TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#536: The young naughty child, dares to show off meager skills before an expert

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The Chapter 536 young naughty child, dares to show off meager skills before an expert 第536章小小顽童,竟敢班门弄斧 You choose the reply that has retained, concealed you with the dialogue of Al-Mansur.】 【你选择有所保留的回答,隐瞒了你和曼苏尔的对话。】 You determined that the sarcophagus has lost?” The prince regent quickly looks at you to ask.】 【“你确定石棺已经丢失了?”摄政王急忙看着伱问。】 „, At least now sarcophagus not on that ship.” 【“是的,至少现在石棺不在那艘船上。”】 This......” the brow of prince regent stretches, by thought aloud on the chairback: This is just like one crowd to brandish the claw to clamor the hoodlum of murder, suddenly lost the lackey, you believe how we should do now?” Finally the prince regent in the issue that intent has referred to threw to you.】 【“这样啊……”摄政王的眉头舒展,靠在椅背上自言自语起来:“这就好比一群挥舞着爪子叫嚣杀人的暴徒,忽然丢失了爪牙,你认为,我们现在该怎么做?”摄政王在最后意有所指的将问题抛给了你。】 Under springs three options. 下方弹出三个选项。 【Do you want to make war with transformation? But we are justice a side, makes war to need a justifiable reason.】 【你想和变革者开战?但我们是‘正义’的一方,开战需要一个名正言顺的理由。】 I do not think that this is a great idea, the sarcophagus is not on the ship, perhaps was hidden other place by them.】 【我不认为这是一个好主意,石棺只是不在船上,说不定被他们藏去了别的地方。】 I only want to know that what meaning fire does burn end is?】 【我只想知道‘火焚末日’是什么意思?】 „Oh?” “哦?” Mu You accidental/surprised, looked coming out, this prince regent to transforming made war in the consideration...... 沐游意外了一下,看的出来,这个摄政王已经在考虑对变革者开战了…… Third is making up the number did not say that first two options, is the opportunity that chooses one time. 第三个是凑数的就不说了,前两个选项,又是一次选择的机会。 First represents the support to make war, said that makes war to need to be justifiable, refers to only remains a reason that the present range makes war to lack, even a little instigates the meaning that the two sides battle against as soon as possible. 第一个代表支持开战,说开战需要名正言顺,也就是指现在距离开战缺的只剩一个理由,甚至有点怂恿两边尽快开战的意思。 But the second option, then in suggesting sarcophagus possibly also in the opposite party hand, persuaded easily do not make war, quite therefore for the transformation speech. 而第二个选项,则是在暗示石棺可能还在对方手里,劝说不要轻易开战,相当于是在为变革者说话。 The Mu You present standpoint, is certainly willing to provoke anger. 沐游现在的立场,当然更愿意拱火。 Today a day of hunting and killing experience had shown, light/only by he himself, can hunt over six generations vampires, but below six generations were difficult, the battle efficiency insufficient is also only on the one hand, what is more important is these high levels would hardly leave behind, the side has the guard to follow anytime, wants to kill them to be too difficult only. 今天一天的猎杀经历已经证明,光靠他自己,可以狩猎六代以上的吸血鬼,但六代以下就难了,战斗力不足还只是一方面,更重要的是这些高层几乎不会落单,身边随时都有守卫相随,想单杀他们可太难了。 Best way, instigates them to hit, then he has an axe to grind. 最好的办法,还是怂恿他们自己打起来,然后他从中取利。 Mu You chose first. 沐游选了第一项。 Justifiable......, said right, indeed needs an appropriate reason......” prince regent to hesitate once again.】 【“名正言顺……嗯,说的没错,的确需要一个合适的理由呢……”摄政王又一次沉吟起来。】 You seize the chance to inquire the opposite party, what meaning does the fire burn the end is? ”】 【你趁机询问对方,火焚末日是什么意思?”】 The fire burns the end, he listened secretly when a moment ago several vampires meet, noun that some people repeatedly mention. 火焚末日,是刚才他偷听几个吸血鬼开会时,有人多次提及的名词。 „, You heard...... these are moaning without being ill of this group of waste head of the clan, did not need to care.” 【“哦,你听到了啊……那些不过是这群废物族长的无病呻吟而已,不用在意。”】 Prince regent sneers saying: One crowd lived several hundred years of blood group, unexpectedly was frightened this by an unknown news, really loses face! If that Jack is really beginning why today generation of vampires, hunt is over six generations vampires, moreover is the solitaries, only exception, only then Katerina, but also is only heart online so-called last words, even no one sees Katerina's body.” 【摄政王冷笑道:“一群活了几百年的血族,居然被一个未知的消息吓成这样,真是丢脸!如果那个杰克真是初代吸血鬼,为什么今天狩猎的全是六代以上的吸血鬼,而且都是独居者,唯一的例外,只有卡特琳娜,但也只是心网上的一条所谓‘遗言’,甚至没人见到卡特琳娜的尸体。”】 I suspected seriously, this matter is a conspiracy that Katerina establishes, after all, this odd woman may not have is so easy dead.” 【“我严重怀疑,这件事就是卡特琳娜设置的一个阴谋,毕竟,这个神神叨叨的女人可没那么容易死。”】 Mu You selected the eyebrow, has saying that the feeling of this prince regent is very keen, not only had not been daunted by Jack, instead also guessed correctly the truth faintly. 沐游挑了挑眉,不得不说,这个摄政王的感觉还挺敏锐,不但没有被杰克吓住,反而还隐隐猜到了真相。 Burns end as for fire, but is an absurdness, superstitious legend.” 【“至于‘火焚末日’,不过是一个荒谬,迷信的传说。”】 That we live by the city, is by the ancestor hidden construction city. In the historical origin legend of this city, is before very long, some gods decided that lowers big flood to world, eliminates ground all lives, but this/should hidden constructed this city, oneself think the life that is worth protecting sends here, evaded the flood. But this/should hidden was also therefore fallen the crime by the gods, fell into the long-time sinking dormancy. So-called fire burns end prediction, is believes that one day, this/should hidden will regain consciousness, and swallows in this city all lives, comes to forgive for oneself.” 【“我们生活的这座以诺之城,是由先祖该隐建造的城市。在这座城市的历史起源传说中,很久以前,某位神明决定对世间降下‘大洪水’,清除地上所有的生灵,而该隐建造了这座城市,将自己认为值得保护的生灵送入这里,避过了洪水。但该隐也因此被神明降罪,陷入了长久的沉眠。所谓的‘火焚末日’预言,就是相信有一天,该隐会重新苏醒,并且吞噬掉这个城市里所有的一切生命,来为自己恕罪。”】 This legend flaw were too many, the true wise man is disinclined to dispute, I believe that your person who came from the outside world, should be able to see that this legend is talking nonsense, therefore does not need to pay attention.” The prince regent did not care said.】 【“这传说破绽太多了,以至于真正的智者根本懒得辩驳,我相信你这种从外界来的人,应该更能看出这个传说只是在扯淡,所以无需理会。”摄政王不在意的说。】 This city is a server, but after this/should hidden the gods place on trial, is forced to run into here to seek asylum, therefore this legend indeed talked nonsense right, but the result of this legend, might be. 这座城市是服务器,而该隐是被众神审判之后,被迫逃进这里避难的,所以这传说的确是扯淡没错,但这个传说的结果,却有可能是真的。 This hidden had not died, moreover likely is here manager, the manager can revise and rebuild this city at any time, at the appointed time naturally first is deletion all characters, then produces the scene. 该隐本来就没死,而且很可能就是这里的管理员,管理员可以随时修改和重建这座城市,到时自然是先‘删除’所有人物,再重新生成场景。 In brief, no matter this legend is really false, actually to Jack who he disguises as, provided a very natural origin and background. 总之,不管这个传说是真是假,倒是给他假扮的杰克,提供了一个很自然的来源和背景。 In addition, since the prince regent has wanted to transforming begins, but lacks a reason, that might as well make itself come to him to create a reason. 此外,既然摄政王已经想对变革者动手,只是缺一个理由,那不如就让自己来给他创造一个理由。 Leaves the domain of prince regent, returns to the road in apartment, Mu You has been figuring out this matter. 离开摄政王的地盘,回公寓的路上,沐游一直在盘算这件事。 You received a mail.】 【你收到了一封邮件。】 Just went home, in the game popped up the mail prompt suddenly. 刚回到家,游戏中忽然弹出邮件提示。 Mu You has not thought, operated the character to turn on the computer to look at the eye. 沐游也没多想,操作人物去打开电脑看了眼。 Finally the mail title let his very surprise. 结果邮件的标题让他很是诧异了一下。 Jack is gazing at you!” Addressers: Anonymous.】 【“杰克在注视着你!”发件人:匿名。】 Mu You selected the eyebrow, anonymous mail, but also mentioned Jack, basically can determine that is the manager sends. 沐游挑了挑眉,匿名的邮件,还提到了杰克,基本可以确定是管理员发来的。 The Mu You point opened looked at the eye. 沐游点开看了眼。 You made unexpectedly arbitrarily were separated from the regular behavior, this made me very not happy! Regarding a game designer, this looks like does not defend the well-mannered player to open secretly hangs, such player will confer a title upon generally!” 【“你竟然擅自做出了脱离规则的行为,这让我很不高兴!对于一个游戏设计者来说,这就像是不守规矩玩家在偷偷开挂,这样的玩家一般都是会被封号的!”】 Opposite party tone, making Mu You determine immediately this was a manager. 对方这语气,让沐游立即确定了这就是管理员。 This manager warned him with title, Mu You actually did not fear. 这管理员用‘封号’警告他,沐游却一点不怵。 Initially can free exploration at the scene’ be this goods said that since the opposite party had not explained that ahead of time flashes place that the spirit manor did not allow to enter, he does not calculate that violated the rule. 当初‘可以在场景中自由探索’是这货自己说的,既然对方没有提前说明闪灵庄园是不允许进入的地方,那他就不算违反规则。 The manager has the absolute control that the scene enters the stadium, if the opposite party does not want to make him continue to play, he is nothing means resistance, therefore Mu You has not thought from the start asked it, at the worst kicked out does not play, this had resulted in two divine tools in any case white/in vain, the one pile of blood laws and several god attacks and defenses, were kicked also lost the following income, he did not owe. 管理员拥有场景入场的绝对掌控权,如果对方不想让他继续游玩,他是没有任何办法反抗的,所以沐游压根就没想过求它,大不了被踢出去不玩了,反正这趟已经白得了两件神器,一堆血律和几点神之攻防,被踢了也只是失去后续收益罢了,他又不亏。 „, if you can take back my game qualifications? That comes.” You reply.】 【“如果你要收回我的游戏资格?那就来吧。”你回复。】 Hehe, relax, I am angry very much, but will not remove your game qualifications...... but, the small penalty cannot avoid.” 【“呵呵,放心,我是很生气,但不会排除你的游戏资格……不过,一点小小的惩罚是免不了的。”】 What punishes?” You asked.】 【“什么惩罚?”你问。】 „, You know tomorrow...... remembers, Jake's ghost is gazing at you!!!” 【“嘿嘿,明天你就知道了……记住,杰克的鬼魂在注视着你!!!”】 Mu You felt that opposite tone looks like a broken against child, wants to retaliate feared that he runs did not play, did not retaliate actually cannot swallow this tone, therefore can only brushes with the threat and warning has the feeling. 沐游感觉对面的口气像一个破防的小孩子,想报复又怕他跑了不玩了,不报复却又咽不下这口气,于是只能用威胁和警告来刷存在感。 Bored.” “无聊。” Mu You gives an appraisal finally, the close-down winding, returned to the room to rest. 沐游最后给出一句评价,关机下线,回屋休息去了。 Other vampires are the night are active, during the daytime catches a fish by hand, he is different, during the daytime is his domineering time. 其他吸血鬼都是夜间活跃,白天摸鱼,他不一样,白天才是他的强势期。 Next day, Mu You woke up early, goes downstairs to look at the eye. 第二天,沐游早早醒来,下楼看了眼。 Still disappears exquisite, since returning to Earth, this goods seemingly already three days not family/home, does not know where fools around. 玲珑依然不见踪影,自从回到地球之后,这货貌似已经三天没有着家了,也不知道在哪里鬼混。 But Nightwatcher, is wresting away the onstage computer as before, the original hard seat does not know when had been changed to a deck chair by him, at this moment his face upwards lying down stares at the screen on the master chair, the bosom is holding Cola, one person and one cat is a otaku appearance. 打更人,依旧霸占着前台电脑,原本的硬座椅不知何时已经被他改成了一把躺椅,此刻他正仰躺在老爷椅上盯着屏幕,怀里抱着可乐,一人一猫都是一副废宅的样子。 Mu You close, hears Nightwatcher to think aloud. 沐游靠近一些,就听到打更人在自言自语。 What? Where did you ask my Leifeng Pagoda?” “什么?你问我雷峰塔在哪儿?” How this makes me explain with you......” “这让我怎么和你解释呢……” Wait, do you want to look for the ocean of the law to revenge?” “等等,难道你想去找法海报仇?” What? You only want to teach this white snake...... to be suppressed about hundred years by a human monk with a broken tower unexpectedly, simply is the shame of ophidia......” “啥?你只想教训一下这条白蛇……居然被一个人类和尚用一座破塔镇压了近百年,简直是蛇类之耻……” „, Young eight you had the qualifications to speak this words......” “呃,小八你有资格说这种话吗……” ...... …… This dialogue is too abstract, Mu You was far away from the onstage silently, looked at the medicine picker situation. 这对话太抽象,沐游默默远离了前台,又去看了眼采药人的情况。 medicine picker was more normal. 采药人这边就正常多了。 Mu You and he synchronized to remember, this discovered he had made a connection with the formidable tower last night, had explored one in the real world whole evening. 沐游和他同步了一下记忆,这才发现他昨晚就已经打通了勇者塔,已经在真实世界中探险了一整晚。 Moreover, short one late time, his evil value has broken hundred, successfully activated the first evil to reward. 而且,短短一晚的时间,他的‘罪恶值’就已经破百,成功激活了第一条罪恶奖励。 You obtained wickedly are the reward —— title of gods miser: You through precise, strike to kill, treasure hunt the divine nature income that and other ways yielded, enhances 10.】 【你获得了恶系神明的奖励——称号‘守财奴’:你通过凝炼、击杀、寻宝等方式获得的神性收益,提高十。】 The effect of this title is actually good, what a pity value only then 10, better than nothing, probably when will strike to kill the high star lifeform the income is quite considerable. 这称号的效果其实不错,可惜数值只有十,聊胜于无,大概只有在击杀高星生物的时候收益才会比较可观。 However this is the first reward of wicked department, the effect is weaker normally. 不过这毕竟才是恶系的第一条奖励,效果弱一些也正常。 Truly what Mu You has not expected, the reward of good and evil value unexpectedly is not the material object, but is the title. 沐游真正没料到的是,善恶值的奖励居然不是实物,而是称号。 The words of title, can he inherit? 称号的话,他能继承吗? Mu You quickly gets online tries. 沐游急忙上线试了试。 You wake up in your apartment......】 【你在自己的公寓中醒来……】 The game gets online, is in the city of by, and has no special prompt to appear. 游戏上线,还是在以诺之城中,并没有任何特殊提示出现。 Thinks, Mu You withdraws from the game, takes back his within the body medicine picker temporarily, gets online again. 想了想,沐游退出游戏,将采药人暂时收回他体内,再次上线。 You wake up in your apartment.】 【你在自己的公寓中醒来。】 You obtained special title miser: You through precise, strike to kill, treasure hunt the divine nature that and other ways obtained to enhance 10.( In this/should scene is unable to become effective)】 【你获得了特殊称号‘守财奴’:你通过凝炼、击杀、寻宝等方式获得的神性提高十。(该场景中无法生效)】 Really has!” “果然有!” Mu You eye one bright, quickly tries to separate from within the body medicine picker, watches the game again, finally, the title has not vanished! 沐游眼睛一亮,急忙又试着将采药人从体内分离出来,再看游戏,结果,称号并没有消失! Mu You immediately in heart calm, evidently title type of thing, so long as obtained one time, even if the following dissatisfied condition, will not take back. 沐游顿时心中大定,看样子称号这种东西,只要获得了一次,就算后续不满足条件,也不会收回。 He was equivalent to the card bug that clone with the main body, if from now on the reward of good and evil value is the title, he even can the two sides title all cards to himself on. 他相当于卡了一个分身和本体的bug,如果今后善恶值的奖励全是称号,那他甚至可以将两边的称号全都卡到自己身上。 Confirmed after oneself can also attain the reward, in the Mu You well satisfied return game, formally started today hunting. 确认自己也能拿到奖励后,沐游心满意足的回到游戏中,正式开始了今天的‘狩猎’。 【Before...... you arrived at the foreign-style multi-storied building in suburb .】 【……你来到了郊外的一栋洋楼前。】 You push the door to enter the room, discovered that in room completely empty, does not see a person's shadow.】 【你推门入屋,发现屋内空空如也,不见一个人影。】 【The ultra feeling activates, you felt that in the basement in room, a middle-aged vampire is grasping the firearms, shrinking of trembling in the corner, full head is the perspiration.】 【超感激活,你感觉到房间的地下室中,一个中年吸血鬼正手持枪械,瑟瑟发抖的缩在角落里,满头是汗。】 You started had feeling, submerged in the basement quietly, circled to the man behind, jumps out suddenly.】 【你发动了‘存在感’,悄无声息的潜入了地下室中,绕到男子身后,忽然跳出。】 „......” In basement is reverberating the men's high decibel squeal.】 【“啊……”地下室中回荡着男子高分贝的尖叫声。】 Enemy enters the specific weight to frighten the condition.】 【敌人进入重度惊吓状态。】 You obtained three crazily, the entire ability is increased sharply. You lost some reason......】 【你获得了三层‘疯狂’,全能力大幅提升。你失去了部分理智……】 This was yesterday exaggerates the terrifying atmosphere everywhere the achievement, just met folded three buff to him, strengthened own at the same time sharply, but also was scared the opposite party, began easily. 这就是昨天四处渲染恐怖氛围的成果了,刚见面就给他叠了三层buff,大幅强化自身的同时,还把对方吓破了胆,动起手来容易了许多。 After several minutes, Mu You goes out from the building front door, in the panel had had a brand-new rare talent. 几分钟后,沐游从楼房大门走出,面板中已经多出了一条全新的稀有天赋。 You are raising the blood axe, walks under the scorching sun.】 【你提着血斧,走在骄阳之下。】 Near your ear transmits suddenly somewhat familiar together twittering.】 【你的耳边忽然传来一道有些熟悉的呢喃。】 „The work does not only play, intelligent Jack also becomes silly!” 【“只工作不玩耍,聪明的杰克也变傻!”】 You sweep subconsciously to all around, the surroundings distinct no one 's shadow, these words actually seem like whispering of ghost to be the same, read to keep near your ear broken.】 【你下意识扫向四周,周围分明没有任何人影,这句话却像是鬼魂的低语一般,在你耳边碎碎念个不停。】 „Oh?” “哦?” Mu You stares, immediately remembers the mail that last night received. 沐游一愣,立即想起了昨晚收到的邮件。 Therefore this does punish?” “所以这就是惩罚?” The Mu You complexion is strange, if that manager's so-called penalty, arranged a repeater, broadcasts near his ear repeatedly , was too rather weak. 沐游脸色古怪,如果那个管理员所谓的惩罚,就只是安排了一个复读机,在他耳边反复播放,也未免太幼稚了些。 Mu You has not paid attention to this sound directly , to continue to hunt. 沐游直接就没理会这声音,继续狩猎。 However, is quick he to discover that the matter is not simple. 然而,很快他就发现事情没那么简单。 You obtained one crazily......】 【你获得了一层‘疯狂’……】 Your crazy superimposed five!】 【你的‘疯狂’叠加到了五层!】 Your reason drastically reduces! You suddenly discovered that the surrounding line and scenery become twist, you are indistinct, in the front saw Jake's empty shadow, he is lowering the head slightly, is staring at you with the expression that one type smiles craftily.】 【你的理智大幅降低!你忽然发现周围的线条和景物都变得扭曲起来,你隐约在前方看到了杰克的虚影,他正微微低头,用一种诡笑的表情盯着你。】 At the same time, near your ear low sound of talking increased several times suddenly, as if more than ten gather round you personally, from each direction toward your ear bombing: Only works, does not play, intelligent Jack also changes silly silly......” 【与此同时,你耳边的低语声骤然增加了数倍,仿佛有十多个人围着你,从各个方向朝你耳朵轰炸:“只工作,不玩耍,聪明杰克也变傻傻傻傻……”】 【The strange sound and vision made you moodily, before you could not bear the violent anger is rushing, an axe chops.】 【诡异的声音和视觉令你心烦气躁,你忍不住暴怒着冲上前,一斧劈下。】 Jake's empty shadow vanishes quietly, but in several seconds, he appears in the distance more than ten about meters position, still maintains is smiling to stare at you craftily......】 【杰克的虚影悄然消失,但没过几秒,他又出现在距离十多米开外的位置,依然保持着诡笑盯着你……】 Mu You knits the brows slightly. 沐游微微皱眉。 The repeater increased more than ten times, he does not care, what he cares was the game character starts to come under the influence, without his order then started the initiative attack. 复读机增多了十几倍,他不在意,他在意的是游戏人物开始受到了影响,没有他的命令便开始主动攻击。 Therefore the crazy layer are more, will affect to aggravate gradually?” Mu You hesitates. “所以疯狂层数越多,影响会逐步加重?”沐游沉吟。 Although the current situation is a little troublesome, but has not affected him to fight. 目前的情况虽然有点麻烦,但还不至于影响他战斗。 Mu You continues to hunt. He wants to have a look but actually, this manager actually penalty can be in what situation. 沐游继续狩猎。他倒想看看,这管理员的‘惩罚’究竟能到什么地步。 Your crazy superimposed seven!】 【你的‘疯狂’叠加到了七层!】 Your reason loses massively! Then all your orders, will have certain probability unable to transmit accurately......】 【你的理智大量丧失!接下来你所有的命令,都将有一定的概率无法准确传达……】 As expected, seven times, the disturbance is strengthened again, this time starts to affect relation between him and game characters unexpectedly directly, in other words, under his here point option, the game character may not receive, even possibly receives the wrong option, for example he chose 1, the game character actually carried out 2. 不出所料,七层的时候,干扰再次增强,这次居然直接开始影响他和游戏人物之间的联系,也就是说,他这边点下的选项,游戏人物有可能接收不到,甚至可能收到错误的选项,比如他选了一,游戏人物却偏偏执行了二。 This disturbance may a little be serious, at crucial moment a wrong option, will be likely fatal. 这种干扰可就有点严重了,关键时候一个错误的选项,很可能会致命的。 Is good has the pocket watch because of Mu You, can this type of probabilistic thing, affect to minimize. 好在沐游有怀表,可以将这种概率性的东西,影响降到最低。 The Mu You entire journey is gripping the pocket watch , to continue to persist in playing. 沐游全程攥着怀表,继续坚持游戏。 Your crazy superimposed ten!】 【你的‘疯狂’叠加到了十层!】 You entered completely loses condition sanely!】 【你进入了完全的‘理智丧失’状态!】 Your ear resounded a stranger sound.】 【你耳边响起了更诡异的声音。】 You launch attacks instance, Jake's ghost is unprepared while you, started sneak attack to you......】 【你发动攻击的瞬间,身后杰克的鬼魂趁你不备,对你发动了偷袭……】 You were cut by Jack, the movement distorts sharply, the life value reduced 10 points! Your angry turn head wants to counter-attack, Jack actually laughs is fluttering to escaping, waits for opportunity that sneak attacks next time......】 【你被杰克砍中,动作大幅变形,生命值降低了十点!你愤怒的回头想要反击,杰克却大笑着飘离逃开,等待下一次偷袭的机会……】 Tenth, the penalty of highest layer, the ghost substantialized unexpectedly! 第十层,最高层数的惩罚,鬼魂居然实质化了! However penalty Mu You in game does not have the time to care at this time, because at this moment, his cell phone in resounded a strange music unexpectedly. 不过游戏里的惩罚沐游此时已经没时间在意,因为此刻,他的手机中居然响起了一阵奇怪的音乐。 That is just like large number of skeletons when the sound of unconsciousness flexure wall, coordinate once for a while one wailed and screamed, absolutely does not have the melody, is gratingly coarse, will also make the production absolutely terrified feeling of person instinct. 那是宛如大量骷髅在无意识挠墙的声音,配合时不时的一道哀嚎和尖叫,完全没有旋律,刺耳难听之余,还会令人本能的产生一种毛骨悚然的感觉。 The music resounds, two in room clone to look as if by prior agreement. 音乐响起的时候,屋内的两个分身都不约而同的看了过来。 The small girl also pale going out gate that in the building sleeps, puts in great inconvenience looks at him, both hands hold the arm to tremble faintly: Mu You, you put what broken music, is good to infiltrate the person, stops quickly, I do not dare to sleep......” 就连楼上睡觉的小丫头也脸色发白的走出门,委屈的看着他,双手抱着胳膊隐隐发抖:“沐游,你放的什么破音乐啊,好渗人,快停下吧,我都不敢睡觉了……” Three people can hear, explained that this music also is really spreads from his cell phone directly. 三人都能听见,说明这音乐还真是直接从他手机中传出的。 Mu You knits the brows the cell phone volume according to arriving at zero. 沐游皱眉将手机音量按到零。 The result strange sound is continue broadcast unexpectedly, the sound does not reduce. 结果怪声居然还是在继续播放,声音丝毫不减。 Then the Mu You surprise, quickly assigned out the backstage to look, in this moment cell phone operated only had the Fool game. 这下沐游更诧异了,急忙调出后台看了看,此刻手机中运行的只有愚者游戏。 Fool game also built-in sound function?” Mu You first time knows this matter, before this game was the mute pattern has been coming. 愚者游戏还内置了声音功能?”沐游头一次知道这事,之前这游戏一直是静音模式来着。 The one who makes him have doubts, can that manager control the Fool game long-distance broadcast sound unexpectedly? The jurisdiction of fellow broad to this situation? 更让他疑惑的是,那个管理员居然可以控制愚者游戏远程播放声音?那家伙的权限宽泛到了这种地步么? Mu You is vacant, suddenly the feeling shoulder was bumped bumping. 沐游正茫然着,忽然感觉肩膀被人碰了碰。 Turns the head to look, Nightwatcher stands in him behind. 转头一看,打更人站在他身后。 A while, I switch off...... Mu You to think that in the attempt he is urges the mute. “等会儿,我在尝试关掉……”沐游以为他是来催促静音的。 Finally Nightwatcher shakes the head: „, Small eight do not look for you......” 结果打更人摇头:“不是啊,小八找你……” Small eight? Has the snake?” Mu You stares. “小八?具蛇?”沐游一愣。 Un, said that was this sound it listens...... to make it tell you very uncomfortable.” “嗯,说是这声音它听了很不爽……让它自己跟你说吧。” Nightwatcher is saying, placed his top of the head the hand. 打更人说着,将手放在了他头顶。 Mu You felt in immediately the mind resounded a chaos sound. 沐游顿时感觉脑海中响起了一道混沌的声音。 Boy, this sound is who makes?” “小子,这声音是谁弄出来的?” What's wrong?” “怎么?” In this sound contained certainly fear rule, this is I most commonly used method, what a pity the opposite party simply has not grasped the essence, therefore I want to know, is actually who is showing off.” “这声音中蕴含了一定的‘恐惧’规则,这可是我最常用的手段,可惜对方根本没掌握到精髓,所以我想知道,究竟是谁在卖弄。” Mu You is somewhat strange, has the snake unexpectedly because the sound will talk together on own initiative, now but this goods are imprisoned by them, will pour stubbornly did not fear that it will do the matter, therefore told it to play in truthfully the matter. 沐游有些奇怪,具蛇居然会因为一道声音主动搭话,不过这货现在被他们囚禁的死死的,倒也不怕它搞事,于是如实告诉了它游戏里的事。 After having the snake to listen, suddenly sneers: Interesting, must know this snake is fear the ancestor, the young naughty child, dares to show off meager skills before an expert before me...... looks like selects the lesson to taste to it......” 具蛇听完后,忽然冷笑起来:“有意思,要知道本蛇才是‘恐惧’的祖宗,小小顽童,竟敢在我面前班门弄斧……看来得给它点教训尝尝……” Has the snake to think aloud in mind. 具蛇在脑海里自言自语起来。 Mu You complexion strange looks to Nightwatcher: Which edition of ocean of the law that you to it does look at?” 沐游脸色古怪的看向打更人:“你给它看的哪版法海?” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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