TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#546: Proposes inmate one happily

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Chapter 546 proposes inmate one happily 第546章喜提狱友一名 Early morning K City, Sun has not raised, on the street is filling some last night lonely. 清晨的K市,太阳尚未升起,街道上弥漫着些许昨夜的冷清。 Because of the influence of tsunami, street both sides shop is also shutting tightly the gate mostly, on the street, only then several sanitation engineers are cleaning the street earnestly. 因为海啸的影响,街道两旁的店铺大都还紧闭着门,街上只有几个清洁工在认真清扫街道。 The pet shop entrance, bathe Mianmeng squats to sit on the small camp stool, grasps the branch, wholly absorbed teases one row of ground to march the ant, in the accident of regarding the room does not have to think. 宠物店门口,沐眠梦蹲坐在小马扎上,手持树枝,专心致志的逗弄着地上的一排行军中的蚂蚁,却对于屋内发生的变故毫无所觉。 The delight that the small girl are playing, discovery front pavement was covered by a shadow suddenly. 小丫头正玩的不亦乐乎,忽然发现面前的水泥地被一层阴影笼罩。 Small girl vacant turning head, sees a broad form to stand in her behind, grins looks at her with a smile. 小丫头茫然的回过头,就见一个宽阔的身影正站在她身后,咧嘴笑着看着她。 Aunt, you, do you have the matter?” The small girl hurried setting out rebound in the shop, held in the entrance, some opens the mouth inquiries of fear. “大婶,你,你有事吗?”小丫头急忙起身跳回了店里,扶在门口,有些害怕的开口询问。 The one who appears in the shop entrance is a middle-aged female, is robust, is dark complexioned, is rough-skinned, on the palm covered entirely the cocoon, looked person who does the farm work frequently. 出现在店门口的是一个中年女子,身材粗壮,面庞黝黑,皮肤粗糙,手掌上布满了茧子,一看就是经常干农活的人。 Young doll you should not be afraid, my family kid on the television noticed that in a you shop sells the small pet, makes a tearful scene is making me buy for him, I give my child to buy the pet specially!” The women show the simple and honest smile, explained the purpose in coming with the voice. “小女娃你别害怕,我家娃在电视上看到伱们家店里卖小宠物,哭闹着让我给他买,我是特意来给俺娃买宠物的!”女人露出淳朴的笑容,操着口音解释了来意。 „? Now but my family shop does not do business......” little loli. “啊?可是我家店铺现在不营业啊……”小萝莉为难道。 Doesn't do business? I ran was so far, can't go back empty-handed? Can the young doll lead me to see your family Sir, I told him!” As soon as the women listened somewhat to be as if anxious, stepped into the shop. “不营业?俺都跑这么远了,总不能空手回去吧?小女娃能不能带我见见你家大人,我自己跟他说!”女人一听似乎有些急了,自顾自的踏入了店内。 „, Mu You, do some people look for you...... Mu You?” The small girl looked the opposite party has entered the shop, subconscious turn head called Mu You. “啊,沐游,有人找你……沐游?”小丫头一看对方已经进店,下意识的回头呼叫沐游 However one turn head found, Mu You is staying before the table of distant place, motionless, imitates, if petrifies, no matter how what she summoned also indifferently. 不过一回头才发现,沐游正呆愣在远处的桌前,一动不动,仿若石化,任她如何呼唤也无动于衷。 „Is that this shopkeeper?” The middle-aged woman asked. “那就是这家的店长?”中年女人问。 Right, just fortunately good, suddenly said on motionless......” little loli, looked up a woman, just wants saying that made her first sit down, actually discovered the woman is staring stared at Mu You, the corners of the mouth is bringing back a curve that suddenly infiltrated the person. “对啊,刚刚还好好的,忽然就不动了……”小萝莉说完,抬头看了眼女人,刚想说让她先坐下,却发现女人正直勾勾的盯着沐游,嘴角忽然勾起一个渗人的弧度。 The next second, in the dumbfoundedness of little loli, the woman stands in same place, the head/number of people flies unexpectedly directly, the short hair of some hoar frost, turned into about one meter mild-mannered black hair quietly, but the woman was rough the dark facial features, rapid change for a five senses fine young girl face. 下一秒,在小萝莉的目瞪口呆中,女人站在原地,人头竟直接飞起,身后原本有些白霜的短发,悄然变成近一米长的柔顺黑发,而女人原本粗糙黝黑的面容,也快速变化为了一个五官精致的少女脸庞。 The head of young girl drags the long hair to flutter rapidly, suddenly was close to Mu You. 少女的头颅拖着长发飞速飘过,眨眼便接近了沐游 This time Mu You is still at the condition that is unable to move, can only look helplessly the person head harness the frantic smile is flying, last bit after his neck. 此时的沐游依然处于无法动弹的状态,只能眼睁睁的看着人头带着狂热的微笑飞来,最后一口咬在了他的颈后。 This feeling, with the game , the character enters at that evening of city of initially, he by a shadow after bites the neck blood sucking the scene to be exactly the same. 这感觉,就和游戏中,人物初入以诺之城的那一晚,他被一道黑影从后咬住脖子吸血的场景一模一样。 hahaha, finished, your body, was my......” Mu You heard indistinctly hears the laughter behind, simultaneously the blood of his within the body in fast suction. 哈哈哈哈,结束了,你的身体,是我的了……”沐游隐约听到身后传来笑声,同时他体内的鲜血正在快速被吸走。 The bitter experience in game, in addition the scene of present world, Mu You has understood all at this moment. 游戏里的遭遇,再加上此刻现世的场景,沐游已然理解了一切。 Front head/number of people, is the Liz's head/number of people, is the body that this/should hidden only remains. 面前的这颗人头,正是莉莉丝的人头,也是该隐仅剩的躯体。 But in game, the headless corpse of concealed in blood coffin, is this/should hidden initial main body. 而游戏中,藏在血棺里的无头尸体,则是该隐最初的本体。 Once went down in the world the hidden gave shelter by Liz, was actually envied by her 12 disciples, killed secretly him jointly, the head/number of people was cut to burn down, only remained a headless corpse. 曾经落魄的该隐被莉莉丝收留,却被她的十二个门徒嫉妒,联手暗害了他,人头被砍下烧毁,只剩一具无头尸体。 When Liz did not detect when to rushing, this/should hidden has been killed. 待莉莉丝察觉不对赶到时,该隐已经被杀身亡。 Liz has the shame voluntarily in this/should hidden, therefore his remaining body, sends in divine tool ‚the coffin of coming back to life, and emits own blood, filled up the sarcophagus, hopes that taking advantage of own blood, with divine tool the strength of coming back to life, lets this/should hidden resurrecting. 莉莉丝自觉有愧于该隐,于是将他残余的身体,送入神器‘复生之棺’中,并放出自己的血,填满了石棺,希望借自己的血,与神器的复生之力,让该隐复活。 Who knows, after resurrecting the hidden, not only has not felt grateful the Liz's benevolence behavior, instead when her excessive loss of blood just when weak, drew in it the sarcophagus. 谁知,复活后的该隐,非但没有感恩莉莉丝的善心行为,反而趁她失血过多正值虚弱之时,将其拖入了石棺中。 This middle experienced twists and turns Mu You is not how clear, in brief, when finally Liz set out from the blood pond again, the reincarnation ceremony has completed, Liz was occupied by this/should hidden consciousness thoroughly. 这中间经历了怎样一番波折沐游不清楚,总之,最后当莉莉丝再次从血池中起身时,转生仪式已经完成,莉莉丝彻底被该隐的意识占据。 This hidden uses the Liz's strength, conquered by killing 12 disciple revenge, and poses as the status of blood god henceforth. 该隐利用莉莉丝的力量,血洗了十二门徒复仇,并从此以血神的身份自居。 The later matter is not no need saying that this/should hidden overstated on the path of chase strength, offended the gods, finally was jointly placed on trial by the gods, withstood the punishment of dismembering, the other spots of body, until now is stranded in real world the places of various greatly certainly dangers as before, withstood permanent fierce Sunburn to roast. 之后的事情就不必多说了,该隐在追逐力量的道路上走火入魔,得罪了众神明,最终被众神联合审判,承受了分尸之刑,身体的其余部位,至今依旧被困在真实世界的各大绝险之地,承受永久的烈日炙烤。 But what everyone does not know, this/should hidden main body, is this headless corpse, not, because this/should hidden reincarnation disappears, it was soaked as in the bottom of blood coffin, under the strength of coming back to life, consistently is maintaining the activeness. 而所有人都不知道的是,该隐的本体,也就是这具无头尸体,并没有因为该隐转生就消失,它依旧被浸泡在血棺之底,在复生的力量下,始终保持着活性。 Although this corpse did not have the soul, turned into one good-for-nothing, but is still living, and by this/should hidden control. 这尸体虽然没有了灵魂,变成了一具‘行尸走肉’,但依然活着,并且受该隐的掌控。 Initially rescued the Lily refuse silk skull, was not others, was this headless corpse. 当初将莉莉丝头颅救走的,不是别人,正是这具无头尸体。 This hidden control corpse carried the blood coffin to rush to the place of head receiving punishment, after the head rescued next, then returns to the server to seek asylum. 该隐操控尸体扛着血棺赶到了头颅受刑之地,将头颅救下后,便逃回服务器中避难。 To today, the blood coffin welcomed its 2nd seat visitor, but this/should hidden also had a new reincarnation opportunity. 一直到了今天,血棺才迎来了它的第二位访客,而该隐也获得了一次新的转生机会。 But what in this moment scene is only a thought of Mu You clone, wants to complete the reincarnation ceremony, draws in the coffin to be insufficient his game character purely, what is more important is checking of soul, therefore in the reality, this/should hidden head must actual have the contact with Mu You, can send in his within the body the soul...... 但此刻场景中的只是沐游的一道意念分身,想要完成转生仪式,单纯把他的游戏角色拖入棺中是不够的,更重要的是灵魂的寄存,因此在现实中,该隐的头颅也必须实际和沐游发生接触,才能将灵魂送入他体内…… Generally speaking, this is a long-premeditated trap. 总的来说,这是一个蓄谋已久的陷阱。 Enters the scene from Mu You, to this/should hidden arrives at Earth taking advantage of the body of young boy, misleads him to turn on the sarcophagus to the scene in again...... 沐游进入场景,到该隐借小男孩的尸体来到地球,再到场景中蛊惑他打开石棺…… All, were designed, goal only for in a final step: Let him turn on the sarcophagus voluntarily, then drew in the blood pond, completes the reincarnation ceremony. 一切的一切,都是被设计好的,目的只为了最后一步:让他自愿打开石棺,然后被拖入血池中,完成转生仪式。 Hehe, finally understanding? What a pity, late......” “呵呵,终于理解了么?可惜,晚了……” Continues to broadcast the young girl delightful voice, such as the wind chimes are interesting to listen, say actually virulent unbelievable. 身后继续传来少女悦耳的声音,如风铃般动听,说出的话却恶毒的难以置信。 Was your greedy harmed you, if you can quit when you're ahead, did not covet the divine tool, how at meeting reincarnation trap? This point with initially that woman same...... initially in blood coffin, she has the ability resistance, but she does not have, to my remorse, making her have hesitation, this went well by me, hehe, false good...... in the final analysis, your present fates, are you bring upon oneself!” “是你的贪婪害了你,如果你能见好就收,不去觊觎神器,又怎么会中了转生陷阱?这一点就和当初那个女人一样……当初在血棺中,她是有能力反抗的,可是她没有,对我的愧疚之心,让她有了一丝的迟疑,这才被我得手,呵呵,虚伪的善良……说到底,你们现在的下场,都是你们自找的!” Mu You has not refuted, ability that at this time he simply has not refuted, because he has felt, the external thought is pushing directly into his consciousness together. 沐游没有反驳,此时他也根本没有反驳的能力,因为他已经感觉到,一道外来的意念正在长驱直入他的意识。 Hee hee, found, the sea of spirit......” “嘻嘻,找到了,精神之海……” In the empty quiet space, resounds a sneering sound of boy suddenly. 空荡静谧的空间中,忽然响起一个男孩的冷笑声。 The young boy drops from the clouds, finally falls on one piece fully is on the water surface of white fog. 小男孩从天而降,最后落在一片满是白雾的水面上。 Boy figure rickets, right leg inborn disability, slope foot lamely takes a walk in the sea level, looks at the surrounding mist, tch the tch mouth, put out a hand action of driving away wields, the surrounding mist then dissipates fast. 男孩身形佝偻,右腿天生残疾,坡着脚一瘸一拐的在海面上走动,看着周围的雾气,不由嘴,伸手驱赶似的一挥,周围的雾气便飞快消散。 However, looks scene that the front exposes, the boy actually instead frowns. 然而,看着面前展露出的场景,男孩却反而皱起眉头。 „...... Tower?” “一座……塔?” The boys look at the ceiling of top of the head surprisedly, as well as a distant place side leads to the upper-level staircase. Others' knowledge sea, is only then a lake sea, or will a stretch of flat land, in this human brain have a tower? 男孩惊讶的看着头顶的天花板,以及远处一方通往上层的楼梯。别人的识海,都是只有一片湖海,或是一片平地,这人脑中怎么会有一座塔? The boys do not want is too many, moves toward the staircase in a hurry, climbs up along the staircase on, wanted to find the place of Mu You true consciousness staying, so long as found the consciousness body of Mu You, displaced it, can complete the reincarnation ceremony. 男孩并未想太多,匆匆走向楼梯,沿着楼梯攀爬而上,想要找到沐游真正的意识栖身之处,只要找到沐游的意识体,将其取而代之,便可完成转生仪式。 In his opinion, at present all these nothing but is a protection camouflage, since is Tajikistan, opposite party's consciousness is very possible to hide in the tower top. 在他看来,眼前这一切无非是一种保护性的障眼法,既然是‘塔’的话,那对方的意识很可能藏在塔顶。 Therefore start crawling tower that the boy tries hard, however he soon discovered, this tower high excess, crawled about hundred still not to peak. 于是男孩努力的开始爬塔,然而他很快就发现,这塔高的过分,爬了近百层依然不见顶。 Luckily in the consciousness world the time speed of flow and outside world are different, one hour here, in the outside world possibly is only the flash. 幸好意识世界中时间流速和外界不同,在这里的一个小时,在外界可能只是一瞬间。 The boys continue to insist the crawling tower, after having climbed up for several hours, finally, was found the tower top by him. 男孩继续坚持爬塔,一直攀爬了几个小时后,终于,被他找到了塔顶。 Thunder...... peak?” “雷……峰?” The boys look the signboard that the tower top overhangs, cannot understand this name the meaning. 男孩看着塔顶高挂的牌匾,不太能理解这个名字的含义。 After arriving the tower withstand/top, the boy then quickly breaks, impatient start search. 来到塔顶后,男孩便快步冲入其中,迫不及待的开始搜索。 How long but has not waited for him to act, suddenly felt that the rear strange cool feeling transmits, the boy body stiffens, mechanical turning round, sees at this time in the rear midair, does not know when presented a pair of snake pupil unexpectedly. 但还没等他行动多久,忽然感觉到后方一阵诡异的凉意传来,男孩身体僵住,机械的回过身,就见此时后方的半空中,不知何时竟出现了一对蛇瞳。 Giggle...... boy, this snake, but you very long...... you will then take the toys of this snake from now on, forever and ever remained well here......” “咯咯咯……小子,本蛇可是等你很久了……今后你便作为本蛇的玩物,永生永世的留在这里好了……” The sound that sneers together spreads from the ceiling of top of the head on suddenly. 一道冷笑的声音忽然自头顶的天花板上传出。 The boys hit to startle, the whole body could not stop shivered, why did not know, in seeing the instance of that pair of snake pupil, he felt one most primitive fear unexpectedly, as if present thing, is some day to subdue|grams his existence, oneself before the opposite party, cannot turn any wave, can only degenerate into the toys. 男孩不由打了个激灵,浑身止不住的颤抖起来,不知为何,在看到那双蛇瞳的瞬间,他竟然感受到一种最原始的恐惧,似乎眼前的东西,是某种天克他的存在,自己在对方面前,翻不起任何波浪,只能沦为玩物。 Waits for him to be very long? Is this trap? 等他很久?这是一个陷阱? When the boys soon realized this point, the shock, actually cannot attend to other, turns around to run. 男孩很快意识到了这一点,震惊之余,却顾不得其他,转身就跑。 The boys cannot attend to the foot of disability completely, rapid going downstairs of tumbling, when compared with going upstairs wants quick more than ten times. 男孩完全顾不得残疾的脚,连滚带爬的飞速下楼,比上楼时要快十几倍。 However even so, he can still hear behind the xi xi su su sound momentarily, massive ophidia climb up the sound that and sticks out the tongue. 然而即便如此,他依然能随时听到身后窸窸窣窣的声音,正是大量蛇类攀爬和吐信子的声音。 The boy whole body shakes such as shakes chaff, does not dare to turn head, reincarnation anything has pulled off the mind, now his only thought that only then flees from here as soon as possible. 男孩浑身抖如筛糠,根本不敢回头,转生什么的早已抛离脑海,现在他唯一的念头只有尽快逃离这里。 However, this tower is stranger than the imagination, coming up time most crawled more than hundred, at this moment the next tower, including 400 multi-layers, will still be never from the tower bottom, as if this tower lacks self-confidence radically, continuously to nine quiet hells. 然而,这座塔却比想象中更诡异,上来的时候最多爬了百余层,此刻下塔,却连下了四百多层,距离塔底依然遥遥无期,似乎这塔根本就没有底,一直通往九幽地狱。 The boys are even more startled, unceasing escaping that actually also can only be sweating profusely. 男孩愈发惊慌,却也只能满头大汗的不断逃跑。 Finally, when enters one, he saw a leaf of light gate indistinctly. 终于,在进入某一层的时候,他隐约看到了一扇光门。 The boy great happiness, grabbed the only root straw like the person of drowning, quickly rushes toward the front door place. 男孩大喜,如同溺水之人抓住了唯一一根稻草,急忙朝大门处奔去。 After may be close to the gate, he discovered that this also has the issue, said that is gate, is more like one group of chaotic energies. 可接近门之后,他才发现这门也有问题,说是‘门’,更像是一团混乱的能量。 The god of blood he inherits, is the standard order is the gods, therefore is especially sensitive to this chaotic energy. 他继承的血之神,是标准的秩序系神明,所以对这种混乱的能量格外敏感。 The boys have a feeling, so long as he close to this, will certainly be entangled by this group of dangerous things, moreover is not likely able to get rid from now on life-long. 男孩有种感觉,只要他靠近这门,就一定会被这团危险的东西缠上,而且很可能今后终生都无法摆脱。 However, if compared with the thing that pursues behind, at present this threat is not anything, even by this thing entanglement, most is still troublesome, and was insufficient to want his life, but pursuing troops, but can let the thing that he lived to might as well die truly! 然而,若是比起身后追来的东西,眼前这点威胁又算不上什么了,就算被这东西纠缠,最多也就是麻烦些,并不至于要了他的命,但身后的追兵,可是真正能让他生不如死的东西! Where should elect clear! 该选哪边一目了然! Boys near gate, then without hesitation charges into this leaf of light gate on own initiative. 男孩只是在门边顿了一下,接着便毫不犹豫的主动冲向这扇光门。 Contacts the instance of light gate, really that group jet black thing entangled to bind rapidly on him, the turbulent chaotic energy made the boy almost suffocate, but he paid attention radically without enough time, like crashing into the person of mire, is dragging heavy item forcefully, tumbling escaped from the mire...... 接触到光门的瞬间,果然那团漆黑的东西迅速缠裹在了他身上,汹涌的混乱能量让男孩几乎窒息,但他根本来不及理会,如同坠入泥潭之人,强行拖着身上的重物,连滚带爬的逃出了泥潭…… Meanwhile, in the reality, lies the young girl head on Mu You nape, opened the eye suddenly. 与此同时,现实中,趴在沐游后颈上的少女头颅,猛然睁开了眼。 The consciousness returns to the head, this/should hidden hurried damn was far away from Mu You generally, interrupted the reincarnation ceremony forcefully, flies toward the entrance headless middle-aged woman body. 意识回归到头颅中,该隐急忙见鬼一般的远离了沐游,强行中断了转生仪式,朝大门口的无头中年女人身躯飞去。 Those who let it rejoice, in this moment shop did not have others, the reincarnation ceremony just to relieve, that fellow wants to restore to act, but also required some time, but the entrance only then a delicate small girl, then no one can prevent him from leaving! 让它庆幸的是,此刻店内没有其他人,转生仪式刚刚解除,那个家伙想恢复行动,还需要一些时间,而门口只有一个弱不禁风的小丫头,接下来无人可以阻止他离开! This hidden brings is survivor of disaster laughing, flutters fast to the headless body of middle-aged woman. 该隐带着劫后余生般的大笑,飞快飘向中年女人的无头躯体。 However, in it will soon fall to the headless body neck on, actually suddenly a feeling back of the head pain, as if hand after firmly held her hair. 然而,就在它即将重新落到无头躯体脖子上时,却忽然感觉后脑一痛,似乎有一只手从后牢牢抓住了她的头发。 Young girl head machinery has transferred, looks at the rearward. 少女头颅机械的转过,看向后方。 Saw behind, that frightened little loli who called out in alarm a moment ago, unemotional is entraining her hair, before she pulled the body forcefully, later the head raises, is looking straight ahead her eye. 就见身后,刚才那个吓到惊叫的小萝莉,正面无表情的拽着她的头发,将她强行拉扯到了身前,随后将头颅提起,直视着她的眼睛。 You think, here is you wants to come to come, wants to walk the place that walks?” “你以为,这里是你想来就来,想走就走的地方?” „......” “……” On the head face of young girl wrote all over the shock. Present obviously is only a human and animals harmless little loli, why can so calm grabs a head/number of people, moreover calm saying so callous words? 少女的头颅脸上写满了震惊。眼前的明明只是一个人畜无害的小萝莉,为什么能如此淡定的抓着一颗人头,而且淡定的说出如此冷酷的话? This hidden is unable to understand, actually also thinks without enough time, immediately controls the front woman body to move, throws toward the little girl. 该隐无法理解,却也来不及多想,当即操控前方的女人躯体动起来,朝小女孩扑来。 No matter the opposite party psychological quality is how powerful, eventually is only a child of lacking the strength to truss up a chicken strength, is impossible to resist a strength of mature woman. 不管对方心理素质如何强大,也终究只是一个手无缚鸡之力之力的小孩子,根本不可能抵抗一个壮年女人的力气。 However, facing raiding the headless female corpse, the little girl lifts the foot at will, flies to kick, then trampled to fly the female corpse by far, knocked place furniture. 然而,面对袭来的无头女尸,小女孩只是随意抬脚,一记飞踢,便将女尸远远踹飞了出去,撞翻了一地桌椅。 The young girl head stared in a big way the eye, was more vacant. 少女头颅瞪大了眼睛,更加茫然。 „Ah!” “啊!” At this moment, the rear area resounds together the squeal. 就在这时,后方又响起一道尖叫声。 The head turn head looks subconsciously, sees at this time the second floor stairway, wear pajamas, are hugging the little girl who rests the pillow, the positive/direct reveal is pointing at its direction panic-stricken: Person, everyone head/number of people......” 头颅下意识回头看去,就见此时二楼的楼梯口,一个穿着睡衣,抱着睡枕的小女孩,正面露惊恐地指着它的方向:“人,人人人头……” The little girls are saying, then the eyes have turned white, faints. 小女孩说着,便已经双眼一翻白,昏了过去。 The head understood anything instantaneously, immediately turns head. 头颅瞬间明白了什么,立即回过头来。 Really, this moment front grabs its little girl, the form transforms fast, finally changed into wheat flour few Toshiro's appearances. 果然,此刻面前抓着它的小女孩,身影快速幻化,最终化为了一个白面少年郎的模样。 For you delivered, may really delay our good time......” “为了等你送上门来,可真是耽搁了我们好一番功夫啊……” The youngster sneer, has taken a birdcage from side, does not show tender affection is clutching the hair of young girl head, threw into the cage, immediately cage door lock on. 少年冷笑一声,从旁取过一个鸟笼,毫不怜香惜玉的揪着少女头颅的头发,丢入了笼中,随即将笼门锁上。 Trap! Really is the trap! 陷阱!果然是陷阱! Was imprisoned the young girl head in birdcage, on the face showed the grief and indignation in addition panic-stricken expression immediately. 被囚禁在鸟笼中的少女头颅,脸上顿时露出了悲愤外加惊恐的表情。 But has not waited for it to say anything, resounded the sound of footsteps. 但还不等它说什么,身后响起了脚步声。 The head turn head looked, Mu You is walking toward it, the midway then person's shadow flashes, branched out another person's shadow in the side. 头颅回头一看,沐游正在朝它走来,中途便人影一闪,在身旁分出了另一道人影。 This small girl, how ran at this time...... , turn head tells her is to make the illusion that the nightmare sees...... to believe that......” Nightwatcher is reading broken, looked that has not looked at the birdcage, steps onto the staircase quickly, will faint the past small girl to hug, returned to the room. “这小丫头,怎么偏偏这时候跑出来了……唔,回头就告诉她是做噩梦看到的幻觉……应该会相信吧……”打更人碎碎念着,看都没看鸟笼,快步走上楼梯,将昏死过去的小丫头抱了起来,送回了房间。 You said right, greedy is my natural disposition.” “你说的没错,贪婪是我的本性。” Mu You arrived by the birdcage, looks is staring his young girl head angrily: Pitifully you to my greedy, understanding is not very profound, may never be only divine tool that...... I seek after......” 沐游走到了鸟笼旁,看着其中正愤怒瞪着他的少女头颅:“可惜你对我的贪婪,了解的还不够深刻……我所贪图的,可从不只是区区一件神器……” „...... What?” The head asked subconsciously. “还有……什么?”头颅下意识问。 Mu You has not spoken, but took out a palm of the hand big clear gem from the bosom. 沐游没有说话,而是从怀中取出了一块巴掌大的晶莹宝石。 In the middle of the transparent gem, is sealing a blue caterpillar, but at this moment, the entanglement had vanished in the chaotic energy of caterpillar body surface. 透明的宝石当中,封存着一只蓝色的毛毛虫,而此刻,原本纠缠在毛毛虫体表的一层混乱能量已经消失。 The poison of confusion, once in the body is very difficult to relieve, but can actually pass the burden to wholeheartedly the other consciousness bodies of same body, this point, before seductress/evil spirit young girl, has demonstrated for him. 混乱之毒,一旦身中便很难解除,但却可以转嫁给一心同体的其他意识体,这一点,妖精少女之前已经亲身为他演示过了。 But a moment ago, Mu You used this/should hidden invades his within the body, wanted to seize to abandon his time, depended on has frightening of snake, forcing the opposite party actively to continue the poison of confusion. 而刚才,沐游正是利用该隐侵入他体内,想要夺舍他的时机,靠着具蛇的惊吓,逼迫对方‘主动’承接了混乱之毒。 „......” “咔嚓……” Just thinking, the crystal in his hand is cracking a slit quietly, follows close on more fissures to appear one after another. 正想着,他手中的晶体悄然开裂出一道缝隙,紧跟着更多的裂痕接连出现。 After being separated from the influence of poison of confusion, the seductress/evil spirit young girl with the protective casing of tears manufacture, does not need of existence, as if must break the shell ahead of time, but. 在脱离了混乱之毒的影响后,妖精少女用眼泪制造的保护外壳,已经没有了存在的必要,似乎要提前破壳而出了。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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