TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#557: The host hello/you good, I am the system

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Chapter 557 host hello/you good, I am the system 第557章宿主你好,我是系统 Pure mana?” “纯净魔力?” Sees this prompt, Mu You knows oneself found right the place mostly, attracted one then to let its whole body fitting energy flood, explained that under the mana density and quality in this region, was not Astral Spirit Realm may compare, before these mechanical men, likely came out from this inside. 看到这句提示,沐游知道自己多半找对了地方,吸一口便能让它全身配件能量满溢,说明下方这片区域中的魔力浓度和质量,都远不是星灵界可比,之前遇到的那些机械人,很可能就是从这里面出来的。 You successfully broke open the guard/shield, whether plunges into immediately?】 【你成功破开了护罩,是否立即跳入?】 Attention: Below space is separated from the game system exploration range, enters, is unable to switch over the skin.】 【注意:下方空间脱离游戏系统探索范围,进入其中后将无法切换皮肤。】 Yes.” “是。” This risk prompt, Mu You uses temporarily as has not seen, confirmed directly, this damned place other skin was also unusable. 这种风险提示,沐游权当没看见,直接确认,这鬼地方本来别的皮肤也不能用。 You from breaking open in the cavity leaps jumps down, crashes to go toward the ground.】 【你从破开的空洞中一跃跳下,直朝地面坠落而去。】 【After entering guard/shield interior, you look up, sees top of the head bright deep blue sky, cannot see any guard/shield, position that only then you dropped a moment ago, can see a towering gap, is jet black and empty, as if on a piece of clean neat arrange/cloth, a drop of sunspot of dropping......】 【进入护罩内部后,你抬头看去,就见头顶一片明亮碧蓝的天空,根本看不到任何护罩,只有伱刚才落下的位置,能看到一圈突兀的缺口,漆黑而空洞,仿佛在一片干净整洁的布上,滴落的一滴黑点……】 It seems like this place is similar to the clear/pain gate world, the sky and livelihood are the illusions, lives in lifeform, possibly does not know oneself live in the place bottom. 看来这地方类似于楚门的世界,天空和日月都是幻象,生活在其中的生物,可能根本不知道自己生活在地底。 Just thinking, in the game is springing a red text suddenly. 正想着,游戏中忽然弹出一道红色文本。 Warned: You already by high energy weapon locking!】 【警告:你已被高能量武器锁定!】 „Oh?” Mu You is surprised, he then just came, but also had the decline place, been discovered unexpectedly? “哦?”沐游惊讶,他这才刚进来,还没落地呢,居然就已经被发现了? You turn head look, sees the top of the head originally deep blue sky, exposed an empty shadow of piece of arc defense cover, the grid shape guard/shield, by innumerable hexagon connections, but at this time in the gap place that you jumped down a moment ago, a surrounding grid turned into the red, and in each grid appeared conspicuously ‚!’ Number.】 【你回头看去,就见头顶原本碧蓝的天空,展露出了一片弧形保护罩的虚影,网格状的护罩,由无数六边形连接而成,而此时在你刚才跳下的缺口处,周围的一圈网格变成了红色,并且每个网格中都浮现了一个显眼的‘!’号。】 【The mechanical sound resounds from the vault of heaven together, just like disseminating news to the whole world.】 【一道机械的声音自天穹响起,宛如对着整个世界播报。】 Examines boundary to damage, in energy massive divulging, is dispatching repair robot......” 【“检测到边界损毁,能量大量泄露中,正在派遣修复机器人……”】 Examines the intruder, the status: Unclear, risk factor: Unknown, is sending the protector......” 【“检测到入侵者,身份:不明,危险度:未知,正在派遣守护者……”】 Start float force field, hindrance intruder continues to drop......” 【“启动悬浮力场,阻碍入侵者继续下降……”】 With disseminating news sound, you felt suddenly a repulsion and transmits from under all directions, locked in same place you.】 【伴随着播报声,你忽然感觉一股斥力从下方和四面八方传来,将你锁定在了原地。】 You try to fly toward about, all around the discovery was actually locked by the repulsion, the movement becomes extremely difficult, your every action and every movement shape with turtle fast.】 【你试图朝左右飞行,却发现四周都被斥力锁定,移动变得极为困难,你的一举一动都形同龟速。】 At the same time, you see in the jungle of somewhere below ground, five mechanical forms depart, extreme speed is close to come, to fly toward you to midway, lunch first to make several flame bombs, from rumbles in all directions to you......】 【与此同时,你看到下方地面的某处丛林中,五道机械的身影飞出,极速朝你接近而来,飞至中途,便当先打出数枚火焰弹,从四面八方向你轰来……】 You loaded jet flight wing, power furnace power rises suddenly, turbulent air current blowout, you broke through locking of repulsion forcefully, flashes fast to one side......】 【你装载了‘喷气飞行翼’,动力炉功率暴涨,汹涌的气流喷出,你强行突破了斥力的锁定,快速闪向一旁……】 You just fled, several flame bombs then bumped into blasting open in your position, is leaving behind one group of dazzling giant fireballs same place......】 【你刚刚逃离,几枚火焰弹便在你刚才的位置相撞炸裂,在原地留下一团耀眼的巨大火球……】 You just escaped the birth day, below five robots blink already.】 【你刚刚逃出生天,下方的五具机器人眨眼已至。】 These human form mechanical whole bodies are constituted by the pitch-black metal, before you mechanical man who sees is somewhat similar, is assembling large number of weapons from top to bottom, approaches you, immediately launched the attack toward you.】 【这些人形机械浑身由乌黑的金属构成,和你之前见到的机械人有些类似,浑身上下装配着大量武器,一靠近你,立即朝你展开了攻击。】 【The barrel of your both hands spouts large flame unceasingly, launched air fight with five human form machineries......】 【你双手的枪管不断喷出火舌,与五具人形机械展开了空战……】 You are going against the attacks of other mechanical men, concentrated fire power, took the lead to strike to kill a mechanical man......】 【你顶着其他机械人的攻击,集中火力,率先击杀了一具机械人……】 Battle loss mechanical man whole body lights a fire, flies high to crash, has not had sign of resurrecting......】 【战损的机械人浑身燃火,凌空坠落,并未有复活的迹象……】 Saw that here Mu You relaxes slightly, these robots can get rid of fortunately, how otherwise must unable to kill like the beforehand these mechanical men, lets him facing five, but also really has a mind to be incapable. 看到这里沐游稍微松了口气,还好这些机器人是可以干掉的,不然要还像之前那些机械人一样怎么都打不死,让他一个人面对五具,还真是有心无力。 Intruder risk factor, is raised to: High, is assembling the weapon......” the vault of heaven sound to resound again.】 【“入侵者危险度,提升至:高,正在调集武器……”天穹的声音再次响起。】 Mu You did not determine opposite party so-called weapon is anything, in brief he has sprouted at this time has drawn back intent. 沐游不确定对方所谓的‘武器’是什么,总之他此时已经萌生了退意。 This following risk factor is higher than the imagination, what his coming was somewhat crude, at this time first drew back to say again. 这下面的危险度比想象中要高,他这趟进来的是有些鲁莽了,此时还是先退出去再说。 【...... You look for certainly the angle, loses to repel the grenade.】 【……你找准角度,丢出排斥手雷。】 Grenade explodes, the air wave of blasting open accurate drives out the mechanical man who several pursue.】 【手雷爆炸,炸裂的气浪精准将几具追来的机械人轰开。】 You seize the chance to throw away they, flies toward sky gap......】 【你趁机甩脱它们,直朝上空缺口飞去……】 However does not wait for you to re-enter the upper air, sees the sky to restore is complete blue sky, the beforehand jet black gap vanishes into thin air.】 【然而不等你重回高空,就见上空已经恢复为一片完整的蓝天,之前的漆黑缺口不翼而飞。】 【The invisible guard/shield has the consciousness intercepted you got down...... you to be stranded in this space!】 【无形护罩有意识的将你拦截了下来……你被困在了这片空间内!】 „......” “……” Mu You looks knits the brows, never expected that the guard/shield restores unexpectedly is so quick, at this moment he wants to leave, can only use the Qilin arm again. 沐游看得皱眉,没想到护罩修复的居然这么快,此刻他想离开,只能再动用麒麟臂。 However an issue: In above, the guard/shield in the direction of gravity, can be determined as land, but at this moment, he has been in the space, does the guard/shield in his top of the head, which on him satisfy foot steps on land the condition? 然而还有一个问题:在上面的时候,护罩在重力的方向,可以被判定为‘大地’,但此刻,他已经身在空间内部,护罩在他头顶,他上哪去满足‘脚踩大地’的条件? Below artillery sound gets up, four mechanical men after temporary conditioning, kills again toward you......】 【下方火炮声又起,四个机械人经过短暂的修整后,再次朝你杀来……】 Mu You is helpless, no matter how, must first get rid of these four mechanical men at this moment, does other. 沐游无奈,不管如何,此刻都得先把这四个机械人干掉,才有空做别的。 You quickly meet the enemy, toward under unretentive falling in torrents ammunition......】 【你急忙迎敌,朝下方毫无保留的倾泻弹药……】 You struck to kill a mechanical man......】 【你击杀了一具机械人……】 You struck to kill a mechanical man......】 【你击杀了一具机械人……】 ...... …… Has the dense/woods spirit core to energize, does not need to be worried about the energy issue completely, then Mu You erupts full power, quick then gets rid of all pursuit completely. 有森灵核心供能,完全不用担心能量问题,接下来沐游全力爆发,很快便将所有追击者全部干掉。 Intruder risk factor, is raised to: Extremely high! Launches all exterminates the weapon, launches the saturated type attack......” the vault of heaven sound to resound to the intruder again.】 【“入侵者危险度,提升至:极高!展开所有灭绝武器,对入侵者实施饱和式打击……”天穹的声音再次响起。】 At the same time, you see on the grid shape guard/shield in upper air, in all hexahedrons, turns out a muzzle outward, several tens of thousands of muzzle split-cycle control positions, aimed at your direction completely......】 【与此同时,你看到高空中的网格状护罩上,所有的六面体之中,都朝外翻出一门炮口,数万门炮口迅速调整方位,全部对准了你的方向……】 „Fuck!” “靠!” Mu You could not bear blow out a swearing. Originally are these hexahedron guard shields, behind each hiding an artillery? But now to get rid of him, used several tens of thousands of artillery unexpectedly directly, such crazed? 沐游没忍住爆出一个粗口。原来这些六面体护罩,每一块后面都藏着一门炮?而现在为了干掉他一个人,居然直接动用了数万门炮,这么丧心病狂的么? the next instant, you noticed that top of the head all muzzles shone the dazzling ray.】 下一瞬,你看到头顶所有的炮口都亮起了耀眼的光芒。】 Because the bombing range is broad, you are unable to avoid.】 【由于炮击范围过于广阔,你根本无从躲避。】 the next instant, you were submerged in innumerable light artillery, crowded light group links up into a single stretch in upper air, sends out incomparably blazing temperature, like a genuine Sun......】 下一瞬,你被淹没在无数的光炮之中,密集的光团在高空连成一片,散发出无比炽热的温度,如同一颗真正的太阳……】 Your life reduces under bombing straightly, suddenly then nulling operation...... attempt resurrecting failure, places in special space, is unable to resurrect......】 【你的生命在轰炸下直线降低,眨眼间便归零……尝试复活失败,身处特殊空间内,无法复活……】 You see the body of whole body by visible speed fuse......】 【你看到全身的机体都在以肉眼可见的速度熔解……】 Active armor, had been dissolved......】 【活性装甲,已被溶解……】 Gathers strength cannon hand grenade, had been dissolved......】 【蓄力加农手炮,已被溶解……】 roaming wall mechanical foot, had been dissolved......】 【游墙机械足,已被溶解……】 Sickleman cuts gold/metal blade, had been dissolved......】 【收割者斩金刀,已被溶解……】 Quick-firing shotgun, had been dissolved......】 【速射散弹枪,已被溶解……】 ...... …… 【The ancient times power furnace, had been fused......】 【远古动力炉,已被熔解……】 ...... …… Mu You has not thought that this place was unable to resurrect unexpectedly, then after the body life enulls, the fire surplus might start to destroy his body part. 沐游没想到这地方居然还不能复活,那么机体生命归零后,炮火剩余的威力就开始毁灭他的机体部件。 Looks that each article equips high-level is dissolved vanishes, even includes several orange fittings, Mu You heart in drop blood. 看着一件件高级装备被溶解消失,其中甚至包括几件橙色配件,沐游心都在滴血。 This time damages thoroughly, even from now on will resurrect is unable to recover again these parts using the resurrecting rule. 这次可是彻底损毁,就算今后复活了也无法利用复活规则再复原这些部件。 【The might of bombing continued for one minute just now to be weaken, after bombing stopped, you dragged along the body of surviving to flutter from the flame.】 【轰炸的威力持续了一分钟方才减弱,待轰炸停止后,你拖着残存的身躯从火焰中飘出。】 Your body, has only had a burned black empty shell at this moment, almost all parts have become the hard coke, only then in the spot of center, a black metal block, still perfect —— that is embed the core of your soul ‚the heart of machinery.】 【此刻你的机体,已经仅剩下一具焦黑的空壳,几乎所有部件都已成为焦炭,只有在最中心的部位,一颗黑色的金属方块,依然完好无损——那是承载你灵魂的核心‘机械之心’。】 But in the heart of front machinery, one wipes the golden luminous spot sparkle. You open out the hard coke, takes out the golden light object, the discovery is one golden gear......】 【而在机械之心前方,还有一抹金色的光点闪耀。你拨开焦炭,将金光物体取出,发现是一枚‘黄金齿轮’……】 This moment this gear surface, has covered entirely fissure, with your touching, golden gear is accordingly broken, cracks one golden powder, dissipates with the wind......】 【此刻这枚齿轮表面,已经布满了裂痕,随着你的触及,黄金齿轮应声而碎,裂成一摊金色粉末,随风消逝……】 Behind the gear of disruption, is one jet black such as the crystal core of black ink, is on your body only the hearts of two also complete thing —— dense/woods spirits.】 【碎裂的齿轮后方,是一颗漆黑如墨的晶核,也是你机体上唯二还完好的东西——森灵之心。】 Mu You relaxes, although was destroyed many equipment by the one breath, but luckily machine armor skin most important main body also, and returns safe and sound. 沐游松了口气,虽然被一口气毁坏了众多装备,但幸好机甲皮肤最重要的本体还在,而且毫发无伤。 As for the heart of dense/woods spirit, then because of depositing in power furnace, but the power furnace with having lasting forever the golden gear of characteristics has built, the golden gear helped the dense/woods spirit core withstand all damage, this preserved this frail core, however oneself actually decomposed the powder...... 至于森灵之心,则是因为存放在动力炉中,而动力炉是用带有‘永存’特性的黄金齿轮打造过的,黄金齿轮帮森灵核心承受了所有的伤害,这才将这颗脆弱的核心保存了下来,然而自己却裂解成了粉末…… On the other hand, was known as the golden gear that continually is unable to be destroyed, cannot support this wave of saturated attack, but the heart of machinery can actually survive perfectly, even returns safe and sound, obviously the intensity of this thing high! 话说回来,连号称无法被破坏的黄金齿轮,都没能撑住这波饱和打击,而机械之心却可以完美存活,甚至毫发无损,可见这东西的强度有多高! Examines the goal to survive as before, the goal risk factor is raised, to be raised for again...... is unable to estimate! The goal is extremely dangerous, prepares to carry out the second round of attack!” 【“检测到目标依旧存活,目标危险度再次提升,提升为……无法估算!目标极度危险,准备执行第二轮打击!”】 Warning, host load is serious, attacks may to make main engine fall into temporary deep sleep again......” 【“警告,主机负载严重,再次攻击有可能使主机陷入暂时沉睡……”】 Disregards the warning, the trespasser is dangerous, the start annihilates the procedure/program unconditionally, immediately carries out the second round of attack!” The vault of heaven sound resounds again.】 【“无视警告,侵入者过于危险,启动无条件歼灭程序,立即执行第二轮攻击!”天穹的声音再次响起。】 At the same time, you see in upper air all muzzles, shone glare again......】 【与此同时,你看到高空中所有的炮口,再次亮起了强光……】 fuck!” 尼玛!” Mu You really wants to shout 'fuck your mom', does the attack of this specification have unexpectedly the second round? Really thinks highly of him...... 沐游真想骂娘了,这种规格的攻击居然还有第二轮?是真看得起他啊…… Saw that the text has prompted fire to rumble again, that time could not hide a moment ago, this time his part did not have, is more impossible to hide. 眼看着文本已经提示‘炮火再次轰来’,刚才那次都躲不了,这次他部件都没了,更不可能躲得掉。 Moreover, even if the core has supported this round by the degree of hardness, can have the third round, the fourth round of attack? 而且,就算核心靠硬度撑过了这一轮,会不会还有第三轮,第四轮攻击? At least looks in the upper air the meaning of that sound, is the preparation does not destroy completely him not to give up. 至少看高空中那个声音的意思,是准备不灭掉他不罢休的。 Thinks of here, Mu You look also cold, since must him entire, that simply is crazier...... 想到这里,沐游眼神也冷了下来,既然非要把他往死里整,那就索性更疯狂一些吧…… In instance that the second round of attack arrives, driving shell that you use to survive, loses full power upwards dense/woods spirit core......】 【在第二轮攻击到达的瞬间,你用残存的驱壳,将森灵的核心全力向上方丢出……】 Frail dense/woods spirit core direct exposure under saturated attack, outer covering crushes instantaneously, explodes, concentration to pinnacle natural energy, at this moment thorough release......】 【脆弱的森灵核心直接暴露在饱和打击之下,外壳瞬间粉碎,爆裂开来,其中浓缩到极致的自然能量,在这一刻彻底释放……】 the next instant, dazzling white light and pollution black light detonates in upper air simultaneously, has might that was hard to estimate, the entire sky was dyed black and white two colors......】 下一瞬,耀眼的白光和浑浊的黑光同时在高空引爆,产生了难以预计的威力,整个天空被染成了黑白两色……】 During the fierce demolition, you only hear the above defense cover to transmit the disruption unceasingly the resounding, the hard coke remnant body of your body week was blown to fly instantaneously, is only left over together the upright core.】 【剧烈的爆破之中,你只听到上方防护罩不断传来碎裂的脆响,你身周的焦炭残躯都被瞬间吹飞,只剩下一块方方正正的核心。】 Examines high-risk pollution energy leakage, immediately with maximum power start refining equipment......” 【“检测到高危污染能量泄露,立即以最大功率启动净化装置……”】 Examines protective layer to present large breakage, energy accelerates to drain, immediately carries out urgent patch......” 【“检测到防护层出现大幅破损,能量加速流失中,立即执行紧急修补程序……”】 Examines energy excessively to lose, main engine will fall into dormancy after ten seconds, later Garden of Eden will change over to automatic control pattern......” 【“检测到能量过度损耗,主机将在十秒后陷入休眠,之后伊甸园将转入自动管理模式……”】 【Before final order from main engine dormancy: In order to guarantee the Garden of Eden safety, all energies are first used to clear the pollution, redundant, all energies first clear the pollution......” the vault of heaven sound still to disseminate news the news continuously.】 【“来自主机休眠前的最后的命令:为保证伊甸园安危,所有能量优先用于清除污染,重复,所有能量优先清除污染……”天穹的声音还在连续播报着消息。】 You noticed the above defense cover to be as if exploded a giant hole, the skeleton white bones that in the upper air lost the support massively crashed thick fallingly.】 【你注意到上空的防护罩似乎被炸出了一个巨大的窟窿,高空中大量失去支撑的骷髅白骨纷纷扬扬坠落。】 At the same time, you discovered that your core surface, presented several fissures in explosion......】 【与此同时,你发现你的核心表面,也在刚才的爆炸中出现了几道裂痕……】 You lost body and energy thoroughly originate, you lost ability to act, falls to go toward ground......】 【你彻底失去了机体和能量来源,你失去了行动能力,朝地面直坠而去……】 【After...... several minutes, your crash ground, knocks in a cliff edge, by distant separating, was thrown finally flies to jungle in......】 【……数分钟后,你坠落地面,磕碰在一处山崖边缘,被远远的弹开,最终被抛飞至一片密林之中……】 Warning, body core is damaged, and remaining energy will soon run out, please connect random energy as soon as possible, otherwise your consciousness will soon fall into sinks dormancy......】 【警告,机体核心受损,且残余能源即将告罄,请尽快连接任意能源,否则你的意识即将陷入沉眠……】 „......” “……” Mu You looks speechless, he only remains a box now, did not have the hand not to have the foot, where making on him look for the energy, how even found to install? 沐游看得无语,他现在只剩一个盒子,都没手没脚了,让他上哪儿找能源去,就算找到了又怎么安装? Has not examined the energy...... the energy to run out thoroughly, your consciousness is falling into fast murkily......, if in 30 minutes still have not connected the energy, your soul will force to strip from the heart of machinery, and resurrects under the recent directing soul lamp, at the appointed time you will lose the contact with TK-2300 skin.】 【未检测到能源……能量已彻底告罄,你的意识正在快速陷入昏沉……若30分钟内依然未连接能源,你的灵魂将会强制从机械之心中剥离,并在最近的引魂灯下复活,届时你将失去与TK-2300皮肤的联系。】 Mu You looks knits the brows, now he does not have the danger actually, but does not give core on sufficient electricity, he must lose machine armor skin thoroughly...... 沐游看得皱眉,现在他本人倒是没有危险,不过再不给核心‘充上电’,他就要彻底失去机甲皮肤了…… The machine armor skin is one of the he most commonly used skins, lost was really a pity. 机甲皮肤可是他最常用的皮肤之一,就这么弄丢了实在可惜。 Mu You wants to contact medicine picker immediately, having a look at him to have the means to get down the heart of machinery to pick immediately. 沐游当即想要联络采药人,看看他有没有办法立即下去把机械之心捡回来。 However has not waited for him to report the news, in the game springs together the text suddenly. 不过还不等他发消息,游戏中忽然又弹出一道文本。 „? This is anything......” 【“咦?这是什么……”】 【When soon stupor, you hear a strange sound to resound, then you then felt oneself were picked by a furry hand.】 【即将昏迷之际,你听到一个陌生的声音响起,接着你便感觉自己被一只毛茸茸的手捡了起来。】 Sound quickly turned screamed: „, Is good to burn......” 【声音很快变成了尖叫:“啊,好烫烫烫……”】 Stops suddenly the text to this, in this moment game has entered the condition that is unable to operate thoroughly, should be the consciousness already the stupor. 文本到此戛然而止,此刻游戏中已经彻底进入了无法操作的状态,应该是意识已经昏迷了。 Mu You knits the brows game interface that looks at to be quiet. 沐游皱眉看着沉寂下来的游戏界面 Looked at the meaning, seemed like has anyone to pick finally the mechanical heart of crash. 看刚才的意思,似乎是有什么人最后把坠落的机械之心捡走了。 ‚A furry hand this description is a little strange, since will speak, that definitely is an intelligent lifeform. ‘一只毛茸茸的手’这描述有点奇怪,不过既然会说话,那肯定是个智慧生物。 Now looks at this intelligent lifeform, can catch up within a half hour, gave him on sufficient electricity, if can connect on the energy, he also continued to struggle hopefully, otherwise this skin, even if were played to lose by him thoroughly, under the abyss had the force field and gravity protection, only the organic armor skin can the action be free, once lost machine armor skin, wants to go by the existing ability again is not easy. 现在就看这个智慧生物,能不能赶在半小时之内,给他‘充上电’了,如果能连接上能源,他还有希望继续挣扎一下,不然这皮肤就算是彻底被他玩丢了,深渊之下有力场和重力保护,只有机甲皮肤才能行动自如,一旦失去机甲皮肤,靠现有的能力再想进去可没那么容易。 In following a half hour, Mu You then continuously in disturbed is looking at the cell phone on table, what a pity in this period a text had not sprung. 接下来的半小时内,沐游便一直在忐忑的望着桌上的手机,可惜期间一条文本都没弹出过。 Walks to 30 minutes, Mu You thought to be hopeless, the preparation gave up, in the game shone the prompt suddenly. 一直到30分钟走完,沐游都以为没戏了,准备放弃的时候,游戏中忽然亮起了提示。 You felt that a weak energy swamps into the heart of machinery, making you resume the consciousness gradually.】 【你感觉到一股微弱的能量涌入机械之心中,令你渐渐恢复了意识。】 „Oh?” Mu You looks at one happily, unexpectedly really waited till? “哦?”沐游看得一喜,居然真等到了? Quickly examined a next current condition. 急忙查看了一下目前的状态。 Name: T-K 2300( core is damaged)】 【名称:T-K2300(核心受损中)】 Has assembled internal fitting: Small demon crystal.】 【已装配内部配件:小型魔晶。】 Has assembled the external component: Does not have.】 【已装配外部配件:无。】 Energy surplus: 0.02( will soon run out, please connect a stabler energy as soon as possible)】 【能量剩余:0.02(即将告罄,请尽快连接更稳定的能源)】 Core complete: 97.7( power furnace connection is incomplete, circuit linking module damage, external component linking module damage)】 【核心完好度:97.7(动力炉接口残缺,回路连接模块损坏,外部配件连接模块损坏)】 Really was damaged......” “果然受损了……” Mu You sighed . Moreover the damage spot including the external component module, this means that all external connection weapons and equipment cannot connect, before restoring, he will be at absolutely does not have the battle efficiency condition. 沐游叹息一声,而且受损部位包括外部配件模块,这就意味着所有的外接武器和设备都不能连接了,在恢复之前,他都将处于完全没有战斗力的状态。 The damage degree is not luckily high, is only about 2, restoring should not be difficult. 幸好受损程度不算高,只有二左右,修复起来应该不难。 Moreover a moment ago in that wave of explosion, opposite main engine as if also fell into the dormancy, was equivalent to him before to force the wave to trade one at the point of death, two sides remnant blood, but has not died. The present good news is: These mechanical men are busy polluting clearly, has no free time to ask him to trouble at least in a short time, he is safe temporarily. 而且刚才那一波爆炸中,对面的‘主机’似乎也陷入了休眠,相当于他在临死前强行来了波一换一,两边都残血了,但都没死。现在的好消息是:那些机械人正忙着清楚污染,至少短时间内没空来找他麻烦,他暂时是安全的。 Confirmed after character condition, Mu You then has free time to examine the surrounding situation. 确认了人物状态后,沐游这才有空查看周围的情况。 You emit the exploration Spiritual Force, discovered oneself were being placed on a stone table, but the stone table front, the panda person young girl, lies before the table, has the doubt and curious vision is staring at you.】 【你将精神力放出探索,发现自己正被放在一张石桌上,而石桌前方,正有一只熊猫人少女,趴在桌前,带着狐疑和好奇的目光盯着你。】 【The panda person young girl stretches out the finger, searches toward you on, when touches the core surface, if receives an electric shock general retracts rapidly.】 【熊猫人少女伸出手指,朝你身上探来,待触及核心表面,又如触电一般迅速缩回。】 Now, you can through the core built-in voice module, broadcast the sound to the opposite party. You choose the broadcast......】 【现在,你可以通过核心内置的发声模块,向对方播送声音。你选择播送……】 Panda person?” Mu You looks stares. “熊猫人?”沐游看得一愣。 The race of panda person, is less than 1000 years ago vanished from Astral Spirit Realm? How to appear here? 熊猫人的种族,不是一千多年前就从星灵界消失了么?怎么会出现在这里? Mu You did not understand for a while, but the issue of panda person first puts, now the biggest problem is: The energy was also about not to have, must hurry to remind the opposite party to exchange. 沐游一时不理解,不过熊猫人的问题先放一放,现在最大的问题是:能源又快没了,得赶紧提醒对方换新的。 Thinks, Mu You inputs in the game. 想了想,沐游在游戏中输入。 Energy will soon run out, please connect the new energy immediately.” The heart of machinery broadcast mechanical sound that did not have the intonation transition.】 【“能源即将告罄,请立即连接新能源。”机械之心播放出了没有声调转折的机械音。】 Is stretching out the finger to take bearing your panda person young girl, immediately frightens jumps three chi (0.33 m) high, falls layer on layer/heavily on the ground, dumbfounded looks at you.】 【正伸出手指探向你的熊猫人少女,顿时吓得一蹦三尺高,重重摔在地上,目瞪口呆的看着你。】 【After treating recovers, she quickly leaves to retrocede, hid fast after the gate, revealed an eye, extremely vigilant looked toward you.】 【待回过神来后,她急忙抽身后退,飞快藏身在了门后,又露出一只眼睛,极度警惕的朝你望来。】 Energy surplus: 0.01, please connect the new energy in one minute......】 【能源剩余:0.01,请在一分钟内连接新能源……】 Hiss......” “嘶……” Mu You looks worries, has not thought that this opened the mouth instead to run away in fear the opposite party. 沐游看得着急,没想到这一开口反而把对方吓跑了。 Saw that the warning of energy also in bright red twinkle, Mu You is burning with impatience, rushes to continue to input, however the present situation is actually not a short time can explain clearly...... 眼看着能量的警告还在鲜红的闪烁,沐游心急如焚,赶忙继续输入,然而眼下的情况却也不是一时半会能解释清楚的…… How is hesitating should explain, Mu You gets a sudden inspiration suddenly, thought of idea. 正沉吟着该如何说明,沐游忽然灵机一动,想到了一个点子。 He the information will erase rapidly, exchanged a recent information. 他迅速将刚才的信息删掉,换上了一条新信息。 Host hello/you good, congratulates you to obtain steel hero system! Please in ten seconds choice whether binds this system.” 【“宿主你好,恭喜你获得‘钢铁侠’系统!请在十秒钟内选择是否绑定本系统。”】 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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