TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#561: Source first fight armor

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Chapter 561 source first fight armor 第561章源初战甲 System Monarch, our...... really?” Wears Invisibility Cloak, bents to sneak Chunli in dim light of night to ask toward you.】 【“系统君,我们这样……真的好吗?”身披隐形斗篷,猫着腰潜行在夜色中的春丽朝你发问。】 This underground world also has at night, but is not because Sun set to turn into the night, after all here could not see Sun, continually the deep blue sky was the false appearance, here daytime night was controlled completely, so long as the light shadow projection closure of top of the head defense cover, naturally became the black day. 这片地下世界也是有黑夜的,不过不是因为太阳落山而变成了黑夜,毕竟这里根本见不到太阳,连碧蓝的天空都是假象,这里的白天黑夜完全是受人操控的,只要将头顶防护罩的光影投射关闭,自然就成了黑天。 After Mu You issued quest a moment ago, Chunli then received quest decisively, brings stealth cape that just obtains while night, the goal is to decompose the factory from their machinery 30 km away. 刚才沐游下达任务后,春丽便果断接下了任务,带着刚得到的隐身斗篷趁夜出发,目标是距离他们30公里外的一处机械分解厂。 I meant, only if has been permitted, the life is refuses to enter the region of robot, once were caught, is not pass/test little black Room is so simple......” the hesitation of Chunli whole face, the footsteps also somewhat hesitates.】 【“我是说,除非得到允许,生灵是严禁进入机器人的区域的,一旦被抓到的话,可不是关小黑屋那么简单……”春丽满脸的犹豫,脚步也有些踌躇起来。】 This panda person little miss do not look that is quite usually individualistic, always does makes the dead behavior, but actually she also only dares to violate the minor matters of some minor details, belongs slightly wrong unceasingly, the type that the blunder does not violate, the real principled issue she does not dare to touch. 这熊猫人小姑娘别看平时比较特立独行,老是干一些作死行为,但其实她也只敢犯些细枝末节的小事,属于小错不断,大错不犯的类型,真正的原则性问题她是绝不敢触碰的。 But at present Mu You instigates the matter that she does, had actually broken this bottom line obviously, immediately makes her extremely hesitant, had asked more than ten similar questions. 而眼下沐游怂恿她做的事,却已经明显突破了这个底线,顿时就让她万分犹豫起来,一路已经问了十多遍类似的问题。 But the reply of Mu You is also each time same. 而每次沐游的回答也都一样。 Completes quest, rewards 5000 overalls.” 【“完成任务,奖励5000积分。”】 Mu You was also disinclined saying that what big on chicken soup, was only a simple reminder, 5000 overalls, didn't you do dry/does? The richness can make the ghost turn a millstone, is also the same regarding the host, the reward that so long as the system gives is high enough, bottom line that nothing cannot break. 沐游也懒得说什么高大上的鸡汤,就只是一句简单的提醒,5000积分,你干不干吧?有钱能使鬼推磨,对于宿主也一样,只要系统给的奖励够高,没什么不能突破的底线。 5000 overalls...... 100 bamboo shoots stir fry the meat, a week did not need to eat fluffy grass......” you to see indistinctly Chunli's eyes turned into the shape of bamboo shoots, scratched the saliva of corners of the mouth, footsteps strengthened again got up......】 【“5000积分……一百份竹笋炒肉啊,一个周都不用吃蓬松草了……”你隐约看到春丽的眼睛变成了竹笋的形状,擦了擦嘴角的口水,脚步再次坚定了起来……】 During slow-going, two people spent for three hours, finally rushed to the place. 一路磨磨蹭蹭之中,两人花了三个多小时,终于赶到了地方。 you and Chunli appear in a nearby of large factory,】 【伱和春丽出现在一座大型工厂的附近,】 Under the cover of dark, you wanders for a week in, confirmed after the robot that has not gone on patrol, you then submerged this steel workshops discretely......】 【在黑暗的掩护下,你们在附近游荡一周,确认没有巡逻的机器人后,你们这才谨慎地潜入了这片钢铁厂房……】 Presents before you, is a piece of labyrinth complex conveyer belt and engine room, magnanimous abandons components and robot below standard builds in front platform, following several conveyer belts according to groups moves away......】 【呈现在你们面前的,是一片迷宫般复杂的传送带和机房,海量的废弃零件和残次机器人堆砌在前方平台上,顺着数条传送带被分门别类的运走……】 In the middle of conveyer belt, distributes large number of mechanical arms and instrumentations, will conduct multiple-irradiations to the components of process along the way, discovers available components conduct recycling...... as for robot below standard, then by crude dismantling, recycling available fitting, remainders will be followed conveyer belt to enter end in similarly furnace, until calcine for most primitive molten metal......】 【传送带当中,分布有大量的机械臂和检测仪,会对沿途经过的零件进行多次扫描,找出其中可用的零件进行回收……至于残次机器人,则会被粗暴的拆解,同样回收可用配件,其余部分则顺着传送带进入尽头的炼炉中,直至煅烧为最原始的金属液……】 The true robot production plant protection is stern, is equipped with large number of patrol robots, they do not certainly dare to approach, can only select this unvalued the scrap treatment plant to clean up the trash. 真正的机器人生产工厂防备森严,配备有大量巡逻机器人,他们当然是不敢靠近的,只能挑这种不受重视的废品处理厂来捡捡垃圾。 „Does system Monarch, you look at this usefully?” Chunli picked up one volume of coils of ground, pulled down the audio inquiry.】 【“系统君,你看这个有用吗?”春丽捡起了地上的一卷线圈,压低了声音询问。】 Chunli picked: Standard copper wire 78 centimeters.】 【春丽捡到了:标准铜线78厘米。】 „It is not mechanical fitting, does not meet the quest requirement, exchangeable is 5 overalls......” 【“不属于机械配件,不符合任务要求,可兑换为五积分……”】 That this?” 【“那这个呢?”】 Chunli picked: The badly-damaged bull's eye armor, the surface filled the innumerable bullet holes.】 【春丽捡到了:残破不堪的靶心装甲,表面充满了无数弹孔。】 Insignificant item, exchangeable 0 overalls......” 【“无价值道具,可兑换0积分……”】 ...... …… Mu You now only then three connections available, is impossible to waste on the thing of this minor details, what he needs is these brings to use the fitting that directly, the weapon is best. 沐游现在只有三个接口可用,不可能浪费在这种细枝末节的东西上,他需要的是那些拿来就能直接用的配件,武器最好。 As for these sort conveyer belts, they cannot approach, because on all the mechanical arms of work was placed the photography installment, they do the matter near the mechanical arm, certainly will be patted exceptionally. 至于那些分拣传送带,他们是不能靠近的,因为所有工作的机械臂上都被安置了拍摄装置,他们在机械臂附近搞事,一定会被拍到异常。 Therefore they also can only hide before the source trash mountain, washes the gold from the trash. 所以他们也只能躲藏在源头的‘垃圾山’前,从垃圾中淘金子。 Chunli picked: The mechanical transport vehicle brakes of few wheel......】 【春丽捡到了:少一个轮子的机械运输车制动器……】 Chunli picked: Slightly has the incomplete turbine wheel spraying backpack......】 【春丽捡到了:略有残缺的涡轮喷射背包……】 Chunli picked: The chest has the crack element protection armor......】 【春丽捡到了:胸口带有破洞的元素防护装甲……】 Chunli picked: Almost halo actuation bearing of abandonment......】 【春丽捡到了:几近报废的光环驱动轴承……】 ...... …… The garbage dump worthily is the garbage dump, the stack basically is the robot part of abandonment, as well as defective product of these production mistakes. 垃圾场不愧是垃圾场,堆放的基本全是报废的机器人部件,以及那些生产失误的残次品。 Picking that Chunli goes all out took for quite a while, only found the thing that more than ten types can use. 春丽卖力的捡取了半天,也只找到十几样能用的东西。 Mu You gives the heck to receive completely, extracts the reality, for later spare. 沐游则不管三七二十一全部收起来,提取到现实,供以后备用。 Then two people have cleaned up a 4~5 hour of trash, until weather bright time, Mu You takes inventory the item that saved on hand. 接下来两人就这么一直捡了四五个小时的垃圾,直到天色将亮的时候,沐游清点了一下手头积攒的道具。 Except that these broken to cannot assemble completely, a total of 87 available fittings, basically included the foundation fittings of various robots, did not say the combination what high-quality mechanical body, but assembles the robot that can move absolutely not to have the issue. 除去那些残破到完全不能装配的,总共87件可用配件,基本囊括了各类机器人的基础配件,不说组合什么高级的机械体,但组装一具可以动的机器人绝对没问题。 Only the one who makes Mu You accidental/surprised is, in so many fittings, it linked an energy part not to find unexpectedly. 唯一让沐游意外的是,这么多配件里,它居然连一个能源部件都没找到。 These mechanical men as if to extreme strict of energy control, this place so many robots discard only every day, must say that an energy installment damage has not been not possible, the only explanation, is the energy installs them to be able the earliest possible time to recycle, will not wander about destitute to this garbage dump. 这些机械人似乎唯独对能源掌控的极为严格,这地方每天这么多机器人报废,要说没有一个能源装置损坏是不可能的,唯一的解释,就是能源装置它们会第一时间回收,根本不会流落到这种垃圾场内。 Looked part collection was similar, remaining picks again basically is also redundant, Mu You then prepares to make Chunli leave. 看部件收集的差不多了,剩下再捡也基本都是重复的,沐游便准备让春丽离开。 Never expected that at this time, in the game popped up the prompt suddenly. 没想到这时,游戏中忽然弹出提示。 With Chunli close to garbage heap somewhere, you felt suddenly feeling of the summon, transmits from garbage heap deep place, as if has anything to be your thing, was being suppressed under numerous trash......】 【随着春丽靠近垃圾堆某处,你忽然感觉到一股召唤之感,从垃圾堆深处传来,似乎有什么原本属于你的东西,正被压制在众多垃圾之下……】 „Oh?” is Mu You startled, is his thing? “哦?”沐游一怔,属于他的东西? After he comes here, body these fittings had all been fired the ashes, will the only remaining mechanical hearts, on Chunli, here have to be his thing? 他进来这里后,身上那些配件已经全被烧成了灰烬,唯一剩下的机械之心,就在春丽身上,这里怎么会有属于他的东西? Mu You is somewhat strange, but issued quest immediately, making Chunli go forward to inspect. 沐游有些奇怪,但还是立即发布了任务,让春丽上前检查了一番。 Chunli lies before the mountain metal garbage heap, looks inward by the overlapping slit.】 【春丽趴在如山般的金属垃圾堆前,透过层层叠叠的缝隙朝内看去。】 Through Chunli's angle of view, you sees emerald-green dagger shape material indistinctly, was suppressed in trash mountain most , the meaning of summon, as if assorted above transmitted from this thing......】 【通过春丽的视角,你隐约看到一柄翠绿色的匕首状物质,被压制在垃圾山的最下方,刚才的召唤之意,似乎正是从这件物什之上传来……】 Dagger? 匕首? Mu You knits the brows, this definitely is not his thing...... the meaning of so-called summon, referred to is the heart of machinery? Is this dagger the thing on heart of machinery? 沐游皱了皱眉,这肯定不是他的东西……所谓的召唤之意,指的难道是机械之心?这匕首原本是机械之心上的东西? If so, it was necessary to take out comes to see! 如果是这样,那就更有必要取出来看看了! But the heart of machinery Hidden Relic, the fitting of heart of machinery, the value definitely did not miss. 机械之心可是隐藏遗物,机械之心的配件,价值肯定也差不了。 Temporary quest: Will press the green dagger shape goods under trash mountain to take out. Reward: Evolution Potion one bottle.” 【“临时任务:将压在垃圾山下的绿色匕首状物品取出。奖励:进化药剂一瓶。”】 Evolution Potion?” Chunli hears the reward to be excited immediately, however quick feels embarrassed: But east that XZ was too deep, wants to pull out it, can this trash mountain dump......” 【“进化药剂?”春丽听到奖励顿时兴奋,然而很快又为难起来:“可那东XZ的太深了,想把它抽出来,这座垃圾山会不会倒掉啊……”】 Mu You cannot see the situation, but listened to Chunli saying that he estimated that thing position should very be really deep, took out forcefully very likely causes ‚the mountain form landslide. 沐游看不到现场的情况,不过听春丽这么说,他估计那东西位置应该真的很深,强行取出很可能引起‘山体滑坡’。 Must know that here trash may be the metal, the sound that a lot of metals pound can spread is very far, when the time comes will perhaps draw the attention of robot. 要知道这里的垃圾可都是金属,大量金属砸下来的声音能传出很远,到时候说不定会引来外界机器人的注意。 However such important thing, Mu You cannot control now so many, urged that Chunli continues to act. 不过这么重要的东西,沐游现在也管不了那么多了,催促春丽继续行动。 Chunli looks for an iron hook, cautious searching enters in the garbage heap, after attempt for a long time, finally smooth fixed the clasp in dagger on.】 【春丽找来一根铁钩,小心翼翼的探入垃圾堆中,尝试许久之后,终于顺利将钩子固定在了‘匕首’上。】 Chunli takes softly, the discovery is actually not able to pull out, has to intensify the effort.】 【春丽轻手轻脚的拉取,却发现根本无法拉出,只好加大力度。】 Chunli dagger will draw finally, however also without enough time happy, because front trash mountain then loses falls balanced, but under......】 【春丽终于将‘匕首’拉了出来,然而还来不及高兴,面前的垃圾山便因为失去平衡倾倒而下……】 Chunli calls out in alarm one, has actually avoided, must be buried by numerous heavy items shortly......】 【春丽惊呼一声,却已经躲避不及,眼看就要被众多重物掩埋……】 You assembled mechanical transport vehicle load-bearing axis......】 【你装配了机械运输车承重轴……】 You assembled mechanical transport vehicle to hold box......】 【你装配了机械运输车容纳箱……】 You assembled mechanical transport vehicle brake pulley......】 【你装配了机械运输车制动轮……】 You started in-line pattern, Chunli by your gable in body interior......】 【你启动了内嵌模式,春丽被你包覆了在机体内部……】 The robot of this place seemed to be designed the inside and outside two patterns, the interior leaves leeway the hollow space, can operate, can enter the body internal true-time operation. 这地方的机器人似乎都被设计成了内外两种模式,内部留有中空的空间,既可以自己运行,也可以由人进入机体内部实时操作。 This moment Mu You then uses this characteristics, coming to change the body one time urgently, protected Chunli. 此刻沐游便利用这个特点,来了一次紧急变身,将春丽保护了起来。 System Monarch, thanks to having you.” Chunli is survivor of disaster, feels grateful about you.】 【“系统君,多亏有你。”春丽劫后余生,对你感激不已。】 What first had a look to attain?” You reminded the opposite party.】 【“先看看拿到了什么?”你提醒对方。】 Chunli then remembers the thing in hand, spreads out the palm, a emerald-green dagger shape blade, appears in her hands.】 【春丽这才想起手中的东西,摊开手掌,一柄翠绿色的匕首状刀刃,出现在她手中。】 Azure stinger: Fights armor azure hummingbird the attack part, has the penetrating power and speed that is hard to compare, the end connection has the production, may extend hundred meters most, only may distinguish the control of heart of machinery.】 【青蜂刺:战甲‘青蜂鸟’的攻击部件,拥有难以比拟的穿透力和速度,尾部连接有延长线,最远可延伸出百米,仅可识别机械之心的控制。】 Only can distinguish the heart of machinery?” “仅可识别机械之心?” Mu You is startled, this also is really the thing on heart of machinery! Looking from the description, this is a is similar to throwing knife the weapon, but is subordinates some in war A part. 沐游一怔,这还真是机械之心上的东西!从描述看,这是一柄类似于‘飞刀’的武器,只不过是隶属于某种战甲的部件。 What is the azure hummingbird? 青蜂鸟又是什么? Mu You quickly clicked on an entry of azure hummingbird. 沐游急忙点击了一下青蜂鸟的词条。 Azure hummingbird: One of source first fight armor.】 【青蜂鸟:源初战甲之一。】 „......” Mu You is vacant, didn't this have? “呃……”沐游茫然,这就没了? Quickly attempts to click on source first fight armor, what a pity this time is actually the entry that is unable to click on. 急忙又尝试点击‘源初战甲’,可惜这次却是一个无法点击的词条。 Mu You is speechless, this explanation also was too rather careless. 沐游无语,这解释未免也太草率了吧。 Azure stinger, Qingfeng bird and source first fight armor...... 青蜂刺、青峰鸟、源初战甲…… Since the heart of machinery can control this dagger, that should also be able to control that was called ‚the Qingfeng bird war armor theoretically directly, but this war armor, seemingly subordinates some set of relations that in which that fought armor...... this layer upon layer progressive, the contained information content was very full. 既然机械之心可以操控这柄匕首,那理论上应该也可以直接操控那具叫‘青峰鸟’的战甲,而这战甲,貌似又是隶属某一套战甲的其中一件……这层层递进的关系,包含的信息量很足啊。 Moreover, with the heart of related words machinery, is it possible that these war armor is also the thing of real world? 而且,和机械之心有关的话,莫非这些战甲也都是真实世界的东西? Mu You even more felt that the heart of machinery has the background greatly! 沐游越发感觉机械之心大有来头! At this time, you heard factory entrance direction to transmit sound suddenly......】 【这时,你忽然听到工厂门口的方向传来响动……】 „It is not good, definitely was the sound attracts the beat officers......” Chunli to have a big shock.】 【“不好,肯定是刚才的声音吸引来了巡逻人员……”春丽大惊失色。】 You quickly open the surrounding machinery with load-bearing axis, crawls from garbage heap, then must escape to another direction......】 【你急忙用承重轴撑开周围的机械,从垃圾堆中爬出,便要向另一个方向逃跑……】 Does not wait for you to go out one step, one bunch of glares shine in the front open area.】 【不等你走出一步,一束强光照射在前方的空地上。】 In the factory entrance, a patrol robot marches into at this time, the gun tube and light tube in hand aims at the direction that you hid simultaneously, and sent out warned: Front scans the unclear activity object, please put down the weapon, immediately goes out, otherwise after ten seconds, automatic execution attack procedure/program!” 【此时在工厂门口,一个巡逻机器人步入其中,手中的炮管和灯管同时对准了你藏身的方向,并且发出了警告:“前方扫描到不明活动物体,请放下武器,立即走出,否则十秒后自动执行攻击程序!”】 Ended, then assigned to by pass/test little black Room......” Chunli be shrunk one group, anxious trembling.】 【“完了,这下指定要被关小黑屋了……”春丽缩成一团,紧张的发抖。】 Mu You is actually in the heart moves, looked that the situation only came a robot, moreover had not determined good opportunity that their status, instead kill! 沐游却是心中一动,看情况只来了一个机器人,而且还没有确定他们的身份,正是反杀的好机会! He only lacks an energy to install now, so long as that gets rid of this robot, attains its power source, he can get rid the dependency on Chunli, acted completely independently! 他现在只缺一部能源装置,那么只要干掉这个机器人,拿到它的‘电源’,他就能摆脱对春丽的依赖,完全自主行动了! You make Chunli keep silent, immediately is maintaining the contour of mechanical transport vehicle, moves is only remaining three wheels walks, after garbage heap drove out of slowly, stops before the light beam, did to raise hand the surrender shape.】 【你让春丽噤声,随即保持着机械运输车的外形,移动着只剩三个轮子的行走器,从垃圾堆后缓缓驶出,停在了光束前,做举手投降状。】 【The vision of distant place patrol robot searches immediately toward you.】 【远处巡逻机器人的目光顿时朝你探来。】 Definite goal is: The transportion robot, determines to border on to discard the machinery. Risk factor: Does not have. Moves the reason: Determines as the system restarts initially because of the unknown factor. Executive order: The proving restarts the reason, and recycles the robot.” In the patrol machine population is disseminating news, walks gradually toward you.】 【“确定目标为:运输机器人,判定为濒临报废机械。危险度:无。移动原因:初步判定为系统因未知因素重启。执行指令:探明重启原因,并回收机器人。”巡逻机器人口中播报着一道道消息,朝你缓步走来。】 You stay same place motionless, waits for the opposite party to approach, actually changed the load-bearing axis in secret quietly, assembled azure stinger.】 【你停留原地一动不动,等待着对方靠近,暗中却悄悄换下了承重轴,装配了‘青蜂刺’。】 【The patrol robot approached you quickly, actually in close to your ten meters, stopped suddenly, the detector set of chest became the red light.】 【巡逻机器人很快靠近了你,却在接近你十米以内之时,忽然停了下来,胸口的检测装置变为了红光。】 Examines attack weapons to exist, dangerous determination expires, restarts decision procedure, and starts warning system......” 【“检测到攻击武器存在,危险判定失效,重启判定程序,并启动警报系统……”】 Recollection.” “回溯。” Mu You according to the table, catches up immediately immediately before the opposite party discovers exceptionally, first step lashes out. 沐游当即按表,随即赶在对方发现异常之前,先一步出手攻击。 【The time circulation...... behind you azure stinger acts suddenly. Wipes the azure flash by the naked eye the speed that is hard to catch, charged into the robot, before the opposite party reacts, stabbed accurately the head center of opposite party, passes through with ease.】 【时光流转……你背后的青蜂刺骤然出手。一抹青色闪光以肉眼难以捕捉的速度,冲向了机器人,在对方做出反应之前,准确刺中了对方的头部中心,轻松贯穿而过。】 【The patrol robot head emits several spark lightnings, the whole person twitches, kneels down, the head emits several wisps of light smokes, immediately the whole body extinguishes luminously, did not have the sound thoroughly.】 【巡逻机器人头部冒出几道火花闪电,整个人抽搐起来,跪倒在地,头部冒出数缕青烟,随即全身光亮熄灭,彻底没了动静。】 We...... killed the robot......” Chunli to open the mouth, dumb as a wooden chicken.】 【“我们……杀了机器人……”春丽张大了嘴巴,呆若木鸡。】 You go to go forward fast, open the top plate of transport aircraft, swallows into which the wreckage of robot, immediately drove out of factory, swaggers away......】 【你快速行驶上前,张开运输机的后盖,将机器人的残骸吞入其中,随即驶出了工厂,扬长而去……】 After the game controls the character destroys the corpse and leave no trace, Mu You without enough time does other, the robot that hurried just will first succeed in obtaining extracted. 游戏里操控人物毁尸灭迹后,沐游来不及干别的,急忙先将刚到手的机器人提取了出来。 In the pet shop, a figure complete robot appears before the Mu You body, the heavy body falls on the floor, shook entire second floor to move. 宠物店里,一具身形完整的机器人出现在沐游身前,沉重的身体落在地板上,震得整个二楼都动了一下。 Before this robot contour really, that extermination is somewhat similar, but on the weapon equipment differs were too many. 这机器人外形果然和之前遇到的那具灭绝者有些相似,不过武器配备上相差的太多了。 That is the genuine fight robot, but what present is only a patrol robot focusing on investigation. 那一具是真正的战斗机器人,而眼下的只是一具以探查为主的巡逻机器人。 The head of this moment this robot has together the conspicuous penetration cutting edge, should be the azure stinger stays behind, happen to pierced the two circuits in brain, this will be struck to be killed violently. 此刻这机器人的头部有一道显眼的贯穿刀口,应该就是青蜂刺留下的,正好刺穿了脑中的两个回路,这才会被一击毙命。 Mu You looked at the eye simply, then summoned the electric arc sword on the finger directly, cut the surface layer of machine armor. 沐游简单看了眼,便直接在手指上召唤出了电弧剑,将机甲的表层切割开来。 However what makes his accidental/surprised is, he in machine armor within the body, has not discovered the thing of any similar power furnace unexpectedly. 然而让他意外的是,他居然并没有在机甲体内,发现任何类似动力炉的东西。 At first Mu You also thinks oneself looked to leak, or energy storage conceals very covertly, therefore fast entire will have machine armor to dismember. 起先沐游还以为自己看漏了,或者能量源藏得很隐蔽,于是快速将整具机甲肢解开来。 But opened all components until him, had not found any doubtful energy system the part. 但直到他将所有零件拆了个遍,也没有找到任何一件疑似能源系统的部件。 How possibly?” “怎么可能?” Does the Mu You surprise, without the energy storage, how this thing move very much? 沐游很诧异,没有能量源,这东西怎么动起来的? ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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