TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#543: Opens the coffin

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Chapter 543 opens the coffin 第543章开棺 Looks for several...... the chef?” “找几个……厨师?” Nine quiet are very at this moment vacant. 九幽此刻很是茫然。 Just ghost ship long contacted him suddenly, he thinks the request that what important matter, the opposite party set finally made him unthinkable. 刚刚幽灵船长忽然联络了他,他本以为有什么要事,结果对方提出的要求着实让他匪夷所思了一把。 Yes, best to baking has the master chef of research.” Mu You said. “是的,最好对烧烤有研究的大厨。”沐游说。 „, Big god this is......” “呃,大神这是……” Mu You has to explain to the opposite party simply plan that murder with a borrowed knife. 沐游只好向对方简单说明了一下自己借刀杀人的计划。 „...... Nine listen so that's how it is quiet then suddenly, in the heart also somewhat is simultaneously surprised, including octopus monster that nine star giants are afraid, after the big god puts in an appearance, unexpectedly can bring back to one of the opposite party to break fully, the big god worthily is the big god. “原来如此……”九幽听完这才恍然,同时心中也有些惊讶,连九星巨人都害怕的章鱼怪物,大神照面之后居然能带回对方的一条断足,大神不愧是大神。 Un, matter is this, you help me look for several credible chef is enough, the commission I pay.” Mu You said. “嗯,事情就是这样,你帮我物色几个靠谱的厨师就行,佣金我来付。”沐游说。 „, The big god you chatted, commission anything really does not use, this is the important matter that benefits all players, you are willing to offer such precious material on own initiative, we do not know how should with compensate.” Nine quiet perspiration. “呃呃,大神你说笑了,佣金什么的真不用,这是惠及全体玩家的大事,您肯主动奉献出这么贵重的材料,我们都不知该拿怎么补偿。”九幽汗。 So long as can take care of the threat of this giant, from now on they can use god skin to strike to kill the monster in the real world at will, why no matter to facilitate many. 只要能解决这只巨人的威胁,今后他们在真实世界就可以随意使用神皮击杀怪物,不管干什么都会方便很多。 At this time even if Mu You did not say, they will still certainly coordinate on own initiative. 此时就算沐游不说,他们也一定会主动配合的。 With nine decided the detail quiet, Mu You then went out on the same day, bringing that octopus to break flew to the capital fully. 和九幽商定了细节,沐游当天便出门,带着那根章鱼断足飞往了首都。 The Dragon Team headquarters, Mu You rushes, the person who several chefs have dressed up is waiting here, it is said is the state banquet master chef who looks, craftsmanship surely does not have the issue. 龙组总部,沐游赶到的时候,已经有几个厨师打扮的人在这里等着,据说全都是找的国宴大厨,手艺方面肯定没问题。 „Is this...... the food?” At this time several master chefs look at the giant octopus foot that the ground jumps for joy, somewhat is dumbfounded. “这是……食材?”此时几个大厨看着地上活蹦乱跳的巨型章鱼足,都有些傻眼。 Their is convened temporarily, only said that has important quest, has not actually come to know with enough time a more detailed situation, several people also think as before, needs them to study what Astral Spirit Realm food. 他们被临时召集过来,只说了有重要任务,却没来来得及得知更详细的情况,几人还以为又是像以前一样,需要他们研究什么星灵界的食材。 Finally, truly wants them to attend to the food right, but...... was this too also big? 结果,确实是要他们料理食材没错,但是……这也太大了吧? How many people somewhat strange looks at Mu You, they are also the players, naturally knows that daybreak the city lords have an octopus king pet, this moment how many people suspected, ghost ship should not cut the under foot of octopus king steadily directly? 几人都有些古怪的看着沐游,他们也是玩家,自然知道黎明城主有一只章鱼王宠物,此刻几人都怀疑,幽灵船长该不会是直接砍了章鱼王的一只脚下来吧? Big god, what specific request this...... does the cooking have?” And a chef asks. “大神,这个……烹饪有什么具体要求吗?”其中一个厨师开口询问。 It‘s nothing request, you look how to process appropriately how to come, in brief on a point: Let it seem like delicious is better!” Mu You said, said and remembered anything, added: „, Right, try not to destroy its principal structure, but the external skin can process, scrapes off these octopus suckers, only leaves behind the part of pulp, if can make it maintain one entire, can unable to see the contour of octopus, was good.” “没什么要求,你们看着怎么处理合适就怎么来,总之就一点:让它看起来越美味越好!”沐游说,说完又想起了什么,补充道:“哦,对了,尽量不要破坏它的主体结构,不过表皮可以处理一下,把那些章鱼吸盘都刮掉,只留下肉质的部分,如果能让它保持一整块,又能看不出章鱼的外形,就再好不过了。” This thing he needs to return to the game finally, in the game the object extraction back has a limit of 50 complete, serious that too if destroys, may be unable to deliver. 这东西他最终需要送回游戏中的,游戏中物体提取送回有一个50完整度的限制,如果破坏的太严重,有可能送不回去。 „Can that...... pile the seasoning?” Chef somewhat awkward asking. “那……能堆调味料吗?”一个厨师有些为难的问。 Such big flesh lump, does not let cutting in the situation, wants to get interested, only has the material to have the possibility. 这么大的肉块,不让切割的情况下,想要入味,唯有下猛料才有可能。 So long as you do not dislike the waste, according to the lethal dose piles!” Mu You said. “只要伱们不嫌浪费,按致死量来堆!”沐游说。 Good, we understood......” “好吧,我们明白了……” Several people then nod, roughly understood the meaning of Mu You. 几人这才点头,大致理解了沐游的意思。 Come on, human in the future in your hands.” Before Mu You just before leaving, encouraged one. “加油,人类的未来在你们手上。”沐游临走前鼓励了一句。 Several people felt instantaneously oneself were flamboyant big, although does not know that fully finally where this octopus will be used, but so mysterious quest, can definitely display the big use in some place. 几人瞬间感觉自己牛逼大了,虽然不知道这章鱼足最终会被用在哪里,但如此神秘的任务,肯定能在某个地方发挥大用处。 Several people feel the glory immediately, one after another are ready to fight, put into the work impatiently. 几人顿时倍感荣耀,一个个摩拳擦掌,迫不及待的投入了工作。 Mu You left behind the octopus fully then returned to K City, this specialized matter gave the professional headache, he does not mix. 沐游把章鱼足留下便返回了K市,这专业的事情就交给专业人士头疼吧,他就不掺和了。 That night, Mu You lands the game again. 当夜,沐游再次登陆游戏。 Night, you appear on the street near natural miracle museum.】 【深夜时分,你出现在自然奇迹博物馆附近的街道上。】 【Before sees the front museum gate brilliantly illuminated, the sea of people, massively from each reporter of newspaper office and broadcasting station, carry the camera to run back and forth, the sound of flashing light continuously. Compared with reporter more is the tourist who hears the news to gather to come, character shuttle in which of all forms, all grasped the invitation of museum, on the face wrote all over the anticipation and excited......】 【就见前方的博物馆门前灯火通明,人山人海,大量来自各个报社和电台的记者,端着相机来回奔走,闪光灯的响声接连不断。比记者更多的则是闻讯聚集而来的游客,形形色色的人物穿梭其中,全都手持博物馆的邀请函,脸上写满了期待与激动……】 Several hundred policemen disperse on the street, is responsible for keeping the order, busy being heavily engaged. You even in the distant place, saw the traces of several tank and armored vehicle, sky over the top of the head, the helicopter has often flown sound......】 【数百名警察分散在街上,负责维持现场秩序,忙的不可开交。你甚至在远处,看到了几辆坦克和装甲车的踪影,头顶上空,还有直升机不时飞过的声音……】 In the entrance of museum, is standing a row of fully-armed soldier, front sets up sentry post, everyone lines up before the gate, must first verify status, admission by ticket......】 【在博物馆的大门口,站立着一排荷枪实弹的军人,前方设立有岗哨,所有人都在门前排队,必须先查明身份,凭票入场……】 As expected, tonight this place really takes over control by the military, evidently the human leadership in this city, expected this held the coffin ceremony, possibly the true vampire will attract, has prepared to fighting vampire. 不出所料,今晚这地方果然被军方接管了,看样子这座城市的人类高层,也料到了这场开棺仪式,可能将真正的吸血鬼吸引过来,已经做好了对战吸血鬼的准备。 Mu You controls the character to go to nearby streets and alleys, waited for a while, attacks young reporter who alone came, after striking kills the opposite party, has snatched the equipment of opposite party, as well as an invitation. 沐游操控人物去附近的街巷中,等待了一会儿,袭击了一名只身前来的小记者,击杀对方后,抢过对方的装备,以及一张邀请函。 Mu You looked at the invitation information, the true opening coffin display must start to that night midnight. 沐游看了眼邀请函信息,真正的开棺展出要到当夜零点才开始。 Mu You does not worry to enter, waited for a while outside patience, to game time about 11 : 30, this starts to take action. 沐游也不着急进入,在外面耐心等待了一会儿,一直到游戏时间十一点半左右,这才开始行动。 You started shape, changes as the appearance of reporter, is conducting the arm the camera and memorandum moved toward the museum front door.】 【你发动了‘化形’,变身为记者的模样,挎着相机和记事本走向了博物馆大门。】 【A soldier blocked you, the request inspected your personal documents and bill.】 【一名军人拦下了你,要求检查你的身份证件和票据。】 Your one by one show. The opposite party inspect carefully, the confirmation is unmistakable, this puts you to enter.】 【你一一出示。对方仔细查验一番,确认无误,这才放你进入。】 You receive the thing half step to step into the front door, but after the instance of front door, you were feeling that suddenly the covert purple glare illuminates together from one side.】 【你收起东西快步踏入大门,不过就在经过大门的瞬间,你忽然感觉一道隐蔽的紫色强光从侧面照来。】 Glare shines on your skin, you felt immediately whole body such as raging fire burning down general severe pain, lowers the head looks, your shone skin, fast rotten melting......】 【强光照射在你的皮肤上,你顿时感觉全身如烈火焚烧一般剧痛,低头一看,你被照射的皮肤,正在快速腐烂熔化……】 Periphery resounded alarm sound, several soldiers in not far away had held up firearms toward you neatly, next second, innumerable silver bullets flew toward you......】 【周围响起了警报声,不远处的几名军人已经齐刷刷朝你举起了枪械,下一秒,无数银色子弹朝你飞来……】 Recollection.” “回溯。” Mu You quickly according to table. 沐游急忙按表。 This anything purple ray, should be simulates the sunlight the equipment, moreover these soldiers even provided the silver nature bullet...... the Mu You serious suspicion, human of this city catches the true vampire, and studied the vampire weakness. 这什么紫色的光线,应该是模拟日光的设备,而且这些军人甚至配备了银质子弹……沐游严重怀疑,这个城的人类已经抓到了真正的吸血鬼,并且研究出了吸血鬼的弱点。 Hides the daylight lamp specially in the entrance, waits for the vampire to swallow the bait. 专门藏个日光灯在门口,就是等着吸血鬼上钩呢。 【The time circulation, you return to sentry post before front door.】 【时光流转,你回到大门前的岗哨处。】 Is checking your document while the opposite party, you take out the ring quietly: The sunlight is compatible, wears on the finger.】 【趁着对方正在检查你的证件,你悄悄取出戒指:日光亲和,佩戴在手指上。】 Inspector allows to pass quickly, you move toward the front door again, the intense purple light illuminates once again toward you, this time you felt the skin is slightly warm, has not presented other differences.】 【检查员很快放行,你再次走向大门,强烈的紫光又一次朝你照来,这次你只是感觉皮肤略微温热,并未出现其他异样。】 You smoothly entered in hall......】 【你顺利进入了馆内……】 Sneaks the clubhouse, Mu You pretends a reporter, once for a while takes a photo toward the surroundings, with the stream of people, gradually in the deep place toward the hall moves. 潜入会馆,沐游装作一个记者,时不时的朝周围拍一张照,随着人流,逐渐往馆内深处移动。 Meanwhile he also released the ultra feeling, searched for the surrounding vampire. 同时他也释放出了超感,搜寻周围的吸血鬼。 The defense of entrance is seemingly strict, but regarding ability all kinds of vampire, has not distinguished with the ornaments, if the vampire really wants to enter here, some are the means. 门口的防御看似严密,但对于能力五花八门的吸血鬼来说,和摆设没区别,吸血鬼真要想进入这里,有的是办法。 Finally, under the ultra feeling, actually only caught few vampire aura, moreover was over 6 generations vampires, truly higher vampire has not been seeing. 结果,超感之下,却只捕捉到了寥寥几个吸血鬼的气息,而且都是六代以上的吸血鬼,真正高等的吸血鬼一个没见着。 However Mu You knows, currently in this definitely has the higher vampire to hide . Moreover the quantity will not be small, but is like him, isolated other similar sensations with shield. 不过沐游知道,现在这里面绝对有高等吸血鬼隐藏,而且数量不会少,只不过都和他一样,用‘屏蔽’隔绝了其他同类的感知。 These that now can the sensation arrive, instead do not have the influence, cannon fodder of go it alone. 现在能感知到的这些,反而都是没有势力,单独行动的炮灰。 You, as the large snake of stream of people to museum internal slow shift...... the front ancient vestige region, you saw the wax figure of all over the world primitive man, and models of various world wonders, palatial pyramid, grand hanging garden, mysterious giant stone......】 【你随着人流的长蛇向博物馆内部缓慢转移……前方的古代遗迹区域,你见到了世界各地原始人的蜡像,以及各种世界奇观的模型,巍峨的金字塔,雄伟的空中花园,神秘的巨石阵……】 【...... Marches forward, you stepped into astronomy region, here ceiling comprised, Milky Way that waits for proportion to turn round to carve starry sky chart, glittering stars, launches in your top of the head, but in the end of starry sky, rocket that just launched, is dragging brilliant contrail, cuts expansive sky, vanishes in stars......】 【……继续向前,你踏入了天文区域,这里的天花板由星空图组成,等比例复刻的银河,繁星闪耀,在你头顶展开,而在星空的尽头,一支刚刚发射的火箭,拖着绚烂的尾迹,划破长空,消失在繁星之中……】 The game text along the road in springing the experience in museum, Mu You actually looks somewhat strangely. 游戏文本沿路一直在弹出博物馆中的所见所闻,沐游却看得有些古怪。 Before pyramid, starry sky, rocket and primitive man...... these as if are, Katerina predicted has mentioned content...... 金字塔、星空、火箭、原始人……这些似乎都是之前卡特琳娜预言中提及过的内容啊…… Said scene that she saw at that time, is actually the picture in this museum? 这么说她当时看到的场景,其实就是这座博物馆里的画面? 【After...... passed by all sorts of sceneries, you arrived at facility most deep place finally, in the end of corridor, is a leaf of phoebe zhennan front door, pushes door to step into, inside is connecting a side giant auction exhibition hall, this is also place that the tonight's sarcophagus will soon display......】 【……路过种种景物后,你终于来到了场馆最深处,在长廊的尽头,是一扇楠木大门,推门踏入,里面连接着一方巨大的拍卖展厅,这也正是今晚石棺即将展出的地方……】 Enters the exhibition hall, in this moment hall up and down three, several thousand seats already almost full house. You in the number according to invitation, found your seat......】 【进入展厅,此刻大厅内上下三层,数千个座位已经几乎座无虚席。你按照邀请函上的号码,找到了自己的坐席……】 【Shortly after you just took a seat, the clock indicator on wall has just dialed midnight.】 【你刚刚入座不久,墙上的时钟指针刚好拨过零点。】 On the front display stage, more than 20 bodyguards crowd around a having hair dishevelled old man to enter the conference site. Old men behind, but also with more than ten stripped hard labors, the hard labors shoulder anti- cross bar, several cross bar center, is hanging a plain sarcophagus......】 【前方的展览台上,二十余名保镖簇拥着一名披头散发的老者进入会场。老者身后,还跟着十余名光膀子的苦工,苦工们肩抗横木,数根横木中央,悬挂着一口古朴的石棺……】 Hard labors are sweating profusely, difficult carries the sarcophagus, enters the conference site step by step, finally under old man's direction, sarcophagus cautious place booth center.】 【苦工们满头大汗,艰难的扛着石棺,一步步进入会场,最终在老者的指挥下,将石棺小心翼翼的放在展台中央。】 Please look, this is the tonight's lead, legendary sarcophagus —— Kara!” The old man exciting and loud and clear voice resounds through in the facility. That moment that the sarcophagus comes , the under innumerable shutter sounds get up, the flashing light glitters repeatedly, records this legendary one heartily.】 【“诸位请看,这就是今晚的主角,传说中的石棺——图坦卡拉!”老者激动而洪亮的声音响彻在场馆内。石棺现身的那一刻,下方无数快门声响起,闪光灯频频闪烁,尽情记录着这传奇性的一幕。】 【The old man as if very satisfied people's response, said with a smile: Before we have tried outside all test approaches except coffin, including the sonar, the thermal imagery, laser and other perspective/see through equipment wait/etc, is not all able to survey the object...... in addition, the outer covering of this sarcophagus, wants firm hundred times compared with the diamond of highest quality, we used the industrial electric drill, thermal energy cutting multiple methods, are unable to injure its slightest......” 【老者似乎很满意众人的反应,笑道:“之前我们已经尝试过除开棺外的所有检测手段,包括声呐,热成像,激光等透视设备等等,全都无法探测到其中物体……此外,这石棺的外壳,比最高品质的金刚石还要坚固百倍,我们动用了工业电钻,热能切割等多种手段,都无法伤其分毫……”】 In introduction that in the old man saliva flies horizontally, you look subconsciously to the sarcophagus on stage, suddenly the feeling consciousness is gradually confused, as if has sound together to whisper in your ear unceasingly: Come...... comes...... you to know that this is your treasure, no one want to win...... comes...... to open it...... you to obtain all...... close to...... to approach some again......” 【在老者唾沫横飞的介绍中,你下意识的看向台上的石棺,忽然感觉意识渐渐迷乱,似乎有一道声音不断在你耳边低语:“来吧……过来……你知道的,这是属于你的宝物,谁也别想夺走……来……打开它……你将获得一切……靠近……再靠近一些……”】 Consciousness fuzzy, you only felt that both legs stood uncontrolled, in the vision of other audience differences, squeezes out crowd forcefully, such as sleepwalk is ordinary, on movement swayingly toward stand in the past......】 【意识模糊中,你只感觉双腿不受控制的站了起来,在其他观众差异的目光中,强行挤出人群,如梦游一般,朝着看台上晃晃悠悠的移动过去……】 ?” “唔?” Mu You looks at one startled, quickly according to table. 沐游看得一惊,急忙按表。 This sarcophagus really has to mislead the ability, moreover effect powerful was excessive, just looked at each other for several seconds, unexpectedly positive governing his game character. 这石棺果然有蛊惑能力,而且效果强大的过分了,刚对视了几秒,居然直接控制了他的游戏人物。 【The time circulation, before you return for ten seconds .】 【时光流转,你回到十秒之前。】 You with sarcophagus looking at each other, confused feeling are raising quietly, detected that not wonderful you, quickly diverted attention forcefully......】 【你正在与石棺对视,迷乱感悄然升起,发觉不妙的你,急忙强行转移了视线……】 Mu You looked, the surrounding other human have not presented exceptionally, this misleading likely only becomes effective to the vampire evidently. 沐游看了看,周围的其他人类都没出现异常,看样子这种蛊惑很可能只对吸血鬼生效。 On this time stand, the old man had announced opens coffin formally to start.】 【此时看台上,老者已经宣布了‘开棺’正式开始。】 Sees only more than ten hard labors to grasp several meters crow bar, one by one in several scoop channels of insertion sarcophagus edge, crow bar another , is connecting a metal installment of side similar hoisting jack.】 【只见十几名苦工手持几米长的撬棍,挨个插入石棺边缘的几处凹槽中,撬棍另一头则连接着一方类似千斤顶的金属装置。】 Hard labors grip the installment the hand, starts to make an effort simultaneously. However under more than ten people of joint efforts, the sarcophagus covers does not have the sign that the slightest moves.】 【苦工们握住装置的把手,同时开始用力。然而十几人的共同努力下,石棺盖却没有分毫移动的迹象。】 Makes an effort! Do not be loaf! So long as can turn on the sarcophagus, I pledged, everyone tonight rewards for services rendered to double!” The old men looked that is unable to open the coffin, anxious opens the mouth.】 【“都用力啊!别偷懒!只要能打开石棺,我承诺,所有人今晚酬劳加倍!”老者看迟迟无法开棺,不由焦躁的开口。】 Under the drive of money, more than ten hard labor within the body as if gushed out the greatest physical strength suddenly, the one after another whole body blue vein stuck out suddenly, spells to go all-out to sway from side to side a hand.】 【在金钱的激励下,十几个苦工体内似乎突然涌出了莫大的气力,一个个浑身青筋暴起,拼尽全力扭动把手。】 Under more than ten people of going all out, finally, the sarcophagus makes bang a sound, the sarcophagus covers with the coffin bodies, was pried open the slit that slightly cannot be checked.】 【在十几人的拼命下,终于,石棺发出轰隆一声响,石棺盖与棺身之间,被撬开了一道微不可查的缝隙。】 【The nearest automatic camera, earliest possible time focusing in the past, has prepared to film the picture in hall, under all audience also turned very quiet, is waiting for the announcement of result.】 【距离最近的自动摄像头,已经第一时间对焦过去,准备拍摄馆内的画面,下方所有观众也都屏住了呼吸,等待着结果的公布。】 However, has not waited to be hi-resolution, in the slit of sarcophagus, suddenly spout strange black air/Qi.】 【然而,还不等画面清晰,石棺的缝隙中,忽然喷涌出一股诡异的黑气。】 【The black air/Qi like having the life is common, fast spread on booth, covered on more than ten hard labors fast.】 【黑气如同有生命一般,在展台上快速蔓延而过,飞快笼罩在了十几个苦工身上。】 In black air/Qi tumbling, hard labors called out pitifully immediately, seemed swallowed by some great antiquity beast of prey, struggled in black air/Qi fiercely......】 【黑气翻滚中,苦工们顿时惨叫起来,仿佛被某种洪荒猛兽吞噬,在黑气中剧烈挣扎……】 To several seconds , the pitiful yell sound stops suddenly, was dyed the blood-color black air/Qi to coerce the blood of more than ten people of whole bodies, the rapid retroversion, then vanishes in the sarcophagus slit suddenly, only leaves behind in same place more than ten thin dry corpses.】 【一直到数秒过后,惨叫声戛然而止,被染成血色的黑气则裹挟着十几人全身的血液,迅速回退,眨眼便又消失在石棺缝隙中,只留下原地十几具骨瘦如柴的干尸。】 All restored silent.】 【一切重新恢复了寂静。】 Scene after experiencing short silentness, the first squeal resounds suddenly, screamed and weeps and wails the sound then to start continuously, the tourists are yelling, is stepping on running away, wanted to leave the place of this bad risk recklessly.】 【现场在经历了短暂的静默过后,第一道尖叫声骤然响起,紧接着尖叫和哭喊声便开始此起彼伏,游客们大叫着,争相踩踏着逃窜,不顾一切想要离开这个凶险之地。】 Quick, do not stop, you continue the coffin!!” On the stand, the old man actually because of this supernatural one, looks wild with joy, quickly to urge the surrounding bodyguards replace the hard labor , to continue the coffin work.】 【“快,别停下,你们都去继续开棺!!”看台上,老者却因为这超自然的一幕,面露狂喜,急忙催促周围的保镖们接替苦工,继续开棺工作。】 However the short distance has seen strange one, other person of where also dare to come up to bring death, the bodyguards dropped out the old man, fled the stand that did not return.】 【然而近距离见过刚才的诡异一幕,其他人哪里还敢上去送死,保镖们纷纷抛下老者,头也不回的逃离了看台。】 Halts! Comes back!” The old men are yelling angrily, actually does not help matters.】 【“站住!回来!”老者愤怒的大叫着,却无济于事。】 Old man has to charge into the installment crassly , to continue the tilter by the old strength.】 【老者只好骂骂咧咧的冲向了装置,靠自己苍老的力量继续摇动装置。】 ping!” A gunshot resounds suddenly, the old man back overflowing blood, covers the bullet hole of chest to fall to the ground.】 【“呯!”一声枪响忽然响起,老者后背溢血,捂着胸口的弹孔倒地。】 You turn the head to look, what opening fire is a man on second auditorium.】 【你转头看去,开枪的是第二层观众席上的一名男子。】 The instance that man exposes, you feel the tyrannical aura that on the opposite party spread clearly: This at least is 3 generations of vampires!】 【男子暴露的瞬间,你清晰感受到了对方身上传出的强横气息:这至少是一名三代吸血鬼!】 Really had the vampire to appear, moreover came under big crowd of people directly, was equivalent had disregarded the shunning the world iron rule thoroughly. 果然有吸血鬼出现了,而且是在大庭广众之下直接现身,相当于已经彻底无视了避世铁律。 The instance that man opens fire, the soldier in hall hidden all holds up the weapon everywhere, opens fire toward the man!】 【男子开枪的瞬间,大厅四处隐藏的军人全都举起武器,朝男子开火!】 Suddenly, the innumerable silver bullets dance in the air in the hall, however all bullets stroke on the man, actually only leaves behind one clear sounds, was rebounded.】 【一时间,无数的银色子弹在大厅中飞舞,然而所有子弹击打在男子身上,却只留下一串清脆的响声,便被反弹出去。】 Man looks demented, is braving the hail of bullets, one step jumps down the stand, is difficult to distinguish the speed that by the naked eye, the direct impact sarcophagus goes.】 【男子面露癫狂,顶着枪林弹雨,一步跳下看台,以肉眼难辨的速度,直冲石棺而去。】 You saw that the man will soon be close to the sarcophagus, makes a move to prevent?】 【你眼看着男子即将接近石棺,是否出手阻止?】 No!” “否!” Mu You has not worried to begin, he believes that the scene is waiting the vampire that robs the sarcophagus does not stop this, now crops up, is very likely to turn into the person who takes the lead, was killed by the successor chaotic spear/gun. 沐游没着急动手,他相信现场等着抢夺石棺的吸血鬼绝不止这一个,现在冒头,极有可能变成出头鸟,被后来者乱枪打死。 „, This hidden coffin was I!” Before the men laugh is rushing to the coffin, great strength starts, a palm racket to sarcophagus cover.】 【“哈哈,该隐之棺是我了的!”男子大笑着冲到棺前,‘巨力’发动,一掌拍向石棺盖子。】 Bang!” The sarcophagus stroked transverse shift, staggers a small seam again.】 【“嘭!”石棺被击打的横移出去,再次错开一条小缝。】 However, catches up when the male half step, wants to make up a palm, the eye of stone carving side of sarcophagus shuts, opens suddenly.】 【然而,就在男子快步追上,想要补上一掌时,石棺的侧面一只闭起的石雕之眼,忽然睁开。】 In the stone eye opening instance, the movement of man stagnates immediately, just like petrification.】 【在石眼张开的瞬间,男子的动作顿时停滞,宛如石化。】 Eyeball is staring at front man, high and low scans, the sound that then resents together conveys from the coffin: By the lifeform of city, entirely damn!” 【眼球盯着面前的男子,上下扫描一番,接着一道愤恨的声音从棺内传来:“以诺之城的生物,统统该死!”】 Falls along with sound, man is covered by black air/Qi that in coffin gushes out, suddenly was attracted person to do, dies with injustice unredressed......】 【伴随着声音落下,男子被棺内涌出的黑气笼罩,眨眼被吸成了人干,死不瞑目……】 Black smoke returns, sarcophagus returned to again normal......】 【黑烟退回,石棺再次恢复了平静……】 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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