TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#551: The mine field jumps

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Chapter 551 mine field jumps 第551章雷区蹦迪 The lamp god friendship provides mirage season captures, Mu You turned the head to publicize in the group. 灯神友情提供的‘蜃气季攻略’,沐游转头就公开到了群里。 But the people see the so detailed mechanism, relaxes, is those words, unknown is most fearful, again complex bad risk rule, once were revealed that the threat degree will plummet. 而众人看到如此详细的机制,也都是松了口气,还是那句话,未知才是最可怕的,再复杂凶险的规则,一旦被揭密,威胁度都会直线下降。 Abandoned city scene that in other words, we see now, is real, but is in other position?” The emperors asked. “也就是说,我们现在看到的废弃城市场景,都是真实的,只是处于别的位置?”天子问。 Yes.” Mu You reply: Therefore I proposed us immediately, sought for the true waste city, so long as can find and lighten that to direct the soul lamp, even if this time we opened up wasteland the failure, next time can still transmit at any time, did not need again after the lake bottom.” “是的。”沐游回复:“所以我提议我们立即出发,寻找真正的废城,只要能找到并点亮那盏引魂灯,就算这次我们开荒失败,下次也可以随时传送过来,不需要再经过湖底。” Good.” “好。” Does not have the issue......” “没问题……” ...... …… The people do not have the opinion, assigned quest in the group simply. 众人都没意见,在群里简单分配了一番任务 Then waited for the moment in the game, after the respective character regains consciousness, then dispersed as scheduled, respectively toward several clues of direction search old cities. 接下来在游戏中等待了片刻,待各自人物苏醒后,便按原计划分散开来,分别往几个方向搜寻古城的线索。 Those who let Mu You not expect, his captures the tenderer, instead is in the people last regains consciousness. 沐游没料到的是,他这个攻略提供者,反而是众人中最后一个苏醒的。 According to the view of lamp god, in the mirage goes to sleep each time, takes 2-8 hours to be able normally to regain consciousness. 根据灯神的说法,在蜃气中每次入睡后,需要2-8个小时才能正常苏醒。 During this period, if takes the nightmare powder, after being attacked, can regain consciousness at any time, but if sleep insufficient lowest two hours, then after awakens, quick will go to sleep again. 在这期间,如果是服用噩梦粉,被攻击后可以随时苏醒,但如果睡眠不足最低的两小时,则苏醒后很快会再次入睡。 Two types of powder compare, obviously the nightmare powder is better, because there is an opportunity to regain consciousness ahead of time, but the fond dream powder turns over to the security safely, actually can only think sleeps as late as one wants, the luck is poor one time, rests the 7~8 hour to wake up, a day 1/3 did not have. 两种粉末相比起来,显然还是噩梦粉更好一些,因为有机会提前苏醒,而美梦粉安全归安全,却只能一觉睡到自然醒,运气差一点,睡一次得七八个小时才能醒来,一天三分之一就这么没了。 For example Mu You this time was quite unlucky, rested for enough seven -and-a-half hours, the character woke up finally, at this time other also living the person, has explored outward quite a while. 比如沐游这次就比较倒霉,睡了足足七个半小时,人物才终于醒来,这时候其他还活着的人,已经往外探索半天了。 However the advantage also has, before he regains consciousness, some people have searched the land for building of doubtful old city. 不过好处也有,在他苏醒之前,已经有人探到了疑似古城的地皮。 In southwest, feels like the level road that builds artificially......” message is nine quiet. “在西南方向,感觉像是一段人为修筑的平路……”留言是九幽。 Others see the news, adjusted the exploration direction immediately, starts southwestern North Korea to set out. 其他人看到消息,都是立即调整了探索方向,纷纷开始朝西南进发。 Well, I passed through a wetland probably! When I tried to find out that......” blue beard leaves a message suddenly. “咦,我好像经过了一块湿地!等我摸索一下……”蓝胡子忽然留言。 Haha, found, ovum! Has not hatched!” “哈哈,找到了,虫卵!还没孵化!” Flamboyant, really illuminated the surroundings! I can see the real scene finally!” The blue beard seems quite excited. “牛逼,真的照亮了周围!我终于能看到真实场景了!”蓝胡子显得相当激动。 Said quickly, what the real scene is long?” Some people are curious. “快说说,真实场景到底长什么样?”有人好奇。 Is a stretch of open land, probably the swamp land for building...... is growing many wryneck subtrees......” “是一片荒地,好像沼泽地皮……长着很多歪脖子树……” Wait a bit, the light ball extinguished, when I lead the person to touch several ovums to look again......” “稍等,光球灭了,等我带人多摸几颗虫卵再看……” ...... …… The news of blue beard stops suddenly to this. 蓝胡子的消息到此戛然而止。 Has crossed for more than ten minutes, he froths over again. 一直过了十多分钟,他才再次冒泡。 Crap! Probably rushed in the insect nest, many beetles pursued us......” 我靠!好像闯进虫窝里了,好多甲虫追我们……” These beetles play, several hundred act together......” “这些甲虫玩赖啊,几百只一起行动……” Was finished, I died hand/subordinate......” “完蛋,我手下死完了……” You?” Some people cared. “你呢?”有人关心。 Crap the god skin is running away forcefully, but these gadget still pursue in the doom, when my god skin time arrives, definitely must die......” 我靠着神皮强行逃出来了,但是这些玩意儿还在死命追,等我神皮时间一到,肯定也得死……” The blue beard as if foresees the destiny that oneself died, simply heroic: Elder Brother several, I first estimated walk one step, more than 20 ovums that but our touched with great difficulty cannot lose, I threw in the snail stone carving got down together, later had here, can nearby look......” 蓝胡子似乎预见到了自己死亡的命运,索性豪迈了一把:“哥几个,我估计得先走一步了,不过我们这好不容易摸到的二十多颗虫卵不能丢,我扔在一块蜗牛石雕下了,待会有过来这边的,可以就近找一找……” The blue beard said that also escaped reluctantly for several minutes, was covered by the insect group, returns to the western paradise thoroughly. 蓝胡子说完,又勉强逃跑了几分钟,便被虫群覆盖,彻底归西。 Others intend to pick actually, what a pity everyone itinerary is scattered, has gone out far away, for several ovums run up to another direction specially, is true some gains don't equal the loss, has this time, perhaps they continued also to find the wetland. 其他人倒是有意去捡,可惜大家行程过于分散,都已经走出老远了,为了几颗虫卵专门跑到另一个方向,属实有些得不偿失,有这个时间,说不定他们继续走也能找到湿地。 Therefore the people have not been put into action, this makes Mu You pick up a bargain actually. 所以众人都没付诸行动,这倒是让沐游捡了个便宜。 At this time the Mu You character just regained consciousness, immediately overtakes in the direction of blue beard. 此时沐游的人物才刚刚苏醒,当即朝着蓝胡子的方向赶了过去。 【...... You went to a doubtful wetland place, ground silt viscous, water hole numerous......】 【……你来到了一处疑似湿地的地方,地面淤泥粘稠,水坑众多……】 You started existence, the you existence feeling becomes extremely thin......】 【你发动了‘存在’,伱的存在感变得极为稀薄……】 【...... You tried to find out that a snail stone carving, searched for in surroundings, soon discovered some soft glutinous slippery spheroids under stone carving......】 【……你摸索到了一块蜗牛石雕,在周围搜寻一番,很快在石雕下发现了一些软糯湿滑的球体……】 You obtained broken dream ovum * 24......】 【你获得了‘破梦虫卵’……】 In smooth many compared with imagination, just came shortly, then happen to hit in the blue beard death place, received this wave of heritage. 比想象中顺利的多,刚过来没多久,便正好撞在了蓝胡子死亡的地方,直接收了这波遗产。 Mu You a crumb ovum tries immediately. 沐游当即捏碎一颗虫卵试了试。 You strike to kill an ovum, in the ovum the life elapses, the surplus liquids flow out, in your hands concentrates a glimmer ball of illumination, illuminated the spaces within all around several meters.】 【你击杀一颗虫卵,虫卵中生命逝去,剩余的液体流出,在你手中凝成一颗发光的荧球,照亮了四周数米内的空间。】 Your this time right person in a stretch of moist muddy land, surroundings bleak piece, cannot see sight of green, only then about several meters place, is growing several wryneck subtrees......】 【你此时正身处在一片潮湿的泥地中,周围荒凉一片,看不到一丝绿意,只有在几米开外的地方,生长着几颗歪脖子树……】 You hear suddenly resound sharp neighing sound behind, turn head looked, two one meter high beetles appear in you behind, mouth apparatus gathers, reveals sharp tooth and is covered with the tongue of hangnail......】 【你忽然听到身后响起尖利的嘶叫声,回头一看,两只一米多高的甲虫出现在你身后,口器一张一合,露出尖利的牙齿和长满倒刺的舌头……】 【A beetle neighed, swooped to come toward you, another beetle faced distant place, opens the mouth sent out resoundingly neighed......】 【其中一只甲虫嘶叫一声,朝你飞扑而来,另一只甲虫则朝向远处,张口发出了高亢的嘶鸣……】 You avoid throwing of beetle to strike, quickly starts to escape......】 【你躲开甲虫的扑击,急忙开始逃跑……】 At the same time, in which ovum in your hand just hatches, a beetle of tooth point mouth advantage drills from egg, throws toward your face on......】 【与此同时,你手中的其中一颗虫卵刚好孵化,一只牙尖嘴利的甲虫从卵中钻出,朝你脸上扑来……】 You were nipped by beetle, in body toxin, life value sharp decline......】 【你被甲虫咬中,身中毒素,生命值锐减……】 Recollection.” “回溯。” Time circulation, you will soon take out ovum of hatching ahead of time, lose to rear area......】 【时光流转,你提前把即将孵化的虫卵取出,丢向了后方……】 This thing only then the egg shape can blow out the useful thing, once hatched the prosopon to abandon, however the incubation time could not look from the semblance, for a long time in the hand, was equal to with a time bomb. 这东西只有卵形态才可以爆出有用的东西,一旦孵化成虫就废了,然而孵化时间从外表又看不出来,长时间拿在手里,等于拿着一把定时炸弹。 Most critically, this thing appears calls people friends readily, no while can draw on a troop, blue beard and the others will die no wonder a moment ago. 更关键的是,这东西一出现就呼朋唤友,没一会儿就能招来一大群,也难怪刚才蓝胡子等人会遇难。 Is good is good because of this moment Mu You situation, without and other beetles gathered then started escaping in groups, escapes should not to have the issue. 好在此刻沐游形势还算不错,没等甲虫聚成群便开始了逃跑,逃出去应该没问题。 【...... You left moist region, dense and numerous beetle gave up pursuit......】 【……你离开了潮湿地带,身后密密麻麻的甲虫放弃了追击……】 【...... You entered a piece of broad level road, seeing institute, does not see any obstacle, obviously has trace that builds artificially......】 【……你进入了一片宽阔的平路,入目所及,不见任何障碍物,明显有人为修筑的痕迹……】 Just left the wetland shortly, Mu You then went the place that nine said quiet smoothly. 刚离开湿地没多久,沐游便顺利到达了九幽所说的地方。 But this moment others had gone down to this region, from their feedbacks, before here indeed is, abandoned old city that in the illusion sees. 而此刻其他人已经深入了这片区域,从他们的反馈来看,这里的确就是之前幻象中见到的废弃古城。 Moreover from entering here starts, the star class of surroundings monster promotes suddenly, some people had encountered the 5~6 star above monster continuously. 而且从进入这里开始,周围怪物的星级急剧提升,已经有人连续遭遇了五六星以上的怪物。 From the beginning some people are also holding the idea of taking advantage of a mistake, is hoping can meet some sleepwalk tall Xingguai, in the situation that in the opposite party is unable to revolt against strikes to kill without the wound. 一开始还有人抱着捡漏的想法,期盼着能遇到一些‘梦游’中的高星怪,在对方无法反抗的情况下无伤击杀。 What a pity after wanderer moment, the people soon discovered, high star lifeform intelligent very much, hardly exists does not eat the situation that the dream powder goes to sleep directly, either one dozen awakes, either has the petrified level protection, does not move. 可惜闯荡了片刻后,众人很快发现,高星生物聪明的很,几乎不存在不吃梦粉直接入睡的情况,要么一打就醒,要么有石化层保护,根本打不动。 Several hours later, true freeload has not happened, is the opening up wasteland team the casualty is on the contrary serious. 几个小时下来,一次真正的白嫖都没发生,反倒是开荒队伍这边死伤惨重。 I hung, you refuel!” After opening up wasteland the entire 12 hours, nine quiet sent one in the group suddenly. “我挂了,你们加油!”开荒整整十二小时后,九幽忽然在群里发了一句。 „Didn't nine quiet have? That present only remained the emperor and ghost ship is long?” “九幽也没了?那现在是不是只剩天子和幽灵船长了?” Probably......” “好像是……” Was too miserable, started to join the action may have more than 900 people, all was the elite......” “太惨了吧,开始参加行动的可有九百多人呐,全是精英……” Opens up wasteland, but also just encounters the disaster, can support such for a long time good......” “开荒嘛,还刚好碰到天灾,能撑这么久不错了……” ...... …… The people smile bitterly, before coming, they may be confident, think more earnest, supports 1-2 weeks is not a problem, no one has thought that opposite situation is so bad, first day almost the group has extinguished. 众人都是苦笑,来之前他们可都是信心满满,自以为认真一些,撑个1-2不成问题,谁也没想到对面情况这么恶劣,才第一天就已经几乎团灭。 Emperor and ghost ship are long, looked that your......” some people encouraged. “天子、幽灵船长,就看你们的了……”有人鼓励。 The result finishes speaking, the emperor also sends out the message: „...... Did not look like me also to stop......” 结果话音刚落,天子也发出消息:“唔……看来我也到此为止了……” „, This......” “啊,这……” The people are speechless, whose crow mouth so spirits, just said that hangs one, then only remains a Mu You only child thoroughly. 众人无语,谁的乌鸦嘴这么灵,刚说完就又挂一个,这下彻底只剩沐游一根独苗。 Big shot refuels......” “大佬加油……” Supports......” “撑住啊……” Depended on you......” “就靠你了……” The people will therefore encourage to change to Mu You. 众人于是纷纷将鼓励转到了沐游身上。 Mu You indicated that presses strength mountain to be big. He lives for a long time compared with others, picked the backward small advantage, the road ahead is basically searched several rounds by the people, he walked the relative security again. 沐游表示压力山大。他之所以比别人活得长久,一个是捡了落后的便宜,前路基本已经被众人探过数轮,他再走相对安全。 Two are he and reduces by the reply of vampire has the feeling, enhanced the living on dishonorably ability sharply. 二就是他靠吸血鬼的回复和降低存在感,大幅提升了苟活能力。 However even so, he cannot guarantee anything, opening up wasteland of this strange region was too truly dangerous. 不过即便如此,他也不敢保证什么,这种陌生地域的开荒确实太危险了。 Then Mu You then controls the character cautiously tried to find out in the waste city, because the midway the mirage fell asleep excessive one time, this Mu You took the nightmare powder decisively, small was then hit to awake by one after three hours strangely , to continue to start to explore. 接下来沐游便操控人物小心翼翼的在废城中摸索,中途又因为蜃气过重睡着了一次,这次沐游果断服下了噩梦粉,在三个小时后便被一只小怪打醒,继续开始探索。 In such off and on opening up wasteland, the time blinked had arrived at the next day. 就这么断断续续的开荒中,时间眨眼已经来到了第二天。 To next morning, in the game transmits the prompt finally. 一直到第二天清晨时分,游戏中终于传来提示。 Under shining of fluorescence, you see the scene of front pavilions, making you feel particularly familiar, when with you just arrived here, seen picture is almost identical......】 【荧光的照耀下,你看到前方一片亭台楼阁的场景,让你感觉分外熟悉,和你刚来到这里时,看到的画面几乎雷同……】 Mu You eye one bright. He saw that directs the soul lamp in most to start, walked several steps to bump into the soul lamp of float slightly, at this moment finally saw the initial mirage scene, explained that directed the soul lamp to be very likely in the nearby. 沐游眼睛一亮。他见到引魂灯正是在最开始,稍微走了几步就碰到了漂浮的魂灯,此刻终于见到了最初的海市蜃楼场景,说明引魂灯极有可能就在附近。 You choked to death a new armor ovum, seeks in nearby taking advantage of the fluorescence of light ball......】 【你掐死了一只新的甲虫卵,借光球的荧光在附近寻找起来……】 【When are not many, you see near the water hole of front not far away suddenly, a familiar oil lamp is partly visible, directs the soul lamp!】 【不多时,你忽然看到前方不远处的水坑边,一盏熟悉的青灯若隐若现,正是引魂灯!】 【Before you are wanting to rush, actually detected suddenly, in the surrounding ground snow white white bones find at everywhere, from skeleton shape, the build of these white bones and human is quite approximate......】 【你正欲冲上前,却忽然发觉,周围的地面上皑皑白骨随处可见,从骨骼形状来看,这些白骨和人类的体型极为近似……】 „Oh?” “哦?” Mu You selects the eyebrow, is the skeleton of Fool ancestor? 沐游一挑眉,难道是愚者先祖的骸骨? If yes, why directs nearby the soul lamp, will have so many Fool dead? This inside issue is very big...... 如果是,为什么偏偏引魂灯附近,会有这么多愚者死亡?这里面问题很大啊…… You are inspecting skeleton carefully, what a pity these skeletons had died for many years, for a while cannot see any exceptionally......】 【你一路小心的检查着尸骨,可惜这些尸骨早已死去多年,一时没能看出任何异常……】 You arrived directed under the soul lamp, lightened the soul lamp?】 【你来到了引魂灯下,是否点亮魂灯?】 Yes.” “是。” You lightened the soul lamp, from now on you in the nearby died, may choose, in should direct under the soul lamp to resurrect, if in the nearby range has many soul lamps, may choose in random soul lamp place resurrects. Among the directing soul lamps within certain range, can transmit mutually( must stand under directing soul lamp maintains static over ten minutes)】 【你点亮了魂灯,今后你在附近死亡时,可选择在该引魂灯下复活,若附近范围内有多盏魂灯,可选择在任意一处魂灯处复活。一定范围内的引魂灯之间,可以相互传送(需站在引魂灯下保持静止超过十分钟)】 After lightening the second soul lamp, opened the transmission shift function of supplementary, even if later he died to return to that side the exit|to speak, can still shift to here at any time again comes. 点亮第二盏魂灯后,开启了附带的传送转移功能,之后就算他死亡回到出口那边,也可以随时再转移到这里来。 You just lightened direct the soul lamp, sees in soul lamp below blue stone, is carving two Astral Spirit Language writing, under the corrosion of years, has become cannot withstand fuzzily.】 【你刚点亮引魂灯,就见魂灯下方的青石上,雕刻着两个星灵语文字,已经在岁月的侵蚀下,变得模糊不堪。】 You identify carefully, just now lags behind, these two characters unexpectedly are: Running!】 【你仔细辨认,方才后知后觉,这两个字竟是:‘快跑’!】 You felt suddenly ground trembles slightly......】 【你忽然感觉地面微微震颤……】 Your vigilance after looks, sees in the front dense fog, as if has anything in rapid traverse......】 【你警觉的朝后望去,就见前方迷雾之中,似乎有什么东西在快速移动……】 You lose a broken dream light ball to the front, under shining of fluorescence, you saw clearly the thing of distant place finally.】 【你将一颗破梦光球丢向前方,在荧光的照耀下,你终于看清了远处的事物。】 That was figurate number ten meters high crab, whole body is covered with scarlet scale a solitarily, back was connecting a three story of wooden building, was carries a room unexpectedly in movement......】 【那是一只身形数十米高的螃蟹,浑身长满了赤红的鳞片,后背连接着一栋三层的木制楼房,竟是扛着一栋房在移动……】 After red crab comes, not far away original pavilions, standing up, turned into one only to shoulder the giant crab of pavilions suddenly in abundance......】 【在赤色螃蟹现身后,不远处原本的亭台楼阁,也忽然纷纷‘站起’,变成了一只只背负着亭台楼阁的巨型螃蟹……】 Numerous crabs are brandishing terminal segment of chelicera, from kills in all directions toward you, surrounds you quickly......】 【众多螃蟹挥舞着螯钳,从四面八方朝你杀来,很快将你包围在内……】 Mu You quickly clicked on crab text. 沐游急忙点击了一下‘螃蟹’的文本。 Clam crab: The associated species of clam tapir, uses the flesh of intelligent lifeform as the food, the hard carapace defensive power is astonishing, the sharp claw regarding will be created huge extra damage by the mirage influence lifeform. Usually lodges on the body of clam tapir, helping the clam tapir clean up the lifeform that the impurity of body surface and astrays, to guarantee clam tapir better sinking dormancy. The clam crab collective action, has the profound wisdom, being good at camouflaging is the building, the treasure, trapping the intelligent lifeform to approach, conducts to encircle again kills......】 【蜃蟹:蜃貘的伴生物种,以智慧生物的血肉为食,坚硬的背甲防御力惊人,锋利的钳爪对于被蜃气影响的生物会造成巨幅的额外伤害。平时寄宿在蜃貘的身体上,帮蜃貘清理体表的杂质和误入的生物,以保证蜃貘更好的沉眠。蜃蟹集体行动,拥有高度智慧,擅长伪装为建筑物,宝物等,诱骗智慧生物靠近,再进行围杀……】 The complexion that Mu You looks is strange. 沐游看的脸色古怪。 Looks at this explanation, why he will understand immediately periphery will have the skeletons of so many Fool ancestors, directed the soul lamp including this, unexpectedly was a trap. 看完这段说明,他立即明白了为什么周围会有这么多愚者先祖的尸骨,包括这盏引魂灯在内,竟然都是陷阱。 Very possibly once these crabs stumbled upon function that directs the soul lamp, therefore shifts this soul lamp specially, by directing the soul lamp attracts continuously the Fool ancestor, treats as food to swallow again. 很可能曾经这些螃蟹偶然发现了引魂灯的作用,所以特意将魂灯转移到此,靠引魂灯将愚者先祖源源不断的吸引过来,再当做食物吞食。 But Mu You is surprised at this time, threat that because actually not merely these crabs bring, but is in the explanation mentioned specially, this crab usually parasites on the body of clam tapir, the work cleans up the lifeform of body surface for the clam tapir. 沐游此时之所以惊讶,倒不是仅仅因为这些螃蟹带来的威胁,而是说明中特意提到,这种螃蟹平时就寄生在蜃貘的身上,工作是为蜃貘清理体表的生物。 Since can see the clam crab here, saying that clam tapir in...... 那既然能在这里见到蜃蟹,岂不是说,蜃貘就在…… Mu You guessed correctly a frightened possibility immediately: After Their group arrived here, the under foot walked the lands of one day and one night, is only a part of clam tapir body? 沐游顿时猜到了一种惊悚的可能:难道说,他们一行人来到这边后,脚下行走了一天一夜的这片土地,全都只是蜃貘身体的一部分? They opened up wasteland the half of the day, unexpectedly is only the entire journey wanders in conducting the back of clam tapir? 他们开荒了半天,居然只是全程在蜃貘的背上游荡? Mu You had pondered without enough time, at this time played popped up the connected prompt fast. 沐游已经来不及细想,此时游戏中快速弹出了连串的提示。 Eight wriggles away your recent clam crab fully, runs amuck to kill toward you......】 【距你最近的一只蜃蟹八足蠕动,横行着朝你杀来……】 You quickly summoned are lost in thought skin resistance, sharp terminal segment of chelicera touched and went from you, immediately delimited a terrifying wound on god's skin, direct exposure your main body......】 【你急忙召唤出神之皮肤抵抗,锋锐的螯钳从你身上擦过,顿时在神之皮肤上划出了一道恐怖的伤口,直接暴露出了你的本体……】 Terminal segment of chelicera crashes, has delimited the monster statue of not far away, all the way indestructible statue, actually under the sharp blade of terminal segment of chelicera easy was cut head......】 【螯钳坠落,划过不远处的一只怪兽石像,一路上坚不可摧的石像,却在螯钳的利刃下轻而易举的被切下了头颅……】 See companion cannot the earliest possible time strike to kill you, other clam crabs are kyoodling immediately, kills together toward you......】 【见同伴未能第一时间击杀你,其他蜃蟹顿时哇哇乱叫着,一同朝你杀来……】 Mu You looks at the eyelid to jump, the pliers of this thing were also too fierce, when that cherishes fond hopes the statue that produces, he has thought is invincible, has not thought that unexpectedly can be pinched-off by this pliers with ease. 沐游看得眼皮直跳,这东西的钳子也太厉害了,那做美梦时产生的石像,他一直以为是无敌的,没想到居然能被这钳子轻松夹断。 You started existence, will have the feeling extreme speed to reduce. What a pity, surrounding crab still combative locking you......】 【你发动了存在,将存在感极速降低。可惜,周围的螃蟹依然杀气腾腾的锁定着你……】 These crab star classes are quite obviously high, his existence first-level, is invalid to these things. 这些螃蟹星级显然相当高,他的‘存在’又只有一级,对这些东西无效。 At this moment, Mu You also knows oneself this time definitely could not be inescapable, controlled the character to turn round simply, charged into first to the crab that he acted, is dying to come round of wind to bury the artillery. 事到如今,沐游也知道自己这次肯定跑不了了,索性操控人物回身,冲向了第一个对他出手的螃蟹,在死前来了一发风葬炮。 You buried artillery to aim at the foreleg joint place of clam crab wind......】 【你将风葬炮对准了蜃蟹的前肢关节处……】 Crab type of thing, the whole body was covered by the carapace, the defensive power is truly intrepid, but, the joint of crab to maintain flexibly, fresh very slender, and is unable to cover the armor, instead became it biggest weakness, breaks the leg to break the crab of foot to be countless incautiously. 螃蟹这种东西,全身都被甲壳覆盖,防御力确实强悍,不过,螃蟹的关节为了保持灵活,生的十分纤细,且无法覆盖盔甲,反而成了它最大的弱点,一不小心断腿断脚的螃蟹不计其数。 At this time Mu You aims at the weakness of opposite party to go specially. 此时沐游就专门瞄准对方的弱点而去。 【The energy of your within the body was found time instantaneously, innumerable crowded wind edges stimulate, congealed one group of dazzling light groups......】 【你体内的能量瞬间被抽空,无数密集的风刃激发而出,凝成了一团耀眼的光团……】 【The Wind Discipline energy that pinnacle compresses passes through, tore into shreds all along the way......】 【极致压缩的风系能量贯穿而过,撕碎了沿途的一切……】 You only hear the front clam crab to hear one miserably howling, the foreleg that it raises breaks from the root accordingly, the giant terminal segment of chelicera falls falls by you, gathers?】 【你只听到前方蜃蟹传来一声惨嚎,它扬起的前肢从根部应声而断,巨大的螯钳摔落在你旁边,是否收取?】 Yes!” “是!” Mu You at this moment, quickly clicks on the determination, immediately explodes the hand greatly fast, catches up before was instead killed by the violent anger crab, extracted the spoils of war. 沐游等的就是这一刻,急忙点击确定,随即大爆手速,赶在被暴怒的螃蟹反杀前,将战利品提取了出来。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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