TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#538: Millennium bloody battles

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Chapter 538 millennium bloody battles 第538章千年血战 This group of people have not applied for the copyright with us, fabricates our Secret Spell Crystal arbitrarily, this is the piracy activity! The eldest child, we kills otherwise together, carried their den to consider as finished directly?” Leo instigates to say. “这帮人没和我们申请版权,就擅自伪造我们的秘术结晶,这属于盗版行为!老大,要不然我们一起杀过去,直接端了他们老巢算了?”狮子怂恿道。 Now their association is grasping two Castle in the Sky, the player has opened the divine nature system let alone now, grasped the god technique, and with giants bloody battle one, turn head faces these Astral Spirit Realm influences again, many some do not pay attention. 现在他们协会掌握着两座天空之城,更何况如今玩家已经开启了神性系统,掌握了神术,并且和巨人们血战一番过后,再回头面对这些星灵界的势力,多少有些不太放在眼里。 Do not have a low opinion of the enemy, here after all is Astral Spirit Realm, is primarily magic in the fight of Astral Spirit Realm, the divine nature system cannot bring too many advantages to us, let alone enemy numerous I widowed.” Mu You shakes the head to say. “不要轻敌,这里毕竟是星灵界,在星灵界的战斗还是以魔法为主,神性系统并不能给我们带来太多优势,更何况敌众我寡。”沐游摇头道。 This matter related to the black magic benefit, is the Secret Spell Society internal matters concerned, is impossible to make other player influences meddle. Therefore, finally can participate in the action, only then their these association members, but the opposite has several tens of thousands of people. 这件事涉及黑魔法的利益,属于秘术协会的内部事宜,不可能让其他玩家势力插手进来。因此,最终能参与到行动的,只有他们这几个协会成员,而对面却有数万人。 „? That no matter they?” Leo asked. “啊?那难道就不管他们了?”狮子问。 Manages naturally must manage, but cannot stronger, smashing them is not our goal, our pursues should do the research results of opposite party, using imitation crystal of opposite party , helping our Secret Spell Crystal complements again is crystal, this matter best or takes by strategy.” Mu You said. “管当然还是要管的,不过没必要强来,端掉他们也不是我们的目的,我们的追求应该是搞到对方的研究成果,再利用对方的仿制结晶,将我们的秘术结晶补全成全系结晶,这种事最好还是智取。”沐游说。 Other person of hears word are also at present one bright. 其他人闻言也都是眼前一亮。 Restricts the secret spell master battle efficiency biggest factor, is the jamming limit of crystal, as well as attribute sole. 制约秘术师战斗力最大的因素,就是结晶的卡位限制,以及属性的单一。 When each Secret Spell Crystal, can only found sole black magic, the fight through the frequent replacement card diversity that also only then three output jamming, can only maintain the ability. 每颗秘术结晶,只能创建单一的黑魔法,战斗时也只有三个输出卡位,只能通过频繁更换卡片来维持能力的多样性。 If a crystal development is 12, everyone can study is black magic, the fight jamming can one expand to 36, would hardly have the demand of frequent system card again, can save their lots of energy, is used to develop new secret spell. 如果将一颗结晶拓展为十二颗,每个人都可以研究全系黑魔法,战斗卡位更是能一下扩展到三十六个,几乎不会再有频繁制卡的需求,可以节省出他们大量的精力,用来研制新秘术 Naturally, imitation Secret Spell Crystal, the effect will fall short compared with the original mostly greatly, but the light gives free reign to the imagination this prospect, enough has made the people excited. 当然,仿制的秘术结晶,效果比起原版多半会大打折扣,但光是畅想这份前景,已经足够让众人心动。 Eldest child you said that how do we do?” Leo asked. “老大你说吧,我们怎么做?”狮子问。 I mean, arranges several people, mixes in this church, until proving forge crystal and the manufacture means that determined that after can the thing takes, then discussed that smashes their matters.” Mu You hesitates saying: The person who this matter goes to is not suitable are too many, the person is easy to expose, is best to control below five people. Moreover, I something must process recently, temporarily cannot leave, you discussed that whom having a look at to have the time to go.” Mu You threw to the people the issue. “我的意思是,安排几个人,混入这个教会中,直到探明伪造结晶的所在以及制造办法,确定能够将东西拿到手后,再谈端掉他们的事。”沐游沉吟道:“这种事去的人也不宜太多,人多容易暴露,最好控制在五个人以下。另外,我最近有些事要处理,暂时抽不开身,你们商量一下,看看谁有时间去。”沐游将问题抛给了众人。 Others looked at each other mutually. 其他人互相对视了一下。 Cancer first opens the mouth: I was idle recently, need the words that I go, I can go.” 巨蟹首先开口:“我最近清闲,需要我去的话,我可以去。” I do not have the issue, can act momentarily!” Leo echoes immediately. “我也没问题,随时可以行动!”狮子立即附和。 That, I can also......” Aquarius weak raised hand to hint. “那个,我也可以……”水瓶弱弱的举手示意了一下。 Three people took a stand in turn. 三人依次表态。 Others hesitant, shaking the head that finally Sagittarius is sorry, said that was Ice Emperor is capturing a mystical place in the collective recently, temporarily could not leave. 其他人则都犹豫了一下,最后射手抱歉的摇头,说是冰帝最近正在集体攻略一处秘境,暂时抽不开身。 Virgo also gestured to say oneself are encumbered by quest at present similarly, does not go. 室女也打手势说自己目前同样被一个任务缠身,去不了。 I and Capricorn are all right actually, but, our two status are special, the lord vice- city lord as evening light city, every action and every movement receives all influence attention in the area, we mix, perhaps will instead add to the chaos.” Libra hesitant say/way. “我和摩羯倒是没事,不过,我们两个身份特殊,作为暮光城的主副城主,一举一动在当地都备受各方势力关注,我们混进去,恐怕反而会添乱。”天秤犹豫道。 Libra and Capricorn situation Mu You also guessed correctly, where the day empty city places is noticeable existence, the evening light city is definitely staring by the countless eyes in the area, good that their two hold troops. 天秤摩羯的情况沐游也猜到了,天空城放在哪里都是引人注目的存在,暮光城在当地肯定被无数眼睛盯着,他们两个还是按兵不动的好。 Mu You looks to Lin Xue. 沐游又看向林雪 Lin Xue nods toward him, hints itself not to have the issue. 林雪朝他点了点头,示意自己没问题。 Good, that participates in this action by Cancer, Leo, Aquarius and Pisces four people. Later I will arrange a person again, with you together. As for the concrete action deployment, and other you arrived at the local area, verifies the situation to study again.” Mu You announced. “那好,那就由巨蟹狮子水瓶双鱼四人参加这次行动。之后我会再安排一个人,和你们一起。至于具体的行动部署,就等伱们到了当地,探明情况再研究。”沐游宣布。 OK!” The Leo both hands approval, others do not have the objection. “OK!”狮子双手赞同,其他人也都没有异议。 Two things said, the people then start to exchange the card officially. 两件事情说完,众人这才开始正式交换卡片。 However, because shortly after the real world and divine nature system just opened, recently the energy of people basically placed to explore on the recent map, makes card almost to tend to the stagnation. 不过,因为真实世界和神性系统刚开放不久,最近众人的精力基本都放在探索新地图上,制卡方面几乎趋于停滞。 But at present the existing card, several conferences before have exchanged was similar, therefore really arrived changed the card link, atmosphere instead cooldown, everyone all hand grasped one pile be at the unsalable condition card, eventually only achieved few pens to exchange, for several minutes then finished this link, the rest of time are boasting to chat passed. 而目前已有的卡片,之前几次会议已经都交换的差不多了,所以真到了换卡环节,气氛反而冷却了下来,大家全都手握一摞处于滞销状态的卡片,最终只达成了寥寥几笔交换,短短几分钟便结束了这个环节,剩余的时间都在吹牛聊天中度过。 Quick, one hour passes by, the people break up, goes various home respectively. 很快,一小时过去,众人散会,各回各家。 Mu You and two clone also to return to the pet shop. 沐游和两个分身也回到了宠物店里。 Your two people, two matters, go to that side the abyss, searches the Taurus situation, goes to the city of evening light with others, the participation mixes in the action of secret spell church. You elect.” “你们两个人,两件事,一个去深渊那边,探探金牛的情况,一个和其他人一起去暮光之城,参与混入秘术教会的行动。你们自己选吧。” After coming back, Mu You clone to set the request toward two. 回来后,沐游朝两个分身提出了要求。 Regarding this, two people do not have the accident/surprise. Three people subordinate the common origin after all, a moment ago Mu You in the conference said that will arrange the person acts together, two people guessed correctly his plan. 对此,两人也都没有意外。三人毕竟隶属同源,刚才沐游在会议上说会安排人一起行动的时候,两人就猜到了他的打算。 The present range dawn city scheduled flying time is very near, but the business that Astral Spirit Realm these leave behind, Mu You one by one does it yourself radically without enough time, can only let clone to do for somebody. 现在距离黎明城预定的飞天时间已经很近,而星灵界这些遗留的事务,沐游根本来不及一一亲力亲为,只能让分身们代劳。 Two clone to look at each other one, the arrangement of Mu You they will not naturally decline, helping the main body share sorrow, the itself/Ben was the significance that they were created. 两个分身对视了一眼,沐游的安排他们自然也不会推辞,帮本体分忧,本就是他们被创造出来的意义。 I like the go it alone.” medicine picker takes the lead to open the mouth. “我喜欢单独行动。”采药人率先开口。 That was skillful, I like lively.” Nightwatcher said with a smile. “那巧了,我喜欢热闹。”打更人笑道。 Two people, does not need to dispute, the situation then understands clearly. 两人一人一句,无需争执,情况便清晰明了。 Good, No. 2 you go to the abyss, No. 1 you and others go to the church together. Remember, the exploration is a lord, under confirmation, try not to be involved in the fight.” “那好,二号你去深渊,一号你和其他人一起去教会。记住,探索为主,在确认情况之下,尽可能不要卷入战斗。” Must, my pacifist.” Nightwatcher smiles. “必须的,我可是和平主义者。”打更人笑。 medicine picker nods silently. 采药人默默点了点头。 Mu You clone or compares to two to feel relieved that no matter character again how extreme, after 4000 precipitation, has become individual that can assume sole responsibility for an important task. 沐游对两个分身还是比较放心的,不管性格再怎么极端,经过了四千年的沉淀,也早已成为了可以独当一面的个体。 Afterward Mu You takes out the pen of order, outlined several before the body. 随后沐游取出秩序之笔,在身前勾勒了数笔。 As within the body deviation amount promoted one section suddenly, two pure white crystal appear from his brain, was being wrapped by rune/symbol writing of order, floated before him. 随着体内偏差值急剧提升了一截,两颗纯白结晶从他脑中浮现,被秩序的符文包裹着,漂浮在了他面前。 These two naturally are Gemini and Scorpio Secret Spell Crystal, Mu You prepares to apportion two clone respectively to use, he only leaves behind Aries crystal, if in any case can do the forge Secret Spell Crystal method of manufacturing, can make up the simultaneous/uniform all attributes. 这两颗自然分别是双子天蝎秘术结晶,沐游准备分给两个分身用,他只留下白羊结晶,反正如果能搞到伪造秘术结晶的制作方法,都能补齐所有属性。 This matter before was not able to achieve, after Secret Spell Crystal fusion, only then died time can be inherited by others. 这种事在之前是做不到的,秘术结晶融合后,只有死亡的时候才能被他人继承。 However currently has the pen of order, can revise the rule forcefully, extracts Secret Spell Crystal. 不过现在有了秩序之笔,可以强行修改规则,将秘术结晶提取出来。 Main body you apportion us crystal secretly, comes back to estimate that exquisite must make.” Nightwatcher receives Scorpio crystal, while is saying. “本体你偷偷把结晶分给我们,玲珑回来估计要闹了。”打更人一边收起天蝎结晶,一边说着。 Noisy noisy, who makes her fool around...... the Mu You forced smile to shake the head outside daily. Good and evil two clone to be sent to work by oneself, this girl turn head also looked for a matter to do to her. “闹吧闹吧,谁让她天天在外面鬼混……”沐游苦笑摇头。善恶两个分身都被自己派出去干活了,这丫头回头也得给她找点事做。 After matter decides, three people return to the room to rest respectively. 事情商定之后,三人各自回房休息。 Next morning, Mu You wakes up, two clone then already in the game, rode the double headed dragon to fly to the big abyss, transmitted the city of evening light, converged with the association members. 第二天一早,沐游醒来的时候,两个分身便已经在游戏中先后出发,一个骑乘双头龙飞往大深渊,一个传送去了暮光之城,和协会成员们汇合。 You have a new mail!】 【你有一封新邮件!】 But Mu You just got online, then received a mail. 沐游这边刚刚上线,便收到了一封邮件。 Opens looked, unexpectedly is the prince regent sends, but does not give him alone, but is SMS gives all vampires. 打开一看,居然是摄政王发来的,不过不是单独给他的,而是群发给所有吸血鬼。 About to transforming the trial result of clan member Al-Mansur...... passes through verifies, recently attracted pressed out many blood group members crazy Jack in the city of by, disguised as for Al-Mansur, was proven, this king with many discussed after the guild leader old discussion, decided that in the entire city range, initiated blood to hunt for to Al-Mansur, clansman who offered the Al-Mansur head/number of people, may obtain 3 generations of passive painstaking care one drops......】 【关于对变革者氏族成员‘曼苏尔’的审判结果……经查明,近日在以诺之城吸榨多名血族成员的‘疯狂杰克’,为曼苏尔假扮,证据确凿,本王与多名议会长老商讨过后,决定在全城范围内,对曼苏尔发起‘血猎’,献上曼苏尔人头的族人,可获得三代无源心血一滴……】 Such quick......” “这么快……” Mu You selected the eyebrow. 沐游挑了挑眉。 So-called blood hunts for, is the blood group severest one wanted order, by person who the blood hunts, will lose as all human rights of blood group, by the protection of blood group society, other vampires was no longer struck to kill and attract presses out by the person who the blood hunts , will also not receive any penalty, instead will be rewarded. 所谓的‘血猎’,是血族内部最严酷的一种追杀令,被血猎的人,将失去身为血族的所有人权,不再受血族社会的保护,其他吸血鬼击杀、吸榨被血猎的人,也不会受到任何惩罚,反而会得到奖励。 As you might guess, once some vampire were judged blood hunts for, will become will be the target of public criticism instantaneously, day and night must during being worried to be assassinated passed. 可以想见,一旦某个吸血鬼被宣判了‘血猎’,瞬间就会成为众矢之的,日日夜夜都要在担心被暗杀之中度过。 Mu You smiles , it seems like that this prince regent compared with must worry, news that he imagines yesterday just spread, this evening, started the wanted order of highest specification impatiently. 沐游笑了笑,看来这位摄政王比他想象的还要着急啊,昨天刚放出的消息,这才一晚,就迫不及待的发动了最高规格的追杀令。 Naturally, Mu You does not think that Al-Mansur and transformation will hunt to daunt by the trivial blood, the good and evil is 3 generations of vampires, moreover is a side influence leader, the person who dares to have his idea are actually not many. 当然,沐游也不认为曼苏尔和变革者会被区区血猎吓住,好歹是一名三代吸血鬼,而且还是一方势力头领,敢打他主意的人其实不多。 This mail most vital significance, openly announced two have gotten angry thoroughly, forcing other clans to stand in line as soon as possible, makes the transformation interior have the suspicion. 这封邮件最重要的意义,还是公开宣布了两家已经彻底翻脸,逼迫其他氏族尽快站队,同时也让变革者内部产生猜忌。 But Al-Mansur definitely not possible to this suspicion spread, is not out of the anticipation, the transformation that side will hit back quickly. 而曼苏尔肯定不可能任由这种猜忌蔓延,不出意料的话,变革者那边很快就会做出反击。 Mu You smiles, good, the two sides contradictions are deepening by the path that he conceives. 沐游笑了笑,不错,两边的矛盾正在以他设想的轨迹加深。 However he feels insufficiently quick, therefore prepares to poke again. 不过他还是觉得不够快,于是准备再添一把火。 Yesterday he as Jack acting Al-Mansur, he prepares to act the prince regent today again, everyone rain and dew moistened, everyone was Jack, was best to develop the blood group to separate thoroughly, situation that each other no one dares to trust. 昨天他以杰克的身份‘扮演’了曼苏尔,今天他准备再扮演一下摄政王,大家雨露均沾,人人都是杰克,最好发展到血族内部彻底割裂,彼此谁都不敢信任的地步。 Mu You plans. Finally, has not waited for him to begin, that noon, he then discovered a brand-new video information in the heart net public space. 沐游是这么计划的。结果,还不等他动手,当天中午,他便在心网公共空间中发现了一条全新的影像信息。 You open the image examination, a picture automatic broadcasts in your brain: In pool of blood, side a person's shadow that holds the axe is lying down a blood group that is seriously injured. The person's shadow bending down body, attracted cruelly pressed out this blood group member, immediately cancelled the bloodstain of mouth, turns head. But appears in the picture, is actually the prince regent Morteza's facial features......】 【你打开影像查看,一段画面自动在你的脑中播放:血泊之中,一个持斧的人影身边躺着一个身受重伤的血族。人影俯下身体,残忍吸榨了这名血族成员,随即抹去嘴边的血迹,回过头来。而出现在画面中的,却是摄政王莫尔塔扎的面容……】 Is the talent......” Mu You has to sigh with emotion. “都是人才啊……”沐游只得感慨。 Then he also calculates that saved a matter, but this news also under adding fuel to the flames of person with high aspirations, online ferments fast in the heart. 这下他也算省了点事,而这条消息也在有心人的推波助澜下,快速在心网上发酵起来。 In the evening, Mu You finished a day of hunting went home, received a group email. 当晚,沐游结束了一天的狩猎回家的时候,又收到了一封群发邮件。 This time the mail from transformation, in the mail claimed this time crazy Jack event, from beginning to end is a prince regent to suppress the transformation clan, consolidates own rule, but single-handedly conspiracy of plan. 这次是来自变革者的邮件,邮件中声称这次‘疯狂杰克’事件,从头到尾都是摄政王为了打压变革者氏族,巩固自己的统治,而一手策划的阴谋。 As for yesterday's image, is only the prince regent is in conspiracy with the swayed racket that the distortion clan conducts, the goal frames by planting stolen goods on to shift blame to Al-Mansur. 至于昨天的影像,也只是摄政王伙同变形者氏族进行的摆拍,目的正是栽赃嫁祸给曼苏尔。 The two sides cling to his own interpretation quarrelled, but these were being compelled clan that sides with the prince regent, because also the situation changes suddenly, logical choice waiting and seeing. 两边就这么各执一词的吵了起来,而那些原本被逼着倒向摄政王的氏族,也因为形势突变,顺理成章的选择了观望。 The royal family and transformation clan naturally tore to pieces the facial skin thoroughly, but besides them, in litigant also innocent lying down spear/gun ‚the distortion clan, the two sides influence was declaring that the distortion clan and opposite collaborated, but images of heart online these fabrication, is the distortion clan does. 王族和变革者氏族自然是彻底撕破了脸皮,不过除了他们之外,当事人中还有一个无辜躺枪的‘变形者氏族’,两边势力都在宣称变形者氏族和对面联手了,而心网上那些造假的影像,也都是变形者氏族搞出来的。 Regarding this, the members of distortion clan are also a hundred mouths cannot explain it away, two days two images, description is actually the clearly opposite fact, obviously definitely at least the side frames by planting stolen goods on the fabrication, so long as has the false, distortion is doomed not to be inseparable from. 对此,变形者氏族的成员也是百口莫辩,两天两段影像,描述的却是截然相反的事实,显然肯定至少有一方是在造假栽赃,而只要有假,变形者就注定脱不了干系。 It is said the leader tile of distortion Luo had just thrown down and broken a thing of room at home, scolded a day of mother. 据说变形者的首领瓦刚罗已经在家摔碎了一屋子的东西,骂了一天娘。 In brief, the trend of matter makes Mu You very satisfied, this way, soon, the two sides will certainly move toward the result of open fight between factions thoroughly, only then a side died, this matter was ended. 总之,事情的走向让沐游很满意,照这样下去,用不了多久,两边一定会彻底走向火并的结局,只有其中一方死掉,这事才算结束。 However he himself must accelerate, had better be able catch up hits before the two sides, all blood law collections is first uneven, like this he then did not have extra worries, only waits for the two sides one to start, the niche of his blood absorbs a number of corpses , to promote the top the algebra, this scene also went through customs even perfectly. 不过他自己这边也得加速了,最好能赶在两边打起来之前,先把所有的血律集齐,这样他便没有了后顾之忧,只等两边一开打,他用血之龛吸收一批尸体,将代数提升到顶,这个场景也就算是完美通关了。 Over the following two days, the Mu You evening rest as usual, goes out the hunting during the daytime. 接下来的两天,沐游照例的晚上休息,白天出门狩猎。 Was busy at work for two days later, the complete 27 rare blood law collections will be finally uneven, but the ordinary blood law also collected 90% off and on, only remains the number in the units place the blood law not to succeed in obtaining. 忙活了两天下来,总算将全部27种稀有血律集齐,而普通血律也断断续续收集了90%,只剩个位数的血律还没到手。 But during this, his algebra also after attracting pressed out more than ten 6 generations of vampires, naturally promoted 6 generations, but actually cannot rise again upward, goal that because he hunted, no over 5 generations. 而这期间,他的代数也在吸榨了十多名六代吸血鬼后,自然晋升到了六代,但再往上却升不上去了,因为他狩猎的目标,没有一个五代以上的。 Mu You is thinking second day, collects simultaneous/uniform all blood laws thoroughly, finally that evening, he then received prince regent's summon invitation. 沐游本想着等第二天,彻底收集齐所有的血律,结果当天傍晚,他便收到了摄政王的召见邀请。 You arrived at the study room of prince regent......】 【你来到了摄政王的书房……】 In the blood group of city of by, millennium bloody battles the legend, said that is the blood group of this city, every 1000 years, because of various things, will erupt large-scale bloody battle surely a time.” When you step into the study room, the prince regent stands near the window, is turning away from you, thought aloud.】 【“在以诺之城的血族内部,有一条‘千年血战’的传说,说是这座城市的血族,每隔1000年,都必定会因为各种事情,爆发一次大规模血战。”待你踏入书房,摄政王站在窗边,背对着你,自言自语起来。】 【Before I, will not believe this superstitious legend, but now, I actually somewhat believe that because of the present distance previous blood group eruption war, just passed in 1000!” 【“以前的我,是不会信这种迷信的传说的,但现在,我却有些相信了,因为如今距离上一次血族爆发大战,刚好过去了一千年!”】 Does not have the means that something, are such coincidence, making you have to believe.” The prince regent sighed: In some sense, this perhaps is also the self- regulation method of species: Reduces the ethnic group quantity through fixed time's war, to avoid the blood group population explosion of this city.” 【“没办法,有些事情,就是这么巧合,让你不得不信。”摄政王叹息一声:“某种意义上,这或许也是物种的自我调节手段:通过固定时间的战争来降低族群数量,以避免这座城市的血族人口爆炸。”】 Prince regent said, this turns the head, feels your aura, slightly surprised: „? Several days do not see, you were promoted.” 【摄政王说完,这才转过头来,感受到你身上的气息,略微惊讶了一下:“哦?几天不见,你又晋级了。”】 Prince regent arrives in front of you, patted your shoulder: Relax, I will not inquire about the painstaking care that you promote to originate, but, if you used violated the ethnic group custom the method, remembers did was more covert, should not be detected, otherwise I not good to speak for you.” 【摄政王走到你面前,拍了拍你的肩膀:“放心,我不会过问你晋升的心血来源,不过,如果你动用了一些违背族群规矩的手段,记得做的隐蔽些,不要被人察觉,不然我也不好为你说话。”】 Mu You selected the eyebrow, the meaning of prince regent, is attracts presses out the same clan is not good, so long as his method is clean enough, do not leave behind the handle, he will turn a blind eye, will not investigate. 沐游挑了挑眉,摄政王的意思,就是吸榨同族不是不行,只要他手段够干净,不要留下把柄,他就会睁一只眼闭一只眼,不会追究。 This saying in some sense is also showing good will. 这话某种意义上也算是一种示好。 Mu You even felt, this fellow can guess correctly he is Jake, because, since Jack appears, the prince regent again voluntarily did not request him to take oneself painstaking care. 沐游甚至觉得,这家伙会不会已经猜到了他就是‘杰克’,因为自从杰克出现之后,摄政王就再没有主动要求过他服用自己的心血。 This very possible is the opposite party touches does not permit his depth, is unable to determine actually he does have beginning generation of vampires strength, therefore does not dare to be strong. 这很可能是对方摸不准他的深浅,无法确定他究竟有没有初代吸血鬼的实力,所以不敢强来。 But at this moment shows good will, wants to use the strength of his Jake, copes the transformation clan. 而此刻之所以示好,也只是想利用他‘杰克’的力量,来对付变革者氏族。 Really, the prince regent then offered the invitation. 果然,摄政王紧接着便提出了邀请。 Believes that you have guessed correctly, I have not been able to tolerate existence of transformation this flock of flies! Tonight, is the night of decisive battle!” 【“相信你已经猜到了,我已经无法容忍变革者这群苍蝇的存在!今晚,就是决战之夜!”】 „, You are that willing to act with us, eliminates this crowd of dregs together?” 【“那么,你愿意和我们一起行动,共同来消灭这群渣滓吗?”】 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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