Chapter 541gold medalmaster
第541章金牌相师In the sarcophagusis hiding the divine tool?
石棺里藏着神器?Mu Youknits the brows.沐游皱眉。
A head that initiallythis/shouldhiddenonlyremainedran away, runs into the sceneto seek asylum, alwaysnot possibleanythingnot to have the belt/bring, ifthissarcophagus were really this/shouldhiddenwere once usedto hide the vessel of head, thing that thenitbrought, likely onconcealsininside. Thereforelogically, saidinthissarcophagusto have the divine tool, is not impossible.
当初该隐仅剩的一颗头颅逃走,逃进场景中避难,总不可能什么都没带,这石棺如果真是曾经该隐用来隐藏头颅的容器,那它带回来的东西,很可能就藏在里面。所以从逻辑上,说这石棺里有神器,并非不可能。Just, thissayingwas saidby the opposite partypersonally, somefishy.
Can divine toolwell, whymakehimknow? Thishidden is so natural, does the divine tooldareto see somebody offcasually?
好好的神器,为什么要让他知道?难道该隐真有这么大方,神器都敢随便送人?Mu YourememberedKaterina'sfinalwarningat this time, said that thisworldwill have a type of thingto misleadhim, makinghisfinaltimeprobablydefend the conscienceten million/countless, should not be misledbythisthing.沐游这时想起了卡特琳娜的最后的警告,说这个世界会有种东西蛊惑他,让他最后时刻千万要守住本心,不要被这东西蛊惑。Butnow, the painted eggshellinformation of manager, without doubtisnakedmisleading, misledhimto find the sarcophagus, opened the coffinto take awayinsidething.
而现在,管理员的这句彩蛋情报,无疑就是一种赤裸裸的蛊惑,蛊惑他去找到石棺,开棺拿走里面的东西。Mu Youalsohas toacknowledge, even ifheknowsinthatsarcophaguspossiblyto have the trick, butfacing a seduction of divine tool, he is also very difficultto be aloof.沐游也不得不承认,哪怕他知道那石棺里面可能有猫腻,但面对一件神器的诱惑,他也很难无动于衷。
The hesitationmoment, Mu Youshakes the head.
The matter of sarcophagusfirstputs, at presentwhatis most importantwasin the gamejustpresentedthenews that.
The doctor in advertisement, obviouslyisordinaryhuman, thispersonas ifdiscovered the trail that the vampirehas, wantsto exposeexistence of vampireto the average personunexpectedly!
广告中的博士,显然是个普通人类,这人似乎发现了吸血鬼存在的踪迹,居然想要向普通人揭露吸血鬼的存在!However, the opposite partydares such frank and uprightpropaganda, to receive the strictprotectionmostly.
不过,对方敢这么光明正大的宣传,多半已经受到了严密的保护。Tomorrow eveningmuseum, the goneaverage person and securityfeared that will not be few, if the vampireswantto movethisperson, means that mustexpose itself.
明晚的博物馆,去的普通人和安保力量怕是不会少,吸血鬼们如果想动这人,就意味着必须暴露自己。Whatis more important, even ifthatsarcophagusheis not interested, othervampireswill still certainly act, becausemanyvampiresare believinginsideis depositingthis/shouldhiddencorpse, so long asobtainsit, anyvampirecanbecome the king of thiscitytruevampire.
更重要的是,那石棺就算他不感兴趣,其他吸血鬼也一定会出手,因为很多吸血鬼坚信着里面存放着该隐的尸体,只要得到它,任何吸血鬼都可以成为这座城市真正的吸血鬼之王。No matterthisinformation is really false, gets sucked into the powervortexregarding these vampires, has the fatalattraction. As you might guess, tomorrow eveningin view ofcompetition of sarcophagus, will definitely launchonecompared with a tonight'smore frigidfight.
这种情报不管是真是假,对于那些深陷权力漩涡的吸血鬼们,都有着致命的诱惑力。可以想见,明晚针对石棺的争夺,必然会展开一场比今晚更加惨烈的战斗。Alsobecause of the appearance of thisnews, Mu Youestimatedthat side the factoryfight to finishnow.
The low levelvampireconsumption of both sidesinfluencealmost , the remaininghighervampires have to draw backintent, but the appearance of thisnews, happen togaveboth sides an appropriatestair.
双方势力的低级吸血鬼消耗的差不多后,剩下的高等吸血鬼本来也都已经心生退意,而这条新闻的出现,正好给了双方一个合适的台阶。Seesnearby the street, are been getting more and more by the crowd that the advertisementattracts, Mu Youleft the scenepromptly, retraced the factoryto look at the eyequietly.
眼看着街道附近,被广告吸引来的人群越来越多,沐游及时离开了现场,又悄悄绕回工厂看了眼。【Youappearnear the meatprocessing factory.】
【你出现在肉食加工厂附近。】【Youhidein the shadow, faces forwardto look around, seesin the frontfactoryto be bustling and filled with people, the ray of flashlightflieseverywherehorizontally.】
【你藏身于阴影中,朝前张望,就见前方工厂中人头攒动,手电筒的光芒四处横飞。】【Large number ofpolice vehiclesstaynear the factory, peripheralhas pulled up the longwarning linealong the factory, dozenspolicemenpull the police dogto searchin the factory.】
【大量警车停留在工厂附近,沿着工厂周边已经拉起了漫长的警戒线,数十名警察牵着警犬正在工厂中搜索。】【Youstartedultrafeeling, buthad not felt that infactoryexistence of anyvampire, the groundhas not left behindcorpse, onlyremainspool of bloodeverywhere, confirmedherehad indeed had a frigidbloody battlea moment ago......】
果然撤退了!Even the local policealarmed, thattonightis definitely impossibleto hitagain.
甚至连当地警察都惊动了,那今晚肯定不可能再打起来。Mu Youcontrolled the characterto leave the scene, returned tonearby the apartmentto look at the eye, buthas not gone indirectly.沐游操控人物离开了现场,又回到公寓附近看了眼,不过没直接进去。
Before Mu Youunscrupulous, a persontook awayso manyblood groupcorpses, will definitely bear a grudgeby the two sidespeople.沐游之前肆无忌惮,一人收走了那么多血族尸体,肯定会被两边的人记恨。At that timeno oneaskedhimto trouble, wasbecause the two sidesare in the war, leaptdoes not act, buttwo sides the present the influencehas ceased all activities, the hatred that beforeheattracted, must be criticized.
那时没人找他麻烦,是因为两边正处于大战中,腾不出手,而现在两边势力已经偃旗息鼓,之前他吸引到的仇恨,肯定要被清算了。Finallyis also as expected, Mu Youambushed the momentoutside, in the gamepops up the promptsuddenly.
结果也不出所料,沐游在外潜伏了片刻,游戏中忽然弹出提示。【yousaw that in the frontLishuiapartmentbravesblack smokesuddenly, a buildingwas coveredbyflamingflamequickly, lots ofmen and womencall out in alarmare escaping fromapartment......】
【伱看到前方丽水公寓中忽然冒起黑烟,其中一栋楼房很快被熊熊火光笼罩,大量男女惊叫着逃出公寓……】【Youidentifycarefully, source of fire, as ifyourroom......】
The textdoes not have the promptto discoverothervampires, butthisdefinitelyis the vampire of somesidedoes, it is estimated thatissquatshimquite a whileto discover that cannot squat the person, then the direct firinghisdwellinggave vent to indignation.
文本没提示发现其他吸血鬼,但这肯定是某一方的吸血鬼干的,估计是蹲守他半天发现蹲守不到人,便直接烧了他的住处泄愤。Regarding thisMu Youis also indifferent, inthatfamily/homehas not saved any importantthingin any case.
对此沐游也无所谓,反正那家里也没存什么重要的东西。ThenMu Yousneaked in the sewer of city, found a safeplace, hid the character.
接下来沐游钻进了城市的下水道,找了个安全的地方,将人物隐藏了起来。Superiorthis of whole bloodlawmanifested, variousenvironmentcanadapt, the bloodlaws of severalabnormalityused, characterthenintegrated the undergroundlabyrinthgeneralenvironmentperfectly, in additioncovering up of sewersmell, othervampireswantto findhimwith an evening, was basically impossible.
After placing the goodcharacter, Mu Youthenwindingrest.
安置好人物后,沐游这才下线休息。Next morning, Mu Youregisters the gameagain.
第二天一早,沐游再次登录游戏。Originallyhisplan, isusetodaytime, huntsagainseveral3generations of vampires, strivesto promote the algebrato3generationsdirectly, laterhethencanhave room for maneuver, wantsto walkonlyneedsunder the clothing/takingJake'sthatdrop1generation of painstaking care , to promote 2generations, canleaveat any time. Cannot goas forevening'sopeningcoffinstream, allalong withhisintention.
本来他的打算,是利用今天白天的时间,再去狩猎几个三代吸血鬼,争取直接将代数晋升到三代,之后他便能进退自如,想走的时候只需服下杰克的那滴一代心血,晋升二代,便可随时离开。至于晚上的开棺直播去不去,全随他心意。What a pity, the dayfailsheto hope, onMu You the gamefound,shortonelatein the past, enters the martial statusby the city of todayunexpectedly.
可惜,天不遂他愿,沐游上了游戏才发现,短短一晚过去,今天以诺之城居然进入了戒严状态。【Youdrillfromwell shuttersomewhere, seesonstreetpedestrianvehiclesfew, only then an oftenpolice vehiclehowlsto roll by, police who crossroaddirection can also seeseveralpatrols, is fully-armed, inhandevencarriesis guarding against explosionsshield......】
【你从某处井盖下钻出,就见街道上行人车辆寥寥,只有不时的一辆警车呼啸驶过,路口方向还可以看到几个巡逻的警察,全都全副武装,手中甚至端着防爆盾牌……】【Youpassed by the newsstand of street, immediately that was placedby the newsstandin‚today'smorning paper’titleattraction.】
【你路过街边的一处报亭,立即被报亭中摆放的一张‘今日晨报’的标题吸引。】【„Reactionary gangfighting? Does the vampirefactionstruggle?” The newspaperhome page, the banner headlinecomes clearly into view, underalsohas a secondarybloodypicture, wasthatfactory of yesterday'snight, in the picturewas demonstratingseveral that the factorydeep placefound‚bloodvat’, insidestoragefilled the blood......】
The Mu Youspeed reading this report, the general idea/careless the policereceivedreporting of sound of gunfirein other wordsyesterday, goingexamine, althoughhad not foundanycorpse, butactuallyfound the trace of vampirelifein the factory, thisfactoryonoutwardlyis the meatprocessing factory, in fact is actually a storagebloodfactory.沐游快速阅读了一下这篇报道,大意就是说昨天警方接到枪声的报案,前去现场查看,虽然没有找到任何尸体,但却在工厂中找到了吸血鬼生活的痕迹,这座工厂明面上是肉食加工厂,实际上却是一座储血工厂。
The thing and groundacquiredhair and the bloodfactory, had been collected, belt/bringgoing backmakes the expertstudy.
工厂的东西以及地上采集到的毛发和血液,已经被收集起来,带回去让专家研究。Althoughhas not obtained the result, butlast nightopeningcoffinadvertisement, as well astoday'spolicemartial law, enoughhas been telling: The humanleadership in thiscity, had possibly confirmedexistence of vampiresupernaturallifeform!
The vampiresare always familiar with be called‚vampire’by the city, humanin their eyesby‚domestic animal that’theyrear in a pen.
吸血鬼们总是习惯将以诺之城称为‘吸血鬼之都’,人类在他们眼里都是被他们圈养的‘家畜’。Thisconceptpopularis too long, the vampires of manynew generationforgot, whoisthiscityactualmaster, as well aswhytheymustset up‚shunning the world’initiallyiron rule.
The blood groupis seemingly powerful, because the weaknessis prominent, as well aspopulation problem, reallytoshouldering, possiblyis not the opponent of human, saidcoarse, theyare onlyonecrowd of parasites that was separated fromhumanongoing on living, were publicized the result, being doomed the developmentwill be‚will hunt for the witchto act’, humanwill not allow such a typeto be approximatewiththem, will actually takethemto existas the lifeform of food.
血族看似强大,但因为弱点过于突出,以及人口问题,真的对扛起来,不可能是人类的对手,说得难听点,它们只是一群脱离了人类就活不下去的寄生虫而已,被公开存在的结果,注定将发展为一场‘猎巫行动’,人类不会允许这样一种和他们近似,却又以他们为食的生物存在。It can be said that starting today, inthiscity the partisan struggle between vampires, will soon transforminto the racist contradiction between blood groupandhuman.
可以说,从今天开始,这座城市中吸血鬼之间的党派斗争,将很快转变为血族和人类之间的种族矛盾。Mu Youhelplessshaking the head, was huntedhenot to fearbyhumanactually,hecan the normal lifein any caseunder the sunlight, canintegrateinlocalhumanperfectly, no onecandiscoverhisstatus.沐游无奈的摇了摇头,被人类狩猎他倒是不怕,反正他能在阳光下正常生活,可以完美融入到当地人类中,没人能发现他的身份。
The issueis, such a noisy, othervampirestoavoidhuman, at this momentdefinitelydeephidden, evendirecthiddenenters the submersiondormancyto have the possibility, in a short timewill not crop up, butthiswill also cause the hunting of Mu You is also suspended.
“只能等今晚了么……”Mu Yousighed, the blood groupcollectiveentered the concealmentpattern, the tonight'smuseumexposition, will certainly have the blood group unable to endure the seduction of sarcophagusto go, moreover a higher-levelblood group, morewas attractedby the sarcophaguseasily.沐游叹息,血族集体进入隐匿模式,不过今晚的博物馆展览会,一定会有血族忍受不住石棺的诱惑前往,而且越高级的血族,越容易被石棺吸引。Thenwantsto hunt3generations of vampires, tonightwas the lastchance.
那么想狩猎三代吸血鬼,今晚就是最后的机会了。During the daytimehas nothing to do, the Mu Youtemporarywinding, went outsolved a breakfast.
白天无事可做,沐游暂时下线,出门解决了一下早饭。„Drops the drop......”
“滴滴……”Mu Youis eating the steamed stuffed bun, in the cell phoneis popping up the private letterpromptsuddenly, butis not the information in game, butisFool Forum.沐游正啃着包子,手机中忽然弹出私信提示,不过不是游戏中的信息,而是愚者论坛。Mu Youopenslooked, the discoveryisninesends inquiet.沐游打开一看,发现是九幽发来的。„Biggod, has the players in Americasto look foryou......”
“大神,有位美洲的玩家找你……”„Americas?”Mu Youstares.
“美洲?”沐游一愣。„This morning an AmericanplayerrelatedDragon Team, said that has the importantmatterto look foryou, butis unable to increaseyourgood friend, can only firstcontact withme, askingmeto rephrase in own words.”Ninesaidquiet,sendsIDcalled‚justinspector’playerbusiness card.
“探长……”Mu Youselects the eyebrow, when thisID, in addition the status of Americanplayer, remindinghimimmediatelyofcouple days agowent to the Americasto inspectthatboybody, thatlocalinspector.沐游一挑眉,这个ID,再加上美洲玩家的身份,让他立即想起了前几天去美洲检查那具男孩尸体时,遇到的那位当地探长。„Isthatcorpsehas problems?”Mu Youis thinking, applied for the good friend of thisplayerconveniently.
The applicationpassesquickly, the opposite partyalsosent in the newsimmediately.
申请很快通过,对方也立即发来了消息。„Biggod, IamXXcities, couple days agoyouhad seenthat......” the opposite partyfirstexplainedownstatus, is really the sheriff who that daysaw.
“大神,我是XX市,前几天你见过的那个……”对方首先说明了自己的身份,果然是那天见到的警长。„Has an accident?”Mu Youasked.
“出了什么事?”沐游问。„Isthis, beforeyouhave come to see does the body of thatyoungsterstillremember? Now the head of thiscorpse...... threw......” the opposite partyto reply.
“丢了?”„Yes, shouldshortly afteryouwalkedon that day, in briefnext day, wediscovered that the head of corpsedisappears. At firstwethink that somepeoplerob the corpse, butleafed through the monitoring, evenresorted tosomemagicmethods, had not foundanysuspect...... thishead, seems like itselfto run away......”
The justinspectoris replying: „The abovemeaningis first pressing, whenverifiedthen said that butIam thinking the biggodyouas ifpays attention tothiscorpsevery much, had/leftthismatter, Iam thinkingshouldsayonewithyou......”
正义探长回复着:“上面的意思是先压着,等查明了再说,但我想着大神你似乎很关注这具尸体,出了这种事,我想着应该和您说一声……”„Good, Iknew, thankyourinforms......”
After Mu Youthankedone, closedprivatechatted, immediatelyalsofrowns.沐游感谢了一番后,关闭了私聊,随即也不由皱起眉头。Judgedfrom the tone,thispersonshouldnot lie.
从语气上判断,这人应该没有说谎。Ifothercorpseparthad problemseven, butwas the headdisappears...... mustknow,shouldappear intermittentlyis remaining a head, thismadehimassociateto a fearfulpossibility: Difficultto be inadequate, is thathead of vanishing into thin air, this/shouldhiddenhead?
Did thisfellowtaking advantage of the status of thatyoungster, mix inEarth? Does itwantto do?
这家伙借着那少年的身份,混入了地球?它想干嘛?If the opposite partyreallyhas the headtransformsforanybody'sability, thencurrentlyonEarth everyone, may bethis/shouldrecesstheoretically......
如果对方真的拥有将头颅幻化为任何人的能力,那么理论上现在地球上每一个人,都有可能是该隐所化啊……Is goodbecause, nowonly then a headthehidden, shouldbenothingthreatens, so long aswere discovered the status, the slightlystrongplayer, has the abilityto overpowerhim.
好在,现在只有一颗头颅的该隐,应该是没有什么威胁的,只要被发现了身份,稍微强一些的玩家,都有能力将他制服。Moreover, Earthdoes not wantto come to come, by the seal the supernatural power, onlyremained a headthehidden, wantedto movehere, neededmassivepower servicesinevitably.
If before, Mu You was unable to understand the origin of energy, butnow, after grasping the completebloodlaw, from the combinationeffects of somespecialbloodlaws, is not difficultto guess correctly the actionpattern of opposite party.
如果是之前,沐游还无法理解能量的来源,但现在,掌握了全部血律后,从一些特殊血律的组合效果,并不难猜到对方的行动模式。Mu Youis thinking, suddenlyhearsfrontonea babel of voices.沐游正思索着,忽然听到前方一阵人声鼎沸。Looks up, sees the frontstreetend, some large crowdgather, seems surroundinganything.
抬头看去,就见前方街道尽头,正有大量人群聚集,似乎在围观什么。Butat this timearoundhimalso many pedestrians, mutuallychitchatting, hurriedlyrushestoward the place of distant placecrowd collect, for fear thatslowpersononestep.
而此时他周围也有不少行人,互相攀谈着,急匆匆的朝远处人群聚集的地方奔去,生怕慢人一步。Mu Youpaid attentionto listen to a downwardperson of dialogue, knew the situationquickly.沐游注意听了一下行人的对话,很快了解了情况。Originallywasthese daysK Cityhad/leftone‚gold medalmaster’, it is said the side of divinationwas accurate, over the two dayshasmanypeopletaking advantage ofthisdivinermouth, orturned bad luck into good, eitherran upon the marriage affinity, eithergets rich, so long asin briefhad been practiced divinationby the opposite party the person, more or lesshad the harvest, inK Citylocalnetworkalreadyflame.
原来是这几天K市出了一位‘金牌相师’,据说占卜的极准,这两天已经有不少人借这名占卜师的口,或逢凶化吉,或撞上姻缘,或发了小财,总之只要被对方占卜过的人,或多或少都有收获,在K市当地网络上已经小火了一把。Knew the situation, Mu Youalsomanifested suddenlycuriously, walksto watch the fun.
了解了情况,沐游也不由好奇发作,走过去看了看热闹。Arrives at the crowdsurrounding, Mu Youcatches the eyelooked,sees the crowdcenter, sitswheat flouryoung people, grasps the folding fan, wears the blackjacket, wears the dome, on the faceis hangingroundframesunglasses, the nearbyis also setting upright a streamerflag, submits a written statement: The gold medal the master, occupies the fortune and misfortune, the divinationmarriage affinity, measures the life and death, the iron gatebreaks, does not permitto undertake to pay compensation. Parentheses: Onlylimits the female, the maledetours.
来到人群外围,沐游抬眼一看,就见人群中心,坐着一个白面年轻人,手持折扇,身穿黑马褂,头戴圆顶帽,脸上挂着一副圆框墨镜,边上还竖着一杆幡旗,上书:金牌相师,占祸福,卜姻缘,测生死,铁口直断,不准包赔。括弧:仅限女性,男性绕道。Mu Youlookedthisstancealsoverylooks likethat a matter, finallywent forwardto look at the face of thatyoung peoplecarefully, the foreheadhung upseveralheavy linesimmediately: „Igo!”沐游本来看这架势还挺像那么回事,结果上前仔细一看那个年轻人的脸,额头立即就挂上了几道黑线:“我去!”Sitsanother side of the master, is a young girl, at this time the masteris grabbing a girl'shand, serioustried to find outinherhandback and forth.
The girlseemed like graspedwas very long, looked that the opposite partydid not speak, was somewhat restless, cannot bear the carefulopens the mouthinquiry: „That...... didn't the Grandmaster, have?”
女孩看起来已经被抓了挺久了,看对方迟迟不说话,有些坐立不安,忍不住小心的开口询问:“那个……大师,还没好吗?”„Anxiously, Iam observingyourlifestandardover the next dozens years...... the wordsto say the little missnot, yourrecentmildewtransports/fortunesaccording to the head, will soon suffersomeunexpected disasters......” the masterleisureopens the mouth.
“莫急,我正在观测你未来几十年的命格……话说小姑娘,你最近霉运照头,即将遭受一些飞来横祸啊……”相师慢悠悠的开口。„? What to do should that?”Girlhearswordis intenseimmediately.
“啊?那该怎么办?”女孩闻言顿时紧张起来。„Do not fear,you only need illuminatedoing that I said that thus and such and such, solike that......”
The mastermakes the girlput one's mouth close to another's ear, atherearwhisper.
相师让女孩附耳过来,在她耳边耳语了一番。Alsodoes not know that saidanything, in brief the girlquicklythencomplexionis red, thin, if the nod of houseflyun, said the sentencethanks the Grandmaster, thencovered the cheekto run off.
“下一位……呃……”Packs off the guest, the opens the mouthsummonnextguest of masterinstinct.
送走客人,相师本能的开口召唤下一个客人。However the wordsjustexported, suddenlystiff, setting out of maintaining composure, has embracednearbystreamerflag, holds the Fist Daotoward the people: „Todaydivination the fullmisswewill have met againtomorrow!”
The masterone breathsaidfast,does not needanybodyto respond, thendoes not returnturns aroundto depart, the footstepsare quick the remnantshadow, suddenlythenvanishesin the corner of street.
相师一口气快速说完,不待任何人反应过来,便头也不回的转身离去,脚步快出残影,眨眼便消失在街头的拐角。In the remotelane, the mastergrabs the streamerflagto be walkingin a hurry, inQianfang Road, the person's shadowcomestogetherquietly.
The masterfigurestagnates, did not evadeshortly, on the faceexchanges a pleasantly surprisedsmileimmediately: „Well? The main body, is so skillful!”
相师身形一滞,眼看着躲不过了,脸上立即换上一副惊喜的笑容:“咦?本体,这么巧啊!”„Youare very long-drawn-out!”Mu Youarrives in front of the opposite party, unemotionallooks ather.
“你挺悠哉啊!”沐游走到对方面前,面无表情的看着她。At this timewas blockedbyhimin the front, exquisite that has not seenlong time.
此时被他拦在面前的,正是多日没见的玲珑。Even if the technology that sheputs on make-upis good, evenis more exposedstucktwoto cast aside the smallbeardunder the nose, could not hide the truth from the eye of Mu You, saw that herfirstMu Yourecognized.
纵使她化妆的技术不错,甚至欲盖弥彰的在鼻下粘了两撇小胡子,也瞒不过沐游的眼睛,看到她的第一眼沐游就认了出来。„Hehe, thiswas not short of money, thereforedisplayed the special skill, the divinationdivined by the eight diagrams, completeslife spanquest, made a spending money...... to stick out one's tonguewhile convenient”exquisiteis ridiculing, a face‚Iam actually managingproper business’expression.
“嘿嘿,这不是缺钱了嘛,所以发挥一下特长,给人卜卜卦,完成一下寿命任务,顺便赚点零花钱……”玲珑吐舌讪笑着,一脸‘我其实是在办正事’的表情。„Does divinationalsoneedto look at the palm reading?”Mu Youasked.
“占卜还需要看手相?”沐游问。„Franking, thisisonedivinationtechnique that Iinventnewly, as the saying goesintimately connected, by the handviewheart, can the betterunderstandingcustomerthenpsychology, thusobtainsis more satisfiedtheirphysical demand the divinationresult......”exquisiteseriousexplanation.
“实不相瞒,这是我新发明的一种占卜手法,俗话说十指连心,以手观心,可以更好的理解顾客当时的心理状态,从而得出更满足他们实际需求的占卜结果……”玲珑一本正经的解释。„Ok, leftpoor, went homewithme.”
“行了,别贫了,跟我回家。”Mu Youbrutallybrokenonsense of opposite party, tore offhersmallbeard, immediately after carryingher the collar, raisedherwith ease.沐游无情打断了对方的胡扯,一把扯掉了她的小胡子,随即拎着她后衣领,轻松将她提了起来。„Does not want, yourthreedwellingmale the nestplay the gameall day longat home, was too bored, Ido not go back, Imustpull up the younger sister......” the child of exquisitelikelyrebel, the four limbschaoticswayed, in his handsmakes a tearful scene.
( This chapterends)
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