TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#550: The mirage season of ahead of time arriving at

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Mirage season that Chapter 550 arrives at ahead of time 第550章提前到来的蜃气季 Fond dream...... nightmare......” “美梦……噩梦……” Mu You looks knits the brows. 沐游看得皱眉。 Generally speaking, thing that this type falls fixedly, in dark powder with beforehand dark hole, as well as a bitter and astringent pollen principle in bitter and astringent forest, reason that can blow out from monster within the body , because in the environment is flooding this material massively. 一般来说,这种固定掉落的东西,就和之前暗窟里的黑暗粉末,以及苦涩森林里的苦涩花粉一个原理,之所以能从怪物体内爆出来,是因为周围环境中大量充斥着这种物质。 Therefore here environment, what with having a dream to relate?” Mu You hesitates secretly, for a while actually cannot draw what conclusion. “所以这里的环境,和做梦有什么联系?”沐游暗自沉吟,一时却也得不出什么结论。 Then the people continue the respective exploration. 接下来众人继续各自探索。 【...... You felt indistinctly the body is somewhat heavy, seems shouldering lump of a sponge that soaks full water is acting, every action and every movement become strenuous.】 【……你隐约感觉身体有些沉重,仿佛背负着一坨浸满水的海绵在行动,一举一动都变得吃力。】 You open sleeves to look, this discovered on your skin presented some green spots, as if moss is common, is proliferating quietly......】 【你拉开衣袖一看,这才发现你的皮肤上出现了一些绿色的斑点,仿佛苔藓一般,正在悄悄扩散……】 【The you attempt eliminates these spots, actually discovery spot as if grows in your skin, ineradicable......】 【伱尝试清除这些斑点,却发现斑点似乎生长在你皮肤内部,无法根除……】 Under the influence of this unknown spot, you felt that body is getting more and more heavy, action speed is even more slow......】 【在这种未知斑点的影响下,你感觉身体越来越重,行动速度越发缓慢……】 This anything spot, with was contaminated a moment ago the green alga of broken fog filter, seems like a thing. 这什么‘斑点’,和刚才浸染了破雾镜的绿藻,似乎是一种东西。 Mu You has not thought, this thing affects the item unexpectedly incessantly, but can also affect the human. 沐游没想到,这东西居然不止影响道具,还能影响到人身上。 Looked at a group, at this time others also came across similar issue. 看了眼群,此时其他人也都遇到了类似的问题。 fuck, this place is really weird, my person must rust!” 尼玛,这地方果然邪门,我人都要生锈了!” I am also......” “我也是……” Should not be the air of this place will be virulent? Attracted had/left spore anything on guild leader......” “该不会是这地方的空气有毒吧?吸多了就会长出孢子什么的……” Finally how can that? Should the whole body by the mold package, not be turned into the vegetable directly?” “那最后会怎么样?该不会全身被霉菌包裹,直接变成植物人吧?” Does not know......” “不知道……” ...... …… Several people complained, actually did not affect the progress. 几人边吐槽,却也丝毫不影响进度。 This spot looks a little strangely, but just started too in a big way not to affect, but the speed reduced speed, the people have not been serious, continue to explore. 这斑点看着有点诡异,不过刚开始还没有太大影响,只是速度减慢了些,众人都没太当回事,继续探索。 In vanguard, you felt suddenly hit a giant stone!】 【前行之中,你忽然感觉撞到了一块巨石!】 You put out a hand to try to find out, discovery this stone is uneven, the shape is very regular. You tried to find out carefully, discovered statue head harness horn, the on the back grows both wings, seem like the statue of some monster.】 【你伸手摸索,却发现这块石头有棱有角,形状十分规律。你仔细摸索,发现石像头带犄角,背生双翅,似乎是某种怪物的雕像。】 You hear in the statue to transmit the sound indistinctly, pastes the ear on the statue, the quick confirmation, unexpectedly is the heartbeat!】 【你隐约听到石像内传来动静,将耳朵贴在石像上,很快确认,竟是心跳声!】 In this stone carving, as if seals one living lifeform! You choose......】 【这石雕内,似乎封存着一只活着的生物!你选择……】 You attempted to attack stone carving, when all your attacks are contacting stone carving surface to like a stone dropped into the sea, has not created any damage to stone carving......】 【你尝试攻击了石雕,然而你所有的攻击都在接触到石雕表面时石沉大海,并未对石雕造成任何伤害……】 Cannot see the material object is this point most is fatal, coming across strange matter is unable to confirm that is what situation. 看不见实物就是这一点最致命,遇到了怪事也根本无法确认是什么情况。 Then Mu You tried to give this stone carving round of wind to bury the artillery, result statue unexpectedly in the wind buried under the might of artillery safe and sound! 接下来沐游试着给了这石雕一发风葬炮,结果这石像居然在风葬炮的威力下都安然无恙! Then Mu You did not have idea, this statue as if is really invincible, after recalling the time, has first to go round here , to continue to face forward to explore. 这下沐游也是没辙了,这石像似乎真是无敌的,回溯了时间后,只好先绕开这里,继续朝前探索。 In fumble that in all directions in the following hour, the group are careful passed. 接下来的一个小时内,一行人都在小心的四处摸索中度过。 Mu You has the pocket watch, when action can be bolder than others, the distance of therefore exploring is farthest, on the road the thing are also most. 沐游有怀表,行动时可以比其他人大胆一些,所以探索出的距离最远,路上遇到的事物也最多。 Except that these obviously are the trees, stone and so on death thing, this he altogether met 11 monsters all the way, including three were like the statue, is unable to move, actually under the protection of stone layers, be at invincible condition. 除去那些明显是树木,土石之类的死物,这一路上他总共遇到了十一只怪物,其中有三只都和刚才的石像一样,无法动弹,却又在石层的保护下,处于无敌状态。 In addition the monsters of two migrations, as if in the ignorant sleepwalk, Mu You met then attacked them, the meaning that they have not actually counter-attacked, still in selfish random walk, until Mu You struck to kill them. 此外还有两只移动的怪物,似乎在浑浑噩噩的梦游,沐游见面便攻击了它们,它们却没有丝毫反击的意思,依然在自顾自的游走,直至沐游将它们击杀。 Moreover, he also met one to look at dumbly in same place monster, but the body had not been petrified, seems standing sleeping. 另外,他还遇到了一只呆立原地的怪物,不过身上没有被石化,似乎只是在站着睡觉。 The Mu You itself/Ben thinks that this is also only same as the monster of that two sleepwalk, can attack casually, however after really acts, discovered that this monster one was attacked, then regains consciousness immediately, and started the counter-attack. 沐游本以为这只也和那两只梦游的怪物一样,可以随便攻击,然而真的出手之后,才发现这只怪物一遭受攻击,便立即苏醒,并开始了反击。 Finally remaining five, are monsters in the normal act. 最后剩下的五只,才是正常行动中的怪物。 Petrifies the monster besides that three, other monsters were struck to kill by Mu You entirely, finally obtained five nightmare powders and three fond dream powders. 除了那三只石化怪物外,其他怪物统统被沐游击杀,最后获得了五份噩梦粉和三份美梦粉。 【...... With the lapse of time, your body is even more heavy......】 【……随着时间的推移,你的身体越发沉重……】 You lift sleeves examination, discovered that quiet green spot had almost spread your whole body......】 【你掀开衣袖查看,发现幽绿斑点已经几乎蔓延了你的全身……】 You felt faintly is stranded intent to well up, making you drowsy. You choose......】 【你隐隐感觉一股困意涌来,令你昏昏欲睡。你选择……】 Finds place to sleep, By willpower strong brace 【找地方睡一觉】、【靠意志力强撑】 Two options, Mu You chose second. Here sleeps always felt very unsafe, how many monsters that particularly remembers that just met, making him be somewhat worried, after should they not fall asleep, will turn into such? 两个选项,沐游选了第二个。在这里睡觉总感觉很不安全,尤其是想起刚刚遇到的那几只怪物,让他有些担心,该不会他们睡着了之后也会变成那样吧? You depend on willpower forcefully keep sober by yourself , to continue to go forward......, however is stranded intent continuously also in wells up, in your heart clear, perhaps could not support by willpower only too for a long time......】 【你靠着意志力让自己强行保持清醒,继续前进……然而困意还在源源不断的涌来,你心中清楚,单靠意志力恐怕支撑不了太久……】 Mu You found time to look at a group, really in the group was to also whin one piece. 沐游抽空看了眼群,果然群里也是哀嚎一片。 Was finished, my character fell asleep!” “完蛋,我人物就地睡着了!” I am also......” “我也是……” I am still supporting, but it is estimated that also similar......” “我还在撑着,但是估计也差不多了……” This place is not really right, probably here dull was long, everyone will be forced to go to sleep.” “这地方果然不对劲啊,好像在这里呆的久了,所有人都会被迫入睡。” „After and other...... we fall asleep, should this one unable to awake?” “等一下……我们睡着之后,该不会就此一睡不醒了吧?” Relax, after I some people have fallen asleep, bit to death to return to the city by the monster, proved at least can go back......” “放心,我手下已经有人睡着后,被怪物咬死回城了,证明至少是能回去的……” That ten thousand hadn't one by one been found by the monster? Can be stranded here?” “那万一一直没被怪物找到呢?岂不是要一直被困在这里?” This......” “这个……” ...... …… Mu You watches people's discussion, suddenly realized anything. 沐游看着众人的讨论,忽然意识到了什么。 Then looked, at this moment in his game had just also arrived at the spent force. 回头一看,此刻他的游戏中刚好也已经到了强弩之末。 Your body serious feeling reached limit, carries a mountain just like shoulder, making you difficult......】 【你的身体沉重感到达了极限,宛如肩扛着一座山,令你寸步难行……】 Was stranded intent also to achieve apex at this moment, how even if you used willpower to resist stubbornly again, is unable to prevent your eyelid to close up......】 【困意也在此刻达到了顶点,纵使你再怎么用意志力顽抗,也无法阻止你的眼皮合拢……】 You look at dumbly same place, fell into deep sleep......】 【你呆立原地,陷入了沉睡……】 Recollection!” “回溯!” Mu You quickly according to the table, the short ten seconds could not do other matter, only controlled the character to swallow fond dream powder with enough time. 沐游急忙按表,短短十秒也做不了别的事,只来得及操控人物吞下一份美梦粉。 Time circulation, you before going to sleep, took fond dream powder hurriedly, gave free reign to the imagination can then have a good dream......】 【时光流转,你在入睡之前,匆忙服下了美梦粉,畅想着接下来能做个好梦……】 These two types of powder only then here peculiar genius will fall, is always impossible completely uselessly. 这两种粉末只有这里的怪才会掉落,总不可能完全没用。 Before the recombination, that three condition different monsters, a sleepwalk, a petrification, a deep sleep, Mu You guessed, can under the clothing/taking some type of powder, happen to correspond the above some condition. 再结合之前遇到的那三种状态迥异的怪物,一种梦游,一种石化,一种就地沉睡,沐游猜测,会不会服下某种粉末,正好对应着上述某种状态。 Is effective as for the reality, Mu You is not clear, after going to sleep, in the game then no longer springs the text, only if at this time had others side him, might try to find out his condition. 至于实际有没有效,沐游就不清楚了,入睡之后,游戏中便不再弹出文本,这时候除非有其他人在他身边,才有可能摸索出他的状态。 After oneself goes to sleep, Mu You then announced his speculation in group. 自己这边入睡之后,沐游这才在群里公布了他的猜测。 Other person of this also started all the way somewhat some powder, at this moment listened to his saying, hurried attempt. 其他人这一路上也多多少少入手了一些粉末,此刻听他一说,急忙尝试。 Well? Probably is really effective! After under my subordinate said I take the fond dream powder, entered the petrified condition......” “咦?好像真有效!我一个手下说我服下美梦粉之后,进入了石化状态……” Petrified condition probably invincible? After that falls asleep, does not need to fear that was attacked?” “石化状态好像是无敌的吧?那是不是睡着后就不用怕被攻击了?” I scratch, is this thing so useful? Said early......” “我擦,这东西这么有用?早说啊……” Words said, the nightmare powder is also useful?” “话说,噩梦粉又有什么用?” „It is not clear, my here some people swallowed the nightmare powder, fell asleep directly, does not have the petrification level protection......” “还不清楚,我这边有人吞了噩梦粉,直接就地睡着了,并没有石化层保护……” ...... …… One group of people discuss spiritedly, cannot discuss what result for a while. 一群人议论纷纷,却也一时讨论不出什么结果。 Mu You looked that the game character does not wake for a short time, puts down the cell phone simply, takes out the oil lamp, the friction lamp god, the preparation consults the indigenous people directly. 沐游看游戏人物一时半会醒不过来,索性放下手机,取出油灯,摩擦灯神,准备直接咨询一下原住民。 How?” Lamp god quick face exhausted was summoned. “又怎么了?”灯神很快一脸困顿的被召唤了出来。 Mu You will play the situation and he described simply. 沐游将游戏中遇到的情况和他简单描述了一下。 Fond dream powder and green spot...... you determined that killed blew out the fond dream powder strangely?” Lamp god hears word sobers immediately. “美梦粉、绿色斑点……你确定杀怪爆出了美梦粉?”灯神闻言顿时清醒过来。 Yes.” Mu You looks to the lamp god, his response, knows anything obviously. “是啊。”沐游看向灯神,他这反应,显然知道些什么。 The lamp god has not spoken, but is the complexion extremely strange looks at him, stared partly made a sound opens the mouth: I really do not know that should say you are mildew Physique, was lucky Physique......” 灯神没说话,而是脸色极其古怪的看着他,盯了半响才开口:“我真不知道该说你是霉体质,还是幸运体质了……” What's wrong?” “怎么?” Vision expires, the seen scenery is a mirage, this is the typical profile of mirage season!” The lamp god said. “视觉失效,看到的景物全是海市蜃楼,这是蜃气季的典型特征啊!”灯神说。 Mirage season?” Mu You stares. He remembers that initially the lamp god and he has explained the situations of four big disaster beasts: The flame cow, has the snake, the clam tapir and desolate black, is corresponding the flame disaster season, the frightened season, the mirage season and desolated season respectively. “蜃气季?”沐游一愣。他记得当初灯神和他说明过四大天灾兽的情况:炎牛、具蛇、蜃貘、荒乌,分别对应着炎灾季、恐惧季、蜃气季和荒芜季。 Arranges after the frightened season, is the mirage season. 排在恐惧季之后的,正是蜃气季。 You said, now has entered the mirage season, had the entire real world been covered by the mirage completely?” Mu You asked. “你是说,现在已经进入蜃气季,整个真实世界已经全部被蜃气笼罩了?”沐游问。 No, without is so serious.” The lamp god shakes the head: Even if the disaster beast, is impossible to affect the whole world, most can only cause its region, falls into the corresponding in the disaster.” “不,没那么严重。”灯神摇了摇头:“哪怕是天灾兽,也不可能影响整个世界,最多只能使它所处的那一片区域,陷入对应的天灾之中。” Moreover......” “另外……” The lamp god hesitated, said: „When according to the time reckoning, the present is two seasons connect, actually completely has not been separated from the frightened season end, the clam tapir thoroughly has not entered the domineering time, normally will not worry to start to walk randomly the mainland......” 灯神沉吟了一下,又道:“按照时间推算,现在正是两季交汇之时,其实还未完全脱离恐惧季的末尾,蜃貘也还没彻底进入强势期,按说不会着急开始游走大陆……” Your meaning was......” Mu You had guessed correctly faintly he must say anything. “你的意思是……”沐游已经隐隐猜到了他要说什么。 I estimated, you very possible to astray clam tapir the place of sinking dormancy!” The lamp god said. “我估计,你们很可能是误入了蜃貘的沉眠之地!”灯神说。 Really......” “果然啊……” Mu You sighed. 沐游叹息一声。 As the matter stands, can explain why actually that was only big octopus and giant does not dare to pass the seabed the dark vortex: Because another side is living a more ruthless thing! 这样一来,倒是可以解释那只大章鱼和巨人为什么都不敢通过海底的黑暗漩涡了:因为另一边生活着一只更狠的东西! If nine star giants place in front of the big octopus are the younger brother, then the octopus places in front of the legendary disaster beast strangely, is in the younger brother the younger brother. 如果说九星巨人放在大章鱼面前是弟弟的话,那么章鱼怪放在传说中的天灾兽面前,更是弟中弟。 Initially by spear/gun of seal seal had the snake, consumed them 4000 plan, used up all the tricks, part of consciousness bodies that just now imprisoned the opposite party reluctantly. 当初一只被封印之枪封印的具蛇,都耗费了它们四千年的谋划,机关算尽,方才勉强囚禁了对方的一部分意识体。 But as and has the snake same rank, moreover is the complete body clam tapir, how the strength was naturally needless to say. The octopus strange does not dare to annoy it to be normal, reason that defended the vortex mouth not to dare to put any lifeform in the past, feared by existence of clam tapir discovery transmission vortex. 而作为和具蛇同一级别,而且是完全体的‘蜃貘’,实力如何自然不用多说。章鱼怪不敢惹它是正常的,之所以守着漩涡口不敢放任何生物过去,也正是怕被蜃貘发现传送漩涡的存在。 Once directs that side the clam tapir the vortex, the big octopus died. 一旦把蜃貘引去漩涡那边,大章鱼就死定了。 Confirmed after the thing that oneself must face is the clam tapir, Mu You felt relaxed on the contrary, quickly consulted matters needing attention of mirage season to the lamp god. 确认了自己要面对的东西是蜃貘之后,沐游反倒释然了一些,急忙向灯神请教了一下蜃气季的注意事项。 „The words of mirage season, main characteristics on three points: 1st, all items will be polluted by the mirage, thus is unable to use.” “蜃气季的话,主要的特征就三点:一,所有的道具都会被蜃气污染,从而无法使用。” 2, the space of clam tapir surrounding wide scope, will fall into the mirage, the visions of all lifeform by scene misleading that the mirage projects.” “二,蜃貘周围大范围的空间,都会陷入海市蜃楼之中,所有生物的视觉都会被蜃气投影出的场景误导。” 3, all lifeform take the mirage, once in a while will force to enter the sleep, after awaking, the mirage in within the body will empty temporarily, then continues to enter next round sleep- sober circulation.” “三,所有的生物吸食蜃气,每隔一段时间都会强制进入睡眠,等睡醒后,体内的蜃气会暂时清空,然后继续进入下一轮睡梦-清醒的循环。” However clam tapir also through absorbing the dreamland of surrounding sleep lifeform, takes own food and nourishment, no matter the nightmare or the fond dream, are the things that it needs, a more exciting dreamland is better, instead is the light dreamland , helping not in a big way it.” “而蜃貘也正是通过吸收周围睡眠生物的梦境,来作为自身的食物和养料,不管是噩梦还是美梦,都是它需要的东西,越刺激的梦境越好,反而是平平淡淡的梦境,对它帮助不大。” However, overwhelming majority lifeform have a dream, over 80 are the light dreamlands, the proportion of true fond dream or nightmare is few, therefore, to stimulate the surrounding lifeform stability output high-quality dreamland, the clam tapir will make the fond dream powder and nightmare powder these two types of things, so long as strikes to kill the random lifeform in mirage, then can obtain a powder, but observes the custom of clam tapir, eats up these two types of powder the lifeform, will certainly be protected after going to sleep.” “然而,绝大部分生物做梦,80以上都是平淡的梦境,真正的美梦或噩梦的比例是很少的,因此,为了刺激周围的生物稳定输出优质的梦境,蜃貘才会制造美梦粉和噩梦粉这两种东西,只要击杀蜃气内的任意生物,便能获得其中一种粉末,而遵守蜃貘的规矩,吃下这两种粉末的生物,也会在入睡后受到一定的保护。” For example eats up the fond dream powder, when cherishes fond hopes, around the body will present a special petrified level, can protect the lifeform not by damage. But eats up the nightmare powder, although will not produce the protector, but will make the lifeform of nightmare becomes extremely sensitive, will be under the slightly serious attack to revive.” “比如吃下美梦粉,做美梦时,身体周围将出现一种特殊的石化层,可以保护生物不受伤害。而吃下噩梦粉,虽然不会产生保护层,但做噩梦的生物会变得极为敏感,遇到稍微严重一些的攻击就会苏醒过来。” If both types of powder not edible, directly enters the deep sleep, had the light dream unfortunately, will then enter the ignorant sleepwalk condition, in sleepwalk that in the mirage will never stand still, even if suffered the attack unable to regain consciousness, until was killed...... lamp god by other lifeform recalled, while is explaining. “而如果两种粉末都没食用,直接进入沉睡,又不幸的做了平淡的梦,便会进入浑浑噩噩的梦游状态,在蜃气中永不停歇的梦游,即便遭受了攻击也无法苏醒,直到被其他生物杀死……”灯神一边回忆,一边说明着。 Mu You hears here, actually broke him suddenly. 沐游听到这里,却是忽然打断他了一下。 Wait, you said a moment ago, scene that in the mirage sees, is a mirage?” “等等,你刚才说,蜃气中看到的场景,是海市蜃楼?” Yes, how?” The lamp god looks to Mu You. “是啊,怎么?”灯神看向沐游 That means, these scenes also do exist really?” Mu You asked. “那是不是意味着,这些场景也都是真实存在的?”沐游问。 The words of mirage, but is not the illusory scene of fabrication, but the scene of some distant place position, through the refractions of various rays, projects to another place. 海市蜃楼的话,可并不是凭空捏造的虚幻场景,而只是将远处某个位置的景象,通过各种光线的折射,投影到另一个地方。 Naturally!” The lamp god nods: Moreover scene that the clam tapir projects, all in mirage the real-time scene of within covering range, but disrupted in turn.” “当然!”灯神点了点头:“而且蜃貘投影出的场景,全都是在蜃气的笼罩范围内的实时场景,只是将顺序打乱了而已。” Really! 果然! Mu You eye one bright. 沐游眼睛一亮。 This means that the old city ruins that he saw before, as well as that directs the soul lamp, exists, moreover nearby them somewhere. 这就意味着,他之前看到的古城废墟,以及那盏引魂灯,都是真实存在的,而且就在他们附近的某处。 The lamp god supplemented one at this time: , You have yes placed the words in mirage, nearby can look for the moist land.” 灯神这时又补充了一句:“哦,对了,你们已经身处蜃气之中的话,可以找一找附近湿润的土地。” In the mirage covers in the range, and under the enough moist soil, there is the probability grows calling broken dream beetle an ovum, found this ovum, before it hatches kills, then can obtain one type broken dream light ball, the ray of this light ball sending out, can scatter the surrounding mirage illusion temporarily, making you see the real scene.” “在蜃气笼罩范围内,且足够潮湿的泥土下,有几率生长一种叫‘破梦甲虫’的虫卵,找到这种虫卵,在它孵化之前杀死,便可以得到一种‘破梦光球’,这种光球散发的光线,可以暂时驱散周围的蜃气幻象,让你看到真实的场景。” „Oh?” Mu You one happy, unexpectedly has this special lifeform! Can illuminate has the real scene the words, even if the range is very small, dramatically picks up their opening up wasteland speeds sufficiently. “哦?”沐游一喜,居然有这种特异化的生物!能照出真实场景的话,哪怕范围很小,也足以大大加快他们的开荒速度。 This light ball warranty is very short, basically can only maintain five to ten minutes of ray, will then corrupt. Moreover, has the place of ovum, often also has massively already the broken dream beetle that hatches, steals the ovum time will be attacked by these things crazily.” The lamp god supplemented. “不过这种光球保质期很短,基本只能维持五到十分钟的光线,便会腐烂。另外,有虫卵的地方,往往也有大量已经孵化出来的破梦甲虫,偷取虫卵的时候会被这些东西疯狂攻击。”灯神补充。 This type of small gadget, although the strength is not strong, but their visions are normal, in groups to/clashes, does not pay attention to some easy move!” “这种小玩意儿虽然实力不强,但它们的视觉是正常的,成群结队的冲过来,不注意些很容易中招!” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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