TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#537: secret spell church

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Chapter 537 secret spell church 第537章秘术教会 Has the snake the manager to be called young naughty child, actually does not have any being out of sorts feeling. 具蛇将管理员称为‘小小顽童’,却没有任何违和感。 Even if this/should hidden this legendary character, places one of the four big disasters has in front of the snake, is still an unknown unimportant person. 即便是该隐这种传说中的人物,放在四大天灾之一的具蛇面前,也不过是一个名不见经传的小人物。 Now has the snake to propose that must help him cope with the manager, Mu You naturally agreed joyfully, immediately had the snake to conspire in the consciousness neutralization. 如今具蛇主动提出要帮他对付管理员,沐游自然欣然同意,当即在意识中和具蛇密谋了一番。 Should appear intermittently in the main body by the seal in the all over the world, accepts the punishment of fierce Sunburn roasting, only remains a head, if traded Mu You is he, will definitely run away resourcefully, brought back the body. 该隐现在本体被封印在世界各地,接受烈日炙烤之刑,只剩一个头颅,如果换了沐游是他,肯定会想方设法的逃出去,将身体取回。 But now it goes all out makes Mu You attend its game, definitely has a goal. 而它现在这么卖力的让沐游来参加它的游戏,肯定有所目的。 Now had help that has the snake, even if this/should hidden will really have what conspiracy in the future, Mu You still calculated the energy. 如今有了具蛇的帮忙,即便将来该隐真有什么阴谋,沐游也算有了底气。 However, having the snake is not really the good intention helps in vain, set own request in it finally. 不过,具蛇也不是真那么好心白白帮忙,在最后它也提出了自己的要求。 Request is to let this goods shuts up! Does not want to be tired of me!” Had the snake with constraining the angry sound was saying. “要求就是让这货闭嘴!不要在烦我!”具蛇用压抑着愤怒的声音说。 Small eight, my good intention watches the television to you, making you experience various types of novel things, to let you broadens one's outlook, making you no longer lonely, you unexpectedly like this to me?” Nightwatcher incredible opens the mouth. “小八,我好心好意给你看电视,让你见识各种新奇的事物,全都是为了让你开阔眼界,让伱不再孤单,你居然这样对我?”打更人不可置信的开口。 Some needs I will look, moreover this snake, but the disaster beast, simply does not have the lonely this mood, this snake only wants to have own time!” Has the snake anger to exclaim, immediately passes message to Mu You: „A year, at least lets him within one year, should not be tired of me again, I help you!” “有需要我自己会看,而且本蛇可是天灾兽,根本没有孤单这种情绪,本蛇只想有自己的时间!”具蛇怒吼道,随即又传音给沐游:“一年,至少让他一年之内,都不要再烦我,我就帮你!” „Was one year too long? Young eight you were also too cruel-hearted, not okay or not, most ten days!” “一年太久了吧?小八你也太狠心了,不行不行,最多十天!” A half year, this is my bottom line!” “半年,这是我的底线!” I said that ten days you said for a half year, this also missed too many...... good me to let one step, three months, were OK......” “我说十天你说半年,这也差太多了……好吧我在让一步,三个月,可以了吧……” ...... …… Mu You looks on a person of snake to bargain back and forth, has quarrelled for several minutes, finally comes to the end. 沐游旁观一人一蛇讨价还价,一直争吵了数分钟,才终于告一段落。 The result of finally deciding, is Nightwatcher in a month no longer driving thank your for your hospitality has the snake, and in the future, must leave the fixed time every day, as the personal time of both sides, did not disturb in this period. 最终商定的结果,是打更人一个月内不再主动叨扰具蛇,且在未来,每天都要留出固定的时间,作为双方的私人时间,期间互不打扰。 Mu You estimated, has the snake, because the tone perception receives to offend anything, purely is only the pretence under pretext, the real reason is it wants to look for by the head, secures a right to oneself. 沐游估计,具蛇因为声音感觉受到冒犯什么的,纯粹只是托词,真正原因还是它想找个由头,给自己争取一点权利。 In brief, after this matter decides, Mu You then returned to the game. 总之,这件事商定之后,沐游便回到了游戏中。 【...... You wear mask, suddenly comes in sewer, the front vampire screamed one, fled panic-stricken......】 【……你戴着面具,忽然在下水道中现身,前方的吸血鬼尖叫一声,惊恐逃离……】 You created frightening to the enemy, your crazy placed ten.】 【你对敌人造成了惊吓,你的‘疯狂’维持在十层。】 Near your ear strange music is still playing, as if several hundred ghosts are revolving you to keep wailing......】 【你耳边的诡异音乐还在奏响,仿佛有数百个鬼魂在围绕着你不停哀嚎……】 You disregarded sound, raises axe to chase down to go toward vampire......】 【你无视了声音,提斧朝吸血鬼追杀而去……】 Instance that your axe cuts, the Jack ghost attacked to come, causing you suddenly to cut in completely wrong direction......】 【你一斧斩下的瞬间,身后的杰克鬼影突然袭击而来,导致你斩在了完全错误的方向……】 Recollection......” “回溯……” 【A your axe cuts, actually turns around suddenly backward, to the ghost hit with your axe.】 【你一斧斩下,却忽然转身向后,冲来的鬼影与你的斧头撞了个正着。】 The fire of blood boils from the axe gushes out sharp, spreads to the ghost on. Jake's ghost called out pitifully was fleeing you, vanished does not see......】 【沸腾的血之火从斧尖涌出,蔓延至鬼魂身上。杰克的鬼魂惨叫着逃离了你,消失不见……】 ...... …… This manager establishes penalty somewhat is troublesome, but Mu You recalls by the pocket watch massively, can in the enormous degree alleviate this type troublesome. 这管理员设置的‘惩罚’还是有些麻烦的,不过沐游靠怀表大量回溯,可以极大程度上缓解这种‘麻烦’。 Mu You tries simply, knows that the ghost after substantializing can also strike to kill, just after dozen minutes, will resurrect, therefore strikes to kill only to be able each time to win the short time to play to him normally. 沐游简单一试,就知道实质化后的鬼魂也是可以击杀的,只不过十几分钟后又会复活,所以每次击杀完只能争取出短暂的时间给他正常游戏。 As for the terrifying music of cell phone automatic broadcast, Mu You opened the dead silence incantation directly, the physics banned the sound unable to achieve, on that magic, really wants to play in any case, the means were always more than difficulty. 至于手机自动播放的恐怖音乐,沐游则直接开启了静默无声咒,物理禁音做不到,那就上魔法,反正真想游戏,办法总比困难多。 【...... You start amazingly quick, suddenly caught up with the escaping vampire again, an axe chops. The vampire evades not to be possible to evade, not many lives only had the number in the units place, lost the resistance ability thoroughly.】 【……你发动神速,眨眼再次追上了逃跑的吸血鬼,一斧劈出。吸血鬼避无可避,本就不多的生命只剩下个位数,彻底失去了反抗能力。】 【The smooth uniform/subdue goal, you then took off the mask, is wanting to attract presses out the opposite party, suddenly detects anything, turns the head fiercely, looks to behind somewhere.】 【顺利制服目标,你这才摘下了面具,正欲吸榨对方,忽然察觉到什么,猛地转头,看向身后某处。】 Follows your movement, the corner that the rear pipeline covers up, hears together the slight low call, obviously, some people peep there!】 【伴随你的动作,后方一处管道遮掩的拐角处,传来一道轻微的低呼声,显然,正有人在那里偷窥!】 You drop out at present goal temporarily, raises axe after the corner flushes away......】 【你暂时抛下眼前目标,提斧朝拐角后冲去……】 Behind pipeline, 8 generations of vampires are covering the mouth stubbornly, looks to look at your facial features panic-stricken, in the eye actually flashes through unbelievable.】 【管道后方,一个八代吸血鬼正死死捂着嘴巴,面露惊恐的看着你的面容,眼中却闪过一丝难以置信。】 【After...... one minute, you go out after the pipeline, in hand is dragging out a vampire corpse......】 【……一分钟后,你从管道后走出,手中拖着一具吸血鬼的尸体……】 This was not Mu You really neglected certainly, but was he intends to arrange. 这一幕当然不是沐游真的疏忽了,而是他有意安排的。 He from sneaking to the first second of this sewer, used the ultra feeling to discover here had two vampires, perishing language. 他从潜入到这处下水道的第一秒,就用超感发现了这里有两个吸血鬼,其中一个还是‘亡语者’。 Therefore Mu You then directed and perform this play, reason that a moment ago this perishing language displayed such shock, was because he exposes now, not own face, but was transformation the appearance of leader Al-Mansur. 于是沐游便自导自演了这出戏,刚才这个亡语者之所以表现的这么‘震惊’,是因为他现在展露的,并不是自己的脸,而是变革者的首领曼苏尔的样子。 Melts shape this talent, so long as have contacted the person can change, the person who only then kills personally, can simulate the opposite party aura, therefore his changed the body to have the flaw a moment ago, if this perishing language can be calmer, can feel that easily has his aura to be incompatible. ‘化形’这个天赋,只要接触过的人都可以变化,不过只有亲手杀死的人,才可以模拟对方气息,所以刚才他的变身是有破绽的,如果这个亡语者能冷静一些,很容易就能感觉出他的气息不符。 What a pity, the opposite party witnessed the scene of crazy Jack blade person, had been scared, simply does not have the thoughts to feel this detail. 可惜,对方亲眼目睹了疯狂杰克刀人的场景,已经被吓破了胆,根本没有心思去感受这种细节。 After attracting pressed out two people, Mu You immediately visits the heart net to look at the eye. 吸榨了两人之后,沐游随即登陆心网看了眼。 As expected, he beamed with joy a moment ago, to this perishing language killed entire process, before on had been passed to the public space of heart net by perishing language at the point of death. 不出所料,他刚才露脸,到这个亡语者被杀的全过程,已经被刚才的亡语者在临死前上传到了心网的公共空间内。 Originally the crazy Jake's news, is the topic that the heart online most receives to focus on, at present some people see the crazy Jake's face for the first time directly, immediately stirred the great unrest in the heart net. 本来疯狂杰克的消息,就是心网上最受关注的话题,眼下还是首次有人直接看到疯狂杰克的正脸,顿时在心网中引发了轩然大波。 Related crazy Jack is Al-Mansur and was careful that Al-Mansur and other information, have started the insane biography in the heart net, believes that quick will pass to the ear of prince regent. 有关‘疯狂杰克是曼苏尔’、‘小心曼苏尔’等情报,已经开始在心网中疯传,相信很快就会传到摄政王的耳中。 Doesn't the prince regent need the casus belli? This is Mu You to the casus belli that he provides. 摄政王不是需要开战理由吗?这就是沐游给他提供的开战理由。 By keen that prince regent displays, he should be able to realize, this matter possibly some people shift blame intentionally, but displayed last night by him the tone that battles against anxiously, Mu You believes that he will certainly not miss this opportunity. 以那个摄政王表现出的敏锐,他应该能意识到,这件事可能是有人故意嫁祸,不过以他昨晚表现出的急切开战的语气,沐游相信他一定不会错过这个机会。 Remaining matter Mu You did not need to manage, making this news online ferment in the heart slowly, he returned to play, continued his hunting. 剩下的事情沐游就不用管了,让这消息在心网上慢慢发酵,他回到游戏中,继续他的狩猎。 Withstand/Top is losing sanely the negative condition, Mu You enlivens one forcefully throughout the day, hunted and killed 17 vampires finally, gained 27 blood laws, including 7 rare blood laws. 顶着‘理智丧失’的负面状态,沐游强行活跃了一整个白天,最终猎杀了17名吸血鬼,获取了27种血律,其中包括七种稀有血律。 The short two days of time, the rare blood law simultaneous/uniform had been surpassed half by his collection. 短短两天时间,稀有血律已经被他集齐了超过一半。 After the city at nightfall, Mu You then stopped the game promptly, pulls back the apartment to rest the character. 以诺之城入夜之后,沐游便及时停止了游戏,将人物拉回公寓休息。 In the game is idle temporarily, what a pity, he was unable to rest tonight early. 游戏里暂时无所事事,可惜,他本人今晚还不能这么早休息。 That night is close to 12:00 time, Mu You brings one pile of cards to arrive at a building. 当夜接近十二点的时候,沐游带着一摞卡片来到一楼。 At this time two clone to end the respective matter, downstairs he. 此时两个分身都已经结束了各自的事情,正在楼下等他。 Mu You will be carving Gemini and ring of Scorpio image, gave two people respectively. 沐游将雕刻着双子天蝎图像的戒指,分别交给了两人。 Leaves in 4000, finally must meet!” Nightwatcher is sighing with emotion. “一别四千年,终于又要开会了啊!”打更人感慨着。 Yes, on Wednesday, crosses midnight tonight later, was once a week secret spell conference time. 是的,今晚又是周三,稍后过了零点,就是一周一次的秘术会议时间。 This conference, Mu You planned that makes two clone with him to go together, mainly introduced two people to others, from now on have the matter temporarily time, can make two clone for him to act. 这次会议,沐游打算让两个分身跟他一起去,主要是给其他人介绍一下两人,今后自己临时有事的时候,可以让两个分身代他出面。 12:00 crosses, in three people of rings projects a red transmission gate on the ground respectively. 十二点一过,三人的戒指中分别在地上投射出一道红色传送门。 Mu You gave two people to provide some cards respectively, immediately three people of simultaneously stepped into respective. 沐游给两人分别发放了一些卡片,随即三人齐齐踏入各自门内。 With front ray one revolution, Mu You appears in the familiar plain hall again. 随着面前光线一转,沐游再次出现在熟悉的古朴大厅中。 Mu You turns the head to look, besides near left hand position vacancy, in entire hall full house. 沐游转头一看,除了左手边的位置空缺外,整个大厅中座无虚席。 „Hasn't Taurus come?” Mu You sighed. 金牛又没来么?”沐游叹息一声。 Since Taurus intended to suppress the Z traveler/ascetic after last month, this is her sixth absence conference. 自从上个月金牛出手压制Z界行者后,这已经是她第六次缺席会议。 Really does not see for a long time! Can everyone be good recently?” “真是好久不见啊!大家近来可好?” Mu You ponder time, in the field some people have taken the lead to open the mouth, but this chapter of first making noise is actually not Leo, but is the Scorpio position. 沐游沉思的时候,场中已经有人率先开口,不过这回第一个出声的却不是狮子,而是天蝎的位置。 The tone that this winds ripe, making the people look at each other in blank dismay. 这熟络的语气,让众人不由面面相觑了一下。 Leo complexion strange looks to the person's shadow of Scorpio place, high and low sized up one: Brother you who? Who are Gemini this brothers? Eldest child these two are your acquaintance?” 狮子脸色古怪的看向天蝎处的人影,上下打量了一眼:“老哥你谁?还有双子这位兄弟又是谁?老大这两位是你熟人?” Others are also curious looks like to Mu You. 其他人也都是好奇的向沐游看来。 As far as they know, Gemini and Scorpio crystal in Aries, Aries has also arranged own clone in the Gemini position at present before, before , after Scorpio has an accident, Aries then confessed the situation to the people, later several conference these two positions are the vacancies. 据他们所知,双子天蝎结晶目前都在白羊手里,之前白羊也在双子的位置上安排过自己的分身,不过自从之前天蝎出事之后,白羊便向众人坦白了情况,之后几次会议这两个位置就一直是空缺的。 Never expected that comes the person today suddenly, moreover listens to the tone, does not seem like the Aries style. The people somewhat are for a while confused, who are these two rookies? Ring how attains? 没想到今天忽然又来了人,而且听语气,怎么也不像是白羊的风格。众人一时都有些迷茫,这两个新人到底是谁?怎么拿到的戒指? These two, are my...... the Junior Brother, with being the disciple of Vivian hanger-on, has the origin with Secret Spell Society, therefore made them officially join.” Mu You thinks to say. “这两个,都是我的……师弟,同属于薇薇安门下的弟子,和秘术协会也算是有渊源,于是让他们正式加入了进来。”沐游想了想说。 Here Mu You conceals others actually not intentionally, but two clone with clone ordinary differently, has own character, even the game character, strict calculates two independent people, must explain from the beginning the matter of fractal is too troublesome, Mu You gives they settled Junior Brother the status simply, is easier to understand some. 这里沐游倒不是故意隐瞒其他人,只是两个分身和普通分身不一样,都拥有自己的性格,甚至还有游戏人物,严格来说算两个独立的人,要从头解释分形器的事情太麻烦,沐游索性给他们安了个‘师弟’的身份,更容易理解一些。 Mu You said, the people are still confused. 沐游说完,众人依然迷茫。 Now the Aries status they almost find out, the entire life personal history is clear, how to brave two Junior Brothers suddenly? 如今白羊的身份他们差不多都摸清了,生平履历一清二楚,怎么会忽然冒出来两个师弟的? Concrete status is quite complex, in brief, you only need to know, their two can the person of absolute trust, not betray the association.” Mu You said. “具体的身份比较复杂,总之,你们只需要知道,他们两个都是可以绝对信任的人,绝不会背叛协会。”沐游说。 The people complexion then relaxes, since Aries said that that definitely is the acquaintance in his reality, moreover knows the whole story, this believe in firmly. 众人脸色这才缓和,既然白羊都这么说了,那肯定是他现实中的熟人,而且知根知底,这才会深信不疑。 Haha felt relieved, everyone later was a person on one's own side, did not use cautious, I called 1st, he called 2nd, from now on has what need we to help, said although!” Nightwatcher said with a smile. “哈哈放心,大家以后都是自己人了,不用拘谨,我叫一号,他叫二号,今后有什么需要我们帮忙的,尽管说!”打更人笑道。 „1st? 2nd? Are friend your names a little strange? Doesn't have slightly normal point code name?” Leo strange looks. “一号?二号?老兄你们这名字有点怪啊?就没有个稍微正常点的代号?”狮子奇怪的看过来。 Name, I am indifferent, but you must really not feel freely spoken, can call stage name that I just took last night Chilla.” Nightwatcher said. “名字而已嘛,我是无所谓,不过你要实在觉得不顺口,也可以叫我昨晚刚取的艺名‘奇拉比’。”打更人说。 Chilla...... the friend you mix two dimensions? However I am the first time see to compare oneself to others eight person column strength.” Leo complained. “奇拉比……老兄你混二次元的吧?不过我还是头一次见自比八尾人柱力的。”狮子吐槽。 Haha, actually I really am the person of column strength, wants me to give you to come section rap to prove?” Nightwatcher is eager to try. “哈哈,其实我真是人柱力啊,要不要我给你来段rap证明一下?”打更人跃跃欲试。 Yo? Also really has this talent and skill, be honest with you, we once were also a star of rap sparkle, today rival in chess, the friend must break off first......” “呦呵?还真有这才艺啊,不瞒你说,咱曾经也是说唱界一颗闪耀的星,今日棋逢对手,老兄要不要来掰头一下……” Ok......” “可以啊……” „, The idle talk chatted later, first managed the proper business!” “咳,闲话稍后再聊,先办正事!” Mu You saw that Nightwatcher started to clear throat, quickly stopped. 沐游眼看着打更人都开始清嗓子了,急忙叫停。 Really must make these two two chat, today's meeting do not take easy. 真要让这两俩聊起来,今天的会别想开了。 When everyone attention was attracted, Mu You then started the subject. 待所有人注意力被吸引过来,沐游这才开始了正题。 Before starting to exchange the card, I first asked one, as of late, has anybody to receive the Taurus information?” Mu You first asked one. “在开始交换卡片之前,我先问一句,最近这段时间,有任何人收到过金牛的情报吗?”沐游首先问了一声。 Not......” “没有……” Has not heard completely......” “完全没听说……” ...... …… The people look at each other one, shakes the head in abundance. 众人对视一眼,纷纷摇头。 Words said that after Sister Taurus since that day disappeared, had not come again, won't really have an accident? The eldest child do we want to send people the abyss to have a look at the situation?” Leo proposed. “话说,金牛大姐自从那天消失之后就再没来过啊,不会真出事了吧?老大咱们要不要派人去深渊看看情况?”狮子提议。 The intentions in some Mu You also this aspects. 沐游也有些这方面的意向。 At that time before Taurus just before leaving, once had said made him have free time abyss, what a pity afterward he has been encumbered by various things, has not gone with enough time. 当时金牛临走之前,曾说过让他有空去深渊一趟的,可惜后来他就一直被各种事情缠身,至今没有来得及去。 However, now had clone, can arrange one clone actually, went to the abyss to have a look exactly to have anything for him. 不过,如今有了分身,倒是可以安排一个分身,代他去深渊看看到底发生了什么。 This matter I will then process.” “这件事我回头会处理。” Mu You nods, looks to others: That, what other matter but also there is to say? If no starts to exchange the card.” 沐游点了点头,又看向其他人:“那么,还有什么别的事要说么?没有的话就开始交换卡片吧。” Wait, I have a matter, is the related black magic society......” this time another Libra opened the mouth suddenly. “等等,我有一件事,是有关黑魔法同好会的……”这时另一头天秤忽然开口。 „? Said.” Mu You looks to her. “哦?说说。”沐游看向她。 Libra looked that others look, nods, explained: My evening city light/only, has stayed after birth in the Astral Spirit Realm West ‚the Fatima empire, but couple of days ago, I received a news that the player reported, said that was in the capital city in Fatima empire, since was emerging a religion, named ‚the secret spell church, this church said that they have decoded the riddle of black magic, studied black magic of no side effect, was secret spell, so long as joined them, anybody had the opportunity to study secret spell.” 天秤看其他人都看过来,点了点头,解释道:“我的暮光之城,从出世后就一直停留在星灵界西方的‘法蒂玛帝国’内,而前两天,我收到手下玩家汇报的一条消息,说是法蒂玛帝国的都城内,新兴起了一个宗教,名叫‘秘术教会’,这个教会自称他们已经破解了黑魔法之谜,研究出了无副作用的黑魔法,也就是秘术,只要加入他们,任何人都有机会学习秘术。” This matter in the local original resident folk, caused a big stir, short two days, several tens of thousands of people have registered to join this church it is said!” “这件事在当地原住民间,引起了不小的轰动,短短两天,据说已经有数万人报名加入了这个教会!” Libra introduced, this looked to the people: Although without positive evidence, but I suspected that the predecessor of this church, likely is the black magic society.” 天秤介绍完,这才看向众人:“虽然没有直接证据,但我怀疑这个教会的前身,很可能就是黑魔法同好会。” Scratches, the pheasant church where this comes, plagiarizes our association name unexpectedly! When our association no one?” The Leo hear cursed immediately. “擦,这哪来的野鸡教会,居然抄袭我们协会名字!当我们协会没人了是吧?”狮子听完顿时大骂。 Other person of complexion some are unattractive, Secret Spell Society of Vivian leadership, almost threw off wizarding society in the past, in mainland notorious, that group of people of black magic society must know. 其他人脸色也都有些不好看,薇薇安领导的秘术协会,当年差点掀翻巫师协会,在大陆上可谓‘臭名远扬’,黑魔法同好会的那帮人不可能不知道。 But knows perfectly well existence of Secret Spell Society, but also gives this name intentionally, only possibly is two reasons ; first, they thought Secret Spell Society already the destruction, not some people, because the name asked them to trouble, two somewhat rubbed the Secret Spell Society reputation the meaning. 而明知秘术协会的存在,还故意取这种名字,只可能是两点原因,一是他们认为秘术协会已经覆灭了,不会有人因为名字找他们麻烦,二则是有些蹭秘术协会名声的意思。 Using Vivian and Secret Spell Society once prestige, helping them rapidly enhance the influence, thus gathered the follower fast. 利用薇薇安秘术协会曾经的威名,帮他们迅速提高影响力,从而快速聚拢信徒。 Cannot endure the eldest child, this fellows dare to use the reputation of our association unexpectedly, cannot make them work! Do we want to declare war directly?” Leo looked that asked to Mu You. “不能忍啊老大,这帮家伙居然敢利用我们协会的名声,不能让他们得逞!咱们要不要直接宣战?”狮子看向沐游问。 First sits down.” Mu You hints him to be patient. “先坐下。”沐游示意他稍安勿躁。 If indeed Libra said, this church likely is the black magic society does. 的确如天秤所说,这个教会很可能就是黑魔法同好会搞出来的。 Before this group of people, in suspicious with a lot of human experiments, studies the Secret Spell Crystal substitute, but now they dare such flagrant jumps, was the experiment has possibly completed. 这帮人之前在偷摸的用大量人体实验,研究秘术结晶的替代品,而如今他们敢这么明目张胆的跳出来,很可能是实验已经完成了。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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