TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#555: Abyss analysis

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Chapter 555 abyss analysis 第555章深渊初探 The sound that suddenly emits, making two people simultaneously intense. 突然冒出的声音,让两人同时紧张起来。 Mu You quickly jumps, that pile tattered components of vigilant looking to sand. 沐游急忙跳起,警惕的望向沙地上那堆破烂零件。 This special must also be able to resurrect, he may really probably shout 'motherfucker'...... 这特么要还能复活,那他可真要骂娘了…… Is good because, this time does not seem like resurrecting, but disseminated news a sound purely, again is then stirless. 好在,这次似乎不是复活,只是单纯的播报了一条声音,便再无动静。 Awaited calmly the moment, confirmed after the trend that the mechanical body has not recovered again, Mu You then walks, found a moment ago the thin slice of that voice, took up to inspect. 静待了片刻,确认机械体没有再次复原的趋向后,沐游这才走过去,找到刚才那枚发声的薄片,拿起检查了一下。 This thin slice whole is the bronze, the structure is quite simple, above portrays some gold metallurgy rune/symbol writing. 这薄片整体呈古铜色,结构相当简单,其上刻画着一些炼金符文。 Mu You does not understand the gold metallurgy study, but various fittings of long-term contact machine armor skin, some simple rune/symbol writing meanings can guess. 沐游不懂炼金学,但长期接触机甲皮肤的各种配件,一些简单的符文意思还是能猜出来的。 From rune/symbol writing, this should be only a pure sounding equipment, those words, should disseminate news before the robot a moment ago at the point of death, but because was destroyed the vocal cord by the Mu You brute force, the card small dish slightly, the syllable of storage will broadcast finally. 从符文来看,这应该只是一个单纯的发声装置,刚才那句话,应该是在机器人临死前播报的,但由于被沐游蛮力破坏了声带,卡碟了稍许,才将最后储存的音节播送出来。 Confirmed after this thing is harmless, Mu You relaxes, this has free time to recall content that disseminated news a moment ago. 确认这东西无害后,沐游松了口气,这才有空回想刚才播报的内容。 „Does reset write off quest...... the start spare machine production?” “重置抹杀任务……启动备用机生产?” Mu You is muttering, frowns, spare machine this word, making him associate to an a little fearful possibility: This thing, should not the mass production assembly line product? 沐游喃喃着,不由皱起眉头,‘备用机’这词,让他联想到了一种有点可怕的可能:这东西,该不会还是批量生产出来的流水线产品吧? The words saying, why only then did medicine picker meet this type of thing? 话说,为什么只有采药人遇到了这种东西? The difference of medicine picker and native, lies in he is Fool, but Fool were many went, before hadn't seen the information of this type of robot? 采药人和当地人的区别,在于他是愚者,可愚者多了去了,以前怎么从没见过这种机器人的情报? Again or, does the issue leave in the abyss? 再或者,问题出在深渊? This thing crawls from the abyss, but the abyss rank is too high, until now should not have the player to contact the abyss, medicine picker is very possible is first. 这东西是从深渊里爬出来的,而深渊等级太高,至今应该还没有玩家接触过深渊,采药人很可能是第一个。 Fool, the additional abyss, two conditions, causing the appearance of this thing......” Mu You to hesitate. 愚者,加深渊,两个条件,导致了这东西的出现么……”沐游沉吟。 „The gate time drew near.” At this time medicine picker reminded one. “门的时间快到了。”这时采药人提醒了一句。 Good, you first return to the abyss.” “好,你先回深渊吧。” Mu You nods, sending medicine picker to leave, walks to go forward, collected all components in sand completely, immediately puts down teleportation array, transmitted the long night city. 沐游点了点头,打发采药人离开,走上前,将沙子里的所有零件全部收集了起来,随即放下传送阵,传送去了永夜城。 In machine shop, Eugene before the gate anxious pacing, saw distant place Mu You comes, immediately an arrow step rushes over. 机械工厂里,尤金正在门前焦躁的踱步,一看到远处沐游现身,顿时一个箭步冲了过去。 You came finally, in a big hurry quickly, thing?” “你终于来了,快快快,东西呢?” What thing?” Mu You is somewhat strange. “什么东西?”沐游有些奇怪。 Core! In a big hurry, my these several factory is waiting for the energy operation!” Eugene is urging, eyes subconscious looks toward the Mu You two hands. “核心啊!快快,我这好几个厂子都等着能源开工呢!”尤金催促着,双眼已经下意识的往沐游两手中瞄去。 „, The core I must use some time.” Mu You said. Then he prepares that side the abyss to have a look at the situation, if runs into that mechanical man on the way again, needs to deal with machine armor skin. “哦,核心我还要用一段时间。”沐游说。接下来他准备去深渊那边看看情况,万一途中再遇到那种机械人,需要用机甲皮肤来应对。 Un? Also can use? With how long?” Eugene knits the brows. “嗯?还要用?用多久?”尤金皱眉。 „A week...... establishes provisionally.” Mu You thinks to say. “一个周吧……暂定。”沐游想了想说。 „A week? Also establishes provisionally?” Eugene immediately anxious jumped: You crack a joke, does you want to make the factory close down business for a week? My machine must rust!” “一个周?还暂定?”尤金顿时急的跳了起来:“你开什么玩笑,伱想让工厂停业一周?那我机器都要生锈了!” Where is so exaggerating.” Mu You smiles: Relax, a week later, had the new core, when the time comes some people will not snatch the energy with you.” “哪有那么夸张。”沐游笑了笑:“放心,一个周之后,就有新的核心了,到时候再也不会有人跟你抢能源。” Eugene hears word gawked very much: Takes seriously?” 尤金闻言很是愣了一下:“当真?” Really, I guaranteed.” “真的,我保证。” Mu You was saying drew it to enter the factory, before arriving at a tool table, pushes out the tool on table, cleaned up the desktop. 沐游说着拉它进了厂子,来到一张工具台前,将桌上的工具推了出去,将桌面清理出来一些。 Before then, you first helped me have a look at this thing......” saying that acquired mechanical man components of Mu You in desert, all stack on table. “在这之前,你先帮我看看这东西……”说完,沐游将沙漠里收集到的机械人零件,尽数堆放在了桌上。 Yeah my tool......” Eugene quickly overruns, catches the glassware that nearly falls falls. “哎我的工具……”尤金急忙冲过去,接住一件险些摔落的玻璃仪器。 Careful, very expensive/noble knows......” “小心点啊,很贵的知不知……” Eugene turn head just wants to complain two, finally has not waited saying that the eye on the thing by table was attracted firmly, cannot move to the line of sight again. 尤金回头刚想抱怨两句,结果还不等说完,眼睛就被桌上的东西牢牢吸引,再也移不开视线。 ping!” “呯!” The instrument in hand falls in the place, falls crushes. Eugene actually not detected, before arriving at the table quickly, takes out lens hurriedly, installs on the right eye, takes out the glove and tweezers, after dressing is completely neat, this careful picking together mechanical fragment, places under the light to examine. 手里的仪器掉落在地,摔得粉碎。尤金却毫无察觉,快步走到桌前,匆忙取出一个镜片,装在右眼上,又取出手套和镊子,全部穿戴齐整后,这才小心的夹起一块机械碎片,放在光下查看起来。 This...... this is impossible! How to have gold metallurgy rune/symbol writing of such high density...... also to have the shape of this gear, how can the embedment? Unreasonable......” “这……这不可能!怎么会有如此高密度的炼金符文……还有这齿轮的形状,怎么会嵌合的?没道理啊……” The exclamation that Eugene mouth continuously, more was looking the eye stares is bigger. 尤金嘴里不住的惊叹着,越看眼睛瞪的越大。 Mu You mumbled a while in side hear of it, hears most words, is this to, this is impossible, the alchemy rank that obviously this mechanical man contains, has far exceeded Eugene's cognition. 沐游在旁边听它嘟囔了一会儿,听到最多的词,就是‘这不对’,‘这不可能’,显然这机械人蕴含的炼金术等级,已经远远超出了尤金的认知。 What kind of, what can see?” Mu You asked the sound. “怎么样,能看出什么吗?”沐游问了声。 What a pity Eugene looks like one to discover the frantic scientist who now suddenly extraterrestrial science and technology is the same, entered the condition of intellectual curiosity bursting, simply does not have the time to pay attention to him. 可惜尤金现在就像是一个骤然发现外星科技的狂热科学家一样,进入了求知欲爆棚的状态,根本没时间理会他。 „, You studied slowly, have the result to inform me.” Mu You has not disturbed it again, left behind one then hastily to leave the factory. “咳,你慢慢研究,有结果了通知我。”沐游没再打扰它,留下一句便匆匆离开了工厂。 After ten minutes, the Mu You card through the gate, was returning to Earth. 十分钟后,沐游卡着点通过门,回到了地球。 After gate closed, the Mu You door receives, quickly re-entered the game. 待门闭合之后,沐游将门收好,急忙重新进入了游戏。 In a dizziness feeling, you appear in jungle, looks up, under mountain top that front fog winds around, a side giant sinkhole comes clearly into view......】 【一阵眩晕感中,你出现在一片密林之中,抬头看去,前方云雾缭绕的山头之下,一方巨大的天坑赫然在目……】 You arrived at ‚the Lochmaddy big abyss!】 【你来到了‘洛赫马迪大深渊’!】 Before left the abyss time, Mu You kept teleportation array in the , at this moment let the character direct transmission. 之前离开深渊的时候,沐游在附近留了一个传送阵,此刻让人物直接传送了过来。 You arrive at the edge of the abyss, medicine picker have waited for in this.】 【你走到深渊边缘,采药人已经在此等待。】 【The abyss surface fog winds around, just like the scene visionally, these fog are not the ordinary moisture congealment, but from the abyss ascends but gloomy and cold aura. They tumble to sway from side to side, seems telling some ancient terrifying legend......】 【深渊表面云雾缭绕,犹如梦幻般的景象,这些云雾并非普通的湿气凝结而成,而是从深渊底部升腾而起的阴冷气息。它们翻滚扭动着,仿佛在诉说着某种古老的恐怖传说……】 You under the leadership of medicine picker, arrived at the opening of edge of the abyss.】 【你在采药人的带领下,来到了深渊边缘的一处豁口。】 【Before this side dentate gap, had been placed several rows of rope ladders by the predecessor with the reliable rope, has submerged in the cloud layer toward below, on the rope covers entirely the innumerable explorers had climbed up the trace.】 【这方齿状缺口前,已经被前人用牢固的绳索安置好了数排绳梯,朝下一直没入云层之内,绳索上布满了无数探险家攀爬过的痕迹。】 Immediately along ladder under?】 【是否立即顺梯而下?】 Yes.” Mu You this is explores the abyss, he prepares the abyss lowest level, has a look at the Taurus situation, looks for the origin of that mechanical man while convenient. “是。”沐游这趟就是来探索深渊的,他准备去深渊最底层,看看金牛的情况,顺便找找那机械人的来源。 medicine picker takes out safety rope, ties up a rope end in waist, another end throws to abyss, later puts out a specially-made clasp from backpack, makes an effort to hook on to the rope ladder knot of edge of the abyss to buckle......】 采药人取出安全绳,将绳索一端绑在腰间,另一端扔向深渊,随后从背包中拿出一个特制的钩子,用力钩住深渊边缘的绳梯结扣……】 medicine picker starts to slide along rope uniform speed, you follow......】 采药人开始沿着绳索匀速下滑,你紧随其后……】 „Can't abyss fly?” After letting the character embarks, Mu You through the team channel asks medicine picker. “深渊不能飞行?”让人物出发后,沐游通过队伍频道问采药人 He the first time is came the abyss, but medicine picker had explored for several days here, should find out the rule. 他是第一次来深渊,而采药人已经在这边探索了几天,应该已经摸清楚了规则。 Can fly, but cannot the quick-lift or fast falls.” medicine picker said. “可以飞,不过不能速升或速降。”采药人说。 What do you mean?” “什么意思?” Demonstrated to know.” medicine picker said that did not have the sound. “演示一下就知道了。”采药人说完没了动静。 Mu You watches the game. 沐游看回游戏。 You noticed that medicine picker picked up a passing by woodchuck from cliff, lost conveniently to behind boundless abyss......】 【你看到采药人从崖边捡起一只路过的山鼠,随手丢向身后的无边深渊……】 Woodchuck was lost suddenly, panic-stricken squeak squeak randomly calls, in in the air crazy struggling, actually does not help matters, can only freely falling body given gravity, speed be getting quicker and quicker......】 【山鼠骤然被丢出,惊恐的吱吱乱叫,在空中疯狂的挣扎,却无济于事,只能在重力的牵引下自由落体,速度越来越快……】 !” After the woodchuck loses for more than ten seconds, you noticed that crashes the woodchuck to blast open suddenly, explodes one group of blood fog, scattered in the fog......】 【“!”在山鼠丢出十多秒之后,你看到坠落中的山鼠忽然炸裂开来,爆裂成一团血雾,飘散在了云雾中……】 In big abyss is covering an unusual force field, like the sea water, in the different levels, will exert the different hydraulic pressure. Once this force field were diluted or strengthened fast, will cause force field embolism, finally is such that you saw a moment ago, the lifeform flesh will explode directly!” “大深渊中覆盖着一种奇特的力场,就像海水一样,在不同的层次,会给人施加不同的水压。而一旦这种力场被快速稀释或者增强,都会导致‘力场栓塞’,结果就是你刚才看到的那样,生物血肉会直接爆开!” In addition, in the abyss is the independent space, is unable to arrange teleportation array, is unable to turn on the backpack, here died, can only resurrect same place, this means that once died in the crash process, will then be keeping exploding the body to perish same place, until the life span exhausts......” “此外,深渊中是独立空间,无法布置传送阵,也无法打开背包,在这里死亡,只能在原地复活,这意味着一旦在坠落过程中死亡,便会在原地不停地爆体而亡,直至寿命耗尽……” Therefore can fly in the abyss, but can only conduct the float horizontal flight, flight magical beast that or the slow rise or the whereabouts, in addition in the mist hide are many, crisis-ridden, calmness and steadiness that the flight instead might as well climb up.” medicine picker answered. “因此在深渊中可以飞行,但是只能进行悬浮平飞,或者缓慢的上升或下落,再加上雾气中隐藏的飞行魔兽不少,危机四伏,飞行反而不如攀爬来的安稳。”采药人解释道。 Field of force......” “力场啊……” Mu You nods, follows close on is remembering anything, controls the character to throw a stone in the game. 沐游点了点头,紧跟着又想起什么,在游戏中操控人物丢出一块石头。 You throw a stone to below boundless abyss.】 【你将一块石头丢向下方的无边深渊。】 Stone freely falling body, crashed quickly below cloud layer, vanished does not see......】 【石头自由落体,很快坠落进了下方云层之中,消失不见……】 Therefore this force field will only become effective to the flesh lifeform?” Mu You asked. “所以这种力场只会对血肉生物生效?”沐游问。 At present it seems like, yes.” “目前看来,是的。” That said......” “那岂不是说……” This is also the reason that I make you come personally......” “这也是我让你亲自过来的原因……” „...... Mu You shouted the tone so that's how it is, finally understands. “原来如此……”沐游呼了口气,终于明白过来。 Only to the words that the flesh becomes effective, in other words, his machine armor skin can here the normal act. 只对血肉生效的话,也就是说,他的机甲皮肤在这里可以正常行动。 Existence of machine armor skin, making him have the enormous superiority that others are hard to compare in the abyss, is explored the abyss by him, indeed compared with many of medicine picker efficiency. 机甲皮肤的存在,让他在深渊拥有旁人难以比拟的巨大优势,由他来探索深渊,的确要比采药人效率的多。 You slide along the rope ladder, descended quickly below 500 meters.】 【你沿绳梯一路下滑,很快降落到了500米以下。】 You felt that whole body gravity increases suddenly, as if not visible hands, are attempting to pull to abyss you......】 【你感觉到浑身重力骤增,似乎有一只看不见的手,正在尝试将你向深渊中拉扯……】 Mu You looks stares: „Does gravity have the issue?” 沐游看得一愣:“重力也有问题?” Yes, because of the influence of force field, here gravity divides according to the distance, every 500 meters is a scale, the gravity multiple that more downward, needs to withstand is higher.” “是的,因为力场的影响,这里的重力按照距离划分,每隔500米为一个档次,越往下,需要承受的重力倍数越高。” medicine picker explained: „When this is also why, no one can survey bottom of abyss reason —— everyone to drop to the limit gravity level that oneself may withstand until now, must return, will otherwise be swallowed by the abyss, the opportunity of forever not having crawled.” 采药人解释道:“这也是为什么,至今没有人能探测到深渊之底的原因——所有人下降到自己可承受的极限重力层次时,就必须返回,否则就会被深渊吞噬,永远没有爬上来的机会。” This......” Mu You wrinkled under the eyebrow. “这样……”沐游皱了下眉。 Indeed, downward the gravity is stronger, means that once to limit distance, but must continue downward, will then be fettered by the gravity, is unable to work loose again. 的确,越往下重力越强,就意味着一旦到了极限距离,还要继续往下的话,便会被重力束缚,再也无法挣脱。 But this limit distance, is different regarding everyone, the gravity that a more powerful lifeform, can resist is stronger, then can explore deeply. 而这个‘极限距离’,对于每个人都不一样,越强大的生物,可以抵抗的重力越强,便可以探索的更深一些。 But again how powerful lifeform, certainly withstands the limit, once exceeds this limit, then can only downward, unable to be upward, until by dire straits in the bottom of abyss. 但再怎么强大的生物,也一定有一个承受极限,一旦超过这个极限,便只能往下,无法向上,直到被困死在深渊之底。 However, this is only aims at the flesh lifeform...... 不过,这只是针对血肉生物而言…… Mu You attempted to switch over getting off an aircraft armor skin immediately. 沐游当即尝试切换了一下机甲皮肤。 You switch over for the machine armor skin, hangs vanishes in that gravity of your body week suddenly.】 【你切换为机甲皮肤,挂在你身周的那股重力骤然消失。】 Really! 果然! Mu You relaxes. Even the gravity effect can disregard, this machine armor skin to explore the abyss simply lives! 沐游松了口气。连重力影响都可以无视,这机甲皮肤简直是为探索深渊而生的! You and medicine picker descend a side platform in 500 meters deep place.】 【你和采药人降落在500米深处的一方平台。】 You look up, front region suddenly sees the light, becomes a space......】 【你抬头看去,前方区域豁然开朗,自成一片空间……】 This abyss cave entrance, only then two kilometers diameter, but the interior is not so just small, on the contrary, the under range of abyss expanded ten times to continue, each became a space, inside had the mountains lake, there is a birds fish insect...... in brief, every 500 to 1000 meters, will present an underground world, but jumped over layer downward, the lifeform strength of survival was stronger, the gravity that needs to withstand was also higher.” “这深渊洞口只有两千米直径,但内部并不是只有这么小,相反,深渊的底下范围扩张了十倍不止,每一层都自成一片空间,里面有山川湖泊,也有鸟兽鱼虫……简而言之,每隔500到1000米,都会出现一层地下世界,而越往下的层数,生存的生物实力越强,需要承受的重力也越高。” It is said at present highest layer that has verified, is seventh, is the underground about seven kilometers position, seemed to have broken through the human limit again downward, person not coming back of getting down...... !” “据说目前最高的已探明的层数,是第七层,也就是地下七千米左右的位置,再往下似乎已经突破了人类极限,下去的人没有一个回来的……唔!” medicine picker told only half, suddenly frowns. 采药人说到一半,忽然皱起眉头。 Another side, Mu You has also discovered the difference. 另一边,沐游也已经发现了异样。 You just landed on a platform, is wanting to explore toward the deep place, suddenly hears behind under the cliff, resounds together the familiar mechanical sound: Discovery goal!” 【你刚降落在一层平台,正欲朝深处探索,忽然听闻身后悬崖下,响起一道熟悉的机械音:“发现目标!”】 You turn the head suddenly, before seeing the rear cliff, a mechanical arm finds out from cliff, grasped firmly in the edge of the cliff, immediately climbed up on, revealed mechanical head and body......】 【你猛然转头,就见后方悬崖前,一只机械手臂从崖下探出,牢牢抓在了悬崖边缘,随即攀爬而上,露出机械的头颅和身躯……】 【A mechanical man appears in you and in front of medicine picker, before figure appearance , the mechanical man who encounters is almost identical.】 【一只机械人出现在你和采药人面前,身形外貌和之前遭遇的机械人几乎雷同。】 You use Omniscient Crystal, observed some attributes of mechanical man.】 【你用全知水晶,观测到了机械人的部分属性。】 Extermination TK-105: An unknown mechanical body intelligent unit, strength 99, Agility 186, the intelligence analysis failure, the Physique analysis failure, defends 305-6250, life value analysis failure......】 【灭绝者TK-105:一种未知的机械体智慧单位,力量99,敏捷186,智力解析失败,体质解析失败,防御305-6250,生命值解析失败……】 At the same time , the mechanical form rises with a spring from the cliff together, fell above the platform.】 【与此同时,又一道机械身影从山崖下一跃而起,落到了平台之上。】 This time mechanical man stature tall robust, looks at figure look slightly, unexpectedly with you somewhat similar......】 【这次的机械人身材略为高壮,看身形相貌,竟和你有几分相似……】 „......” “……” Mu You looks under the heart to sink. 沐游看得心下一沉。 He had guessed before, can these mechanical men be the mass production, gets rid of one also to have other walking, now really fulfills. 他之前就猜测过,这些机械人会不会是批量生产的,干掉一具还会有别的找上门来,现在果然应验了。 Moreover, mechanical man who this time comes obviously compared with previous a scale! 而且,这次来的机械人明显比上一个强了一个档次! In other words, at present these mechanical men, are not the strength limits of mechanical man, even if gets rid of them now here, should still present one quickly again newly . Moreover the strength one by one will be stronger, until successful removes them! 也就是说,眼前这些机械人,还不是机械人的实力极限,就算现在在这里干掉它们,也会很快再出现一具新的,而且实力会一次比一次更强,直到成功将他们除掉! Confirmation goal: KT-54054608 ( VA-00150546 ) th, crime: Is born the unique conventional exploration heart, the order disrupts...... the performance order: The elimination...... peaceful...... writes off!” 【“确认目标:KT-54054608(VA-00150546)号,罪行:诞生超脱常规的探索心,秩序扰乱……执行命令:清除……安乐……抹杀!”】 In two mechanical population is broadcasting the voice with one voice, immediately respectively kills toward you and medicine picker.】 【两具机械人口中异口同声的播放着语音,随即分别朝你和采药人杀来。】 How to process?” medicine picker sends in the news. “怎么处理?”采药人发来消息。 Does not have the means that first seal gets up.” Helpless Mu You said. “没办法,先封印起来吧。”沐游无奈道。 This ghost thing cannot kill, only if directs the deflation valley them again, before repeating the process, may strike to kill. 这鬼东西是打不死的,除非再将它们引去风蚀谷,重复一遍之前的过程,才有可能击杀。 However light/only kills also uselessly, did not find the source, this thing will still appear continuously, moreover is one by one stronger, sooner or later meets level up to the degree that they cannot be victorious, might as well closes from the beginning. 然而光杀死也没用,不找到源头,这东西依然会源源不断的出现,而且一次比一次更强,迟早会升级到他们打不过的程度,还不如一开始就关起来。 You and medicine picker leave to retrocede, directs in two mechanical men the rear narrow terrain......】 【你和采药人抽身后退,将两只机械人引到后方一处狭窄的地形中……】 Breaks in the canyon in two mechanical men the gap, you switch over for god's skin immediately, a fist pounds.】 【在两只机械人冲入峡谷的间隙,你立即切换为神之皮肤,一拳砸出。】 Two mechanical men evade not to be possible to evade, was hit by upfront, decomposition does not resemble human form......】 【两只机械人避无可避,被正面命中,裂解的不似人形……】 Mechanical man of decomposition starts to heal fast......】 【裂解的机械人开始快速愈合……】 One group of shadows appear under two mechanical people, opens huge mouth, before the opposite party completes healing, dragged into both shadow forcefully......】 【一团黑影出现在两具机械人身下,张开巨口,在对方完成愈合之前,将两者强行拉入了影子中……】 Mu You rejoiced very much they have the shadow wool ball available, otherwise here takes these mechanical men really not to have the slight means that can only never stand was still chased down by this thing. 沐游很是庆幸他们有影绒球可用,不然这里拿这些机械人还真是没有丝毫办法,只能永不停歇的被这东西追杀。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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