TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#554: Deflation valley

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Chapter 554 deflation valley 第554章风蚀谷 In open area outside somewhere abyss, the god of huge empty shadow of order stands gorgeously. 深渊之外的某处空地上,秩序之神巨大的虚影巍然站立。 But in the opposite of giant, the short mechanical man is maintaining the stance of wrestle, time after time initiates the charge toward the giant, contrast between both just like attacking somebody stronger than oneself. 而在巨人的对面,身材矮小的机械人保持着格斗的架势,一次次的朝巨人发起冲锋,两者之间的对比宛如鸡蛋碰石头。 Although the mechanical man build is small, the excess of movement actually Agility, besides the Agility value of foundation, its whole body joint seems equipped with the part that instantaneous accelerates, this makes it the speed in front of the god skin not drop the wind, even can also be slightly better. 虽然机械人体型小,动作却敏捷的过分,除了基础的敏捷值外,它的全身关节似乎都配备有瞬间加速的部件,这使得它在神皮面前速度丝毫不落下风,甚至还能稍胜一筹。 In addition, in the mouth neutralization arm of mechanical man can stimulate an attack of similar laser cannon, the might to be as good as the Cannon! 此外,机械人的口中和手臂中可以激发一种类似激光炮的攻击,威力不亚于加农炮! Must know machine the Cannon on armor skin, but the orange part, then can see from this, the disposition of this mechanical man had the multi- high ends. 要知道机甲皮肤上的加农炮可是橙色部件,由此便可以看出,这机械人的配置有多高端了。 Mu You fixes the eyes on the mechanical man who is flying, seizes the time, pounds toward a way fist that the opposite party flies. 沐游紧盯着飞来的机械人,看准时机,朝对方飞行的路径一拳砸出。 Immediately after when the opposite party dodges, immediately changed the direction of attack, tries to attack the mechanical man with the knee. 随即待对方闪躲过后,立即改变了攻击方向,试图用膝盖攻击机械人。 The mechanical man easily make way, circled the back of backward god skin to launch the attack again directly. 机械人再次轻易地闪开,直接绕后向神皮的背部发动了攻击。 Bang!” “轰!” The turbulent energy artillery spouts from the mouth of mechanical man, direct hit behind god skin, although cannot break open the defense of god skin, but also made god skin Xuying present the burned black trace. 汹涌的能量炮自机械人的口中喷出,直接命中了神皮背后,虽然没能破开神皮的防御,但也使神皮虚影出现了焦黑的痕迹。 Back defensive power judged that...... is unable to judge, goes beyond the attack range , to continue to replace the attack spot......” “背部防御力判断……无法判断,超出攻击范围,继续更换攻击部位……” In the mechanical population is still disseminating news the electronic sound, simultaneously flickers the body to flash again, when comes again, has placed the giant top of the head. 机械人口中还在播报着电子音,同时一个瞬身再次闪走,等再现身时,已经身处巨人头顶。 The turbulent energy condenses from its mouth again, but this time, under giant like having foresight general, first step puts out a hand, in instance that the mechanical man comes, then held its foot bare, immediately under falling ruthlessly. 汹涌的能量再次从它口中凝聚,不过这次,下方巨人就像未卜先知一般,先一步伸手,在机械人现身的瞬间,便一把抓住了它的脚裸,随即狠狠的摔下。 Bang!” “轰!” Compared with a former fiercer bellow , the mechanical man was pressed dead in the soil layer, shatter horrible to look. 比之前更剧烈的轰鸣声中,机械人被按死在土层之中,破碎的惨不忍睹。 However, Mu You just received the hand, the mechanical man who short less than a half second of time, almost falls the fragment, then recovers again such as beginning, jumps out from the pit, put on the wrestle stance. 然而,沐游刚刚收手,短短半秒不到的功夫,几乎摔成碎片的机械人,便再次复原如初,从坑中跳出,重新摆好了格斗架势。 Mu You knits the brows, was the speed that this fellow restores quicker and quicker? 沐游不由皱眉,这家伙恢复的速度是不是越来越快了? Just thinking, mechanical man already again vividly to/clashes, but in several moves, then once again by god skin Paibian in place. 正想着,机械人已经再次生龙活虎的冲来,不过没过几招,便又一次被神皮拍扁在地。 However the mechanical man looks like cockroach who cannot kill to be common, unceasing disruption , the unceasing restoration, like a moth to the flame launches the suicide attack time and time again. 然而机械人就像是打不死的小强一般,不断的碎裂,又不断的复原,一次一次飞蛾扑火般发动自杀式攻击。 This way is not good......” “这样下去不行啊……” Once again pounds after the mechanical man flies, the Mu You control god skin retrocedes, suspended the attack. 又一次将机械人砸飞后,沐游控制神皮后退,暂停了攻击。 Do not find by inspection in the surface he as if to have completely the advantage, the opposite party can only suffer extreme distress in him unceasingly, simply has not injured to his opportunity. 别看明面上他似乎占尽优势,对方只能不断在他手下死去活来,根本没有伤到他的机会。 However, the god skin has the time limit, sooner or later will vanish, but the blood strip of opposite party actually cannot see the end probably forever. 然而,神皮可是有时限的,迟早会消失,而对方的血条却好像永远看不到尽头。 By the opposite party with such trading life fighting method unceasing wears down, finally first cannot support definitely is he. 被对方用这样的换命式打法不断的消磨下去,最终先撑不住的肯定是他。 In addition, he and medicine picker within the body mana of almost empty, mana backlashes the dizziness feeling of bringing, continuously is affecting two people condition. 此外,他和采药人体内的魔力几乎清空,魔力反噬带来的眩晕感,也在不断影响着两人的状态。 This mechanical man from appearing starts, then is absorbing mana in their within the body and crystal fast, the speed that their mana supplements, cannot keep up with the speed of passing completely, therefore commencing of action a half minute, two people then entered two mana entire spatial conditions, maintains now. 这机械人从出现开始,便在快速吸收着他们体内和结晶内的魔力,他们魔力补充的速度,完全赶不上流逝的速度,于是战斗开始半分钟,两人便进入了两种魔力全空的状态,一直保持到现在。 Even this thing can resurrect infinitely, but restores it always to need the energy, but the energy was always impossible to produce...... medicine picker baseless at this time the spooky opens the mouth. “就算这东西可以无限复活,但修复它总需要能量,而能量总不可能凭空产生……”采药人这时幽幽开口。 You said, lets the energy of its infinite resurrecting, mana that absorbs from the environment?” Mu You asked. “你是说,让它无限复活的能量,就是从周围环境中吸取的魔力?”沐游问。 In addition, I cannot find out other explanations.” medicine picker said. “除此之外,我想不出其他解释。”采药人说。 The body of opposite party is so big, if the energy is provided by some part of opposite party within the body, that like dry cell battery, sooner or later useful moment completely. 对方的身体就那么大,如果说能量由对方体内的某个部件提供,那就像干电池一样,迟早会有用尽的一刻。 But now opposite party energy inexhaustible inexhaustible stance, obviously was the external connection live wire, can unceasingly from the ingestion energy. 而现在对方这能量取之不尽用之不竭的架势,明显是外接了‘充电线’,可以不断从外界摄取能量。 Then wants to get rid of this thing, first shut off its energy......” “那么想要干掉这东西,就得首先切断它的能源了……” Mu You is hesitating, this means, they must first find one absolutely not to have the mana place to take the battlefield, may prevent the opposite party to resurrect. 沐游沉吟着,这就意味着,他们得先找到一个完全没有魔力的地方作为战场,才有可能阻止对方复活。 However, the Astral Spirit Realm itself/Ben is because mana is born, but the separation of one wall Earth, has also been contaminated by mana now. 然而,星灵界本就是因为魔力才诞生的,而一墙之隔的地球,如今也已经被魔力浸染。 mana is not a gas, but is not a obvious energy, seizes every opportunity, theoretically these two world, are impossible to exist absolutely does not have the mana region. 魔力并不是气体,而是一种不可见的能量,无孔不入,理论上这两个世界,都不可能存在完全没有魔力的区域。 Truly what had not been contaminated by mana is the giant world, however that place is actually not the Astral Spirit Realm lifeform wants to go to go, even if they have this heart, is unable non- Fool lifeform taking away god. 真正还没有被魔力浸染的是巨人世界,然而那地方却不是星灵界生物想去就能去的,就算他们有这个心,也根本无法将非愚者的生物带去神界。 Therefore this issue became the fast knot. 于是这问题就成了死结。 Perhaps, the place can......” medicine picker open the mouth at this time suddenly. “或许,有一个地方可以……”采药人这时忽然开口。 Where?” The mechanical man who a Mu You fist will flush strikes to fly again, finds time to ask. “哪里?”沐游一拳将冲来的机械人再次击飞,抽空问道。 Desert......” “沙漠……” „? You refer to......” “哦?你是指……” Two people memories exchanged, after a medicine picker such reminder, Mu You also responded immediately. 两人的记忆本就互通,经采药人这么一提醒,沐游也立即反应过来。 Before he went to the desert to make quest the time, once the way passed through named ‚a deflation valley region. 之前他去沙漠做任务的时候,曾经途经过一个名叫‘风蚀谷’的区域。 Because this region places the desert center, in addition the unique maneuver structure, was covered by the strong winds year to year, the wind element was very rich, said that was the entire Astral Spirit Realm wind element most abundant place is not overrated. 这片区域因为身处沙漠腹地,再加上独特的回旋型结构,常年被狂风覆盖,风元素无比浓郁,说是整个星灵界风元素最充沛的地方也不为过。 Also because the wind element is excessively active, instead extruded the spaces of other magic elements, causes in this region, does not have other magic element, is unable to release any magic excluding Wind Discipline, but the Wind Discipline magic might will obtain large enhancement. 也正是因为风元素过度活跃,反而挤压了其他魔法元素的空间,导致在这片区域内,根本不存在别的魔法元素,无法释放除风系以外的任何魔法,而风系魔法的威力则会得到大幅加强。 Two people think of this place, because of existence of Qilin arm. 两人之所以想到这个地方,是因为麒麟臂的存在。 Is just the opposite with the characteristics of deflation valley, the Qilin arm has to absorb in the environment the ability of Wind Discipline element, before for example, when the dark hole, the Qilin arm then suction the Wind Discipline element in entire dark hole, causing all Wind Discipline magic unable to use in the dark hole, but outside Wind Discipline can normal. 和风蚀谷的特点恰恰相反,麒麟臂拥有吸收周围环境中风系元素的能力,比如之前在暗窟的时候,麒麟臂便吸走了整个暗窟中的风系元素,导致所有风系魔法都无法在暗窟中使用,而风系以外则都可以正常施法。 If then, the wind Qilin arm, places only has in the deflation valley of wind element, what will have? 那么,如果将风麒麟臂,放在仅有风元素的风蚀谷中,会发生什么? A wind element, only absorbs the wind element, both's effect union, whether can create a stretch of temporary mana no war zone? 一个只有风元素,一个只吸收风元素,两者的效果结合,是否能创造出一片暂时的魔力真空地带? Tries.” Mu You said, at present does not have a better way, cannot continuously by this thing endless entanglement. “去试试吧。”沐游说,眼下也没有更好的办法,总不能一直被这东西没完没了的纠缠。 Good.” “好。” medicine picker nods, puts out a hand to the ground, summoned the shadow wool ball. 采药人点了点头,伸手向地面,召唤出了影绒球。 Mu You is coordinating the proactive attack, spent several moves of times, again mechanical man according to dying in place. 沐游则配合着主动进攻,花了几招的功夫,再次将机械人按死在地里。 Just like before, the attack just ended, the mechanical man broken body of started the restoration immediately. 和之前一样,攻击刚刚结束,机械人残破的身躯立即开始了复原。 However this time, the shadow wool ball under hint of medicine picker, had hidden in the point of descent shadow ahead of time, this moment Mu You just received the hand, it opens the mouth immediately, changes into together black light of creeping motion, pesters on the mechanical man, until its complete coverage, then in the retracting ground, blocked among the mechanical man the shades. 不过这次,影绒球早已在采药人的示意下,提前在落点下方的阴影中躲藏了起来,此刻沐游刚一收手,它立即张开嘴巴,化为一道蠕动的黑光,纠缠在机械人身上,直到将其完全覆盖,便缩回地面中,将机械人封锁进了影之间。 Walks!” “走!” Takes back the mechanical man, Mu You brings medicine picker immediately, transmitted the desert, drove the landing ship to rush to the deflation valley. 将机械人重新收回,沐游当即带着采药人,传送去了沙漠,开着陆船火速赶往了风蚀谷。 Is good is away from teleportation array to be not far because of the deflation valley, less than one hour, two people then rushed to the place. 好在风蚀谷距离传送阵不算远,一个小时不到,两人便赶到了地方。 Presents in them at present, is broad desert valley land, the surroundings are building the dense and numerous sand dunes, the probably natural barrier, isolates the deflation valley and outside world. 呈现在他们眼前的,是一片宽阔的沙漠谷地,周围堆砌着密密麻麻的沙丘,像是天然的屏障,将风蚀谷与外界隔绝。 These sand dunes present the different shapes and sizes, some probably huge vortex, some probably endless wave, is actually changing the shape under tearing of strong winds unceasingly, looks quite strange. 这些沙丘呈现出不同的形状和大小,有的像是巨大的旋涡,有的像是无尽的波浪,却都在狂风的撕扯下不断改变着形状,看起来相当怪异。 The strong winds wreak havoc in the valley land, curl up the sand dust, forms bunch of giant sand storm, circles in the valley land, dashing, exudes the resounding bellow, entire mountain valley just like a flying into a rage wild animal. 狂风在谷地中肆虐,卷起沙尘,形成一团团巨大的沙尘暴,在谷地中盘旋,冲撞,发出响亮的轰鸣声,整座山谷宛如一只正在暴跳如雷的野兽。 Two people are braving the strong winds, stands firm in the valley. 两人顶着狂风,在谷中站定。 Mu You first summoned the Qilin arm of right hand. 沐游首先召唤出了右手的麒麟臂。 Just appeared along with the empty shadow of beast arm, the surrounding wind speed plummets immediately, until tending stops. 伴随着兽臂的虚影刚一浮现,周围的风速顿时骤降,直到趋于停止。 Mu You turns the head to look, in the scopes of all around several hundred meters surrounding areas, as if opened a barrier, in the mountain valley of sandstorm everywhere, formed a stretch of rare tranquil region. 沐游转头看去,四周数百米方圆的范围内,仿佛张开了一面屏障,在风沙漫天的山谷中,形成了一片罕见的平静地带。 The surrounding sandstorm blows, all like seeing some type of terrifying thing, detours to go far away in abundance, no strong winds can invade the nearby of Qilin arm. 周围的沙暴吹来,全都像见了某种恐怖的东西一样,纷纷绕路远去,没有一丝狂风能入侵到麒麟臂的附近。 Probably possible!” “好像有戏!” Mu You looks at both hands, he clear feeling, mana in within the body has been passing in the slow nature, this is similar the gas to expose in the vacuum is drained instantaneously is the same, because in the surrounding environment mana is thin, will cause mana of his within the body to start to emit spontaneously outward. 沐游看着双手,他已经清晰的感觉到,体内的魔力正在缓慢的自然流逝,这就类似气体暴露在真空中会被瞬间抽干一样,正是因为周围的环境中魔力过于稀薄,才会导致他体内的魔力开始自发向外散溢。 Two people do not have to put anxiously the mechanical man, but continued to wait for the moment. 两人没急着将机械人放出来,而是继续等待了片刻。 After almost, this that mana of respective within the body passes exhibits the stance, completed the combat readiness. 一直到各自体内的魔力都流逝的差不多之后,这才摆开架势,做好了战斗准备。 On the sand, the shadow wool ball of hedgehog shape appears again, wriggles to the location center, opened the mouth. 沙地上,刺猬状的影绒球再次浮现,蠕动到场地中央,张开了嘴巴。 The mechanical men see the exit|to speak, jumps out rapidly, falls on the sand, adopts the wrestle stance, while turns the head to scan rapidly. 机械人一看到出口,迅速跳出,落在沙地上,一边摆出格斗姿态,一边迅速转头扫描。 Examining to be environment unfriendly, sentences for trap in advance ‚’, the start self-preservation procedure/program, the order is: Temporarily retreats......” in mechanical population to broadcast the electronic sound. “检测到环境不利,预判为‘陷阱’,启动自保程序,命令为:暂时撤退……”机械人口中播放着电子音。 This thing compared with imagination in intelligent some. 这东西比想象中更智能一些。 However, two people spent such big time, ran over ten thousand li (0.5 km) to shift here it, how possibly readily to make it escape? 不过,两人花了这么大功夫,跑了上万里将它转移到这里,怎么可能轻易让它逃掉? The escaping direction that in two people converging attack, the mechanical man chooses naturally is medicine picker. 两人的夹击中,机械人选择的逃跑方向自然是采药人 But one that medicine picker does not dread step lightens, the interception in the mechanical man front, came to clash with serious machine armor directly one time. 采药人也毫不畏惧的一步闪出,径直拦截在机械人前方,与沉重的机甲来了一次对撞。 Although one second was repelled, but this simple dragging is enough, rear Mu You kills rapidly, then switch over machine armor skin in the halfway. 虽然一秒就被击退,但这简单的拖延已经足够,后方沐游飞速杀来,在半路便切换了机甲皮肤。 The gods tare in the defense and positional warfare, at this time this impediment opposite party escapes for first fight, was inferior flexibility that on the contrary machine armor skin comes. 神皮重在防御和阵地战,此时这种阻止对方逃跑为先的战斗中,反倒不如机甲皮肤来的灵活。 dá dá......” “哒哒哒……” What in the barrel first makes is one skewer floats the blank, all under locking the effect of circuit accurate hit. 枪管中首先打出的是一串浮空弹,全都在锁定回路的效果下准确命中。 The mechanical men were shelled the ghost livestock condition same place, just like card small dish, but depends on the arbitrary defense outer covering, blocked forcefully floated the spatial effect, when the sound of gunfire stopped then continues to escape in low spirits. 机械人在原地被轰击成了鬼畜状态,宛如卡碟,但还是靠着蛮横的防御外壳,强行阻断了浮空效果,待枪声一停便继续闷头逃跑。 However it just now treads one step, the under foot is an grenade rumble rolls. 不过它才刚踏出一步,脚下便是一颗手雷咕噜噜的滚来。 Buzz......” “嗡……” Repels in the demolition air wave of grenade, ran dozens meters mechanical man by the accurate bang the location center. 排斥手雷的爆破气浪中,跑出数十米的机械人被准确的轰回了场地中央。 Mu You has waited here, when the mechanical man falls to the ground, immediately switch over the wrestle circuit, starts near body combat. 沐游已经等候在此,待机械人一落地,立即切换了格斗回路,开始近身作战。 Nearby medicine picker also often close to harassing, did not seek killing, only strove for disturbing the opposite party. 旁边采药人也不时的靠近骚扰一下,不求杀伤,只求干扰对方。 Under the diversion of medicine picker, Mu You snatched the empty space quickly, switch over the giant skin rapidly, a fist pounded down. 采药人的牵制下,沐游很快抢出了空当,迅速切换回巨人皮肤,一拳砸下。 Bang!” “轰!” Before the innumerable smashed scenes, the mechanical man decomposed once again the fragment under giant's fist. 如同之前无数次被砸烂的场景,机械人又一次在巨人之拳下裂解成了碎块。 This time ought to end......” “这次总该结束了吧……” Mu You takes back the fist, quickly looked that to big hole that the ground pounds. Nearby medicine picker also arrives at confirmation. 沐游收回拳头,急忙看向地上砸出的大坑。一旁采药人也走到近前确认情况。 However two people complexion then sank quickly. 然而两人脸色很快便沉了下来。 Because, pothole the mechanical body of inadequate human form, started the healing unexpectedly once again! 因为,坑洞中的不成人形的机械体,居然又一次开始了愈合! How possibly? Isn't mana that helps it restore?” Mu You knits the brows. Now has been in the mana vacuum in the environment, normally has been able completely to remove the influence of mana, finally unexpectedly can also resurrect, this made Mu You obscure, other energy in unseemly behavior? “怎么可能?难道帮助它恢复的不是魔力?”沐游皱眉。现在已经处于魔力真空的环境中,按说已经能完全排除掉魔力的影响,结果居然还能复活,这就让沐游费解了,难道还有别的能量在作怪? No, restored the speed to slow down!” medicine picker opens the mouth suddenly. “不,恢复速度变慢了!”采药人忽然开口。 Mu You carefully looked, discovered immediately, although the body of this moment mechanical man also in visible restoration, but compares before the speed of almost second of resurrecting, differed tiny bit incessantly. 沐游仔细一看,也是立即发现,此刻机械人的躯体虽然也在肉眼可见的复原,但和之前几乎秒复活的速度比起来,相差的不止一点半点。 This at least showed, resurrecting of opposite party indeed and mana cannot withdraw the relations. 这至少证明,对方的复活的确和魔力脱不开关系。 Since the condition of mana vacuum, the opposite party can also continue to resurrect, that can only explain, the opposite party within the body also has other mana origins! Moreover likely like the dense/woods spirit core, contains the terrifying energy, can support such big consumption. 而既然在魔力真空的状态下,对方还能继续复活,那就只能说明,对方体内还有其他的魔力来源!而且很可能像森灵核心一样,蕴含着恐怖的能量,才能支撑这么大的消耗。 Thinks of here, Mu You raises the giant fist immediately, a fist pounds down, tiny bits that the mechanical man who will soon reactivate pounds again. 想到这里,沐游当即举起巨人拳头,一拳砸下,将即将复活的机械人再次砸的稀碎。 Execution annihilates the order......” in big hole, the spot of mechanical body mouth makes some sounds of distortion. “执行歼灭命令……”大坑中,机械体口腔的部位发出有些变形的声音。 Mu You does not have the accident/surprise, a fist then fist, unceasing bombardment, in has disrupted on the mechanical body that cannot withstand, its smashing of pounding. 沐游没有意外,一拳接着一拳,不断的轰击在已经碎裂不堪的机械体身上,将其砸的更加粉碎。 Annihilates the order......” “歼灭命令……” Bang!” “轰!” Annihilates......” “歼灭……” Bang!” “轰!” Annihilates......” “歼灭……” Bang......” “轰……” Annihilates......” “歼……” ...... …… Mu You is not aware of fatigue is brandishing the fist, oneself were innumerable wielded many fists. 沐游不知疲倦的挥舞着拳头,自己都数不清到底挥了多少拳。 In brief, to him felt the whole body takes off/escapes the strength, the attribute starts the rapid combustion the time, the mechanical body of ground did not have the sound finally. 总之,一直到他感觉浑身脱力,属性开始飞速燃烧的时候,地上的机械体终于没了动静。 Mu You quickly stops, takes back the giant arm. 沐游急忙停下,收回巨人手臂。 At this moment, in the pit in sand, disorderly is distributing the innumerable machine parts, springs and fragment, each grain in broken bits to compared with fingernail also small situation. 此刻,沙地中的地坑内,凌乱的分布着无数的机械零件、弹簧和碎片,每一粒都细碎到了比指甲盖还小的地步。 If lets a bystander, cannot imagine absolutely, these fragments subordinated in a complete robot. 如果让一个外人来看,绝对想象不到,这些碎片原本隶属于一具完整的机器人。 ......” “呼……” Confirmed that the opposite party truly dies thoroughly, Mu You then breathes a sigh of relief, sits on the ground. 确认对方确实死透,沐游这才舒了口气,一屁股坐在地上。 Come time he may really not think, copes with this type of little thing to use energy unexpectedly, stands is letting the homicide, his tired unbearable. 来的时候他可实在没想到,对付这种小东西居然这么费劲,站着让他杀,都把他累的够呛。 Was good because of gets rid of finally. 好在最终还是干掉了。 Mu You shakes the head, looks to nearby medicine picker: Where this thing do you catch?” 沐游摇了摇头,看向一旁的采药人:“这东西你到底在哪儿抓到的?” Under abyss, one kilometer nearby region.” medicine picker said, said immediately supplemented: Was not I found it, but was it looks on own initiative my.” “在深渊之下,一千米附近的区域。”采药人说,说完立即补充:“不过并不是我找到它,而是它主动来找我的。” Looks for you? You said, this thing does crawl from the abyss?” The Mu You complexion is strange. “找伱?你是说,这东西是从深渊下面爬上来的?”沐游脸色古怪。 Yes, as if this thing goal from the beginning is to nod to...... medicine picker that I come, but also wants to say anything, finally at this time, in one pile of fragments of ground, a thin slice of grain of nail size, trembled suddenly lightly, broadcast the off and on sound. “是的,似乎这东西一开始的目标就是冲我来的……”采药人点头,还想说什么,结果这时,地上的一堆碎片中,一粒指甲大小的薄片,忽然轻颤起来,播放出了断断续续的声音。 quest...... the failure...... TK105...... had confirmed that loses the ability to act...... the goal hazard classification promotion: Lv. 1...... the start spare machine production plan...... the reset writes off quest immediately......” 任务……失败……TK105……已确认失去行动能力……目标危险等级提升:1级……启动备用机生产预案……立即重置抹杀任务……” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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