TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#549: Draw conclusion from incomplete data

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Chapter 549 draw conclusion from incomplete data 第549章盲人摸象 Your turn tail without hesitation......】 【你毫不犹豫的转身逃跑……】 Then Mu You starts to make the giant run in the direction of lakeside, simultaneously informed others to prepare to act in the group. 接下来沐游开始引着巨人往湖边的方向跑,同时在群里通知了其他人准备行动。 【...... Giant whole body is red, was close to you at speed like lightning, you quickly turn round defend, was actually flown by giant strength racket, life plummets......】 【……巨人全身赤红,以闪电般的速度接近了你,你急忙回身御敌,却被巨大的力量拍飞了出去,生命骤降……】 【The crime of anger triggers, you created same damage to giant immediately, delayed its offensive slightly......】 【愤怒之罪触发,伱立即对巨人造成了相同的伤害,稍微延缓了它的攻势……】 Under the influence of vampire talent, your real life value by every second the speed of 1 points + 0.5 maximum life values, slowly restores......】 【在吸血鬼天赋的影响下,你的真实生命值以每秒一点最大生命值的速度,缓慢恢复中……】 This time after returning blood ability that had the vampire, pestered to be easier, escape and defense with this giant, when the opposite party caught up he made second to strike, often previous time damage has restored completely. 这次有了吸血鬼的回血能力后,和这巨人纠缠起来容易了许多,连逃带防御,等对方追上他打出第二击时,往往上一次的伤害已经恢复完全。 Chased for about a half hour, Mu You directed the seashore the giant finally once again. 就这么一路追逃了半小时左右,沐游终于将巨人又一次引到了海边。 【The front wind power increases suddenly, you appear before storm billowing sea. You choose......】 【前方风力骤增,你出现在一片风浪滚滚的大海之前。你选择……】 You started existence, your existence feeling becomes extremely thin.】 【你发动了‘存在’,你的存在感变得极为稀薄。】 Your dug in the ice-cold sea water.】 【你一头扎入了冰冷的海水中。】 【The rear giant, actually in halts before the seashore in a flash suddenly......】 【后方巨人转瞬即至,却在靠近海边之前骤然止步……】 Giant looks at the front billowing mighty waves, beating the breast and stamping the feet of air/Qi, actually does not dare to cross perimeter/thunder pool eventually, resenting after staring water surface one, can only , helpless turns around......】 【巨人看着前方的滚滚波涛,气的捶胸顿足,却终究不敢越过雷池,愤恨的瞪了水面一眼后,只能无奈转身……】 All seem like the previous reprint time, Mu You played jokes upon this giant two in the same place, stated differently, this opposite party wants to leave may not have is so easy. 一切好像上一次的翻版,沐游在同一个地方戏耍了这巨人两回,不同的是,这次对方想离开可没那么容易了。 【...... The giant turns around to turn back crassly, however at this moment, on the water surface the mighty waves are suddenly turbulent, a low cry that is full is inwardly angry, resounds from the underwater deep place.】 【……巨人骂骂咧咧的转身折返,然而就在这时,水面上忽然波涛汹涌,一股饱含愠怒的低鸣,从水下深处响起。】 You turn head examine, sees a giant shadow like lightning slightly to cross from your side, jumps out the water surface, pounces upon suddenly to go to the giant of shore.】 【你回头查看,就见一道巨大的影子闪电般的从你身旁略过,窜出水面,向岸边的巨人猛扑而去。】 By the surface of the river that turning wells up, you then see clearly, that was one big such as the octopus of mountain range, on the tentacle was covered with the sucker, the mouth apparatus were sharp, in a copper color eye is glittering the cold blood ray.】 【透过翻涌的江面,你这才看清,那是一只大如山峦的章鱼,触手上长满了吸盘,口器尖利,一双铜色的眼睛中闪烁着冷血的光芒。】 Giant unexpected, was fallen down by octopus instantaneously strangely, quickly struggles is trying to stand up, but octopus strange tentacle has closely tied up it......】 【巨人猝不及防之下,瞬间被章鱼怪扑倒,急忙挣扎着试图站起,但章鱼怪的触手已经将它紧紧捆住……】 【...... Both hands of giant were held by sucker, is unable to work loose...... giant to exhaust is struggling full power, but octopus strange tentacle actually more entangles is tighter, in a flash, the body of giant full is scar, bloody......】 【……巨人的双手被吸盘吸住,无法挣脱……巨人用尽全力挣扎着,但章鱼怪的触手却越缠越紧,转瞬之间,巨人的身上已经满是伤痕,血流如注……】 【...... The octopus opens the huge mouth strangely, bites toward the head of giant. The giants lean a avoidance, simultaneously with the abdomen that the foot tramples the monster fiercely.】 【……章鱼怪张开巨口,朝巨人的头颅咬去。巨人侧头躲避,同时用脚猛踹怪物的腹部。】 This trampling made octopus loosen tentacle strangely temporarily, giant seized the chance to work loose, backward retreat......】 【这一踹让章鱼怪暂时松开了触手,巨人趁机挣脱,向后退去……】 However octopus is unforgiving strangely, tentacle simultaneous/uniform Dong, pursued at astonishing flexibility......】 【然而章鱼怪不依不饶,触手齐动,以惊人的灵活度追赶了过去……】 Two giant beasts in tandem disappeared in dense fog......】 【两只巨兽一前一后消失在了迷雾中……】 I go, under water under is also really hiding this type of thing!” “我去,水底下还真藏着这种东西啊!” The octopus comes to, in the city Lord group, the blue beard sends out a row of being shocked expression. 章鱼现身的同时,城主群里,蓝胡子发出一排惊呆的表情。 In this moment city Lord group 11 city lords, have the matter is not at except for the star light and dark night two city lords, other nine people at the scene, just like Mu You, saw one of the octopus strange water leakage through the game. 此刻城主群里十一个城主,除了星光、暗夜两家城主有事不在,其他九人都在现场,和沐游一样,通过游戏看到了章鱼怪出水的一幕。 The build of this octopus is bigger much than the giant, the giants of nine stars in front of octopus, not slightly the strength of resistance. 这章鱼的体型比巨人要大得多,九星的巨人在章鱼面前,都没有丝毫抵抗之力。 Ok, should not be in a daze, opportunity must not be lost, acts immediately!” Mu You typed the character to remind one. “行了,都别发呆,机不可失,立即行动!”沐游敲字提醒了一句。 Under water this time leaves while the octopus, sneaks across opposite of the black hole opening up wasteland golden opportunity, opens up wasteland this matter, naturally was the past person the more better. 这次趁着章鱼离开水底,正是偷渡去黑洞对面的开荒绝佳机会,开荒这种事,当然是过去的人越多越好。 But the personnel are too disorderly, is not good to manage, is easy to have something go wrong, if does the sound is too big, making the giant ahead of time the vigilance bad. 但人员太杂乱,又不好管理,容易出岔子,万一搞出动静太大,让巨人提前警觉起来就糟了。 Therefore Mu You only informed several city lords, making them take hand/subordinate the elite member, waits for in the lakeside. 所以沐游只通知了几个城主,让他们带上手下精英成员,早早在湖边等待。 Others have also been ready, this moment octopus appearance, exclaims in surprise to turn over to the exclamation, sent the order in the respective crowd immediately. 其他人也早就做好了准备,此刻章鱼一出现,惊叹归惊叹,都是立即在各自群里发了命令。 Suddenly, under about No. thousand player stuffed dumpling common jumping down water surface. 一时间,近千号玩家下饺子一般的跳下水面。 Mu You also first controls the character to dive. 沐游也第一时间操控人物下潜。 Underwater ray is thin, ice is cold, only then coastal illumination water plant, provided luminously some for dark under water......】 【水下光线稀薄,冰寒刺骨,只有沿岸的发光水草,为黑暗的水底提供了些许光亮……】 You sneak toward below, several several meters octopuses appear in your body week suddenly, after your hovering several, suddenly launched attack toward you......】 【你朝下潜行,数只几米长的章鱼忽然出现在你身周,围绕着你游动数圈后,忽然朝你发动了攻击……】 Mu You character is still throwing over the ecdysis of octopus king now, but probably is because previous time he attacked the big octopus, no matter this second courtesy name dried shark skin used, these small octopuses regarded the enemy him directly. 沐游现在角色依然披着章鱼王的蜕皮,但大概是因为上次他攻击了大章鱼,这次章鱼皮不管用了,这些小章鱼直接把他当成了敌人。 You summoned are lost in thought skin, resisted an attack of round of octopus hardly, immediately broke through week more and more octopuses, acceleration travelled downward......】 【你召唤出神之皮肤,硬抗了一轮章鱼的攻击,随即突破了身周越来越多的章鱼,加速向下潜游……】 You started existence, your existence feeling becomes extremely thin, octopuses that rear area pursues lost your trail immediately......】 【你发动了‘存在’,你的存在感变得极为稀薄,后方追击的章鱼们顿时丢失了你的踪迹……】 You seize the chance to dive, temporarily threw away pursuing troops......】 【你趁机下潜,暂时甩脱了追兵……】 Mu You has the blood law guard, this can so running away easily, but others may not have good luck that. 沐游有血律护身,这才能如此轻易的逃走,但其他人可就没那么好运了。 Under this below small octopus tens of thousands , the quantity are too many, their these several hundred people, almost everyone encountered the entanglement of octopus. 这水底下的小章鱼成千上万,数量太多,他们这几百号人,几乎每个人都遭到了章鱼的纠缠。 Is good is not strong because of this small octopus strength, several meters figure, places the giant world, actually is also two arrives at the level of three stars. 好在这种小章鱼实力并不强,几米长的身形,放在巨人世界,其实也就是二到三星的水准。 The players depend on the coordination with each other, so long as is not the luck is too bad, simultaneously was entangled by more than ten, the two or three individual li (0.5 km) can always escape. 玩家们靠着相互配合,只要不是运气太差,同时被十几只缠上,三两个人里总有一个能逃脱的。 At this time Mu You could not attend to others, alone submergence. 此时沐游也顾不得其他人了,独自下潜。 After more than ten minutes, Mu You took the lead to arrive at the lake bottom. 十多分钟后,沐游率先到达了湖底。 Lake bottom rock vegetation grows thickly, some colorful strange plant growths......】 【湖底岩石草木丛生,更有许多五彩斑斓的奇异植物生长……】 Your eyes then saw lake bottom central location, the circular gap of that black japan no light, is jet black vortex......】 【你一眼便看到了湖底中央位置,那道黑漆无光的圆形缺口,正是‘漆黑旋涡’……】 You accelerate to dive, swam above the dark vortex fast.】 【你加速下潜,飞快游到了黑暗漩涡上方。】 Looks down, sees below gap jet black like black ink, is too deep to see the bottom, the peripheral undercurrent surges, as if a monster huge mouth that selects the person to bite.】 【低头看去,就见下方缺口漆黑如墨,深不见底,周边暗流涌动,仿佛一张择人而噬的怪兽巨口。】 Across the jet black vortex, you will arrive in another vortex of horizon instantaneously, greets your is a brand-new space, but also therefore follows the unknown risk, steps into?】 【穿过漆黑旋涡,你将瞬间到达远在天边的另一道漩涡,迎接你的将是一片全新的空间,但也因此伴随着未知的风险,是否踏入其中?】 Yes.” “是。” You disregard the risk , to continue to dive, dug in the vortex.】 【你无视风险,继续下潜,一头扎入了漩涡中。】 Before your angle of view was embezzled dark, you hear nearby the above water surface indistinctly, resounds octopus strange familiar roaring sound again......】 【在你的视角被黑暗吞没前,你隐约听到上方水面附近,再次响起章鱼怪的熟悉的咆哮声……】 Your is occupied at present thoroughly dark......】 【你的眼前彻底被黑暗占据……】 With an intense dizziness, when your sense of direction restores again, you had arrived in another waters, ice cold piercing feeling instantaneous dissipation, what replaces it is a warm water current......】 【伴随着一阵强烈的天旋地转,当你的方向感再次恢复时,你已经到达了另一处水域中,冰寒刺骨的感觉瞬间消散,取而代之的是一股温暖的水流……】 Shortly after you appear, person's shadow one after another is circling from your behind dark vortex springs......】 【在你出现后不久,接连的人影从你身后的黑暗漩涡中打着旋弹出……】 fuck, may calculate that lived! That big octopus was too fierce!” In the group, the hell Baron leaves a message, fearful appearance. 尼玛,可算活下来了!那大章鱼太猛了!”群里,地狱男爵留言,心有余悸的样子。 What had?” Mu You asked. “发生了什么?”沐游问。 That big octopus came back a moment ago, with insane same chased down us, a palm of the hand can clap a piece of person, escape that my gang disregards, finally also only then several strengths fortunately survived got down......” hell Baron to answer. “刚才那大章鱼又回来了,跟疯了一样追杀我们,一巴掌就能拍死一片人,我那一伙人不管不顾的逃命,最后也只有几个实力强的幸存了下来……”地狱男爵解释道。 Me the casualty is also serious, more than 80 people only live six, if we had known did not lead them to come...... Solomon also to sigh from the beginning. “我这边也死伤惨重,八十多人只活下来六个,早知道一开始就不带他们来了……”所罗门也叹息。 Mu You received the Little Ya message at this time, opens looked, is one cries chirp the expression, unexpectedly even she also suffers the big octopus violent treachery, as you might guess, the last wave died many people. 沐游这时收到了小雅的消息,打开一看,是一个哭唧唧的表情,居然连她也惨遭大章鱼毒手,可以想见,最后一波死了多少人。 Big octopus turns back, did the giant die?” sacred light Nana asked suddenly. “大章鱼折返,那巨人死掉了吗?”圣光娜娜忽然问。 Died, big octopus after biting to death giant, detected not returning...... the advantage was the body of giant stayed behind, now my person already in precise giant remains.” The emperors left a message to explain one. “死掉了,大章鱼是在咬死巨人后,才发觉不对返回的……好处是巨人的尸体留下了,现在我的人已经在凝炼巨人遗骸。”天子留言说明了一句。 The people relax, as the matter stands, these people have not died in vain finally one time, plan success that at least murders with a borrowed knife, moreover received in exchange a complete giant body luck. 众人松了口气,这样一来,这些人总算没白死一次,至少借刀杀人的计划成功了,而且还幸运换回了一具完整的巨人尸体。 Counts, but also remains many people.” Mu You said. “都统计一下,还剩多少人。”沐游说。 Me also has seven!” “我这边还有七个!” My nine.” “我九个。” I only remained three......” “我只剩三个了……” ...... …… The people reported the battle loss situation of respective team. 众人纷纷汇报了各自团队的战损情况。 Last statistics, altogether launched more than 900 people, unexpectedly only lives 32, the survival percentage is quite frigid. 最后一统计,共下水了九百多号人,居然只活下来32个,存活率相当惨烈。 „The old rule, explores separatedly, the exchange information . Moreover, this time is primarily momentarily opening up wasteland, try not to take risk.” The Mu You typing said. “还是老规矩,都分开探索,随时交流信息,另外,这次以开荒为主,尽量不要冒险。”沐游打字说。 The opening up wasteland opportunity of great difficulty catching, remains such person, each is very precious, definitely, first proving white here situation, then said discretely as far as possible other. 好不容易争取来的开荒机会,就剩这么点人,每一个都很珍贵,肯定得谨慎些,先尽量探明白这边的情况,再说别的。 OK!” “OK!” Understood.” “明白。” ...... …… The people reply, immediately directs the personnel, toward disperses in all directions. 众人纷纷回复,随即指挥自家人员,朝着四面八方分散开来。 Mu You also controlled the character formally to start the exploration. 沐游也操控人物正式开始了探索。 You dive all the way, surfaced quickly......】 【你一路上潜,很快浮出了水面……】 This warm waters are very quiet, your easy roaming the shore, climbed up the shore.】 【这片温暖的水域十分平静,你轻松的游到了岸边,爬上了岸。】 Presents before you, is a piece of fragrant grass thin bamboo thin bamboo green space, looks up, front thin mist often seethes, such as into fairyland, your eyes look at about several hundred meters, some pavilions, brick wall tile-roofed house hidden in fog, may distinguish vaguely......】 【呈现在你面前的,是一片芳草箐箐的绿地,抬头看去,前方稀薄的雾气不时翻腾,如入仙境,你一眼望到数百米开外,一些亭台楼阁,砖墙瓦舍隐藏在雾中,依稀可辨……】 Pavilions?” “亭台楼阁?” Mu You looks stares. 沐游看得一愣。 Well? This place visibility is quite high!” In the group, some people have taken the lead to express the exclamation. “咦?这地方能见度好高啊!”群里,已经有人率先发出了惊叹。 Other this point people also discovered one after another. That side the formidable tower exit|to speak, is in the visibility in dense fog to only have dozens meters, but here visibility actually broke through several hundred meters with ease! 这一点其他人也陆续发现了。在勇者塔出口那边,身在迷雾中的可见度只有几十米,而这里能见度却轻轻松松突破了几百米! However compares the visibility issue, makes the people care, scene that sees. 不过相比起能见度问题,更让众人在意的,还是看到的场景。 Strange, how I prompted to see construction, moreover probably floated in marine......” “奇怪,我怎么提示看到了‘建筑’,而且好像还是漂浮在海上……” I am also, is this one constructs the city in water?” “我也是,难道这是一座建在水中的城市?” Even the city, will still abandon, has not prompted to see the shadow of giant in any case......” “就算是城市,也应该废弃了,反正至今没提示看到巨人的影子……” „It is not clear, at present here seems like safe, first walks to have a look everywhere......” “不清楚,目前这里看起来还算安全,先到处走走看看吧……” ...... …… People is exchanging, while continues to face forward to explore. 众人一边交流着,一边继续朝前探索。 Mu You also took out the broken fog filter, the preparation first broke the fog to wait and see one wave. 沐游也取出了破雾镜,准备先破雾观望一波。 Finally just wants to use, immediately pops up the prompt. 结果刚想使用,立即弹出提示。 You take out broken fog filter, actually discovery lens cone surface contamination some green moss shape materials, slippery viscous, and also in fast spread......】 【你取出破雾镜,却发现镜筒表面沾染了一些绿色的苔藓状物质,湿滑粘稠,并且还在快速蔓延……】 You attempt to activate the broken fog filter...... the activation failure, the broken fog filter was contaminated by special material, temporarily be at not available condition.】 【你尝试激活破雾镜……激活失败,破雾镜被一层特殊物质浸染,暂时处于不可用状态。】 „?” “?” Mu You knits the brows, took out other items to look. 沐游一皱眉,又取出其他道具看了看。 【...... Assembly failure, the Break Magic hand grenade was contaminated jamming by special material, temporarily is unable to use......】 【……装配失败,破魔手炮被特殊物质浸染堵塞,暂时无法使用……】 【...... Small circle shield was contaminated by special material, temporarily is unable to become effective......】 【……小圆盾被特殊物质浸染,暂时无法生效……】 Finally is the same, all prompts is contaminated by the special material. 结果都一样,全都提示‘被特殊物质浸染’。 Here is the item unuseful?” Mu You hesitates secretly. “在这里道具不能使用?”沐游暗自沉吟。 Happen to at this time, in the group also spread the news of others. 正好这时,群里也传来了其他人的消息。 My Gan, how my item cannot use!” “我淦,我道具怎么不能用了!” I am also, all items rusting......” “我也是,所有的道具都‘生锈’了……” ...... …… Really comes across this issue is not his one. 果然遇到这问题的不是他一个。 Mu You has not wasted the time attempt again, now does not have many practical item, the truly practical pocket watch, does not need to use in the game. 沐游没有再浪费时间尝试,现在本来也没多少实用的道具,真正实用的怀表,不需要在游戏里使用。 You continue to face forward to explore......】 【你继续朝前探索……】 You see the front water shore, is floating a familiar oil lamp, is just the same as the directing soul lamp of tower of exit|to speak formidable!】 【你看到前方的水岸边,漂浮着一盏熟悉的青灯,和勇者之塔出口的引魂灯一模一样!】 Directs the soul lamp?” Mu You at present one bright. “引魂灯?”沐游眼前一亮。 Has to direct the soul lamp, proof this place has Fool to visit, could find the information that the ancestor left behind. 有引魂灯,就证明这地方有愚者踏足过,说不定能找到先祖留下的信息。 You rushed to oil lamp front fast, puts out a hand to touch toward oil lamp......】 【你飞快跑到了青灯前方,伸手朝青灯摸去……】 However your palm actually penetrates from lamp, has not touched any entity......】 【然而你的手掌却从灯中穿透而过,并未触摸到任何实体……】 Well?” Mu You stares, what situation, false? Illusion? “咦?”沐游一愣,啥情况,假的?幻象? Happen to at this time in the group emitted the news of others. 正好这时群里冒出其他人的消息。 Crap, what ghost!” 我靠,什么鬼!” What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Suddenly prompted me to hit on the tree......” “忽然提示我撞树上了……” „...... You are close one's eyes to walk?” “……你是闭着眼睛走路的么?” „, In front of me has not seen the thing obviously, but hit the tree on the prompt suddenly!” “不是啊,我前面明明没看到东西,但忽然就提示撞树了!” „? How you know what hits is the tree?” “啊?那你怎么知道撞的是树?” Because after hitting the tree , my character said to touch a shape of big tree before the body, but could not see......” “因为撞树之后我的人物说在身前摸到了一棵大树的形状,但是看不见……” „Not visible tree?” “看不见的树?” Probably real! I also received the prompt a moment ago!” “好像是真的!我刚才也收到提示了!” „Did you also hit the tree?” “你也撞树了?” „It is not, I by some type invisible thing attack!” “不是,我被某种‘无形之物’攻击了!” Everyone was careful, here really has the monster, moreover is transparent, I some people had hung hand/subordinate......” “大家小心,这里真有怪物,而且是透明的,我手下已经有人挂了……” ...... …… Discussion continually, lets in the crowd quickly the tense atmosphere. 连番的讨论,很快让群里气氛紧张起来。 The opening up wasteland new world is this point is most uncomfortable, the front all are completely strange, meet the thing that anything may not refer, this unknown feeling is most terrifying. 开荒新世界就是这一点最难受,前方的一切都完全陌生,遇到什么都没有可参照的东西,这种未知感才是最恐怖的。 Monster that not visible tree...... cannot see......” “看不见的树……看不见的怪物……” Mu You looks in the crowd the news of people, actually knits the brows. 沐游看着群里众人的消息,却不由皱眉。 The oil lamp illusory image that the recombination he met a moment ago, making him have a bold suspicion: Is it possible that all that they see now are false, but at present can't the true scene, by these illusion camouflage, therefore instead be seen? 再结合他刚才遇到的青灯幻影,让他有了一种大胆的猜想:莫非,他们现在看到的一切都是假的,而眼前真正的场景,反而被这些幻象遮蔽,所以看不到? Mu You controlled the character to touch immediately everywhere in periphery. 沐游当即操控人物在周围四处触摸了一番。 Really, besides the ground, surroundings all pleasant objects, touching is passes the body, but, has not simply had the entity, instead is he bumped into several all the way continuously being able to see the stone and tree, hits badly beaten. 果然,除了地面之外,周围所有入眼的物体,摸过去全都是‘透体而过’,根本没有实体,反而是一路上他连续碰到了几块‘看不见’的石头和树,撞得头破血流。 This feeling, seemed the vision to be shifted other place, what in the eye saw was the completely irrelevant scene, the placed real scene instead can only and other senses try to find out by the sense of hearing sense of touch. 这感觉,就好像视觉被转移到了别的地方,眼中看到的是完全无关的场景,身处的真实场景反而只能靠听觉触觉等其他感官来摸索。 Mu You informed others this discovery immediately. 沐游当即将这个发现告知了其他人。 Probably also is really, the obstacle that the surroundings see is all false!” “好像还真是,周围看到的障碍物全是假的!” I scratch, the item, the vision gave to eliminate invalid even, how this makes us open up wasteland, do one group of blind people play the draw conclusion from incomplete data?” Some people cannot bear complain. “我擦,道具无效就算了,视觉都给剥夺了,这让我们怎么开荒,一群瞎子玩盲人摸象吗?”有人忍不住吐槽。 Most essential periphery also has the monster......” “最关键周围还有怪物啊……” ...... …… The news that Mu You published, let the people originally not many confidence, cast shadow. 沐游公布的这个消息,让众人本就不多的信心,又蒙上了一层阴霾。 Do not worry, these monsters as if could not see us......” this time emperor to leave a message suddenly. “别担心,这些怪物似乎也看不见我们……”这时天子忽然留言。 Yes.” Mu You almost also opens the mouth with him. “是的。”沐游几乎和他同时开口。 Crevice that the people discussed a moment ago, he has depended on the recollection smoothly to solve one stealth monster. 刚才众人讨论的空隙,他已经靠回溯顺利解决了一只‘隐形’怪物。 You struck to kill poison gland conch( 2 stars), obtained conch shell fragment * 1, fond dream powder * 1......】 【你击杀了‘毒腺海螺’(二星),获得海螺壳碎片,美梦粉……】 Struck to kill this monster the process, Mu You recalled specially dozens times, used various methods to probe, finally showed, this conch really could not see his, so long as he circled a direction slightly, the opposite party entire journey will display their wisdom and bravery toward the air. 击杀这只怪物的过程,沐游特意回溯了几十次,使用了各种方法进行试探,结果证明,这只海螺果然也是看不见他的,他只要稍微绕个方向,对方就会全程朝空气斗智斗勇。 In other words, here all lifeform, in the vision all living things equality, all are the one who has eyes yet fails to see. 也就是说,这里的所有生物,在视力方面众生平等,全都是睁眼瞎。 „Did you strike to kill the monster? What special thing blows out?” At this time the emperor sent in the news inquiry. “你击杀了怪物?有没有爆出什么特别的东西?”这时天子发来消息询问。 Besides the basic data, blew out one to call ‚, fond dream powder thing, you?” Mu You returns. The opposite party also passed through obviously similarly kills the strange test, now asks, also blew out the special goods mostly. “除了基本材料外,爆出了一件叫‘,美梦粉’的东西,你呢?”沐游回。对方显然也经过了类似的杀怪测试,如今这么问,多半是也爆出了特殊物品。 My calling nightmare powder.” The emperors return. “我的叫‘噩梦粉’。”天子回。 „Oh?” “哦?” Mu You first clicks on looked at eye fond dream powder the explanation. 沐游首先点击看了眼‘美梦粉’的说明。 Fond dream powder: After clothing/taking next , when can make you go to sleep next time cherishes fond hopes.】 【美梦粉:服下后可以让你下次入睡时做个美梦。】 That side the emperors also sent in nightmare powder information, is almost identical with the explanation of fond dream powder, but the final fond dream turned into the nightmare. 天子那边也发来了‘噩梦粉’的信息,和美梦粉的说明几乎雷同,只是最后的美梦变成了噩梦。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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