TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#532: Is promoted again and again

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Chapter 532 is promoted again and again 第532章连连晋级 Unexpectedly has this matter?” In the lamp god listens to Mu You to play the experience, frowns: Said, in the past misjudged...... not, cannot calculate the erroneous judgement, after all these things are the blood god are truly done, but then blood god no longer is Liz, she bore these infamy innocently......” “居然有这种事?”灯神听完沐游游戏里的经历,也不由皱起眉头:“这么说,当年是错判了……不,也不能算错判,毕竟那些事情确实是血神做的,只是当时的血神已经不再是莉莉丝,她无辜背上了这些骂名……” The lamp god is mumbling, this mistake said that was not greatly big, said small actually cannot really treat as to be all right, after all honorary regarding many gods, was the extremely important thing. 灯神嘟囔着,这种错误说大也不大,说小却也不能真当做没事,毕竟名誉对于很多神明来说,也是极其重要的东西。 The past trial, can say that ruined Liz's reputation/honorary until now completely, by everyone respected Holy Mother, subverted a female demon image, withstood ten million years infamy, a blood god department was also unable to recover, since then vanished in the history of god clan. 当年的审判,可以说完全毁掉了莉莉丝一直以来的名誉,由一位人人敬爱的圣母,颠覆成了一个女魔头形象,承受了千万年的骂名,血神一系也就此一蹶不振,从此消失在了神族的历史中。 The lamp god engages in introspection, if were suffered such wrongful treatment, not possible to treat with the moderation, no matter in the past many years, so long as there is an opportunity, he must want a justice. 灯神扪心自问,如果是自己遭受了这样的冤屈,绝不可能以平常心对待,不管过去多少年,只要有机会,他是一定要讨个公道的。 However on the other hand, the god clan has perished now, the god clan that lives, even if has, is still few, half-dead existence like him, so-called sinking injustice and reversing a verdict actually does not have the significance. 不过话又说回来,现在神族都已经灭亡,活下来的神族就算有,也已经寥寥无几,都是像他这样半死不活的存在,所谓的‘沉冤’、‘翻案’其实都已经没有意义。 Thinks it over, the lamp god also can only sigh finally, making Mu You help him be sorry to Liz, then oneself look at processing, then fluttered in the oil lamp. 思来想去,灯神最后也只能叹息一声,让沐游帮他向莉莉丝表示一下歉意,然后自己看着处理,便飘回了油灯中。 Mu You also returned to the game. 沐游也回到了游戏中。 Liz specially arranges Katerina, leading him to come here, perhaps was feels on him the strength of order, this matter also only then his successor of this order had the qualifications to meddle. 莉莉丝之所以特意安排卡特琳娜,带他进来这里,或许是感觉到了他身上秩序的力量,这件事也只有他这个秩序的传人才有资格插手。 Thinks, Mu You inputs in the game. 想了想,沐游在游戏中输入。 You look to the red clothes female, informed the opposite party you to understand her once story.】 【你看向红衣女子,告知对方你已经了解了她曾经的故事。】 You inquired the opposite party, whether wants to make you help her revenge?】 【你询问对方,是否是想让伱帮她报仇?】 Female shakes the head.】 【女子摇头。】 You continue to inquire the opposite party, whether wants to make you publicize the beginning to end of this matter to the world, scrubs the infamy for her?】 【你继续询问对方,是否是想让你向世人宣扬这件事的始末,为她洗刷骂名?】 Female still shook the head.】 【女子仍然摇头。】 【The red clothes female aimed at the surrounding 12 tombstones.】 【红衣女子指向了周围的十二块墓碑。】 Mu You looks stares, suddenly recalled that beforehand flashed the spirit picture. 沐游看得一愣,忽然回想起了之前的一幕闪灵画面。 Before 44 children's room, the children of red clothes female came in abundance, angrily rebukes she for murderer, such as the evil spirit of rope life chased down the red clothes female generally. 之前在44层的儿童房里,红衣女子的孩子们纷纷现身,怒斥她为‘凶手’,如索命的厉鬼一般追杀红衣女子。 This likely has certainly not had actually matter, that can only be the imagination or the dreamland of red clothes female, picture that projects. 这一幕当然不可能是实际发生过的事,那就只能是红衣女子的想象或者梦境,所投影出的画面。 Truly what therefore lets her intent difficult draw is other children?” Mu You continues to input. “所以真正让她意难平的是其他的孩子吗?”沐游继续输入。 You inquired the female, whether wants to make you find the burying institutes of her 12 successors, gave all these truth to them?】 【你询问女子,是否是想让你去找到她十二位传人的葬所,向他们说明这一切的真相?】 【The red clothes female teardrops fall, finally nod.】 【红衣女子泪珠滑落,终于点头。】 Mu You sighed. 沐游叹息一声。 Liz cares is really not own reputation/honorary, she possibly does not think oneself are innocent, initially because of her toleration and inappropriate benevolence, caused the death of successors, and brings such big harm to the world, this is the crime that she confessed. 莉莉丝在意的果然不是自己的名誉,她可能都不认为自己是无罪的,当初正是因为她的纵容和不恰当的善心,才导致了传人们的死亡,并给世界带来这么大的危害,这是她自认的罪过。 Meanwhile she has not hated all these chief criminals this/should hidden, even if hates at first, so many years still have felt relaxed. 同时她也没有怨恨这一切的罪魁祸首该隐,就算起初有恨,这么多年也早已释然了。 Now she feels sorry only, only then other 12 children, because she was hit by the unexpected misfortune. 现在她唯一觉得愧疚的,只有其他十二个孩子,因为她遭受了无妄之灾。 She the only desire, found children's remains now, implored their forgiving, seeking one to feel at ease. 她现在唯一的愿望,就是找到孩子们的遗骨,祈求他们的原谅,求一个心安。 Mu You continues to input in the game. Although the opposite party looks like does not care, but he successor as order, this responsibility of taking must take. 沐游继续在游戏中输入。虽然对方看来已经不在乎了,但他身为秩序的传人,该负起的责任还是要负。 You look to the red clothes female, earnest opens the mouth: I as Miyoshiro of traveler/ascetic order, abolished once trial, announced blood god Zapal · Liz, innocent.” 【你看向红衣女子,认真的开口:“我以秩序之神代行者的身份,撤销曾经的审判,宣布血神古扎帕尔·莉莉丝,无罪。”】 You complied with the Liz's request.】 【你答应了莉莉丝的请求。】 You triggered special quest: The last wish of blood god.】 【你触发了特殊任务:血神的遗愿。】 quest content: Buries in 12 successors who the real world found the blood god, to their remnant soul explanations once the truth of this tragedy.】 任务内容:在真实世界找到血神的十二位传人葬地,向他们的残魂说明曾经这桩惨剧的真相。】 quest time: Does not limit.】 任务时间:不限。】 Visited you to accept requirement, the red clothes female showed the smile of feeling relieved finally.】 【看你接受了请求,红衣女子终于露出了如释重负的笑容。】 Wish must recompense, the remnant soul of red clothes female becomes fuzzy, the figure dissipates from top to bottom fast.】 【心愿得偿,红衣女子的残魂变得模糊起来,身形由上至下快速消散。】 【The red clothes female changes into together the red light, floats toward you, finally drilled into your waist the niche of blood.】 【红衣女子化为一道红光,朝你飘来,最后钻入了你腰间的血之龛中。】 【The remnants of red clothes female read lodge in the niche of blood, with the remaining energy, conducted a transformation the niche of blood.】 【红衣女子的残念寄宿于血之龛中,用自身残余的能量,将血之龛进行了一番改造。】 【The red clothes female's energy loss is serious, fell into quietly in the niche.】 【红衣女子的能量损耗严重,在龛中陷入了沉寂。】 Niche of evolution blood for ‚the niche of blood god.】 【血之龛进化为了‘血神之龛’。】 Your consciousness takes lodging in the red clothes female in niche of blood for the channel, accessed heart net automatically.】 【你的意识以寄宿在血之龛中的红衣女子为渠道,自动接入了‘心网’。】 „Oh?” “哦?” Mu You accident/surprise. quest of this new triggering has not rewarded, but this Liz's remnant soul, provided some to him on own initiative reward. 沐游意外。这个新触发的任务没有奖励,不过这道莉莉丝的残魂,还是主动给他提供了一些‘报酬’。 Mu You first clicked on the niche of blood god to look at the eye. 沐游首先点击血神之龛看了眼。 【The niche of blood god: The blood god is a divine tool, may be used to absorb the blood group remains, or transformed god's blood. Sends in which god's blood, may transform is the blood of few pure circumcision lineage/vein, the transformed proportion depends on god's the star class of blood. Takes enough pure painstaking care, but the level up blood law, or deputes the blood group bloodlines, making the algebra naturally reduce.】 【血神之龛:血神系神器,可用于吸收血族遗骸,或转化神之血。将神之血送入其中,可转化为少量的纯净心脉之血,转化比例取决于神之血的星级。服用足够的纯净心血,可升级血律,或提纯自身血族血脉,使代数自然降低。】 Transformed god's blood?” “转化神之血?” Mu You at present one bright. After Liz transforms, the niche of blood directly turned into the divine tool, in situation that the basic function has not changed, had/left transformation god's the function of blood, can directly transform god's blood as the blood group painstaking care. 沐游眼前一亮。被莉莉丝改造过后,血之龛直接变成了神器,基础功能没变的情况下,多出了改造神之血的功能,可以将神之血直接转化为血族心血。 What is most essential, here transforms pure painstaking care does not count the algebra, is equivalent to a general painstaking care, even if rises to two generations of one generation of vampires, can use this painstaking care to reduce the algebra. 最关键的是,这里转化来的‘纯净心血’是不计代数的,相当于一种通用心血,哪怕升到二代一代吸血鬼,也可以使用这种心血来降低代数。 Naturally, with believing level up is the same, being promoted of high algebra and low algebra, the needed pure painstaking care quantity affirmation day leaves badly, tall Dai time perhaps collects one drop to be promoted, but when low algebra very probably needs several hundred even several thousand times to be raised! 当然,就和信仰升级一样,高代数和低代数的晋级,需要的纯净心血数量肯定天差地别,高代的时候或许凑齐一滴就能晋级,而低代数时则很可能需要数百甚至数千倍才能提升! No matter how, had this thing, from now on he and others left the scene, returns to the real world, does not need to look for the remains of blood group giant specially, looks for in the remains of random god clan, can extract god's blood, transforms as the pure painstaking care again, gets down for Vampire Skin level up continuously! 不管如何,有了这东西,今后他等离开场景,回到真实世界,不需要专门去找血族巨人的遗体,找任意神族的遗骸中,都可以提取到神之血,再转化为纯净心血,供吸血鬼皮肤继续不断的升级下去! Mu You turn head looked at the eye, in the text mentioned that Liz energy loss was oversized, fell into quietly in the niche, she should not disappear thoroughly, but is unable to come. 沐游回头看了眼,文本中提到莉莉丝‘能量损耗过大,在龛中陷入沉寂’,那她应该还没有彻底消失,只不过也无法在现身。 Mu You estimated, perhaps she wants to preserve the final energy, sees at the same time her children, before then, should not come. 沐游估计,她或许是想保存着最后的能量,去见一面她的孩子们,在这之前,应该都不会现身了。 Shakes the head, Mu You then looks to the second reward: Heart net. 摇了摇头,沐游这才看向第二项奖励:心网。 Here is not he obtained heart net the blood law, but will be Liz will treat as antenna , helping he connected ahead of time so-called mind network. 这里并不是他获得了‘心网’的血律,而是莉莉丝将自己当做‘天线’,帮他提前接入了所谓的‘心灵网络’之中。 Mu You quickly attempted. 沐游急忙尝试了一下。 You attempt to connect the heart net.】 【你尝试连接心网。】 Connects successfully, in your consciousness presented the innumerable luminous spots, nighttime sky that resplendent such as the stars decorate.】 【连接成功,你的意识中出现了无数的光点,灿如繁星装点的夜空。】 You attempt to connect together in luminous spot, this seems like some living's consciousness......】 【你尝试连接到其中一道光点上,这似乎是某一位生者的意识……】 Connection failure, this/should perishing language rejected your spying on and exchange request......】 【连接失败,该亡语者拒绝了你的窥探和交流请求……】 ...... …… Then Mu You starts to study this so-called heart net, because can only operate in text game, the flow was tediously more complex. 接下来沐游开始研究这个所谓的心网,由于只能在文字游戏里操作,流程繁琐复杂了许多。 After trying to find out the moment, Mu You found out some foundation rules of heart net finally gradually. 摸索了片刻后,沐游终于渐渐摸清了心网的一些基础规则。 With beforehand encyclopedia software described, various functions of heart net can analogy the Internet in reality directly, for example downloading or upload other memories and information in public space, to person of stream own angles of view, real-time long-distance exchanges wait/etc. 和之前百科软件里描述的一样,心网的各种功能都可以直接类比现实中的互联网,比如在公共空间里‘下载’或‘上传’记忆和情报、向其他人直播自己的视角、实时远程交流等等。 What a pity is, Mu You is newly-arrived, an acquaintance in the heart net does not have, all connections all were denied entrance. 可惜的是,沐游初来乍到,在心网里一个熟人都没有,所有连接全吃了闭门羹。 Mu You is busy the function of ripe devotedly net, the prompt springs together suddenly. 沐游正忙着熟悉心网的功能,一道提示忽然弹出。 Katerina through the heart net, sent in a news to you.】 【卡特琳娜通过心网,向你发来了一条讯息。】 It must come back! Leaves quickly!” 【“它要回来了!快离开!”】 „Oh?” “哦?” Is Mu You startled, comes back...... to refer to the manager? 沐游一怔,回来……是指管理员? Before Katerina said that the world will left, dares to lead him to come, but also made him make the best use of the time, now the world will must return evidently, therefore made him run away immediately, in order to avoid being stressed. 之前卡特琳娜说世界意志离开了,才敢带他过来,还让他抓紧时间,现在看样子世界意志要回归了,所以让他立即逃走,以免被抓个正着。 However Mu You is actually indifferent, he had made a big row one in any case here, not only killed Jack, but also carried off the Liz's remnants to read, after these managers came back, will definitely discover, he does worry to be the same now. 不过对此沐游倒是无所谓,反正他已经在这里大闹了一通,不但杀了杰克,还带走了莉莉丝的残念,这些管理员回来后肯定会发现,他现在着不着急走都一样。 Had determined in any case must be grasped wrapped, that might as well do a point, the thing that can carry off here carries off certainly. 反正都已经确定要被抓包了,那不如做的更绝一点,把这里能带走的东西都带走。 You take the niche of hemorrhage god, places on the strange infant corpse in coffin.】 【你取出血神之龛,放在棺材中的怪婴尸体上。】 【The niche of blood god starts to absorb the energy of remains......】 【血神之龛开始吸收遗骸的能量……】 Extracts the remains of successful, strange infant vanishes. You obtained blood of the drop of complete heart lineage/vein, the algebra: 7 generations!】 【提取成功,怪婴的遗骸消失。你获得了一滴完整的心脉之血,代数:七代!】 The algebra feeling of this strange infant should be lower than seven generations, because what a pity lacked the head . Moreover the past was somewhat remote, can only extract to seven generations. 这个怪婴的代数感觉应该比七代更低,可惜因为缺了头颅,而且年代有些久远,只能提取到七代。 Was good is also sufficient because of seven generations. 好在七代也够用了。 You took the blood of heart lineage/vein( 7 generations), your blood group bloodlines were purified largely, you promoted for 8 generations of vampires!】 【你服下了心脉之血(七代),你的血族血脉被大幅纯化,你晋升为了八代吸血鬼!】 【The purification of bloodlines, making you awaken in blood law talent from you bloodlines: Atomization.】 【血脉的纯化,令你唤醒了一个源自你自身血脉中的血律天赋:雾化。】 You inherited blood a rare blood law from heart lineage/vein: Does not extinguish.】 【你继承了来自心脉之血中的一个稀有血律:不灭。】 May presently the blood law point: 4 points.】 【当前可用血律点:四点。】 ...... …… You took the blood of heart lineage/vein( 6 generations), your blood group bloodlines were purified largely, you promoted for 7 generations of vampires!】 【你服下了心脉之血(六代),你的血族血脉被大幅纯化,你晋升为了七代吸血鬼!】 【...... You awakened in blood law talent from you bloodlines: Great strength.】 【……你唤醒了一个源自你自身血脉中的血律天赋:巨力。】 You inherited blood a rare blood law from heart lineage/vein: Existence.】 【你继承了来自心脉之血中的一个稀有血律:存在。】 May presently the blood law point: 9 points.】 【当前可用血律点:九点。】 ...... …… Rises continually two-level, is promoted directly is seven generations of vampires, obtained four fresh blood laws. 连升两级,直接晋级为七代吸血鬼,获得了四个新血律。 And great strength and atomization did not say that is he talent that inherits from the Seine families. 其中‘巨力’和‘雾化’就不说了,都是他从莱茵家族继承来的天赋。 The key point is newly the acquired two talents, both rare talents are Mu You roll come out specially. 重点是新收集到的两个天赋,两个稀有天赋都是沐游特意roll出来的。 Does not extinguish: Enhances the survival capability sharply, even if the whole body is under the destructive attack, so long as the head had not been destroyed, then survival.】 【不灭:大幅提升生存能力,纵使全身遭遇毁灭性打击,只要头颅未被毁坏,即可存活。】 Exists: In a short time promotes own existence feeling sharply, forcefully periphery attraction everyone's attention. Temporary drastically reduces itself to have the feeling, making the person of short distance has eyes such as blind, is unable to detect your existence. Activates each time must consume 10 point real lives.】 【存在:在短时间内大幅提升自己的存在感,强行吸引周围所有人的注意。或临时大幅降低自身存在感,使近距离的人有眼如盲,无法察觉到你的存在。每次激活需消耗十点真实生命。】 Does not extinguish this blood law naturally is that strange infant provides, the rare blood law of abnormality clan, what a pity is suitable for general, as if can only be used to play dead Gou life/command under the extreme condition, but in the ordinary circumstances few people will compel themselves that hopeless situation. ‘不灭’这血律自然是那个怪婴提供的,畸形者氏族的稀有血律,可惜适用面一般,似乎只能在极端条件下用来假死苟命,而一般情况下很少有人会把自己逼到那种绝境。 Naturally, did not say that this blood law uses not to have, Mu You did not extinguish with recollection level up repeatedly suddenly, looked at the eye lingering effect. 当然,也不是说这血律一点用没有,沐游用回溯多次升级了一下不灭,看了眼后续效果。 The blood law and god technique are similar, rise will have the qualitative change to Lv. 6 and Lv. 10, but does not extinguish this ability, the condition of higher-level survival is more loose, from needing the head, to the brain stem, to the nail big brain tissue, then can make the main body resurrect again together slowly. 血律和神术类似,升到六级十级都将发生质变,而不灭这能力,越高级生存的条件越宽松,从需要头颅,到脑干,再到一块指甲大的脑组织,便可以使本体慢慢复活。 Because blood law insufficient, Mu You has not seen the Lv. 10 effect temporarily, but after he estimates this blood law full level, even can not extinguish the effect on spread the whole body, so long as there is an individual cell survival, can make him come back to life slowly! 因为血律点不够,沐游暂时没看到十级的效果,但他估计这血律满级之后,甚至可以将不灭效果扩散到全身,只要有一个体细胞存活,就能让他缓慢复生! After this/should hidden initially the gods placed on trial, the gods discovered that the body of his not dying, all did not have the means with him, here did not refuse stubbornly to extinguish, should benefit from the effect of this blood law high-rank theocracy. 该隐当初被众神审判后,众神发现他是不死之体,全都拿他没办法,这里的不死不灭,应该就是得益于这个血律上位神权的效果。 Therefore, the upper limit of this blood law is very high, but usually is suitable for the surface being quite narrow. 因此,这血律的上限还是很高的,只不过平时适用面比较窄罢了。 But another existence, is one of the royal family's rare blood laws, changes itself to have the feeling instantaneously, takes off/escapes masterstroke/divine skill that fights and assassinates, although is not the fight blood law, but the usability is good. 而另一个‘存在’,则是王族的稀有血律之一,瞬间改变自身存在感,脱战和暗杀的神技,虽然不是战斗血律,但实用性还不错。 Besides the algebra and blood law, remaining is the strength of god god against real life, returns to blood speed these increases. 除了代数和血律之外,剩下就是神之力神之防真实生命,回血速度这些的提升。 Mu You swept a present panel. 沐游扫了眼现在的面板。 Algebra: 7 generations.】 【代数:七代。】 【The strength of god: 4 points.】 【神之力:四点。】 Guarding of god: 4 points.】 【神之防:四点。】 Real life: 130 points.】 【真实生命:130点。】 Life restores the speed: Every second 8 points + 1 maximum life values.】 【生命恢复速度:每秒八点最大生命值。】 Blood law point: 9 points.】 【血律点:九点。】 Attack and defense life these are actually similar to other servers, each promotion first-level to the attack and defense of 1 points god, the real life starts to turn from 5 points unceasingly obtains. 攻防生命这些倒是和其他服务器类似,每晋升一级给一点神之攻防,真实生命则从五点开始不断翻倍获得。 The life resumes speed these promotions to turn time directly, this time after real life broken hundred, but also was extra a percentage reply. 生命恢复速度这几次晋升都是直接翻倍,这次在真实生命破百之后,还额外多了一项百分比回复。 According to this rule, calculates arrives at one generation of times, blood group will restore the speed to achieve every second ordinary 500 +! Not to mention the percentage of unknown value restores. 按这个规律,算下来到一代的时候,血族的普通恢复速度都将达到每秒500+!更不用说还有未知数值的百分比恢复。 Later even if tens of thousands several hundred thousand real life strip, can restore in just dozens seconds completely, this resilience had does not need to talk too much much abnormally, can say, so long as did not bump into the ability of restraint, the late blood group was almost existence that could not kill! 后期纵使几万几十万的真实生命条,也可以在短短几十秒内恢复完全,这种恢复能力有多变态就不用多言了,可以说,只要不碰上克制的能力,后期的血族几乎就是杀不死的存在! In addition just obtained two blood god divine tools, Mu You had decided, the blood god is as own vice- belief. 再加上刚获得两件血神神器,沐游已经决定,就将血神系作为自己的副信仰。 Like this not only the late battle efficiency has the safeguard, but also the blood god department has not needed to consume the divine nature, all promotes to depend entirely on the blood, Lord vice- believes the respective promotion, does not disturb each other, will not appear, because the divine nature shares to be slowed the progress the situation. 这样不但后期的战斗力有保障,而且血神系还不需要消耗神性,所有提升全靠血液,主副信仰各自提升,互不干扰,不会出现因为神性分摊而被拖慢进度的情况。 Looked at the panel, Mu You assigned nine blood law simply, four new ability various points first-level, in addition also ultra feeling study. 看完面板,沐游将九点血律点简单分配了一下,四个新能力各点了一级,此外还将‘超感’学了。 After with Jack fights, he even more realized the function of ultra feeling, if had the ultra feeling before, he is insufficient to escape is so distressed. 和杰克战斗过后,他越发意识到了超感的作用,如果之前有超感,他不至于逃跑的那么狼狈。 The surplus points, Mu You selects in the ultra feeling and on amazingly quick, both promotes LV3 two blood laws. 剩余的点数,沐游都点在超感和神速上,将两个血律双双提升到LV3。 At this time he actually also has blood of the drop of 1 generation of heart lineage/vein on hand, but can also continue to be promoted, but this thing is too rare, in the entire scene this drop, with was a little possibly a pity here, Mu You received temporarily. 此时他手边其实还剩下一滴一代的心脉之血,还可以继续晋级,不过这东西实在太稀有,整个场景中可能就这一滴,用在这里就有点可惜了,沐游暂时收了起来。 Completes all these, Mu You then fast under to a building, immediately left the manor. 做完这一切,沐游这才快速下到一楼,随即离开了庄园。 You in the woods outside manor, saw Katerina again.】 【你在庄园外的树林中,再次见到了卡特琳娜。】 Has an accident? Why couldn't I feel existence of Allah?” Katerina sees you to appear finally, looks pleasantly surprised, anxious opens the mouth inquiry.】 【“出了什么事?为什么我感觉不到真主的存在了?”卡特琳娜见你终于出现,面露惊喜,急切的开口询问。】 You explained the bitter experience in manor to Katerina truthfully.】 【你向卡特琳娜如实说明了庄园中的遭遇。】 Originally is this......” knew that Allah had obtained the extrication, Katerina is somewhat gratified, actually also in heart vacant.】 【“原来是这样……”得知真主已经获得了解脱,卡特琳娜有些欣慰,却也不由心中茫然。】 You inquired the Katerina following plan.】 【你询问卡特琳娜接下来的打算。】 I prepare, leave here!” A Katerina slightly hesitant, quick firm opens the mouth.】 【“我准备,离开这里!”卡特琳娜稍一犹豫,很快坚定的开口。】 Leaves? Refers to leaving this city?” You asked.】 【“离开?是指离开这座城市?”你问。】 „.” Katerina nods.】 【“是的。”卡特琳娜点头。】 Mu You looks at the surprise, can say this words, explained that she should know here is a fictionalizing world. 沐游看得诧异,能说出这种话,说明她应该知道这里是一个虚构的世界。 „Do you know the exit|to speak of this place?” You asked.】 【“你知道这地方的出口?”你问。】 Allah in holding the dream has directed me, said I really seem like one ‚’ child, and directs the position that I exported, hopes that I one day can get out of misery......” Katerina to sigh: I had not walked, because of Allah here, now, Allah has also passed, reason that I have not left behind.” 【“真主曾经在托梦中指引过我,说我似乎是一个‘真实’的孩子,并指点了我出口的位置,希望我有一天能脱离苦海……”卡特琳娜叹息道:“我之所以一直没走,是因为真主还在这里,现在,真主已逝,我已经没有留下的理由。”】 You and I walk together!” Katerina serious looks suddenly to you: I can foresee, this city will then have some frigid matter, if we were involved, might stay here forever!” 【“你和我一起走吧!”卡特琳娜忽然面色凝重的看向你:“我能够预见到,这座城市接下来将会发生一些很惨烈的事情,如果我们被卷入其中,很可能都会被永远留在这里!”】 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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