TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#545: When the reincarnations conduct

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When Chapter 545 reincarnation conducts 第545章转生进行时 You dial chaotically hair, smudged big piece bloodstain on clothing, escaping front door of staggering along, ran to museum......】 【你将头发拨乱,又在衣物上涂抹了大片血迹,跌跌撞撞的逃出大门,跑向了博物馆之外……】 Halts, cannot move!” 【“站住,不许动!”】 Just trod the museum front door, you were then covered by large number of spotlights, in all directions, the dense and numerous muzzles aimed at you, rear Officer one after another is critical situation is staring at you, as if you have the action of difference slightly, will greet your is all bullets in their magazine.】 【刚踏出博物馆大门,你便被大量的聚光灯笼罩,四面八方,密密麻麻的枪口对准了你,后方一个个警察如临大敌的盯着伱,似乎你稍有异样的举动,迎接你的就将是他们弹匣中的所有子弹。】 You quickly lift up high both hands, hints itself to be harmless, simultaneously started the blood law of blood rose clan camouflage, in your mouth shivers endlessly is repeating save me and ‚I am human and other glossaries, camouflaged a scared average person image perfectly.】 【你急忙高举双手,示意自己无害,同时发动了血玫瑰氏族的血律‘伪装’,你口中颤抖着不断重复‘救命’、‘我是人类’等词汇,完美伪装出了一个被吓坏的普通人形象。】 Quick several purple glares illuminate toward your face on, you narrow the eye subconsciously, puts out a hand to cover, your whole body cover of fierce glare photo boiling hot, but under the protection of ring, you have not presented the external skin to burn, corrodes and other symptoms.】 【很快数道紫色强光朝你脸上照来,你下意识的眯起眼睛,伸手遮挡,剧烈的强光照的你浑身外皮滚烫,但在戒指的保护下,你并没有出现表皮燃烧,腐蚀等症状。】 Carries off!” Your camouflage has deceived the police successfully, you were towed by two soldiers to the crowd, lost on a rear police vehicle back seat, and put on the handcuff to you.】 【“带走!”你的‘伪装’成功骗过了警察,你被两个军人拖向人群之外,丢在了后方的一辆警车后座上,并给你戴上了手铐。】 The person who 【the quick two nurses dress up catches up, put on the cold-resistant clothes to you, and inquired whether you need the medical relief.】 【很快两名护士打扮的人赶来,给你披上了防寒衣,并询问你是否需要医疗救助。】 You rejected their good intention. At this time is having the continuous injured to be rescued from the museum, two people rushed to the position of next victim quickly.】 【你拒绝了她们的好意。此时正有源源不断的伤者被从博物馆中救出,两人很快赶往了下一个受害者的位置。】 You while were unserviced, broke free of handcuff with ease, a tumbling, ran into the rear darkness......】 【你趁着无人看管,轻松挣脱了手铐,一个翻滚,逃进了后方的黑暗中……】 Controls the character to escape from the museum smoothly, Mu You has not walked away, hid in nearby darkness, silently the condition in observation museum. 操控人物顺利从博物馆中逃出,沐游也并未走远,就在附近的黑暗中隐藏了起来,默默观察博物馆的状况。 But shortly after he walks, the military before museum gate then started to open fire crazily, seemed like inside has the vampire to charge in the attempt outward. 而就在他走后不久,博物馆门前的军方便开始了疯狂开火,似乎是里面有吸血鬼在尝试朝外冲锋。 However in the daylight lamp and flamethrower, electrical network and other under the suppressions of restraint weapon, the vampires cannot run away, can only be stranded in the building. 然而在日光灯以及喷火器、电网等多种克制武器的压制下,吸血鬼们根本逃不出来,只能被困在大楼里。 Only can say, the vampires is a little miserable, besides taking two groups of people enters isn’t okay dead the continuous duel, but must avoid the attack from human momentarily. 只能说,吸血鬼们有点惨,除了要两拨人进行不死不休的决斗外,还要随时躲避来自外界人类的攻击。 Naturally, vampire Physique and different functions are not joke, the military also only dares to maintain the surrounding network at the surrounding at this time and ensure the vampire do not run away, really must dare to send people to penetrate, basically brings death. 当然,吸血鬼的体质和异能也不是闹着玩的,军方此时也只敢在外围维持包围网,保证吸血鬼不要跑掉,真要敢派人突入进去,基本就是送死。 Suddenly, both sides on refused to budge. 一时间,双方就这么僵持了下来。 In the following several hours, the museum basically is in the sound of gunfire, demolition, shout and other under covering of noises. 接下来的几个小时内,博物馆基本都是处于枪声、爆破、喊杀等各种噪音的笼罩下。 To about 5 : 00 am, in the text prompts ‚the fight sound in museum to weaken finally, slowly tends subsides. 一直到凌晨 5 点左右,文本中才提示‘博物馆内的战斗声终于减弱,慢慢趋于平息’。 This fights quite frigidly, Mu You has not witnessed with own eyes, but can also imagine how in this late museum is a scene of living hell. 这一战相当惨烈,沐游没有亲眼见证,但也可以想象到,这一晚博物馆里面是怎么一副人间地狱的场景。 This time museum has been at half collapsing condition. The people waited for the moment, does not have the living creature after the life detector confirmation hall , the military then organized a number of fully-armed squads, in cautious stepping into hall examination.】 【此时的博物馆已经处于半坍塌状态。众人又等待了片刻,直到生命探测仪确认馆内没有活物后,外界的军方这才组织了一批全副武装的小队,小心翼翼的踏入馆内查看情况。】 You started the ultra feeling, long-distance listened to the news in military communication.】 【你发动了超感,远程收听到了军方通讯器中的消息。】 In this time museum, everywhere is the corpse and bloodstain, as well as cultural relic of damage. Dares the dead squad to collect the dead information along the road, broke in the auction exhibition hall quickly.】 【此时的博物馆内,遍地都是尸体和血迹,以及损坏的文物。敢死小队沿路收集死者信息,很快冲入了拍卖展厅。】 In exhibition hall is horrible to look, dense and numerous corpse and hashed meat everywhere is, on surrounding wall already almost by the blood apply Chenghong curtain......】 【展厅内更是惨不忍睹,密密麻麻的尸首和碎肉遍地都是,周围的墙壁上更是已经几乎被鲜血涂成红幕……】 In communication spreads the latest news quickly: Confirmed, here does not have the living person, but...... the Kara sarcophagus on stage, disappeared......” 【通讯器中很快传来最新消息:“确认完毕,这里已经没有活人,但是……台上的图坦卡拉石棺,不见了……”】 Hears the sarcophagus to vanish into thin air, Mu You then left directly same place. 听到石棺不翼而飞,沐游便直接离开了原地。 He is not accidental/surprised to this news, actually the dare-to-die corps just stepped into the museum front door when a moment ago, in the text has presented the prompt: You felt that weak blood qi, gushes out from the museum behind somewhere, dissipates quickly......’ 他对这个消息并没有太意外,其实刚才敢死队刚刚踏入博物馆大门时,文本中就出现过提示:‘你感觉到一股微弱的血气,自博物馆后方某处涌出,又很快消散……’ At that time Mu You knows, the vampire escaped, this was existence and shield and other compound effects of ability. 当时沐游就知道,有一名吸血鬼逃出来了,这是‘存在’和‘屏蔽’等多种能力的复合效果。 At this moment since the sarcophagus also follows to vanish, that definitely carried off by this person. 此刻既然石棺也跟着消失,那肯定是被这人带走了。 【...... In the dawn glimmer, you arrived on the street in distant place quietly.】 【……晨曦的微光中,你悄然来到了远处的一条街道上。】 【...... Ultra feeling emits, you seek along the street, soon detected a drop of bloodstain that the roadside drops.】 【……‘超感’放出,你沿着街边寻找一番,很快发觉了路边滴落的一滴血迹。】 You go forward to twist the bloodstain inspection, discovered that blood drop not yet completely dry, obviously shortly after just crashed.】 【你上前捻起血迹检查,发现血滴尚未完全干涸,显然刚刚坠落不久。】 【...... Continues to face forward to nose, you soon discovered new blood drop......】 【……继续朝前查探,你很快又发现了新的血滴……】 Ground every several meters on even drops a drop of blood, seemingly is more like leading the way to him. 地上每隔十几米就均匀的滴落一滴血,看起来更像是在给他引路。 Mu You control character, maintaining composure along bloodstain tracing. 沐游操控人物,不动声色的沿着血迹追踪。 About after a half hour, the blood drop vanishes finally, but at this time, he had arrived far away from the side park in museum. 大约半小时后,血滴终于消失,而此时,他已经来到了远离博物馆的一方公园中。 You look up, under the roadside shelter in park deep place, a vampire is backing on the dirt wall, is placing one on hand by the long linearity object that the cloth hoodwinks, on the object twined several ropes, in the front ties a knot, extended in the vampire hand.】 【你抬头看去,公园深处的长亭下,一个吸血鬼背靠着土墙,手边摆放着一块被布匹蒙起的长条形物体,物体上缠绕了数段绳索,在前方打结,延伸到了吸血鬼的手中。】 【From the trace of ground, this object weight/quantity was quite serious, seems like lived to tow to entrain here by the rope by this vampire step by step hardly.】 【从地上的痕迹看,这物体分量相当沉重,似乎是被这名吸血鬼靠绳索一步步生拖硬拽到了这里。】 You approached, the careful examination, found that this vampire whole body is bathed in blood, clothing also already large breakage in fight, covered entirely burned black and scratch.】 【你靠近了一些,仔细查看,发现这名吸血鬼浑身浴血,身上的衣物也已经在战斗中大幅破损,布满了焦黑和划痕。】 But you from the figure outline, identified the status of opposite party vaguely, was prince regent Morteza · Jukic.】 【但你还是从身形轮廓,依稀辨认出了对方的身份,正是‘摄政王’莫尔塔扎·尤基克。】 This time prince regent once high-spiritedness, instead has no longer had hair dishevelled, the whole face blood stain, just like one just the beggar who crawled from the dead crowd.】 【此时的摄政王已经不复曾经的意气风发,反而披头散发,满脸血污,宛若一个刚从死人堆里爬出的乞丐。】 You came!” By discovered you in the prince regent of wall rest, quickly crawls since the ground, staggering walks toward you, on the face hangs up the somewhat frantic smile: I know, you will certainly come! Just right that you come, now, we can formally start our cooperation finally!” 【“你来了!”靠在墙边休息的摄政王发现了你,急忙从地上爬起,踉踉跄跄的朝你走来,脸上挂起有些狂热的微笑:“我就知道,你一定会来的!你来的正好,现在,我们终于可以正式开始我们的合作了!”】 What cooperates?” You asked.】 【“什么合作?”你问。】 Also with saying?” Rear area the prince regent aims at the arrange/cloth by the square shape object that covers up: I have the sarcophagus, but you are opens the coffin key, your I unite, then can turn on the sarcophagus, obtains inside thing, becomes rules this city truly king!” 【“还用说吗?”摄政王指向后方被布遮掩的方形物体:“我有石棺,而你是开棺的‘钥匙’,你我联合,便可以打开石棺,得到里面的东西,成为真正君临这座城市的‘王’!”】 May you be a prince regent.” You said lightly.】 【“可你已经是摄政王了。”你平淡的说。】 Also insufficient! It looks like in many people, I am only a mascot that is going against the prince regent reputation, the vampire of this city, are many refuses to accept my person! I by enough complying in public but opposing in private of these people, I must be promoted beginning the generation, and even is higher, making everyone not dare to defy my orders again! Only then had the others incomparable strength, can become the true ruler!” The prince regent somewhat said demented.】 【“还不够!在很多人看来,我只是一个顶着摄政王名头的吉祥物,这座城市的吸血鬼,多得是不服我的人!我受够了这些人的阳奉阴违,我要晋级初代,乃至更高,让所有人都不敢再违抗我的命令!只有拥有了旁人无可比拟的实力,才能成为真正的统治者!”摄政王有些癫狂的说。】 Sacrificed so many people, almost makes the vampire group of this city extinguish, strives for this coffin, to let your power and influence goes a step further, is worth? How even if do you become the true king? Present blood group, but also remains several people able by you to be ruled?” You send out the soul to interrogate and torture.】 【“牺牲了那么多人,几乎让这座城市的吸血鬼团灭,才争取到这口棺材,就为了让你的权势更进一步,值得吗?况且,就算你成为了真正的王又如何?现在的血族,还剩几个人能被你统治?”你发出灵魂拷问。】 hahaha, what relations did the person die had? Rather, they died happen to! The vampire is such a lifeform, so long as existence of human, then only remains me even if, I can also use human, generations of downward, create a huge clan fast, only belongs to my vampire kingdom! At the appointed time I am supreme god, no one is able to oppose me again!” 【“哈哈哈,人死光了有什么关系?倒不如说,他们死光了正好!吸血鬼就是这样一种生物啊,只要还有人类的存在,那么哪怕只剩我一人,我也可以利用人类,一代代向下,快速创造出一个庞大的氏族,一个只属于我的吸血鬼王国!到时我就是至高无上的‘神’,谁也无法再反对我!”】 Can look, at a last night war, died after hand/subordinate certainly, this prince regent state of mind at this moment is worrying, naturally, possibly received misleading of sarcophagus. 看得出来,在昨夜一场大战,手下死绝之后,这个摄政王此刻的精神状态堪忧,当然,也可能是受到了石棺的蛊惑。 Ok, the idle talk little said, immediately comes the coffin!” The prince regent turns head, tore off the cloth on square shape object. You raise the head the confirmation, the front gets sucked in the soil, is really Kara sarcophagus without doubt.】 【“好了,废话少说,立即来开棺吧!”摄政王回头,一把扯下了方形物体上的布匹。你抬头确认,前方深陷于泥土中的,确是图坦卡拉石棺无疑。】 You choose......】 【你选择……】 You shake the head, silent rejection opposite party.】 【你摇头,无声的拒绝了对方。】 What meaning „do you shake the head are? Now is not cracking a joke time!” The smile on prince regent face one stiff, with somewhat dangerous tone opens the mouth: I said again, immediately —— gives! I! Open! Coffin!” 【“你摇头是什么意思?现在可不是开玩笑的时候!”摄政王脸上的笑容一僵,用有些危险的语气开口:“我再说一遍,立即——给!我!开!棺!”】 You still remain unmoved.】 【你依然不为所动。】 【The prince regent complexion departed for the deep gloomy, suddenly sneered to make noise: Jokes aside, I have endured you to be very long, originally does not want to tear to pieces the facial skin with you, who makes you not know the good and evil......” 【摄政王脸色沉底阴沉了下来,忽然又冷笑出声:“说真的,我已经忍你很久了,本来不想和你撕破脸皮的,但谁让你这么不识好歹呢……”】 Prince regent finishes barely the words, suddenly starts amazingly quick, remnant shadow to/clashes toward you, your carelessly, was hit by opposite party directly, chest front leaves behind together terrifying wound......】 【摄政王话音未落,忽然发动神速,残影般的朝你冲来,你一个不慎,被对方直接击中,胸前留下一道恐怖的伤口……】 Here prince regent begins suddenly, but Mu You is not empty his, in the situation of only selecting, now in this city no one is his opponent, the opposite party engaged in fierce battle let alone one all night, the present is the weak time. 这里摄政王忽然动手,不过沐游是不虚他的,单挑的情况下,现在这座城市里已经没人是他的对手,更何况对方鏖战了一整夜,现在正是虚弱的时候。 Mu You according to the table recollection, counterattacked the surprise attack of opposite party with ease, immediately various blood law eruptions, even if the prince regent lowers his one generation, cannot resist quickly. 沐游按表回溯,轻松反制了对方的突袭,随即各种血律一通爆发,纵使摄政王低他一代,也很快招架不住。 【...... The prince regent was rumbled to draw back for the third time by you, somewhat shocking looks at you, as if understood anything, staggering crawls, has not actually thrown again.】 【……摄政王第三次被你轰退出去,有些震惊的看着你,似乎明白了什么,踉踉跄跄的爬起,却没有再次扑来。】 Prince regent charged into the sarcophagus suddenly!】 【摄政王忽然冲向了石棺!】 I acknowledged, present I could not have been victorious you......, but do not forget, sarcophagus also in my hand!” 【“我承认,现在的我已经打不过你……但你别忘了,石棺还在我手上!”】 In your surprised vision, the prince regent looks demented is laughing, immediately is attempting unexpectedly cover that opened the sarcophagus.】 【在你惊讶的目光中,摄政王面露癫狂的大笑着,随即竟尝试着揭开石棺的盖子。】 I am this/should hidden true descendants, I believe the first ancestor unable damage I! But you, are only an outcomer, fake goods that disguises as the vampire! Before our two, the first ancestor will certainly choose to help me!” 【“我才是该隐真正的子孙,我相信始祖是不会伤害我的!而你,只是一个外来者,一个假扮吸血鬼的冒牌货!在我们两个之前,始祖一定会选择帮我!”】 Prince regent shouted loudly is consoling oneself general words, both arms made an effort, opened the corner/horn of sarcophagus unexpectedly forcefully, looked wild with joy inward looked......】 【摄政王高喊着自我安慰一般的话,双臂用力,竟强行揭开了石棺的一角,面露狂喜的朝内看去……】 You do not know that prince regent saw anything by slit, you only see the smile on prince regent face to stop suddenly, as if discovered what extremely terrifying thing, then loosens sarcophagus lid suddenly, turn tail that does not return to......】 【你并不知道摄政王透过缝隙看到了什么,你只看到摄政王脸上的笑容戛然而止,似乎发现了什么极为恐怖的东西,接着忽然松开石棺盖,头也不回的转身逃跑……】 However, has not waited for him to run two steps, in sarcophagus slit, turbulent black smoke gushes out again, catches up with prince regent rapidly, in prince regent desperate vision, wrapped his whole body got up......】 【然而,还不等他跑出两步,石棺缝隙中,汹涌的黑烟再次涌出,迅速追上摄政王,在摄政王绝望的目光中,将他全身包裹了起来……】 After several seconds, the pitiful yell sound of prince regent stops suddenly. The quick black smoke diverged, coerces blood qi to return in the coffin, only left behind the dry corpse that the prince regent died with injustice unredressed same place......】 【数秒过后,摄政王的惨叫声戛然而止。很快黑烟散去,裹挟着血气退回了棺中,原地只留下摄政王死不瞑目的干尸……】 Mu You sighed. This prince regent believes that the thing in sarcophagus can help his to become God, until now filters the mirror to be shattered. 沐游叹息一声。这摄政王这么坚信石棺中的东西能帮他成神,直到现在才滤镜破灭。 For this thing, sacrificed so many vampires, ultimately obtains the victor of sarcophagus continually, oneself also die in the sarcophagus hand, in some sense also completes fire burnt end the prediction. 为了这东西,一路牺牲了那么多吸血鬼,最终连得到石棺的胜利者,自己也死在石棺手中,某种意义上也算是完成了‘火焚末日’的预言。 Mu You shakes the head, the control character goes forward, the niche of blood absorbed the body of prince regent. 沐游摇了摇头,操控人物上前,用血之龛吸收了摄政王的尸体。 You obtained blood of * 1 3 generations of heart lineage/vein.】 【你获得了三代心脉之血。】 You took prince regent the blood of heart lineage/vein...... your bloodlines to be purified, your smooth promotion was 3 generations of vampires......】 【你服下了摄政王的心脉之血……你的血脉得到纯化,你顺利晋升为三代吸血鬼……】 You took Jake's the blood of heart lineage/vein...... your bloodlines to be purified, your smooth promotion was 2 generations of vampires......】 【你服用了杰克的心脉之血……你的血脉得到纯化,你顺利晋升为二代吸血鬼……】 You look suddenly to nearby dirt wall. The dry wall surface, was overflowing the blood outward, was contaminated quickly a leaf of arch blood gate embryonic form......】 【你忽然看向旁边的土墙。原本干燥的墙面,正在往外溢出鲜血,很快浸染出了一扇拱形‘血门’的雏形……】 When a blood door, with entering this scene the blood gate is the same, the manager has not lied evidently, was really promoted 2 generations, the exit|to speak then appears. 一扇血门,就和进入这处场景时的血门一样,看样子管理员没有说谎,果然一晋级二代,出口便出现了。 Then so long as through this blood door, can anytime return to Astral Spirit Realm. 接下来只要通过这扇血门,就可以随时回到星灵界 However Mu You has not worried to leave, but walked by the sarcophagus. 不过沐游没着急离开,而是走去了石棺旁边。 You arrive at the sarcophagus front. That say/way chaos low sound of talking, resounds by your ear once again......】 【你来到石棺前方。那道混沌的低语声,又一次在你耳旁响起……】 „...... Comes...... still anything...... to arrive at you not to want to know that the secret of sarcophagus...... puts...... divine tool to wait for you hand quickly...... hehe, you can open...... I know that you are such person...... greedy, is your natural disposition......” 【“……来吧……还在等什么……难道到你不想知道石棺的秘密吗……快把手放上来……神器在等着你……呵呵,你会打开的……我知道的,你就是这样的人……贪婪,是你的本性……”】 Is full of the sound that misleads to make you confused, you quickly displaced the line of sight. The intuition told you, turned on the sarcophagus, extremely possibly follows some big risk...... divine tool that but simultaneously, in the sarcophagus possibly had, made your heart be hard to take itchy......】 【充满蛊惑的声音令你心烦意乱,你急忙偏移了视线。直觉告诉你,开启石棺,极可能伴随着某种巨大的风险……但同时,石棺中可能存在的神器,又令你心痒难耐……】 You choose......】 【你选择……】 In the riches and honor danger asked that to turn on the sarcophagus!】 【富贵险中求,打开石棺!】 Disregards to mislead, leaves directly.】 【无视蛊惑,直接离开。】 Two options. 两个选项。 Mu You knows, this was this dungeon ultimate option. 沐游知道,这就是这次副本的终极选项了。 Mu You first tries, with has a greedy appetite ghost to swallow the sarcophagus, then leaves the exit|to speak. 沐游首先试了试,用‘贪食鬼’将石棺吞下,然后离开出口。 After the result returns to Astral Spirit Realm, immediately pops up the prompt: The sarcophagus is not his possession at this time, therefore in the instance of departure, then vanished directly, has not appeared in his goods column. 结果回到星灵界后,立即弹出提示:石棺此时并不属于他的所有物,所以在离开的瞬间,便直接消失了,并没有出现在他的物品栏中。 Therefore can only two choose one......” Mu You to sigh, according to table recollection. It seems like here wants to take away the divine tool in sarcophagus, must first turn on the sarcophagus. “所以只能二选一么……”沐游叹息一声,按表回溯。看来这里想拿走石棺中的神器,必须先打开石棺。 Before Katerina the warning, said at that time just before leaving in final time, cannot be misled, will otherwise be beyond redemption. 卡特琳娜当时临走前的警告,说是在最后的时刻,千万不能被蛊惑,否则将万劫不复。 Regardless how to see, she refers to is the present situations. 无论怎么看,她指的都是眼下的情况。 Mu You has not worried to choose, but by the chairback, closed eyes to ponder. 沐游没有着急选择,而是靠在椅背上,闭目沉思了起来。 Has crossed for about a half hour, he opens the eye again. 一直过了半小时左右,他才再次睁开眼睛。 Looked at outside the eye piece, this moment weather greatly bright, quiet on a night of street had gradually restored the vitality. 看了眼窗外,此刻天色已经大亮,沉寂了一夜的街道上逐渐恢复了生机。 The small girl are squatting in the shop entrance, grasps a branch to play the ant, Cola lies nearby her, the confusing behavior of bored observation human young child, clone as for two, then at this moment disappears. 小丫头正蹲在店门口,手持一根树枝玩蚂蚁,可乐趴在她附近,无聊的观察人类幼崽的迷惑行为,至于两个分身,此刻则都不见踪影。 Mu You aspirates, has taken the cell phone, firm point. 沐游吐了口气,取过手机,坚定的点下了其中一项。 You choose, take risk to turn on the sarcophagus!】 【你选择,冒险打开石棺!】 You put out a hand to touch on the sarcophagus. The eye of sarcophagus side stone opens, took a fast look around your one eyes simply, closes quickly.】 【你伸手触摸在石棺上。石棺侧面的石之眼张开,简单扫视了你一眼,又很快闭合。】 Your both hands make an effort, sarcophagus imagines more relaxed was moved by you, falls down until bang one......】 【你双手用力,石棺盖比想象中更轻松的被你挪动,直到轰隆一声坠地……】 In front early morning mist, you look at the thoroughly uncapped sarcophagus, stared in a big way the eyes.】 【清晨的薄雾中,你看着面前被彻底开盖的石棺,不由瞪大了双眼。】 In this moment coffin puts, unexpectedly is bloody water!】 【此刻棺中盛放的,竟是一池血水!】 【The thick bloody water turns in the coffin wells up to keep, sends out the stench unceasingly the smell. Meanwhile because of cover of bloody water, you are unable to see in directly the coffin is hiding anything.】 【浓稠的血水在棺中翻涌不停,不断散发出腥臭的气味。同时因为血水的掩盖,你无法直接看到棺中隐藏着什么。】 You attempt to release the favorable balance of trade feeling, however the sensation of ultra feeling definitely is unable to penetrate the bloody water.】 【你尝试释放出超感,然而超感的感知完全无法穿透血水。】 You attempt to raise up the sarcophagus, want to pour the bloody water. However the bloody water actually violates physical law hovering in coffin, no drop sprinkles!】 【你又尝试将石棺竖起,想要将血水倒出。然而血水却违反物理定律般的悬停在棺中,没有一滴洒出!】 You have to put out a hand in the coffin, tries to find out in the bloody water.】 【你只好伸手进棺内,在血水中摸索起来。】 You as if touched a corpse under the bloody water! The corpse figure is diminutive, thin . Moreover, without head!】 【你似乎在血水下触摸到了一具尸体!尸体身形矮小,骨瘦如柴,而且,没有头颅!】 You are wanting to continue to try to find out, suddenly the feeling corpse moved.】 【你正欲继续摸索,忽然感觉尸体动了一下。】 【A pair of withered hand held your arm stubbornly, a great strength transmits, your drew in the sarcophagus forcefully!】 【一双干枯的手死死抓住了你的手臂,紧接着一股巨力传来,你被硬生生拖入了石棺中!】 Bloody water submerged your whole body quickly, your instinct struggles, wants to set out, however headless corpse under your body, both hands both feet is pestering you stubbornly, making your whole body unable move slightest......】 【血水很快淹没了你全身,你本能的挣扎起来,想要起身,然而你身下的无头尸体,双手双脚死死纠缠着你,令你全身无法动弹分毫……】 Mu You knits the brows suddenly. 沐游忽然一皱眉。 Those who let his surprise is, in the game his character drew in the bloody water, his main body unexpectedly also seems like by a corpse after tied down generally, the whole body becomes unable to move. 让他诧异的是,在游戏中他的人物被拖入血水中时,他的本体居然也像是被一具尸体从后缠住了一般,全身变得无法动弹。 You can only be forced to soak in red bloody water that in turning wells up, under suffocated feeling, you as if saw once again overlapped flashes the spirit picture: A red clothes female, once like you, draws in the coffin by a pair of arm now forcefully, submerged in the bloody water......】 【你只能被迫浸泡在翻涌的红色血水中,窒息的感觉下,你似乎又一次看到了重叠的闪灵画面:一个红衣女子,也曾像你现在这样,被一双手臂强行拖入棺中,淹没在了血水内……】 In picture that flashes before unceasingly, you gradually understood the truth of sarcophagus.】 【不断闪现的画面中,你逐渐理解了石棺的真相。】 Kara, is god clan words and expressions, its true meaning for ‚the coffin of dying and being reborn or ‚the coffin of reincarnation, soaks in corpse, will resurrect automatically, and can start reincarnation ceremony to the successor.】 【图坦卡拉,是一个神族词语,其真意为‘死而复生之棺’或‘转生之棺’,浸泡于其中的尸体,将自动复活,且可以对后来者发动‘转生仪式’。】 In sarcophagus has not hidden other divine tools, or the sarcophagus is that divine tool.】 【石棺中并没有藏匿其他神器,或者说,石棺本身就是那件神器。】 Reincarnation ceremony, is becoming effective......】 【转生仪式,正在生效中……】 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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