TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#534: Vampire hunter

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Chapter 534 vampire hunter 第534章吸血鬼猎人 Leaves after prince regent there, Mu You returned to the apartment temporarily. 从摄政王那里离开后,沐游暂时回了公寓。 The prince regent gives quest that he arranges, he later will look at one, for quest, is not only purely the curious that coffin. 摄政王给他安排的任务,他之后会去看一眼,不是为了任务,只是纯粹好奇那口棺材。 But at present, Mu You also has other matter. 而眼下,沐游还有别的事情。 Must say that after prince regent there surrender, the biggest advantage, no one tracked him finally. 要说在摄政王那里‘投诚’之后,最大的好处,就是终于没有人跟踪他了。 At this moment even if Mu You the ultra feeling range of game character will arrive in a big way, could not have felt that mask male existence. 此刻即便沐游将游戏人物的超感范围开到最大,也已经感受不到那个面具男的存在。 Got rid of the observer, Mu You can finally the completely free action. 摆脱了监视者,沐游终于可以完全自由的行动。 The first matter that he comes back, is connects in the heart net, found that star that represents Katerina. 他回来的第一件事,就是连接到心网中,找到了代表卡特琳娜的那颗星。 Katerina has left this world, in the heart net the representative her stars of also entered thoroughly mediates to unite the condition, others is unable to contact her, she cannot receive the information of bystander. 卡特琳娜已经离开了这个世界,心网中代表她的星辰也彻底进入了断联状态,旁人无法联络她,她也接收不到外人的信息。 However, Katerina before leaving this world, finally sent an information to him, gave him own heart net access jurisdiction trust. 不过,卡特琳娜在离开这个世界前,最后给他发了一条信息,将自己的心网接入权限托管给了他。 In other words, now Katerina's main engine, has turned over to him to manage, he was equivalent in the heart net had one trumpet, can examine inside information at will, even can pretend to be Katerina's status, sent the message to others. 也就是说,现在卡特琳娜的这颗‘主机’,已经归他管理,他相当于在心网中拥有了一个‘小号’,可以随意查看里面的信息,甚至可以冒充卡特琳娜的身份,向他人发送消息。 In this workable thing may be many, after all the Katerina good and evil is long of clan, especially also is just the head of the clan of perishing language, the position in the heart net is aloof, she has an accident, will stir the controversy in the heart net absolutely. 这里面可操作的东西可就多了,毕竟卡特琳娜好歹是一族之长,尤其还刚好是亡语者的族长,在心网中地位超然,她出了事,在心网中绝对会引起轩然大波。 You in Katerina's heart net, found named various clan member collections of information the secret list.】 【你在卡特琳娜的心网中,找到了一份名为‘各氏族成员信息收集’的秘密清单。】 This is Katerina leaves one of his properties. Existence of heart net, causes the perishing language clan, a clan that becoming is most suitable to collect the information, this point Mu You this person who walks from the information explosion time most can understand. 这就是卡特琳娜留给他的财产之一。心网的存在,使得亡语者氏族,成为最适合收集情报的一个氏族,这一点沐游这种从信息爆炸时代走过来的人最能理解。 For these years, Katerina is collecting the fragmentary information that the heart online member contributes every day silently, the reorganization of little by little, ultimately formed such a top-secret material. 这么多年来,卡特琳娜每天都在默默收集心网上成员贡献的零碎情报,一点点的整理起来,最终形成了这么一份绝密资料。 In this material recorded the lists and member structures of major clans incessantly, moreover to the address of each vampire, the status in world, the ability, characteristics wait/etc, all counted the careful situation in every way possible. 这资料中不止记录了各大氏族的名单和成员结构,而且对每个吸血鬼的住址,人类世界的身份,能力、特点等等,全都统计到了细致入微的地步。 But this material, is very important to the Mu You following blood law collection. 而这份资料,对沐游接下来的血律收集十分重要。 Mu You first on the encyclopedia software in apartment computer, transcribed all blood laws of blood group. 沐游首先在公寓电脑中的百科软件上,将血族的所有血律抄录了下来。 The vampire blood law of this city altogether has 187 types, rare blood law 27 types, just on average each clan 3 rare blood laws. 这个城市的吸血鬼血律共有187种,其中稀有血律27种,刚好平均每个氏族三个稀有血律。 The ordinary blood law said that because of without the threshold, basically can find in 8-10 generations of vampires, by hunting and killing these floor vampires can obtain with ease, very easy collection to be uneven. 普通血律好说,因为没有门槛,基本都能在8-10代的吸血鬼中找到,靠猎杀这些底层吸血鬼就能轻松获得,很容易集齐。 Difficult that 27 rare blood laws, because inherits the probability to be extremely low, these rare blood laws often centralized on the high levels of various clans, but these person of algebra below 6 generations, the battle efficiency are generally intrepid . Moreover the side is very possible some people to protect, wants to hunt they is not easy. 难点还是那27种稀有血律,因为继承概率极低,这些稀有血律往往都集中在各氏族的高层身上,而这些人代数一般都在六代以下,战斗力强悍,而且身边很可能有人保护,想要狩猎他们并不容易。 Target that Mu You aims at now, is these status is mean, lives alone, actually inherited the blood group of rare blood law luck. 沐游现在瞄准的目标,就是那些身份低微,独居,却又幸运继承了稀有血律的血族。 This is a considerably large project, the materials of enough several tens of thousands of vampires, were too huge. 这是个相当大的工程,足足数万名吸血鬼的资料,实在太庞大了。 Is good has the pocket watch because of him. 好在他有怀表。 Then Mu You depends on the amazingly quick + recollection, reorganized for over a hundred hours in the time of samsara, finally all personnel who meet his condition screened. 接下来沐游靠着神速+回溯,在轮回的时间中整理了上百个小时,才终于将所有符合他条件的人员筛选了出来。 Finally in the list listed 82 people, all has the rare blood law, and blood group that lives alone. these 82 people enough contain all rare blood laws, and each blood law at least two have. 最后名单上共列出了82人,全都是拥有稀有血律的,并且独居的血族。这82人已经足够将所有的稀有血律包含在内,并且每种血律都至少有两人拥有。 Reason that discovers the double blood law owner specially, to prevent has real person to exist. Mu You had not forgotten he also has humane point limit, if did not kill six honorable people carefully, will be counted the entry failure directly. 之所以特意找出双倍的血律拥有者,是为了防止其中有‘真人’存在。沐游可没忘记他还有个‘人性点’的限制,如果不小心干掉了六个真人,就会直接算作通关失败。 Just 8 : 00 am, in this morning sun Dongsheng, most vampires ended a night of revelry at this time, enters sinks dormancy time, you actually turn out from rear window, formally started a day of action......】 【此时刚刚早上 8 点,在这个朝阳东升,大部分吸血鬼都结束了一夜的狂欢,进入沉眠的时候,你却从后窗翻出,正式开始了一天的行动……】 First is the first goal......” “首先是第一个目标……” Mu You looks list that on the paper records. 沐游看着纸上记录的名单。 Vernon · Hoxha, 6 generations of vampires, distortion clan, unmarried, are issueless, lives alone, realistic status: Tree farm manager. Has the blood law: Melts the shape( rarely), bat and bear change/transform, the great strength and wild animal sense of smell......” “弗农·霍查,六代吸血鬼,变形者氏族,未婚,无子女,独居,现实身份:林场管理员。拥有血律:化形(稀有)、蝠化、熊化、巨力、野兽嗅觉……” Reason that first selects this person , because of his blood law shape. 之所以第一个选中这人,正是因为他的血律‘化形’。 Shape: Rare blood law. Can change for you have contacted any human. If the above-mentioned person class dies in the you hand, but may also choose to simulate the aura of opposite party perfectly.】 【化形:稀有血律。可以变化为你接触过的任何人类。如果该人类死于伱的手中,还可选择完美模拟出对方的气息。】 This blood law can be said as the nuclear painstaking care law of distortion clan, with perishing language in prophet is the same, is an signboard ability of clan, only then a small number of high-level personnel have. 这个血律可以说是变形者氏族的核心血律,就和亡语者中的‘先知’一样,属于一个氏族的招牌能力,只有少数中高层人员拥有。 This ability most powerful point, after lies in the change, even can simulate the opposite party rank and aura of! 这个能力最强大的一点,在于变化后,甚至可以模拟出对方身上的等级和气息! Naturally, distortion must die the talent in own can, moreover disguises as the aura, will not really obtain the strength of opposite party. 当然,变形的必须死在自己手里的人才可以,而且也只是假扮气息,并不会真的获得对方的实力。 Now Mu You is grasping crazy blood axe, this axe single view complete body effect, can be a divine tool absolutely, what a pity wants to activate it, first needs to make others have the fear to him. But this point depending on him now a status of seven generations of vampires, is very difficult to achieve. 现在沐游掌握着一把‘疯狂血斧’,这斧头单论完全体效果,绝对可以算是神器,可惜想激活它,首先需要让别人对他产生恐惧。而这一点凭他现在一个七代吸血鬼的身份,是很难做到的。 Last night in dodging spirit manor he why was afraid Jack, meeting instinct of must escape, was because of the strength of opposite party. 昨晚在闪灵庄园里他为什么害怕杰克,见了面本能的就要逃跑,正是因为对方的实力。 1 generation of vampires, this status is only bright one, enough makes the vampires in this city shake three to shake completely. 一代吸血鬼,这个身份光是亮一下相,就足够让这个城市里的吸血鬼们全部抖三抖。 But Jack has died in his hand now, so long as then obtains this blood law, he can the perfect shape have Jake's appearance, in scary this aspect definitely relaxed many. 而杰克如今已经死在了他手里,接下来只要获得这个血律,他就可以完美化形出杰克的样子,在吓人这方面肯定会轻松不少。 You arrived at southern suburbs in city tree farm......】 【你来到了城市南郊的林场中……】 You hear the tree farm deep place indistinctly, transmits sound that the power saw buzz said.】 【你隐约听到林场深处,传来电锯嗡鸣的声音。】 You wore a mask of malicious ghost, moves toward sound direction......】 【你佩戴了一张恶鬼的面具,走向声音的方向……】 【After several minutes, you stay before the camp tent of tree farm deep place, in shadow that at this time in the tent and big tree camouflage, a hair exuberant man is grasping the power saw, is cutting front wood/blockhead earnestly.】 【数分钟后,你停留在林场深处的一处野营帐篷前,此时在帐篷和大树遮蔽出的阴影中,一个毛发旺盛的男子正手持电锯,认真切割着面前的木头。】 Detected that your arrival, the man found time to look up your one eyes. Notices your blood group aura, the man knit the brows slightly, excessively has not actually cared , to continue own work, at the same time spoke thoughtlessly to ask: Whom do you look for?” 【察觉到你的到来,男子抽空抬头看了你一眼。注意到你身上的血族气息,男子略微皱眉了一下,却也并未过多在意,继续自己的工作,一边随口问道:“你找谁?”】 Looks for you.” You said.】 【“找你。”你说。】 What matter?” 【“什么事?”】 Kills you.” 【“杀你。”】 【The „Oh?” man then closed the power saw, raised the head sized up your one eyes earnestly, sneered to make noise: Really plants! High generation of vampires, catch up with initiative taunt low generation of blood groups unexpectedly!” “哦?”男子这才关闭了电锯,抬头认真的打量了你一眼,冷笑出声:“真有种!一个高代吸血鬼,居然赶主动挑衅一个低代血族!”】 Your which clan? Who are the elders and superiors? Hasn't your family elder taught you as the vampire most basic handling matters principle?” 【“你哪个氏族的?尊长是谁?你家长辈没教过你身为吸血鬼最基本的处事原则吗?”】 Remembers, kills your person, called crazy Jack!” Facing the rigid theorizing of opposite party, you returned to one superficially, from extracted the blood axe behind.】 【“记住,杀你的人,叫‘疯狂杰克’!”面对对方的说教,你只是轻描淡写的回了一句,从身后抽出了血斧。】 Hehe, plays tricks!” The men look at you seem like earnest, this put down in the hand the power saw, about looked, after nearby confirming no one, sneered, two activity joints, turned several necks.】 【“呵呵,装神弄鬼!”男子看你似乎是认真的,这才放下了手中电锯,左右看了看,确认附近无人后,冷笑一声,两手活动关节,扭了几下脖子。】 Jokes aside, I do not want to stir up trouble, but since you have not educated, I have to replace your guardian, educated you well!” The men are saying, two search on the ground, whole person fast beast, the body surface grows the thick fur, suddenly the change as a human form great bear, a hind leg tread, like lightning to/clashes toward you.】 【“说真的,我不想惹事,但既然你这么没教养,我也只好代替你家长,好好教育一下你了!”男子说着,两手探在地上,整个人快速兽化,体表长出厚厚的毛皮,眨眼变化身为一只人形巨熊,后腿一蹬,闪电般的朝你冲来。】 You started amazingly quick, under the angle of view of slowly putting, you avoided the attack of opposite party with ease, circles side, raises the axe to cut, and simultaneously started the great strength.】 【你发动了神速,在慢放的视角下,你轻松躲开了对方的攻击,绕到侧面,扬起斧头斩下,并同时发动了巨力。】 【The amazingly quick effect relieves automatically, your rudely axe, actually left behind a spoken parts mark on the fur of opposite party.】 【神速效果自动解除,你势大力沉的一斧,却只是在对方的毛皮上留下了一道白痕。】 【The counter-attack of great bear arrives, the rush-leaf fan big bear's paws brought to destroy all imposing manner fans to you, but you do not have the leeway of avoidance.】 【巨熊的反击紧接着到来,蒲扇大的熊掌带着摧毁一切的气势扇向了你,而你已经没有躲避的余地。】 !” The instance of bear's paws upfront hit, atomization automatic activation, you change into one group of smog, vanishes in same place, comes under the tent of not far away, temporarily spread out with the great bear.】 【“噗!”熊掌正面命中的瞬间,‘雾化’自动激活,你化为一团烟雾,消失在原地,又现身在不远处的帐篷下,暂时和巨熊拉开了距离。】 【The great bear laughs to make noise, the mouth spits the criticism/human language: Such strength, dares to run the student to work as the killer?” 【巨熊大笑出声,口吐人言:“就这么点实力,也敢跑出来学人当杀手?”】 Facing the taunt of great bear, you did not say a word, wields the axe, cut off nearby tent pole.】 【面对巨熊的嘲讽,你一言不发,挥动斧头,砍断了旁边的帐篷支架。】 Lost the tent of support to fall half immediately, slit of a sunlight in the forests projected.】 【失去支撑的帐篷顿时倾倒了一半,道道阳光透过林间缝隙投射下来。】 【The great bear frowns, quickly changes the human form, hid in another side shadow fast, immediately turn head saw you still look at dumbly under the sunlight, sneers: Courts death!” 【巨熊一皱眉头,急忙变回人形,飞快躲进了另一侧的阴影中,随即回头看到你依然呆立在阳光下,不由冷笑:“找死!”】 【The laughter of men's solidifies quickly, because in imagination you had not been presented by the scene of raging fire burning down. The direct exposure under sunlight you, is unexpectedly safe and sound.】 【男子的笑声很快凝固,因为想象中你被烈火焚烧的场景并没有出现。直接暴露在阳光下的你,居然安然无恙。】 Possible? Who are you?” The men incredible to visit you, almost thinks oneself misread.】 【“怎么可能?你到底是什么人?”男子不可置信的看着你,差点以为自己看错了。】 Sunlight regarding the restraint of vampire, does not only depend on clothes to cover, your direct exposure under the sunlight, the scene that actually returns safe and sound, almost made the world outlook collapse of opposite party.】 【阳光对于吸血鬼的克制,可不是仅凭一层衣服就能遮挡,你直接暴露在阳光下,却毫发无伤的场景,几乎令对方的世界观崩溃。】 I have said that I called crazy Jack!” The instance of opening the mouth, you have wielded the axe to cut to another side tent.】 【“我说过了,我叫‘疯狂杰克’!”开口的瞬间,你已经挥起斧头斩向另一边帐篷。】 Guessed that your intention, in the male eyes flashed through the fear finally.】 【猜测到你的意图,男子眼中终于闪过了恐惧。】 You caused to frighten to the enemy one time, you obtained one crazily, the entire ability promotion, reduced sanely slightly.】 【你对敌人造成了一次惊吓,你获得了一层‘疯狂’,全能力提升,理智略微减少。】 Under fear, man, not only has not come to prevent your action, instead wants not to think turns around to start to escape......】 【恐惧之下,男子非但没有来阻止你的行动,反而想也不想的转身开始逃跑……】 One that Mu You looks at happy, wanted is you escapes, only then chases down under the condition, the ability of blood axe can display truly. 沐游看的一喜,要的就是你逃跑,只有追杀状态下,血斧的能力才能真正发挥出来。 You pursue tightly on, when amazingly quick cooldown finished, immediately activates again amazingly quick.】 【你紧追而上,待神速冷却完毕,立即再次激活神速。】 Under the angle of view of slowly putting, you caught up with ease were pasting the man who near the forest the shadow is escaping, an axe divided.】 【慢放的视角下,你轻松追上了正贴着林边阴影逃跑的男子,一斧劈下。】 【The back of man quickly changes into the bear class fur again, wants again the hard anti- your attack. The rusty axe blade cuts into the snow and ice like the hot blade, cuts with ease the fur, during the blood spout, the back of man was cut together the terrifying wound.】 【男子的后背急忙再次化为熊类毛皮,想要再次硬抗你的攻击。锈迹斑斑的斧刃如同热刀切入冰雪,轻松将毛皮切割开来,鲜血喷涌之中,男子的后背被斩出一道恐怖的伤口。】 Man has the pitiful yell, was raised to fly by the great strength, tumbles on the ground, actually examines the injury without enough time, quickly crawls to continue to escape.】 【男子带着惨叫,被巨力掀飞出去,滚落在地上,却来不及查看伤势,急忙爬起来继续逃跑。】 Man deepens to your fear again, you obtained second crazily......】 【男子对你的恐惧再度加深,你获得了第二层‘疯狂’……】 ...... …… Then Mu You then starts to chase down this person, after initial confrontation, this person has been scared, behind considers only to escape, does not dare to revolt. 接下来沐游便开始追杀这人,经过最初的交锋后,这人已经吓破了胆,后面只顾逃跑,根本不敢反抗。 What a pity is the Mu You striking power is somewhat low, does not have any tall injury blood law, this person of blood is also at present thick, pursued cut for more than ten minutes, finally completed to strike to kill. 可惜的是沐游的攻击力偏低,目前还没有什么高伤血律,这人血又厚,一路追砍了十多分钟,才终于完成击杀。 You attracted pressed out man of being on the verge of death......】 【你吸榨了濒死的男子……】 Your bloodlines obtained certain purification, what a pity enough has not completed the algebra to be promoted, your bloodlines maintain at 7 generations as before.】 【你的血脉得到了一定的纯化,可惜并未足够完成代数晋级,你的血脉依旧维持在七代。】 Only differs one generation of vampires, wants through attracting presses out or the painstaking care is promoted, needs to absorb 3-10 times. 只相差一代的吸血鬼,想要通过吸榨或心血晋级,需要吸收3-10次。 Talent absorption becomes effective, you from the bloodlines of opposite party, absorbed rare talent shape.】 【‘天赋吸收’生效,你从对方的血脉中,吸收到了稀有天赋‘化形’。】 This person of blood law were not many more than ten times, recalls then to have the shape smoothly randomly. 这人的血律不算多,回溯了十几次便顺利随机出了化形。 Mu You turn head paid attention to look under the humane point, as before was 6 points, it seems like that this person was not the real person. 沐游回头注意看了下人性点,依旧是六点,看来这人也不是什么真人。 Hunts and kills for the first time successfully is completed, Mu You simple treatment, in the place that the man died, left behind one line of blood characters: Vampire hunter, crazy Jack!” 第一次猎杀顺利完成,沐游将现场简单处理一番,在男子死亡的地方,留下了一行血字:“吸血鬼猎人,疯狂杰克!” Completes these, he left the tree farm quietly, then casts off the mask in the midway, direct formed Jake's appearance. 做完这些,他才悄悄离开了林场,在中途便摘掉面具,直接化形成了杰克的外貌。 The following time, Mu You starts unceasingly according to the list, hunts the vampire that these leave behind. 接下来的时间,沐游开始不断的按照名单,狩猎那些落单的吸血鬼。 After having shape, really facilitated, he is carrying the axe, is going against Jack that neurosis face toward that stand, the average people must first have a scare, then feels his body previous generation vampire the aura, without the vampire can shoulder, is almost the instinct starts to escape. 有了‘化形’之后果然方便了许多,他拎着斧头,顶着杰克那张精神病般的脸往那一站,一般人都得先被吓一跳,再一感受他身上一代吸血鬼的气息,没有吸血鬼能扛得住,几乎都是本能的就开始逃跑。 So long as entered chases down the pattern to be simpler, Mu You did not have the danger, felt relieved by all means pursued cuts is enough, but waited for the opposite party to realize that his striking power simply has not achieved one generation of standard time, often already late. 只要进入追杀模式就简单多了,沐游自身没有危险,只管放心追砍就行,而等对方意识到他的攻击力根本没有达到一代的标准时,往往已经晚了。 Naturally, this method can only be used to cope with over six generations vampires at present. Below six generations vampire life is too high, plays is very easy to turn over, had not planned temporarily in being promoted beforehand Mu You bumps. 当然,这方法目前只能用来对付六代以上的吸血鬼。六代以下的吸血鬼生命过高,这么玩很容易翻车,在晋级之前沐游暂时还没打算去碰。 A day later, Mu You altogether hunted and killed characters on seven list, what is quite lucky, in these seven people have not run into the real person, seven rare blood laws are smooth. 一天下来,沐游总共猎杀了七个名单上的人物,比较幸运的是,这七人中没有遇到真人,七种稀有血律都顺利到手。 In addition, he also hunted and killed several ordinary blood groups conveniently, actually not to collect ordinary blood law, but misleads the public, otherwise he has killed to have the person of rare blood law specially, was seen the goal by the person with high aspirations very much easily, thus guesses correctly his status. 除此之外,他还顺手猎杀了几个普通血族,倒不是为了收集普通血律,而是混淆视听,不然他一直专杀带有稀有血律的人,很容易被有心人看出目的,从而猜到他的身份。 But in place that everyone died, he left behind that blood character that indicates his status, to exaggerate terrifying atmosphere. 而在所有人死亡的地方,他都留下了那句表明他身份的血字,以渲染恐怖的气氛。 He must let vampire hunter this image, as soon as possible striking root in the hearts of the people, others more are afraid him, he hunts and kills to be easier. 他要让‘吸血鬼猎人’这个形象,尽快的深入人心,别人越害怕他,他猎杀起来就越容易。 Although the blood group population of this city are not many, but becomes a circle, has heart net let alone this type of convenient thing, among various clans news dissemination fast. 这座城市的血族人口虽然不多,但彼此间自成一个圈子,更何况还有‘心网’这种方便的东西,各氏族之间消息传播的飞快。 Then, when the night arrives on this day, the daytime more than ten dead had been discovered, but crazy Jack and vampire hunter these two names, has spread over the major clans. 就这样,在这天夜晚降临的时候,白天的十多个死者已经纷纷被人发现,而‘疯狂杰克’、‘吸血鬼猎人’这两个名字,也已经传遍了各大氏族。 Especially in the evening, many perishing language clan discovered in the heart net Katerina stays behind last words: She also dies of the crazy Jake's hand, moreover crazy Jack, unexpectedly is 1 generation of vampires! Entire fell into an inexplicable scared atmosphere by the city of immediately. 尤其是当晚,不少亡语者氏族在心网中发现了卡特琳娜留下的‘遗言’:她也死于疯狂杰克之手,而且疯狂杰克,竟是一名一代吸血鬼!整个以诺之城顿时陷入了一种莫名的恐慌氛围之中。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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