TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#553: Extermination TK105

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Chapter 553 extermination TK-105 第553章灭绝者TK-105 The black forest, was shone upon under the purple burrow by the innumerable crystal stones. 黑森林,被无数晶石映照成紫色的地穴之下。 Mu You sits cross-legged to sit by the spring water contemplates, a quiet blue caterpillar, bosom from him drills, curious outward sizing up. 沐游盘腿坐在泉水旁边冥想,一只幽蓝色的毛毛虫,从他怀中钻出,好奇的朝外打量。 Perhaps smelled the life aura that below spring water transmitted, the caterpillar following his shoulder climbs down, arrived at the spring water stone along. 或许是嗅到了下方泉水中传来的生命气息,毛毛虫顺着他肩膀爬下,来到了泉水的石沿上。 Looks in the spring the limpid spring water, in the infant bug-eaten part discloses the hope and some hesitant. 看着泉中清澈的泉水,毛毛虫眼中透露出渴望和些许犹豫。 Paced back and forth the moment in the spring, it first turn head looked at Mu You, confirmed that he also in side, this felt relieved, has turned round, arouses the courage, slowly crawled into the spring water. 在泉眼边徘徊了片刻,它先是回头看了眼沐游,确认他还在身边,这才放心了些,回过身,鼓足勇气,慢慢爬入了泉水中。 Enters in the water, two rows of fine foot natural expansions of larva aculeata, the stance of plankton, natural float on water surface. 入水之中,毛虫的两排纤足自然的展开,以浮游生物的姿态,自然的漂浮在了水面上。 The abundant life aura, making the caterpillar feel comfortable, cheerful hovering in all directions in spring water. 充裕的生命气息,令毛毛虫倍感舒适,在泉水中欢快的四处游动。 Until some moment, it felt suddenly the top of the head was covered by a side shadow, the body stiff, mechanical turning the head looks immediately, sees greatly it dozens times of golden color birds, is standing in the spring water border, is crooked the head to stare at it to stare looks. 直到某一刻,它忽然感觉到头顶被一方阴影笼罩,身体顿时一僵,机械的转头看去,就见一只大它数十倍的金色鸟雀,正站在泉水边沿,歪着脑袋盯着它直勾勾的看。 The suppression from bloodlines, made the caterpillar petrification immediately at the scene, after several seconds, the hurried turning around shoreward swam away, wants to return on Mu You. 来自血脉的压制,顿时令毛毛虫石化当场,数秒后,急忙转身朝岸边游去,想要重新回到沐游身上。 What a pity, it just moved, the canary then lowers the head to search, opens the bird beak, pecks toward it. 可惜,它才刚刚一动,金丝雀便低头探下,张开鸟喙,朝它啄来。 The caterpillar frightens immediately is frightened out of one's wits, more desperate wants to flee, however the front way had died of suffocation, can only look helplessly oneself assign/life the mouth of mourning natural enemy. 毛毛虫顿时吓得魂飞魄散,更加拼命的想要逃离,然而前方的路径已被堵死,只能眼睁睁看着自己命丧天敌之口。 Chirp!” “啾!” In the canary will soon hold in the mouth the larva aculeata, a big hand searches, entire only gripped it, sent to addition one side. 就在金丝雀即将把毛虫叼走之时,一只大手探来,将它整只握住,送去了另一旁。 Not.” “不可以。” Mu You looks that the canary said seriously. 沐游看着金丝雀严肃的说。 After this little fellow since has contaminated the fountain of youth, obviously had the quite high wisdom, Mu You believes that it can definitely understand oneself words. 这小家伙自从沾染过不老泉后,明显有了相当高的智慧,沐游相信它肯定能听懂自己的话。 Chirp......” “啾……” Canary suffering low called one, was partial to the one side the head, missed the opens the mouth to come one I to have a look at it, why you were so ominous. 金丝雀委屈的低鸣了一声,将脑袋偏向了一旁,就差张口来一句‘我就看看它,你这么凶干嘛’。 Another side, the bird mouth escaping slug, climbs up the shore hurriedly, climbed up on his shoulder following the finger of Mu You fast, later drilled into among the collar, does not dare to crop up. 另一边,鸟口逃生的小毛虫,匆忙爬上岸,顺着沐游的手指快速攀爬到了他的肩上,随后一头钻入衣领间,再不敢冒头。 Mu You has not paid attention to two little fellows, puts down the canary, looks to the dense/woods spirit of not far away. 沐游没有理会两个小家伙,将金丝雀放下,看向不远处的森灵。 This moment dense/woods spirit is closing eyes to take root in within the earth, but Vivian stays in its chest cavity crevice, similarly closes one's eyes, concentrates to stand motionless. 此刻森灵正闭目扎根于土中,而薇薇安则停留在它的胸腔空隙中,同样闭着眼睛,凝立不动。 The dense/woods said a moment ago spirit after matter of ethnic group that side, Vivian then promptly requested to with the dense/woods spirit head of the clan direct dialog. 刚才森灵说完族群那边发生的事情后,薇薇安便立即要求要和森灵的族长直接对话。 Concrete these dense/woods spirit stations where, Mu You is not clear, in brief is a very covert place, foreign clan only then under the dense/woods spirit leadership, may visit. 具体这些森灵的驻地在哪里,沐游不清楚,总之是一个很隐蔽的地方,外族只有在森灵的带领下,才有可能踏足。 But the dense/woods, can conduct the long-distance spiritual contact through the underground plant root system spirit, this moment Vivian borrows the dense/woods spirit ability, the remote access in the opposite party leader's consciousness, conducted the consciousness to negotiate with the opposite party. 而森灵互相之间,可以通过地下的植物根系进行远程精神联络,此刻薇薇安正是借用森灵的这项能力,远程连接到了对方首领的意识中,与对方进行意识谈判。 Listens to the Vivian tone, she and opposite party the head of the clan of should be the understanding, concrete negotiation process Mu You cannot hear, at this moment can only wait silently. 薇薇安的语气,她和对方的族长应该是认识的,具体的谈判过程沐游听不到,此刻只能默默等着。 This first-grade is the 3~4 hour. 这一等就是三四个小时。 To the hot sun overhead, continuously has an action to perform be at Vivian and dense/woods of spirit quiet condition finally, simultaneously opened the eye. 一直到外界烈日当头,一直处于沉寂状态的薇薇安和森灵才终于有所动作,同时睁开了眼。 Vivian flew back to the Mu You shoulder directly. 薇薇安直接飞回了沐游肩上。 What kind of?” Mu You is busy at asking. “怎么样?”沐游忙问。 „The opposite party complied, can all give the future pollution core we process...... that old codger is astute, complies with our premises, was we must first find that group of people using the evidence that the dense/woods spirit core did evil, simultaneously will deliver that five core safe recoveries as far as possible.” Vivian said. “对方答应了,可以将今后的污染核心全都交给我们处理……不过那个老不死的精明得很,答应我们的前提,是我们要先找到那伙人利用森灵核心作恶的证据,同时尽可能将送出去那五枚核心安全回收回来。”薇薇安说。 Is so troublesome?” The Mu You hear also knits the brows. “这么麻烦啊?”沐游听完也不由皱眉。 Found the opposite party to make the monster the evidence, said actually, he does not believe this group of people honestly really by the forge crystal leisure deriving pollution, definitely had the secretive secret. 找到对方作妖的证据,倒是好说,他不信这伙人真会老老实实的靠伪造结晶慢悠悠的导出污染,绝对有不可告人的秘密。 But this moment Nightwatcher one group have submerged in the organization of opposite party, eavesdropped on that the real motive of opposite party is sooner or later matter. 而此刻打更人一行人已经潜入了对方的组织中,探听出对方的真实目的是迟早的事。 What real trouble after is, half a word: Also must take back the core that they deliver safely. 真正麻烦的是后半句:还要将它们送出去的核心安全收回。 This thing is not a stone, can rob casually, contains the extremely terrifying energy, this thing is extremely simultaneously frail. 这东西可不是一块石头,可以随便抢夺,其中蕴含着极为恐怖的能量,同时这东西还极其脆弱。 Initially dense/woods spirit because merely the core flooded, then made the entire black forest fall into black mana wild, if a complete dense/woods spirit core were intended to damage, divulged completely inside energy, the consequence will unable imagine! 当初森灵仅仅因为核心满溢了一些,便让整座黑森林陷入了黑魔力狂暴中,而若是一颗完整的森灵核心被人有意损坏,将里面的能量完全泄露出来,后果将不可想象! These cores were pinched in the opposite party hand, is equivalent to the bomb that five can detonate momentarily, making them be cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, cannot come, can only use the gentle method. 这些核心被捏在对方手里,就相当于五颗随时可以引爆的炸弹,令他们投鼠忌器,不能强来,只能用柔和一些的手段。 In brief, how should not have the wound to take carry back these cores, planning, must certainly spend thoughts. 总之,该如何无伤将这些核心拿回来,这其中的谋算,肯定要花费好一番心思。 Then Mu You brought Vivian to leave the black forest. 接下来沐游带着薇薇安离开了黑森林。 After returning to the Lin Family manor, Mu You turned the head to fling this matter to Nightwatcher. 待回到林家庄园后,沐游转头就将这件事甩给了打更人 Main body, you squeeze the staff like this, was hung the street light very much easily!” The Nightwatcher hear also was very speechless, complained directly. “本体,你这样压榨员工,很容易被人挂路灯的!”打更人听完也很是无语了一阵,直接吐槽。 As understanding clone of all reasons, he naturally is clear about this inside way, this quest not dangerous, but absolutely is a hard and unprofitable task of quite working with the heart labor force. 作为了解一切缘由的分身,他自然清楚这里面的门道,这任务并没有多危险,但绝对是一件相当劳心劳力的苦差。 Nightwatcher to his main body lazy in Yingshi, flung the behavior that the pot clone to express immediately despised extremely. 打更人立即对他这种本体懒于应事,甩锅分身的行为表示了极度鄙视。 Come on, you can!” Mu You encourages him. “加油,你可以的!”沐游鼓励他。 „Can I reject?” Nightwatcher is very solid. “我可以拒绝吗?”打更人很实在。 Obviously cannot...... I exquisite also send later, making her listen to the arranged action of you.” “显然不可以……稍后我把玲珑也派过去,让她听伱的安排行动。” „......” “……” The Nightwatcher forced smile, the general idea knows oneself definitely could not shirk, has not said anything again. 打更人苦笑,大概知道自己肯定推脱不了,没再多说什么。 Right, ‚hasn't gate closed/pass?” Nightwatcher asked suddenly. “对了,‘门’还没关吧?”打更人忽然问。 No, how?” Mu You said. He from opening the door to coming out, spent the 4~5 hour, from closing also early. “没有,怎么?”沐游说。他从开门到出来,也就花了四五个小时,距离关门还早。 Makes you go to abyss on the 2nd, said that was he caught a strange thing, but he did not handle, needed you to pass personally.” Nightwatcher said. “二号让你去深渊一趟,说是他抓到了一个奇怪的东西,但是他搞不定,需要你亲自过去一趟。”打更人说。 „Doesn't he handle?” Mu You very surprise. “他搞不定?”沐游很是诧异。 medicine picker is the epic step of living in 4000, the strength is not worse than the general legend . Moreover the side also full level double headed dragon follows, even the monster rank in abyss is high, situation that but can also strong unable to process to him? 采药人可是一个活了四千年的史诗阶,实力比一般的传说都不差,而且身边还有一只满级的双头龙跟着,就算深渊里的怪物等级偏高,还能强到他都处理不了的地步? Concrete I am not clear, ambiguous that very text game described, resulted in the real person to have a look in the past.” Nightwatcher said. “具体的我也不清楚,文字游戏里描述的挺含糊,还是得真人过去看看。”打更人说。 Good.” “好吧。” Mu You closes private chats, receives the cell phone, then stepped into the gate again. 沐游关闭私聊,收起手机,便再次踏入了门内。 The big abyss is located in southwest the mainland, is quite remote from Ell empire, before medicine picker also rode the double headed dragon, flew to rush for two days and two nights. 大深渊位于大陆西南角,距离兰埃尔帝国相当遥远,之前采药人也是骑乘双头龙,飞了两天两夜才赶到的。 However because Mu You in the mainland is proliferating teleportation array, going into action is more convenient than him. 不过沐游因为大陆上遍布着传送阵,行动起来比他方便一些。 Mu You first transmitted the sunlight fairy territory, through teleportation array of Phoenix, transmitted in the fairy branch tribe of mainland Southwest. 沐游首先传送去了日光精灵的领地,又借道凤凰城的传送阵,传送去了大陆西南方的一个精灵分支部落中。 Goes to the big abyss from here again, was then nearer. 从这里再前往大深渊,便近了许多。 However even so, Mu You still marched on a 15~16 hour of road of continually, finally arrives around the abyss. 不过即便如此,沐游也一连赶了十五六个小时的路,才终于到达深渊附近。 Mu You rides the broom to fly in in the air, lowers the head to look, the under so-called abyss, is an ultra-large sinkhole, the diameter more than 2000 meters, the surface is covering fog, is dim and mysterious. 沐游骑着扫把飞在空中,低头望去,下方所谓的深渊,是一座超大的天坑,直径长达两千多米,表面笼罩着一层云雾,朦胧而神秘。 From the upper air, as if an exceedingly high giant, takes a spear/gun a hole that pokes in the land. 从高空看去,就仿佛一个通天巨人,拿着一杆枪在大地上戳出的一个窟窿。 Mu You flies toward below, lands on the abyss edge quickly. 沐游朝下飞去,很快降落在深渊的边缘。 Arrived here, he saw clearly this side sinkhole complete picture thoroughly. 到了这里,他才算彻底看清了这方天坑的全貌。 Diameter two kilometers abyss, but in huge many compared with imagination, human stands in the sinkhole surrounding, just like one only in the ant that the iron saucepan edge walks randomly, tiny can ignore. 直径两千米的深渊,可远比想象中庞大的多,人类站在天坑外围,宛如一只只在铁锅边缘游走的蚂蚁,渺小的可以忽略不计。 Under towards looks , can only see the scene within 200 meters, again downward is a thorough darkness. 朝下望去,也只能看到两百米以内的光景,再往下则是一片彻底的漆黑。 But on surrounding cliff wall smooth piece, almost is 90 degrees steep slope, on the good cliff wall here grows to have many vines, regarding the edge of the abyss, the safety ropes of massive manual installment, to lead to the under darkness, this has made the exploration abyss have the possibility. 而周围的崖壁上光滑一片,几乎全是九十度的陡坡,好在这里的崖壁上生长有很多的藤蔓,围绕着深渊边缘,还有大量人工装置的安全绳,一直通向下方黑暗之中,这才让探索深渊有了可能性。 Mu You loafed the moment in the sinkhole edge, quick, on the under mountain wall the person's shadow lightens together, is medicine picker. 沐游在天坑边缘游荡了片刻,很快,下方山壁上一道人影闪出,正是采药人 medicine picker carries the medicine basket, in the mouth holds the sickle, is ordinary just like the spirit monkey, flexible dodges on the dike organizes, then climbed up the cliff top quickly, jumped to turn to come ashore, fell before the Mu You body. 采药人身背药篓,口中衔着镰刀,宛如灵猴一般,灵活的在岩壁上闪躲腾挪,很快便攀爬到了崖顶,一个纵身翻上岸来,落在沐游身前。 What's the matter?” Mu You is busy at asking. “怎么回事?”沐游忙问。 Front this is only the medicine picker game character, is unable to fuse to remember directly, but exchange face-to-face does not have the issue. 面前这个只是采药人的游戏人物,无法直接融合记忆,但面对面的交流还是没问题的。 Bumped into a mechanical lifeform below, is a little strange, all magic are invalid to it, moreover this fellow vitality long almost cannot see the head, must use the god skin to cope.” medicine picker said. “在下面碰到了一只机械生物,有点古怪,所有的魔法都对它无效,而且这家伙生命力长的几乎看不见头,恐怕必须要动用神皮才能对付。”采药人说。 „? Where?” “哦?在哪儿?” I cannot be victorious it, first let the shadow wool ball its seal in the shades.” “我打不过它,先让影绒球将它封印在了影之间里。” Puts me to have a look.” Mu You said. “放出来我看看。”沐游说。 medicine picker nods, immediately two people leave the edge of the abyss, looked for the place covert open area in the nearby. 采药人点了点头,随即两人离开深渊边缘,在附近找了处隐蔽的空地。 Careful, this thing aggressivity is very strong.” “小心点,这东西攻击性很强。” medicine picker reminded one, this summoned the shadow wool ball. 采药人提醒了一句,这才召唤出了影绒球。 One group of shadows extend from his shadow, in front open area, spreads out one piece hedgehog the shape, immediately the hedgehog opens the huge mouth, a human form mechanical body spitting. 一团黑影从他的影子中延伸出来,在面前的空地上,摊开成一片‘刺猬’的形状,随即刺猬张开巨口,将一具人形机械体‘吐’了出来。 Mu You looked at the eye, this human form mechanical and ordinary robot is similar, is short, the height and figure and medicine picker is similar, the body of whole body metal system, presents the black and white two color combinations. 沐游看了眼,这具人形机械和普通的机器人差不多,身材矮小,身高和身形则都和采药人差不多,浑身金属制的身躯,呈现黑白两色的混杂。 The one who lets Mu You slightly feel accidental/surprised, the appearance of this mechanical body, unexpectedly also and medicine picker is somewhat approximate. 沐游略感意外的是,这机械体的样貌,居然也和采药人有几分近似。 The mechanical men fall on the ground, immediately vigorous jumping, showed the stance of wrestle, has swept in two people, the vision locks on medicine picker quickly. 机械人摔在地上,立即矫健的跳起,摆出了格斗的架势,在两人身上扫过,目光很快锁定在采药人身上。 Confirmation goal: KT-54054608, crime: Is born the unique conventional exploration heart, disrupts the rule...... the performance order: The elimination...... the destruction...... writes off thoroughly!” “确认目标:KT-54054608号,罪行:诞生超脱常规的探索心,扰乱规则……执行命令:清除……毁坏……彻底抹杀!” In the mechanical population, sends out does not have the tenor that the intonation fluctuates together. 机械人口中,发出一道毫无声调起伏的中音。 Immediately the both legs bow, is maintaining the stance of wrestle, rushes over toward medicine picker. 随即双腿屈膝,保持着格斗的姿态,朝着采药人冲了过去。 medicine picker has experienced fierce of opposite party, knows that cannot resist with all one's strength, quickly leaves to retrocede. 采药人已经见识过对方的厉害,知道不能力敌,急忙抽身后退。 On the leg of mechanical man actually looked like installs the spring to be the same, accelerated in the midair again baseless, then caught up with medicine picker instantaneously. 机械人的腿上却像装了弹簧一般,在半空中再次凭空加速,瞬间便追上了采药人 However, in its attack will soon fall, Mu You in side teleport comes, a fist pounds, on the arm god's skin also appears. 不过,就在它的攻击即将落下之际,沐游在侧面瞬移现身,一拳砸出,手臂上神之皮肤同时浮现。 Bang!” “轰!” the next instant, the short mechanical man, by the arm that Mu You enlarges instantaneously, a fist pounded in earth, for a while did not have the sound. 下一瞬,身材矮小的机械人,被沐游瞬间放大的手臂,一拳砸进了土里,一时没了动静。 After several seconds, Mu You takes back the arm, reveals the big hole that the ground was rumbled. 数秒后,沐游才将手臂收回,露出地上被轰出的大坑。 The pothole center, the mechanical man pounded figure distortion, the whole body covers entirely the fissure, almost inadequate human form. 坑洞中央,机械人已经被砸的身形扭曲,浑身布满裂痕,几乎不成人形。 Probably is not very strong......” “好像也不是很强啊……” Mu You somewhat strange looks to medicine picker, if only this level, even the magic immunity, he was still insufficient unable to cope? 沐游有些奇怪的看向采药人,如果只是这种水准,就算魔法免疫,他也不至于对付不了吧? medicine picker has not spoken, but hints him to continue to look. 采药人没有说话,只是示意他继续看。 Mu You turns the head to look, sees in the pothole the incomplete shatter mechanical body, the whole body had bound at the visible speed, in the short several seconds then returned to normal, then jump from the ground again. 沐游转头看去,就见坑洞中本已经残缺破碎的机械体,全身以肉眼可见的速度黏合,短短数秒内便恢复了正常,接着再次从地上跃起。 Meanwhile, Mu You felt suddenly mana in within the body is draining crazily, moreover this outflow, not only ordinary mana, natural mana in Secret Spell Crystal. 与此同时,沐游骤然感觉体内的魔力正在疯狂流失,而且这流失的不只是普通魔力,还有秘术结晶内的自然魔力 Mu You subconscious looks to the front mechanical man. 沐游不由下意识的看向前方的机械人。 Is this thing suction his mana? 难道是这东西在吸走他的魔力 Thinks, he in mana while crystal remains, a right hand finger/refers, flung three Lesser Fireball. 想了想,他趁着结晶魔力尚存,右手一指,甩出了三道小火球术 Three wash bowl big fireballs, the front surface pounds toward the mechanical man. 三道脸盆大的火球,迎面朝机械人砸去。 However has not waited for the hit, all fireballs in distance mechanical man about one meter position, as if were found time the energy suddenly, the rapid reduction, until vanishing does not see, finally cannot create any damage to the mechanical man. 然而还不等命中,所有的火球都在距离机械人一米左右的位置,仿佛被突然抽空了能量,迅速缩小,直至消失不见,最终没能对机械人造成任何伤害 Really does not fear magic......” “果然不怕魔法……” Mu You sighed, he thinks that medicine picker said the opposite party did not fear magic, was only immunity ordinary magic, has not thought that even black magic also together was unexpectedly invalid. 沐游叹息,他本以为采药人说对方不怕魔法,只是免疫普通魔法,没想到竟连黑魔法也一起无效了。 At this time, the front mechanical man shifted to Mu You suddenly, in the black eye socket spilled over the red light, high and low is scanning to him, in the mouth makes the stiff mechanical sound again. 这时,前方的机械人忽然转向了沐游,黑色的眼眶中泛出红光,对着他上下扫描一番,口中再次发出生硬的机械音。 Discovered that the interrupter...... confirmed interrupter status —— VA-00150546, for goal similar, does not belong is protected the lifeform...... to carry out the interrupter first dump routine...... to write off entirely!” “发现阻碍者……确认阻碍者身份——VA-00150546号,为目标同类,不属于受保护生物……执行阻碍者优先清除程序……统统抹杀!” With this judged speech, the mechanical man kills directly toward Mu You. 伴随着这道宣判似的发言,机械人直接朝沐游杀来。 But meets head-on after the upfront, in Mu You’s Omniscient Crystal, this fed back the information of opposite party. 而直到正面迎战之后,沐游的全知水晶中,这才反馈出了对方的信息。 Extermination TK-105: Unknown mechanical body intelligent unit, strength 78, Agility 156, intelligence: Analysis failure, Physique: The analysis failure, defends: 105-4250, life value: Analysis failure......】 【灭绝者TK-105:未知的机械体智慧单位,力量78,敏捷156,智力:解析失败,体质:解析失败,防御:105-4250,生命值:解析失败……】 Feeds back massively analysis failure, but the light looks at the blood strip demonstration of opposite party, Mu You can also feel immediately this thing the thorniness, how long does not mean the opposite party blood strip, but is...... the opposite party has the innumerable overlapped blood strip unexpectedly! 反馈回来大量的‘解析失败’,不过光看对方的血条显示,沐游也能立即感觉到这东西的棘手,并不是说对方血条有多长,而是……对方居然拥有数不清的重叠血条! This means, this fellow life, after was injured a moment ago recovers incessantly fast such, before all blood strip empty, it almost can recover infinitely! 这就意味着,这家伙不止一条命,就像刚才受伤后快速复原那样,在所有血条都清空之前,它几乎可以无限复原! Also medicine picker said no wonder cannot be victorious. 也难怪采药人说打不过。 This thing not only to all magic immunities, even can also suction mana of their within the body, preventing them from using magic, in addition the attribute is also the excess of powerful, is only two attributes and abnormal defensive powers that exposes, is as good as the epic step, in addition this strange restoration ability, just like not being able to kill cockroach, medicine picker was not the opponent is too normal. 这东西不但对所有的魔法免疫,甚至还能吸走他们体内的魔力,阻止他们使用魔法,此外属性也是强力的过分,光是暴露出的两项属性和变态的防御力,就绝不亚于史诗阶,再加上这怪异的复原能力,宛如打不死的小强,采药人不是对手太正常了。 Even traded Mu You, at this moment besides the god skin, the dealing method that he can think, only has the wind to bury artillery type of ultra-large might weapon, what a pity the wind buried the artillery just to use in the game, but also in cooldown. 就算换了沐游,此刻除了神皮外,他能想到的应对手段,唯有风葬炮这种超大威力武器,可惜风葬炮刚刚在游戏中用过,还在冷却中。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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