TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#558: Two young girl and system Monarch

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In Chapter 558 two young girl and system Monarch 第558章中二少女与系统君 Thin series? Steel and iron shrimp?” “细统?钢铁虾?” Outside the exquisite crude bamboo log house, the panda person young girl hides after the gate, the mouth talked over the sound that was just hearing. 小巧简陋的竹木房外,熊猫人少女藏身在门后,嘴里念叨着刚刚听到的声音。 These two strange glossaries she naturally completely did not understand, but the meaning understood actually, probably this thing wants to conduct binding with her...... 这两个陌生的词汇她自然完全不理解,不过意思倒是明白了,好像这东西想和她进行绑定…… Like this of unknown origin can the mouth spit the thing of criticism/human language, the young girl naturally does not dare to be close again at will, was considering should on give the patrol leader, however the novel thing is provoking her curiosity in the time at present, delivers somewhat seemed to be a pity. 这样来历不明又能口吐人言的东西,少女自然不敢再随意接近,考虑着是不是应该上交给巡逻队,然而眼前新奇的事物又在时刻撩拨着她的好奇心,就这么上交似乎有些可惜。 Might as well first hold appreciatively for several days to deliver again?” The young girl heart culmination person battles. “不如先把玩几天再上交?”少女心中天人交战。 In the young girl does not hesitate definitely, the black box of distant place, resounds the sound suddenly once again. 就在少女踌躇不决之时,远处的黑盒子,忽然又一次响起声音。 Ten......” “十……” Nine......” “九……” Eight......” “八……” ...... …… This time unexpectedly is the countdown! 这次竟是倒计时! The continual reciprocal, just like the note that urgently presses, immediately brought the greatest pressure on her. 连续的倒数,犹如催命的音符,顿时给她施加了莫大的压力。 Countdown type of thing, the matter is not even anxious, should still build a sense of urgency naturally, in subconscious makes the opposite party form must before the countdown achieves the misconception. 倒计时这种东西,就算本来事情没那么急切,也会天然营造出一种紧迫感,在潜意识里让对方形成‘一定要在倒计时前达成’的错觉。 This method is undergoing in the modern person eye of network information bombing year to year already the immunity, but regarding the life monotonous different world lifeform, is still quite effective. 这种手段在常年经受网络信息轰炸的现代人眼里早已经免疫了,但对于生活单调的异世界生物,依然相当有效。 On such as the panda person young girl at this moment, defended after the gate she who prepares to watch changes quietly, after hearing reciprocals, the ear raises up immediately, instinct is somewhat anxious. 就如此刻的熊猫人少女,原本守在门后准备静观其变的她,在听到一声声的倒数后,耳朵立即竖起,本能的有些焦躁起来。 The reason told her, now should wait a while to have a look at the situation again, but the perception is instigating her crazily, if at this moment did not overtake, may lose opportunity forever a time......, although she does not know that can miss anything. 理智告诉她,现在应该再等一会儿看看情况,但感性又在疯狂怂恿她,此刻如果不赶过去,或许会永远失去一次机会……虽然她也不知道到底会错失什么。 Three......” “三……” Two......” “二……” One......” “一……” Wait, I want!” “等等,我要!” When last one falls, the panda young girl cannot repress finally, crashes in the room quickly, before rushing to the stone table, being thrown into confusion looks at the black box on table, for a while actually does not know how should start. 当最后一声‘一’落下时,熊猫少女终于按捺不住,快步冲进屋内,冲到了石桌前,手忙脚乱的看着桌上的黑盒子,一时却不知该如何下手。 I want, to want...... , wants anything to come......” “我要,要……唔,要什么来着……” Confirmed binds this system?” The good this time black box voiced again. “是否确认绑定本系统?”还好这时黑盒子再次发声。 „Is is!” The nod that the young girls keep hastily, does not forget to inquire at the same time: How should I do?” “是是是!”少女连忙不停的点头,一边不忘询问:“我该怎么做?” Please replace the new energy storage for this system immediately!” Box said. “请立即为本系统更换新的能量源!”盒子‘说’。 Replacement?” “更换?” The panda young girl stares, looks to an demon crystal that by the box places, sees originally deep blue demon crystal, had almost turned transparently, obviously the energy is not much left, the young girl not only loves dearly and grievance: But this is my only block radiant demon crystal, is the grandmother leaves my thing, I place by it you, never expected that it by suck dry......” 熊猫少女一愣,看向盒子旁边安放的一块魔晶,看到原本湛蓝色的魔晶,已经几乎变成了透明,显然能量所剩无几,少女既心疼又委屈:“可这已经是我唯一一块‘璀璨魔晶’了,是祖母留给我的东西,我只是把它放在你旁边,没想到它就被吸干了……” Radiant demon crystal...... 璀璨魔晶…… Another Mu You, sees this strange word some gods. 另一头的沐游,看到这个陌生的词有些愣神。 The ordinary demon nuclear and demon crystal are unable to energize to the core directly, because of general demon crystal interior energy multifarious, must through the power furnace as the relay, after the energy purifies, be able to energize normally, however one side this crystal stone, places unexpectedly can energize directly...... obviously this is not the ordinary demon crystal, said actually not contained how huge energy, but energy definitely is quite pure, to does not need to conduct any situation of purification purely again. 普通的魔核和魔晶是无法直接给核心供能的,因为一般的魔晶内能量驳杂,必须通过动力炉作为中转,将能量纯化后才能正常供能,然而这颗晶石,居然放在一旁就可以直接供能……显然这不是普通魔晶,倒不是说其中蕴含了多么庞大的能量,而是其中的能量肯定极为纯粹,纯粹到不需要再进行任何纯化的地步。 But the connection of power furnace presented the damage at this time, even if Mu You delivers a new power furnace to enter the game at this time, before the gap heals, is unable to connect the core, at present as if also really must first depend upon a moment ago this type of crystal stone. 而偏偏此时动力炉的接口出现了损伤,就算沐游此时送一具新的动力炉进入游戏,在缺口愈合之前,也无法连接到核心,眼下似乎还真是必须先依靠刚才这种晶石。 How the Mu You intention racing should gain this type of crystal stone, at this time played pops up the prompt. 沐游正心念急转该如何获取这种晶石,这时游戏中又弹出提示。 Examines the bioenergy source to approach, the energy purity meets the requirement, conducts the lifeform connection?】 【检测到生物能量源靠近,能量纯度符合要求,是否进行生物连接?】 Bioenergy source?” “生物能量源?” Mu You looks at one dull, unexpectedly this connection mode? Hadn't he triggered this prompt before? 沐游看得一呆,居然还有这种连接方式?他以前怎么没触发过这种提示? Moreover, in this moment game, surrounding lifeform seemingly only then this panda person? Does the energy storage refer to this young girl? 而且,此刻游戏里,周围的生物貌似只有这个熊猫人吧?能量源是指这少女? Mu You responded quickly: Was, the energy in this side world was pure, the demon crystal purity that therefore here delivered so will be high, but this young girl grew up since childhood here, the mana purity in within the body likely was not their the lifeform of absorbing Astral Spirit Realm multifarious mana may compare. 沐游很快反应过来:是了,这方天地内的能量精纯无比,所以这里产出的魔晶纯度才会那么高,而这少女从小在这里长大,体内的魔力纯度很可能也不是他们这种吸收星灵界驳杂魔力的生物可比。 Such it seems like, this young girl is one human form movement power source! 这么看来,这少女本身就是一个‘人形移动电源’啊! Did not say that early...... Mu You understands how immediately should do. 不早说……沐游顿时明白该怎么做了。 „Please be systematic in the hand, and to inputs mana.” “请将系统拿在手中,并向其中输入魔力。” Heard the sound in block, the panda young girl then to take up the heart of machinery cautiously, held with both hands in the hand: Is...... this?” 听着方块中的声音,熊猫少女这才小心翼翼的拿起了机械之心,用双手捧在手中:“是……这样么?” In energy slow rise, presently: 0.02......】 【能源缓慢上涨中,当前:0.02……】 Looks that the energy prompts to start to rise finally, Mu You relaxes slightly, finally was temporarily Gou dwell. 看着能量终于提示开始上涨,沐游微微松了口气,总算是暂时苟住了。 However now was unable to relax, at present this young girl became his temporary power source, needs not to stop energizes to him, average person where has this patience, must find the way to make the opposite party be willing to be good. 不过现在还不能放松,眼下这少女成了他的临时电源,需要一刻不停的给他供能,一般人哪有这个耐心,得想办法让对方心甘情愿才行。 Considered after several seconds, Mu You continues to input. 思虑了几秒后,沐游继续输入。 Another side, the panda person young girl devout hand of holds the black box, however looks does not have the box of sound, feels the energy of own within the body continually outflow, in the eye also flashes through some doubt. 另一边,熊猫人少女虔诚的手捧黑盒,然而看着迟迟没有动静的盒子,又感受到自己体内持续流失的能量,眼中也不由闪过一些狐疑。 Ding, congratulations, the system binds successfully! Rewards initial gift parcel one.” “叮,恭喜,系统绑定成功!奖励初始礼包一份。” In the heart of machinery broadcasts the sound again, has a scare the panda young girl. 机械之心中再次传来声音,把熊猫少女吓了一跳。 Meanwhile along with this prompt, a small cloth sack appears by the box, crashes to go toward below. 同时伴随着这句提示,一个小布袋出现在盒子旁边,朝下坠落而去。 Putting out a hand of young girl instinct catches, pulls open looks, inside unexpectedly is red and blue two bottles of potion: Small magic potion and small-scale health potion. 少女本能的伸手接住,拉开一看,里面竟是红蓝两瓶药水:小型魔法药剂和小型生命药剂 Mu You usually the novel looked a lot, naturally knows system class/flow essence: Just started to the host a sweet jujube, making the host realize that the system the excessive wealth, can make the host submit willingly the beast of burden. 沐游平时小说没少看,自然晓得‘系统流’的精髓:刚开始必须给宿主点甜枣,让宿主意识到系统的财大气粗,才能让宿主甘当牛马。 Simultaneously just started cannot is too ruthless, otherwise the future reward will promote step by step, once the reward will unable to follow, the host will be very easy to lose the power. 同时刚开始又不能给的太狠,不然今后的奖励就得步步提升,一旦奖励跟不上,宿主很容易失去动力。 „! Is this...... potion?” “啊!这这是……魔药?” The panda young girl sees clearly the thing in cloth sack, some incredible calls out in alarm makes noise: Moreover is the purple light, is better than the quality that the medicine mother-in-law refines!” 熊猫少女看清布袋里的东西,有些不可置信的惊呼出声:“而且是紫色的光,比药婆婆炼制的品质还好!” The Mu You present potion master rank, refines this 1st Order potion, closes one's eyes can publish the epic, even the legend level is also a cinch, reason that not to legend, but feared that extremely shocks everybody. 沐游现在的魔药师等级,炼制这种一阶魔药,闭着眼睛都能出史诗,甚至传说级也不在话下,之所以没给传说,只是怕太过惊世骇俗罢了。 However Mu You at this time actually to the opposite party mouth in medicine mother-in-law had the interest. 不过沐游此时倒是对对方口中的‘药婆婆’产生了兴趣。 The mechanical lifeform is not possible to refine potion, this medicine mother-in-law should be individual, in other words, this place incessantly young girl living person. 机械生物是不可能炼制魔药的,这药婆婆应该是个人,也就是说,这地方不止少女一个活人。 【The panda young girl receives the cloth sack as if one had found a treasure, hurried about examines, after confirming unmanned discovery, rushed to hide the chest the cloth sack, immediately went all out transported the energy to you.】 【熊猫少女如获至宝的收起布袋,急忙左右查看,确认无人发现后,赶忙将布袋藏进了胸口,随即更加卖力的给你输送起能量。】 That...... has this input is OK?” The panda young girl asked.】 【“那个……就这样一直输入就可以了吗?”熊猫少女问。】 „, Then before finding stable energy storage, needs you to bring the system momentarily in the side, but does not need to grasp, only need carry personal, then automatic substitute energy.” you said.】 【“是的,接下来在找到稳定的能量源之前,需要你将系统随时带在身边,不过不需要一直手持,只需贴身携带,即可自动充能。”伱说。】 Oh oh...... that like this?” The panda young girl forced in you belly, you immediately by one group of warm thick fur packages.】 【“噢噢……那这样可以吗?”熊猫少女将你塞进了肚皮中,你立即被一团温暖厚实的毛皮包裹。】 The Mu You perspiration, pours does not need to spell, quickly explained one. 沐游汗,倒也不用这么拼,急忙解释了一句。 Only must place in clothing or package, carries along then......” 【“只需放在衣物或包裹中,随身携带即可……”】 ...... …… In the bamboo log house, the panda young girl sits cross-legged to sit near the table, having a relish is looking at the box in hand, in the small eye is glittering the boundless curiosity. 竹木房里,熊猫少女盘腿坐在桌边,饶有兴致的看着手中的盒子,小小的眼睛中闪烁着无边的好奇。 System Monarch system Monarch, why you will speak......” “系统君系统君,你为什么会说话……” You before were the person......” “你以前是人吗……” Why you will treat in the box......” “你为什么会待在盒子里……” You come from outside world......” “你是从外面的世界来的吗……” Outside world is what appearance......” “外面的世界是什么样子……” ...... …… After relaxing, the young girl incarnation 100,000 why, a series of issues throw immediately toward Mu You. 放松下来后,少女顿时化身十万个为什么,一系列的问题朝沐游抛来。 System is system, higher intelligent life from outside world......” 【“系统就是系统,一种来自外部世界的高等智慧生命……”】 Reply that Mu You talked ambiguously. 沐游含糊其辞的回答。 【After oh oh...... that system I bound you, is useful?” The young girls also asked.】 【“噢噢……那系统我绑定了你之后,有什么用呢?”少女又问。】 „The goal of system, is the super hero who you train a similar steel hero. You will obtain the powerful strength step by step, and is used to remove the bullies and bring peace to the law-abiding this strength, punishes eliminates deceitfully wickedly, undertakes to safeguard the world peace the heavy responsibility!” 【“系统的目的,在于将你培养成一名类似钢铁侠的超级英雄。你将一步步获得强大的力量,并将这份力量用于除暴安良,惩奸除恶,承担起维护世界和平的重任!”】 Specially Mu You said very on big. 沐游特意说的很高大上。 „Is steel hero...... a knight? I had not heard...... I like working as the knight! I listened to my grandmother saying that my clan historical, many famous panda people were the travelling four directions monk and knight-errant!” The young girls are saying delightedly, a hand makes a fist facing forward making like lightning, bringing the sound, in the eye to flash together air-splitting is yearning and looked forward.】 【“钢铁侠……是一种侠客吗?我从没听说过呢……不过我喜欢当侠客!我听我祖母说过,我族的历史上,很多有名的熊猫人都是游历四方的武僧和游侠!”少女欢喜的说着,一只手握拳朝前闪电般的打出,带起一道破空声,眼中闪动着向往和憧憬。】 Mu You relaxes, is lucky, this panda person seems like in two young girls, seeming like quite good to trick. 沐游松了口气,运气不错,这熊猫人似乎是个中二少女,看起来比较好忽悠。 If picks him is Lin Xue this high intelligence quotient also has the enquirying mind, feared that was several issues can uncover his ins and outs. 如果捡到他的是林雪这种高智商还有钻研精神的,怕是几个问题就能把他老底揭了。 What that then I need to make, can become the knight?” The panda young girl as if produced regarding your description yearned.】 【“那接下来我需要做什么,才能成为侠客?”熊猫少女似乎对于你的描述产生了向往。】 This system has the fight, detection, appraisal, protection, transmission and other functions, under the most flourishing condition goes everywhere omnipotently......, because the main engine is damaged, after needs to treat the restore , the function that can the normal operation, be possible to begin using presently includes: Overall system, quest system, commercial city system.” 【“本系统拥有战斗、侦查、鉴定、守护、传送等诸多功能,全盛状态下可谓上天入地无所不能……但因为主机受损,需要待修复后才能正常运行,当前可启用的功能有:积分系统,任务系统,商城系统。”】 Young girl as if hears some dizzy, partly makes a sound asks: What business...... is the commercial city system......?” 【少女似乎听得有些晕乎,半响才问道:“商……商城系统……是什么?”】 In commercial city system, can extract various types of goods and items with the overall, extracts to need to consume 10 overalls each time. Today the turntable commodity includes: Invisibility Cloak( the first prize), quenches the poisonous dagger( second prize), magic potion( third prize)...... red solar liquid detergent one bottle, false face superman card one pack and puppy electric baby and bamboo shoots cook up meat one.” 【“商城系统中,可以用积分抽取各种物品和道具,每次抽取需要消耗十积分。今日转盘商品有:隐形斗篷(一等奖)、淬毒匕首(二等奖)、魔法药剂(三等奖)……红太阳洗衣液一瓶,假面超人卡片一叠、小狗电动娃娃一只、竹笋炒肉一份。”】 Mu You thing on hand will arrange in order a list casually, looked for several types of useless magic items to force, behind these were make up the number, the card and electric puppy were the toy of smooth small girl, the bamboo shoots stir fry the meat are go......, in any case was drawing that’ Nightwatcher just took, pulled out decides to what him. 沐游将手边的东西随便列了个清单,找了几样没用的魔法道具塞进去,后面那些则都是凑数的,卡片和电动小狗是顺的小丫头的玩具,竹笋炒肉则是打更人刚取回来的外卖……嗯,反正是‘抽奖’,抽到什么他说了算。 Bamboo shoots?” Panda person young girl hears word eyes illumination.】 【“竹笋?”熊猫人少女闻言双眼发光。】 Opportunity that every day draws one time free, whether extracts immediately?” 【“每日有一次免费抽奖的机会,是否立即抽取?”】 Extraction!” The young girls said immediately, simultaneously cannot help but licked the lip, eyeful anticipations.】 【“抽取!”少女立即说,同时不由自主的舔了舔嘴唇,满眼的期待。】 In turntable rotation...... congratulates, you selected bamboo shoots to stir fry the meat!’ 【“转盘转动中……恭喜,你抽中了‘竹笋炒肉!’”】 Mu You looks at the appearance of opposite party, is obviously interested compared with the item to food, decided good intentions helps her one time. 沐游看对方的样子,明显对食物比道具更感兴趣,决定善意的成全她一次。 In vision that therefore in Nightwatcher compels ignorant, Mu You takes away going that he just opened silently, turns over, sent in the game. 于是在打更人懵逼的目光中,沐游默默拿走了他刚刚打开的外卖,倒腾一番,送入了游戏里。 Sends in the game is not difficult the goods that Earth produced, only needs first to make medicine picker they use the space ring to shift the game the goods, then takes out through the game the goods, this goods will turn into item that’ takes out from the game, later then can the freedom deposit and withdraw through the game. 将地球原产的物品送入游戏并不难,只需要先让采药人他们用空间戒指将物品转移进游戏,再将物品通过游戏取出,这物品就会变成从游戏里取出的‘道具’,之后便可以自由通过游戏存取。 Panda person young girl looks food that at present presents towering, surprised grinning with ear to ear, careful after pinching bamboo shoots to taste together, eyes shine, is also hard to resist the seduction of gourmet again, wolfing down swallows into entire plate of food abdomen all......】 【熊猫人少女看着眼前突兀出现的食物,惊讶的合不拢嘴,小心的捏起一块竹笋品尝后,双眼放光,再也难以抵挡美食的诱惑,狼吞虎咽的将一整盘食物尽数吞入腹中……】 Was too delicious! I have not eaten such delicious thing!” Panda young girl satisfied is licking the lip, has not given full expression.】 【“太好吃了!我从来没有吃过这么好吃的东西!”熊猫少女满足的舔着嘴唇,意犹未尽。】 System Monarch, I also wants to eat the bamboo shoots to stir fry the meat!” The young girls anticipate looks at you.】 【“系统君,我还想吃竹笋炒肉!”少女期待的看着你。】 Please continue to draw, or directly uses 50 overall exchanges bamboo shoots to stir fry the meat.” 【“请继续抽奖,或直接使用50积分兑换‘竹笋炒肉’。”】 Overall? How does the overall obtain?” 【“积分?积分怎么获得啊?”】 Finally asked on the idea. 终于问到点子上了。 Mu You breathes a sigh of relief, upholstery so many, for logical introduction overall. 沐游舒了口气,铺垫这么多,就是为了顺理成章的引入积分。 Overall can through making quest or answers the issue to obtain, each issue and quest basis difficulty difference, may obtain the overall is also different.” 【“积分可以通过做任务或回答问题获得,每个问题和任务根据难度的不同,可获得积分也不同。”】 What does quest have?” 【“任务有什么?”】 Current main line quest includes: 1st, the help system found the stable efficient energy. 2nd, without alarming others, eliminates machine armor, and components dismantling of opposite party.” 【“当前主线任务有:一,帮助系统找到稳定高效的能源。二,在不惊动他人的情况下,消灭一具机甲,并将对方的零件拆解。”】 Elimination machine armor? These towermen? Must be possible, these towermen are invincible existences, will revolt against their people by immediately the execution......” panda person young girl hears word one startled, will quickly beckon with the hand again and again, said afraid: My I answered the issue......” 【“消灭机甲?那些守望者?不可能不可能,那些守望者是无敌的存在,反抗他们的人都会被立即处死的……”熊猫人少女闻言一惊,急忙连连摆手,心虚道:“我我还是回答问题吧……”】 Invincible existence?” Mu You selects the eyebrow. Besieged its these goods also to call it invincibly on before? The military force rank of this place is very evidently low...... is these mechanical men presses here lifeform military force rank or specially very lowly, to prevent some people to revolt against them...... “无敌的存在?”沐游一挑眉。就之前围攻它的那些货色也能被称之为‘无敌’?看样子这地方的武力等级很低啊……或者说,是那些机械人特意将这里的生物武力等级压得很低,以防止有人反抗它们…… Current issue: Where is here?( Value 10 overalls) attention: Must reply that correct may obtain the overall, simultaneously renovates the issue.” 【“当前问题:这里是什么地方?(价值十积分)注意:需回答正确才可获得积分,同时刷新问题。”】 Here is Garden of Eden!” Young girl's natural reply.】 【“这里是伊甸园啊!”少女理所当然的回答。】 【„ Congratulates, the reply is correct! You obtained 10 overalls.】 【“恭喜,回答正确!你获得了十积分。】 Next issue: Where is Garden of Eden?( Value 20 overalls)” 【“下一个问题:伊甸园是什么地方?(价值20积分)”】 Garden of Eden...... is Garden of Eden......” young girl answers difficultly.】 【“伊甸园……就是伊甸园啊……”少女挠头答。】 Reply failure, must conduct a more detailed statement.” 【“回答失败,需进行更详细的陈述。”】 „......” Young girl surprised, quickly racks brains to express, after the moment, said carefully: My grandmother is alive, I listened to her to say some...... Garden of Eden seemed like refuge shelter, the towermen these disappearance the race in end, will soon have in selective access Garden of Eden, provided the land and survival resources for them, and protected them not by the attack of end, but relative, we must obey towerman's management.” 【“啊……”少女惊讶了一下,急忙绞尽脑汁措辞,片刻后才小心道:“我祖母在世的时候,我听她说过一些……伊甸园似乎是‘避难所’,守望者们会将外界那些即将在末日中的消失的种族,有选择性的接入伊甸园中,为他们提供土地和生存资源,并保护他们不受外界末日的侵袭,但相对的,我们必须要服从守望者的管理。”】 Disappearance race...... refuge shelter?” “消失的种族……避难所?” Mu You looks knits the brows. 沐游看得皱眉。 He knows actually, after Astral Spirit Realm each plague discipline, will have some races to vanish permanently, the next era will not regenerate these races. 他倒是知道,星灵界每一次大灾纪过后,都会有一些种族永久消失,下一个纪元不会再生成这些种族。 Was the race that these vanish, received this places bottom world by these mechanical men? 难道说,这些消失掉的种族,都被这些机械人接到了这片地底世界? This can explain actually why he will see the panda person here, according to the time sequence, the race that on panda person Astral Spirit Realm one batch vanish. 这倒是可以解释,他为什么会在这里看到熊猫人了,按时间顺序,熊猫人正是星灵界上一批消失掉的种族。 However as the matter stands, to say this place besides the panda person, but also is surviving many other races? 不过这样一来,岂不是说这地方除了熊猫人之外,还生存着许许多多其他种族? Congratulates, the reply is correct! Because and replied perfectly, you obtained the double overall 40 points. At present overall: 50 points!】 【恭喜,回答正确!且因为回答完美,你获得了双倍积分40分。目前积分:50分!】 „, Sufficed finally for 50 points! System Monarch I also take bamboo shoots to stir fry the meat!” The panda young girl said impatiently, the corners of the mouth start mouth-wateringly.】 【“耶,终于够50分了!系统君我还要一份竹笋炒肉!”熊猫少女迫不及待的说,嘴角又开始流口水。】 Mu You guessed correctly that she estimated wanted meal, therefore has been ahead of time is going the software high and low the list. 沐游就猜到她估计又要点餐了,所以已经提前在外卖软件上下了单。 Time that two people talked, out of the door rode the broom went the little elder brother to rush. 两人对话的功夫,门外骑扫把的外卖小哥已经赶到。 Mu You brings goes, will stir fry the meat to send in the game directly, after the opposite party eats to the heart's content, this renovated the new issue. 沐游取来外卖,直接将炒肉送入了游戏,待对方大快朵颐之后,这才刷新了新问题。 Next issue: How many races does Garden of Eden altogether have?( Value 20 overalls)” 【“下一个问题:伊甸园共有多少个种族?(价值20积分)”】 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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