TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#559: Utopian society

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Chapter 559 Utopian society 第559章乌托邦社会 Garden of Eden altogether has seven races, respectively is the ox head person clan, a Zuma clan and eagle body person clan, the statue clan, the simple eye clan and pig headman clan, as well as our panda person clan.” The young girls take inventory themselves to know extremely earnestly.】 【“伊甸园共有七个种族,分别是牛头人族、祖玛一族、鹰身人族、石像族、单眼族、猪头人族,以及我们熊猫人族。”少女极为认真的清点自己所知。】 Seven?” “才七个?” Mu You somewhat is strange. 沐游却有些奇怪。 The Astral Spirit Realm race collects the belief to set up for the gods to put it bluntly, the basic each race is corresponding one or several gods, then Astral Spirit Realm was born in history the race, did not say several tens of thousands of, definitely over a thousand. 星灵界的种族说白了是为了神明们收集信仰而设立的,基本每个种族都对应着一位或几位神明,那么星灵界有史以来诞生过的种族,不说数万,也肯定上千了。 Altogether about thousand races, but currently the Astral Spirit Realm remaining race only has dozens, that remaining several hundred races? Hadn't fed here? 总共近千个种族,而目前星灵界尚存的种族只有几十个,那剩下的几百个种族呢?没有被送进这里吗? „, Right......” this time young girl as if remembered anything suddenly, added hastily: Seven races refer to now in Garden of Eden the race in normal survival, but in the back of Garden of Eden, a stretch of broad dormancy area, it is said inside deep sleep many races, but some concrete many, I, I not too clear......” young girl cannot reply that actual amount, somewhat disturbed looks at you, very worried that was determined the reply failure.】 【“哦,对了……”这时少女似乎忽然想起了什么,连忙补充道:“七个种族是指现在伊甸园中正常存活中的种族,而在伊甸园的背面,还有一片广阔的休眠区,据说里面沉睡着很多很多的种族,但具体有多少,我,我也不太清楚……”少女没能回答出具体数目,有些忐忑的看着你,十分担忧被判定回答失败。】 Dormancy area?” Mu You stares. “休眠区?”沐游一愣。 Reply is correct, you obtained 20 overalls!” 【“回答正确,你获得了20积分!”】 Your reply makes the panda young girl light up with pleasure, is calculating overall on hand, while anticipation looks at you, waits for the next issue.】 【你的回复让熊猫少女喜笑颜开,一边盘算着自己手头的积分,一边期待的看着伱,等待下一个问题。】 Next issue: Please relate in detail dormancy area relevant information( value: 30 overalls).” 【“下一个问题:请详述‘休眠区’的相关情报(价值:30积分)。”】 I listen to my grandmother saying that the dormancy area, is towermen to process in Garden of Eden more and more population foundation special region.” 【“我听我祖母讲过,休眠区,是守望者们为了处理伊甸园内越来越多的人口而创建的特殊区域。”】 In Garden of Eden is cramped, the limit can only hold ten races to survive, many will occupy the survival resources again mutually, making the survival requirements of various clans drop suddenly, but placed the race number in Garden of Eden seven, will be the towermen calculates from now on the most ideal number.” 【“伊甸园内空间有限,极限只能容纳十个种族生存,再多就会互相挤占生存资源,使各族的生存条件都急剧下降,而将伊甸园内的种族数保持在七个,是守望者们计算过后最理想的数目。”】 „, however Garden of Eden will have the race to join once in a while, the leaving alone words, here population will be only getting more and more, therefore the towermen created one type dormancy warehouse, it is said enters the person body frozen, stops the life expenditure, enters the long-time dormancy, but the consciousness will enter in the happy dreamland, enjoys the worry-free life in the dream.” 【“然而伊甸园每隔一段时间都会有外界种族加入进来,放任不管的话,这里的人口只会越来越多,因此守望者们创造了一种‘休眠仓’,据说进入其中的人身体都会被冰封,停止寿命损耗,进入长久的休眠,而意识则会进入美好的梦境中,在梦中享受无忧无虑的生活。”】 From now, as long as joining Garden of Eden of new race, the year longest race will then send in the dormancy area to sink the dormancy by the collective, making the race in campus maintain was explaining for you who seven...... young girl does one's best throughout information that she knows.】 【“从此以后,但凡有一个新的种族的加入伊甸园,便会有一个年份最久的种族被集体送入休眠区沉眠,使园区内的种族始终保持在七个……”少女尽心尽力的为你解释着她所知道的信息。】 Dormancy warehouse...... really did this type of thing...... Mu You to exclaim in surprise unexpectedly, the thing in this type of science fiction, first step appeared in the magic world unexpectedly. “休眠仓……居然真搞出了这种东西啊……”沐游惊叹,这种科幻小说中的东西,居然先一步在魔法世界出现了。 However, even is the dormancy warehouse, not possible not to have the energy consumption? Several hundred races, each race, even if only then 10,000 people, in addition is still an extremely huge number, can the energy that so many dormancy warehouses, consume every day how many have? 不过,就算是休眠仓,也不可能没有能量消耗吧?几百个种族,每个种族就算只有一万人,加起来也将是一个极其庞大的数字,这么多休眠仓,每天消耗的能量得有多少? Even the tomb ends usefully time, the big dormancy warehouse, still has sooner or later filled up person who a day, comes out when the time comes what to do? 况且,就算是墓地都有用完的时候,再大的休眠仓,也迟早有被填满的一天,到时候多出来的人怎么办? Mu You always felt that this so-called dormancy warehouse some issues, where could also not say the issue, has first to put down , to continue to inquire. 沐游总感觉这所谓‘休眠仓’有些问题,却又说不出问题在哪儿,只好先放下,继续提问。 ...... …… In the following hour, the aspects of Mu You this underground world conducted the inquiry immediately, but panda young girl also one by one answered, some were clear, some she did not understand. 接下来的一个小时内,沐游便就这方地下世界的方方面面进行了提问,而熊猫少女也一一作答,有的清楚,有的她也不了解。 An oblique probe, almost clarified the situation of this piece of Garden of Eden finally. 一番拐弯抹角的试探下来,总算是将这片‘伊甸园’的情况差不多摸清了。 In brief, so-called Garden of Eden, is actually Utopian society under the artificial intelligence rule, here the mechanical man not only acts as the ruler, and is acting as character of nanny, is responsible for providing the survival commodity for all lives, and to everyone job placement, depends on the strong computing power, all methodical of processing, this maintained here to revolve normally so many years. 简而言之,所谓的伊甸园,其实就是一个人工智能统治下的乌托邦社会,在这里机械人既充当统治者,又充当着保姆的角色,负责为所有生灵提供生存物资,并给每个人安排工作,靠着强大的计算能力,将一切处理的有条不紊,这才维持这里正常运转了这么多年。 During this, Mu You also asked that the name of this panda person young girl, named Chunli, childhood name Lili, grows up from small and grandmother together, when her ten years old her the grandmother leaves the world, later she then has lived alone the present. 这期间沐游也问出了这个熊猫人少女的名字,名叫‘春丽’,小名丽丽,从小和祖母一起长大,在她十岁的时候她的祖母离世,之后她便一直独自生活到了现在。 Perhaps because of the long-time eccentricity, Lili is the quite individualistic child in her clan, always likes doing secretly does not defend the well-mannered matter, for example this time, she during the schoolwork, hears the sky above fighting sound, the curiosity bursting, therefore skips classes to run to go to the scene secretly to watch the fun, this picking of accident of sorts to the heart of machinery. 或许是因为长久的孤僻,丽丽在她的族内属于比较特立独行的孩子,总是喜欢偷偷干一些不守规矩的事,比如这次,她是在课业期间,听到天空上方的打斗声,好奇心爆棚,于是偷偷逃课跑去现场看热闹,这才机缘巧合的捡到了机械之心。 Besides rashness, Mu You to her another impression, is glutton. 除了冒失之外,沐游对她的另一个印象,则是‘吃货’。 In a just inquiry, she attained about 1200 overalls, the result was all used to exchange to eat by her. 刚刚的一番提问中,她先后拿到了将近一千两百点积分,结果全被她用来兑换吃的。 In order to takes the meal, the Mu You midway landed in that restaurant directly. 为了方便取餐,沐游中途直接空降到了那家餐馆之中。 Boss, comes bamboo shoots to stir fry the meat...... Mu You to look that again just extracted from the game, the licked clean spatial tray, wants not to think orders the meal again. “老板,再来一份竹笋炒肉……”沐游看着刚从游戏中提取出来,被舔的干干净净的空盘子,想也不想的再次点餐。 Result slowly unmanned reply. 结果这次迟迟无人应答。 Mu You looks up, this discovered that the boss has gone out after the kitchen, is standing by him, complexion strange looks at him: Guest, the bamboo shoots this really did not have, the next door shop could not borrow, or...... do you first select other? My this asked the person to order the bamboo shoots.” 沐游抬头一看,这才发现老板已经从后厨走出,正站在他旁边,脸色怪异的看着他:“客人,竹笋这回真没了,隔壁店都借不到了,要不……您先点些别的?我这就去叫人订购竹笋。” „, That considers as finished......” “哦,那算了……” Mu You also then responded, he does not stand still ordered dozens bamboo shoots to stir fry the meat, in others eyes estimated that he has become odd person who was the panda. 沐游也是这才反应过来,他已经不停歇的点了几十份竹笋炒肉,在别人眼中估计他已经成了属大熊猫的怪人。 Mu You paid up, turns around to leave the shop. 沐游结账,转身离开了店铺。 System Monarch, you in? Next issue?” 【“系统君,你在吗?下一个问题呢?”】 At this time plays Chunli still to wait for the answer to continue to trade to eat with the overall. 此时游戏中春丽还在等待着答题拿积分继续换吃的。 Today temporarily does not have question and answer quest.” Mu You has to return to one. 【“今日暂无问答任务。”】沐游只好回了一句。 „? Did this end? After that how should obtain the overall?” Chunli in great surprise.】 【“啊?这就完了?那以后该怎样获得积分?”春丽大惊。】 Interrogator-responder system can brush every day occasionally has problems, in addition the overall may also through making quest obtains, completes the overall that quest obtains generally compared with answering high many.” 【“问答系统每天会不定时刷出问题,此外积分也可通过做任务获得,完成任务获得的积分一般会比答题高的多。”】 Mu You considered that now the basic situation has almost understood, suspended the inquiry, the remaining some details met said again. 沐游考虑到现在基本情况已经差不多都了解了,也就暂停了提问,剩下的一些细节等遇到了再说。 You hear out of the door to hear the sound of footsteps suddenly.】 【你忽然听到门外传来脚步声。】 Two the mechanical man who assembles the weapon, went into Chunli's courtyard swaggering, toward bamboo room.】 【两具装配武器的机械人,大摇大摆的闯入了春丽的院子,正在朝竹屋而来。】 „It is not good, the patrol leader came! Definitely is searches to harbor the thing......” Chunli calls out in alarm one, quickly pulls off a gunnysack after the gate, gunnysack difficult stopper to bed under.】 【“不好,巡逻队来了!肯定是来搜查私藏东西的……”春丽惊呼一声,急忙从门后拖出一个麻袋,将麻袋艰难的塞到了床下。】 By the opening of cloth sack, you sees in bag indistinctly is completely some broken item and belt/bring mud bottles of cans, even you also saw several person skulls......】 【透过布袋的口子,你隐约看到袋中尽是一些残破道具和带泥的瓶瓶罐罐,甚至你还看到了几块人头骨……】 You also are really anything pick......” Mu You to be speechless. “你还真是什么都捡啊……”沐游无语。 He before and so-called main engine war time, drove out an opening in the sky, at that time crashed many things to come , this obviously picks under the crash thing. 他之前和所谓的‘主机’大战的时候,在天空中轰开了一道口子,当时坠落了不少外界的东西进来,她这明显是在坠落物下方捡的。 【After Chunli hides stolen goods, rapid forced in you clothes, wrapped.】 【春丽藏匿好‘赃物’后,又迅速将你塞进了衣服内,包裹了起来。】 【The two mechanical men in this time institute have stepped into the gate, in the mouth is disseminating news the mechanical sound: AY7463, panda person Chunli, the routine inspection, please coordinate, in scanning......” 【此时院中的两个机械人已经踏入门内,口中播报着机械音:“AY7463号,熊猫人春丽,例行检查,请配合,扫描中……”】 In two mechanical person eyes emitted red light screen, all things in room, including Chunli, conducted careful scanning......】 【两具机械人眼中纷纷放出了红色的光幕,将房间内所有的东西,包括春丽在内,进行起了细致的扫描……】 Chunli is gripping the lower hem corner, seemingly does not care at all is blowing the whistling, but since she is away from the clothing to grasp your strength, can obviously feel her anxiety.】 【春丽攥着衣角,看似毫不在意的偏头吹着口哨,但从她隔着衣物握着你的力道,可以明显感觉到她的紧张。】 Discovery dangerous object!” When a mechanical man scans to the bed, suddenly sounded the warning. You felt that Chunli's body trembled lightly......】 【“发现危险物体!”在其中一个机械人扫描向床下的时候,忽然发出了警报。你感觉到春丽的身体轻颤了一下……】 Mu You is also anxious at this time, grasped the pocket watch early, once he were discovered by the mechanical man, issued urgent quest, borrowed Chunli's body to get rid of these two robots. 沐游此时也正紧张着呢,早早握好了怀表,一旦他被机械人发现,就发布一个紧急任务,借用春丽的身体干掉这两个机器人。 However these robots are very possible are networking, the price of doing that will be his direct exposure, following may be more troublesome. 不过这些机器人很可能是‘联网’的,这么做的代价,是他会直接暴露,后续或许会更麻烦。 Is good because, matter has not developed that bad situation. 好在,事情还没发展到那么糟糕的地步。 【The mechanical man's cloth sack from bed will pull off, pours inside thing all, bottles of cans of trash dispersed immediately everywhere......】 【机械人从床下将刚才的布袋拖出,将里面的东西尽数倒出,瓶瓶罐罐的垃圾顿时散了满地……】 Two mechanical men in trash, locked quickly a tiny iron sheet: Discovers the dangerous goods! Scans for the assault weapon fragment initially, the executive order: The carbonization wipes to disappear!” 【两个机械人在一片垃圾中,很快锁定了其中一枚细小的铁片:“发现危险物品!初步扫描为攻击性武器残片,执行指令:碳化抹消!”】 You notice, this tinsel somewhat looks familiar, seems like subordinates a fragment on your shotgun......】 【你注意到,这金属片有些眼熟,似乎是隶属于你散弹枪上的一块残片……】 Two mechanical men's other things to ground looked that did not look, being critical situation stares at the fragment of ground, on both hands muzzle is reappearing, sprays a dazzling laser toward fragment respectively......】 【两名机械人对地上的其他东西看也不看,如临大敌的盯着地上的残片,双手上枪口浮现,各自朝着残片喷射出一道耀眼的激光……】 Under the temperature of burning hot, the fragment was melted the ash quickly, diverges with the wind.】 【在炙热的温度下,残片很快被融化成灰,随风散去。】 Mechanical man then received hand red weapon , to continue to scan in room......】 【机械人这才收起手上通红的武器,继续在屋内扫描……】 Scans, confirmation security.” After several seconds, the mechanical man stopped the scanning.】 【“扫描完毕,确认安全。”数秒后,机械人停止了扫描。】 【Before a mechanical man arrives at Chunli body, the broadcast said: Panda person Chunli, harbors the object arbitrarily, gives to warn one time, and deducts 3 appraisals!” 【其中一名机械人走到春丽身前,播送道:“熊猫人春丽,擅自私藏外界物体,给予警告一次,并扣除三点评价!”】 【After judging, two mechanical men go out swagger away, only leaves behind place tattered trash, with whole face bitter color Chunli......】 【宣判完后,两名机械人出门扬长而去,只留下一地的破烂垃圾,和满脸苦色的春丽……】 Mu You relaxes slightly. 沐游微微松了口气。 These two mechanical men look but not see the foreign matter everywhere, wages a war to that iron sheet only, they are look for his residue very much obviously. 这两个机械人对满地的外界异物视而不见,唯独对那一枚铁片大动干戈,很显然它们就是来找他的残余物的。 On the other hand, the scanning of these robots, can in junks that unexpectedly, in pile of soils submerge, locks the fingernail size rapidly the iron sheet......, they can have some special induction to the mechanical goods that the outside world does come? 话说回来,这些机器人的扫描,居然能够在一堆泥土淹没的杂物中,迅速锁定指甲盖大小的铁片……难道说,它们对外界来的机械物品会有某种特别的感应? But must say that mechanical goods words, the heart of his mechanical is also a machinery, moreover compared with that iron sheet volume big many, is normally more conspicuous is right, why hadn't instead been scanned? 但要说机械物品的话,他的机械之心也是机械啊,而且比那铁片体积大的多,按说更加显眼才对,为什么反而没被扫描出来? This issue emergence, before Mu You remembered immediately , a text in abyss, said him close to the defense cover, one type returning home feeling. 这个问题一出现,沐游立即想起了之前在深渊中的一条文本,说他在接近防护罩时,有一种‘落叶归根’的感觉。 At that time Mu You had guessed, can the heart of machinery come from the thing of this side Garden of Eden? 当时沐游猜测过,会不会机械之心就是来自于这方伊甸园的东西? Because is in itself here thing, is not the external object, this had not been scanned exceptionally, so can explain the matter actually. 因为本身就是这里的东西,不属于外物,这才没有被扫描出异常,如此倒是能够解释刚才的事情。 However as the matter stands, means after Mu You, cannot deliver the mechanical fitting that Astral Spirit Realm obtains, delivers unable to use, one with will be discovered immediately. 不过这样一来,就意味着沐游之后不能将星灵界得到的机械配件送进来,送进来也无法使用,一用就会立即被发现。 Does not expose itself only, but can also remould the strength the means that only has making use of local materials, seeks for the local mechanical fitting in Garden of Eden, assembles machine armor skin, thus perfect integration local area. 唯一不暴露自身,还能重塑战力的办法,唯有‘就地取材’,在伊甸园中寻找本地的机械配件,来重新组装一个机甲皮肤,从而完美的融入当地。 But he does not have the hand not to have the block of foot now, seeks for the process of mechanical fitting, can only flicker Chunli to do for somebody. 只不过他现在还是个没手没脚的方块,寻找机械配件的过程,只能忽悠春丽来代劳了。 Ding, quest system update!” Your sound play-over in Chunli brain.】 【“叮,任务系统更新!”你的声音直接播放在春丽脑中。】 quest 1: Continues to energize for the system, and seeks for the stable energy( value: Every day 100 overalls)” 【“任务一:为系统持续供能,并寻找稳定的能源(价值:每天100积分)”】 quest 2: For the system search mechanical fitting, assembles complete machine armor( value: 1000 overalls)” 【“任务二:为系统搜寻机械配件,组装一具完整的机甲(价值:1000积分)”】 quest 3: Goes to the dormancy area, finding the way to submerge investigates( value: 1000 overalls)” 【“任务三:前往休眠区,想办法潜入其中进行调查(价值:1000积分)”】 This panda person small girl regarding striking to kill robot matter as if to resist especially, therefore Mu You has not pressed her, changed slightly the quest 2 contents. 这个熊猫人小丫头对于击杀机器人这件事似乎格外抗拒,所以沐游也没难为她,将任务二内容稍微修改了一下。 Mechanical fitting thing cannot obtain from the mechanical man, looks for these abandonment obsolete parts, here so many robots, will definitely have the components that replaces massively every day. 机械配件这东西也并不是必须从机械人身上获得,找那些报废过时的部件也可以,这里这么多的机器人,每天肯定会有大量替换下来的零件。 As for quest 3, then conceives a plan purely temporarily. 至于任务三,则纯粹是临时起意。 This dormancy area the setting makes Mu You feel somewhat towering, places such a Utopian society that is ruled particularly by the mechanical man, this type wastes the resources purely the thing, as if should not exist to...... in brief, waited for the opportunity to go to investigate, always did not have the fault. 这‘休眠区’的设定让沐游感觉有些突兀,尤其是放在这样一个由机械人统治的乌托邦社会里,这种纯粹浪费资源的东西,似乎本不应该存在才对……总之,等有机会了就进去调查一下,总没坏处。 quest...... is quite difficult......” Chunli to listen to your disseminating news, the low voice whisper, actually calls out in alarm one suddenly: Aiya, was bad, today must go to the back side of the mountain to mine, must be late!” 【“任务……都好难啊……”春丽听完你的播报,小声嘀咕,却忽然惊叫一声:“哎呀,糟了,今天要去后山采矿来着,要迟到了!”】 Chunli leads you to rush hurriedly goes out......】 【春丽匆忙带着你奔出了门……】 You borrow Chunli's angle of view, saw the scenery.】 【你借用春丽的视角,看到了外界的景色。】 【The agglomeration of panda person, is situated above hills. In the hills the fog winds around, is densely vegetated, the roadside shelter corridor, the small bridge over the flowing stream finds at everywhere. Figure plump panda people or are selecting the shoulder pole, bustles about in the farmland ; Wears the rain clothes, plays the flute in the wooded mountains ; Wears the bamboo hat, makes the stick in the summit dance spear/gun, a piece tranquil auspicious......】 【熊猫人的聚集地,坐落在一片群山之上。群山间云雾缭绕,植被茂盛,长亭走廊,小桥流水随处可见。一只只身形肥硕的熊猫人或挑着扁担,忙碌于农田中;或身披蓑衣,吹笛于山林间;或头戴斗笠,在山巅舞枪弄棒,一片宁静祥和……】 Chunli climbs to the back side of the mountain mountainside flexibly, after a bamboo grove, arrived at a natural mine......】 【春丽灵活的攀登至后山山腰,穿过一片竹林后,到达了一处天然矿场……】 In the mine, has massive person's shadows to grasp the axe pickaxe at this moment in the practical training, besides the panda person, you also saw a person ox head lifeform, top of the head two horns, the build is grand, is an ox head person clan.】 【此刻在矿场中,已经有大量的人影手持斧镐在劳作,除了熊猫人之外,你还看到了一种人身牛头的生物,头顶双角,体型壮阔,正是牛头人一族。】 Chunli!! You were also late!” Arrives at the scene, Chunli just prepared to submerge the mine covertly, was roared by rear one startled stiffening.】 【“春丽!!你又迟到了!”到达现场,春丽刚准备偷偷摸摸潜入矿场,就被后方的一声咆哮惊的僵住。】 Turning head of Chunli machinery, sees is standing behind an old female panda person, beckons with the hand hastily the explanation: Medicine mother-in-law, I am not intentionally, was these patrolmen turned my family/home, I was busy tidying up late......” 【春丽机械的回过头,就见身后站着一名苍老的女性熊猫人,连忙摆手解释:“药婆婆,我不是故意的,是那些巡逻者翻了我的家,我忙着收拾才迟到的……”】 【The old age panda person is leaning on the walking stick, before arriving at Chunli body quickly, just prepared to shout abuse to her, is actually shocked suddenly, knits the brows to stare at her chest: What your chest hid, how to have the fluctuation of potion?” 【老年熊猫人拄着拐杖,快步走到春丽身前,刚准备对她破口大骂,却忽然愣住,皱眉盯着她胸口:“你胸口藏了什么,怎么会有魔药的波动?”】 „......” Chunli one startled, perhaps the look racing several, are knows that cannot conceal, she has to take out in the cloth sack of chest conceals, gave the old person.】 【“啊……”春丽一惊,眼神急转了几下,或许是知道隐瞒不住,她只好将藏在胸口的布袋取出,交给了老人。】 This is...... epic grade potion!?” Old person somewhat shocking looks at potion in cloth sack, quickly closes the arrange/cloth bag mouth, about looked vigilantly, after confirming no one saw, this serious looks to Chunli: Where this thing do you come?” 【“这是……史诗级药水!?”老人有些震惊的看着布袋中的药剂,急忙将布袋口合上,左右警惕的看了看,确认无人看到后,这才严肃的看向春丽:“这东西你哪儿来的?”】 Is, is......, is I am having...... Chunli who the explosion in that mountain valley picks to reply.】 【“是,系……呃,是我在发生爆炸的那片山谷中捡到的……”春丽回答。】 Only picked these? Hasn't had other?” The old person is busy at asking.】 【“只捡到了这些?还有没有别的?”老人忙问。】 Does not have, did not have......, some bottles of cans, but is the trash, I look fun picks......” Chunli is displacing the line of sight, talked ambiguously.】 【“没,没了……哦,还有一些瓶瓶罐罐,但都是垃圾,我看着好玩才捡回来的……”春丽偏移着视线,含糊其辞。】 Old person hears word silent is staring at her eye, after looking for a long time, sighed, gave back to her the cloth sack: I, no matter you made anything, in brief, yourself process, should not be discovered by these mechanical men, otherwise, I cannot preserve you.” 【老人闻言沉默的盯着她的眼睛,看了许久后,才叹息一声,将布袋还给了她:“我不管你做了什么,总之,你自己处理好,不要被那些机械人发现,否则,我也保不住你。”】 I know, I guaranteed!” Looked that the old person tone is gentle, Chunli relaxes, quickly strikes one's chest the guarantee.】 【“我知道,我保证!”看老人语气柔和下来,春丽松了口气,急忙拍胸脯担保。】 Other, as the price of deliberately creating trouble, punishes you not to permit to have the dinner tonight!” The old person leaves behind one, waves the arms about to leave.】 【“另外,作为胡闹的代价,罚你今晚不准吃晚饭!”老人留下一句,甩手离开。】 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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