Chapter 552said goodbye the dense/woodsspirit
第552章再见森灵【Youobtained‚the terminal segment of chelicera of clamcrab’ * 1.】
【你获得了‘蜃蟹的螯钳’。】【Windburiesloud sound that artillerytriggersstillfrom the skyto reverberate, violent angerclamcrabbrandishesanotherpliersto clamptowardyou, you who enterweakconditionhave been incapable ofavoiding......】
【风葬炮引发的巨响还在空中回荡,暴怒的蜃蟹挥舞着另一只钳子朝你夹来,进入虚弱状态的你已经无力躲避……】【youfeltsuddenlygroundtremblesfiercely, surroundingsseveralbesiegeyourclamcrabbecause oftremblingto lean this way and that for a whileis incapable ofattackingyou......】
【伱忽然感觉地面剧烈震颤,周围几只围攻你的蜃蟹都因为震颤而东倒西歪,一时无力来攻击你……】【Youwere poundedby a tumblingstone carving, lifenulling operation......】
【你被一只滚落的石雕砸中,生命归零……】【When at the point of death, youhearin the land of under footindistinctly, transmitstogetherdistantlowcry, as ifroaring of land, makingyourheart and gallhaveto shake......】
【临死之际,你隐约听到脚下的土地之中,传来一道悠远的低鸣,仿佛大地的咆哮,令你心胆具震……】【At the same time, youseein the surroundingground, turbulentmiragespews outfrom the crack of ground, blurredyourline of sightinstantaneously......】
【与此同时,你看到周围的地面上,汹涌的蜃气从地面的裂缝之中喷涌而出,瞬间模糊了你的视线……】【Youhad died, yoursoulreceivestwohauling that simultaneouslydirectssoullamp, youcanchooseto go tounderrandomsoullampmeeting againsoulbody......】
【你已死亡,你的灵魂同时受到两盏引魂灯的牵引,你可以选择前往任意一盏魂灯下重聚魂体……】Mu Youlooksspeechless, saw the mutationlivessuddenly, healsothinks that had the opportunityto run away, finallyhas not escaped the destiny that died.沐游看得无语,本来看到异变突生,他还以为有机会跑掉了,结果还是没逃脱死的命运。However, the finaltwopromptswere a little strange, seem like saying that his round of windburied the artillery, awakened anything.
不过,最后两句提示有点古怪,似乎是在说他那一发风葬炮,惊醒了什么东西。„Shouldnot be the clamtapir?” The Mu Youcomplexionis strange.
“该不会是蜃貘吧?”沐游脸色古怪。Thinksalsoreallyto have the possibility, his round of shellsoundmaybe big, the main body of clamtapirrestedwell, was awakenedby his artillery, maynot getfirstventsgetting out of bed.
想想还真有可能,他这一发炮弹动静可不小,蜃貘的本体本来睡得好好的,被他一炮惊醒,可不得先撒一下起床气嘛。Mu Youshouted the tone, has not intertwinedagain, watchesin the game.沐游呼了口气,没再纠结,看回游戏中。At this timeplayedletschoose the resurrectingpoint, Mu Younaturallyto choose the lamp of formidabletowerexit|to speak, otherwiseresurrecting, but must dieagainonetime.
此时游戏中让选复活点,沐游自然选了勇者塔出口的灯,不然就地复活,还得再死一次。【Yoursoulwas directed the soullamphaulingto return.】
【你的灵魂被引魂灯牵引归来。】【Youunderdirectingsoullampresurrect, on the resurrectingstone in handpresented a crack......】
After the characterresurrects, Mu Youthenhas the timeto examine the spoils of war.
将人物复活后,沐游这才有时间查看战利品。In the spacebackpack, Mu Youlooks on lawn, thegiantcrableg of emerging out of thin air, startedOmniscient Crystal.
【 The terminal segment of chelicera of clamcrab: The mirageis the segmental appendage of lifeform, will not be pollutedby the mirage, maytreat as the weaponusein the mirageseason. Takeshas the mirage( non-mirage to within the bodyis) lifeformwill create0-5times of extradamage, the damagevaluedecidesaccording to the content in within the bodymirage.
【蜃蟹的螯钳:蜃气系生物的节肢,不会被蜃气污染,可在蜃气季中当做武器使用。对体内吸食有蜃气的(非蜃气系)生物将造成0-5倍的额外伤害,伤害数值根据体内蜃气的含量而定。Uses the attack that the terminal segment of cheliceramakesto disregard the miragepetrification. 】
使用螯钳打出的攻击无视蜃气石化。】Thisis a specializedweapon, the effect is very at first sight scary, mayprovidefivetimeshighattacksto increase the woundespecially!
这是一件特化武器,效果乍一看挺唬人,最高可提供五倍的特攻增伤!What a pity, increases the woundscopeto depend on the enemywithin the bodymiragecontent, in other words, whenwithenemy, the enemyjustawoke, within the bodymirageis atempties the condition, thatthisthingincreases the woundiszero, has no difference from an ordinarywooden club.
When the enemywithin the bodymirageflood, borders onforces the sleep, thisthingcanplay the maximummight.
只有在敌人体内蜃气满溢,濒临强制睡眠之际,这东西才能发挥出最大威力。Thereforethiscrablegtreats as the weaponpurely, in factnotstrong.
所以这螃蟹腿单纯当做武器,实际上也没有多强。Thisthingtruefunction, after is actually , the effect of half a word: The attackdisregards the miragepetrification.
这东西真正的作用,其实是后半句的效果:攻击无视蜃气石化。Thismeans,laterbumps intoontheseroads the petrifiedmonster, does not needto be at a lossagain, canbreak opentheirprotectorswiththisthingdirectly, strikesto killwithout the wound!
这就意味着,以后再碰到那些路上被石化的怪物,不必再束手无策,可以直接拿这东西破开它们的保护层,无伤击杀!Canattain such a usefulitembeforedying, Mu Youis also well satisfied.
能在死前拿到这么一件有用的道具,沐游也算心满意足。Happen toat this time, in the grouptransmittedcallshisnews.
正好这时,群里传来呼叫他的消息。„ghost shipis long. Big shot? Ilistened to a subordinate saying that underdirecting the soullampsawyou......”newsis the bluebeardsends, in the group others are also waiting forhis latest progress.
“幽灵船长。大佬怎么样了?我听一个手下说,在引魂灯下看到你了……”消息是蓝胡子发来的,群里其他人也都在翘首以盼他的最新进展。„Hung......”Mu Youto tell the facts.
“啊……”„Not, big shotyoualso......”
“不会吧,大佬连你也……”„Iscratch, is really annihilated......”
The peoplearesurprisedlyandregretted.
众人又是惊讶又是惋惜。„Whatfinallyhad?” The emperorsaskedone.
“最后发生了什么?”天子问了一句。Mu Youhas not concealed, the situation of afterwardhavingdescribedtruthfully.沐游也没隐瞒,将后来发生的情况如实描述了一下。„Indeed have wejumpedto stumblein conducting the back of clamtapir?”
The peoplewere shockedbythisfact, the matter that in comparison, theyare annihilated becomes instead fair: Onegroup of peopleloafedin conducting the back of disasterbeastwere so long, canmove outmust blame.
众人又被这个事实震惊了一番,相比之下,他们全军覆没的事反而变得合情合理:一群人在一只天灾兽的背上游荡了那么久,能全身而退才怪。Afterwardseveralpeoplediscussedthisopening up wastelandstoryoff and on.
随后几人断断续续讨论起了这次开荒的见闻。Mu Youhas not participated, withdraws from the formidabletowerin the game, drew the Dense Fog Mountaintomb the character.沐游没有参与,在游戏里退出勇者塔,将人物拉去了迷雾山的墓穴。Butheconfessedtwoclone, goes outalone, flies the manor of Lin Xue.
而他本人则交代了两个分身一声,独自出了门,飞去了林雪家的庄园。Heislooks forVivian, except forconsultingdense/woodsspiritmatter, but alsopreparesto have a lookto be able the bloodcoffinto helpVivianresurrect.
“复活?”In the manor, embed the crow of Viviansoul, is listening to the explanation of Mu You, the toneis somewhat strange.
庄园里,承载着薇薇安灵魂的乌鸦,听完沐游的说明,语气有些怪异。„Yes, butdoes not determineto be ablegood......”
“是的,不过不确定能不能行……”Mu Youat this timealreadytookfrom the game the bloodcoffin and Vivianremains, is arranging the bloodcoffin.沐游此时已经将血棺和薇薇安的遗体都从游戏里取了出来,正就地布置着血棺。Vivianrelativecompleteness of remainspreservation, sincethisbloodcoffinheadlesscorpsecanresurrectcontinually, thatVivianremainsshouldbe a cinchproperly speaking.薇薇安的遗体保存的相当完好,既然这血棺连无头尸体都能复活,那薇薇安的遗体照理说应该更不在话下。Onlywhatheis worried, can thisbloodcoffinbe only effectiveto the lifeform of real world, thatreallydid not have the means.
他唯一担心的是,这血棺会不会只对真实世界的生物有效,那就真没办法了。Viviansaw thathas not saidanythingagain, Lin XueandLittle Yaalsoranto surround, butsaw a poolsurges the bloody water, leaving of instinctfar.薇薇安见状没再说什么,林雪和小雅也跑来围观,不过见到一池子翻腾的血水,还是本能的离远了一些。Mu Youfrom the icecoffin, holds the Vivianremains, put in the bloodcoffincarefully.沐游从冰棺中,将薇薇安的遗体抱出,小心的放入了血棺中。As the bloody watersubmerges, the Vivianremainsvanishunder the bloody waterquickly.
随着血水淹没,薇薇安的遗体很快消失在血水之下。Untilafterseveralseconds, plunges the Vivianremains in bloody water, sitsto set outsuddenly, andopened the eye.
直到数秒过后,浸入血水中的薇薇安遗体,骤然坐起身来,并且睁开了眼。Butalsoonlymaintainedmerelywas less than onesecond, thenagainclosed, lay down.
The peoplestare, Mu Youhurriedheld the remains.
The thinremains, unexpectedlyin just several seconds, have becomefullplentiful, the facial expression on facealsobypalelybecomesruddy, the stifffour limbsalsobecomesoft, at first sightas ifalreadywithliving personnotdifferent.
原本已经骨瘦如柴的遗体,竟在短短几秒内,变得饱满丰腴,脸上的气色也由惨白变得红润,就连僵硬的四肢也变得柔软,乍一看似乎已经和活人无异。Onlypitifully, Mu Youis holding the remains, mostobvious of feeling, this timeremains are still ‚remains’, without the breathdoes not have the heartbeat, does not have the body temperature, words that reallymustdescribe, thisis only the good-for-nothing who lives.
只可惜,沐游抱着遗体,感觉的最明显,此时的遗体依然是‘遗体’,没有呼吸也没有心跳,更没有体温,真要描述的话,这只是一具活过来的行尸走肉。Inspected a condition of remainswithOmniscient Crystal, Mu Youunderstoodquickly, the issuelay in the life span.
The coffin of coming back to lifeis also effectiveregarding the lifeform of Astral Spirit Realm, justdoes not have the concept of life spanin the real world, thereforecorpseat any timeputs to resurrect.
复生之棺对于星灵界的生物也是有效的,只不过在真实世界没有寿命的概念,所以任何时候的死尸放进去都可以复活。Butlifeformresurrecting of Astral Spirit Realm, needsresurrecting of physical bodyincessantly, but alsoneedsto guarantee that the remaining livesare good.
Before this pointis similar, heto the lampgodpermitsseconddesire: The dead in resurrectingdisaster. The place that only thencannotresurrectinEarththistype, because ofaccidental/surprisedanddies, rather, because the life spanexhausts the be exhaustedperson, canbystrength of resurrectingmiracle.
这一点就类似之前他向灯神许的第二个愿望:复活灾难中的死者。只有在地球这种不能复活的地方,因为意外而死,而不是因为寿命耗尽寿终正寝的人,才能被奇迹之力复活。Viviancommitted suicideinAstral Spirit Realminitially, before dying, naturallyconsumedto emptyownlife span, otherwisecould not die.薇薇安当初是在星灵界自杀的,死前当然耗空了自己的寿命,不然也死不掉。Butat present, wantsto resurrectVivian, only ifhecanfindto the corpseinjects the life span the method, otherwisecannot reactivate.
而眼下,想复活薇薇安,除非他能找到向死尸中注入寿命的方法,否则是怎么也复活不了的。„Perhapsinjected the life span...... only to waitto findto create the mountains marking a border......”
“注入寿命……恐怕只能等找到创界山了……”Mu Youis hesitating.沐游沉吟着。Thisis aloofnow the content of Astral Spirit Realmmechanismcompletely, only iffound the rootserver, Mu Youcannot find outothermeanstemporarily.
这已经完全是超脱现在星灵界机制的内容,除非找到根源服务器,沐游暂时想不出别的办法。„Does not needto trouble, before Idie, has not thoughtresurrecting, canhave the presentsituation, Iam very satisfied.”Looked that Mu Youis still ponderingearnestly, Vivianopens the mouthto console.
“不必麻烦,我死前从来没想过复活,能有现在的处境,我已经很满意。”看沐游还在认真沉思,薇薇安不由开口劝慰。Vivianis sayingcaring, butMu Youtakes the disciple, is naturally impossiblereallyto take seriously, ifcanfind the opportunityin the future, certainlymusttry.薇薇安说着不在意,不过沐游作为弟子,自然不可能真的就此当真,如果将来能找到机会的话,肯定要试一试。ThismatterMu Youputs downfor the time being, receives the bloodcoffin, Mu Youthenmentioned the dense/woodsspiritmatter.
“森灵么……”Vivianhesitated, flewon the Mu Youshoulder: „Iwent tooneto be goodwithyoupersonally.”薇薇安沉吟了一下,飞到了沐游肩上:“我亲自和你去一趟好了。”„Good.”
“好。”Mu Younods, took outplace‚gate’ the card.沐游点头,取出了置放‘门’的卡片。Thistimelooks for the dense/woodsspirit, issettles accounts the questrewardincessantly, whatis more importantistootherdense/woodsshowedspirithehas the ability that scatters the pollution, can lookask for the moredense/woodsspiritcores, thismatteraffirmshimpersonallyto pass.
这次去找森灵,不止是去结算任务奖励,更重要的是向其他森灵证明一下他有驱散污染的能力,看看能不能讨来更多的森灵核心,这种事肯定得他本人亲自过去。ThenLin Xuelooked forwithin the covertbasementin the manor, Mu Youopened the door, bringingVivianto enter.
After a halfhour, two peopleappearedin the blackforest.
半小时后,两人出现在了黑森林中。Comes tohereprevioustime, seeminglyisthreemonths ago, that timeblackforest, justcommitted to flamesinfire, indozensli (0.5 km)did not have the vitality.
上一次来这里,貌似还是三个月前,那时的黑森林,刚在一场大火中付之一炬,几十里内了无生机。Butnowmerelythreemonthspass by, thisstretch of woodlandhad given full play to the vitalityunexpectedly, indeadwoodsemits the sproutin abundance, dyedemerald green the land, althoughhas not recoveredis a woodland, the embryonic form that buthas also been ableto see the forest, believe the near future, herewill changethatluxuriantjungle.
而如今仅仅三个月过去,这片林地居然已经重新焕发了生机,一颗颗枯枝中纷纷冒出新芽,将大地染成了一片翠绿,虽然还没有复苏为林地,但也已经可以看出森林的雏形,相信不久的将来,这里又会重新变回那片繁茂的密林。„Inthat side.”
“在那边。”WhenVivianfirsttakes off, fliesto a direction in forest.薇薇安当先起飞,飞向林中的一个方向。Mu Youdoes not know how sheconfirmed the position, in brieffollowedis.沐游也不知道她是怎么确认方位的,总之跟着就是。A moment later, two peoplearrived at a tunnelfront, cave entrancenarrow and small, only then an armis thick, hole that probably the rabbitmakes.
片刻之后,两人来到了一处地洞前方,洞口狭小的只有一只胳膊粗,像是兔子打出来的洞。Vivianactuallyhints, dense/woodsspiritininside.薇薇安却示意,森灵就在里面。Mu Youhesitant, directhas not entered the technique, submergedunderground.沐游也没犹豫,直接一个入地术,没入了地下。Afterinitialnarrowway, underveryquickly changesopen.
After oneminute, Mu Youdescendedin the bottom.
The bottomcovered entirely the colorfulmushroomclump, in the soil layer of top of the head, is twining the every large or smallinnumerableplantroot system, massivepurpleilluminationstoneembellishmentin.
地底布满了五颜六色的蘑菇丛,头顶的土层中,则缠绕着大大小小数不清的植物根系,还有大量紫色的发光石点缀其中。In the quietpurplerayshines, the groundcenterplaceslimpidly the spring water that a sideis full of the lifeenergy, a canary of being familiaris standingnear the spring water the peckingspring waterdrinks.
而在幽紫色的光线映照中,地面中央置放着一方清澈而充满生命活力的泉水,一只熟悉的金丝雀正站在泉水边啄泉水喝。„Chirp chirp!”
The canarydiscovers the person, is crooked the headwas sizing upMu Youoneverynimble and resourceful, the eyetransferred the revolutions, whoas ifrecognizedhimis.
金丝雀发现来人,歪着脑袋打量了沐游一眼,眼睛很是灵动的转了转,似乎认出了他是谁。Mu Youput out a hand a move, the canarythenspreads the wingsto flyonhisfinger.沐游伸手一招,金丝雀便展翅飞到了他的手指上。Is looking at the bird in hand, the Mu Youcomplexionis strange.
看着手中的鸟儿,沐游脸色古怪。Thisbirdhegave the body that Vivianpreparesinitially, beforeVivianshiftedcormorantwithin the body, thisbirddied and was rebornwith the dense/woodsspirithelp, afterwardMu Youmustleavethislittle fellowwas actually missing.
The Mu Youitself/Benthinksfor a long timepasses, thislittle fellowearlydamn, has not thought that is also jumping for joy.沐游本以为这么长时间过去,这小家伙早该死了,没想到还活蹦乱跳着。Mu Youlooked at the groundyouthfountain of youth, thisspring waterhas the effect of stagnantlife expenditure, it is estimated thatis the little fellowhas stayed the reasonbyspring water, thishad not been affectedby the gate.沐游看了眼地上的青春不老泉,这泉水拥有停滞寿命损耗的功效,估计是小家伙一直呆在泉水旁的缘故,这才没有受到门的影响。„Do dense/woodsspirit?”Canary of Mu Youontowardfingerasked.
The canaryseems likecanunderstand the criticism/human languageto be common, immediatelyfliesby the spring water, to a branch that the groundis stretching outtowering, peckedfiercelyseveral.
金丝雀像是能听懂人言一般,立即飞到泉水旁边,对着地上突兀伸出的一根树枝,猛啄了几下。With the movement of bird, the entiretunneltrembledfiercely, thenthat‚branch’rises straight from the groundunexpectedlyautomatically, underis connecting the antlercommonfurcation, againdownwardis the body of headandwooden......
After dozensseconds, a dense/woodsspirit of taking the form ofelk, fromundergroundcrawled.
数十秒后,一只形似麋鹿的森灵,从地下爬了出来。„...... Vivian? Originallywasyoucame......”
The dense/woodsmake the chaossoundspirit, as ifjustawoke, shook the head, after soberingonenext, thenlookedto the left hand of Mu You.
森灵发出混沌的声音,似乎刚刚睡醒,晃了晃脑袋,清醒了一下后,便看向了沐游的左手。Becausethis momentMu Youtakesthatforestcore.
The dense/woodsspiritemits a crotchfrom the ground, extendsbefore the Mu Youbody.
森灵从地上冒出一支树杈,延伸到沐游身前。Mu Youputon the core the crotch.沐游将核心放到了树杈上。
The crotchtakes backto the dense/woodsspiritsidequickly, the dense/woodsstare at the core that the blackair/Qiis surgingspirit, the soundshivergradually.
树杈很快收回到森灵身边,森灵盯着黑气涌动的核心,声音渐渐颤抖起来。„Mycore...... had been cleaned upcleanlyso manyunexpectedly, inconceivable...... Vivian, youhave not really deceivedme......”
“当然。”Viviansaidwith the somewhatproudtone.薇薇安用有些骄傲的口气说。„Youngster, youcompleted requirement, according to the agreement, thisspring waterwasyour, then must askyouto continueto helpmeclean up the surpluspollution......”dense/woodsto lookspirittoMu You, handed over the corewith the crotch.
“少年,你完成了委托,按照约定,这口泉水是你的了,接下来还要请你继续帮我清理剩余的污染……”森灵看向沐游,用树杈将核心递了回来。„Does not have the issue.”Mu Youreceived the core, joyfullynod.
“没问题。”沐游接过核心,欣然点头。Vivianseizes the chance saying: „Sinceyouhave believedus, leadsusto go to‚that side’...... you to understand that mypurpose in coming, this is also toyourethnic groupadvantageousmatter.”薇薇安趁机道:“既然你已经相信了我们,就带我们去‘那边’吧……你应该明白我的来意,这也是对你们族群有利的事。”„This......”
“这个……”Woodsspirithearsword, the toneactuallysuddenlybecomeshesitant, someline of sightdisplacements.
森灵闻言,语气却忽然变得犹豫起来,视线有些偏移。„What's wrong? Does that sidehave an accident?”Vivianasked.
“怎么?那边出了什么事?”薇薇安问。„Actually, beforeyoucome, hashumanunderotherdense/woodsspiritrecommending, has visitedourboundary, Ido not know how theyachieve, in brief, theyas ifalsofound the method of eliminationpollution, moreoversuccessfullyconvincedourhead of the clan, nowhead of the clanhad achieved the agreementwiththem, from now onwill be processed...... dense/woodsto answerspiritbythem the nuclearintimacy of pollutionexceeding the allowed figure”.
The Mu Youhearrememberedthatgroup of secret spellchurchesimmediately.沐游听完顿时想起了那伙秘术教会。BeforeNightwatcherhad said that they grasped the doubtfuldense/woodsspiritcore the thing, at that timeMu Youguessed,theyprobablyalsoreached the agreementwithsomedense/woodsspirit, has not thought that the actual situationwas more serious, thisgroup of peopleacted swiftly to get there firstunexpectedly, directand did the dense/woodsspiritclanachieve the cooperation?
之前打更人说过他们掌握有疑似森灵核心的东西,当时沐游就猜测,他们可能也和某个森灵达成了协议,没想到实际情况更严重,这伙人居然捷足先登,直接和森灵一族达成了合作?„Iknowanothercrowd of human that probablyyousaidwhoare, with all due respect, thesepeople are very possibleto deceiveyou, theywill not succeed.”
“我大概知道你说的另一群人类是谁,恕我直言,那些人很可能是在骗你们,他们不会成功的。”Vivianknits the brows: „Thesepeopleare used in the thing of decontamination, butrefers to the replica that ourSecret Spell Crystalfabricate, the effecttendo not saveone, givesthem, might as wellgiveus the efficiencyto be higherabsolutely.”薇薇安皱眉道:“这些人用于消除污染的东西,只是参照我们的秘术结晶伪造出的仿制品,效果十不存一,交给他们,绝对不如交给我们效率更高。”„In addition, ifmerelyis only the issue of cleaning upspeedeven if, theseperson of realissuesare, theyare notFool, is not the Foolpersonplays withblack magic, the finalfateonlymetandme was the same initially, turneddoes not have the humaneslaughteringmachine, butyourcores, certainlywill still be losthumanethemfinally, wayforevil!”
“此外,如果仅仅只是清理速度的问题也就算了,这些人真正的问题是,他们不是愚者,不是愚者的人玩弄黑魔法,最后的下场只会和我当初一样,变成没有人性的杀戮机器,而你们的核心,最终也一定会被失去人性的他们,用于罪恶的途径!”„Oh, theseIalsothought certainly, initiallythatgroup of peoplecametime, Ihave then proposed the opposing opinion, told the clansmanyourmatter, hopes that canwait foryourresults, what a pityIamedgecharacter in ethnic group, the when one's position is lowly one's words carry no weight, butrecommendedtheirdense/woodsspirits, was powerful, itswordscompared withmyconvincingmany, the head of the clanbelievefinallythatgroup of people, delivered tothem the core.” The dense/woodssaid with a sighspirit.
“唉,这些我当然也想到了,当初那群人来的时候,我便提出过反对意见,也告诉了族人你们的事情,希望能等一等你们的结果,可惜我本来就是族群中的边缘角色,人微言轻,而引荐他们的森灵,却位高权重,它的话比我有说服力的多,最终族长还是相信了那伙人,将核心交予了他们。”森灵叹息道。„How manycoreshanded over?”Vivianasked.
“交出了多少核心?”薇薇安问。„Five, were the pollution...... dense/woodssaidin90abovecorescompletely”spirit.
“五颗,全部都是污染在90的以上的核心……”森灵说。„Five were also too many! Did yourhead of the clansenile dementiaviolate? Onetoso many, did not fear that theydo take awayto rebel?”Viviandisgruntledsay/way.
“五颗也太多了!你们的族长老年痴呆又犯了吗?一下给这么多,就不怕他们拿去作乱?”薇薇安不悦道。„Thisactuallyalsohead of the clan, the opposite partyon the grounds ofcost, stated clearlyno wonderat that timewas less thanfive is not then ableto achieve the cooperation. Butat that timein the clanwas at the seriously injuredcondition the coreto save, has then not found the wayto solveon the danger, the head of the clan is also feared that losesthisonlyopportunity, hasfirstto givefiveto makethemtry the water......”dense/woodsto sayspirit.
( This chapterends)
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