TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#540: Bestows a on point of departure painted eggshell

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Chapter 540 bestows a on point of departure painted eggshell 第540章赠送一条临别彩蛋 【The bloody aura rapidly becomes in this meat processing factory strong.】 【血腥的气息在这座肉食加工厂中迅速变得浓烈。】 With the lapse of time, bloody battle turned superheating quickly, the vampires of two sides all kill to get angry, flame soars to the heavens, bloodstain scatters, has vampire to wail unceasingly dropping down, dies with injustice unredressed, the corpse of ground more gathers......】 【随着时间的推移,血战很快进入了白热化,两方的吸血鬼全都杀红了眼,火光冲天,血迹四溅,不断有吸血鬼哀嚎着倒下,死不瞑目,地上的尸体越聚越多……】 You change to grey shadow, under foot create an incident together, wander in bloody battlefield......】 【你化作一道灰影,脚下生风,游荡在血腥的战场中……】 You passed by 5 generations of vampires the corpse.】 【你路过一具五代吸血鬼的尸体。】 You started had a greedy appetite ghost.】 【你发动了‘贪食鬼’。】 you opens mouth suddenly, the mouth changes into together the big mouths of several people, swallowed the corpse, immediately the mouth and nose quickly returns to normal.】 【伱忽然张开嘴,嘴巴化为一道几人大的血盆大口,一口将尸体吞了进去,随即口鼻迅速恢复正常。】 In surroundings vampire shocking vision, your flying draws back as if nothing has happened, goes to next goal place......】 【在周围吸血鬼震惊的目光中,你像没事人一样飞身而退,前往下一个目标地点……】 Has a greedy appetite ghost, one of the abnormal unique blood laws, it is said is abnormality to resist brutal living environment, blood law that the institute gradually the variation has, the effect is to have a capacity terrifying stomach bag, can preserve food in a short time massively, somewhat similar small spider gluttony stomach bag, the stomach bag of not too small spider can only be used to preserve food, but has a greedy appetite the ghost also to preserve other thing temporarily, moreover from now on can also spit, is equivalent to an alternative storage ability. ‘贪食鬼’,畸形者的特有血律之一,据说是畸形者为了对抗残酷的生存环境,所逐渐变异出的血律,效果是拥有一个容量恐怖的胃袋,可以短时间内大量储藏食物,有些类似小蜘蛛的‘饕餮胃袋’,不过小蜘蛛的胃袋只能用来储藏食物,而贪食鬼还可以暂时储藏别的东西,而且过后还可以吐出来,相当于一种另类的储物能力。 Use of this blood law regarding the normal vampire is actually not big, moreover brings with stomach bag depositing corpse, has that a nausea slightly, is good because of the game character behavior that the writing presents, Mu You actually and have no true feelings. 这血律对于正常的吸血鬼来说其实用处不大,而且拿来用胃袋‘存放’尸体,稍微有那么点恶心,好在只是用文字呈现的游戏人物行为,沐游自己倒是并没有什么实感。 But this ability places in the present scene, truly displayed used greatly. He may not have the niche of one after another absorption corpse time blood now, can only first collect, turn head reprocessing. 而这能力放在眼下的情景中,确实发挥了大用。他现在可没时间用血之龛一个个吸收尸体,只能先收集起来,回头再处理。 Then Mu You continues to control the character to walk randomly in the battlefield, selects the place that these high-level vampires fight specially, squats in side, so long as sees to decide the victory and defeat, immediately before rushing, picks the corpse. 接下来沐游继续操控人物游走在战场上,专挑那些高级的吸血鬼打斗的地方,在旁蹲守,只要一看到分出胜负,立即冲上前捡尸。 But a side that at this time often won the remnant blood, the Mu You clashes has also come suddenly, the opposite party does not dare to rob the spoils of war with him basically, can only flee, leaves him the corpse. 而这个时候往往获胜的一方也已经残血,沐游猛然间冲过来,对方基本不敢和他抢夺战利品,只能逃离,把尸体留给他。 Naturally, occasionally also on several, regarded the enemy Mu You directly, acts to him without delay, this Mu You also can only be forced to counter-attack, then receives a head/number of people with tears again. 当然,偶尔也有几个上头的,直接把沐游当成了敌人,二话不说就对他出手,这种的沐游也只能被迫反击,然后含泪再收一个人头。 Then, in the following ten minutes, Mu You will not have stopped, in the crowd among the roads shuttle of tangled warfare, the place visited, the corpse and spoils of war of ground can fall into his hand. 就这样,接下来的十分钟内,沐游就没停下过,在混战的人群中一路穿梭,所过之处,地上的尸体及战利品都会落入他手。 Ten minutes pass by, in battlefield except for stained bloodstain, unexpectedly unexpected cleanness. 十分钟过去,战场上除了斑斑血迹,竟然出乎意料的干净。 Actually must say that two sides no one discovered his behavior, that is not possible, Mu You is certain, shortly after oneself just escaped, had been detected by the prince regent. 其实要说两边没人发现他这种行为,那是不可能的,沐游可以肯定,自己刚逃跑不久,就已经被摄政王察觉到了。 However the prince regent and Al-Mansur have not sent people to cope with him, because the two sides could not have taken care of oneself at this time. 不过摄政王和曼苏尔都没派人来对付他,因为两边此时都已经自顾不暇。 But Mu You now is the condition that two do not help, but picks the corpse and spoils of war, has no actual impact on their wars. 沐游现在还是两不相帮的状态,只是捡捡尸体和战利品,对他们的战局没什么实际影响。 But really wants the side to act to him, compels him to side with the other side, that balanced situation might tilt instantaneously. 但真要有一方对他出手,强逼他倒向另一方,那平衡的局势很可能就会瞬间倾覆。 Therefore before deciding victory and defeat, the two sides leaders do not dare easily to move him. 所以在分出胜负之前,两边首领都不敢轻易动他。 Mu You also taking advantage of this good balance time, dares such bold makes the war wealth blatantly, under two influence eyes hide is so unscrupulous. 沐游也正是借着这个绝佳的制衡时机,才敢这么大胆的公然发战争财,在两家势力眼皮子底下这么肆无忌惮。 „...... 6 generations, 22...... 5 generations of 15...... 4 generations, 11...... 3 generations...... 2......” “……六代,22具……五代15具……四代,11具……三代……二具……” Mu You found time to take inventory an acquired corpse silently, discovered that below 4 generations seem sufficient, at present these corpses enough have recommended for admission to school him to promote 4 generations. 沐游抽空默默清点了一下收集到的尸体,发现四代以下似乎已经够数了,眼下这些尸体已经足够保送他晋升四代。 Now only lacks 3 generations of corpses. 现在只缺三代尸体。 Two drops of 3 generations of painstaking care affirm insufficiently are promoted, but must come several again. 两滴三代心血肯定不够晋级,还得再来几具。 Mu You controlled the character to treat in the safe position, the overall swept a battlefield. 沐游操控人物待在安全的位置,总体扫了眼战场。 Now nearby during regent government Wang Zhengzai Factory Center, just Luo battled with transformation leader Al-Mansur as well as Vanuatu. 如今摄政王正在工厂中心附近,和变革者首领曼苏尔以及瓦刚罗激战当中。 This time prince regent aura has degenerated 3 generations . Moreover the condition is obviously weak at first, obviously the beforehand two generations are only one type explode temporarily plant the method, from now on not only need return originally the rank, some penalties. 此时的摄政王气息已经退化回了三代,而且状态明显弱于最初,显然之前的二代只是一种临时爆种手段,过后不但要退回原本等级,还有一些惩罚。 However even if so, is in the throne many years, the maintaining life method is numerous, light/only by the wealth and treasure of accumulation, still supports him sufficiently by an enemy two, here fight perhaps could not end in a short time. 不过即便如此,身在王位多年,保命手段众多,光靠积累的财富和宝物,也足以支撑他以一敌二,这里的战斗短时间内恐怕是结束不了的。 Mu You looked at other eye several 3 generations of situations. 沐游又看了眼其他几个三代的情况。 A prince regent side altogether came seven 3 generations of vampires, but transformation also has no time to let, three influences put together, collect five 3 generations, in addition massive 4 generations assisted in side, respectively was located in battlefield several corners to fight with a expert of prince regent side. 摄政王一方总共来了七个三代吸血鬼,而变革者这边也不遑多让,三家势力加在一起,凑出了五名三代,此外还有大量四代在旁辅助,和摄政王一方的高手分别位于战场的几个角落中大战着。 Mu You contrasted the situations of several battlefields, set a direction quickly. 沐游将几处战场的情况对比了一番,很快确定了一个方向。 You sneak darkness, directly soars a tall building to distant place......】 【你潜入黑暗,直奔向远处的一座高楼……】 You appear in the tall building roof, a tumbling hid in the corner, looked up.】 【你出现在高楼楼顶,一个翻滚隐藏在了角落中,抬头看去。】 This moment roof lying this way and that lying down completely inferior vampire corpse, but two middle-aged vampires that in the pool of blood, only remains, are fighting a bloody battle.】 【此刻楼顶已经横七竖八的躺满了中下等吸血鬼的尸体,而血泊之中,仅剩的两名中年吸血鬼,正在浴血奋战。】 Under shining of moonlight, two vampires are starting amazingly quick condition, figure like ghosts and demons, dodges in narrow roof space organizes, every comes one time, brings one handful of blood of opposite party surely......】 【月光的照耀下,两名吸血鬼均发动着神速状态,身形如同鬼魅,在狭窄的楼顶空间中闪躲腾挪,每一次现身,必定带起对方的一捧鲜血……】 【During bloodstain flies horizontally, two vampires are evenly matched, after struggling hard for a long time, two people are spent forces, mutually vigilant is staring at the opposite party, hidden has the meaning of flinching......】 【血迹横飞之中,两名吸血鬼势均力敌,苦战许久之后,两人都已是强弩之末,互相警惕的盯着对方,却都隐有退缩之意……】 Mu You sighed secretly, these three generations of old monster one after another astute very much, will not really spell to be without ammunition and food, really must die quickly, generally will receive the hand promptly. 沐游暗叹,这些三代的老妖怪一个个精明的很,不会真的拼到弹尽粮绝的,真要快死的时候,一般都会及时收手。 Especially at present this evenly matched situation, after a fierce combat, both sides realized gradually fights with all might, likely mutually wounded, instead cheap other clans. 尤其是眼下这种势均力敌的情况,一番激战过后,双方都渐渐意识到了这么拼杀下去,很可能两败俱伤,反而便宜了其他氏族。 Saw the meaning that both sides have a little ceased all activities, Mu You has to act on own initiative. 眼看着双方已经有点偃旗息鼓的意思,沐游只好主动出手。 You divert while both sides mutually, shifts to quietly after a person, actually direct exposure in another person of eye.】 【你趁着双方互相牵制,悄悄转移到其中一人身后,却直接暴露在了另一人眼中。】 You make the hand signal that a coordination sneak attacked to another vampire. Opposite party eyes one bright.】 【你对另一个吸血鬼打了个配合偷袭的手势。对方眼睛一亮。】 This vampire is an elder of prince regent side, because after battle, was far away from the battlefield center, the petty action that does not notice his to gather up dead bodies in several minutes everywhere, it is estimated that also thinks that he is a person on one's own side. 这名吸血鬼是摄政王一方的长老,因为开战之后就远离了战场中心,并没有注意到他这几分钟内四处收尸的小动作,估计还以为他是自己人。 You started amazingly quick, suddenly rushes, when until soon being near body, the blood sucking wizard who the distant place is confronting startled realize suddenly, quickly turn head meets the enemy.】 【你发动了神速,忽然冲上,直到即将临身之时,远处正在对峙的吸血鬼才猛然惊觉,急忙回头迎敌。】 You feign not to beat, was struck to strike to fly by the opposite party with ease.】 【你佯装不敌,被对方一击轻松击飞了出去。】 Another side vampire has been ready, when the enemy diverts attention, immediately coordinates to attack, brandishes the sharp claws to raid, leaves behind together the exaggerating wound in the opposite party behind.】 【另一边的吸血鬼早已准备就绪,趁敌人分心之际,立即配合出击,挥舞着利爪袭来,在对方身后留下一道夸张的伤口。】 Hit vampire counter-attacks angrily, two vampire dogfights in the same place, life drop again alternately......】 【被击中的吸血鬼愤怒反击,两个吸血鬼再次缠斗在一起,生命交替下降……】 【After you circle quickly again, started sneak attack, but pretends strength to be bad, quick was struck to fly......】 【你很快再次绕后,重新发动了偷袭,但装作实力不济,很快又被击飞出去……】 Is good because of you diligently and with perseverance disturbs, has striven for enough advantage for the teammate. The transformation vampire of spent force, by enemy two pressures , the life enulled quickly, has extreme being unwilling and hate falls to the ground......】 【好在你锲而不舍的干扰,已经为队友争取出了足够的优势。本就强弩之末的变革者吸血鬼,在以一敌二的压力下,生命很快归零,带着极度的不甘和怨恨倒地……】 Strikes the instance that kills the opponent, you noticed that as in the middle-aged vampire eyes of teammate flashes through one to feel relieved.】 【击杀对手的瞬间,你看到身为队友的中年吸血鬼眼中闪过一丝如释重负。】 You started boiled blood.】 【你发动了‘沸血’。】 You started puncture.】 【你发动了‘穿刺’。】 You started confusion.】 【你发动了‘混乱’。】 You started charge......】 【你发动了‘冲锋’……】 ...... …… Gets rid of, Mu You does not stay, erupts directly full power, the attack class blood law on hand will all lose altogether to another person. 干掉其中一个后,沐游毫不停留,直接全力爆发,将手边的进攻类血律一股脑全丢向了另一人。 A moment ago continuously performance delicate, to conform to the status of his six generations of vampires, making the opposite party put down the heart of protection, thinks, even if Mu You turned a weapon around finally, was away from three generations of disparities, not possible to become any threat to other party. 刚才之所以一直表现的‘弱不禁风’,就是为了符合他六代吸血鬼的身份,让对方放下防备之心,认为就算沐游最后反戈,隔着三代的差距,也不可能对他造成任何威胁。 Until now, Mu You erupts the full power suddenly, one was perplexed the opposite party. 直到现在,沐游骤然爆发出全力,一下就把对方打蒙了。 He is only then six generations right, but magnanimous blood law in addition holds, makes his battle efficiency have the qualitative change sufficiently. 他是只有六代没错,但海量的血律加持下,足以使他的战斗力发生质变。 【The middle-aged vampire is shocking for the battle efficiency that you erupt, the life that the opportunity that however he has not escaped, bottomed, enulls under your a lot of blood law bombing instantaneously.】 【中年吸血鬼为你爆发出的战斗力震惊,然而他已经没有逃跑的机会,本就见底的生命,在你的大量血律轰炸下瞬间归零。】 You started had a greedy appetite ghost, opened huge mouth, swallowed the corpses of two vampires......】 【你发动了‘贪食鬼’,张开巨口,将两个吸血鬼的尸体吞下……】 Also starts two 3 generations, like this he was equivalent has four drops of 3 generations of painstaking care, met the lowest condition of promotion, but was still not steady. 又入手两个三代,这样他相当于已经有了四滴三代心血,符合了晋升的最低条件,但是依然不稳。 Mu You is preparing to go to other battlefield to find the opportunity again, finally has not acted with enough time, in the game pops up the prompt. 沐游正准备再去别的战场找找机会,结果还没来得及行动,游戏中弹出提示。 Tidies up the spoils of war of roof fast, you are wanting to turn around to jump down the roof, the familiar form reveals true colors before you together quietly.】 【将楼顶的战利品快速收拾一番,你正欲转身跳下楼顶,一道熟悉的身影悄然在你面前现形。】 Comes the person figure to be broad, the face belt/bring black mask, is Beverly, both hands holds the chest to stand in your front several meters places, blocked your way.】 【来人身形宽阔,脸带黑色面具,正是贝弗利,双手抱胸站在你前方数米处,挡住了你的去路。】 You are crazy Jack, right?” Beverly opens the mouth.】 【“你就是疯狂杰克,没错吧?”贝弗利开口。】 Mu You selected the eyebrow, this mask male does not appear early, just after waiting for him to solve two people comes, feared that has surrounded in side for a long time. 沐游挑了挑眉,这个面具男早不出现,刚好等他解决完两人之后现身,怕是已经在旁围观许久了。 I do not know that what you are saying?” You shake the head to deny.】 【“我不知道你在说什么?”你摇头否认。】 That night in the tomb, helping you block me, was Katerina. In other words, you go to the tomb to see Katerina in the evening, but she disappeared next day, but you promoted seven generations......” 【“那天晚上在墓地,帮你拦下我的,是卡特琳娜。也就是说,你当晚去墓地是为了见卡特琳娜,可她第二天就消失了,而你则晋升到了七代……”】 So, during the daytime, in the city just presented named crazy Jack incessantly next day ‚’ before the character...... you come, this city has lived in peace with each other, you just did not come for two days, this city then strange matter frequency sends......” Beverly to think aloud that is analyzing.】 【“不止如此,第二天白天,城市里就刚好出现了名为‘疯狂杰克’的人物……你来之前,这座城市一直相安无事,你刚来没两天,这座城市便怪事频发……”贝弗利自言自语的分析着。】 I have counted specially for several days by the goal that crazy Jack strikes to kill, has the blood group of rare blood law, accounted for 37, but in the blood group has the blood group population of rare blood law, only 4 are less than!” 【“我专门统计过这些天被疯狂杰克击杀的目标,其中拥有稀有血律的血族,占了37,而血族中拥有稀有血律的血族人口,仅有四不到!”】 „, although you struck to kill some ordinary blood groups to cover their ears and eyes specially, this proportion was very not still normal, I had the reason to suspect, for several days you continuously by Jake's status, in secret collection blood law.” 【“尽管你特意击杀了一些普通血族来掩人耳目,这个比例依然很不正常,我有理由怀疑,这些天你一直在以杰克的身份,暗中收集血律。”】 „, but just fight, proved my speculation thoroughly.” Beverly ancient well without ripples looks to you: Evidently, you have almost collected the complete blood law.” 【“而刚刚的战斗,彻底证明了我的猜测。”贝弗利古井无波的看向你:“看样子,你已经几乎收集到了全部的血律。”】 The definite opposite party has seen through, Mu You also no longer camouflages simply. 确定对方已经看穿了,沐游索性也就不再伪装。 You inquired the opposite party, since guessed correctly your status, how did plan to do?】 【你询问对方,既然猜到了你的身份,打算怎么做?】 Is without a fight! Does not need to struggle, I had confirmed that you do not have beginning generation of vampires strength, otherwise fought you not to need to feign a moment ago, makes a move to strike to kill two people directly then. So-called crazy Jack, that but you make jokes, even if has is the blood law, by you 6 generations of algebra, at most can display the strengths between 4-5 generations, is not my opponent. Now surrenders to join us, helping us cope with transformation, the prince regent can also not go into one's past.” Beverly opens the mouth to induce somebody to capitulate. You choose......】 【“束手就擒吧!不必挣扎,我已经确认,你没有初代吸血鬼的实力,否则刚才的战斗你根本无需佯装,直接出手击杀二人即可。所谓的疯狂杰克,只是你制造的一个噱头,纵使拥有全系血律,以你六代的代数,最多也只能发挥出4-5代之间的实力,不是我的对手。现在投降加入我们,帮我们对付变革者,摄政王还可以既往不咎。”贝弗利开口劝降。你选择……】 You disregarded inducing somebody to capitulate of opposite party, takes out the crazy blood axe, changed as Jake's appearance: I am only then six generations right, but you determined that I haven't coped with your strength? If I do not have one generation of strengths, how that this generation of vampires I do strike to kill initially?” 【你无视了对方的劝降,取出疯狂血斧,变身为了杰克的模样:“我是只有六代没错,但你确定我没有对付你的实力?如果我没有一代的实力,那这位初代吸血鬼我是如何击杀的?”】 Beverly felt on you to be Jake's powerful aura immediately , the complexion dignifiedly, retroceded subconsciously half step, vigilant swayed fight stance.】 【贝弗利立即感受到了你身上属于杰克的强大气息,也不由脸色凝重,下意识的后退了半步,警惕的摆好了战斗姿态。】 „Very regrettable, I had not erupted the full power a moment ago, because I do not want to expose itself, since now you suspected that my strength, I have to prove to you personally!” You sneer, raises the axe to run out toward Beverly suddenly.】 【“很遗憾,我刚才没有爆发全力,只是因为我不想暴露自己,如今既然你怀疑我的实力,那我只好亲自对你证明一下了!”你冷笑一声,骤然提斧朝贝弗利冲出。】 You started blood law bat group and blood curtain and atomization and mysteriously appearing and disappearing......】 【你发动了血律‘蝙群’、‘血幕’、‘雾化’、‘神出鬼没’……】 Also 【the bat wailing of big piece is flushing away toward Beverly, follows to have the ascension that comes, but the blood fog, the rich blood fog sealed up Beverly's field of vision rapidly.】 【大片的蝙蝠尖啸着朝贝弗利冲去,伴随而来的还有升腾而起的血雾,浓郁的血雾迅速封闭了贝弗利的视野。】 【A your actually footsteps revolution, taking advantage of the shield of blood fog, fled the scene......】 【你却脚步一转,借着血雾的掩护,逃离了现场……】 Same place, was stranded Beverly in blood curtain is critical situation, vigilant is staring at the surrounding blood-color mist, does not dare to have slightly negligently.】 【原地,被困在血幕中的贝弗利如临大敌,警惕的盯着周围的血色雾气,不敢有丝毫大意。】 Until ten several seconds, blood fog loses energy support, diverges gradually, Beverly discovered that roof already nobody left, you have disappeared without a trace......】 【直到十数秒过后,血雾失去能量支撑,渐渐散去,贝弗利才发现楼顶已经空无一人,你早已消失的无影无踪……】 Here Mu You does not dare really to fight with the opposite party, issue that cannot be victorious actually not, was mainly he remembered Katerina's prediction. 这里沐游没敢真的跟对方交手,倒不是打不过的问题,主要是他想起了卡特琳娜的预言。 Katerina said that saw he was put on the chest by the mask male, but picture, perhaps is here. 卡特琳娜说看到了他被面具男穿胸而过的画面,说不定就是在这里。 The thing of this prediction class was very difficult saying that even if he had the pocket watch fault-tolerant, the difficult insurance move, not to avoid with good of this fellow directly fight tonight. 这种预言类的东西很难说,就算他有怀表容错,也难保不会中招,今晚还是避免和这家伙正面战斗的好。 After fleeing from the roof, Mu You does not have to squat other battlefield again, but returned to the city directly, found unmanned place, takes out the corpse, in turn niche of absorption blood. 逃离楼顶后,沐游也没再去蹲守别的战场,而是直接回到了城市里,找了个无人的地方,将尸体取出,依次用血之龛吸收。 Tonight he altogether harvested about hundred blood group corpses, quantitatively definitely is overflows, but not all corpses can extract the complete painstaking care, can extract how much drops specifically, but must look at the luck. 今晚他总共收获了近百具血族尸体,从数量上肯定是溢出的,但并不是所有的尸体都能提取到完整的心血,具体能提取出多少滴,还得看运气。 【The present corpse vanishes, in the niche of blood had/left drop of 4 generations of painstaking care......】 【眼前的尸体消失,血之龛中多出了一滴四代心血……】 【...... In the niche of blood had/left 0.8 drop of 5 generations of painstaking care......】 【……血之龛中多出了0.8滴五代心血……】 ...... …… After one is busy at work, finally is good, Mu You obtained 17 drops of 6 generations of painstaking care finally, 11 drops of 5 generations of painstaking care, 9 drops of 4 generations of painstaking care and 4 drops of 3 generations of painstaking care. 一番忙活过后,结果还算不错,沐游最终获得了17滴六代心血,11滴五代心血,九滴四代心血和四滴三代心血。 Mu You does not waste the time, starts to swallow from the high algebra painstaking care at the scene in turn. 沐游也不浪费时间,当场从高代数心血开始依次吞噬。 Each clothing/taking next drop, he also while convenient is random a hemorrhaging law, under the stacks of so many painstaking care, very easily then smooth final several ordinary blood laws that will lack make up neat. 每服下一滴,他也顺便随机一下血律,这么多心血的堆砌下,很容易便顺利的将缺少的最后几种普通血律补齐。 Your bloodlines have been purified, you have promoted are 6 generations of vampires......】 【你的血脉得到纯化,你已晋升为六代吸血鬼……】 【...... You have promoted are 5 generations of vampires......】 【……你已晋升为五代吸血鬼……】 【...... You have promoted are 4 generations of vampires......】 【……你已晋升为四代吸血鬼……】 You took the last drop of 3 generations of painstaking care...... the promotion failure, your bloodlines purity slightly had insufficient, maintained at 4 generations of vampires as before.】 【你服下了最后一滴三代心血……晋升失败,你的血脉纯度略有不足,依旧维持在四代吸血鬼。】 Pitifully......” looks at the final result, shaking the head of Mu You regrets. “可惜……”看着最后的结果,沐游惋惜的摇了摇头。 The quantities of 4 drops of painstaking care insufficiently are really promoted, but from the prompt, has been away from is promoted was very near, if can obtain 1-2 drops of 3 generations of painstaking care again, can definitely complete to be promoted. 四滴心血的量果然还是不够晋级,不过从提示上来看,已经距离晋级很近了,如果能再得到1-2滴三代心血,肯定能完成晋级。 This point is not difficult to be completed, he now is 4 generations of vampires, in addition in addition of whole blood law holds, the battle efficiency will be as good the ordinary 3 generations of blood groups, will wait to find the person to hunt tomorrow again a wave then. 这一点也不难完成,他现在已经是四代吸血鬼,再加上全血律的加持,战斗力绝不会逊于普通三代血族,等明天再找人狩猎一波即可。 The present issue is, how is the entry? 现在的问题是,到底怎样才算通关? The view of manager is, he needs to become ‚the king of vampire, but specifically is the king of vampire? Is becomes in this city the most powerful vampire? Said, he must rule other blood groups, making everyone submit to him? 管理员的说法是,他需要成为‘吸血鬼之王’,可具体怎么才算吸血鬼之王?是成为这座城市中最强大的吸血鬼?还是说,他必须统治其他血族,让所有人臣服于他? If the former, he can achieve quickly, but if the latter, that troubled, he may not have time one after another that to rule others. 如果是前者,他很快就能做到,可要是后者,那就麻烦了,他可没那么时间一个个去统治他人。 Just thinking, in the game is popping up the prompt suddenly. 正想着,游戏中忽然弹出提示。 „The ding-a-ling bell......” you hear rapid ringtone suddenly, turns the head to look, discovered the sound originates unexpectedly a public telephone booth away your not far away.】 【“叮铃铃……”你忽然听到一阵急促的电话铃声,转头一看,发现声音来源竟是距你不远处的一座公共电话亭。】 Answered?】 【是否接听?】 Answering.” “接听。” 【After you confirmed four no one, walked to go forward, picked up the phone.】 【你确认四下无人后,走上前,拿起了电话。】 Hello, ghost ship is long.” In the telephone resounds together the mechanical sound, obviously passed through changed sound processing.】 【“你好,幽灵船长。”电话中响起一道机械的声音,明显经过了变音处理。】 Can call him ghost ship to be long here, definitely is the manager. 能够在这里叫他‘幽灵船长’的,肯定是管理员。 Happen, Mu You also just wants to look for him. 正好,沐游也正想找他。 You inquired the opposite party, what was the second entry way specific condition?】 【你询问对方,第二种通关方式具体条件是什么?】 Entry...... hehe, relax, I will never feel embarrassed the player intentionally, so long as you can promote are 2 generations of vampires, becomes this city algebra lowest vampire, even if I you achieved the condition, can go through customs momentarily. However......” 【“通关么……呵呵,放心,我从不会故意为难玩家,只要你能晋升为二代吸血鬼,成为这座城市代数最低的吸血鬼,我就算你达成了条件,随时可以通关。不过……”】 【A sound voice revolution of machinery, the chuckle gets up suddenly: Looked, in your time in share that offered the marvelous show, I decided that disclosed a special painted eggshell to you!” 【机械的声音话音一转,忽然轻笑起来:“看在你这次奉献了精彩表演的份上,我决定给你透露一个特殊彩蛋!”】 Kara believes that you have heard, actually, in this sarcophagus, is sealing a divine tool of blood god, is the genuine divine tool, that can carry off.” 【“‘图坦卡拉’相信你已经听说过了,其实,在这具石棺里,封存着一件血神的神器,是真正的神器哦,可以带走的那种。”】 You want to make me turn on the coffin, takes away the divine tool?” You asked.】 【“你想让我去打开棺材,拿走神器?”你问。】 Hehe, this is your matter, I told you to have this painted eggshell to exist, as for must excavate specifically, all looked at your own choice, if after you promoted are 2 generations, wants to go through customs to leave, Ok. In you promote two generations that flickers, the scene exit|to speak will then open automatically, you can leave momentarily.” 【“呵呵,这是你的事情,我只是告诉你有这个彩蛋存在,至于具体要不要去发掘,全看你自己的选择,如果你晋升为二代后就想通关离开,也可以。在你晋升二代的那一瞬,场景出口便会自动打开,你随时可以离开。”】 Final final, bestows your one to prompt again on point of departure: Raised the head to have a look at the tonight's hot copy.” 【“最后的最后,再赠送你一句临别提示:抬头看看今晚的热门新闻吧。”】 【The sound of machinery stops suddenly to this, in the receiver resounded the busy signal.】 【机械的声音到此戛然而止,听筒中响起了忙音。】 You put down the telephone, looks up.】 【你放下电话,抬头看去。】 In the front Baihuo Building peak, in the giant LCD display, is showing an advertisement at this time, attracted surrounding of below countless pedestrians.】 【此时在前方的百货大厦顶端,巨大的液晶显示屏中,正在播放一条广告,吸引了下方无数行人的围观。】 In advertisement is one wears the eyeglasses, the old person of having hair dishevelled, the status is an archaeology doctor. But in old person behind, is placing a mysterious sarcophagus.】 【广告之中是一个戴着眼镜,披头散发的老人,身份是一位考古学博士。而在老人身后,则安放着一口神秘的石棺。】 On old person's face is glittering the frantic ray, to shouting that the lens saliva is flying horizontally: „Did you see? This is the legendary Kara sarcophagus! I can guarantee, can certainly find the evidence that vampire has from this!” 【老人的脸上正闪烁着狂热的光芒,对着镜头唾沫横飞的大喊:“你们看到了吗?这就是传说中的图坦卡拉石棺!我敢保证,从这里面一定能够找到‘吸血鬼’存在的证据!”】 Vampire, one crowd of night lifeform of using the human blood as the food, the life in this city, lives in your my surroundings! I know that you do not believe that thought that I am a lunatic, but doesn't matter, I can show!” 【“吸血鬼,一群以人类血液为食的黑夜生物,就生活在这座城市里,生活在你我的周围!我知道你们不信,觉得我是个疯子,但没关系,我可以证明!”】 Tomorrow evening, natural miracle museum! I open the coffin autopsy scene stream! The resident who welcome is interested in comes to the scene to watch personally! I will certainly show to the world, existence of vampire!” 【“明天晚上,自然奇迹博物馆!我将现场直播开棺验尸!欢迎感兴趣的市民亲自来现场观看!我一定会向世界证明,吸血鬼的存在!”】 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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