TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#539: The battlefield gathers up dead bodies the person

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Chapter 539 battlefield gathers up dead bodies the person 第539章战场收尸人 Is willing to work for!” Facing prince regent's invitation, you agreed joyfully.】 【“愿意效劳!”面对摄政王的邀请,你欣然同意。】 „Very good. Relax, I never treat unjustly the person on one's own side, after the matter becomes, I will collect all blood laws for you most in a short time.” Prince regent satisfied looks at you, suddenly also said: Last night moreover, I announced blood hunts for reward is also effective to you, so long as you can strike to kill Al-Mansur, then can obtain that drop 3 generations of passive painstaking care.” 【“很好。放心,我从不亏待自己人,事成之后,我会在最短时间内为你凑齐所有血律。”摄政王满意的看着你,忽然又道:“另外,我昨晚宣布的‘血猎’奖励对伱也有效,只要你能击杀曼苏尔,便能获得那滴三代无源心血。”】 You choose......】 【你选择……】 You look surprisedly, to beckon with the hand again and again, claiming Al-Mansur is 3 generations of vampires, your where has to strike to kill his strength? Spoke frankly the reward that the blood hunts for you simply do not dare to imagine.】 【你面露惊讶,连连摆手,声称曼苏尔是三代吸血鬼,你哪有击杀他的实力?直言血猎的奖励你根本没敢想象。】 I meant, if!” The prince regent is smiling: „If there is opportunity that struck to kill, must hold! So long as you can strike to kill Al-Mansur, the reward will not be absolutely few! You only need remember this point then.” 【“我是说假如!”摄政王微笑着:“万一出现了击杀的机会,一定要抓住!只要你能击杀曼苏尔,奖励绝对不会少!你只需记住这一点即可。”】 Good, I make contribution.” You said encouragingly.】 【“好吧,我尽力。”你勉为其难的说。】 Although Mu You does not catch cold to these politician methods, but basic sensitive has, at this time prince regent is testing him obviously, actually to have Jake's strength. 沐游虽然对这些政客手段不感冒,但基本的敏感还是有的,此时摄政王显然是在试探他,究竟有没有杰克的实力。 If he has beginning the strength of generation of vampires, cuts to kill Al-Mansur to be a cinch absolutely, but is whether self-confident about own strength, will directly affect the tone that he replied. 如果他有初代吸血鬼的实力,斩杀曼苏尔绝对不在话下,而是否对自身的实力自信,将会直接影响到他回答的口气。 The opposite party planned through his reply, judged that actually he is really flamboyant, is borrowing Jake's skin to bully the weak by relying on powerful connections. 对方正是打算通过他的回答,来判断他究竟是真牛逼,还是只是在借杰克的皮狐假虎威。 What a pity Mu You on does not wrap, how manages you to probe, he to feign to mix. 可惜沐游根本不上套,管你怎么试探,他都以装傻充愣混过。 But does not know that is the opposite party looked he is intending to avoid, the prince regent proposed this slightly, then did not mention the matter in this aspect again. 而也不知是不是对方看出来他在有意回避,摄政王只是略微提了这一句,便再没有说起这方面的事。 Tonight joins the action besides your me, royal family, Gold Touch, all fight main forces of trial clan, population over 900 people!” The prince regent and you describes the tonight's situation.】 【“今晚参加行动的除了你我之外,还有王族、点金手、审判者氏族的所有战斗主力,人数在九百人以上!”摄政王和你描述起了今晚的形势。】 „, but the composition of opposite party, is the transformation clan whole staff, the most member of abnormality, the in addition part turns to their wanderers.” 【“而对方的人员组成,则是变革者氏族全员,畸形者的大半成员,外加一部分投靠他们的流浪者。”】 List from the population, the opposite party indeed be more than us, but after all is the inferior clans, by high-end strength, with us completely not in a level!” 【“单从人数上来说,对方的确要比我们多一些,但毕竟都是下等氏族,论高端战力,和我们完全不在一个层面!” „, therefore, you do not need to worry that strength of both sides, our battle efficiencies theoretically are the steamroll opposite party, what must pay attention is not the issue of victory and loss, but how to wipe out the issue of opposite party as far as possible!” 【“因此,你无需担心双方的实力,我们的战斗力理论上是碾压对方的,要注意的并不是输赢的问题,而是如何尽可能全歼对方的问题!”】 Other, I place traitor within in the transformation clan, personnel deployment of opposite party, I know from A to Z, can say, various aspects are we occupy superiorly, but beginning that worries, to hit opponent one is caught off guard, had better be able a wave rout opponent morale, to reduce our damages as far as possible......” 【“另外,我在变革者氏族中安插有内奸,对方的人员部署情况,我了如指掌,可以说,各方面都是我们占优,而之所以这么着急的动手,也只是为了打对手一个措手不及,最好能一波击溃对手士气,以尽可能减少我们的损伤……”】 The prince regent gave him to draw big pile of cakes, seemingly exterminated the opposite party to turn the hand the matter, however Mu You actually knows, side the prince regent also had in ghost of transformation. 摄政王给他画了一大堆饼,看起来剿灭对方只是翻手之间的事,然而沐游却知道,摄政王身边同样有变革者的内鬼。 So-called grasped the deployment of opposite party, likely is only the opposite party develops intentionally to them looked that when they really led the army rush in the past, very possible was the trap. 所谓的‘掌握了对方的部署’,很可能只是对方故意演给他们看的,等他们真率领大军冲杀过去,遇到的很可能是陷阱。 However, this matter Mu You has not planned to remind the prince regent. 不过,这事沐游没打算提醒摄政王。 He really does not prepare to help the prince regent handle matters, his tonight's quest is picks corpse, the two sides hit intensely is better, since prince regent Fang Ming mian the advantage is too big, that has to make them offensive eat the wave to owe to balance. 他又不是真准备帮摄政王办事,他今晚的任务是‘捡尸’,两边打的越激烈越好,既然摄政王这方明面上优势太大,那就只好让他们先手吃波亏来平衡一下了。 You follow the prince regent to leave the hall, arrives at behind in a tall building alley.】 【你跟随摄政王离开大厅,来到高楼后方的一处小巷中。】 At this moment, in the dark remote alley the head/number of people surges, several hundred blood group accumulations in this. The vampires wear various type clothing, from the crack cowboy of punk style, to the aristocrat long gown of restoring the old, to the suit tie, comes in many different varieties again, however their looks are actually extraordinary similar, is exuding the green light, fills the wild nature and deceit.】 【此刻,黑暗偏僻的小巷内人头涌动,数百名血族聚集于此。吸血鬼们身着各式服装,从朋克风格的破洞牛仔,到复古的贵族长袍,再到西装领带,种类繁多,然而他们的眼神却是出奇的相似,泛着绿光,充满野性与狡诈。】 【A female vampire, sees the prince regent to appear, immediately released shield, can isolate the sensation the protecting shield to launch together, the surrounding vampire all package.】 【其中一名女性吸血鬼,看到摄政王出现,当即释放了‘屏蔽’,一道可以隔绝感知的护盾展开,将周围的吸血鬼尽数包裹在内。】 Shield, this is subordinates in Gold Touch one of the clan rare blood laws, the effect as the name suggests, can open a protection to protect the shield, shields the ultra feelings and various survey class abilities. 屏蔽,这是隶属于‘点金手’氏族的稀有血律之一,效果顾名思义,可以张开一张保护性护盾,屏蔽超感及各种探测类能力。 Without the words of this ability protection, so many vampires conduct the large-scale shift, will be is discovered absolutely. 没有这能力保护的话,这么多吸血鬼进行大规模转移,是绝对会被发现的。 „!” The prince regent orders, the surrounding vampire disperses instantaneously, spreads to peripheral main street and small alley, along by the path of blanketing, was formed a dark mighty current, southern suburbs of the direction toward city wells up.】 【“出发!”摄政王一声令下,周围的吸血鬼瞬间分散开来,蔓延向周边的大街小巷,沿着被阴影遮蔽的道路,形成一道黑暗的洪流,朝着城市南郊的方向涌去。】 You follow side prince regent, by left and right arms status, follows the team's fast vanguard in night......】 【你跟随在摄政王身旁,以左膀右臂的身份,跟随队伍在黑夜中快速前行……】 About No. thousand vampire crowded action, the scene definitely is really magnificent, but he now this position is not quite good, stands by the prince regent, later hits definitely to bear the brunt. 近千号吸血鬼乌泱泱行动,场面肯定甚是壮观,不过他现在这位置不太好,站在摄政王旁边,待会儿打起来肯定首当其冲。 Mu You naturally knows that this is the prince regent intends to arrange, the goal is to advance the keenest struggle him, coerces him to the opposite of enemy forcefully. 沐游自然知道这是摄政王有意安排的,目的就是要将他推到风口浪尖,强行将他裹挟到敌人的对立面。 What a pity Mu You now is not good to leave directly, can only walk one step to look one step. 可惜沐游现在也不好直接离开,只能走一步看一步。 At the same time hurries along, Mu You also happen to while this opportunity, turned the head to check an behind crowd fast. 一边赶路,沐游也正好趁此机会,转头快速查点了一番身后的人群。 Wood · Sheffield, royal family, 6 generations of vampires......】 【伍德·谢菲尔德,王族,六代吸血鬼……】 Draws ti fa · Bailey, the Gold Touch clan, 6 generations of vampires......】 【拉媞珐·贝里,点金手氏族,六代吸血鬼……】 Three livelihood · Arroyo, trial clan, 5 generations of vampires......】 【三日月·阿罗约,审判者氏族,五代吸血鬼……】 ...... …… Mu You presses the pocket watch unceasingly, personal name and information one after another jump out in the text. 沐游不断按动怀表,一个接一个的人名和信息在文本中跳出。 After recalling more than 300, Mu You slightly swept seven 7~8 this batch of vampire information greatly eight. 回溯了三百多次后,沐游大略将这批吸血鬼信息扫了个七七八八。 Only can say, worthily is the upper class, this batch of vampire overwhelming majority below seven generations, eight generations of nine generations of proportions are extremely few, compared with the full member, is more like blood servant kind of existence. 只能说,不愧是贵族阶层,这批吸血鬼绝大部分都在七代以下,八代九代比例极少,比起正式成员,更像是血仆一类的存在。 What makes his pleasantly surprised is, he unexpectedly discovered six 3 generations of vampires in this group of people! It seems like quite old, should discusses character that guild leader is old and so on. 更让他惊喜的是,他竟然在这群人里发现了六名三代吸血鬼!看起来都比较年长,应该是议会长老之类的角色 Even other transformation that side 3 generations, have not so been counted the prince regent and Al-Mansur, in this city at least eight 3 generations of vampires, but four generations rise three generations to need 3-10 drops of 3 generations of painstaking care, if can hunt and kill these people completely, then has the enormous probability to help him promote to three generations! 如此就算变革者那边没有其他三代,算上摄政王和曼苏尔,这座城市中就至少有八名三代吸血鬼,而四代升三代需要3-10滴三代心血,如果能把这些人全部猎杀,便有极大概率帮他晋升到三代! Later takes 1 generation of painstaking care that Jack falls, he then can promote 2 generations instantaneously, should 2 generations of vampires, always be in this city the highest-level vampire? 之后再服用杰克掉落的一代心血,他便能瞬间晋升二代,二代吸血鬼,总应该是这座城市里最高级的吸血鬼了吧? As for 1 generation upward, did not have the opportunity mostly, simply did not have so many high-level painstaking care to use to him, can attain attack and defense of below the two generations god, he has satisfied. 至于再往上的一代,多半是没机会了,根本没那么多高级心血给他用,能拿到二代以下的神之攻防,他已经满足。 Mu You calculates period, in the game the people had arrived in the destination quietly. 沐游盘算的期间,游戏中众人已经悄然抵达了目的地。 In the night silence, the front stands erect the factory under moonlight, is lending the gloomy and cold and bloody aura, has the headlights on full beam that by the factory internal radiation, can see in the building hall before factory indistinctly, several person's shadows are sitting in a circle near the table, defends Fu Qi on table to write freely.】 【深夜的寂静中,前方矗立在月光下的工厂,散发着阴冷而血腥的气息,透过工厂内照射出的远光灯,隐约可以看到工厂前的大楼大厅内,数道人影正围坐在桌边,守着桌上的一副棋牌嬉笑怒骂。】 Your behind vampire team appears from the darkness in turn, by the unobservable Agility figure, snuck close to the building.】 【你身后的吸血鬼队伍依次从黑暗中浮现,以难以察觉的敏捷身形,潜行靠近了楼房。】 The factory in this suburb, is one of the transformation industries, in the surface is a meat processing factory, in fact is a storage blood warehouse, is used to give unable to find the vampire of blood to sell the plasma temporarily the place. 这座郊外的工厂,正是变革者们的产业之一,表面上是一座肉食加工厂,实际上是一座储血的仓库,用来给找不到鲜血的吸血鬼临时售卖血源的地方。 But tonight according to the information of prince regent, transformed main force majority is centralized in this factory, conducted the routine assembly. 而根据摄政王的情报,今夜变革者们的主力大部分都集中在了这座工厂中,进行例行集会。 Ultra feeling!” Aperture that prince regent does not return.】 【“超感!”摄政王头也不回的开口。】 Side immediately youth vampire, release high-grade ultra feeling energy.】 【身旁立即有一名青年吸血鬼,释放出了高等级的超感能量。】 A moment later, youth opening eyes opens the mouth: Information is unmistakable, currently in the factory altogether has 201 people, is young of transformation, is at the protection not strong condition.” 【片刻之后,青年睁眼开口:“情报无误,目前工厂中共有201人,都是变革者的青壮,目前都处于防备性不强的状态。”】 „Very good! Remember, the movement is neater, strives to make war has the overwhelming advantage, this group of people are the main forces of transformation, so long as can solve this group of people, the victory has almost grasped in our hands!” The prince regent sneers to say.】 【“很好!记住,动作都干净利落些,争取一开战就占据压倒性优势,这批人是变革者的主力,只要能把这批人解决掉,胜利几乎就已经握在了我们手中!”摄政王冷笑道。】 【Others nod silently.】 【其他人默默点头。】 Action!” With the prince regent one compared with the hand signal, all hid vampire simultaneously to move.】 【“行动!”随着摄政王一比手势,所有潜藏中的吸血鬼齐齐动了起来。】 【A both scarlet eye is glittering sly and ray of danger in the darkness, passed through the worn-out plant gate lithely. The machine in factory creaks to make noise, seems playing a death for their arrivals the symphony.】 【一双双猩红的眼睛在黑暗中闪烁着狡猾和危险的光芒,轻盈的穿越了破旧的工厂大门。工厂内的机器嘎吱作响,仿佛在为他们的到来演奏一曲死亡的交响乐。】 【The disorderly step sound reverberates in the spacious factory, the vampires disperse rapidly, seeks for the best position and prey respectively. Some ambushes by the machine of abandoning, some climbed up the high support, but also some integrated in the deep darkness simply, the body stuck to the wall, as if fused together with the shadow, making one is unable to detect.】 【凌乱的步伐声在空旷的工厂中回荡,吸血鬼们迅速分散开来,各自寻找最佳的位置和猎物。有的潜伏在废弃的机器旁边,有的攀爬上了高高的支架,还有的干脆融入了深深的黑暗之中,身体紧贴墙壁,似乎与阴影融为一体,令人无法察觉。】 Quick, all vampires take place respectively.】 【很快,所有吸血鬼各自就位。】 Begins!” The prince regent takes the lead to come, vigorous sound reverberation sky over workshop. Other vampires responded.】 【“动手!”摄政王率先现身,雄浑的声音回荡在厂房上空。其他吸血鬼纷纷响应。】 However, in all vampires charged into the recent goal, in the factory, the immersion in the amusement, had not had a premonition slightly the prey that the danger arrives, actually simultaneously sticks out suddenly suddenly, extracts the cold firearm from various types of unexpected ruins and corners, came to the vampires that to launch the attack toward all around suddenly.】 【然而,就在所有吸血鬼冲向了最近的目标之时,工厂内,原本沉浸于玩乐,丝毫没有预感到危险到来的猎物们,却忽然齐齐暴起,从各种意想不到的废墟和角落中抽出冷热兵器,朝着四周骤然现身的吸血鬼们发动了攻击。】 Stormy sound of gunfire and war cry resound through in building, in hall was covered by silver hail of bullets instantaneously......】 【密集的枪声和喊杀声响彻在大楼之内,大厅中瞬间被银色的枪林弹雨笼罩……】 You see prince regent brow tight wrinkle, it is expected that surprise attack has not played the proper effect, the enemy in factory, seems has foresight general, in flash that you attack, then the extremely efficient organization the resistance, this made the prince regent have some not wonderful premonition.】 【你看到身旁的摄政王眉头紧皱,预想中的突袭并没有起到应有的效果,工厂中的敌人,好似未卜先知一般,在你们进攻的一瞬间,便极其高效的组织起了抵抗,这让摄政王产生了一些不妙的预感。】 Quick, is wave of bigger shot along with the pitiful yell sound crack, this sound actually from factory.】 【很快,又是一波更大的枪炮声伴随着惨叫声炸响,这次声音却是来自工厂之外。】 What's the matter?” The prince regent opens the mouth.】 【“怎么回事?”摄政王开口。】 „It is not good, beside the factory emerged massive vampires...... to grasp the return that the youth of ultra feeling blood law is having a big shock suddenly.】 【“不好,工厂之外忽然涌现了大量吸血鬼……”掌握着超感血律的青年大惊失色的回报。】 Which vampire?” 【“哪一家的吸血鬼?”】 Many, is very mixed, has transformation, has abnormality,...... distortion! And blood rose!” The youth erratically said surprisedly.】 【“很多,很杂,有变革者的,有畸形者的,还有……变形者!以及血玫瑰!”青年惊疑不定的说。】 What?” Numerous vampire hears word are startled. The prince regent brow deeply wrinkles.】 【“什么?”众吸血鬼闻言都是一惊。摄政王眉头更是深深皱起。】 【Before , blocks off, latter has the pursuing troops, when a piece flurried, you actually retroceded quietly, draw back to the wall.】 【前有堵截,后有追兵,就在现场一片慌乱的时候,你却悄然后退,退向了墙边。】 Determines successfully, starts amazingly quick! You enter the angle of view of slowly putting.】 【判定成功,神速发动!你进入了慢放的视角。】 Determines successfully, the shield starts! You shielded the surrounding sensation investigation.】 【判定成功,屏蔽发动!你屏蔽了自身周围的感知探查。】 Determines successfully, exists to start! Your existence feeling becomes extremely thin.】 【判定成功,存在发动!你的存在感变得极为稀薄。】 ...... …… You put on wall, under the cover of surrounding numerous barrier, hidden entered in safety zone darkness......】 【你‘穿墙’而过,在周围众多障碍的掩护下,隐入了安全地带的黑暗中……】 Has saying that the blood law type when studies are many enough, is very easy to result in the qualitative change. This moment Mu You released the 7~8 concealment class blood law continually, played one to escape, no one detected. 不得不说,当所学的血律种类足够多,便很容易引发质变。此刻沐游一连释放了七八个隐匿类血律,神不知鬼不觉的玩了一手金蝉脱壳,没有一人发觉。 The preparation of transformation imagined him also is more sufficient, bossed around two neutral clans unexpectedly simultaneously, now the situation is: Distortion + blood rose + transformation + abnormality, to fighting three big superior clans, the disparate strength, tended to the balance instantaneously, even a transformation side also occupied benefitted and advantage in population. 变革者的准备比他想象中还要充分一些,居然同时笼络了两个中立氏族,如今形势是:变形者+血玫瑰+变革者+畸形者,对战三大上等氏族,原本悬殊的战力,瞬间趋于平衡,甚至变革者一方还占据了地利和人数上的优势。 But a prince regent side has begun, is impossible to flinch, tonight surely is a life and death bloody battle. 而摄政王一方已经动手,不可能退缩,今晚必定是一场你死我活的血战。 The bloody battle that this life and death wrestles, Mu You naturally cannot stupidly to a turbid water, therefore pulled out to promptly. 这种生死相搏的血战,沐游自然不会傻到蹚浑水,于是及时抽离了出去。 His tonight's goal is very clear, is these higher vampires corpses, at this time waits to profit from another's strife in side then. 他今晚的目的很明确,正是那些高等吸血鬼的尸体,此时在旁等着坐收渔利即可。 【...... You saw the battlefield center, the prince regent had rushed to the frontline personally, is staring a man and a woman in front battlefield angrily. By two people who he stares, one is head/number of people bear body, the strength greatly infinite man, wears travels by night the clothes, the stature enchanting woman.】 【……你看到战场中心,摄政王已经亲自冲上了前线,正愤怒的瞪着前方战场上的一男一女。被他盯上的两人,一个是人头熊身,力大无穷的男子,一个身穿夜行衣,身材妖娆的女人。】 You soon identified, these two distortion and blood rose the head of the clan.】 【你很快辨认了出来,这两人正是变形者和血玫瑰的族长。】 Tile just Luo! Vick! You two, betrayed our union unexpectedly! You know consequence that does that?” 【“瓦刚罗!维克朵!你们两个,居然背叛了我们的同盟!你们知道这么做的后果么?”】 „, Sorry, Crown prince, I am not really glad to be stepped on forever in the head, can only do that.” The bear body man laughs saying: Moreover, needs to consider the consequence now, perhaps is not we, but is you!” 【“哈哈,抱歉,亲王殿下,我这人实在不乐意永远被人踩在头上,只能这么做了。”熊身男子大笑道:“另外,现在需要考虑后果的,恐怕不是我们,而是你!”】 Hehe, really thinks that hides in the crowd, couldn't I do to you?” The prince regent sneers suddenly, the whole body blue vein sticks out suddenly, a pair of pupil instantaneously becomes red like the blood: Royal family is a royal family , because of the strengths of other our steamroll clans!” 【“呵呵,真以为藏在人群里,我就奈何不得你们了?”摄政王忽然冷笑起来,浑身青筋暴起,一对瞳孔瞬间变得通红如血:“王族之所以为王族,正是因为我们碾压其他氏族的实力!”】 【An incomparably arbitrary strength fast gushes out from prince regent on, the imposing manner of 3 generations of vampires increased fast......】 【一股无比蛮横的力量快速自摄政王身上涌出,原本三代吸血鬼的气势快速攀升……】 【The prince regent facial features twist, in the mouth two rows of fangs appear, whole person like a wild animal that entered the wild condition, a both legs tread, in the men and women toward crowd flushes away.】 【摄政王面容扭曲,口中两排獠牙显现,整个人就像一头进入了狂暴状态的野兽,双腿一蹬,朝人群中的男女冲去。】 Blocks!” Vanuatu just Luo Jimang ordered, body week several distortion own health/guard close, attempt the prince regent who will flush to resist outside.】 【“拦住!”瓦刚罗急忙下令,身周数个变形者亲卫一拥而上,妄图将冲来的摄政王抵挡在外。】 However the prince regent angrily roars, both hands wield, on ten fingers of sharp claws the blood light puncture, in in the air has brought ten blood-color curved edges.】 【然而摄政王只是怒吼一声,双手挥出,十指的利爪上血光穿刺而过,在空中带起十道血色弯刃。】 At the same time, several own health/guard heads fly neatly, was then burnt by the flame in the midair for the ashes.】 【与此同时,几名亲卫人头齐刷刷飞起,在半空便被火焰焚为灰烬。】 【The crossing over human wall of prince regent no hindrance , to continue to kill toward two people.】 【摄政王毫无阻碍的穿越人墙,继续朝二人杀来。】 Draws back quickly!” Vanuatu just Luo smelled there is something wrong, depends on the tyrannical body, immediately the violent drew back.】 【“快退!”瓦刚罗见势不妙,靠着强横的身体,立即暴退了出去。】 Nearby woman does not have his speed, after short hesitation, the choice remains same place, releases various control blood laws again and again.】 【一旁的女人却没有他的速度,短暂的犹豫过后,选择留在原地,连连释放起各种控制血律。】 Idiot, do not resist with him, he now is two generations!” Vanuatu just Luo cursed to make noise, what a pity is too late.】 【“蠢货,不要和他对抗,他现在是二代!”瓦刚罗大骂出声,可惜为时已晚。】 【The blood law of woman has not created to the prince regent affects slightly, suddenly has then come before the woman body, seized her nape of the neck, another red light appears, changes to the hand blade to delimit.】 【女人的血律没有对摄政王造成丝毫影响,眨眼便已经现身在女人身前,一把掐住了她的脖颈,另一手红光浮现,化作手刀划过。】 【The head/number of people of woman such as cuts the tofu immediately generally by neat cutting under.】 【女人的人头顿时如切豆腐一般被整齐的切下。】 Prince regent proposes the head/number of people to continue to chase down, the surroundings person is taken in the imposing manner of prince regent, is the instinct gives way to traffic, the scene gave up a conspicuous open area quickly.】 【摄政王提着人头继续追杀,周围人摄于摄政王的气势,都是本能的避让开来,现场很快让出了一块显眼的空地。】 You seize the chance to come, start amazingly quick, arrived at the scene fast......】 【你趁机现身,发动神速,飞快抵达了现场……】 You passed by from pool of blood, when people completely have not responded, several corpses of ground have vanished into thin air all......】 【你从血泊中路过,在众人全然没有反应过来之际,地上的几具尸体已经尽数不翼而飞……】 Mu You has not thought actually the prince regent can also explode temporarily plants to become two generations, the instantaneous second killed four generations of head of the clan. 沐游倒是没想到摄政王还能临时爆种成二代,瞬间秒杀了一个四代的族长。 However the present situation keeps in line with his wish very much, the prince regent this explodes plants, the two sides strength balances thoroughly. 不过眼下的形势很符合他心意,摄政王这一爆种,两边实力彻底平衡。 Then only waits for the two sides to slaughter, fighting intensely is better, gathering up dead bodies the matter gives him and ensure does not throw down any one has with the corpse. 接下来只等两边厮杀,斗得越激烈越好,‘收尸’的事情交给他,保证不丢下任何一具有用的尸体。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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