TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#548: Looks up to the starry sky

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Chapter 548 looks up to the starry sky 第548章仰望星空 Your really is well.” 【“你果然平安无事。”】 Person's shadow approaches, you then see clearly, Katerina who coming the person not to see long time.】 【人影走近,你这才看清,来人正是多日不见的卡特琳娜。】 You feel the opposite party blood group aura, this time Katerina has degenerated is 10 generations of vampires, if by any chance the level is only Lv. 1.】 【你感受到对方身上的血族气息,此时的卡特琳娜已经退化为十代吸血鬼,但等级只有1级。】 „Oh?” Mu You selects the eyebrow. “哦?”沐游一挑眉。 Katerina normally this/should hidden shifts the average person in approach scenery from Astral Spirit Realm or Earth, her blood group status and ability are also this/should hidden give temporarily, he also thinks after Katerina leaves the scene, will degenerate the original appearance, has not thought of unexpectedly the vampire, moreover just like him, is just 10 generations...... 卡特琳娜按说是被该隐从星灵界或地球转移进场景中的普通人,她的血族身份和能力也都是该隐临时赋予的,他还以为卡特琳娜离开场景后,会退化回原本的样子,没想到居然还是吸血鬼,而且和他一样,刚好是十代…… Mu You thought of a possibility quickly: Katerina enters the scene from the outside world, finally safe and secure leaves, she was also determined for player evidently, moreover is the player of success entry, therefore the server gave her to go through customs the reward, was the automatic promotion is 10 generations of vampires, simultaneously she in these blood laws that at the scene grasped, becomes her part, was brought by her. 沐游很快想到了一种可能:卡特琳娜从外界进入场景,最后平安离开,看样子她也被判定为了‘玩家’,而且是成功通关的玩家,所以服务器赋予了她通关奖励,也就是自动晋升为十代吸血鬼,同时她在场景中掌握的那些血律,也成为了她的一部分,被她带了出来。 Incessantly so, since she were counted to go through customs the server, that means that no matter her original status is the earthman or Astral Spirit Realm NPC, she has been forced to give Fool now status. 不止如此,既然她被算作通关了服务器,那就意味着,不管她原本的身份是地球人还是星灵界NPC,她现在都已经被强制赋予了‘愚者’的身份。 【Did Katerina inquire you, how Allah and this/should hidden situation? You choose......】 【卡特琳娜询问伱,真主和该隐的情况如何?你选择……】 You informed the opposite party truthfully this/should hidden and Liz's present situation.】 【你如实告知了对方该隐和莉莉丝的现状。】 Said, Allah Sir does reactivate hopefully?” Katerina hears word looks at you pleasantly surprised.】 【“这么说,真主大人有希望复活?”卡特琳娜闻言惊喜的看着你。】 Has the uncertain hope, needs to find the complete blood god body, without the clue, such as looks for a needle in a haystack, even if can unable to find, still requires lots of time inevitably.” You replied truthfully, making the opposite party do not hug too in a big way hopes.】 【“只是有渺茫的希望而已,需要找到全部的血神躯体,没有线索,如大海捞针,就算能找得到,也必然需要大量的时间。”你如实回答,让对方不要抱太大希望。】 „Can I help seek?” Katerina asked.】 【“我能帮忙寻找吗?”卡特琳娜问。】 Help......” “帮忙……” Mu You hesitated. 沐游沉吟了一下。 Katerina now was also Fool, had the possibility of entering the real world, if the opposite party is willing to continue to seek for quest of Liz body on own initiative, Mu You was naturally glad, he himself had various things to process, not possible wholly-absorbed at this matter, but the opposite party did not have these worries, can seek with the entire energy, the efficiency definitely was much higher than him. 卡特琳娜现在也是愚者了,拥有进入真实世界的可能,如果对方愿意主动承接寻找莉莉丝躯体的任务,沐游自然是乐意的,他自己有各种事情要处理,不可能专心在这一件事上,而对方却没有这些顾虑,可以用全部精力来寻找,效率肯定比他高得多。 However, must go to the real world is not simple, this/should hidden initially to escape captured, the server god of blood god hidden, blocked the channel to real world, she wants to go to the real world now, needs first to go to the tower of formidable, started to go through customs from the beginning. 不过,要去真实世界也没那么简单,该隐当初为了逃脱追捕,将血神的服务器神隐了起来,封死了通往真实世界的通道,她现在想去真实世界,需要先去勇者之塔,从头开始通关。 In addition she now first-level, the attribute was too low, but also needs first to practice the level to draw the rank. 此外她现在只有一级,属性太低了,还需要先练级把等级拉上来。 Finally bites the god beast threat, thinks that the security takes a walk in the real world, must first found 《The Fool》 account, but like this she must first come Earth...... 最后就是噬神兽的威胁,想安全在真实世界走动,肯定得先创建《愚者》账号,而这样她就得先来地球…… You informed the opposite party thing that truthfully wants to help need to achieve.】 【你如实告知了对方想要帮忙需要做到的事。】 【After Katerina measures, expressed quickly, so long as can help Allah resurrect, she is then willing to obey all your arrangements.】 【卡特琳娜权衡过后,很快表示只要能帮真主复活,她接下来愿意听从你的一切安排。】 You obtained giving loyalty to of Katerina.】 【你获得了‘卡特琳娜’的效忠。】 This is a devout follower......” “这是个虔诚的信徒啊……” Mu You sighed. 沐游叹息一声。 He at the scene helps Liz, the design imprison this/should hidden, in the final analysis for strength, to expand oneself. 他在场景中帮莉莉丝,设计囚禁该隐,说到底还是为了力量,为了壮大自身。 But the opposite party is to the blood god truly selfless believer, her irreverence is Liz has authenticated personally, does not need to question, now is also, because only follows he to help Liz, therefore then easily took an oath gave loyalty to him. 而对方才是对血神真正无私的信仰者,她的虔诚是莉莉丝亲自认证过的,不需要质疑,如今也是,只因为跟着他可以帮到莉莉丝,于是便这么轻易就宣誓了对他效忠。 Regarding such pure person, Mu You has not been thinking really uses the opposite party, their two now are in the world only two blood god successors, in some sense is also the Senior Brother younger sister of same side, helping her consider to return that two divine tools that Liz gave. 对于这样单纯的人,沐游也没想着真去利用对方,他们两个现在是世上唯二的血神传人,某种意义上也算是同门的师兄妹,帮她就当是回报莉莉丝给的那两件神器了。 Then Mu You led Katerina to transmit the long night city, the preparation made her first practice some time level in the day empty city. 接下来沐游带卡特琳娜传送去了永夜城,准备让她在天空城里先练一段时间的级。 Practiced level, the advantage of day empty city is not no need saying that the complete disposition of underground city was not other dungeon may compare, moreover there is Mu You, she will not lack Evolution Potion, in a short time can the rank as pull-up as a considerable level. 练级方面,天空城的优势不必多说,地下城的完备配置不是其他副本可比的,而且有沐游在,她不会缺进化药剂,在很短时间内就能将等级拉升到一个可观的水平。 Considered again opposite party vampire status, the long night city obviously is the most appropriate destination. 再考虑到对方吸血鬼的身份,永夜城显然是最合适的去处。 You appear in long night city Lord fort......】 【你出现在永夜城城主堡内……】 You go out of the city Lord fort front door. A bat crashes from the upper air fast, descends in your body side, the incarnation for form.】 【你走出城主堡大门。一只蝙蝠飞快从高空坠落,降落在你身侧,化身为麦伊的身影。】 „Was elder brother, you promoted to the first ancestor?!” Felt on you immediately the powerful blood group aura, looks at you pleasantly surprised.】 【“兄长,您晋升为始祖了?!”麦伊立即感受到了你身上强大的血族气息,惊喜的看着你。】 You explained to simply this harvest, and gives her the niche of acquired 12 drops of first ancestor's blood blood, making her control freely.】 【你向麦伊简单说明了这次的收获,并将血之龛收集到的12滴始祖之血交给她,让她自由支配。】 First ancestor's blood of blood and heart lineage/vein is different. 始祖之血和心脉之血还是不同的。 Is promoted after the first ancestor, from now on Mu You within the body can be born every year automatically a drop of first ancestor's blood, is used to create own clan. 晋升为始祖后,今后沐游每年体内都可以自动诞生一滴始祖之血,用来创造自己的氏族。 Even after the death, the well-preserved first ancestor remains, can still continue to produce first ancestor's blood, but the gap elongated for hundred years. 就算是死亡后,保存完好的始祖遗体,仍可以继续生产始祖之血,只不过间隔拉长到了百年。 Hundred years a drop, in 1000 can deliver ten drops, the efficiency low excess, this is also the present Astral Spirit Realm blood group population day after day the reason on the wane, has the live first ancestor, to a clan, but huge difference. 百年一滴,一千年才能产出十滴,效率低的过分,这也是如今星灵界血族人口日渐凋零的原因,有没有活的始祖,对一个氏族来说可是天壤之别。 Many thanks elder brother!” Joyful received to put first ancestor's the bottle of blood. Had the brand-new first ancestor, from now on the blood group returns is just round the corner prosperously.】 【“多谢兄长!”麦伊欣喜的接过盛放始祖之血的瓶子。拥有了全新的始祖,今后血族重归繁荣指日可待。】 This time saw goes out of Katerina from you behind.】 【这时麦伊看到了从你身后走出的卡特琳娜。】 Looks at the opposite party to only have Lv. 1, has not cared, but is quick, she then felt on Katerina is not weak in your blood group aura, immediately in great surprise.】 【看对方只有1级,麦伊并未在意,但很快,她便感受到了卡特琳娜身上不弱于你的血族气息,顿时大惊。】 Elder brother, this...... is......” quickly inquired, the vision unceasingly paces back and forth between you and Katerina, is indulging in flights of fancy your relations.】 【“兄长,这位……难道是……”麦伊急忙询问,目光不断在你和卡特琳娜之间徘徊,胡思乱想着你们的关系。】 You reported the opposite party to two people......】 【你向两人介绍了对方……】 Mu You estimated that this girl should misunderstand him and Katerina's relations. 沐游估计这丫头应该是误会了他和卡特琳娜的关系。 Katerina only has Lv. 1, actually surpassed the duke in the blood group step position, under normal circumstances this is not possible, the only reasonable explanation, is she with another first ancestor is the conjugal relation. Only then supports through the unretentive blood, has the possibility a footless person upgrades to rapidly close to the level. 卡特琳娜只有1级,却在血族阶位超过了公爵,在正常情况下这是不可能的,唯一合理的解释,是她和另一名始祖是夫妻关系。只有通过毫无保留的血拥,才有可能将一个毫无基础的人快速提升到接近的层次。 Mu You explained Katerina's origin simply, along with, even if gave her directly, making lead her to practice the level. 沐游简单说明了一下卡特琳娜的来历,随即便直接将她交给了麦伊,让麦伊带着她练级。 Katerina heard that in this city is living a vampire tribe, consented joyfully, her initial goal comes out to help the blood god do missionary work, but the vampire tribe, obviously is the objects of most suitable achievement first batch of doing missionary work. 卡特琳娜听说这座城市里生活着一个吸血鬼部落,也是欣然应允,她最初的目的可是出来帮血神传教来着,而吸血鬼部落,显然正是最适合作为首批传教的对象。 But listens to Mu You to acknowledge personally, the opposite party is only on the road ‚a meeting by chance same clan, this relaxes, ripe winds led Katerina to meet with the duke. 而麦伊听沐游亲口承认,对方只是路上遇到的‘一个萍水相逢的同族’,这才松了口气,熟络的带着卡特琳娜会见公爵去了。 Arranges Katerina, Mu You looked at the situation in goblin city. 将卡特琳娜安排好,沐游又去看了眼地精城的情况。 You arrive at south the long night city west, discovered that the front space had been filled up by close steel construction, fills engine oil taste that from air, hears clock and watch sound that to city wall, nowhere is not showing goblin excellent gold metallurgy level......】 【你来到永夜城西南侧,发现前方的空间已经被鳞次栉比的钢铁建筑填满,从空气中弥漫的机油味,到城墙上传来的钟表声,无处不彰显着地精高超的炼金水平……】 You enter in city, discovered that the entire goblin city assumes huge ring-like, was expanded by center outward, forms a vast mechanical metropolis, the construction of city was primarily metal and stone, standing tall and erect turret and thorough underground cavern interlocked in the same place, constituted a three-dimensional city grid, is full of goblin unique machine design style everywhere......】 【你进入城中,发现整座地精城市呈巨大的环形,由中心向外扩展,形成了一个面积广大的机械都市,城市的建筑多以金属和石块为主,高耸的塔楼和深入地下的洞穴交错在一起,构成了一个立体的城市网格,处处充满着地精独特的机械设计风格……】 【The entrance of city, complex mechanisms/organizations, there is a detector of early warning, there is an automatic fort of counter-attack, making this city fort that is hard to break through......】 【城市的入口处,还有一道道复杂的机关,既有预警的探测器,也有反击的自动炮台,使得这座城市成为了一座难以攻破的要塞……】 Steam airship of soaring in sky, shuttles back and forth in the automatic mine car of underground duct, proliferates transportion robot...... the entire city on street seems a huge mechanical lifeform, revolves unceasingly, will never stand still......】 【飞翔在天空中的蒸汽飞艇,穿梭在地下管道的自动矿车,遍布在街道上的运输机器人……整座城市仿佛是一个巨大的机械生物,不断运转,永不停歇……】 New spiral spring city, construction also wants to be quicker than the imagination, from the writing description, the scale does not seem inferior in the original spiral spring city. 新发条城,建设的比想象中还要快一些,从文字描述上,规模似乎已经不逊色于原本的发条城了。 【...... You in some factory in city deep place, found gold metallurgy Grandmaster Eugene, begs the dense/woods spirit core to the opposite party.】 【……你在城市深处的某座工厂中,找到了炼金大师尤金,向对方讨要森灵核心。】 Wears the safety helmet, Eugene who grasps the spanner sees you to arrive, on the face appears does not immediately bear, jumps down from the mechanical vehicle.】 【戴着安全帽,手持扳手的尤金看到你到来,脸上顿时浮现不耐,从机械车上跳下。】 Can carry off the core? Your this interrupts every other day, but also made us develop?” Eugene is complaining, while put out a hand to draw on a passing by robot, let its bring back the dense/woods spirit core.】 【“又要带走核心?你这样三天两头的中断,还让不让我们发展了?”尤金一边抱怨着,一边伸手招来一个路过的机器人,让其去取回森灵核心。】 This old goblin sees him repugnantly is the affirmation, because he comes each time is begs the dense/woods spirit core, moreover often walks is 1-2 days, during this , the goblin factory will fall into the comprehensive shutdown. 这老地精讨厌看见他是肯定的,因为每次他来都是来讨要森灵核心,而且往往一走就是1-2,这期间地精工厂会陷入全面停摆。 However although does not prefer, this old goblin is actually very tactful, has not refused him to carry off the request of core, most talked too much on complains. 不过虽然不情愿,这老地精倒是很识趣,从没有拒绝过他带走核心的要求,最多嘴上抱怨一下。 You received the heart of dense/woods spirit from the machine person hand.】 【你从机器人手中接过了森灵之心。】 【The heart of polluted dense/woods spirit, presently pollution degree: 87.8053.】 【被污染的森灵之心,当前污染程度:87.8053。】 Mu You looks at one happily, this energy consumption also wants to be quicker, short less than one month the imagination , the pollution degree then had gotten down 12. 沐游看得一喜,这能量消耗的比想象中还要快一些,短短不到一个月的时间,污染程度便已经下去了12。 Initially the dense/woods gave his quest spirit, cleared 10 pollution in one year, properly speaking he has calculated that now completed quest, can have the core to look for that dense/woods momentarily spirit. 当初森灵给他的任务,是在一年内清除十的污染,按理说他现在已经算完成任务了,随时可以带着核心去找那只森灵。 Must know Dawson spirit this quest to have the reward, to a side youth fountain of youth, do not want white/in vain. In addition some proof of this quest, should convince other dense/woods spirit sufficiently, begs the more dense/woods spirit cores, when the time comes he did not need every day and Eugene snatches the energy storage, a person together, even other day of empty cities can also arrange on. 要知道森灵这任务可是有奖励的,给一方‘青春不老泉’,不要白不要。此外有了这个任务的证明,应该足以说服其他森灵,讨要来更多的森灵核心,到时候他也不需要每天和尤金抢能量源了,一人一块,甚至其他天空城也能安排上。 Mu You is preparing to look for Vivian, inquired the living in seclusion place of dense/woods spirit tribe, at this time on the cell phone sprang a forum news suddenly. 沐游正准备找薇薇安,询问一下森灵部落的隐居地,这时手机上忽然弹出一条论坛消息。 The Mu You point opens looks, news from nine quiet, said that was before delivers the past octopus to process fully, making him approve. 沐游点开一看,消息来自九幽,说是之前送过去的章鱼足处理好了,让他去验收。 Such quick......” “这么快……” Mu You is surprised, delivered the octopus from yesterday, is less than day by the present, unexpectedly has attended to? 沐游惊讶,从昨天把章鱼送过去,到现在还不到一天,居然已经料理好了? This matter is important, looks for the dense/woods spirit matter only to be able first to put, Mu You transmitted the capital immediately. 这事要紧,找森灵的事只能先放一放,沐游当即传送去了首都。 After a half hour, he in the reception room in Dragon Team headquarters, saw so-called end product. 半小时后,他在龙组总部的会客厅里,见到了所谓的‘成品’。 „...... You determined that hasn't made a mistake?” “呃……你们确定没搞错?” Mu You looks at present, is putting together the dish with the giant steamer, suspected very much they replaced the raw material secretly. 沐游看着眼前,用巨大蒸笼盛放着一道菜品,很怀疑他们是不是偷偷替换了原料。 What in this moment steamer is not the octopus ingredients, but clearly is together ultra-large chops pepper fish head. 此刻蒸笼中的并不是什么章鱼料理,而分明是一道超大的‘剁椒鱼头’。 You could rest assured that has not made a mistake absolutely!” “您放心,绝对没搞错!” And master chef self-confident going out, introduced to Mu You: To satisfy you said cannot see octopus contour, we a chapter of fish meat will carve to transform 13 fish heads, but thing that below seems like the flour dim sum, actually is also the meat of octopus, but through baking to roast the just right golden yellow, this made it seem like the image plane point.” 其中一名大厨自信的走出,给沐游介绍起来:“为了满足您说的‘看不出章鱼外形’,我们将章鱼肉雕琢改造成了十三块鱼头,而下面这一层看似面点的东西,其实也是章鱼的肉,只是通过烧烤烤成了恰到好处的金黄色,这才让它看起来像面点。” We give this dish to name are —— look up to starry sky!” Introduced, the chef then looked to Mu You: „Do you have a look, to meet the requirement?” “我们给这道菜取名为——‘仰望星空’!”介绍完毕,厨师这才看向沐游:“您看看,符合要求吗?” „......” “……” For a while how Mu You does not know replied, meeting the requirement is the giant decides. 沐游一时不知道怎么回答,符不符合要求是巨人说了算的。 However at least cannot see octopus contour this point, they accomplished absolutely . Moreover the list said from the smell, this dish truly achieved made one want to stop but cannot, Mu You stood in the one side is hearing the fragrance, had in an abdomen the hunger, could not bear eat an impulsion greatly. 不过至少看不出章鱼外形这一点,他们绝对是办到了,而且单从气味上说,这道菜确实做到了让人欲罢不能,沐游站在一旁闻着香气,都有种腹中饥饿,忍不住上去大吃一顿的冲动。 According to the master chef, this vegetable/dish put too for a long time to lose the flavor, Mu You has to rush entire to receive this thing, immediately transmitted that side Europe, looking for the emperor must came to prepare well not sleep spice, this thing was the true sure-kill. 据大厨说,这菜放太久会失去风味,沐游只得赶忙将这东西整个收起,随即传送去了欧洲那边,找天子要来了准备好的‘无寐子’香料,这东西才是真正的绝杀。 In order to prevent a long delay usually means many problems, that noon, two people then called the manpower, gathers near the formidable tower exit|to speak, took the action. 为了防止夜长梦多,当天中午,两人便召集人手,聚集在勇者塔出口附近,展开了行动。 【...... You the hand seem somewhat strange unknown food, placed on the sand.】 【……你将手中看起来有些诡异的未知食物,放在了沙地上。】 Sweet fragrance flooded into your nasal cavity immediately......】 【一股甘甜的香味顿时涌入了你的鼻腔……】 Fragrance just sent out shortly, you hear low roar that distant place transmits giant suddenly......】 【香味刚刚散发出去不久,你忽然听到远处传来巨人的低吼声……】 This fragrance not sleeps certainly fragrance. Mu You is also thinking needs him to change a body, first attracts the giant, without thinking of this thing effect is so strong, the thing just now puts down, the giant had the response immediately. 这香味当然就是无寐子的香气。沐游本来还想着需不需要他变个身,先把巨人吸引过来,没想到这东西效果这么强,东西才刚放下,巨人立即就有反应了。 You quickly hide after the thick patch of grass of distant place, and started blood law existence, your existence feeling becomes extremely thin......】 【你急忙藏身在远处的草丛后,并发动了血律‘存在’,你的存在感变得极为稀薄……】 Currently Mu You only has a blood law point, hesitant in more than 100 blood laws, finally first selected this concealment masterstroke/divine skill. 目前沐游只有一点血律点,在一百多个血律中犹豫一番,最后还是先点了这个隐匿神技。 Then Mu You starts with the recollection + the broken fog filter, non-stop paying attention position that looks up to the starry sky. 接下来沐游开始用回溯+破雾镜,不停关注着仰望星空的位置。 Until after several minutes . 直到数分钟后。 【...... You noticed that a big foot falls by food suddenly, then a palm of giant stretches out, grasps food of ground......】 【……你看到一只大脚猛然在食物旁边落下,接着一只巨人的手掌伸出,将地上的食物一把抓起……】 【...... Giant catches mouth this strange food, smelled to hear for a long time, corners of the mouth started to overflow saliva, however in eye is glittering as before some doubt, has not sent in mouth......】 【……巨人将这块陌生的食物抓到嘴边,嗅闻了许久,嘴角开始溢出口水,然而眼中依旧闪烁着些许狐疑,迟迟没有送入口中……】 Giant grabs food, starts to linger in , seems seeking for anything......】 【巨人抓着食物,开始在附近徘徊起来,似乎在寻找什么……】 【After the moment, giant flies back without any results, returned again same place......】 【片刻后,巨人无功而返,再次回到了原地……】 Giant looks in hand to give off strong fragrance food, intertwines for a long time, unable to repress the most primitive desire finally, sends in mouth, bit one......】 【巨人看着手中散发浓烈香气的食物,纠结许久,终于按捺不住最原始的欲望,送入口中,咬下了一块……】 Gets into the stomach, giant eyes one bright, suddenly is out of control, wolfing down squeezes in all food mouth, suddenly then ate none, but also in providing much food for thought is sucking finger......】 【一口下肚,巨人眼睛一亮,忽然一发不可收拾,狼吞虎咽的将所有食物塞入口中,眨眼便吃了个精光,还在回味无穷的吮着手指……】 ......” “呼……” Mu You relaxes, he looked at the front prompt, but also thinks that this giant saw through, recognizing this is the meat of that octopus, therefore does not dare to talk. 沐游松了口气,他本来看前面的提示,还以为这巨人看穿了,认出了这是那只章鱼的肉,所以不敢动口。 Is good because of eats finally. 好在最后还是吃了下去。 Then was easy to do. 接下来就好办了。 You jumped out from the thick patch of grass, activated god's skin, from giant side process.】 【你从草丛旁跳出,激活了神之皮肤,从巨人身旁经过。】 Giant soon discovered you, has not actually pursued immediately, but is vigilant sweeping to all around, seems worrying about possible ambush......】 【巨人很快发现了你,却没有立即追击,而是警惕的扫向四周,似乎在担忧可能的埋伏……】 Has saying that this giant is very intelligent, one guessed correctly this possibly is a trap. 不得不说,这巨人还挺聪明,一下就猜到了这可能是个陷阱。 Mu You does not have the time to waste, is mainly he did not determine how long this chapter of fish meat the smell can preserve, starts on the intensity directly. 沐游没时间浪费,主要是他不确定这章鱼肉的气味能保存多久,直接开始上强度。 You started existence, your existence feeling instantaneously becomes extremely intense.】 【你发动了‘存在’,你的存在感瞬间变得极为强烈。】 You made many insulting movements toward the giant, but also before taking out, is precise god's flesh and blood that from the sand giant.】 【你朝巨人做出了诸多侮辱性动作,还取出了之前从沙地巨人身上凝炼出的神之骨血。】 Giant recognized you!】 【巨人认出了你!】 hatred/enemy Jiajiu hates, to make the giant violent anger newly. Giant roared, pursued rapidly toward you......】 【新仇加旧恨,令巨人暴怒。巨人一声咆哮,飞速朝你追来……】 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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