TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#535: This hidden coffin

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Chapter 535 this/should hidden coffin 第535章该隐之棺 Katerina last words, naturally are Mu You let out intentionally. 卡特琳娜的‘遗言’,自然是沐游故意放出去的。 Katerina is 5 generations of vampires, the solemn clan head of the clan, does not have the ability to resist, by this increases crazy Jack terrifying. 卡特琳娜是五代吸血鬼,堂堂的氏族族长,都没有能力抵抗,以此来增加‘疯狂杰克’的恐怖。 Especially finally 1 generation of vampires discharge of this news, a stone in the vampire social group arouses thousand overlapping waves, the deathly stillness heart net instantaneous group star sparkled, various genuine and fake news run all over the place. 尤其是最后‘一代吸血鬼’这个消息的放出,更是在吸血鬼社群中一石激起千层浪,原本死寂的心网瞬间群星闪耀,各种真假消息满天飞。 In the evening, when the vampires fall into the scared spread, Mu You quietly, had actually gone to the seashore. 当晚,在吸血鬼们陷入恐慌蔓延的时候,沐游却已经悄悄出发,前往了海边。 By the city is a seaside city, naturally, because is the close scene, so-called sea actually a lake to here person, so long as will move to the boundary automatic disorientation, will then be forced to turn back. 以诺之城是一座临海城市,当然,由于是封闭的场景,所谓的‘海’对这里的人来说其实一片湖,只要驶向边界就会自动迷航,然后被迫折返回来。 But that mummy coffin that the prince regent said that is staying on the transporting freight cruise of seashore at this moment. 而摄政王所说的那具木乃伊棺材,此刻正停留在海边的一艘运货游轮上。 According to the view of prince regent, this cruise was controlled by transformation actually, the above person basically is the vampire of transformation clan. 根据摄政王的说法,这艘游轮被变革者们实际掌控,上面的人基本都是变革者氏族的吸血鬼。 But Mu You needs to submerge on this ship now, found the depositing position of coffin. 沐游现在需要潜入这艘船上,找到棺材的存放位置。 You launch groping, take a small boat, under the cover of dark, rules out toward sea in......】 【你摸黑下水,乘坐一叶扁舟,在黑暗的掩护下,朝海中划去……】 【A night sea level silence, only has a freighter to go in the sea level slowly. Looks from afar, on the ship visibles faintly the heads of several crew, is moving back and forth to go on patrol.】 【深夜的海面一片寂静,只有一艘运货船在海面上缓缓行驶。远远望去,船上隐约可见几个船员的人头,正在往复巡逻。】 【...... You were close to the freighter quickly, is driving the small boat cautiously, does not make any sound as far as possible, moved under the freighter.】 【……你很快接近了货船,小心翼翼地驾驶着小舟,尽量不发出任何声音,移动到了货船下方。】 On this time ship the voice of people have been possible to hear clearly.】 【此时船上众人的声音已经清晰可闻。】 „...... To be honest, I have not seen such weird thing, on a coffin, looked obviously finally will feel dizzy......” 【“……老实说,我从没见过这么邪门的东西,明明就一口棺材,结果看一眼就会眼晕……”】 You said that that inside conceals what is?” 【“你们说,那里面藏的到底是什么?”】 It is said is the pharaoh in what Egypt, several thousand years not spoiled do not extinguish, I do not believe in any case, thing that in this world does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish only, only then vampire!” 【“据说是什么埃及的法老,几千年不腐不灭,反正我是不信,这世上唯一不死不灭的东西,只有吸血鬼!”】 „...... Is reasonable! Or do we look at one again?” 【“……有道理!要不咱们再去看一眼?”】 Do not do the matter, the eldest child said that before he comes back, no one must approach that thing again! Does you want to disobey orders?” 【“别搞事,老大说了,在他回来之前,谁都不许再靠近那东西!伱想抗命?”】 „, I think that thing places storage Jiujian, without looks personally, safe?” 【“没没,我就是想,那东西放在储酒间里,也没个人看着,安全吗?”】 Has anything is not unsafe, that coffin weird, it is said until now person who dares short distance and it contacts, committed suicide, who dares to bump......” 【“有什么不安全的,那棺材邪门的很,据说至今敢近距离和它接触的人,都自杀了,谁敢去碰……”】 You listened secretly some useful information, immediately no longer the ambush, left the small boat, along hull social climbing on.】 【你偷听到了一些有用的信息,当即不再潜伏,离开小舟,沿着船身攀附而上。】 You saw the vampire that four sailors dress up, is collecting in the deck catches a chill to chat.】 【你看到四个水手打扮的吸血鬼,正凑在甲板上吹风闲聊。】 You started existence, your existence feeling becomes extremely thin.】 【你发动了‘存在’,你的存在感变得极为稀薄。】 You walking past that is soundless from four people, four people not detected you, you entered cabin region quickly......】 【你从四人面前蹑手蹑脚的走过,四人对你毫无察觉,你很快进入了船舱区域……】 Mu You not only has the pocket watch, and has existence this sneaking masterstroke/divine skill, this sneaking quest to him is quite simple. 沐游既有怀表,又有‘存在’这种潜入神技,这种潜入任务对他来说还是比较简单的。 Chatted from four people knew fortunately the depositing position of that coffin, omitted his many times actually. 从四人聊天中凑巧得知了那棺材的存放位置,倒是省去了他不少功夫。 Then Mu You starts to control the character to submerge with single-hearted devotion, existence cooldown good to open, really runs into the beat officers who do not evade to recall. 接下来沐游开始专心操控人物潜入,‘存在’一冷却好就开,实在遇到躲不过的巡逻人员就回溯。 Moved under water cautiously for about a half hour, finally found storage liquor room that’ four people of institutes said. 就这么一路小心翼翼的潜行了半小时左右,终于找到了四人所说的‘储酒室’。 【The storage Jiujian gate has not caged, front door unlatched.】 【储酒间的门并未上锁,屋门虚掩。】 You start the ultra feeling, after all around confirming no one, this pushed the door to enter.】 【你发动超感,确认四周无人后,这才推门而入。】 In storage Jiushi greets the nostrils fragrantly and mellowly, you bent to walk randomly in one after another packs the wooden crates of beverage bottle, soon discovered in a scarlet cloth situated in corner.】 【储酒室中醇香扑鼻,你猫着腰游走在一个个装满酒瓶的木箱间,很快发现了位于角落里的一块红布。】 This bouquet on a long linearity object, seems like in this room seems like coffin only the thing.】 【这块布盖在一个长条形物体上,看起来是这个房间内唯一像是‘棺材’的东西。】 You go forward quickly, pulled open the scarlet cloth.】 【你快步上前,一把拉开了红布。】 However hidden under the scarlet cloth, is actually only an ordinary sliver of wooden box.】 【然而隐藏在红布之下的,却只是一个普通的长条木箱。】 „......” “……” Finally why after Mu You knows embarks, he always had a strange feeling —— all these is really smooth, listened secretly the position of coffin after embarking by chance, to avoided to do an inspection all the way, to this storage liquor room, has not taken any twists and turns again. 沐游终于知道为什么上船之后他总有种怪怪的感觉了——这一切实在是太顺利了,从上船后恰巧偷听到棺材的位置,到一路上躲避巡查,再到这个储酒室,都没有遇到任何波折。 What is more important, such important thing, the entrance has not arranged a person to guard unexpectedly, even the gate has not locked, is deliberately welcome others to steal probably results. 更重要的是,这么重要的东西,门口居然没有安排一个人把守,甚至门都没锁,就好像刻意在欢迎别人来偷似得。 Recollection......” “回溯……” Realized the own possible fell into a trap, Mu You to want not to think according to table. 意识到自己可能中计,沐游想也不想的按表。 【The time circulation, you just stepped into storage Jiushi one step, then withdrew immediately, started amazingly quick.】 【时光流转,你刚刚踏入储酒室一步,便立即退出,发动了‘神速’。】 Under the time of slowly putting, you turn around to flee immediately.】 【慢放的时间下,你立即转身逃离。】 However just now runs one step, your former convenience presented a person's shadow.】 【然而才刚跑出一步,你的前方便出现了一道人影。】 【A youth who wears the sunglasses appears before you. The attempt of your instinct goes round the opposite party to escape, however among the opposite party every action and every movement is following your footsteps completely, obviously is also under the amazingly quick condition.】 【一个戴着墨镜的青年出现在你面前。你本能的尝试绕开对方逃脱,然而对方一举一动间完全跟随着你的脚步,显然也处于神速状态下。】 Powerful aura from youth, you confirmed quickly the opposite party is 3 generations of vampires.】 【从青年身上强大的气息,你很快确认对方是一名三代的吸血鬼。】 Mu You is helpless. 沐游无奈。 If in the deck these ordinary vampires, it can also resist, 3 generations, dignified do not struggle. 如果是甲板上那些普通吸血鬼,它还可以抵抗一下,三代的话,还是体面一点不要挣扎了。 However Mu You but actually not extremely anxious. Looks at this situation, the opposite party should before he embarks discovered him, if must begin to begin early. 不过沐游倒也没有太过紧张。看这情况,对方应该在他上船之前就发现了他,如果要动手早可以动手了。 You gave up escaping, the opposite party also stops the footsteps, in the time of slowly putting, walks toward you, puts out a hand: Knows, my name was Naze the · Al-Mansur, subordinated in the transformation clan.” 【你放弃了逃跑,对方也停下脚步,在慢放的时间中,朝你走来,伸出了手:“认识一下,我叫纳兹·曼苏尔,隶属于变革者氏族。”】 Seine · Wriston, without clan.” You also grasped with the opposite party started, from reporting main house gate.】 【“莱茵·利斯顿,没有氏族。”你也与对方握了一下手,自报了家门。】 „Very good!” Al-Mansur as if no self introduction of clan to be very satisfied regarding you: I rejoiced very much, the parties that you have not joined the prince regent...... as for the present situation, hope do not mind, in fact, I received the message in the morning, you will be sent to steal the sarcophagus by the prince regent, but all these that I arrange, but to see one side you, chatted with you, was well-meant.” 【“很好!”曼苏尔似乎对于你没有氏族的自我介绍十分满意:“我很庆幸,你还没有加入摄政王的党派……至于眼下的情况,希望你不要介意,事实上,我早上就收到了消息,你会被摄政王派来偷取石棺,而我安排的这一切,只是为了见你一面,和你谈谈,没有恶意。”】 „Oh?” “哦?” Mu You selected the eyebrow. This meaning, does the prince regent that side have his in ghost? 沐游挑了挑眉。这意思,摄政王那边有他的内鬼? What do you want to discuss?” You spoke at the same time, the look fluttered to the direction that the scarlet cloth covered a moment ago.】 【“你想谈什么?”你说话的同时,眼神不由飘向了刚才红布遮盖的方向。】 You care to the sarcophagus evidently very much.” Al-Mansur caught your look, said with a smile: Happen, I must look for the matter that you discussed also to include this sarcophagus.” 【“看样子你对石棺很在意。”曼苏尔捕捉到了你的眼神,笑道:“正好,我要找你谈的事情也包括这口石棺。”】 Actually before yesterday evening, sarcophagus also on this ship, but wakes up next day, it has left.” Al-Mansur said.】 【“其实一直到昨天晚上之前,石棺都还在这艘船上,但是第二天醒来的时候,它已经离开了。”曼苏尔说。】 Leaves? Was the sarcophagus shifted by you?” You asked.】 【“离开?石棺被你转移走了?”你问。】 „, I have not shifted it, my person hand/subordinate has not bumped it, was it leaves.” 【“不,我没有转移它,我手下的人也没有碰过它,是它自己离开了。”】 You throw doubts to the youth the look.】 【你向青年投去一个疑惑的眼神。】 I know that this is very difficult to understand, in fact, so long as has contacted Kara's person personally, all believes firmly, this is a thing that has the independent consciousness, like initially, it was discovered and brought by us on own initiative, it wants to walk, living that we also no one can block.” Al-Mansur answered.】 【“我知道这很难理解,事实上,只要亲自接触过图坦卡拉的人,全都确信,这是一个拥有自主意识的东西,就像当初,它是主动被我们发现并带回来的,它想走的话,我们也没人能拦的住。”曼苏尔解释道。】 I guess, the prince regent sends the reason that you come, is in this coffin seals the ancient times plague virus that some type can destroy human, but I want to use this thing, deters other clans, right?” Al-Mansur looked asked suddenly to you.】 【“我猜,摄政王派你来的理由,是这棺材里封存着某种可以毁灭人类的远古瘟疫病毒,而我想要利用这东西,来威慑其他氏族,对么?”曼苏尔忽然看向你问。】 You nod said that he guessed right, and asked back that isn't this?】 【你点头表示他猜对了,并反问难道不是这样?】 Therefore , the crown prince of that childish face is a swindler, that to achieve the goal can stop at nothing.” Al-Mansur sneers, explained: Kara's real name, is called this/should hidden coffin, inside buries is not the Egyptian pharaoh, but is in history the first vampire —— this/should hidden remains!” 【“所以说,那个娃娃脸的亲王就是一个骗子,为了达成目的可以无所不用其极的那种。”曼苏尔冷笑一声,解释道:“图坦卡拉的真名,叫做‘该隐之棺’,里面埋葬的可不是什么埃及法老,而是史上第一个吸血鬼——该隐的遗骸!”】 Mu You looks knits the brows. 沐游看得皱眉。 This hidden didn't occupy the Liz's body? Moreover, was tried from now on Liz, was only left over a head. Is this sarcophagus is used to deposit the vessel of Lily refuse silk skull? 该隐不是占据了莉莉丝的身体吗?而且,被审判过后的莉莉丝,只剩下了一个头。难道这石棺就是用来存放莉莉丝头颅的容器? Prince regent wants to obtain the sarcophagus, is not because anything wants to ruin the sarcophagus, but is he wants to obtain this/should hidden strength, so long as obtains the sarcophagus, he can use this/should hidden remains purification bloodlines , to promote to 2 generations, 1 generation, and even higher rank, thus consolidates own throne thoroughly!” 【“摄政王之所以想得到石棺,可不是因为什么想毁掉石棺,而是他想得到该隐的力量,只要得到石棺,他就能利用该隐的遗骸纯化血脉,晋升到二代,一代,乃至更高的等级,从而彻底稳固自己的王位!”】 Was a pity, contacts me of sarcophagus to be very clear personally, the thing that inside seals may be very also living, moreover crazy wants, this sarcophagus deposited these days on ship, it once misled my person to turn on the sarcophagus repeatedly, was prevented by me promptly. I have a premonition, if turned on the sarcophagus, this city will welcome the true end, but is not the plague end, but will be everyone is swallowed by inside thing completely.” Al-Mansur dignified say/way.】 【“可惜,亲自接触过石棺的我很清楚,里面封存的东西很可能还活着,而且疯狂的想要出来,这石棺存放在船上的这几天,它曾经多次蛊惑我的人打开石棺,都被我及时阻止了。我有种预感,如果打开了石棺,这座城市将会迎来真正的末日,不过不是什么瘟疫末日,而是所有人都会被里面的东西吞噬殆尽。”曼苏尔凝重道。】 „, therefore my original idea, sinks to the seabed this sarcophagus, forever seal in underwater. What a pity, has not waited for me to begin, perhaps the thing in sarcophagus detected that my plan, first step escaped.” Al-Mansur said.】 【“所以我原本的想法,是将这石棺沉入海底,永远的封印在水下。可惜,还不等我动手,石棺中的东西或许察觉到了我的打算,先一步逃跑了。”曼苏尔说。】 Mu You selected the eyebrow. This was interesting, the leader of prince regent and this transformation clings to his own interpretation, said that in the coffin is the virus, said that in the coffin is this/should hidden. 沐游挑了挑眉。这就有意思了,摄政王和这个变革者的头领各执一词,一个说棺材里面是病毒,一个说棺材里面是该隐。 At present the list from the both sides view, Mu You thinks the latter is more credible. 目前单从双方说法来看,沐游觉得后者更可信一些。 Naturally, is the source of plague no matter inside buries, is this/should hidden remains, are not related with Mu You, Al-Mansur mentioned that this thing will be driving misleading bystander, that likely is really Katerina warned the thing that he do not contact, Mu You will then shunt this thing by far. 当然,不管里面埋藏的到底是瘟疫之源,还是该隐的遗骸,和沐游都没关系,曼苏尔提到这东西会主动‘蛊惑’外人,那很可能真就是卡特琳娜警告他不要接触的东西了,沐游接下来会远远躲开这东西。 You inquired Al-Mansur, since the sarcophagus has lost, what matter asked you also to probably say?】 【你询问曼苏尔,既然石棺已经丢失,找你还有什么事要说?】 This was the key point of today talking —— I hopes that your excellency can join the transformation clan, no, exactly said, becomes the leader of transformation clan!” Al-Mansur said.】 【“这就是今天谈话的重点了——我希望阁下能加入变革者氏族,不,确切的说,是成为变革者氏族的首领!”曼苏尔说。】 „???” Mu You is mystified. Urged his treachery he to understand, what ghost making him be the leader is? Condition such atmosphere that this year induces somebody to capitulate? “???”沐游一脸迷惑。劝他倒戈他理解,让他当首领是什么鬼?这年头劝降的条件都这么大气了吗? „Isn't the leader of transformation, you?” You asked.】 【“变革者的首领,不是你?”你问。】 „, Transformation does not have the leader, we are only one crowd for the freedom gather idealist.” 【“不,变革者没有首领,我们只是一群为了自由而聚集在一起的理想主义者。”】 „The present vampire society is morbid state, the rank and class in blood group were clear, because vampire can eternal life not die, has power will be peak these will live forever several hundred over a thousand years of antiques, for they some people can pull strings, blood supported massive human to take blood relation, but for next generation blood relation also the respective benefit created own filial generation, therefore fell into endless loop......” 【“现在的吸血鬼社会是病态的,血族中的等级和阶层过于鲜明了,因为吸血鬼可以永生不死,掌握权力的将永远是顶端那些活了几百上千年的老古董,他们为了有人可以指使,血拥了大量人类作为血亲,而下一代血亲也为了各自的利益创造自己的子代,于是就这么陷入了死循环……”】 We were weary of this right battle, therefore is independent. The objective that the transformation clan establishes, does not have the ruler and ruled, everyone in clan is equal.” 【“我们正是厌倦了这种权利争斗,所以才独立出来。变革者氏族建立的宗旨,就是没有统治者与被统治者,氏族里的每个人都是平等的。”】 Was a pity, such system also makes us lack the solidification strength, is unable to unite, overthrows the present upper crust. I am very clear, want to overthrow the royal family, we must first have a true leader, in name leader who a position and is as good as the prince regent.” 【“可惜,这样的制度也使得我们缺少凝固力,始终无法团结起来,推翻现在的贵族阶级。我很清楚,想要推翻王族,我们首先要有一个真正的领导者,一个地位和名义上都不亚于摄政王的领导者。”】 Have talent absorption you, is I know at present, person who only has this aspect potential.” Al-Mansur said finally looked for your true goal: Joins us, we will help your collection simultaneous/uniform all talents full power, making you king of true vampire!” 【“而拥有‘天赋吸收’的你,是我目前所知,唯一一个拥有这方面潜力的人。”曼苏尔终于说出了找你的真正目的:“加入我们,我们会全力帮你集齐所有的天赋,让你成为真正的吸血鬼之王!”】 Your puzzled looks at the opposite party to ask: „After you do not fear I am in power, becomes the new prince regent?” 【你困惑的看着对方问:“你就不怕我掌权后,成为新的摄政王?”】 Did not fear, because I know, your the person who came from the outside world, six months later will be missing strangely, returns to own world, only then your bystanders, will not be infatuated in here power.” 【“不怕,因为我知道,你们这些从外界来的人,半年后就会离奇失踪,回到自己的世界,也只有你们这些外人,才不会醉心于这里的权力。”】 We ensure will help your collection simultaneous/uniform all blood laws within January/one month, but you lead us to overthrow prince regent's rule, the rest of the time, you can enjoy as the wasteful life of King here heartily, six months later, you will abdicate to leave, but also the capital of we person of equal vampire. I think that this is a very fair transaction.” Al-Mansur said.】 【“我们保证,会在一月之内帮你集齐所有血律,而你则率领我们推翻摄政王的统治,剩下的时间,你可以在这里尽情享受作为王者的奢靡生活,半年之后,你退位离开,还我们一个人人平等的吸血鬼之都。我想这是一笔很公平的交易。”曼苏尔说。】 Emmm......” “emmm……” The Mu You complexion is strange. He has not expected the player so to be unexpectedly popular in this scene, all influence wants to win over, for this reason does not even hesitate to send out the throne. 沐游脸色古怪。他是没料到玩家在这场景中居然这么受欢迎,各方势力都想拉拢,为此甚至不惜送出王位。 Mu You shakes the head, on this person of mouth said of pleasant to hear, at first sight is actually better than the condition that the prince regent puts forward. 沐游摇了摇头,这人嘴上说得倒是好听,乍一看比摄政王提的条件还好。 What a pity, Katerina has said that he does not have the friend here, all wins over his person, to use him. 可惜,卡特琳娜已经说过,他在这里没有朋友,所有拉拢他的人,都只是为了利用他。 Al-Mansur had proposed sincerely his invitation, you choose......】 【曼苏尔已经真诚的提出了他的邀请,你选择……】 Your persuasive words shirk, said that this matter responsibility is significant, for a while is indeterminable, requires some time to ponder.】 【你婉言推脱,说这件事干系重大,一时无法决定,需要一些时间来思考。】 Naturally, this should be. If you want to understand, can look for me momentarily.” Al-Mansur has not detained you, smiled is delivering you to leave the freighter.】 【“当然,这是应该的。如果你想明白了,随时可以来找我。”曼苏尔并没有强留你,微笑着送你离开了货轮。】 You returned to the ashore by the small boat, the ultra feeling ability emits, had not detected that behind has the person of tracing.】 【你乘小舟返回了岸上,超感能力放出,并未发觉身后有追踪之人。】 You choose to go......】 【你选择前往……】 Then Mu You first went to the mansion of prince regent to report on accomplishments. 接下来沐游先去了趟摄政王的府邸交差。 【...... You appear outside the reception room of prince regent. You hear in the hall to hear the noisy quarrel sound.】 【……你出现在摄政王的会客厅外。你听到厅内传来嘈杂的争吵声。】 „...... Crazy Jack, generation of vampires, will not be wrong initially, certainly is that this/should hidden servant!” 【“……疯狂杰克,初代吸血鬼,不会错的,一定是那个该隐的奴仆!”】 This hidden must be born, fire burns end prediction soon will come true, was quick we to probably be finished......” 【“该隐要出世了,‘火焚末日’的预言即将成真,很快我们全都要完蛋……”】 Selects calmly, before Katerina managed perishing language time, not like you such rash......” 【“冷静点卡芭莎,之前卡特琳娜管理亡语者的时候,可不像你这么冒失……”】 May she die, becomes the first sacrificial victim that the fire burns the end!” 【“可她已经死了,成为了火焚末日的第一个牺牲品!”】 His, we distort do not believe anything fire to burn end, perhaps the nuisance predictions of your god sticks always cross......” 【“丫的,我们变形者可不信什么‘火焚末日’,你们这些神棍的劳什子预言就从来没准过……”】 Is, but also 1 generation of vampires? Pulled, how many years 2 generations of vampires exterminated, this nonsense who can believe? Has to plant makes him look for me!” 【“就是,还一代吸血鬼?太扯了,二代吸血鬼都灭绝多少年了,这种鬼话谁会信?有种就让他来找我!”】 ...... …… In hall hears the fuzzy quarrel sound unceasingly, sound that several you are familiar with.】 【大厅中不断传来模糊的争吵声,其中几道还是你熟悉的声音。】 To several minutes , the quarrel sound stops finally, then the gate was shoved open, ten several powerful vampires go out one after another, on one after another face or sad, or anxious, either sneers, left the building in abundance.】 【一直到数分钟过后,争吵声终于停止,接着门被推开,十数个位高权重的吸血鬼接连走出,一个个脸上或忧愁,或焦虑,或冷笑,纷纷离开了大楼。】 You then walk into the hall.】 【你这才步入大厅。】 This time prince regent is sitting after the desk, had a headache is rubbing the forehead. Mask male respectful standing in him behind.】 【此时摄政王正坐在办公桌后,头疼的揉着眉心。面具男恭敬的立在他身后。】 You came.” Discovered that your arrival, the prince regent then hidden went to the gloomy complexion, restored the usual calmness, looks the smile looks to you: What's wrong, did the sarcophagus find?” 【“你来了。”发现你的到来,摄政王这才隐去了阴沉的脸色,恢复了平时的冷静,面露微笑的看向你:“如何,石棺找到了么?”】 You choose......】 【你选择……】 Replied truthfully, tells the prince regent tonight's all.】 【如实回答,告诉摄政王今晚的一切。】 【The selective reply, conceals you with the matter of Al-Mansur.】 【选择性回答,隐瞒你和曼苏尔的事情。】 Mu You selected the eyebrow, here only gave two options, he can determine that is that manager has fudged absolutely, after the plots of two influences trigger, this was must make the player make the choice forcefully. 沐游挑了挑眉,这里只给了两个选项,他可以确定绝对是那个管理员动过手脚,在两个势力的剧情都触发后,这是要强行让玩家做选择了。 Actually is not difficult to understand, these two option representatives join a prince regent side respectively, or joins a transformation side. 其实也不难理解,这两个选项分别代表加入摄政王一方,或加入变革者一方。 Which side regardless of joins, the players can obtain the easy and comfortable environment and treatment in the following six months, but also has by the risk that the other side overthrows, where no matter therefore joins, the players must help one's own side full power, overthrows another influence. 无论加入哪一方,玩家都能在接下来的半年内获得安逸的环境和待遇,但也都有被另一方推翻的风险,因此不管加入哪边,玩家都必须全力帮助己方,推翻另一势力。 What a pity, where Mu You has not prepared to join, he only wants to continue, when his Jack, every day the going out ha-ha person, the collection collection blood law, then eats the melon to see a play. 可惜,沐游哪边都没准备加入,他只想继续当他的杰克,每天出去吓吓人,收集收集血律,然后吃瓜看戏。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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