TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#562: mana source

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Chapter 562 mana source 第562章魔力的源头 When the weather dawn, you will soon be maintaining the contour of transport vehicle, went nearby Chunli's bamboo room.】 【在天色即将蒙蒙亮的时候,你保持着运输车的外形,行驶到了春丽的竹屋附近。】 Your body started to distort, took back each part, was only left over the heart of machinery, can be separated by Chunli of gable in body.】 【你的身体开始变形,收回了各个部件,只剩下机械之心,被包覆在机体内的春丽得以脱离而出。】 Breathes to Chunli of fresh air, actually first lay on the ground vomited, seemed like carsickness symptom......】 【重新呼吸到新鲜空气的春丽,却第一时间趴在地上呕吐了起来,似乎是‘晕车’的症状……】 You deliver with the mechanical arm one bottle of sober potion to Chunli side.】 【你将一瓶清醒药剂用机械臂送至春丽身旁。】 Chunli takes up a potion drinking none, finally restored some spirits.】 【春丽拿起药剂一口喝的精光,终于恢复了一些精神。】 Is all right?” you inquiry.】 【“没事吧?”伱询问。】 Does not have, to be all right......” Chunli weak face upwards lying down on nearby lawn, among the looks somewhat is vacant.】 【“没,没事……”春丽虚弱的仰躺在一旁的草地上,神色间却有些茫然。】 System Monarch, that robot...... how?” Chunli asked.】 【“系统君,那个机器人……怎么样了?”春丽问。】 It has rested.” 【“它已经安息。”】 Mu You looked for a as far as possible tactful view, in fact, that robot had been dismembered one pile of fragments at this moment. 沐游找了个尽量委婉的说法,事实上,那个机器人此刻已经被肢解成了一堆碎片。 „Did we really...... kill a towerman?” Asking of some Chunli delay.】 【“我们真的……杀了一个守望者吗?”春丽有些呆滞的问。】 Mu You sighed, he has not truly expected, the little miss regarding striking to kill robot matter, will express so big resistance mood. 沐游叹息一声,他确实没料到,小姑娘对于击杀机器人这件事,会表现出如此大的抗拒情绪。 In his angle of view, robot dying thing, is the intelligent bio-manufacture the tool, striking to kill them and disassembles goods is not different. 在他的视角中,机器人只是死物,是智慧生物制造出来的工具,击杀它们和拆卸一件物品没什么两样。 However looks at the opposite party present performance, as if had regarded the true life the robot, the matter to her, looked like one continuously in the child who the peaceful and stable environment grew up, witnessed a homicide general impact. 然而看对方现在的表现,似乎已经把机器人当成了真正的生命,刚才的事情对她来说,就像是一个一直在和平安定的环境长大的小孩,亲眼目睹了一场凶杀案一般的冲击。 matter, was my will is done, had nothing to do with you, does not need the pressure.” You said.】 【“刚才的事情,都是我的意志做的,与你无关,不必有压力。”你说。】 Chunli's reluctant smiling, has not disputed, sets out to drag the exhausted body to walk toward the family/home.】 【春丽勉强的笑笑,没有辩驳,起身拖着疲惫的身体朝家中走去。】 【After entering the bamboo room, Chunli who had relaxed actually stiffens suddenly, because at this moment, before the table in bamboo room, has sat together the person's shadow.】 【进入竹屋后,本已放松下来的春丽却忽然僵住,因为此刻,竹屋中的桌前已经坐着一道人影。】 Medicine mother-in-law......” Chunli somewhat afraid sees the present panda clan old person. On old person table, but also puts out food that one bowl of green grass are making.】 【“药婆婆……”春丽有些心虚的看着眼前的熊猫族老人。在老人身边的桌上,还放着一碗青草做成的食物。】 Where did big evening's you run?” The old person sets out, before leaning on the walking stick to arrive at Chunli body, knits the brows: „Is your complexion so bad? Has an accident?” 【“大晚上的你跑哪儿去了?”老人起身,拄着拐杖走到春丽身前,皱眉道:“还有你的脸色怎么这么差?出了什么事?”】 Under old person concerned inquiring, the grievance in Chunli heart as if erupted suddenly, sips the mouth, in the eye gathered completely the mist: Medicine mother-in-law, actually, actually I......” 【在老人关切的问询下,春丽心中的委屈似乎忽然爆发,抿起了嘴,眼中蓄满了水雾:“药婆婆,其实,其实我……”】 Mu You looked under this article conscience feels to, quickly recalls the input. 沐游一看这文本心下就觉得要遭,急忙回溯输入。 Should never disclose existence of system to others, otherwise the system will be separated permanently.” Your reminder sound at the right moment resounds in Chunli brain.】 【“切勿向他人透露系统的存在,否则系统将永久脱离。”你的提醒声适时的在春丽脑中响起。】 Chunli is startled, to the words of mouth has swallowing back of forcefully.】 【春丽怔住,到了嘴边的话只好硬生生的咽了回去。】 What's wrong? What matter did you experience?” The medicine mother-in-law noticed that Chunli stops talking suddenly, quickly closely examines.】 【“怎么了?你遇到了什么事?”药婆婆看到春丽忽然的住口,急忙追问。】 Does not have, no...... I possibly catch a chill too for a long time, dyed the cold......” Chunli to lower the head, grips the lower hem corner to say.】 【“没,没什么……我可能吹风太久,染了风寒……”春丽低下头,攥着衣角说。】 【The medicine mother-in-law deeply looked at a Chunli, after the moment, sighed, felt her head opens the mouth: Got sick rested, do not run all over the place, tomorrow will not need to work, slept at home well, I will help you process.” 【药婆婆深深看了一眼春丽,片刻后才叹息一声,摸着她的头开口:“病了就休息吧,不要乱跑,明天也不用去工作了,在家里好好睡觉,我会帮你处理的。”】 Un......” Chunli lowers the head as before, does not dare to see the old person.】 【“嗯……”春丽依旧低着头,不敢看老人。】 Turns around to leave after the old person, Chunli relaxes, closes the front door, sat on the bed, one side looks at the food in table, was lost.】 【直到老人转身离开后,春丽才松了口气,关上屋门,坐回了床上,看着一旁桌上的食物,怔怔出神。】 „Can't system Monarch, really tell the medicine mother-in-law? She was here to I best person, will not definitely harm our.” Chunli's cautious asking.】 【“系统君,真的不能告诉药婆婆吗?她是这里对我最好的人了,肯定不会害我们的。”春丽小心翼翼的问。】 Hero is always lonely, told person, will only involve in them the danger.” You replied.】 【“英雄总是孤独的,告诉身边的人,只会将他们也牵连进危险之中。”你回答。】 Chunli hears word silent, after the moment, suddenly opens the mouth.】 【春丽闻言沉默了下去,片刻后,才忽然开口。】 System Monarch, can we really...... oppose with the robot?” 【“系统君,我们真的……一定要和机器人作对吗?”】 This......” “这……” Mu You was stumped for a while. 沐游一时被问住了。 Stands in his angle, or stands in the Fool angle, the robot sent out extermination to chase down them, did not die continuous that also this did not have the machinery of life as one crowd, actually imprisoned to be stranded so many true life races under the abyss, eliminates freedom that they left, does not know that is planning any secretive goal, how to see is ready the proper villain behaviors. 站在他的角度,或者说站在愚者的角度,机器人派出了灭绝者来追杀他们,不死不休的那种,同时作为一群本没有生命的机械,却将这么多真正的生灵种族囚困在深渊之下,剥夺了他们离开的自由,不知在谋划什么不可告人的目的,怎么看都是妥妥的反派行为。 Therefore in his angle of view, resisting the robot is very logical matter. 所以在他的视角中,对抗机器人是很顺理成章的事。 However stands in the Chunli and other panda person of the angles, the robots have not as if made the any mistake, on the contrary they rescued these races lives, lets race that these should vanish early, continued to continue so many years, although was stranded in underground, lost certain freedom, but also under the protection of robot, obtaining was peaceful and stable, life of standing aloof from the world. 然而站在春丽等熊猫人的角度,机器人们似乎并没有做错什么,相反它们救了这些种族的命,让这些原本早该消失的种族,继续延续了这么多年,虽说是被困在了地下,失去了一定的自由,但也在机器人的保护下,获得了和平安定,与世无争的生活。 Especially in Chunli these concepts of new generation, the robot perhaps itself/Ben was one with the race that they co-existed, was not only the hierarch, was the protector, in brief was the life of one after another and their equality. 尤其是在春丽这些新生代的观念中,机器人或许本就是一个与他们共生的种族,既是掌权者,也是守护者,总之是一个个与他们平等的生命。 On the contrary, Mu You seems an intruder, sudden goes into here, broke here tranquil life, used this little miss, struck to kill an innocent robot, was involved in her the danger...... 相反,沐游似乎才是入侵者,突如其来的闯入这里,打破了这里平静的生活,利用了这个小姑娘,击杀了一具无辜的机器人,将她卷入了危险中…… Returns to look, Mu You discovered suddenly, oneself as if stood on character of villain. 这么回看下来,沐游骤然发现,自己似乎不知不觉间站在了反派的角色上。 Waits for Mu You to recover, wants to explain anything time, actually discovered that Chunli has fallen asleep. 沐游回过神来,想要解释什么的时候,却发现春丽已经睡着了。 Chunli exhausted, lies down on bamboo bed, eyelid fights crazily, cannot support quickly is stranded intent, fell into sank dormancy......】 【春丽困顿之下,躺倒在竹床上,眼皮疯狂打架,很快支撑不住困意,陷入了沉眠……】 Mu You sighed, delivered a bed cotton-wadded quilt to go. 沐游叹息一声,送了一床棉被进去。 Drops the drop......” “滴滴……” Happen to at this time, a news prompt resounded. 正好在这时,一条消息提示响起。 At this time the game character places in the special scene, should unable to receive others' message. 此时游戏人物身处特殊场景中,应该收不到别人的消息。 Mu You cut to look at the eye, the news sent from the forum, from Little Ya, said that was goblin Eugene found her suddenly, making her help contact Mu You. 沐游切出看了眼,消息是从论坛发来的,来自小雅,说是地精尤金忽然找到她,让她帮忙联络沐游 Old goblin said, the boss you made the thing that it studied have the result.” “老地精说,老板你让它研究的东西有结果了。” „Oh?” Mu You selects the eyebrow. “哦?”沐游一挑眉。 He makes Eugene study, naturally is that pile of mechanical man wreckage that before took away. 他让尤金研究的,自然是之前带去的那堆机械人残骸。 Mentioned also skillfully, him dismantled the robot that new succeeded in obtaining, that side Eugene also just had/left the result. 说来也巧,他这边才拆解完一具新到手的机器人,尤金那边也刚好出了结果。 The gate has used, in a short time is unable to use again, but the game character was stranded under the abyss at this moment cannot move, Mu You has to first call medicine picker to get up, synchronized to remember with him, immediately made medicine picker transmit the long night city, had a look at Eugene that side situation. 门已经用过,短时间内无法再使用,而游戏人物此刻又被困在深渊下动不了,沐游只得先去叫了采药人起来,和他同步了一下记忆,随即让采药人传送去永夜城,看看尤金那边的情况。 After a half hour, medicine picker rushed to the long night city. 半小时后,采药人赶到了永夜城。 I must first confirm......” “我要先确认一下……” In the factory in long night city, Eugene points on the table one pile to be preserved the mechanical fragment in some type of transparent instrument according to groups: These that you bring, is at that time on that robot complete thing, right?” 永夜城的工厂里,尤金指着桌上一堆被分门别类保存在某种透明仪器中的机械碎片:“你们带来的这些,已经是当时那具机器人身上的全部东西了,对吗?” Naturally.” “当然。” Regarding this medicine picker naturally nods. 对此采药人自然点头。 At that time he looks with own eyes that robot was pounded the smashing, all fragments scattered in nearby sandy ground, finally is sieved, was impossible to have the omission that Mu You did not fall. 当时他是亲眼看着那具机器人被砸成粉碎的,所有的碎片都散落在附近沙地里,最后被沐游一个不落的筛了出来,不可能有遗漏。 What's wrong?” “怎么了?” In the pet shop, Mu You notices, after medicine picker looks at the reply of opposite party, frowns quickly. 宠物店里,沐游注意到,采药人看完对方的回复后,很快皱起眉头。 medicine picker sighed: Eugene said, it has attempted to splice to return to original state extermination, is, in the body after return to original state, this function of looking found, but has not discovered the energy aspect fitting only......” 采药人叹道:“尤金说,它已经尝试拼接还原过灭绝者,可是,在还原后的机体内,该找的功能都找到了,但唯独没有发现能源类配件……” Really was this......” Mu You shouted the tone. “果然是这样么……”沐游呼了口气。 His had not found the energy, but can also say that he does not understand the gold metallurgy study, looked to leak some part. 他自己这具没找到能源,还可以说他不懂炼金学,看漏了某个部件。 But at this time said Eugene this gold metallurgy Grandmaster that definitely was not his issue. 但此时连尤金这个炼金大师都这么说,那就肯定不是他的问题了。 In other words, these come from the bottom mechanical man, very probably does not need to supply the energy special machine body additionally!” In the long night city, Eugene drew this conclusion. “也就是说,这些来自地底的机械人,很可能都是不需要额外供给能源的特殊机械体!”永夜城中,尤金得出了这个结论。 „But how is this possible?” medicine picker asked back. “但这怎么可能?”采药人反问。 No matter the lifeform is mechanical, the thing that so long as can move, must the expended energy, even in the magic world, the conservation of energy is still the irreversible foundation logic. 不管是生物还是机械,只要是会动的东西,总要消耗能量,即便在魔法世界,能量守恒也是不可逆转的基础逻辑。 Yes, this is impossible!” “是的,这不可能!” Eugene tone somewhat said excitedly: „The only explanation, is they do not need the external connection energy, they can produce the energy from the body!” 尤金语气有些兴奋道:“唯一的解释,就是它们不需要外接能源,它们可以从机体内部自产能源!” Produces the energy......” “自产能源……” medicine picker sees these words, remembered actually before immediately, at deflation valley that war. 采药人看到这句话,倒是立即想起了之前在风蚀谷那一战。 At that time they have used the wind Qilin arm to pull out the vacuum surrounding mana, however, extermination can continue to resurrect in this case unexpectedly, was only the speed was slower, explained that the opposite party within the body still has the energy. 当时他们已经用风麒麟臂将周围的魔力抽成了真空,然而这种情况下,灭绝者居然还是可以继续复活,只是速度缓慢了一些,说明对方体内依然存在着能量。 Now can produce energy with the opposite party explanation, can convince actually finally. 现在用‘对方可以自产能源’解释,倒是终于可以说通了。 The issue is...... 问题是…… Produces the energy, where conducts?” medicine picker asked. “自产能量,在哪里进行?”采药人问。 Even if must produce the energy, must have the capacity installment in within the body, in robot components that however Mu You disassembled a moment ago, has not discovered to be able the installment of capacity. 就算要自产能源,也总要在体内有产能装置吧,然而刚才沐游拆卸的机器人零件中,并没有发现可以产能的装置。 Perhaps............ Eugene in the body fluid did not say definite. “恐怕……是在体液之中……”尤金不确定的说。 Body fluid?” “体液?” Yes.” “是的。” Eugene was saying took out a glass test tube, bottom of the test tube, is subsiding milky white semi-solid material. 尤金说着取出了一个玻璃试管,在试管底部,沉降着一层乳白色的半固态物质。 What is this?” medicine picker asked. “这是什么?”采药人问。 This is original fluid, is the mechanical blood, is I plunders from in pipe wall of body, because the body died for a long time, these original fluids have coagulated the solid state, lost the original nature.” “这是‘原液’,也就是机械的血,是我从机体的内管壁中搜刮出来的,不过因为机体死去已久,这些原液早已经凝固成了固态,失去了原本的性质。” Original fluid...... milky white......” “原液……乳白色……” medicine picker looks at these two words, immediately remembers the fight of deflation valley, at that time they beat extermination, after that mechanical man pounds the fragment, seemingly some truly milky white liquids, from the opposite party within the body flow out, finally all infiltrated in the sand. 采药人看着这两个词,立即想起风蚀谷的战斗,当时他们击败灭绝者,将那具机械人砸成碎片后,貌似确实有一些乳白色的液体,从对方体内流出,最后全都渗进了沙地内。 What issue does this thing have?” medicine picker asked. “这东西有什么问题?”采药人问。 This type of original fluid, I think is similar ‚the cooldown fluid function, but will test from now on the discovery is not......” “这种原液,我原本以为是类似‘冷却液’的作用,但实验过后发现并不是……” Eugene pinches pinch of powdered iron, sprinkles the powdered iron in putting the test tube of milky white material, finally in the test tube had a weak repulsion unexpectedly, dispels in several directions the powdered iron, finally the powdered iron distributed a regular helix design on the table. 尤金捏出一撮铁粉,将铁粉洒在盛放着乳白色物质的试管上,结果试管中居然产生了一股微弱的斥力,将铁粉朝几个方向排开,最终铁粉在桌上排布成了一个规则的螺旋形图案。 In these original fluids, is producing a special magnetic field, is affecting the surrounding gravity, but very weak...... naturally, possibly is very intense magnetic field, because these original fluids already dying, therefore the effect becomes slightly cannot check......” Eugene to explain. “这些原液中,在生产着一种特殊的磁场,影响着周围的重力,只不过十分微弱……当然,原本可能是很强烈的磁场,但因为这些原液已经‘死去’,所以效果变得微不可查……”尤金解释着。 Gravity......” “重力……” Said has no intention, the listener has a mind. medicine picker sees influence gravity this description, the instinct remembered the force field in abyss. 说者无意,听者有心。采药人看到‘影响重力’这种描述,本能的想起了深渊中的力场。 In addition, in me these original fluid solidification dilutions, and after magic time of mirror enlarges several thousand times, you guess that what I did see?” Eugene suddenly exciting question. “此外,在我将这些原液凝固物稀释,并用魔法倍镜放大数千倍后,你们猜我看到了什么?”尤金忽然激动的反问。 What a pity no one manages it, medicine picker character is only unemotional looks at it, is waiting for his answer. 可惜没人理它,采药人角色只是面无表情的看着它,等着他的答案。 I saw...... tens of thousands of corpses!” Eugene complexion somewhat said frantically. “我看到了……成千上万的尸体!”尤金脸色有些狂热的说。 Corpse? Do you refer to...... the microorganism?” medicine picker gawked, knits the brows to ask. “尸体?你是指……微生物?”采药人愣了一下,皱眉问。 Enlarges several thousand times, can see corpse, obviously can only classify is the microorganism. 放大数千倍,才能看到的‘尸体’,显然只能归类为微生物了。 Then, what nature do these microorganism have?” medicine picker continues to ask. “然后呢,这些微生物有什么性质?”采药人继续问。 „, The current discovery only arrived here, because these microorganism are extremely small, moreover had died, temporarily is unable to study......” Eugene somewhat to say awkwardly. Its this thinks that so blockbuster discovery, opposite party this/should performance is more surprised, without thinking such lightly on the past. “呃,目前的发现只到了这里,这些微生物因为太过微小,而且已经死去,暂时无法研究……”尤金有些尴尬的说。它本以为如此重磅的发现,对方怎么也该表现的更惊讶一些的,没想到这么平平淡淡就过去了。 Naturally, that is because it sees is only game character, naturally will not display too many expressions. 当然,那是因为它看到的只是游戏角色,当然不会表现出太多的表情。 In fact, this moment medicine picker the matter had informed Mu You overall, two people have held a discussion. 事实上,此刻采药人已经刚才的事情全盘告知了沐游,两人已经进行过了一番讨论。 In other words, these microorganism, are the energy origins of these mechanical men......” “也就是说,这些微生物,就是这些机械人的能量来源……” Mu You is looking at milky white liquid in hand. 沐游看着手中的一管乳白色液体。 This liquid plundered from hand just the dismantled robot, overwhelming majority original fluids have drained in the death, only blew such less than half bottle from certain horn corners. 这管液体是从手边刚被拆解的这具机器人身上搜刮出来的,绝大部分原液已经在死亡的时候流失,只从某些犄角旮旯里刮出了这么小半瓶。 Continues, at that time that extermination, consumption, but mana......” medicine picker reminder. “不止呢,当时那具灭绝者,消耗的可是魔力……”采药人提醒。 Mu You nods. Is it possible that does mana in the microorganism by these original fluids produce? 沐游点了点头。如此说来,莫非魔力就是由这些原液中的微生物生产出来的? „The characteristics of gravity......” “还有重力的特征……” Mu You is muttering, suddenly thought of anything, quickly returns in the game. 沐游喃喃着,忽然想到了什么,急忙重新回到游戏中。 You attempt to summon Chunli......】 【你尝试呼唤春丽……】 Was a pity that Chunli spirit is exhausted, rests the human affairs not to know, sign that has not woken up completely.】 【可惜春丽精神过于疲惫,睡得人事不知,完全没有醒来的迹象。】 Saw unable to awaken Chunli, Mu You takes a syringe to come out, sends in the game, let the mechanical arm operation syringe, extracted blood from Chunli, immediately took out the game the syringe. 看到叫不醒春丽,沐游取了一只针筒出来,送入游戏,让机械臂操作针筒,从春丽身上提取了一管血液,随即又将针筒取出游戏。 Makes Eugene have a look, in this blood sample has that microorganism to exist.” Mu You gives medicine picker the syringe. “去让尤金看看,这份血样里面有没有那种微生物存在。”沐游将针筒递给采药人 medicine picker naturally understands that Mu You wants to make anything, nods, sends in the game the syringe, transmitted to Eugene. 采药人自然明白沐游想做什么,点了点头,将针筒送入游戏,转交给了尤金。 With microscopic examination blood sample, the operation is not complex, short after dozen minutes, that side Eugene then obtained the result. 只是用显微镜观察一下血样而已,操作并不复杂,短短十几分钟后,尤金那边便得出了结果。 Also really has! I think that this microorganism can only survive in the machinery, unexpectedly can survive in the organism, moreover as if live is better! Too mysterious, where this blood do you look?” Eugene asked excitedly. “还真有!我本以为这种微生物只能在机械中存活,居然可以在生物体内存活,而且似乎活的更好!太神奇了,这血液你从哪儿找来的?”尤金激动问道。 Live is better, is what meaning?” medicine picker asked. “活的更好,是什么意思?”采药人问。 „The microorganism in this blood sample, compared with the microorganism that on the mechanical body extracts, build big incessantly one time, moreover is obviously fuller!” Eugene said. “这份血样中的微生物,比机械体身上提取出的微生物,体型大了不止一倍,而且明显更加饱满!”尤金说。 „Can that continue to study?” medicine picker also asked. “那能继续研究吗?”采药人又问。 „, Cannot, because the microorganism in this blood sample, similarly was also the condition of death, but shortly after just died, should be once left the host dead immediately...... blood sample where , therefore you found?” Eugene is busy at asking. “呃,不能,因为这份血样中的微生物,同样也是死亡的状态,只不过刚刚死去不久,应该是一旦离开宿主就会立即死亡……所以你们到底是从哪儿找到的血样?”尤金忙问。 medicine picker had not replied obtained him of answer, already and Mu You entered in the discussion. 采药人却没有回答,得到答案的他,已经又和沐游进入了讨论中。 Really......” Mu You shouted the tone. “果然如此么……”沐游呼了口气。 Such a was clear, no wonder in Garden of Eden so many lifeform, the gravity of fearless abyss, can the normal life under the abyss, their within the body was implanted this microorganism evidently, is this type of thing, counter-balanced them should the withstanding force field. 这么一来就清楚了,难怪伊甸园中那么多生物,都无惧深渊的重力,可以在深渊下正常生活,看样子他们体内都被植入了这种微生物,正是这种东西,抵消了他们本该承受的力场。 In addition, Mu You also understands finally why Chunli energized for him entire day, in this period had not conducted any has supplemented the operation of mana, sign that but mana of her within the body has not actually run out slightly. 此外,沐游也终于明白,为什么春丽为他供能了整整一天的时间,期间没有进行过任何补充魔力的操作,但她体内的魔力却丝毫没有告罄的迹象。 Originally is the microorganism of her within the body, is producing mana continuously, is supplementing her loss momentarily. 原来都是她体内的这种微生物,在源源不断的生产着魔力,随时补充着她的损耗。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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