TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#560: For hitting service

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Chapter 560 generation hits the service 第560章代打服务 Does not eat does not eat, but I the systematic person, these fluffy grass acids and astringence, I do not want to eat!” Chunli mouth self-satisfied is mumbling, confident carries the ore pickaxe to go to the mine deep place, just like other panda people, looked for an open area, excavation that starts to go all out......】 【“不吃就不吃,我可是有系统的人呢,那些蓬松草又酸又涩,我早就不想吃了!”春丽嘴里得意的嘟囔着,信心满满的扛着矿镐前往矿场深处,和其他熊猫人一样,找了一处空地,开始卖力的挖掘……】 In Garden of Eden, although has the robot to be responsible for arranging the foundation survival commodity every day, but does not mean that here life does not need to work, just the opposite, everyone every day will be assigned certain work, completing the work can certainly obtain appraisal point. 在伊甸园中虽然每天都有机器人负责安排基础生存物资,但并不意味着这里的生灵不需要工作,恰恰相反,所有人每天都会被分配一定的工作,完成工作可以获得一定的‘评价点’。 Appraises this thing Mu You also to ask Chunli in detail, is equivalent to a robot angle of view the evaluation system: The life completed the duty-bound matter to award marks, violates the rule to deduct points, only then in a person appraised for the situation , the machine talent met issues the survival commodity every day, the opinion rating was higher, the survival commodity was better. 评价这东西沐游也详细问过春丽,相当于一个机器人视角的评分系统:生灵完成分内的事会加分,违反了规则会扣分,只有在一个人评价为正的情况下,机器人才会每天下发生存物资,评价等级越高,生存物资越好。 If appraises to lose, not only will stop aid distribution, will also be put small black room to be imprisoned by the robot. 而如果评价为负,不但会停止物资发放,还会被机器人抓进‘小黑屋’坐牢。 So-called small black room actually not prison cell, but is five feeling shielding systems, after wearing, meets the whole body unable to move, and loses all senses, in some sense compared with imprisoning a more terrifying torture. 所谓的小黑屋倒不是牢房,而是一种五感屏蔽装置,佩戴后会全身无法动弹,并且失去所有感官,某种意义上是比监禁更恐怖的酷刑。 According to Chunli she in childhood because of too skin, pounds the mechanical man to be buckled one time lost/carrying minute/share with the stone, experienced a small black room fortunately, after that she does not dare to provoke the mechanical man casually. 据春丽说她小时候因为太皮,有一次拿石头砸机械人而被扣成负分,有幸体验了一次小黑屋,自那之后她就再不敢随便招惹机械人了。 【...... Chunli toward wielding axe pickaxe that the ground of stone system goes all out, you felt suddenly a weak attraction, from underground transmitting left three meters away, as if there hidden anything to attract your thing......】 【……春丽正在朝石制的地面卖力的挥动斧镐,你忽然感觉到一股微弱的吸引力,从左边三米外的地下传来,似乎那里隐藏着什么吸引你的东西……】 „Oh?” “哦?” Mu You looks the prompt that suddenly pops up gawked, quickly edited a news to Chunli. 沐游看着忽然弹出的提示愣了一下,急忙给春丽编辑了一条消息。 Friendship prompt: Under the lands left side three meters away, seems to be burying anything, might as well digs out to come to see.” Your sound resounds from Chunli brain.】 【“友情提示:左侧三米外的土地下,似乎埋藏着什么,不妨挖出来看看。”你的声音自春丽脑中响起。】 Chunli hears word is startled, beyond the hurried trend left side three meters, stepped on below sandstone with foot, after trying a degree of hardness, brandished axe pickaxe again......】 【春丽闻言一怔,急忙走向左侧三米外,用脚踩了踩下方砂岩,试了一下硬度后,再次抡起了斧镐……】 Chunli under the sandstone, unearthed one to sparkle the shining crystal stone!】 【春丽在砂岩下,挖掘出了一块闪闪发亮的晶石!】 Healing crystal!” Chunli calls out in alarm makes noise, the small gossipy became O.】 【“愈合水晶!”春丽惊呼出声,小嘴长成了O型。】 Healing crystal: The rare ore, the non- renewable resource, in the energy enough rich stone layers, there is an extremely low probability born, has weakly really attribute, may be used to restore the mechanical goods, including real world mechanical product.】 【愈合水晶:稀有矿石,不可再生资源,能量足够浓郁的石层中,有极低概率诞生,拥有微弱的‘真实’属性,可用于修复机械物品,包括真实世界的机械产物。】 Real attribute?” Mu You looks stares, following close on is being the huge pleasant surprise. “真实属性?”沐游看得一愣,紧跟着便是巨大的惊喜。 Can restore the machinery of real world, that said, this thing can be used to restore the heart of machinery? 可以修复真实世界的机械,那岂不是说,这东西可以用来修复机械之心? The Mu You hurried click entry tries. 沐游急忙点击词条试了试。 Healing crystal( small): May restore heart of 0.11 damage machinery.】 【愈合水晶(小):可恢复机械之心0.11受损度。】 Really Ok! 果然可以! Mu You is very gratified. What a pity this scrap can only restore 0.1 damage, but damage of heart of machinery over 2.3, needs to find more than 20 this type of stones, can fix completely. 沐游很欣慰。可惜这一小块只能修复0.1的损伤,而机械之心的损坏度在2.3以上,需要找到二十多块这种石头,才能完全修好。 But no matter how, found the repair way finally. 但不管如何,总算是找到修理途径了。 Too good system Monarch! Gives the robot the healing crystal, one can add several appraisals!” Chunli excited say/way.】 【“太好了系统君!把愈合水晶交给机器人,一下就能加好几点评价呢!”春丽激动道。】 Mu You looked this situation is not right, this stone he is just urgently needed, where can make her give the robot, quickly edit file in game. 沐游一看这情况不对啊,这石头他正急需呢,哪能让她交给机器人,急忙在游戏中编辑信息。 Ding, in commercial city new healing crystal exchange option, each healing crystal exchangeable 500 overalls, do not have the upper limit.” 【“叮,商城中新增愈合水晶兑换选项,每颗愈合水晶可兑换500点积分,无上限。”】 500 points?” The sound that in the brain resounds makes Chunli fall into again surprisedly, swallowed a saliva: 500 points, that may be ten bamboo shoots stir fries the meat......, but appraises is also very important......” 【“500点?”脑中响起的声音让春丽再次陷入惊讶,咽了口唾沫:“500点,那可就是十份竹笋炒肉啊……但是评价也很重要……唔……”】 Chunli held head to fall into intertwined......】 【春丽抱着脑袋陷入了纠结中……】 Ding, the friendship reminded, the healing crystal may help this system repair damage, thus opening multipurpose.” 【“叮,友情提醒,愈合水晶可帮助本系统修复损伤,从而开启更多功能。”】 „, and after exchange healing crystal, when next host process healing crystal, free system prompt.” The consecutively two mechanical sounds resound in Chunli brain.】 【“且兑换愈合水晶后,在下次宿主经过‘愈合水晶’附近时,会免费得到系统提示。”连续两道机械音在春丽脑中响起。】 you seduction one after another, makes Chunli of blowing hot and cold set firm resolve finally, requested gem exchange......】 【伱接连的诱惑,终于让摇摆不定的春丽下定决心,请求将宝石兑换……】 You obtained cure crystal( slightly) * 1.】 【你获得了‘治愈水晶’(小)。】 After obtaining the crystal property rights, Mu You extracted the reality the gem immediately. 获得水晶所有权后,沐游当即将宝石提取到了现实。 Together only then the pigeon egg size, the incomparably glittering and translucent carving gem appears in his hands. 一块只有鸽子蛋大小,却无比晶莹剔透的宝石出现在他手中。 Mu You carefully looked with Omniscient Crystal, this thing indeed produces in Astral Spirit Realm, but actually mysterious has certain real goods attribute. 沐游全知水晶仔细看了一下,这东西的确是在星灵界出产的,但却神奇的拥有一定的真实物品属性。 This can only explain, breeds its side soil, certainly includes the stone from real world. 这只能说明,孕育它的那方土壤,一定含有来自真实世界的土石。 Therefore Astral Spirit Realm core, is separated the soil that composes...... Mu You to hesitate by the real world. “所以星灵界的‘地核’,是由真实世界分离出的土壤组成的么……”沐游沉吟着。 The caterpillar climbs up his palm from the shoulder suddenly, looks at the crystal stone in his hand curiously, the opens the mouth attempt gnaws to nip. 毛毛虫忽然从肩膀爬上他的手掌,好奇的看着他手中的晶石,张口尝试啃咬。 What a pity this thing is slippery and hard, the larva aculeata gnawed for quite a while, besides leaves behind some saliva in the stone, has not caused any destruction. 可惜这东西又滑又硬,毛虫啃了半天,除了在石头上留下些口水外,没造成任何破坏。 This is not the thing that eats......” “这可不是吃的东西……” Mu You funny pinches it, returned on the shoulder, took a piece of life leaf stopper to it, immediately received the crystal stone. 沐游好笑的将它捏起,放回了肩上,取了一片生命树叶塞给它,随即将晶石收了起来。 This crystal stone is very precious, uses under big crowd of people are discovered by the robot easily, when then restores is not late. 这晶石很珍贵,在大庭广众之下使用容易被机器人发现,等回去了再修复也不迟。 Then Mu You quickly urged that Chunli continues to walk randomly in the mine, seeks for other crystal stone. 接下来沐游急忙催促春丽继续在矿场中游走,寻找另外的晶石。 „The front three o'clock directions, underground five meters away, has the doubtful gem...... your prompt sound to resound in Chunli brain together again.】 【“前方三点钟方向,五米外的地下,有一块疑似的宝石……”你的提示声再次在春丽脑中响起。】 Chunli half step rushes to front, started excavation......】 【春丽快步冲到前方,开始了挖掘……】 Chunli under sandstone, unearthed a healing crystal again......】 【春丽在砂岩下,再次挖掘出了一块愈合水晶……】 This type of crystal stone is truly rare, according to Chunli's view, this width ten several li (0.5 km) mines, several thousand people mines every day, the average can produce a crystal every month, the probability of touching and lottery ticket is similar. 这种晶石确实很稀有,按照春丽的说法,这片宽度十数里的矿场,每天数千人挖矿,平均每个月才能出产一块水晶,摸到的概率和中彩票差不多。 But now, she peripheral took a walk for a half hour in the mine, Mu You then obtained the treasure prompt again. 而现在,她只是在矿场周边散步了半个小时,沐游便再次得到了宝物提示。 Such it seems like, here mechanical man has not surveyed the method of this gem position, but the heart of machinery actually, this can only explain, level that the technology content of heart of machinery is higher than this Garden of Eden, in other words, the heart of machinery is very possible not to stem from these mechanical men's hands. 这么看来,这里机械人也没有探测这种宝石位置的手段,而机械之心却可以,这只能说明,机械之心的科技含量要高于这个伊甸园的水准,也就是说,机械之心很可能不是出自这些机械人之手。 „? Is the healing crystal!” In Chunli is preparing from the Turkish and Chinese careful extraction crystal, the sound resounds together, then a broad palm searches rapidly, catches up before Chunli, first step grasps the crystal stone soil.】 【“咦?是愈合水晶!”就在春丽正准备从土中小心的取出水晶时,一道声音响起,接着一只宽阔的手掌飞速探来,赶在春丽之前,先一步将晶石连带泥土一把抓起。】 You look taking advantage of Chunli's angle of view, sees the front to stand four figure big ox head person youngster, the gem is grasped in a hand of ox head person.】 【你借春丽的视角看去,就见前方站着四个身形高大的牛头人少年,宝石正被握在其中一个牛头人的手中。】 Gives back to me, that is I first discovers!” Chunli immediately indignant calling out.】 【“还给我,那是我先发现的!”春丽顿时气愤的叫道。】 Useful that you first discover? Who attains is whose!” 【“你先发现的有什么用?谁拿到就是谁的!”】 Is!” 【“就是!”】 I added that is we first see, who let your slow in work......” 【“我还说是我们先看到的呢,谁让你手慢了……”】 Thing in our hands, is our!” Several ox head person youngster are smiling, has not paid attention to Chunli completely.】 【“东西在我们手里,就是我们的!”几个牛头人少年嬉皮笑脸,完全没将春丽放在眼里。】 Small face that Chunli air/Qi was red, grips tightened fist, very indignant is staring four people, made the stance of fist, but after hesitant one next, has not continued to dispute, turned around to leave silently......】 【春丽气的小脸通红,攥紧了拳头,很是气愤的瞪着四人,摆好了出拳的姿态,但犹豫了一下后,还是没有继续争执下去,转身默默离开了……】 Sees Chunli to retreat, four youngster simultaneously sends out to laugh immediately.】 【看到春丽退走,四个少年顿时齐齐发出大笑。】 Chunli hears the laughter complexion to be redder, but also can only cover the ears to speed up getting out of the way.】 【春丽听到笑声脸色更红,但也只能捂着耳朵加快走开。】 Doesn't snatch?” You asked suddenly.】 【“不抢回来吗?”你忽然问。】 Mu You was somewhat accidental, looks at the stance, he also thinks that this small girl must erupt, finally unexpectedly instigated? 沐游有些意外,看刚才的架势,他还以为这小丫头要爆发了,结果居然怂了? Medicine mother-in-law has said that an ox head person clan in seven clans enters a clan of Garden of Eden at present earliest, several days later they must be arranged to enter dormancy area, therefore ox head clansman handled affairs recently compares Zhang Yang, medicine mother-in-law made us recently as far as possible with them do not have conflict......” 【“药婆婆说过,牛头人一族是目前七族中最早进入伊甸园的一族,再过几天他们就要被安排进入休眠区了,所以最近牛头族人行事都比较张扬,药婆婆让我们最近尽量不要和它们起冲突……”】 Mu You showed the understanding, this was equivalent to get the diploma, the student who will soon leave school, did not have the scruples, the performance usually will be naturally dissoluter. 沐游表示理解,这就相当于领完毕业证,即将离校的学生,没有了顾忌,表现自然会比平时放肆一些。 Other...... I cannot be victorious they......” Chunli clenching teeth to add.】 【“另外……我打不过它们……”春丽咬牙补充道。】 Mu You looks funnily, obviously latter is the real reason that she does not dare to begin. 沐游看得好笑,显然后一个才是她不敢动手的真正原因。 The small girl are adaptable to the situation, has prepared making concessions, however Mu You actually cannot make her really leave. 小丫头能屈能伸,已经准备好了退让,然而沐游却不能让她真这么走掉。 But this gem the non- renewable resource, the ghost knows how many this stretch of mining area can also discover, each is very precious to him, how possibly to make these kids rob? 这宝石可是不可再生资源,鬼知道这片矿区还能找出多少,每一颗对他都很珍贵,怎么可能让这几个小屁孩抢走? Temporary quest issued: Recaptures the cure crystal!” 【“临时任务发布:夺回治愈水晶!”】 As by the destiny lead of system asylum, how can be insulted? Immediately teaches the ox head person, recaptures to be your thing. quest completes the reward: Invisibility Cloak.” 【“作为被系统庇护的天命主角,怎可被人欺辱?立即教训牛头人,夺回属于你的东西。任务完成奖励:隐形斗篷一件。”】 Invisibility Cloak!” Chunli hears your sound to be pleasantly surprised immediately, hurried turn head looks to that four ox head people, however contrasted build disparity of a both sides, her depressed lowering the head: But I cannot be victorious they......” 【“隐形斗篷!”春丽听到你的声音顿时惊喜不已,急忙回头又看向那四个牛头人,然而对比了一下双方的体型差距,她沮丧的低头:“可我打不过它们……”】 This system may provide temporary generation to hit service, only need spend 10 overalls then to exchange, whether exchanges immediately?” 【“本系统可提供临时‘代打’服务,只需花费十点积分即可兑换,是否立即兑换?”】 „Does generation hit...... the service?” Chunli is somewhat vacant.】 【“代打……服务?”春丽有些茫然。】 Only must open the control jurisdiction of your body to the system, and do not revolt against the control of system then.” 【“只需向系统开放你身体的控制权限,且不要反抗系统的操控即可。”】 The upper body generation hits, this is also the new function that Mu You just excavated. 上身代打,这也是沐游刚刚发掘出的新功能。 Present Chunli is equivalent to his external power source, continuous provides the energy for him, the function that however Chunli as a living person, has may incessantly the battery be so simple. 现在的春丽相当于他的外挂电源,源源不断的为他提供能量,然而春丽作为一个活人,所拥有的功能可远不止电池这么简单。 The function of heart of machinery, to put it bluntly is the combination mechanical fitting, and controls these fittings to make various behaviors. 机械之心的作用,说白了就是组合机械配件,并且操控这些配件做出各种行为。 But Chunli has the hand to have the foot to have the torso, itself can regard as being fully equipped robot, the heart of machinery can the manipulator armor fight, naturally also be able to treat as machine armor to fight her. 而春丽有手有脚有躯干,本身就可以看做一具五脏俱全的‘机器人’,机械之心可以操作机甲战斗,自然也可以将她当做机甲来战斗。 Naturally, machine armor is the dying thing, can therefore be controlled unlimitedly, but Chunli is a living person, her brain has the higher body operation priority compared with the external object forever, operates her premise, is her subjective consciousness cannot revolt against the Mu You will, as long as the resistance, this taking possession operation is not then able to realize. 当然,机甲是死物,所以能被无限制操控,而春丽是活人,她的大脑永远比外物拥有更高的身体操作优先权,操纵她的前提,是她的主观意识不能反抗沐游的意志,但凡有一丝抗拒,这种附身操作便无法实现。 Good, if really can snatch...... me to want!” Chunli noticed that distant place several ox head person youngster brutally were still ridiculing, firm opens the mouth.】 【“好吧,如果真能抢回来的话……我愿意!”春丽看到远处几个牛头人少年还在无情嘲笑,坚定的开口。】 You won the temporary control of Chunli body!】 【你获得了春丽身体的临时控制权!】 Under your control, Chunli becomes unemotional, every action and every movement shape with machinery.】 【在你的控制下,春丽变得面无表情,一举一动形同机械。】 【The front four youngster are chatting leave, you control Chunli to rush suddenly, a fist wields, pounds on a face of ox head person, strikes to turn the opposite party in the place.】 【前方四个少年正在说笑中离开,你忽然控制春丽冲上,一拳挥出,砸在一个牛头人的脸上,将对方击翻在地。】 Hit ox head person youngster, covers the inflamed cheeks to turn around, incredible to visit you, other three people similarly surprised looks like toward you.】 【被打的牛头人少年,捂着红肿的脸颊转身,不可置信的看着你,其他三人同样惊讶的朝你看来。】 【After look at each other in blank dismay, several people are angry immediately, simultaneously to/clashes toward you, the raindrop fist pounds toward you on.】 【面面相觑过后,几人顿时大怒,齐齐朝你冲来,雨点般的拳头朝你身上砸出。】 You deal calmly, one by one dodges counter-attack, accomplishes a task with ease under four people of besieging, on several people of faces quick all hung up silt azure......】 【你冷静应对,一一闪躲反击,在四人的围攻下游刃有余,几人的脸上很快全都挂上了淤青……】 Chunli's attribute is actually very ordinary, after all only has Lv. 10, that has not evolved. 春丽的属性其实很一般,毕竟只有十级,还是没进化的那种。 However is good because of opposite four people equally is also weak, should say that here child has not basically surpassed Lv. 10, after all simply has not practiced the level the condition. 不过好在对面四人也一样弱,应该说这里的小孩子基本没有超过十级的,毕竟根本没有练级的条件。 In the attribute misses in not the bad situation greatly, fought on looks at the fight skill purely, person who this aspect he was also experience oversized small over a hundred life and death bloody battles, opposite these kids started to cross each family from the birth here, simply has not experienced the true fight, how possibly was his opponent? 而在属性大差不差的情况下,战斗就纯看战斗技巧了,这方面他好歹也是经历过大小上百次生死血战的人,对面这几个小屁孩则从出生开始就一直在这里过家家,根本没有经历过真正的战斗,怎么可能是他的对手? Let alone, in this type generation hits, the wrestle skill that some once learned/studied can also use, for example, fairy wrestle technique. 更何况,在这种‘代打’中,一些曾经学习的格斗技巧也是可以用出来的,比如,精灵格斗术。 You used fairy wrestle technique, butterfly of your form in like game flowering shrubs, clever in four human world vacillations, strolls, four people no one can bump into you, instead again and again your fist......】 【你施展了精灵格斗术,你的身影如同游戏花丛中的蝴蝶,灵巧的在四人间游移,闲庭信步,四人无一人能碰到你,反而连连中你的拳头……】 【...... After moment, four ox head people fall to the ground all, on the face by fist seal and silt fills up azure, looks to your vision, full is panic-stricken.】 【……片刻过后,四个牛头人尽数倒地,脸上被拳印和淤青填满,看向你的目光,满是惊恐。】 Succuba......” does not dare......” to run......” four people to weep and wail was leaving the scene.】 【“魔女……”“再也不敢了……”“快跑啊……”四人哭喊着离开了现场。】 You pick up the cure crystal that the ground left behind, relieved controlled to Chunli's body.】 【你捡起了地上留下的治愈水晶,解除了对春丽的身体控制。】 This...... was too cool!” Looks that the front tumbles four people that runs away, the Chunli eyeful stars, are very excited, some incredible to look at oneself both hands: „Can my body, be so fierce unexpectedly?” 【“这……太酷了!”看着前方连滚带爬逃走的四人,春丽满眼星星,无比激动,又有些不可置信的看着自己的双手:“我的身体,居然也可以这么厉害?”】 System Monarch system Monarch, a moment ago what you hit is what Fist Arts? Can I exchange? How many overalls needs?” Asking that Chunli anticipates.】 【“系统君系统君,你刚才打的是什么拳法?我可以兑换吗?需要多少积分?”春丽期待的问。】 A moment ago what used is fairy wrestle technique, under the main engine damage condition, is unable to teach temporarily.” You replied.】 【“刚才使用的是‘精灵格斗术’,主机受损状态下,暂无法教授。”你回答。】 Oh oh, we continue to look for the gem quickly, fixes you!” 【“噢噢,那我们赶快继续找宝石,把你修好吧!”】 Chunli experienced to a moment ago that post-war, obviously was driven deeply, competitive initiative searched for the gem, regarding this Mu You was naturally glad to see him succeed. 春丽见识到刚才那一战后,显然深受激励,动力十足的主动搜寻起了宝石,对此沐游自然乐见其成。 The following entire afternoon, two people passed in the search, in this period Chunli almost stepped on this mine, finally altogether also only excavated 12 crystals, all small-scale. 接下来的一整个下午,两人都在搜寻中度过,期间春丽几乎把这片矿场踩了个遍,最后总共也只发掘出了十二块水晶,全都是小型的。 After at nightfall Chunli goes home, Mu You then starts to use the crystal. 到入夜春丽回家后,沐游这才开始使用水晶。 【...... The consumption cured the crystal together, the damage of heart of machinery restored 0.12, presently complete: 98.1......】 【……消耗一块治愈水晶,机械之心的损伤恢复了0.12,当前完好度:98.1……】 【...... The consumption cures the crystal together...... current complete: 98.5......】 【……消耗一块治愈水晶……当前完好度:98.5……】 ...... …… To using the tenth time, finally pops up the prompt. 一直到使用完第十块的时候,终于弹出提示。 Core current complete: 99.0, the external connection module interface has restored partially, presently available connection: 3.】 【核心当前完好度:99.0,外接模块接口已部分恢复,当前可用接口:三个。】 Mu You breathes a sigh of relief, can finally the external connection equipment. 沐游舒了口气,总算可以外接设备了。 Then he final two crystals will use up, cultivates the multiplicity to achieve 99.3, what a pity cannot restore the connection again. 接下来他又将最后两块水晶用完,修复度达到了99.3,可惜没能再恢复接口。 Mu You is not greedy, three connections were used to control some simple mechanical bodies is also sufficient, at least can get rid does not have the hand not to have the condition of foot now like this. 沐游也不贪心,三个接口用来控制一些简单的机械体也够用了,至少可以摆脱现在这样没手没脚的状态。 Then Mu You then got down quest to Chunli nonstop. 接着沐游便马不停蹄的给春丽下了任务 Temporary quest steals components: The dim light of night is just strong, is the good time of action, under the cover of stealth cape, sneaks the recent machine shop, steals at least three types of machine parts. Completes quest to reward 5000 overalls!】 【临时任务‘盗取零件’:夜色正浓,正是行动的好时机,在隐身斗篷的掩护下,潜入最近的机械工厂,盗取至少三样机械零件。完成任务奖励5000积分!】 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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