TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#542: Not sleeps

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Chapter 542 not sleeps 第542章无寐子 Peaceful, has the proper business to look for you.” Shortly exquisite getting bigger and bigger sound, Mu You, helpless has to put down her. “安静点,有正事找你。”眼看着玲珑越闹越大声,沐游无奈只得将她放下。 „? What matter?” Was quiet exquisite immediately. “啊?什么事?”玲珑立即住嘴。 First synchronizes to remember.” Mu You shakes the head, puts out a hand, will take back within the body exquisite, several seconds then put. “先同步一下记忆吧。”沐游摇了摇头,伸手,将玲珑收回体内,几秒便又放了出来。 „...... Synchronized the memory so that's how it is, exquisite naturally also understood Mu You wants to let the matter that she does. “原来如此……”同步了记忆,玲珑自然也就理解了沐游想让去她做的事。 Therefore, that side matter gave you. I turn head with nine greeted quiet, have what need you to contact with him.” Mu You said. “所以,那边的事情就交给你了。我回头跟九幽打个招呼,有什么需要你联系他。”沐游说。 OK!” “OK!” Gave the OK hand signal exquisite, is smiling: I worked as the junketing, so long as did not urge me to go home is enough.” 玲珑比了个OK的手势,笑意盈盈:“那我就当公费旅游了,只要不催我回家就行。” Mu You hears speechless, you has goes home repugnantly...... 沐游听得无语,伱是有多讨厌回家…… Then Mu You has not controlled again exquisite, after urging she do not act unreasonably, then puts her to leave. 接下来沐游也没再管束玲珑,叮嘱她不要乱来后,便放她离开。 Sends exquisite, Mu You returns to the pet shop. 打发走玲珑,沐游回到宠物店。 This moment two clone also to get out of bed, started the respective work. 此刻两个分身也都已经起床,开始了各自的工作。 Mu You watched the next two clone situations in turn. 沐游依次关注了下两个分身的情况。 That side medicine picker, has ridden the double headed dragon to rush to legendary now ‚the Lochmaddy big abyss, in the entire Astral Spirit Realm mainland is biggest, most mystical, is the most bad risk sinkhole mystical place. 采药人那边,如今已经骑乘双头龙赶到了传说中的‘洛赫马迪大深渊’,整个星灵界大陆上最大,最神秘,也是最凶险的一处天坑秘境。 If compares with dungeon Astral Spirit Realm each strategic place, then the big abyss belongs that kind of dungeon that absolutely presses the bottom. 如果将星灵界的各个险地比作副本的话,那么大深渊绝对属于压箱底的那一类副本 The general strategic place, a Lv. 20 above epic lifeform enough as closing bottom boss exists, but in the big abyss, said one many epic like the dog, the legend walks everywhere, a point is not overrated. 一般的险地,一个20级以上的史诗生物就已经足够作为关底boss存在,而在大深渊中,说一句‘史诗多如狗,传说遍地走’,一点不为过。 It is said until now, still no living person who was born in the surface, can explore the big abyss truly the bottom, or dares to dive the deep adventurer in the big abyss, all has not come back again. 据说至今为止,仍没有一个出生于地表的活人,能真正探索到大深渊的底部,或者说,敢在大深渊中下潜过深的冒险家,全都没有再回来。 This moment medicine picker also just arrived at shortly after the big abyss, in surface layer nearby familiar environment, not yet with enough time thorough. 此刻采药人也才刚刚到达大深渊不久,正在表层附近熟悉环境,尚未来得及深入。 medicine picker here Mu You is the comparison felt relieved that although is the go it alone, but he in the bitter and astringent garden that in 4000, will then place in the dark hole to work and live for a long time, has been used to the sheer precipice, opening up wasteland of this type of abyss terrain, instead was equivalent to the comfortable circle to him. 采药人这边沐游是比较放心的,虽然是单独行动,但他在苦涩花园那四千年里,便长期身处暗窟中工作和生活,早就习惯了悬崖峭壁,这种深渊地形的开荒,对他来说反而相当于进了舒适圈。 Mu You looked at the Nightwatcher situation. 沐游又去看了眼打更人的情况。 Nightwatcher, one line of five people had then arrived at the capital city in Fatima empire yesterday, camouflages a group foot rich merchant and convoy guard, after going to the secret spell church to register, five people obtained the membership requirements smoothly. 打更人这边,一行五人昨日便已经到达了法蒂玛帝国的都城,伪装成一个行脚富商及其护卫队,去秘术教会报名后,五人都顺利获得了入会资格。 Here membership requirements actually have no threshold, will mainly be at least one magic, showed that will have mana in the body, will then hand over 50 years of life span production cost then. 这里的入会资格其实没什么门槛,主要就是要会至少一个魔法,证明有魔力在身,然后再交50年寿命的‘工本费’即可。 Regarding wizard, only 50 years naturally are not anything, but this money goes in also can only work as to teach the numerous ordinary, needs to start from the lowest level, accepts the canon doctrine and other basic training, or called brainwashing more appropriate. 对于魔法师来说,区区50年自然不算什么,不过这点钱进去也只能当个普通教众,需要从最底层开始,接受教规教义等基本培训,或者叫‘洗脑’更合适。 Naturally, if can deliver several thousand over ten thousand years of entrance fees one time, just entered can start from a quite high position. 当然,如果能一次上交数千上万年的入会费,刚进会就能从一个比较高的地位开始。 Nightwatcher is this situation, depends filthy rich, what he acts is in five people only rich merchant character, will just see manager of church, then pounded 10,000 years of life span in the past, is supplied by the opposite party respectful working as donor immediately, first day will enter then to enjoy various distinguished guest treatments. 打更人便是这种情况,仗着财大气粗,他扮演的正是五人中唯一的富商角色,刚将见到教会的负责人,便砸了一万年寿命过去,立即被对方毕恭毕敬的当金主供了起来,第一天进会便享受到了各种贵宾待遇。 Has to acknowledge, the cash recharge player experiences is happy, is a cut above others everywhere.” Nightwatcher is sighing with emotion. “不得不承认,氪金玩家体验就是爽啊,处处高人一等。”打更人感慨着。 Said properly, harvests how?” Mu You asked. “说正经的,收获怎么样?”沐游问。 Nightwatcher spends so much money, naturally to not install a wave of earth rich person specially, mainly to eavesdrop on information, his present status, obviously are much more than message sources of others. 打更人砸这么多钱,当然不是为了专门去装一波土大款,主要还是为了探听情报,他现在的身份,明显比其他人的情报来源多得多。 This group of people astute very much, these lower-level teaches the numerous ordinary is the numerous plan with the cannon fodder, will not make them contact the true black magic knowledge, the true black magic society personnel simply have not made an appearance, is the pictures of cakes speaking.” “这伙人精明的很,那些下层普通教众就是众筹用的炮灰,根本不会让他们接触到真正的黑魔法知识,真正的黑魔法同好会人员也根本没露面,全是画饼宣讲。” Helpless Nightwatcher said: Our donors good, to say yesterday father the person comes, looks to seem like a full member, conducted black magic to perform to us, later gave back to us to take a black magic teaching class, what taught was most foundation Lesser Fireball.” 打更人无奈道:“我们金主这边好一点,昨天一个自称‘神父’的人现身,看着像是个正式成员,给我们进行了一番黑魔法表演,随后还给我们上了一节黑魔法教学课,教的是最基础的‘小火球术’。” „? What taught is the real thing?” Mu You slightly feels the surprise. “哦?教的是真东西?”沐游略感诧异。 Yes, indeed is the small fireball of black magic version, these black magic that person demonstrates, is real.” Nightwatcher nods. “是的,的确是黑魔法版的小火球,那人演示的那些黑魔法,也都货真价实。”打更人点头。 Makes you study black magic directly, did not fear that has an accident?” Mu You is somewhat strange, black magic has the failure rate, particularly just started to study, not skilled time, the failure rate of release is very high, once is defeated, will be in a state of out-of-control, until turning into monster. “直接让你们学黑魔法,就不怕出事?”沐游有些奇怪,黑魔法可是有失败率的,尤其是刚开始学习,不熟练的时候,释放的失败率很高,而一旦失败,就会陷入失控状态,直至变成怪物。 This key!” “这就是重点了!” Nightwatcher said dignifiedly: Yesterday taught time, some indeed many people released the black magic mistake, entered the out of control condition, but was rescued by that father finally.” 打更人凝重道:“昨天授课的时候,的确有不少人释放黑魔法失误,进入失控状态,不过最后都被那个神父救了回来。” „? How to rescue?” Mu You stares. At present he knows, thing that can reverse the out of control condition, only then three types ; first, sweet potion, this potion is they invents, the demand specific material, the formula grasps in own hand, the bystander has almost not possibly obtained. Second, Secret Spell Crystal, but Secret Spell Crystal can only straighten out own natural mana, is unable to rescue others, then finally can absorb the dense/woods spirit core of black magic pollution naturally. “哦?怎么救的?”沐游一愣。目前他所知道,能够逆转失控状态的东西,只有三种,一是甘甜药剂,这药水是他们自己发明的,需求特定材料,配方更是掌握在自己手中,外人几乎没可能得到。二是秘术结晶,不过秘术结晶只能理顺自身的自然魔力,无法救助别人,最后则是可以天然吸收黑魔法污染的森灵核心。 That person wears a black glove, the person who both hands place out-of-control, the black mana riot then subsided quickly, has conceals as for the concrete that glove in anything, I do not know. But I estimated that possibly is the heart of dense/woods spirit.” Nightwatcher lets go. “那人戴着一副黑手套,双手放在失控的人身上,黑魔力暴乱很快便平息了,至于具体那手套里有没有藏着什么,我就不知道了。但我估计可能是森灵之心。”打更人摊手。 Was difficult to be inadequate these fellows also and dense/woods achieved the cooperation spirit?” Mu You knits the brows to think. “难不成这些家伙也和森灵达成了合作?”沐游皱眉心想。 He obtained that dense/woods spirit core initially , because has Vivian to be a guarantor , ensure he will purify at least 10 pollution in one year, showed that he has the ability of help dense/woods spirit cleaning up pollution. 他当初获得那颗森灵核心,是因为有薇薇安作保,保证他会在一年内净化至少十的污染,证明他有帮助森灵清理污染的能力。 But the people of these black magic societies, if really studied the Secret Spell Crystal substitute, they indeed also had the ability of purification dense/woods spirit core, if they convinced some dense/woods spirit, obtained the core of opposite party, pouring was not too strange. 而这些黑魔法同好会的人,如果真研究出了秘术结晶的替代品,那他们的确也有了净化森灵核心的能力,如果他们借此说服某位森灵,得到对方的核心,倒也不算太奇怪。 Continues to investigate.” Mu You said toward Nightwatcher. The information that at present has are too few , can only give this order. “继续调查吧。”沐游打更人说。目前掌握的信息太少,也只能给出这个命令。 Three clone to invest in oneself matter, Mu You instead was idle, now or during the daytime, is still continuing by martial law in city, his character can only temporarily on afk. 三个分身都投入了自己的事情中,沐游这边却反而无所事事了,现在还是白天,以诺之城里的戒严还在继续,他的人物暂时只能挂机。 The Mu You winding, lands the forum simply, glanced over a recent hot copy. 沐游索性下线,登陆论坛,浏览了一下最近的热门新闻。 Now occupies the forum first place, is the propaganda posts of several city Lord respectively issues. With the first batch of idol investment manufactures, belief contests between the gods, have faintly the trend of beginning. 如今盘踞论坛榜首的,是几位城主分别发布的宣传贴。随着第一批神像投入制造,众神明之间的信仰争夺战,隐隐已经有了拉开序幕的趋势。 Various believers in the propaganda of going all out from the household god are powerful, easy-to-use, matching combinations among various god techniques, was excavated by wisdom one by one of people, looks at the person to be dazzled. 各家的信仰者都在卖力的宣传自家神系有多强大,有多好用,各种神术之间的搭配组合,也被群众的智慧一一发掘了出来,看得人眼花缭乱。 The order is here, Mu You oneself have not posted any post, actually daybreak city players, what is spontaneous was the god of order drums up support to propagandize, the imposing manner did not lose in the players of other god departments completely. 秩序系这边,沐游本人并没有发任何贴子,倒是手下的黎明城玩家们,自发的为秩序之神造势宣传了起来,气势完全不输于其他神系的玩家。 This aspect Mu You does not worry, no matter what in these posts blows again give an exaggerated account of things, compares is not worth mentioning with the actual score. 这方面沐游却是一点也不着急,任这些贴子中吹得再天花乱坠,和实际战绩比起来也根本不值一提。 Before that war of his 1 V 5 giant, had fully explained that the strength of god of order, may compared with online send several advertisement convincing many. 之前他1V5巨人的那一战,已经足以说明秩序之神的实力,可比在网上发几个广告有说服力的多。 After neglecting these beliefs competed to paste, Mu You noticed another hot post of home page quickly. 在忽略了这些信仰争夺贴后,沐游很快注意到了首页的另一个热贴。 «Shock! Terrain truth of tower of exit|to speak formidable 《震惊!勇者之塔出口的地形真相!》 The title of this type of shocking party, in the forum every day must produce tens of thousands posts, players already desensitization, but this post can absorb to over ten thousand replies unexpectedly, should a little real thing. 这种震惊党的标题,论坛中每天要生产几万贴,玩家们早就脱敏了,而这个贴子居然能吸收到上万条回复,应该有点真东西。 The Mu You point goes in looked, really the first few words made him have the interest. 沐游点进去一看,果然第一句话就让他产生了兴趣。 Lasted 3 days 11 hours, completes to circle island finally, the end point is the beginning, confirmed thoroughly we in the place of birth of giant world, is an isolated island......” “历时3天11小时,终于完成绕岛一圈,终点即是起点,彻底证实了我们在巨人世界的出生地,是一座孤岛……” This saying present age Magellan the player, said in just the tower of entry formidable, entered the giant world the time, once suspected that here was an isolated island, has been trying the rotary island to detour, proves his guess. 这位自称‘当代麦哲伦’的玩家,说是在刚通关勇者之塔,进入巨人世界的时候,就曾怀疑这里是一座孤岛,一直在尝试着环岛绕行,来证明他的猜测。 Before because of the influence of tsunami, the players died frequently, is unable to go out is too far, to several days before, the water equipment closed down by Mu You, the tsunami time significantly lengthened, this gave the opposite party the opportunity of long-distance exploration. 之前因为海啸的影响,玩家们频繁死亡,始终无法走出太远,一直到前几天,储水装置被沐游关停,海啸时间大大延长,这才给了对方远程探索的机会。 But this morning, pasted the coastal edge to explore three -and-a-half days of him, finally returned to the initial beginning. 而就在今天早上,贴着海岸边缘探索了三天半的他,终于回到了最初的起点。 Under also has the handpainted map that this player pastes, although is quite rough, but the overall can very obvious seeing, the terrain of this island look like one donut, inside is sealing a circular lake, the surrounding is a ring shape land, does not see the sea of boundary again outward. 下方还有这名玩家贴出的手绘地图,虽然比较粗糙,但总体可以很明显的看出,这座岛的地形像极了一块‘甜甜圈’,内里封存着一片圆形湖泊,外围是一圈圆环状的陆地,再往外则是不见边际的大海。 As for the sea, has many players to attempt to go to sea for these days the exploration, but all including several hundred meters not to have the roaming to go out, was swallowed by various sea monsters. 至于外界的海洋,这几天也已经有不少玩家尝试过出海探索,但全都连几百米都没游出去,就被各种海洋怪物吞掉了。 Therefore this player draws the conclusion finally: They were stranded on an isolated island, in situation that is unable to go to sea, does not have any way of outward exploration. 所以这名玩家最后得出结论:他们被困在了一座孤岛上,在无法出海的情况下,没有任何朝外探索的路径。 „? Can we by dire straits on the island?” “啊?那我们岂不是要被困死在岛上了?” In dire straits on dire straits, was at least safe, we cannot go out, these bewildered lifeform cannot threaten us.” “困死就困死吧,至少也安全了,我们出不去,外界那些莫名其妙的生物也威胁不到我们。” What meaning but does this have? Can be stranded in the new village forever? I want to go out to explore many recent maps......” “可这还有什么意思?难道要永远困在新手村里?我想出去探索更多新地图啊……” „To go out is not simple, turn head follows several day empty city flying wasn’t enough?” “想出去还不简单,回头跟着几座天空城飞天不就行了?” ...... …… Under the post is similar discussion, obviously the players have tacitly approved the exit|to speak are the conclusions of isolated island. 贴子下方全是类似的讨论,显然玩家们都已经默认出口是孤岛的结论。 However Mu You actually knows, here is not the real isolated island, this place actually has the exit|to speak, exit|to speak in central lake bottom, but was being defended by a big octopus, once some lifeform want to leave through the exit|to speak of seabed, that only will be big octopus acting crazy violent to walk. 不过沐游却知道,这里并不是真的孤岛,这地方其实是有出口的,出口就在中心的湖底,只不过被一只大章鱼守着,一旦有生物想通过海底的出口离开,那只大章鱼就会发飙暴走。 Looked at the post, Mu You hesitated the moment, summoned the lamp god, consults situation that a server exported. 看完贴子,沐游沉吟了片刻,将灯神召唤出来,咨询了一下服务器出口的情况。 He thinks that the lamp god as one of the gods, definitely knows the place situation that the server is , the lamp god's reply makes him be unexpected finally. 他本以为灯神作为众神之一,肯定知道服务器所在的地点情况,结果灯神的回答却让他始料未及。 Server exit|to speak? How this I possibly know, this is top-secret!” “服务器出口?这我怎么可能知道,这是绝密啊!” The lamp god shakes the head saying: Real world region is vast, vast such as smoke sea, the place that has not verified were many went, but several reloation sites of servers, was only run by several big leader level gods, to keep secret, was placed in the place of the world certainly danger it is said that preventing some people to sneak across Astral Spirit Realm in the unusual method, disturbed the proper operation of Astral Spirit Realm.” 灯神摇头道:“真实世界地域过于广阔,浩瀚如烟海,未探明的地方多了去了,而几个服务器的安置地点,也只由几大领袖级神明掌管,为了保密,据说都被安置在世界绝险之地,防止有人以非正常手段偷渡进星灵界,干扰星灵界的正常运作。” This......” “这样……” Mu You nods, then, outside the server was the place isolated island on the contrary fairly. 沐游点了点头,这么说来,服务器外头是座孤岛反倒合情合理了。 Also the giants on island are unable to contact its companion no wonder, by dire straits on island incessantly is they, this giant. 也难怪岛上的巨人无法联络到它的同伴,被困死在岛上的不止是它们,还有这个巨人。 Mu You was not clear how this giant arrived here initially, in brief, the lake bottom only exit|to speak is being wrested away by the big octopus now, this giant does not dare to provoke the opposite party, therefore can only be stranded year to year here, bit the god beast to break the relation with other thoroughly. 沐游不清楚这个巨人当初是怎么来到这里的,总之,现在湖底唯一的出口被大章鱼霸占着,这个巨人根本不敢招惹对方,于是只能常年被困在这里,和其他噬神兽彻底断了联系。 But knew the after truth of isolated island, Mu You remembered immediately buried that octopus that the artillery cut to break with the wind last week fully. 而得知了孤岛的真相后,沐游立即想起了上周用风葬炮斩下的那根章鱼断足。 In the explanation of this thing expressly wrote, eats this to break the full lifeform to leave behind the special smell, but the big octopus to having the lifeform of this smell, establishes the stable hatred, then perhaps they can murder with a borrowed knife, taking advantage of the mouth of big octopus, removes this giant. 这东西的说明中明确写了,吃掉这条断足的生物会留下特殊的气味,而大章鱼会对拥有这种气味的生物,建立起稳固的仇恨,那么或许他们可以借刀杀人,借大章鱼的口,除掉这个巨人。 The present issue is, how should make the giant break this voluntarily eats fully? 现在的问题在于,该如何让巨人自愿将这条断足吃掉? Before this giant to fear that the big octopus displays, if throws the octopus directly fully before it, it will definitely not bump...... 以这巨人之前对大章鱼表现出的害怕,如果直接将章鱼足丢在它面前,它肯定不会碰的…… Hesitated the moment, Mu You knocked the emperor in the forum. 沉吟了片刻,沐游在论坛中敲了敲天子。 Un? Has the matter?” The emperors reply quickly. “嗯?有事?”天子很快回复。 Before captured the wetland seductive woman time, what item did you use to attract the giant?” Mu You asked. “之前攻略湿地妖姬的时候,你用了什么道具吸引巨人?”沐游问。 Before coped with the wetland seductive woman, their two were responsible for the smooth giant, Mu You depends on the precise giant skeleton, attracted the giant repeatedly, but that side the emperor, does not know that with what method, can hold on the hatred of giant unexpectedly steadily. 之前对付湿地妖姬,他们两个负责溜巨人,沐游是靠着凝炼巨人骸骨,才将巨人频频引来,而天子那边,不知用了什么手段,居然也能稳稳拉住巨人的仇恨。 At that time related prompt in text, only then in air transmitted sweet fragrance, then the giant was attracted the past, this fragrance was the emperor does obviously. 当时文本中的相关提示,只有一句‘空气中传来一阵甘甜的香味’,然后巨人就被吸引了过去,这香味显然是天子搞出来的。 ’ The spice that is namednot sleeps the plant makes, not actually use, but its smell has the fatal attraction regarding the god clan.” “是一种名叫‘无寐子’的植物制成的香料,没有实际用处,但它的气味对于神族有着致命的吸引力。” „? Is this Astral Spirit Realm plant? Real world? Where in can get so far as?” Mu You recalled, even in the Vivian potion plant comprehensive work, has not mentioned the plant of this name. “哦?这是星灵界的植物?还是真实世界的?在哪能弄到?”沐游回忆了一下,即便在薇薇安魔药植物大全中,也没有提及这种名字的植物。 Emperors but actually also natural, had not asked that the Mu You goal, told him directly the truth: With place irrelevant, this flower is quite special, only has the probability born in the nearby of authority stone, once the authority stone were shifted, this flower will also wither quickly.” 天子倒也大方,没问沐游的目的,直接告诉了他实情:“和地方无关,这种花比较特殊,只在权柄石的附近才有几率诞生,而一旦权柄石被转移,这种花也会很快枯萎。” Lawful right stone?” “权柄石?” Yes, therefore this flower was often also treated as to seek for the authority stone the clue, if discovered the trail of this flowers in some place, then the nearby likely has the natural authority stone to exist.” “是的,所以这种花往往也被当作寻找权柄石的线索,如果在某个地方发现了这种花朵的踪迹,那么附近很可能有天然的权柄石存在。” Still remembers my authority stone? Before that authority stone, year to year was hidden in my family's home, therefore nearby my family home will present one not to sleep once for a while, whenever appears, will be picked by all previous ancestor, makes the pollen to preserve.” The emperors are explaining. “还记得我的那块权柄石吗?那块权柄石之前常年被隐藏在我家族的祖宅中,所以我家祖宅附近时不时就会出现一株无寐子,每当出现,就会被历代祖先采摘下来,做成花粉保存起来。”天子解释着。 „Does that this spice have the inventory?” Mu You is busy at asking. “那这香料还有存货吗?”沐游忙问。 „, What's wrong?” The emperors then asked the Mu You purpose in coming. “还有一些,怎么?”天子这才问起沐游的来意。 I have a plan, could cooperate, killing in the island that only nine star giants......” the opposite party is so honest, Mu You has not naturally concealed, related in detail own plan with him. “我有个计划,或许可以合作一下,干掉岛上那只九星巨人……”对方这么坦诚,沐游自然也没有隐瞒,和他详述了自己的打算。 Good plan, can try.” After the emperors listen, quick agreement. “不错的计划,可以一试。”天子听后很快同意。 Is only such a, the body of giant may be eaten by the octopus, perhaps we cannot attain the spoils of war......” “只是这么一来,巨人的尸体有可能被章鱼吃掉,我们恐怕拿不到战利品……” This but actually not necessarily, that octopus, if the recipes include the god clan, so many years later, that giant should be swallowed by the octopus early, perhaps this octopus is only a vegetarian......” “这倒未必,那章鱼如果食谱包括神族的话,这么多年下来,那只巨人早该被章鱼吞掉了,说不定这章鱼只吃素呢……” In brief, if retained the body of giant finally luck, you took the god bone, I wanted the god blood.” Mu You said own demand ahead of time. “总之,如果最后幸运保留下了巨人的尸体,你拿神骨,我要神血。”沐游提前说了自己的需求。 To the common player, the god bone is actually more precious than the god blood, turns on the god skin after all, only needs a drop of god blood, then continues actually needs many god's bones to promote god's skin. 对一般玩家来说,神骨其实比神血珍贵一些,毕竟开启神皮,只需要一滴神血,而后续却需要很多根神之骨来晋升神之皮肤。 However Mu You ambition loftier, what he pursues is the god bone of belt/bring authority, is not interested in the ordinary god bone. 不过沐游志向更高远一些,他追求的是带权柄的神骨,对普通神骨不怎么感兴趣。 On the contrary is god's blood, after obtaining the blood god inherits, god's blood will become him from now on thing of the keen demand. 反倒是神之血,在获得血神传承后,神之血将成为他今后大量需求之物。 Actually if can strike to kill the giant smoothly, can attain the spoils of war next, was mainly Mu You remembered the transmission black hole of lake bottom, this is they leads to the only way out. 其实如果能顺利击杀巨人,能不能拿到战利品还是其次,主要是沐游想起了湖底的传送黑洞,这是他们目前通往外界的唯一出路。 Originally has the big octopus to defend, they are unable to approach absolutely, time that but this time, or can hits while the big octopus and giant, seizes the chance to arrange a group of people to launch, across the black hole, goes to outside world to continue to open up wasteland. 本来有大章鱼守着,他们是绝对无法靠近的,但这次,或者可以趁着大章鱼和巨人打起来的时候,趁机安排一批人下水,穿过黑洞,去外面的世界继续开荒。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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