TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#544: When the prediction erupts

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Chapter 544 predicted when erupts 第544章预言爆发之时 【...... Strange scene one after another, causing in the exhibition hall to make a mess thoroughly. Screamed and weeps and wails the sound continuously, in the dust and confusion, crowd's around exit|to speak toward hall welled up crazily, reckless wanted to flee from the conference site, some people in pushing and shoving and in pulling were injured, some unlucky ghosts become by the object who the crowd stepped on, forever stayed in the exhibition hall......】 【……接连的诡异场景,导致展厅内彻底乱做一团。尖叫和哭喊声此起彼伏,尘土和混乱中,人群朝着大厅四周的出口疯狂涌去,不顾一切的想要逃离会场,有人在推搡和拉扯中受伤,一些倒霉鬼更是成为了被人群踩踏的对象,永远的留在了展厅中……】 【......, but gradually diverges with the scene tide of people, in field the remaining minority person's shadows, gradually become garish......】 【……而随着现场人潮逐渐散去,场中剩下的少数人影,渐渐变得扎眼起来……】 【...... Besides was frightened tourist who is unable to move few, remaining still 200-300 people, disregarded the chaotic scene, still calm sitting in scream continuously in the respective position......】 【……除了极少数被吓到无法动弹的游客外,剩下仍有200-300人之多,无视了纷乱的现场,在此起彼伏的尖叫中依然淡定的坐在各自位置上……】 These person of vision are taking a fast look around in field as if by prior agreement other personnel, but most attention, were still centralized above sarcophagus......】 【这些人目光不约而同的扫视着场中其余人员,但大部分的注意力,仍旧集中在石棺之上……】 The tide retreats, who is swimming in the raw is clear. These people that the scene leaves behind did not say completely, 99% are the vampire disguises as. 潮水退去,谁在裸泳就一清二楚了。现场留下的这些人不说全部,90%九都是吸血鬼假扮的。 Unexpectedly has 200-300 people......” “居然有200-300号人……” Mu You slightly feels surprisedly to this quantity. 沐游对这个数量略感惊讶。 Must know that the scene these may basically be below the Five Dynasties higher vampires, has menstruated after last night has put together one, unexpectedly can also the remaining so many...... 要知道现场这些可基本都是五代以下的高等吸血鬼,在昨夜已经血拼过一场之后,居然还能剩下这么多…… Evidently today should higher vampire that not only the prince regent and transformation two people, other clans, as well as these are scattered, joined in the fun. 看样子今天来的应该不只是摄政王和变革者两家的人,其他各氏族,以及那些散居的高等吸血鬼,也都来凑热闹了。 It can be said that tonight this exhibition, almost a number of vampires of entire city most elite, attracts completely. 可以说,今晚这场展会,几乎将整个城市最精英的一批吸血鬼,全部吸引了过来。 Mu You can guess correctly that others are the vampires, others naturally are also clear about each other status. 沐游能猜到其他人是吸血鬼,其他人自然也都清楚彼此的身份。 This moment one group of people are dumbfounded, mutually guarding, reason that also no one begins to snatch the coffin, is some fishy that because that three generations of vampires died a moment ago. 此刻一群人大眼瞪小眼,互相提防着,之所以还没人动手抢棺,是因为刚才那名三代吸血鬼死的有些蹊跷。 A moment ago sound that broadcast from the coffin, depending on the hearing of vampire on the scene, should hear, this explained that in the sarcophagus likely had the living creature . Moreover the great strength of this living creature, can the relaxed second kill including three generations of vampires. 刚才从棺中传来的声音,凭在场吸血鬼的听力,应该都听到了,这说明石棺里面很可能存在活物,而且这活物之强大,连三代吸血鬼都能轻松秒杀。 The blood group on the scene, confessed the strength surpassed a moment ago that vampire may few, therefore before making clear the situation, no one dares to move heedlessly. 在场的血族,自认实力超过刚才那名吸血鬼的可没有几个,因此在搞清楚情况前,谁也不敢乱动。 As the stream of people clears, people mutually on the alert each other, the scene instead fell into a strange tranquility. 随着人流散尽,众人互相警惕着彼此,现场反而陷入了一种诡异的宁静。 Such continuously quiet about a half minute, finally, some people cannot endure the pressure, takes the lead to act. 就这么一直沉寂了半分钟左右,终于,有人忍受不住压力,率先出手。 Perhaps a front vampire, is depends itself to be away from recent, and has amazingly quick blood law, is hugging the plan that snatches the sarcophagus immediately on running, takes the lead to stick out suddenly, at the remnant shadow speed, rushed to the stand. 前排的一名吸血鬼,或许是仗着自己距离最近,且拥有‘神速’血律,抱着抢到石棺立即就跑的打算,率先暴起,以残影般的速度,冲上了看台。 However his moved like triggering the chain-reaction. 然而他这一动就像引发了连锁反应。 In the high and low three auditoriums, ten several person's shadows activated amazingly quick blood law simultaneously, running out as if by prior agreement, on that person toward the stand kills. 上下三层的观众席中,十数道人影同时激活了‘神速’血律,不约而同的冲出,朝看台上那人杀去。 The first movement that person is actually not weak, is four generations of vampires, however after all is a person, where can withstand more than ten people of besieging. 第一个动作那人其实也不弱,是一名四代吸血鬼,然而毕竟是一个人,哪里经得起十几人的围攻。 Almost is instantaneous, that person then by behind massive attack hit, forever tumbling in the positions of sarcophagus front several meters places, died with injustice unredressed. 几乎是瞬间,那人便被身后的大量攻击命中,永远的跌倒在了石棺前方几米处的位置,死不瞑目。 But to that more than ten people of mounting the stage, strikes to kill will not have called a halt from now on, came, takes advantage of opportunity then from each direction, rushing to be first flushes away toward the sarcophagus. 而冲上台的那十几人,击杀过后也没停手,来都来了,顺势便从各个方向,争先恐后的朝石棺冲去。 Only pitifully, the rear remaining vampires are not the ornaments, although they slow one step, is close to the stand without enough time, but can actually prevent others to approach the sarcophagus. 只可惜,后方剩下的吸血鬼们也不是摆设,他们虽然慢了一步,来不及接近看台,但却可以阻止其他人靠近石棺。 In the blood group provides the long-distance damage blood law to be many. 血族中提供远程伤害的血律可不少。 Mu You sees in the game to jump out of the crowded text suddenly, all was XX used such and such blood laws. 沐游就见游戏中忽然跳出密集的文本,‘全是XX使用了某某血律’。 Also the when time of flash, several hundred vampires on the auditorium, erupted compared with former that more than ten people of seconds killed the first person to want terrifying more than ten times of firepower. 一瞬间的功夫,观众席上的数百名吸血鬼,爆发出了比之前那十几人秒杀第一人时还要恐怖十几倍的火力。 The mind puncture, the bat group and blood curtain, turbulent current and wailing...... various damage blood laws, making the stand region become the place of death. 心灵穿刺、蝙蝠群、血幕、激流、尖啸……各种伤害血律,让看台区域成了死亡之地。 Although also some people attempt with the defense blood law avoidance attack, but does to the attack to be extremely crowded, can evade one time, does not evade other. 虽然也有人尝试用防御血律躲避攻击,但奈何攻击太过密集,躲得过一次,躲不过其他。 Finally more than ten people drop down one after another, only then an exception, this person seems like the abnormality clan, because meets by chance does not extinguish this special blood law, but also grasped the atomization, deflection, iron slab and other defense blood laws, under this Bowo collection attack, returning alive marvelously, several steps runs out of the attack region unexpectedly, before sliding the sarcophagus . 最终十几个人接连倒下,只有一个例外,这人似乎是畸形者氏族的,因为恰巧会‘不灭’这个特殊血律,还掌握了雾化、偏转、铁块等多种防御血律,竟在这波密集打击下,奇迹般的生还,几步冲出攻击区域,溜到了石棺之前。 Looks at the close sarcophagus, coming person to stare, was wild with joy, immediately big mouth, started directly had a greedy appetite ghost, swallowed into the sarcophagus the abdomen, then turn tail. 看着近在咫尺的石棺,来人自己都愣了一下,进而狂喜,随即大口一张,直接发动了‘贪食鬼’,将石棺吞入腹中,便转身逃跑。 Taking advantage of the shield of light shadow, when the people detected when the sarcophagus carried off, this person of distance had thoroughly been far away from the auditorium, escaped from the attack scopes of overwhelming majority blood laws. 借着光影的掩护,等众人发觉石棺被人带走时,这人的距离已经彻底远离了观众席,逃出了绝大部分血律的攻击范围。 In auditorium, many a moment ago continuously in expert of waiting and seeing, at this time cannot repress the preparation to begin finally, suddenly is ten several forms lightens in the stand direction. 观众席中,不少刚才一直在观望的高手,此时也终于按捺不住准备动手,一时间又是十数道身影朝看台方向闪出。 However, has not waited for the experts to catch up, front abnormality just ran several steps, suddenly the footsteps stagger, is calling out pitifully same place. 然而,还不等众高手追上,前方的畸形者刚跑出几步,忽然脚步踉跄,在原地惨叫起来。 【...... You hear together the depressed sound indistinctly, resounds from the abdomen of abnormality in: By the lifeform of city, damn!” 【……你隐约听到一道沉闷的声音,自畸形者的腹中响起:“以诺之城的生物,都该死!”】 Follows this chanting in a low voice, you see only a black smoke to emit from the mouth and nose eye ear of abnormality, like having the life is ordinary, abnormality will entangle to bind.】 【伴随这道低吟,你只见道道黑烟从畸形者的口鼻眼耳中冒出,如同拥有生命一般,将畸形者缠裹了起来。】 【...... Quick, in the pitiful yell sound of this abnormality, before circumstances and several victims is identical, suction complete vitality by black smoke, changes into dry corpse to fall to the ground......】 【……很快,在这名畸形者的惨叫声中,境遇和之前的几个受害者雷同,被黑烟吸走了全部气血,化为干尸倒地……】 !” The next second, on the stand the flesh and blood flying in all directions, the abnormality body of falling to the ground was supported to explode suddenly unexpectedly directly, the unwieldy sarcophagus appears in the midair, in a dull thumping sound falls to the ground loudly, then fell into again quietly.】 【“噗!”下一秒,看台上忽然血肉横飞,倒地的畸形者躯体竟直接被撑爆开来,笨重的石棺出现在半空,一声闷响中轰然落地,便再次陷入了沉寂。】 Will soon rush to several vampires of stand is quickly halts, surprised uncertain looks at sarcophagus, actually does not dare to approach half again......】 【即将冲上看台的几名吸血鬼都是急忙止步,惊疑不定的看着石棺,却不敢再靠近半步……】 Mu You is also looks stares. 沐游也是看得一愣。 Died the second vampire in sarcophagus hand appears. 死在石棺手中的第二个吸血鬼出现了。 The first vampire died a moment ago, the people also think that the sarcophagus cannot open casually, will otherwise be killed by inside thing, however this time, that abnormality has not attempted to open the coffin, but is the preparation is direct pack to carry off, this was killed unexpectedly. 刚才第一个吸血鬼死的时候,众人还只是以为石棺不能随便打开,否则会被里面的东西杀死,然而这次,那名畸形者根本就没有尝试开棺,而是准备直接‘打包’带走,这样居然还是被杀了。 This sarcophagus, so long as is the vampire cannot touch, bumped must die? 难道说,这石棺只要是吸血鬼就不能触碰,碰了就得死? Incessantly so, Mu You also noticed the prompt of that sound, the sounds in twice sarcophagus, what said was the same words: By the lifeform of city, damn! 不止如此,沐游还注意到了那句声音的提示,两次石棺内的声音,说的是同一句话:以诺之城的生物,都该死! This saying at first sight, probably is speaking thoughtlessly cursing, but changes an angle to think, this perhaps is also a prompt: Damn by the people in city, does not want by city of person, doesn't need dead? 这话乍一看,好像就是句随口的咒骂,但换个角度想,这或许也是一种提示:以诺之城的人都该死,那么只要不是以诺之城人,岂不是就不必死了? But in this city, not by the person in city of’, now not only then his? 而这座城市里,‘不是以诺之城的人’,现在不就只有他一个么? The Mu You complexion is strange. Does this sarcophagus wait for the player who comes from the outside world to open specially? The players are opens the coffin key! 沐游脸色古怪起来。难道说,这石棺就是专门等从外界进来的玩家来打开的?玩家才是开棺的‘钥匙’! 【...... Threw the vampire that went forward to retrocede silently, was far away from the sarcophagus peacefully, the scene again.】 【……扑上前的吸血鬼默默后退,远离了石棺,现场再一次安静了下来。】 About you looks around, discovers at this time the vampire in hall according to position, obviously is divided into two factions, occupies both sides corridors one on the left and other on the right, respectively about hundred people, but other by two side clip in middle vampire, or three two or three two sticking together, either all alone, obviously not influence......】 【你左右张望,发现此时大厅内的吸血鬼按站位,明显分为两个派系,一左一右占据着两侧的走廊,各有近百号人,而其余被两方夹在中间的吸血鬼,或三三两两抱团,或孤身一人,显然并无势力……】 The two factions in text, should be the prince regent and influence of transformation, but others are the private investors, joins in the fun. 文本中的两个派系,应该就是摄政王和变革者的势力,而其他人则都是散户,来凑热闹的。 In witnessed about 20 blood groups dead a violent death with own eyes here, moreover discovered after this sarcophagus cannot touch, these did not have the retail vampire of influence, had had a premonition that today's situation is not right, part astute has started to withdraw quietly, until withdrawing from exhibition hall front door, fled from this place is apt to get into trouble quickly. 在亲眼见证了将近二十名血族暴毙在此,而且发现这石棺根本不能触碰后,这些没有势力的散户吸血鬼,已经预感到今天形势不对,一部分精明的已经开始悄悄退后,直到退出展厅大门,快步逃离了这个是非之地。 Regarding this vampires of two big influences and have nothing to indicate that ignores these private investors to field, so long as does not snatch the sarcophagus with them, the two sides will not naturally look for trouble. 对此两大势力的吸血鬼并没有什么表示,放任这些散户离场,只要不跟他们抢石棺,两边自然都不会没事找事。 Mu You also controls the character, maintaining composure followed these people to retrocede, arrived around the entrance, prepared to travel momentarily. 沐游也控制人物,不动声色的跟着这些人后退了一些,来到了门口附近,准备随时跑路。 He has had a premonition, at present this situation likely develops to eat chicken game, not who first snatches the sarcophagus who is a winner, but is who can live finally, who can obtain the sarcophagus. 他已经预感到,眼下这情况很可能发展成一场‘吃鸡游戏’,并不是谁先抢到石棺谁就是赢家,而是谁能活到最后,谁才能得到石棺。 【...... The scene falls the needle to hear for a while, the atmosphere is strange.】 【……现场一时落针可闻,气氛诡异至极。】 you paces back and forth before the exit|to speak, is hesitating whether leaves, suddenly hears rapid footsteps sound, follows close on these vampires that was running away a moment ago, returned to the hall unexpectedly all, the one after another facial expression is flustered, thing that seems evading what terrifying.】 【伱在出口前徘徊,正犹豫着是否离开,忽然听到门外一阵的急促的脚步声响起,紧跟着刚才逃走的那些吸血鬼,竟又尽数返回了大厅,一个个神情慌张,似乎在逃避什么恐怖的东西。】 Quick, ten several people return to the hall one after another, but in the last person will soon step into the front door, out of the door purple glare shoots together suddenly, illuminated directly after last person of conducted the back.】 【很快,十数人接连返回大厅,但就在最后一人即将踏入大门时,门外一道紫色强光骤然射来,径直照在了最后一人的后背上。】 By the instance that the illumination arrives, this vampire loses the strength immediately, falls down, whole body exposition skin flash melt outside, until igniting flaming flame.】 【被光照到的瞬间,这名吸血鬼顿时失去力气,跌倒在地,浑身暴露在外的皮肤快速熔化,直到燃起熊熊火焰。】 Saves me......” this vampire to wail, puts out a hand from presenting others prays for rescue, actually no one dares to go forward to rescue.】 【“救我……”这名吸血鬼哀嚎着,伸手向在场其他人求救,却无人敢上前救援。】 【The short ten several seconds, this vampire was then burnt as the ashes in the flame.】 【短短十数秒,这名吸血鬼便在火焰中被焚为灰烬。】 At the same time, around hall out of the door, a glare projects.】 【与此同时,大厅四周的门外,道道强光投射进来。】 Numerous vampires hurry to avoid illumination, responded that slow vampire was covered by purple light directly, on before step, that vampire footsteps......】 【众吸血鬼慌忙躲避光照,一些反应慢的吸血鬼直接被紫光笼罩,步上了之前那名吸血鬼的后尘……】 Inside vampire is listening, you had been surrounded! Immediately puts down the weapon surrender! Redundant, immediately hands over the arms......” the outside world to resound the frontline propaganda sound of amplifying equipment, follows sound that some also innumerable bolts draw, and tank and airplane thunder, but noise.】 【“里面的吸血鬼听着,你们已经被包围了!立即放下武器投降!重复,立即缴械投降……”外界响起扩音设备的喊话声,伴随其中的还有无数枪栓拉动的声音,以及坦克和飞机轰鸣而过的噪声。】 Illumination that major light throws, but also in unscrupulous strafe in all directions, in hall vampires activity space was being compressed fast......】 【门外强光灯投来的光照,还在肆无忌惮的四处扫射,大厅内吸血鬼们的活动空间正在被快速压缩……】 Bang!” At this time a figure grand vampire, the double fist pounded suddenly, simultaneously started blood law great strength, as well as rare blood law earthquake.】 【“轰!”这时一名身形壮阔的吸血鬼,忽然双拳砸地,同时发动了血律‘巨力’,以及稀有血律‘地震’。】 Ground cracks instantaneously, the turbulent energy erupts from the place bottom, in nearby surrounding area kilometer range, triggered a small-scale earthquake. In everything may become vulnerable, several major lights were shaken instantaneously destroy to go out, the police also went haywire in the sudden vibration.】 【地面瞬间开裂,汹涌的能量自地底爆发,在附近方圆千米的范围内,引发了一场小型地震。地动山摇之中,外界的几道强光灯都是瞬间被震毁熄灭,警方也在突如其来的震动中陷入了混乱。】 Begins!” While short gap that the earthquake strives, situated in left side of the hall vampire influence , a person opens the mouth suddenly, immediately tears off clothes robe, revealed his vampire appearance/portrait, is transformation leader Al-Mansur.】 【“动手!”趁着地震争取出的短暂间隙,位于大厅左方的吸血鬼势力中,一人忽然开口,随即扯下身上的衣袍,露出了他吸血鬼的真容,正是变革者头领曼苏尔。】 【The order along with Al-Mansur, his behind one crowd of person also simultaneously erupts, revealed that vampire real shape, shifted nearby the stand fast, surrounded the entire stand all round.】 【伴随着曼苏尔的命令,他身后的一群人也齐齐爆发,纷纷显露出吸血鬼的真形,飞快转移到了看台附近,将整个看台团团包围了起来。】 In one group, has person's shadow together to be separated from the team alone, charged into the rear sarcophagus like lightning.】 【一行人中,却有一道人影单独脱离队伍,闪电般的冲向了后方的石棺。】 You look clearly, run out person, the appearance and contour are unexpectedly exactly the same as you, even the clothing appearance is completely identical!】 【你看得真切,冲出的这人,长相与外形竟与你一模一样,甚至连衣物打扮都完全雷同!】 Un?” “嗯?” Mu You looks stares. 沐游看得一愣。 However suddenly then responded. 不过眨眼便反应了过来。 Right, in this city not just he can open the coffin, because the sarcophagus judged that the person is the person in this city, takes a fast look around the judgment by that only stone Yanlai, then so long as theoretically changes appearance that becomes the player, similarly has the opportunity to hide the truth from that eye, thus avoids being swallowed by the sarcophagus. 对啊,这座城里并不是只有他能开棺,因为石棺判断来人是不是这座城市的人,是靠那只石眼来扫视判断,那么理论上只要变身成玩家的样子,同样有机会瞒过那只眼睛,从而避免被石棺吞噬。 This point, by distortion shape blood law, then achieves with ease. 这一点,靠变形者的‘化形’血律,即可轻松做到。 But in this city, has contacted with the Mu You short distance, has the shape blood law, and vampire that had not died, currently only has one, that was the head of the clan —— tile of distortion clan just Luo. 而这座城市中,和沐游近距离接触过,拥有化形血律,且仍没有死亡的吸血鬼,目前只有一个,那就是变形者氏族的族长——瓦刚罗。 Blocks quickly!” In the influence of other side, a person quickly ordered, similarly exposed the figure, was the prince regent without doubt.】 【“快拦住!”另一方的势力中,一人急忙下令,同样暴露了身形,正是摄政王无疑。】 Prince regent orders, surroundings all simultaneously actions, initiated charge toward stand, wants to pass human wall, however actually encountered the resistance at risk of life transformation clan, suddenly was all intercepted beside stand......】 【摄政王一声令下,周围所有手下齐齐行动,朝看台发起了冲锋,想要越过人墙,然而却遭到了变革者氏族的拼死抵抗,一时间全被拦截在了看台之外……】 But among electric light flint, that vampire that disguises as your appearance, already no hindrance before rushing to the sarcophagus, put out a hand touching in the sarcophagus surface.】 【而电光火石间,那名假扮成你样貌的吸血鬼,已经毫无阻碍的冲到了石棺前,伸手一把触摸在了石棺表面。】 【The eye of sarcophagus side stone opens again, high and low takes a fast look around to the person.】 【石棺侧面的石之眼再次张开,对来人上下扫视。】 But this time has not had any unusual condition, stone eye quickly again closed, disguises as your vampire to be safe and sound.】 【但这次未曾发生任何异状,石眼很快再次闭合,假扮你的吸血鬼安然无恙。】 „, Al-Mansur looked like us to bet right! Then this/should hidden coffin was our!” Disguises as your vampire to be wild with joy, the seat of honor embraces, the both arms make an effort, the heavy sarcophagus will shoulder unexpectedly directly on the shoulder.】 【“哈哈,曼苏尔看来我们赌对了!这下该隐之棺是我们的了!”假扮你的吸血鬼狂喜,上手揽下,双臂用力,竟直接将沉重的石棺扛在了肩上。】 Really!” “果然!” Mu You sighed, saw that here he has understood. 沐游叹息一声,看到这里他就已经明白了。 Before transformation clan, once had obtained the sarcophagus, at that time they possibly the discovery law, having needed the help of outcomer be able to turn on the sarcophagus. 变革者氏族之前曾得到过石棺,那时他们可能就已经发现规律,必须要外来者的帮忙才能打开石棺。 This also Al-Mansur attempted to gather his real reason afterward, wants to unite him to turn on the sarcophagus jointly. 这也是后来曼苏尔尝试招揽他的真正原因,想联合他联手打开石棺。 Only pitifully, he has not expected Mu You is not interested to the advantage that he promised, still chose to keep that side the prince regent. 只可惜,他没料到沐游对他许下的好处丝毫不感兴趣,依然选择留在摄政王那边。 Finally Al-Mansur also has to seek his law in addition, looks only to act the Mu You tile just Luo to cooperate. 最终曼苏尔也只好另寻他法,去找唯一一个能扮演沐游的瓦刚罗合作。 Succeeded in obtaining! Retreats!” Disguises as your vampire to carry the sarcophagus, shouted toward the people behind.】 【“到手了!撤退!”假扮你的吸血鬼扛着石棺,朝身后众人大喊。】 Careful!” However greets his, is actually the teammates uniform reminder sound.】 【“小心!”然而迎接他的,却是队友们整齐划一的提醒声。】 Vampire behind ground, the person's shadow just like drills from the cement together, quiet reappearing, changes into a face to wear the vampire of mask.】 【吸血鬼身后的地面,一道人影宛如从水泥中钻出,悄无声息的浮现,化为一个脸戴面具的吸血鬼。】 Is disguising as your vampire to detect difference, when wants to turn the head, mask male hand claw, first step had actually passed through his chest......】 【在假扮你的吸血鬼察觉到异样,想要转头之时,身后面具男的手爪,却已经先一步贯穿了他的胸膛……】 Sarcophagus falls loudly falls on nearby ground. Is going against your facial features vampire, such as parades somebody through the streets general, was hanging when the mask male arm, difficult turning head, resenting looks presents the mask male who behind, wants to struggle, in the mask male hand has actually ignited the flame.】 【石棺轰然摔落在一旁的地上。顶着你面容的吸血鬼,如游街示众一般,被悬挂在面具男手臂上,艰难的回过头,愤恨的看着身后出现的面具男,想要挣扎之时,面具男的手上却已经燃起了火焰。】 Flame lit rapidly disguised as your man, in raging fire burning down, the figure and appearance of man changed rapidly, suddenly became a stature such as the robust man of bear, was the distortion clan leader tile just Luo.】 【火焰迅速点燃了假扮你的男子,在烈火焚烧中,男子的身形和外貌急速变化,眨眼变为了一个身材如熊的壮汉,正是变形者氏族头领瓦刚罗。】 【The mask male will burn down the hard coke the tile just Luo, flings conveniently on nearby ground. However greets his, retaliatory attack that is the front about hundred enemies.】 【面具男将焚烧成焦炭的瓦刚罗,随手甩在一旁的地上。然而迎接他的,是前方近百名敌人的报复性攻击。】 【The mask person seemed to have had a premonition that own destiny, facing all attacks, had not done confidently any struggles, is only in finally, will look at the direction of prince regent.】 【面具人似乎早已预感到了自己的命运,坦然面对所有的攻击,并未做任何挣扎,只是在最后,将目光投向了摄政王的方向。】 the next moment, the innumerable blood laws covered the mask person. Under intense blood law bombing, a mask male even/including breath cannot resist, Bivoua just Luo changed into the flying ash quickly, vanished on the stand......】 下一刻,无数血律笼罩了面具人。在密集的血律轰炸下,面具男连一息都没能抗住,比瓦刚罗更快的化为了飞灰,消失在了看台上……】 Instance that 【the mask male goes , the rear prince regent eyes are red like the blood immediately. Hatred of both sides was lit in this moment thoroughly.】 【面具男赴死的瞬间,后方摄政王双眼顿时通红如血。双方的仇恨在这一刻被彻底点燃。】 Kills!” Everyone of both sides are shouting loudly this insignificant glossary, has the full hatred and anger mutually, the collision in one......】 【“杀!”双方的所有人都高喊着这个无意义的词汇,互相带着满腔的仇恨和怒火,碰撞在了一起……】 Originally this is the scene that Katerina sees......” “原来这才是卡特琳娜看到的场景……” What in the prediction dies in the mask male subordinate is not he, but disguises as his person. Mu You sighed, controlled the character to leave this place is apt to get into trouble silently. 预言中死在面具男手下的并不是他,只是一个假扮他的人。沐游叹息一声,默默操控人物离开了这个是非之地。 At this time both sides obvious do not die continuous, does not kill the other side is not certainly impossible to stop, but the necessity that he has not left behind, the tile just Luo died, now in the entire city can open the person of sarcophagus, only then he, therefore snatches the sarcophagus finally no matter, must look for him. 此时双方明显已经不死不休,不杀绝另一方绝不可能停下,而他也已经没有留下的必要,瓦刚罗一死,现在整个城市中能开启石棺的人只有他,所以最后不管谁抢到石棺,都得来找他。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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