TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#533: Kara

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Chapter 533 Kara 第533章图坦卡拉 Facing Katerina's warning and invitation, you chooses......】 【面对卡特琳娜的警告和邀请,你选择……】 The option is agreement and rejection. 选项是‘同意’和‘拒绝’。 Mu You then had not chosen the rejection hesitant. 沐游没怎么犹豫便选了拒绝。 Actually after the niche of blood evolves, he has not needed to depend upon to go through customs now this server to open the blood god to believe that goes to outside to collect some gods' blood, can break through the thin blood bottleneck to promote to 10 generations in the same old way, the road of opening blood god promotion. Therefore he walks now directly also yes. 其实血之龛进化之后,他现在已经无需依靠通关这座服务器来开启血神信仰,去外面收集一些神之血,照样能突破薄血瓶颈提升到十代,开启血神晋升之路。所以他现在直接走也是可以的。 Reason that he must continue to stay behind, goal to collect blood law. 之所以他要继续留下,目的还是为了收集血律。 The blood god like other gods, cannot come the unlocking one after another god technique through the belief pond, so long as invests the divine nature to study instantaneously. 血神不像别的神明,可以通过信仰池来解锁一个个神术,只要投入神性就可以瞬间学习过来。 The blood god all developed in the past blood law, through the bloodlines, has spread to disperse a one after another generation of body, besides these vampires, does not have other starting way again. 血神当年所有开发出的‘血律’,都已经通过血脉,流传分散到了一个个子辈的身上,除了这些吸血鬼外,再没有别的入手途径。 At present this scene to him, is equivalent to a blood law the treasure house, he can collect many blood laws here, from now on will have many blood group skills available. 眼下这个场景对他来说,就相当于一个血律的宝库,他能在这里收集到多少血律,今后就有多少血族技能可用。 Therefore then the Mu You goal is not the entry, but as far as possible many collection blood law. 因此接下来沐游的目的已经不是通关,而是尽可能多的收集血律。 You shook the head to reject Katerina's invitation.】 【你摇头拒绝了卡特琳娜的邀请。】 Katerina saw your firmness, somewhat regrets looks at you: You helped Allah complete the extrication, I also hope that can repay you, but sorry, I must leave this damned place immediately.” 【卡特琳娜看出了你的坚决,有些惋惜的看着伱:“你帮助真主完成了解脱,我也希望能报答你,但抱歉,我必须马上离开这个鬼地方。”】 Allah is good universal love gods, she should not shoulder such infamy, after leaving here, I prepare by blood god missionary the status, spreads the instruction of Allah to the world, informs wrongful treatment that the world she suffers, rectifies names for Allah...... before then, I must guarantee oneself are living.” Katerina apology looks at you to say.】 【“真主是一位善良博爱的神明,她不应该背负这样的骂名,离开这里后,我准备以血神‘传教士’的身份,向世人传扬真主的教诲,告知世人她遭受的冤屈,为真主正名……在此之前,我必须保证自己活着。”卡特琳娜歉意的看着你说。】 【The Katerina intention to leave has decided obviously.】 【显然卡特琳娜去意已决。】 Although you are unable to obtain Katerina's help, but before her, you could make her use the ability of prophet just before leaving again, helping you forecast a future matter.】 【虽然你无法得到卡特琳娜的帮助,但在她临走之前,你或许可以再让她用先知的能力,帮你预测一番未来的事情。】 Makes Katerina help you predict in the future, Unknown development is more interesting. 【让卡特琳娜帮你预言未来】、【未知的发展更有趣】。 Two options, Mu You is not will pursue the exciting person intentionally, naturally chose first. 两个选项,沐游又不是什么会故意追求刺激的人,自然选了第一个。 You requested that Katerina helps you forecast the future.】 【你请求卡特琳娜帮你预测未来。】 Katerina has not refused, making you stand under ray, oneself drew back backward several steps, drew back into darkness, concentrated on, an eye such as the cat eye in night, carefully examined from top to bottom to you......】 【卡特琳娜没有拒绝,让你站在光线下,自己向后退了几步,退入了黑暗中,全神贯注,一双眼睛如黑夜中的猫眼,从上至下对你审视起来……】 „...... I saw...... pyramid...... the starry sky...... the rocket...... the primitive man...... you took the painstaking care of prince regent......” after moment, Katerina is bewitched suddenly probably general, in the mouth starts the unconsciousness jumps the one after another words and expressions.】 【“……我看到了……金字塔……星空……火箭……原始人……你服用了摄政王的心血……”片刻过后,卡特琳娜忽然像是着了魔一般,口中开始无意识的蹦出一个个词语。】 „...... You found that thing...... not! Do not touch! Stops...... the fire quickly...... the combustion city...... the plunging the people into disaster, is filled with sufferers carefully......!!!” Katerina loudly calls out suddenly, in the eye the ray vanishes, looks deathly pale, is unable to maintain balanced, after falls.】 【“……你找到了那东西……不!不要碰触!快停下……大火……燃烧的城市……生灵涂炭,哀鸿遍野……小心!!!”卡特琳娜忽然大叫一声,眼中光芒消失,脸色惨白,无法维持平衡,朝后摔去。】 You went forward promptly, supported Katerina.】 【你及时上前,扶住了卡特琳娜。】 I am all right beckoning with the hand of......” Katerina has a lingering fear, the apology looks to you: Sorry, I can only see some scattered pictures......” 【“我没事……”卡特琳娜心有余悸的摆了摆手,歉意的看向你:“抱歉,我只能看到一些零散的画面……”】 You inquired the opposite party curiously, what finally saw, will frighten?】 【你好奇询问对方,最后看到了什么,才会那么惊吓?】 I see you, in flame, was put on the chest by an arm of person, but......” Katerina had said.】 【“我看到你,在一片火焰中,被一个人的手臂穿胸而过……”卡特琳娜说。】 Who?” 【“谁?”】 „It seems like...... Beverly......” 【“似乎是……贝弗利……”】 That mask person?” Mu You knits the brows. This meaning, was said that he will die of the mask person's hand in the future? “那个面具人?”沐游皱眉。这意思,是说他未来会死于面具人之手? Who is my future enemy?” You asked.】 【“我将来的敌人是谁?”你问。】 Many! You will become the center, all centers, the vampire of as if entire city, is all chasing down you......” some Catalina pain to say crazily.】 【“很多!你会成为中心,一切的中心,似乎整个城市的吸血鬼,全都在疯狂的追杀你……”卡塔琳娜有些痛苦的说。】 Who „is that friend of mine? Here has the person who I can trust?” You asked.】 【“那我的朋友是谁?在这里有没有我可以信任的人?”你问。】 „Very regrettable, perhaps...... in the surface will not have had many people intimate with you to win over you, but is hypocritical and malicious, is waiting to use you.” Katerina shakes the head to say.】 【“很遗憾,没有……或许表面上会有很多人亲近你拉拢你,但全都是口蜜腹剑,都在等着利用你。”卡特琳娜摇头道。】 You inquired Katerina finally, had anything to suggest to leave you.】 【你最后询问卡特琳娜,有没有什么建议留给你。】 Do not touch that thing! Does not want absolutely!” 【“不要碰那东西!绝对不要!”】 What thing?” 【“什么东西?”】 Does not know that...... I cannot see, in foreknowledge, only then a fuzziness, but I know, has some type of evil thing, is seducing you to approach it...... to remember unceasingly, at the final moment, should not be misled by it!” Katerina serious say/way.】 【“不知道……我看不到,在预知中只有一片模糊,但我知道,有某种邪恶的东西,在诱惑你不断靠近它……记得,在最后时刻,千万不要被它蛊惑!”卡特琳娜严肃道。】 Mu You is helpless, this speech said that half of predictions are very uncomfortable. 沐游无奈,这种说话说一半的预言就很难受。 No matter how, he knows after all plants thing to be very dangerous, needs to pay attention especially. In addition is the mask person, between he and mask people may have a fight, he died in the mask manpower finally...... 不管如何,他总归是知道了有种‘东西’很危险,需要格外注意。此外就是面具人,他和面具人之间可能会有场战斗,他最后死在了面具人手里…… Is good because, predicted that also predicted that will not be the real future, he will have the opportunity of change. 好在,预言也只是预言,并非真实的未来,他还有改变的机会。 You expressed gratitude for Katerina, and said goodbye to her.】 【你对卡特琳娜表示了感谢,并向她告别。】 Wished you safe, hopes that we had the opportunity to say goodbye.” Katerina after you good a ritual, finally looked at your one eyes, turned around to leave the woods, vanished quickly does not see.】 【“祝你平安,希望我们有机会再见。”卡特琳娜朝你行了一礼后,最后看了你一眼,转身离开了树林,很快消失不见。】 You left the forest alone, returned to the Chifeng graveyard.】 【你独自离开了森林,回到了赤峰墓园。】 In graveyard the dark quiet piece, cannot see the shadow of any living person as before.】 【墓园中依旧黑暗沉寂一片,看不到任何活人的影子。】 You send out ultra feeling the energy, has not actually felt neighbor to have any trailsman.】 【你散发出‘超感’的能量,却并未感受到附近有任何跟踪者。】 „Did the fellow walk?” “那家伙走了么?” Mu You shouted the tone. Must say that mask person was killed by last night these spirits, is definitely impossible, that can only be the opposite party discovers after losing, knows that in a short time he is impossible to come out, therefore left here directly. 沐游呼了口气。要说那个面具人被昨晚那些幽灵干掉了,肯定不可能,那就只能是对方发现跟丢后,知道短时间内他不可能出来,于是直接离开了这里。 You go out of public cemetery, on street silent piece, vehicles of contact do not have, you can only walk home......】 【你走出公墓,街道上寂静一片,一辆往来的车辆都没有,你只能步行回家……】 When you return to the apartment again, weather already greatly bright.】 【当你再次回到公寓的时候,天色已经大亮。】 You arrive at apartment second floor, pushes the door since own room, in the discovery room is actually standing together the broad form, originally narrow and small of not big room extrusion.】 【你来到公寓二楼,推门进入自己的房间,却发现房间内站着一道宽阔的身影,将本就不大的屋子挤压的更为狭小。】 Where last night went to?” The man of face belt/bring mask looks to you, opens the mouth to interrogate. You choose......】 【“昨晚去了哪里?”脸带面具的男子看向你,开口质问。你选择……】 Weather is burning hot, goes out the blowing.” You replied.】 【“天气炎热,出门吹风。”你回答。】 Goes to the tomb blowing?” The mask male sneers.】 【“去墓地吹风?”面具男冷笑。】 Also has compared with a tomb cooler place?” You asked back.】 【“还有比墓地更阴凉的地方吗?”你反问。】 I have said that do not act smart before me.” In the mask male sound takes meaning that warned.】 【“我说过,不要在我面前耍小聪明。”面具男的声音中带上了一丝警告的意味。】 What tricks plays? Yourself cannot follow, whom resulted in strangely?” You fearless looks at each other with the opposite party.】 【“耍什么小聪明?你自己跟不上,怪得了谁?”你毫无畏惧的与对方对视。】 【The mask male brow slightly wrinkle, does not seem to think that you suddenly will become strong.】 【面具男眉头微皱,似乎没想到你会忽然变得强硬。】 Mu You is certainly strong, this is the energy that the strength brings. 沐游当然强硬,这是实力带来的底气。 Moreover, knew own future may die after this goods, Mu You and opposite party nothing more to be said that this/should resentment on resentment. 而且,得知自己将来有可能死在这货手里后,沐游和对方更没什么好说的了,该怼就怼。 【The mask man examined carefully your one eyes, had not said at this matter, but moved toward the entrance: Walks, the prince regent summoned you.” 【面具男仔细看了你一眼,没有在这件事上多说,而是走向了门口:“走吧,摄政王召见你。”】 What matter?” You asked.】 【“什么事?”你问。】 【The mask male had not replied, but watched the weather outside eye piece: Day was about to shine, if you do not want insolation under the sunlight, should better not to rub gently.” 【面具男没有回答,而是看了眼窗外的天色:“天快亮了,如果你不想在阳光下暴晒,就最好不要磨蹭。”】 Mu You selected the eyebrow. 沐游挑了挑眉。 He and others is dawn, the ring of blood god in the hand, his battle efficiency wipes the disparity in disappearing algebra in the daytime sufficiently. 他等的就是天亮,血神的戒指在手,在白天他的战斗力足以抹消代数上的差距。 Mu You had even been considering, must continue to delay, after waiting for the sunrise, thinks the means to bring to outside to get rid of the opposite party directly. 沐游甚至已经在考虑,要不要继续拖延一下,等日出之后直接想办法将对方带到外面干掉。 The prediction said oneself will die in the opposite party hand, so long as that got rid of the opposite party ahead of time, can always change this result? 预言说自己会死在对方手里,那么只要提前干掉了对方,总能够改变这个结局了吧? However hesitated slightly, Mu You gave up this plan. 不过稍微犹豫了一下,沐游还是放弃了这个打算。 This person feels is very keen, if he deliberately delays the time, may be realized by the opposite party. 这人感觉挺敏锐,他如果故意拖延时间,或许会被对方意识到。 By the opportunity of sunlight Yin opposite party, only then one time, once exposed itself not to fear that sunlight ability, the opposite party definitely will guard, best or finds a safer opportunity to begin again. 靠阳光阴对方的机会只有一次,一旦暴露了自己不怕阳光的能力,对方必然会有所防备,最好还是找个更保险的机会再动手。 You follow the mask person silently, left the apartment.】 【你默默跟随面具人,离开了公寓。】 【...... You arrived at Business Building of prince regent, in the reception room in attic, saw the prince regent again.】 【……你来到了摄政王的商业大厦,在顶楼的会客厅中,再次见到了摄政王。】 【The before prince regent of suit and dress shoes still such as is the same, having the appropriate smile to walk toward you, high and low sized up your, patted clapping: Worthily is the person who I favor, short two days, rise three generations by oneself continually, this absolutely is this city at present the quickest record!” 【西装革履的摄政王依然如之前一样,带着得体的微笑朝你走来,上下打量了你一番,拍了拍手:“不愧是我看好的人,短短两天不到,靠自己连升三代,这绝对是这座城市目前最快的记录!”】 Mu You slightly was accidental/surprised, last night he threw off the matter of mask person in the tomb, the opposite party affirmation had known, he thinks that the prince regent will interrogate his, raised finally unexpectedly has not raised, smiled to uncover. 沐游略微意外了一下,昨晚他在墓地甩掉面具人的事,对方肯定已经知道了,他本以为摄政王怎么也会质问他一下呢,结果居然提都没提,一笑揭过。 【After praising one, the prince regent then ejects today to look for your subject: „, A night passes by, was the consideration clear? Whether is willing to accept my bloodlines?” 【夸赞了一句后,摄政王这才抛出了今天找你的正题:“那么,一夜过去,考虑清楚了么?是否愿意接受我的血脉?”】 Prince regent is saying, takes out one bottled to have the bottle of blood drop, placed on the table.】 【摄政王说着,取出一瓶装有血滴的瓶子,放在了桌上。】 This is the blood of my heart lineage/vein, if thought that on clothing/taking under it.” The tone that regent government Wang Yong does not allow to reject said. You choose......】 【“这是我的心脉之血,如果想好了的话,就服下它。”摄政王用不容拒绝的语气说。你选择……】 【The clothing/taking blood drop, indicates loyally to the prince regent!】 【服用血滴,向摄政王表明忠心!】 Refused to take, shirks saying that you have not made the decision.】 【拒绝服用,推脱说你还未做出决定。】 Gets angry directly, while the daytime, jumps the window to run away.】 【直接翻脸,趁着白天,跳窗逃走。】 Here reads the text the meaning, the prince regent seems like had planned that compelled him to stand in line. 这里看文本的意思,摄政王似乎是已经打算强逼他站队了。 Mu You is somewhat strange, supposes by this prince regent graceful magnanimous person, this past one in the evening, should not lose the patience quickly. 沐游有些奇怪,以这个摄政王优雅大度的人设,这才过去一晚上,不应该这么快就失去耐心啊。 Before the recombination, Katerina gave in his prediction to mention one: You drank the painstaking care of prince regent, referred to be here. 再结合之前,卡特琳娜给他的预言中曾经提到过一句:‘你喝下了摄政王的心血’,指的应该就是这里。 Logically, he is not possible really to drink the painstaking care of prince regent, that is equivalent to the slave who degenerates into the opposite party, in the future of but forecasting he drank...... 从逻辑上来说,他是绝不可能真去喝摄政王的心血的,那相当于沦为对方的奴隶,但预测的未来中他偏偏喝下了…… Two matter unions, making Mu You have a premonition, this bottle of blood perhaps do not look that simple like the surface. 两件事结合,让沐游预感到,这瓶血或许不像表面看上去那么简单。 Thinks, Mu You made the character look outside the eye piece. 想了想,沐游让人物看了眼窗外。 You look to the direction of window, temperate morning sun just made an appearance, the early morning first wisp of sunlight sprinkled in this city street......】 【你看向窗户的方向,温和的朝阳刚刚露面,清晨的第一缕阳光洒在了这座城市的街头……】 The sunlight has come out, that Mu You also has nothing to fear, first drinks to have a look at this blood to have what issue, if is really the painstaking care, at the worst after the recollection, gets angry to run away is. 阳光已经出来,那沐游也就没什么好怕的了,先喝下去看看这血到底有什么问题,如果真是心血,大不了回溯后再翻脸逃走就是。 You said to the prince regent, you have thought through, is willing to surrender.】 【你向摄政王表示,你已经想通,愿意投诚。】 You in the vision that the prince regent anticipates, takes up the blood bottle on table, tossing down without hesitation.】 【你在摄政王期待的目光中,拿起桌上的血瓶,毫不犹豫的一饮而尽。】 【The sweet blood entrance, alleviated your hungry blood symptom slightly, you have not actually felt any energy —— this from the blood as if are only a blood of drop of ordinary human.】 【甘甜的血液入口,略微缓解了你的饿血症状,你却没有从血液中感受到任何能量——这似乎只是一滴普通人类的血。】 You have doubts looks to the prince regent.】 【你疑惑的看向摄政王。】 Prince regent has patted to begin toward you to walk: Very good, my child, you had fully proven your sincerity!” 【摄政王已经拍着手朝你走来:“很好,我的孩子,你已经充分证明了你的诚意!”】 As for this drop of blood, does not need to feel strange, this is only a blood of drop of mortal, was sorry that tested you, is really the following matter, I must give the true trusted aide to do, if you do not prove yourself, I am unable to open the heart to you.” The prince regent smiles is arriving in front of you, patted your shoulder: But now, I confirmed that you were a person on one's own side.” 【“至于这滴血,不必奇怪,这只是一滴凡人的血,抱歉试探了你,实在是接下来的事情,我必须交给真正的心腹来做,如果你不证明一下自己,我无法向你敞开心扉。”摄政王微笑着走到你面前,拍了拍你的肩膀:“但现在,我确认你是自己人了。”】 Really is only the probe......” “果然只是试探么……” Mu You selected the eyebrow. Naturally, said is the probe, is because he has the pocket watch, dares to play, in fact this will be one blocks the future unrestrained gambling, the average people does not dare to bet. 沐游挑了挑眉。当然,说是试探,也是因为他有怀表,才敢这么玩,实际上这是一场堵上自己未来的豪赌,一般人都是不敢下注的。 In the angle of view of opposite party, oneself dare under such drinking without hesitation, that only to prove him already the sincerity surrender. 在对方的视角中,自己敢这么毫不犹豫的喝下,那就只能证明他已经真心投诚了。 【The invitation of prince regent warm feelings you sit down before the table, mentioned the proper business with you.】 【摄政王热络的邀请你在桌前坐下,和你谈起了正事。】 „Have you heard Kara?” The prince regent asked.】 【“你有没有听说过‘图坦卡拉’?”摄政王问。】 You shake the head said that does not know the circumstances of the matter.】 【你摇头表示不知情。】 Kara, alias also called ‚the coffin of plague, was an inner and outer coffin that deposited mummy, legend inside is sealing the Egyptian pharaoh of ancient times period plague king, this plague king, before had a fearful disease at the point of death, had high infection, can easily destroy a clan, this pharaoh does not hope that own people were embezzled by disease, therefore was willing to go, blocked own remains and disease completely in inner and outer coffin, deeply buried under pyramid, from this avoided a catastrophe......” 【“‘图坦卡拉’,别名又叫‘瘟疫之棺’,是一具存放木乃伊的棺椁,传说里面封存着远古时期的埃及法老‘瘟疫王’,这位瘟疫王,在临死前得了一种可怕的疾病,具有高度的传染性,能够轻易的毁灭一个氏族,这位法老不希望自己的子民被疾病吞没,所以甘愿赴死,将自身的遗骸和疾病全部封锁在了棺椁之中,深埋于金字塔下,由此才避免了一场浩劫……”】 „, but now, Kara actually does not know that was dug by whom, and fed by the city. According to reliable news, this thing now already by the leader Al-Mansur control of transformation clan.” 【“而如今,‘图坦卡拉’却不知被谁挖了出来,并且送进了以诺之城。根据可靠的消息,这东西现在已经被变革者氏族的首领曼苏尔掌控。”】 This thing, once were opened, will cause the hotbed that this city degenerates into the plague, the consequence is dreadful!” 【“这东西一旦被打开,就会使这座城市沦为瘟疫的温床,后果不堪设想!”】 You look puzzled to the prince regent, the body of vampires not dying, by vampire restoration Physique, will also be affected by the plague?】 【你不解的看向摄政王,吸血鬼们都是不死之躯,以吸血鬼的恢复体质,还会被瘟疫影响?】 Vampire naturally does not fear the plague, but human actually cannot shoulder this plague, once the human large-scale death, we lost food source, waits for our, only then starves to death.” The prince regent answered.】 【“吸血鬼自然不怕瘟疫,但人类却扛不住这种瘟疫,一旦人类大规模死亡,我们失去了食物来源,等待我们的只有饿死。”摄政王解释道。】 Therefore , this inner and outer coffin in the city of by, is nuclear weapon general existence, compared with actual killing, what is more important is its deterrent role. Controlled the person of this coffin, controlled the right to speak.” 【“所以说,这口棺椁在以诺之城中,就是核武器一般的存在,比起实际的杀伤,更重要的是它的威慑作用。掌控了这口棺材的人,就掌控了话语权。”】 You also know, transformation this group of people, have wanted to subvert our rules. Before their were not many, cannot form what climate, but now, they have had the potential gradually, in addition obtained Kara, had posed the huge threat to us, must before they launched an attack prevented them!” 【“你也知道,变革者这帮人,一直都想颠覆我们的统治。之前他们人数不多,没能形成什么气候,但现在,他们已经渐渐起势,再加上获得了图坦卡拉,已经对我们形成了巨大的威胁,必须在他们发难之前阻止他们!”】 Prince regent looks earnestly to you: Now, I had eavesdropped on that Kara's concrete depositing position, I need a person to go it to steal, then ruins it, can avoid this catastrophe.” 【摄政王热切看向你:“现在,我已经探听到了图坦卡拉的具体存放位置,我需要一个人去将它偷回来,然后将其毁掉,才能避免这场浩劫。”】 Was a pity, Al-Mansur that fellow nose spirit very much, the smells of all three superior clans, he is away from be able to identify. Therefore this quest, has not officially joined our you to do. But remember, absolutely do not attempt to ruin or open Kara, it was too dangerous, wants the constant belt/bring to come back to give me, I will call the professional, ruins it with the specialized method!” 【“可惜,曼苏尔那家伙鼻子灵的很,所有三个上等氏族的气味,他隔着很远就能辨认出来。因此这个任务,只有尚未正式加入我们的你能做。但记住,绝对不要尝试毁掉或打开图坦卡拉,它太危险了,一定要原封不动带回来给我,我会召集专业人士,用专业手段将它毁掉!”】 Mu You saw that here also understood, no wonder must test him with the false painstaking care, originally also needs him to maintain the pure bloodlines to work. 沐游看到这里也就明白了,怪不得要用假的心血来试探他,原来是还需要他保持纯净的血脉来做事。 „The coffin of plague......” “瘟疫之棺么……” Mu You looks above introduced that Kara's text, associated to have Katerina's that warning actually immediately, making him do not touch some type of thing, was this coffin? 沐游看着上面介绍图坦卡拉的文本,倒是立即联想起了卡特琳娜的那句警告,让他不要触碰某样东西,难道说的就是这口棺材? ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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