Chapter 547bloodgodpostscript
The disruption of crystalis still continuing, slightfissuresrapidlyspread, the quality of material of crystalstartsfrom the interiorbecomesfuzzy, afterseveralseconds, with a resounding, the crystaldisruptedthoroughlyonecrystallinepowder, such as the wind-drift sandcoastedfromreferring to of Mu You.
水晶的碎裂还在持续,一条条细微的裂痕快速蔓延,水晶的质地开始从内部变得模糊,直到数秒后,随着一声脆响,水晶彻底碎裂成了一摊晶状粉末,如流沙般从沐游的指间滑下。Butat this timeinhispalmsurpluscrystaldust, is sending out the gloomily bluefluorescentcaterpillarall over the body, finds out the headfrom the powder, is wrigglingtworows of finefeet, upwardcrawlingdiligently.
而此时在他手心剩余的水晶粉尘中,一只通体散发着幽蓝荧光的毛毛虫,从粉末内探出脑袋,蠕动着两排纤足,努力的向上爬行。„Chirp...... chirp......”
“啾……啾……”In the caterpillarmouthexudes the cry that slightlycannotbe checkedunceasingly, probablyis sobbing, seems like acting like a spoiled brat. The caterpillarraises the head, in a pair of black soybeanseyeball, the inverted imagehas the face of Mu You. The caterpillarcorner of the eyestartsto dropimmediatelyunceasinglyoutward the tinypearl, immediatelybends/bow the body, goes all outto wrigglealong the arm of Mu Youupwardly, as to be close tohissome.
毛毛虫口中不断发出微不可查的鸣叫声,像是在哭泣,又像是在撒娇。毛毛虫扬起脑袋,一对黑豆般的眼珠中,倒影出沐游的脸。毛毛虫眼角顿时开始不断往外滴落细小的珍珠,随即弓起身体,沿着沐游的手臂拼命向上蠕动着,似乎想要更接近他一些。Mu Youhas not thought that butbrokenshell the little fellowis also maintaining the shape of larva aculeata, does not know that because of the prematurebirth, larva aculeataat this moment has almost not remembered and wisdom, the actionbasicallyalldepending on the instinct.沐游没想到,破壳而出的小家伙还保持着毛虫的形态,也不知是不是因为过早的出生,此刻的毛虫几乎没有记忆和智慧,行动基本全凭本能。Mu Youanditsintentionare interlinked, but the little fellow can also feel the andMu Yourelation, thereforetohisnaturaldependenceandtrust.沐游和它心意相通,而小家伙也能感受到它和沐游之间的联系,所以对他天然的依恋和信任。Mu Youput out a handto pick up the caterpillar, placedononeselfshoulder, caterpillarimmediatelycheerfulpasteditsneckto lickto rub, is expressingownbeing intimate with.沐游伸手将毛毛虫捡起,放在了自己肩上,毛毛虫立即欢快的贴着它的脖子舔蹭起来,表达着自己的亲近。Mu Youtakes out a leaf of tree of lifefrom the ring, handson the shoulder.沐游从戒指中取出一片生命之树的叶子,递到肩上。
The caterpillaras ifsmelled the lifeaura of leaf, immediatelyholds the leafto gnawto nipwith the foreleg, the leafvanishesbyvisiblespeedlittle by little, quickthenallentered the endo-abdominal of larva aculeata.
毛毛虫似乎闻到了树叶的生命气息,当即用前肢抱着树叶啃咬起来,树叶以肉眼可见的速度一点点消失,很快便全进了毛虫的腹内。Caterpillarlanguidlying of being satiated with food and wineon the shoulder of Mu You, changed a comfortableposture, thenno longermoves, as ifhad fallen asleep.
吃饱喝足的毛毛虫懒洋洋的趴在沐游的肩上,换了个舒服的姿势,便不再动弹,似乎已经进入了梦乡。Seeing the caterpillaris quiet, Mu Youthenturns the head, lookstofrontbirdcage.
见毛毛虫沉寂下来,沐游这才转头,看向面前的鸟笼。In the birdcage, imprisonedyoung girlhead, is hittingall aroundironnetcrazily, even if the finefive senseswere hitbadly beaten, the meaning of alsonot having stopped, because not deadPhysique of bloodgod, no matteritreceived the multiplewounds, the woundwill rapidly restore.
鸟笼之中,被囚禁的少女头颅,正在疯狂的撞击四周的铁网,纵使精致的五官被撞得头破血流,也没有停下的意思,因为血神的不死体质,不管它受了多重的伤,伤口都会快速恢复。DiscoversMu Youlooks like, the young girlheadsuspended the movement, the opens the mouthrevealed the vampirefang, the threatwas staringhim, the eyeactuallyin the turning roundrevolutions, sought for the crevice that mayride, obviouslywas still thinkingescaping.
发现沐游看来,少女头颅才暂停了动作,张口露出吸血鬼的獠牙,威胁的瞪着他,眼睛却在滴溜溜的转,寻找着可乘的空隙,显然仍在想着逃跑。„Thisfellow, fromstartedonto hit the basket...... Mu Youto saya moment ago”.
“这家伙,从刚才开始就一直在撞笼子啊……”沐游说。medicine pickerat this timesuddenlyafterraised the birdcage, the young girlhead in cagewas frightenedone, quicklyhas relayedin the cage the head, towardlowroar of emanationthreatmedicine pickergrimaces.采药人这时忽然从后提起了鸟笼,笼中的少女头颅被吓了一条,急忙在笼中转过头颅,朝采药人呲牙咧嘴的发出威胁的低吼。medicine pickerturns a blind eye, butpondersis staring at the head in cage, sneers saying: „Besides the shape and controlcorpse, thisfellowhas not causedany otherbloodlaws, evidently, itsotherabilityshouldfallby the seal, only thenin a situation of head, the ironbasketcannot escape.”采药人对此视若无睹,只是玩味的盯着笼中的脑袋,冷笑道:“除了化形和操控尸体之外,这家伙至今没使过任何别的血律,看样子,它别的能力应该都被封印掉了,只有一颗头颅的情况下,连个铁笼子都逃不脱。”„Thisfellowcannot kill, alwayslike thismakesitrestlessis not the matter, ifwhichdayhas not watchedbyitis slid, troubled......”Mu Youto hesitate.
“不过这家伙杀不死,总是这样让它闹腾也不是事,万一哪天没看住被它溜了,就麻烦了……”沐游沉吟。medicine pickernods, takes out the cell phone, dialed a number.采药人点了点头,取出手机,拨通了一个号码。Cell phonethatquickconnection.
手机那头很快接通。„Hasn't handled?”medicine pickerdirectlyasked.
“还没搞定么?”采药人直接问。„Urges, urginganythingto urge, an old ladydayrantens of thousandskilometers, youthink that spicyeasy......”incell phoneto resound the exquisitesound.
“催,催什么催,老娘一天跑了几万公里,你以为辣么容易啊……”手机中响起玲珑的声音。„In briefactsa bit faster.”
“知道了知道了……”Aftersimpledialogue, the telephonehangs up.
简单的对话过后,电话挂断。„What do you...... wantto make?”
“你们……想做什么?”In the cage the headis vigilantimmediately, the intuitiontoldit, the matter that the opposite partydiscussedwas relatedwithit.
笼中头颅顿时警惕起来,直觉告诉它,对方谈论的事和它有关。„Hehe, youknewquickly.”medicine pickersneers, the smileletsthis/shouldhiddenheartnextonestartled, the feeling of instinctis not wonderful.
“呵呵,你很快就知道了。”采药人冷笑一声,笑容让该隐心下一惊,本能的感觉不妙。„Hey, halts! What do youactuallywantto make?” The headstarted the fierce resistancesuddenly.
“喂,站住!伱们到底想做什么?”头颅忽然又开始了激烈反抗。What a pitytwo peopledo not haveto manageit, turned the headto doownmatter.
可惜两人都没理它,转头回去做自己的事去了。Has crossed for about an hour, is hitting the basketthehidden, suddenlyfelt that has a dizzy spell, butthisdizzinessfeeling is actually not the ache that becauseithitsis the result, but came from in the weakfeeling in innermost soul.
一直过了一个小时左右,正在撞击笼子的该隐,忽然感觉一阵头晕目眩,但这眩晕感却不是因为它撞击的疼痛所致,而是源自于灵魂深处的虚弱感。Thishiddenonestartled, soonrealizedanything, the hurriedcrazierhit, what a pitythisheadjusthiked up, thencrashedautomatically, motionlesslying downincagebottom, as if a robot that did not have the electricity, the consciousnessalsoblurredrapidly......
该隐一惊,很快意识到了什么,急忙更加疯狂的撞击,可惜这次头颅才刚刚飘起,便自动坠落了下去,一动不动的躺在笼底,仿佛一个没了电的机器人,意识也迅速模糊了下去……„? Finallybecame effective......”
“哦?终于生效了么……”„It seems likewent wellexquisite......”
Before the consciousnessthoroughis murky, this/shouldhiddenonlysaw that twopeopleset out, once againarrives atsideit.
意识彻底昏沉之前,该隐只看到那两个人起身,又一次来到它身边。Obviouslytwo peopleareunemotionallooks atit, itactuallyfelt that two peoplehave the smilesatanically, butitis the fish meat on block, can only allow to be oppressed......
明明两人都是面无表情的看着它,它却感觉两人都带着恶魔般的微笑,而它已经是砧板上的鱼肉,只能任人宰割……Whenthis/shouldhiddenfalls into the stuporthoroughly, Americasover ten thousandkilometers away, in the slum area of somecity.
就在该隐彻底陷入昏迷的时候,上万公里外的美洲,某座城市的贫民区中。Wears the duckbill cap, the facehangs the visormirror, exquisite that a spice girldresses up, bybefore a window of foreign-style multi-storied building, the footis stepping onseveralblack and bluestuporpastblacks, looksto a sidebasin in room.
戴着鸭舌帽,脸挂遮阳镜,一身辣妹打扮的玲珑,靠在一处洋楼的窗前,脚踩着几个鼻青脸肿昏迷过去的黑人,看向屋内的一方水池。Thissidelength and breadth over tenmeterspool, is a small-scaleswimming pool, at this timein the pondwas actually filled upby the viscousblood, butall around of bloodpond, smudgedstrangecircularformationwith the blood, the formationsurroundingschocked up the candle and tribute.
The smallspider of this momentpowdershellis lyinginpondside, the opening mouthbigmouthis swallowingblood.
此刻粉壳的小蜘蛛正趴在池边,张嘴大口吞咽着其中的血液。„Come onspider! Byyou!”
The smallspiderresponded toonereluctantly, immersesin the plain rice.
After having swallowed for severalminutes, itfinallylastdrop of bloodsuck dry in pond.
“叽……”Smallspiderworn outknocks down, reveals the roundbelly, raised headto hit a belch, eightclawsspread out, does not wantto move.
小蜘蛛有气无力的翻倒在地,露出圆鼓鼓的肚子,仰头打了个饱嗝,八爪摊开,丝毫不想动弹。„Was laboriousyou, smallcute, rendered meritorious service.”
“辛苦你了,小可爱,立功了哦。”Quicklywent forwardto hug the smallspiderto comfortexquisite, at the same timeglanced over the message that in the cell phoneis receivingnewly.
玲珑急忙上前抱起了小蜘蛛安抚了一番,一边浏览着手机中新收到的消息。Thishiddenbodyby the sealin the all over the world, the strength of main bodyby the completeseal, was only remainedit of head, in factalmostdoes not have the ability to act.
该隐的身体被封印在世界各地,本体的力量被完全封印,只剩一个头颅的它,实际上已经几乎没有了行动能力。Butitcanarrive atEarth, but can also depend on the headcontrolcorpse, evenis separated byten thousandli (0.5 km)to run up to the Heavenly Dynasty, doessuchmanymatters, naturallyneedsotherwaysto energize.
而它之所以能来到地球,还能凭头颅操控尸体,甚至相隔万里跑到天朝,搞出这么多事,当然需要其他途径来供能。But the method of energizing, isthissideblood pondat present. Thisbloodpondinsome not visibleform, is connectingthis/shouldhiddenhead, takesin the pond the bloodfor‚fuel’, long-distanceenergizesforthis/shouldhiddenevery action and every movement.
而供能的手段,正是眼前这方血池。这血池以某种看不见的形式,连接着该隐的头颅,以池中血液为‘燃料’,远程为该隐的一举一动供能。Mu Youcanguess correctly that onEarthhassuchsideblood pondto exist , because is playing, the wandererclanhasnamed‚bloodshed’rarebloodlaw, the effectcreates a sideusing the personblood‚bloodshed’, so long asin the bloodshed the bloodis sufficient, andoneself and positiongreat distance of bloodshedis nottoofar, whatthenbloodshedcontinuousis the main bodyprovides the energy.沐游之所以能猜到地球上有这么一方血池存在,是因为在游戏中,流浪者氏族有一个名为‘血海’稀有血律,效果正是利用人血创造一方‘血海’,只要血海内血液充足,且自身和血海的位置相隔不是太远,则血海将源源不断的为本体提供能量。Buthere‚great distanceis not far’, regarding the span of real world, in factintens of thousandskilometersis the effective range, inEarth, even the farthestgap, will not break throughthislimit.
而这里的‘相隔不远’,是对于真实世界的跨度来说的,实际上几万公里以内都是有效距离,在地球,即便是最远的间隔,都不会突破这个极限。Mu Youguessed correctly after this/shouldhiddenpossiblyarrives atEarth, knows that itwantsto maintain the action, the inevitableneedestablishes a bloodpondat the maximum speed, comesto energizetooneselffor a long time.沐游猜到该隐可能来到地球后,就知道它想要保持行动力,必然需要以最快速度建立起一个血池,来给自己长期供能。Then the bloodpond the position that is most likelyto have, naturally before is, boybodydiscoveredthatcity.
那么血池最有可能存在的位置,自然就是之前男孩尸体被发现的那座城市。Therefore after beforeMu Youandexquisitesynchronizedmemory, exquisitethenflewdirectlythisAmericancity, started the investigation.
因此之前沐游和玲珑同步记忆后,玲珑便直接飞来了这座美洲城市,开始了调查。Mustestablish the bloodpondto needto killlots oflive peopleinevitably, thenonlyneededto checkrecentlymissingpopulationmostplaces, then likely the position of directfixedbloodpond.
要建立血池必然需要杀害大量的活人,那么只需要查一下最近失踪人数最多的地点,便很可能直接锁定血池的方位。Really, after the slumregionsimpledivination, thendeterminedexquisitequicklyprivate residence that thishas the issue.
果然,玲珑在贫民窟区域简单一番占卜过后,很快便确定了这间有问题的民房。Thisroomis the den that onegroup of black personinfluencesoccupy, looks attheirappearances, shouldthis/shouldhiddenbe misled, itregarded the godsand so oncharacter, establishedtemporarycults, in the pond the bloodisthis/shouldhiddenobligationtheseblackscollects.
这房间是一伙黑人势力盘踞的窝点,看他们的样子,应该是被该隐蛊惑,把它当成了神明之类的人物,成立了一个临时的邪教,池中血液都是该隐驱使这些黑人们收集的。Comesexquisitetime, thesepeopleevenalsoincontinuousincreases the bloodtoward the pond, finallyexquisite35was putto lie downcompletely, latermakes the smallspiderswallow the blood.
玲珑来的时候,这些人甚至还在源源不断的往池中添加血液,最后被玲珑三五下全部放躺,随后让小蜘蛛把血液吞噬一空。Anotherhead, loses‚fuel’thehidden, without the power supply, naturallywas in a state ofdown.
另一头,失去‘燃料’的该隐,没了动力源,自然就陷入了宕机状态。Thendialed the telephone of local policewith a cell phone of black personexquisite, after tellingthemhereto have the homicide case, thenbrings the smallspiderdirectlyto jump the windowto leave.
……K City.K市。Whenstupor when thehiddenwakes upagain, discoveredoneselfare lying downin a sidefamiliarwater, sets outto look,hehas changed the shape of youngboy, was being twinedby the blackchaoticenergyfrom top to bottomas beforestubbornly, butabove the top of the head, is carving the signboards of Leifengtwolarge characters, comes clearly into view.
The familiarscene, madethis/shouldhiddensoonrealizeanything, whole bodyfierceshivered.
熟悉的场景,让该隐很快意识到了什么,浑身剧烈的颤抖起来。Itreturned to thatperson of knowledgeseaunexpectedly!
它居然又回到了那人的识海之中!Stated differently, previoustimeitinvadeson own initiative, butthistime, itwas actually closedforcefully.
不同的是,上次它是主动侵入进来的,而这次,它却是被人强行关进来的。Butthisalsomeans,itssoulhas been separated from the head of bloodgodat this moment, was imprisonedinthispieceknew the into the sea|nautical mile.
而这也意味着,它的灵魂此刻已经脱离了血神的头颅,被囚禁在了这片识海里。Ifmerelyisthiseven if, whatis more important, thatonlyletsitincomparablyfrightenedsnake, stillhere!
The sound that justthinking, a snakeis sticking out the tongueresoundsfromitsbodyweek.
正想着,一阵蛇吐信子的声音自它身周响起。Thishiddenquickly grasps the meaning of something, turning around that wantsnot to thinkruns.
该隐一个激灵,想也不想的转身就跑。„Giggle, suchimpatientwantsto playwithme?”
“咯咯咯,这么迫不及待的想和我玩耍了么?”Really, the sound of chaosresounds, a giantpython, quietlyappearsin the rearstairway, at a moderate pacepursuestowardit.
果然,身后混沌的声音响起,一只巨大的蟒蛇,悄然出现在后方的楼梯口,不紧不慢的朝它追来。„Good, thatthistimemakesyoufirstrun, runningheartily, remembers that should not be pursuedbythissnake, otherwise...... shouldchangeyouto pursue!”Hasin the tone of snaketo haveonepointto ponder, twopointstease, earnestin the rear areaacted as‚ghost’character.
“好啊,那这次就让你先跑吧,尽情的跑,记得不要被本蛇追到,否则……就该换你追了!”具蛇的语气中带着一分玩味,两分戏虐,认真的在后方充当起了‘鬼’的角色。Wherewhat a pitythis/shouldhiddenhears, at this moment the onlythoughtonly thenflees fromhere.
可惜该隐哪里听得进去,此刻唯一的念头只有逃离这里。However, thistimehow, no matteritruns, went toseveral hundredover a thousandbuildings, the exhaustion of running, did not seeexistence of anysimilarexit|to speakagain.
然而,这次不管它怎么跑,下了几百上千层楼,跑的筋疲力竭,也再没有见到任何类似出口的存在。„Didn't thishave the strength? Thissnakehas not enjoyed oneself to the full......”
The giantsnake headhas pursuedshortly, this/shouldhiddencollapseis yelling, actuallyalso can only continueto escapepantingly......
眼看着身后巨大的蛇头已经追来,该隐崩溃的大叫着,却也只能气喘吁吁的继续逃跑……„Youngeightthisfellow, playswith the newfriendis very happy......”
“小八这家伙,和新朋友玩的很开心啊……”In the pet shop, Nightwatcherlooks the happyscene that in the mindtries to overtake each other, mumbledone.
宠物店中,打更人看着脑海里你追我赶的欢乐场景,嘟囔了一声。NearbyMu Youhas not managedhim, at this momentheis feeling the chin, looks atfrontbirdcage.
一旁的沐游没理他,此刻他正摸着下巴,看着面前的鸟笼。In the basket, the head of young girlis opening the eyes, staringis staring athim, looks at steadily.
笼子里,少女的头颅正睁着双眼,直勾勾的盯着他,目不转睛。Justtheythis/shouldhiddenconsciousnessbody, forcefullyshiftedafter the head, Mu Youimmediatelyfelt the niche of bloodhas changed, thentookto look,finallysaw a redshadowrapidfrom the niche of bloodprominent, submergedin the head.
刚刚他们将该隐的意识体,强行从头颅中转移出来之后,沐游顿时感觉血之龛有所异动,便取出来一看,结果就见一道红影飞速从血之龛中突出,没入了头颅内。Mu Youestimated,thisshouldbe the Liz'sremaining thought that perhapsinducesexistence of main body, thereforeauto-regressionmain body.沐游估计,这应该是莉莉丝残余的意念,或许是感应到了本体的存在,于是自动回归了本体。In brief, after the Liz'sremnantsread the return, the young girlhead in cagethenopened the eye, and visionis following the Mu Youpositionthroughout.
总之,莉莉丝的残念回归后,笼内的少女头颅便睁开了眼,并且目光始终跟随着沐游的位置。Even ifMu Youputs out a handto closehereye, receivesto reach behind the back, shewill still open eyesimmediatelyagain.
就算沐游伸手将她的眼睛合上,一收回手,她也会立即再睁开眼。Butalsoopens eyesto visithim, in additiondoes not haveotheraction.
但也只是睁眼看着他,除此之外没有别的举动。Mu Youguessed,thisshouldbe the Liz'sremnantsreadsweakly, returned to the main bodyeven, was unable to control the bodyto makemoreactionsagain.沐游猜测,这应该是莉莉丝的残念过于虚弱,就算回归了本体,也已经无法再控制身体做出更多的举动。ThismadeMu Youhave a newideaactually: Since the Lizsoulturns over to the main bodynow, how manybodiesifthatcan the Liz'sscatteredlook, inputs in her the coffin of coming back to life, perhapshas the opportunityto makeherresurrect?
这倒是让沐游有了一个新想法:既然现在莉莉丝魂归本体,那么如果能将莉莉丝分散的几块躯体都找回来,在将她放入复生之棺中,或许有机会让她复活?BecauseLiz the situationis special, shecannot determine that bittengodbeastoccupies, because before biting the godbeastappears, sheby‚segmentation’, is instead escaped the disaster of thatextermination of the clan, nowevenresurrects, possiblydid not resurrectto bite the godbeast.
莉莉丝因为情况特殊,她是可以确定没有被噬神兽占据的,因为噬神兽出现之前,她就被‘切分’了,反而逃过了那场灭族之灾,如今就算复活,也不可能是复活了一只噬神兽。Ifreallycanresurrect, thatmaybetruegods, moreoveris the levelnot under the topgods of god of order!
而如果真能复活的话,那可就是一位真正的神明啊,而且是层次不下于秩序之神的顶级神明!The most important thing is, Lizis an ultimate goodHoly Mother, withhercharacter, after resurrecting , the bigprobabilitywill not haveanythingto rule the human the idea, insteadpossibly can the utmosthelpthey.
最重要的是,莉莉丝是一位至善的圣母,以她的性格,复活后大概率不会有什么统治人类的想法,反而更可能会极尽所能的帮助他们。Ifthere is a help of LizsuchTrue God, in the futureresiststo bite the godbeast, shouldbe ableto be easier......
如果有了莉莉丝这么一位真神的帮助,将来对抗噬神兽,应该能容易许多吧……Naturally, thismatterwantsto achieveis not definitely simple, not to mention the Liz'sbodywas hidden, moreoverwas hiddenin the world‚certainlydanger’ the place, even ifhecanfindto hide the position, wantsto take carry backis notthateasy.
当然,这事想达成肯定没那么简单,且不说莉莉丝的躯体都被藏起来了,而且都被藏在世界‘绝险’之地,就算他能找到藏匿位置,想要拿回来也不是那么容易的。Thismatter can only thinktemporarily.
这事暂时只能想想。Mu Youshakes the head, looked for a cotton thread, installson the birdcage, obstructedwith the curtain screen the head/number of people.沐游摇了摇头,找了块布帘,安装在鸟笼上,将人头用帘子遮了起来。Even ifthisyoung girlappearancefreshbeautiful, butafter all is also a head/number of people, no matter whatwho24hoursstared by onehead/number of peopleonedaywere looking, musthave the nightmare.
After covering the curtain screen, Mu Youopened the curtain screento look at the eyesecretly, after discovering the curtain screenblocks from, the young girlseems likedetects unable to seehim, finallyclosed the eyeslowly, buthelookssecretly, the young girleyesopenimmediately, fiercelylooks liketowardhim.
盖上帘子后,沐游又偷偷揭开帘子看了眼,发现帘子遮住后,少女似乎是察觉看不到他,终于缓缓闭上了眼睛,不过他一偷瞄,少女眼睛又立即睁开,猛地朝他看来。Mu Youshouted the tone, covered the curtain screen.沐游呼了口气,盖好了帘子。Thishead/number of peoplecannot take in the ring, can only firstput, butmusthide, ifwere not seenby the bystandercarefully, compels to frighten the heart diseasecertainly.
这人头收不进戒指里,只能先这么放着了,但得藏着点,要是不小心被外人看到,绝逼能把人吓出心脏病来。Mu Youshakes the head, returnsto play.沐游摇了摇头,回到游戏。During the game, the reincarnationceremonyinterrupted after a moment ago, hethencontrolsincharacter'sto pull offbloodcoffinheadlessbodyimmediately, burns downcompletely.
游戏之中,刚才转生仪式中断后,他便立即操控人物将血棺内的无头尸体拖出,一把火烧尽。As the corpsevanishes, in the gamepops up the promptfinally, heobtained‚the coffin of dying and being reborn’property rights.
After confirming the divine toolstarts, Mu Youthengoes out ofthatblooddoor.
确认神器入手后,沐游这才走出那扇血门。【Inlight shadowcirculation, youappearindesertbottompalaceagain......】
【光影流转中,你再一次出现在沙漠地底的宫殿内……】【Youare promotedto the blood groupfirst ancestorautomatically, presentlyalgebra: 10generations, mayassign the bloodlawpoint: 1point......】
【你自动晋升为血族始祖,当前代数:十代,可分配血律点:一点……】Left the scene, Mu Youtook a look at a panel.
The tour of achievementthisdungeonis many, besidesbreaks throughto10generationssmoothly, totalharvestsstrength of 9pointsgod, against9 th the pointsgod, bloodgoddivine tooltwo, the niche of alsoevolutionbloodis a divine tool, in additioncomplete187maylearn/study the bloodlaw, was collectedallbyhim, realized the bloodlawto be freethoroughly.
这一趟副本之行收获颇丰,除了顺利突破到十代外,共计收获神之力九点,神之防九点,血神神器两件,血之龛也进化为神器,此外全部的187种可学习血律,也尽数被他收集到手,彻底实现了血律自由。It can be said that in the bloodinheritsonthisroad, presentsbeforehimis a broad and open road, heonlyneedspromotionroutinelythen.
After returning to the mausoleum chamber, the sceneremaininga small number ofvampiredukebodies, Mu Youhas not let off, the niche of bloodcollectedentirely, finallygathered12drops of first ancestor'sblood.
回到地宫后,现场剩下的少数吸血鬼公爵尸体,沐游也没放过,统统用血之龛收集了起来,最终又聚拢起了12滴始祖之血。Thesefirst ancestorbloodare uselesstohim, butcanbringto go backto giveto use.
这些始祖血液对他已经没用,但可以带回去给麦伊用。Cleans after the mausoleum chamber, Mu Youthencontrolled the characterto return to the ground.
将地宫内打扫一空后,沐游便操控人物回到了地面。【Youleave the mausoleum chamber, returned to the desert.】
【你离开地宫,回到了沙漠中。】【Drysandy ground, youjustcame, thendiscoverynot far awayis standingtogetherperson's shadow, graspswand, wearslong gown, long hairraisesnumerously, concentratesto standineverywhereyellow sand, seesyouto appear, immediatelywalkstowardyou......】
( This chapterends)
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