, at the worst no longer landing that side world is, the key was......” the message of blue beard has not said, the people actually understood his meaning. “要光是蜃貘过来还好,大不了不再登陆那边的世界就是,关键是……”蓝胡子的留言没有说完,众人却都明白他的意思。 In that side islands, but is connecting a Astral Spirit Realm entrance, the clam tapir arrives to the islands even if, if were found the entrance of server by it again, that even Astral Spirit Realm can still suffer disaster? 那边的岛屿上,可是连接着星灵界的一个入口,蜃貘降临到岛屿也就算了,万一再被它找到了服务器的入口,那岂不是,连星灵界也要遭难? In the disaster beast that the real world can sweep away all obstacles, arriving...... the picture is too beautiful to Astral Spirit Realm, the people do not dare to continue to imagine. 一个在真实世界都能所向披靡的天灾兽,降临到星灵界……画面太美,众人已经不敢继续想象。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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