TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#556: Garden of Eden of center of the earth

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Garden of Eden of Chapter 556 center of the earth 第556章地心的伊甸园 You entered one piece thunderous grass barbaric growth region......】 【你们进入了一片‘雷鸣草’野蛮生长的区域……】 【...... In the front lawn, thunder wells up rhinocero( 2 Lv. 7) to come suddenly, has whole body thunder and lightning, started charge toward you......】 【……前方草地中,一只‘雷涌犀牛’(二7级)忽然现身,带着满身的雷电,朝你们发动了冲锋……】 medicine picker started secret spell moor spring, front ground turned into the mire of wide scope immediately, thunder welled up rhinocero to break in viscous mire, speed sharply fell immediately......】 采药人发动了秘术‘沼泉’,前方地面顿时变成了大范围的泥沼,雷涌犀牛冲入粘稠的泥沼中,速度顿时锐减……】 Double headed dragon dragon howl, from broken hidden comes in the sky, in the mouths of two heads spouts the energy of ice fire respectively.】 【双头龙一声龙啸,自当空破隐现身,两只头颅的口中分别喷出冰火的能量。】 Froze the mire of rhinocero body week frost, froze together in same place together with rhinocero, scarlet flame was similar to mounts the oil of body to sprinkle, sticks to rhinocero external skin, continued to create high damage, the energy of ice and fire pesters together in rhinocero body surface, actually mysterious did not affect each other......】 【冰霜冻结了犀牛身周的泥沼,连同犀牛一同冻结在了原地,赤红的火焰则如同黏身的油泼,紧贴在犀牛表皮,持续造成着高额伤害,冰与火的能量共同纠缠在犀牛体表,却神奇的互不影响……】 Rhinocero sends out wailing of pain under ignition unceasingly, goes all out to work loose, is actually not able to move slightest......】 【犀牛在灼烧下不断发出痛苦的哀嚎,拼命想要挣脱,却无法移动分毫……】 You seize the chance to build dual spears/pistols, in two barrels intensive large flame eruption, by every second the velocity shocks of 400 rounds of ammunition in rhinocero external skin......】 【你趁机架起双枪,两道枪管中密集的火舌喷发而出,以每秒400发弹药的速度冲击在犀牛表皮上……】 After the entry blood group server, the strength of Mu You present god has reached 24 points, but Astral Spirit Realm magical beast is almost guarding of nothing god, shotgun each bullet are least can make 24 points of damage, then every second of firepower is to guarantee a minimum 9600 points! 在通关血族服务器后,沐游如今的神之力已经达到了24点,而星灵界魔兽几乎都是没有任何神之防的,散弹枪每颗子弹最少都能打出24点伤害,那么每秒的火力就是保底9600点! Such crowded damage, if falls in torrents completely on a unit, rank high magical beast cannot withstand. 这么密集的伤害,如果全部倾泻在一个单位身上,等级再高的魔兽也承受不住。 ( Here explained the damage relations of strength and the real life and ordinary life the god: In the Astral Spirit Realm fight rule, the damage of strength of each god to the real life and ordinary life, is fixed 1 points. (这里解释一下神之力与真实生命、普通生命的伤害关系:在星灵界的战斗规则中,每点神之力对真实生命和普通生命的伤害,都是固定一点。 The real life in Astral Spirit Realm can the equivalent conversion be 10000 point ordinary lives, but is only the value conversion, both's nature is still different, in a lifeform simultaneously has the situation of real life and in ordinary life, the strength of god first kills the real life, after the real life is 0, then kills the ordinary life. 真实生命在星灵界可以等效换算为10000点普通生命,但只是数值换算,两者的性质依然不同,在一个生物同时拥有真实生命和普通生命的情况下,神之力优先杀伤真实生命,等真实生命为0后,再杀伤普通生命。 Gives an example, for example player A, has the real life 100 points, the ordinary life 10000 points, that in Astral Spirit Realm, his panel life data are: 1 million + 10,000 = 1.01 million. 举个例子,比如一个玩家A,拥有真实生命100点,普通生命10000点,那么在星灵界,他的面板生命数据是:100万+1万=101万。 But Mu You by the condition attack opposite party of strength of 24 god, the real lives of first four attack direct kill opposite party, strikes at this time every time can create to reach as high as 240,000 damage. 沐游此时以24点神之力的状态攻击对方,前四次攻击直接杀伤对方的真实生命,每击都可以造成高达24万的伤害 But after the opposite party real life consumes, the remaining 10,000 point ordinary lives, Mu You strikes every time still can only create 24 points of damage, needs to attack more than 400 times to kill. 但当对方真实生命消耗完后,剩下的1万点普通生命,沐游每击依然只能造成24点伤害,需要攻击400多次才能杀完。 Above —— neglected the physical attack, the physical defense and other factor influence ideal data, in fact all lifeform will obtain the physical attack capability when Astral Spirit Realm, for example the real unusual animals of former space arrived at Earth, these unusual animals besides bringing the attack and defense of god, the attribute that they took the high-grade unusual animals + giant beast, had the ultra-high physical attack and defense to supplement and correct, then each unusual animals were equivalent to a small-scale octopus king, therefore did not depend upon the strength of god, only by physical attack, can easily steamroll these ordinary life tens of thousands of players.) ——以上是忽略了物理攻击,物理防御等其他因素影响的理想数据,实际上所有的生物在星灵界都会获得物理攻击能力,比如之前天上的真实异兽降临地球时,这些异兽除了自带的神之攻防外,它们本身作为高等级异兽+巨兽的属性,拥有超高的物理攻防补正,当时的每一只异兽都相当于一只小型的章鱼王,所以不依靠神之力,单靠物理攻击,也能够轻易碾压那些普通生命成千上万的玩家。) Has saying that in this abyss the monster is very indeed strong, basic each is equivalent to the underground city boss rank. 不得不说,这深渊里怪物的确很强,基本每一个都相当于地下城boss的级别。 However now they also already today we are no longer as we have been, their legend epic, but also has to release the black magic ability, the strength is much higher than the same level player, in addition side also has full level a double headed dragon to be auxiliary. 不过如今他们也已经今非昔比,两人一个传说一个史诗,还都有释放黑魔法的能力,实力比同层次玩家高得多,此外旁边还有一只满级的双头龙辅助。 But here monster basically independent combat, they by three dozens one, the truth that could not have been victorious. 而这里的怪物又基本都是单打独斗,他们以三打一,没有打不过的道理。 With a tacit coordination of two people dragon, short less than a half minute, this only Gundam/reaches as high as 2 Lv. 7 rhinoceros then to cherish hatred to return to the western paradise. 在两人一龙的默契配合下,短短半分钟不到,这只高达二7级的犀牛便饮恨归西。 【...... medicine picker goes forward a rhinoceros horn that received the ground to blow out, threw into the back medicine basket, this was one type precious refine the herb material, can refine many Thunder Discipline potion.】 【……采药人上前收起了地上爆出的一只犀牛角,扔进了背后的药篓里,这是一种珍贵的炼药材料,可以炼制许多种雷系魔药。】 【Before medicine picker to gathering up, takes undeserved credit double headed dragon that acts like a spoiled brat, fed divine nature crystal. The double headed dragon swallows whole, well satisfied......】 采药人给凑上前邀功撒娇的双头龙,喂食了一颗神性结晶。双头龙囫囵吞下,心满意足……】 This is a little slow, you continue to explore the way, I first get down to have a look at the situation.” Mu You sends the news to medicine picker. “这样有点慢,伱们继续探路,我先下去看看情况。”沐游采药人发去消息。 From entering the abyss to the present, had passed for one hour, they still wandered in the first range. 从进入深渊到现在,已经过去了一个小时,他们仍然徘徊在第一层的范围内。 Like this adapts to the abyss circumstances, while with steady steps explores toward below, naturally is the safest way, if the time is abundant, Mu You did not mind that understands the abyss scenery along the way, what a pity now they most lack is the time. 这样一边适应深渊环境,一边稳步的朝下探索,自然是最稳妥的方式,如果时间充裕,沐游也不介意领略一下沿途的深渊景色,可惜现在他们最缺的就是时间。 Now the distance scheduled flying date is close, Mu You did not plan that is too long in the abyss consumption, can solve the problem to be best as soon as possible, therefore can only adopt some more radical way at this time. 如今距离预定的飞天日期已经近在咫尺,沐游并不打算在深渊耗费太久,能尽早解决问题最好,所以此时只能采取些更激进的方式。 Also good.” medicine picker returns. As clone, he naturally understands that the Mu You preparation does do. “也好。”采药人回。作为分身,他自然明白沐游准备干什么。 You charge into near the cliff directly, rises with a spring, like a flying fish, crashes to go toward below directly, suddenly then submerged in the white mist.】 【你径直冲向崖边,一跃而起,如同一条飞鱼,径直朝下坠落而去,眨眼便没入了白茫茫的雾气中。】 Extreme speed crashes, all around scene rapid change, you only felt that the body week raids the air current that howls unceasingly, is hindering your vision and hearing.】 【极速坠落中,四周的场景快速变化,你只感觉到身周不断袭来呼啸的气流,阻碍着你的视觉与听力。】 Current depth: 1788 meters, you arrived at abyss's second.】 【当前深度:1788米,你来到了深渊第二层。】 【The plankton of massive similar bat have fluttered from your side, all casts the surprised or curious vision to you.】 【大量类似蝙蝠的浮游生物从你身边飘过,全都对你投来惊讶或好奇的目光。】 Hides hunting in mist, discovered after you will move, mistook the prey of crash you, launched the surprise attack toward you.】 【一些隐藏在雾气中的猎食者,发现你会动弹后,将你误认成了坠落的猎物,朝你发动了突袭。】 You launch the dual spears/pistols, circles, scatters toward the surroundings, the crowded large flame the flight lifeform on all around flushing blasts open.】 【你展开双枪,盘旋而下,朝周围散射,密集的火舌在四周冲来的飞行生物身上炸裂。】 In pitiful yell sounds, massive flight lifeform were penetrated wing, loses flying ability, falls to go toward below, then comes under the influence of force field embolism in midway, explodes bunch of blood fog......】 【一道道惨叫声中,大量飞行生物被击穿翅膀,失去飞行能力,朝下直坠而去,在中途便受到力场栓塞的影响,爆成一团团血雾……】 This crashes directly somewhat is truly risky, once meets the opportunity that what accident/surprise turns back continually not to have, Mu You also depends machine the high performance of armor skin, there is a pocket watch fault-tolerant, dares to play. 这样直接坠落确实有些冒险,一旦遇到什么意外连折返的机会都没有,沐游也是仗着机甲皮肤的高性能,又有怀表容错,才敢这么玩。 In these monsters as for on along the road the cloud layer, on the contrary no threat, the machine armor skin in this place is almost invincible existence, coping with these monster Mu You does not need to be earnest, so long as discards their flying abilities, they will die under the force field. 至于沿路上云层里这些怪物,反倒没什么威胁,机甲皮肤在这地方几乎就是无敌的存在,对付这些怪物沐游都不需要认真,只要废掉它们的飞行能力,它们自己就会死在力场下。 You crash, the surrounding cloud layer ruptured lifeform in abundance dyes red, leaves behind together conspicuous red path in abyss......】 【你一路坠落中,周围的云层纷纷被爆裂的生物染成红色,在深渊中留下一道显眼的赤色轨迹……】 Current depth: 2580 meters, you have arrived, abyss's third......】 【当前深度:2580米,你已来到,深渊第三层……】 Then Mu You saw that the depth of text prompt rapidly increases, from two kilometers, to three kilometers, five kilometers, seven kilometers...... 接下来沐游就看到文本提示的深度快速增加,从两千米,到三千米,五千米,七千米…… Mu You did not determine that this place many levels, only verify seven at present, many deeply no one has known again downward. 沐游也不确定这地方到底有多少层,目前只探明了七层,再往下还有多深谁也不知道。 However in verified seven, the rank of monster indeed is higher and higher right, first several can also see some 20 multistage lifeform, below four start, then is three Lv. 10 full level magical beast, without exception. 不过已探明的七层中,怪物的等级的确是越来越高没错,前几层还能见到一些二十多级的生物,四层以下开始,便全是三十级满级的魔兽,无一例外。 But Taurus can in such beast of prey place everywhere, become a side overlord, can want to see her strength strongly. 金牛能够在这样猛兽遍地的地方,成为一方霸主,可以想见她的实力有多强。 【...... Current depth: 23800 meters, you have arrived, abyss's 24 th!】 【……当前深度:23800米,你已来到,深渊第二十四层!】 You discovered that all around cliff spacing starts fast becomes narrow, at the same time, you look toward below, sees below naked eye to be possible indistinctly and place, as if presented some substantive lands......】 【你发现四周的山崖间距开始快速变得狭窄,与此同时,你朝下望去,隐约看到下方肉眼可及处,似乎出现了一些实质的土地……】 Finally?” Mu You selected the eyebrow, rushes to recall to control the character to decelerate. “终于到底了么?”沐游挑了挑眉,赶忙回溯操控人物减速。 You loaded contrastream injection installment.】 【你装载了‘逆向喷射装置’。】 Your full bottom presented four jet tubes, with energy irrigation, invisible air current toward the below turbulent eruption, your speed starts to sharply fall immediately......】 【你的足底出现了四只喷气筒,随着能量灌注,无形的气流顿时朝下汹涌喷发,你的速度开始锐减……】 You such as the hot-air balloon is common, the leisure deceleration and falling gently, until fall to the ground finally.】 【你如热气球一般,慢悠悠的减速、飘落,直至最终落地。】 You fall in a viscous wetland.】 【你掉落在一处粘稠的湿地中。】 Excessively sufficient moisture content, making the bottom of abyss be watered one wet soft silt regions, your body started to fall into silt slowly......】 【过度充足的水分,使得深渊之底被浇灌成了一片湿软的淤泥地带,你的身体开始缓缓地陷入淤泥中……】 You felt indistinctly the under foot stepped on what hard object, enabling you to stop undercutting. You open the mechanical arm to try to find out one in the silt......】 【你隐约感觉脚下踩到了什么硬物,使你停止了下陷。你伸出机械臂在淤泥中摸索一番……】 You bailed out white bones of human, the white bones behind also the exploration clothing/taking of backpack and breakage, this should be a skeleton of explorer.】 【你捞出了一具人类的白骨,白骨的身后还连带着背包和破损的探险服,这应该是一个探险家的骨骸。】 You take a walk toward all around, discovered that under foot was always under similar touch —— this silt as if filled up the white bones of various lifeform......】 【你朝四周走动,发现脚下始终是类似的触感——这淤泥下似乎填满了各种生物的白骨……】 Arrives at the cliff bottom, the first impression is white bones everywhere, this is not accidental/surprised, after all this abyss can only under unable on, these explorers and all abyss lifeform, finally the home to return to be here, tens of thousands of year of accumulations , the skeleton estimate of underground stack enough piled a mountain! 来到崖底,第一印象是满地的白骨,这也不算意外,毕竟这深渊只能下不能上,那些探险家和所有的深渊生物,最终归宿都是这里,成千上万年的积累下来,地下堆砌的骸骨估计都够堆出一座山了! Then Mu You controlled the character to explore in the surroundings, what a pity, the nearby except for the white bones was the silt. 接下来沐游操控人物在周围探索了一番,可惜,附近除了白骨就是淤泥。 The one who makes Mu You strange is, this abyss bottom range compared with imagination in narrow and small, shortly after then explored the edge, but in this process, he simply has not seen the shadow of any living creature, the surroundings vegetation did not even have, then Taurus where? 沐游奇怪的是,这深渊底的范围比想象中狭小,没多久便探索到了边缘,而这个过程中,他根本没看到任何活物的影子,周围连植被都没有,那么金牛到底在什么地方? Thinks, Mu You attempts to make the character switch over the mortal body skin. 想了想,沐游尝试让人物切换回肉身皮肤。 You switch over are Vampire Skin.】 【你切换为吸血鬼皮肤。】 【An indescribable gravity packages you immediately, you instantaneously under strong pressure full of admiration, deeply pressed in silt deep place, came a close contact with numerous white bones......】 【一股难以言喻的重力顿时将你包裹,你瞬间在强大的压力下五体投地,被深深压入淤泥深处,与众多白骨来了次亲密接触……】 At the same time, you felt that whole body internal organs under heavy pressure one after another shatter, you bleed profusely from the head, life value extreme speed slides......】 【与此同时,你感觉到浑身的内脏在重压下接连破碎,你七窍流血,生命值极速下滑……】 Really......” “果然啊……” The Mu You eyelid jumped, rushes to switch over machine armor skin. 沐游眼皮一跳,赶忙切换回了机甲皮肤。 The gravity under abyss is one by one stronger, seven are the human limits, but the present is 24, the gravity big to by his strength, situation that here must die a violent death instantaneously. 深渊之下的重力一层比一层更强,七层就已经是人类极限,而现在可是二十四层,重力大到以他的实力,在这里都要瞬间暴毙的地步。 However, even did he, that Taurus survive like this here? 不过话说回来,连他都这样了,那金牛是怎么在这里生存下来的? Moreover the place that according to the description of former Taurus, she was at obviously also had other lifeform to exist, how did these lifeform live? 而且按照之前金牛的描述,她所在的地方明显还有别的生物存在,这些生物又是怎么活下来的? Should not pass through?” “该不会走过了吧?” Mu You thought of this possibility quickly, can Taurus not in the cliff bottom, but some in these 24, his landing cliff bottom, missed with the opposite party directly on the contrary. 沐游很快想到了这种可能,会不会金牛根本就不在崖底,而是在这二十四层中的某一层,那他直接降落崖底,反倒和对方错过了。 Just thinking, in the game is popping up the prompt. 正想着,游戏中又弹出提示。 You switch over for machine armor skin......】 【你切换为机甲皮肤……】 This time the body also maintains in the skeleton piles of silt deep place, switches over after the mechanical skin, you felt suddenly a marvelous kind meaning, transmits from the under deep place.】 【此时你身体还保持在淤泥深处的骸骨堆之间,切换为机械皮肤后,你忽然感觉到一股奇妙的亲切之意,从下方更深处传来。】 This is not the thought of some lifeform, but from you, some type of thing of your within the body, is transmitting a bird to return nest, returning home joyful......】 【这并非是某种生物的意念,而是来自你本身,你体内的某样东西,正在传达一种飞鸟还巢,落叶归根的喜悦……】 „Oh?” Mu You looks stares. “哦?”沐游看得一愣。 After machine armor skin pastes, unexpectedly presented this strange prompt. 用机甲皮肤贴地之后,居然出现了这种怪异的提示。 Returning home this description, making Mu You somewhat confused. ‘落叶归根’这种形容,让沐游有些迷茫。 All fittings on his present machine armor skin, almost spiral spring city from goblin, only exception, only then two ; first, as energy storage dense/woods spirit core, but this is the dense/woods spirit thing, but the dense/woods spirit is always impossible to live in the abyss, otherwise Vivian told him early. 他现在机甲皮肤上的所有配件,几乎都是来自地精的发条城,唯一例外的只有两个,一是作为能量源的森灵核心,不过这是森灵的东西,而森灵总不可能生活在深渊之中,不然薇薇安早告诉他了。 Two are the hearts of machinery, is that core of machine armor skin, for storing up the soul and connects other fittings, this block is actually the machine armor skin genuine main body. 二则是机械之心,也就是机甲皮肤的那块核心,用于储存灵魂和连接其他一切配件,这方块其实才是机甲皮肤真正的本体。 However, this block classification is the relic, should the thing from real world, how to produce returning home here the feeling? 不过,这方块分类属于遗物,应该是来自真实世界的东西啊,怎么会在这里产生‘落叶归根’的感觉? Mu You cannot think through for a while, but now the issue is very obvious: This under has the issue! 沐游一时想不通,不过现在问题很明显了:这地底下有问题! Mu You even starts to suspect, here can also not be true ‚the bottom of abyss, this place was submerged by too many too thick skeletons after all, again the upper layer is the silt, has not seen the genuine soil layer and stone layers, then downward, other space also perhaps. 沐游甚至开始怀疑,这里会不会还不是真正的‘深渊之底’,毕竟这地方被太多太厚的骸骨淹没,再上层则是淤泥,根本还没见到真正的土层和石层,那么往下,还有另外的空间也说不定。 You assembled pangolin drill, starts to unearth toward below.】 【你装配了‘穿山甲钻’,开始朝下挖掘。】 Drill bit circles in flight, innumerable blades and silt from underground were dispelled to eject, your body fast thorough underground......】 【钻头飞旋,无数骨片和淤泥从地下被排开抛出,你的机体正在快速深入地下……】 In excavation......】 【挖掘中……】 Then was the long excavation course, this stretch of skeleton level was deeper than the imagination , the drilling a half hour, has dug about 400 meters, finally presented other prompt. 接下来就是漫长的挖掘过程了,这片骸骨层比想象中还要深厚,一直钻探了半小时,挖了将近四百米,才终于出现别的提示。 In the gable of skeleton, you feel the drill bit suddenly, under the dim environment, the sole transmitted the dazzling ray suddenly.】 【骨骸的包覆中,你忽然感觉钻头一空,原本昏暗的环境下,脚底忽然传来了刺眼的光线。】 You quickly receive drill bit, dispels below skeleton with mechanical arm......】 【你急忙收起钻头,用机械臂将下方的骨骸排开……】 Presents before you, is a piece of transparent arc guard/shield, the surface of similar soccer, by the innumerable transparent hexagon connections, this guard/shield does not know that is what material quality, has the slight ductility, the sign that simultaneously the firm tenacity high fearfulness, the load the above several hundred meters heavy items, have not been collapsing, you stand above the guard/shield at this moment, steadily like flat land.】 【呈现在你面前的,是一片透明的弧形护罩,类似足球的表面,由无数透明的六边形连接而成,这护罩不知是什么材质,拥有些微的延展性,同时坚韧度也高的可怕,负载着上方几百米的重物,没有丝毫坍塌的迹象,此刻你站在护罩上方,稳如平地。】 What makes you shock is under the guard/shield, unexpectedly is another sky...... and land!】 【更让你震撼的是在护罩之下,竟是又一片天空……和大地!】 You paste under guard/shield has an audience with the emperor to look, seeing only under guard/shield is sunny, deep blue sky is vast, cloud flutters, but above below land, green field scallion scallion, mountains lake, flower-and-bird beast, has everything expected to find......】 【你贴在护罩上朝下看去,只见护罩下方光照充足,碧蓝的天空一望无际,云彩飘荡,而在下方的大地之上,绿野葱葱,山川湖泊,花鸟走兽,应有尽有……】 Below land, from the guard/shield at least over ten thousand meters distances, but you lie under thin film has an audience with the emperor looks around, can see a spheroid indistinctly outline, as if below mainland, is a small-scale spheroid......】 【下方的大地,距离护罩至少有上万米的距离,而你趴在薄膜上朝下张望,隐约能看出一颗球体的轮廓,似乎下方的大陆,是一颗小型的球体……】 Spheroid?” “球体?” The Mu You complexion is strange. Under the abyss, is hiding another sky and world unexpectedly, and spheroid...... 沐游脸色古怪。深渊之下,居然隐藏着另一片天空和世界,而且还是球体…… His should not dig to Astral Spirit Realm core? 他这该不会是挖到星灵界的‘地核’了吧? By words that Earth gives an example, is equivalent to the earth interior also nesting a small star, the normal Astral Spirit Realm lifeform lives in the surface, but under the bottom mantle, is a stretch of hollow region, with core downward together, becomes a microcosm. 以地球来举例的话,就相当于地球内部还嵌套着一颗小星球,正常的星灵界生物都生活在地表,而地底的地幔之下,是一片中空地带,与再往下的地核一起,自成一片小世界。 Mu You does not determine these mechanical men from the following world, but since had arrived here, must find the way to have a look. 沐游不确定那些机械人是不是来自下面的世界,但既然已经到了这里,肯定得想办法下去看看。 【...... You attempt to destroy thin film with weapon......】 【……你尝试用武器破坏薄膜……】 This piece of similar barrier guard/shield, imagines you are firmer, moreover as if has to absorb the magic ability, all attacks that contains mana hit above, will be absorbed instantaneously.】 【这片类似结界的护罩,比你想象中更加坚固,而且似乎拥有吸收魔法的能力,所有蕴含魔力的攻击打在其上,都会被瞬间吸收。】 You tried various methods across guard/shield, all ends in failure......】 【你尝试了各种方法穿过护罩,全都以失败告终……】 Isn't able to pass?” “无法通过?” Mu You knits the brows, he knows that this barrier class the thing, definitely has the way to pass, but very probably needs the pass or the password and so on thing. 沐游皱眉,他知道这种结界类的东西,肯定有途径通过,只不过很可能需要通行证或密码之类的东西。 Pass anything's he surely does not have, at this time can only try the brute force to break through. 通行证什么的他肯定没有,此时只能尝试蛮力突破了。 You summoned wind Qilin arm, and gathered the beast claw of Qilin arm, pricked the thin film of under foot, immediately right arm started to catch up......】 【你召唤出了风麒麟臂,并将麒麟臂的兽爪并拢,刺入了脚下的薄膜,随即右臂开始发力……】 Your foot steps on land, Qilin arm erupts continuous strength......】 【你脚踩大地,麒麟臂爆发出源源不断的力量……】 Mu You relaxes, fortunately, this guard/shield also by Qilin arm determination for one type land. 沐游松了口气,还好,这护罩也被麒麟臂判定为了一种‘大地’。 This guard/shield can haunch the above several hundred meters high skeleton seas, its intensity can be imagined, Mu You did not strive for completely destroying it, so long as can break open one forcefully eyelet, was wormed one's way into by oneself is OK. 这护罩能够撑起上方几百米高的骷髅海,其强度可想而知,沐游也不求将其完全破坏,只要能强行破开一个‘小孔’,让自己钻进去就可以了。 The Qilin arm is known as the infinite strength, theoretically should be able to achieve. 麒麟臂号称无限力量,理论上应该是能做到的。 【...... Continues to catch up with the Qilin arm, you hear on below guard/shield to transmit some static of being unable to withstand the load.】 【……随着麒麟臂持续发力,你听到下方护罩上传来一些不堪重负的杂音。】 【...... Static is getting bigger and bigger, is even more crowded, you saw indistinctly, on the thin film of sole had presented an obvious fissure......】 【……杂音越来越大,越发密集,你隐约看到,脚底的薄膜上已经出现了一圈明显的裂痕……】 ping!” Finally, with the resounding, you only felt together the support of right arm, the sole was broken open one about one meter diversity gap, just like one by the pebble has pounded the glass......】 【“呯!”终于,随着一道脆响,你只感觉右臂的支撑一空,脚底被破开了一道一米左右的参差缺口,宛如一块被石子砸过的玻璃……】 At the same time, incomparably pure mana spews out from under gap, you take one, felt unexpectedly whole body all fittings were full of energy instantaneously......】 【与此同时,一股无比纯净的魔力从下方缺口中喷涌而出,你吸食一口,竟感觉浑身所有的配件都被瞬间充满了能量……】 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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