TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#531: True blood group first ancestor

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Chapter 531 true blood group first ancestor 第531章真正的血族始祖 Headless corpse......” “无头尸体……” Mu You looks at the result of unearthing, has guessed correctly anything. 沐游看着挖掘出的结果,已经猜到了什么。 The characteristics of strange infant, actually seem like here nine blood group clans abnormality. 怪婴的特征,其实很像是这里九个血族氏族中的‘畸形者’。 But the words that did not remember incorrectly, in hundred Kerry of abnormality, mentioned that they have a special blood law not to extinguish, no matter suffered what wound, so long as the head had not been destroyed thoroughly, can under is only left over in the situation of brain stem to survive. 而没记错的话,在畸形者的百科里,提到他们有一种特殊的血律‘不灭’,不管遭受了何种创伤,只要头颅没有被彻底毁坏,都可以在只剩下下脑干的情况下存活下来。 In other words, at that time church purification, has not likely killed this strange infant completely, but the surface seemingly died thoroughly. 也就是说,当时教会的‘净化’,很可能并没有完全杀死这个怪婴,只是表面看上去死透了而已。 But the red clothes female in this world, is Liz, obviously is only an ordinary nun, if this strange infant is a vampire, a normal person was treated as blood package by a vampire for a long time blood sucking, finally will only have two types: First, the blood diaper suck dry blood dies ; second, after died by the suck dry blood, was injected the blood group blood by the vampire, thus completes initially supports ceremony, by shape resurrecting of vampire. 而这个世界的红衣女子,也就是‘莉莉丝’,显然只是一个普通修女,如果这个怪婴是一只吸血鬼,一个正常人被一只吸血鬼长期当做‘血包’吸血,结果只会有两种:一是血包被吸干血液而死,二是在被吸干血液死亡后,又被吸血鬼注入血族的血液,从而完成‘初拥’仪式,以吸血鬼的形态复活。 This is the vampires inborn ability, even if one has not undergone any child of blood group guidance, there is an ability naturally transforms others as similar. 这是吸血鬼们天生的能力,纵使是一个没有经受过任何血族教导的孩子,也有能力自然的将他人转化为同类。 Moreover, not only here Liz perhaps was transformed is so simple, because transforms as the vampire even, a natural disposition of person will not that change quickly. 而且,这里的莉莉丝恐怕不只是被转化那么简单,因为就算转化为吸血鬼,一个人的本性也是不会那么快变化的。 Here very possible is the red clothes female whole person, already the blamed infant displaces. How as to achieve, Mu You does not know that according to the blood group blood law that in he knows at present, has not seized shed type ability. 这里很可能是红衣女子整个人,都已经被怪婴取而代之。至于怎么做到的,沐游就不知道了,据他目前所知的血族血律中,并没有夺舍一类的能力 Naturally, here person and when it's over unexpectedly is only the story that the server creates, not exists, these details actually do not need to go into seriously. 当然,这里的人和事毕竟都只是服务器创造出来的故事,并非真实存在,这些细节其实不必深究。 However on the other hand, since here all are fictionalize, why the red clothes female also wants urgently demonstrates this story to him? But why the manager must go all out covers up all these? 不过话又说回来,既然这里的一切都是虚构的,为什么红衣女子还要迫切的向他展示这个故事?而管理员又为什么要拼命的遮掩这一切? These are not false, matter that but has really? 难道这些不是假的,而是真实发生的事? Mu You hesitates secretly. 沐游暗自沉吟。 Happen to at this time played pops up the prompt. 正好这时游戏中弹出提示。 【The red clothes female comes in your not far away, tranquil looks at you, the opens the mouth as if wanted to say anything, concerned about is actually not able to approach, is unable to open the mouth to express, can only stand at a loss on the spot. She wants to demonstrate to the thing that you demonstrate, now can only inquire by you personally.】 【红衣女子在你不远处现身,平静的看着你,张口似乎想要说什么,却碍于无法靠近,也无法开口表达,只能茫然的站在原地。她想向你展示的东西已经展示完毕,现在只能由伱亲自来询问。】 Under sprang the input box at the right moment. 下方适时弹出了输入框。 Mu You thinks, inputs. 沐游想了想,在其中输入。 You are pointing at periphery other 12 tombstones that inscribe the digit, inquired the opposite party: All these whether is the strange infant does?” 【你指着周围其他十二座刻有数字的墓碑,询问对方:“这一切是否是怪婴做的?”】 【The red clothes female nods.】 【红衣女子点头。】 „Did your blamed infant replace?” You asked.】 【“你被怪婴取代了?”你问。】 【The red clothes female nods.】 【红衣女子点头。】 Why can make me know these? These matters are real?” You asked.】 【“为什么要让我知道这些?这些事是难道是真实的吗?”你问。】 【The red clothes female first shakes the head, nods.】 【红衣女子先是摇头,又点了点头。】 Mu You stares, this reply surprises him somewhat, swings to nod...... 沐游一愣,这回答让他有些意外,摇完头又点头…… A matter naturally possibly is not only not real, fictionalizes. 一件事情当然不可能既是真实的,又是虚构的。 At present the only explanation, only has metaphor. 眼下唯一的解释,唯有‘隐喻’。 This matter is fictionalizes right, the red clothes female is borrowing this virtual matter, to his metaphor another real matter. 这件事本身是虚构的没错,红衣女子是在借用这件虚拟的事,向他隐喻另一件真实的事情。 Associated to that mural that former regent government Wang Family/prince saw again, Mu You had guessed correctly anything faintly. 再联想到之前摄政王家里看到的那副壁画,沐游已经隐隐猜到了什么。 Mu You puts down the cell phone temporarily, takes out the miracle magic lamp, rubs the lamp body. 沐游暂时放下手机,取出奇迹神灯,搓动灯身。 After dozens seconds, one group of blue smog emit from pot's mouth, the congealment in the midair is an empty shadow of roaming reading poems person. 数十秒过后,一团蓝色烟雾从壶口冒出,在半空中凝结为一个游吟诗人的虚影。 The lamp god is yawning, exhausted looks to Mu You: How?” 灯神打着呵欠,困顿的看向沐游:“又怎么了?” „Do you recognize unknown blood god?” Mu You asked. “你认不认识‘血神’?”沐游问。 Blood god......” “血神……” Originally somewhat exhausted lamp god, heard this name one to sober. 本来有些困顿的灯神,听到这个名字一下清醒了过来。 You asked that what she does make?” “你问她做什么?” She? Is the blood god a female?” Mu You asked. “她?血神是女性?”沐游问。 What two people talked to use was Astral Spirit Language, but in Astral Spirit Language the male and female generation referred to the word being different. 两人对话用的是星灵语,而星灵语中男和女的代指词是不同的。 „The god of blood, names the blood goddess, the real name for Zapal · Liz, controls breeding with controlling the strength of blood, is in the god clan history one of the most ancient several gods.” The lamp god looks the dignified introduction. “血之神,又名鲜血女神,真名为古扎帕尔·莉莉丝,掌控着‘孕育’与操控血液的力量,是神族历史上最为古老的几位神明之一。”灯神面露凝重的介绍起来。 Really is Liz!” “果然是莉莉丝!” Mu You hears here to be confident. 沐游听到这儿就已经有了底。 „The gods of what camp is blood god?” Mu You also asked. “血神是什么阵营的神明?”沐游又问。 Average person hears blood god this fill withering makings theocracy, may associate to andcrazy evillyand so on word, afterward matter also showed certainly, the ability of this god department also indeed has toward to wicked and potential of chaos development.” “一般人听到‘血神’这种充满肃杀气质的神权,可能会联想到‘邪恶’、‘狂化’之类的词,当然后来的事情也证明,这个神系的能力也的确有朝着至恶和混沌发展的潜力。” However the fact is just the opposite, gods camp that early the blood god under Liz control, firm standing nicely is at least defending the foreword. The blood of blood god has the ability of living corpse meat white bones, the legend can cure all pains and stubborn illness, its effect is as good as world any medicine.” “然而事实恰恰相反,至少早期莉莉丝掌控下的血神,坚定的站在善良守序的神明阵营。血神的血液拥有活死人肉白骨的能力,传说可以治愈一切病痛和顽疾,其功效不亚于世间的任何一种药物。” However Liz is never also parsimonious, frequently free apportions these own blood by the ordinary god clan that the pain suffers, therefore was also called mother of blood by the innumerable ordinary god senior members ‚’, the prestige in god clan is extremely high, is as good as the god of order by the position.” “而莉莉丝也从未吝啬,经常无偿的将自己的血液分给那些被病痛折磨的普通神族,因此也被无数普通神族尊称为‘血之母’,在神族中的威望极高,论地位丝毫不亚于秩序之神。” In brief, beforehand Liz is a real Holy Mother, in entire nicely defends in the gods of foreword camp, cannot discover one again compared with the gods who she bemoans the state of the universe, if the god of order is order representative gods, then the blood god is good is the gods leader......” lamp god is introducing one after another, Mu You and two clone also to listen silently, has not broken him. “总之,以前的莉莉丝是一位真正的圣母,在整个善良守序阵营的神明中,再找不出一位比她更加悲天悯人的神明,如果说秩序之神是‘秩序’的代表神明,那么血神就是‘善系’的神明首领……”灯神一句一句的介绍着,沐游和两个分身也都默默听着,没有打断他。 Introduced to him comes to the end, no longer opened the mouth, Mu You then continued to inquire: Then? What accident did the blood god have?” 一直到他介绍告一段落,不再开口,沐游这才继续询问:“然后呢?血神发生了什么变故?” If the blood god is only a pure good is gods, will not definitely make the lamp god show this sobbing expression. 如果血神就只是一位单纯的善系神明,肯定不会让灯神露出这种唏嘘的表情。 Afterward, the bloodlines of blood god, encountered the pollution......” the forced smile of lamp god. “后来,血神的血脉,遭到了污染……”灯神的苦笑。 Pollution?” “污染?” Concrete we are not clear, in brief since one day, the Liz personality big change, is been wicked by the good revolutions, it is said a night killed own 13 successors . Moreover the strength of no longer research blood god treats the illness to save the patient, instead starts to study diligently the method of blood law fight with all one's heart.” “具体的我们也不清楚,总之自从某一天开始,莉莉丝性情大变,由善转恶,据说一夜间杀死了自己的十三位传人,而且不再研究用血神的力量治病救人,反而开始一门心思钻研用血律战斗的手段。” If merely were only this also even. The defending foreword and chaotic attribute of gods by the theocracy were decided that does not take the will of current reigning gods as the shift, but is friendly and wicked actually only depends on the personality of gods, for example also takes the successor of god of order, you can choose nicely to defend the foreword, to defend the foreword freely evilly also or the neutrality defend the foreword the route, so long as you also stand in defend foreword this side, the theocracy will then not abandon you.” “如果仅仅只是这样也就算了。神明的守序和混乱属性是由神权本身决定的,并不以当前在位神明的意志为转移,而善和恶却只取决于神明的性格本身,比如同样作为秩序之神的传人,你可以自由选择走善良守序、邪恶守序亦或是中立守序的路线,只要你还站在‘守序’这一方,神权便不会抛弃你。” Therefore historically, wicked or is not been rare by the wicked revolutions good gods by the good revolutions, this is the individual choice of gods , there is nothing to castigate.” “因此历史上,由善转恶或由恶转善的神明并不少见,这属于神明的个人选择,没什么可苛责的。” Issue is, after Liz reverses to the evil way, out of control, soon had the sign of cultivation deviation. The say/way and other gods blood are different, the promotion of say/way of blood does not need to believe that only needs the blood, to further promote own strength, Liz constructed Red Sea, is ‚the sea of blood, sea that a piece completely comprised of the blood, but in the pond the blood, is provided by her follower.” “问题在于,莉莉丝倒向邪道之后,一发不可收拾,很快有了走火入魔的迹象。血之道和其他神系不同,血之道的提升不需要信仰,只需要血液,为了进一步提升自己的力量,莉莉丝建造了‘红海’,也就是‘血之海’,一片完全由鲜血组成的海洋,而池中血液,都由她的信徒提供。” If other gods and follower's relations are offering mutual benefit and achieving common progress, that time blood god has actually been squeezing the follower unilaterally, moreover uses blood to tie up, bound all believers of forcefully lineage/vein blood, letting the followers only to always follow to her, is unable to betray.” “如果说别的神明和信徒的关系都是互惠互利的话,那时的血神却已经是在单方面的压榨信徒,而且还利用‘血缚’,强行绑定了血之一脉的所有信仰者,让信徒们只能对她言听计从,无法背叛。” Afterward, was unable to satisfy her by the blood pond of follower only, to collect more blood, Liz in the god clan range, started blood epidemic disease.” “再后来,单靠信徒的血池已经无法满足她,为了收集更多的血液,莉莉丝在神族范围内,发动了一场‘血疫’。” Blood epidemic disease?” Mu You asked. “血疫?”沐游问。 Yes, she transformed highly contagious bloodlines oneself blood, disseminated to the original follower in turn, was attacked the ordinary god clan by these followers again secretly, person who so long as was nipped by these blood group followers, will be forced to infect is the vampire, filial generation that thus degenerated into Liz.” “是的,她将自己的血液改造成了一种具有高度传染性的血脉,依次传播给原有信徒,再由这些信徒去偷偷袭击普通神族,只要被这些血族信徒咬到的人,就会被强制传染为吸血鬼,从而沦为莉莉丝的子代。” In this way, Liz is expanding oneself at the extremely quick speed, own ability is also enhanced fast, even once exceeded other gods, became at that time in the world the strength strongest gods.” “正是用这种方法,莉莉丝以极快的速度扩展着自己的信徒人数,自身的能力也快速增强,甚至一度超越了所有其他神明,成为当时世界上战力最强的神明。” This behavior is not no need to say much, although enhanced the strength in a short time rapidly, but also made her offend other gods simultaneously.” “这种行为不必多说,虽然短时间内快速提升了实力,但也让她同时得罪了其他所有神明。” To block the blood epidemic disease, to protect the respective interests, the gods of various factions joins up, holds Liz, made her stand the trial forcefully!” “为了阻断血疫,同时也是为了保护各自的利益,各派系的神明们联合起来,将莉莉丝抓住,强行让她接受了审判!” In this trial, altogether set 132 charges to the blood god, eliminated her as all rights of gods, but god clan that is disseminating the blood epidemic disease, was seized the execution, after a big clean, this blood epidemic disease will pinch out gradually......” “这场审判中,共给血神定下了一百三十二项罪名,剥夺了她作为神明的所有权利,而所有正在传播血疫的神族,也被纷纷抓捕处死,一番大清洗之后,这才将渐渐这场血疫掐灭……” However, the evil seed has laid down, the bloodlines of blood epidemic disease have spread, although these people dread in outwardly on pressure, has to hide itself, but the blood epidemic disease bloodlines of their within the body will actually not vanish, everyone may transform as the source of blood epidemic disease anytime, but person who these carry the blood epidemic disease, is called vampire.” “然而,罪恶的种子已经埋下,血疫的血脉已经流传开来,这些人虽然畏惧于明面上的压力,不得不隐藏起自身,但他们体内的血疫血脉却不会就此消失,每一个人都随时有可能转化为血疫的源头,而这些携带血疫的人,被统称为‘吸血鬼’。” Vampires usually hide among the average people, cannot see any difference from the ordinary god clan, only then in time of quiet, they can hide in these gloomy corners, the clansman who the attack leaves behind, sucks their blood to make up the substitute energy quantity.” “吸血鬼们平时隐藏在普通人之间,和普通神族看不出任何差别,只有在夜深人静的时候,他们会藏在那些阴暗的角落,袭击落单的族人,吸食他们的血液补充能量。” Is good because, these vampires knew oneself are the parasite that must not exposed to the light, to avoid rallying together to attack it again, they specially formulated shunning the world in the interior ‚’ the iron rule, without allowing no longer to disseminate the blood epidemic disease to expand the ethnic group certainly at will, consistently maintains the population in a controllable range, moreover everyone blood sucking is also cautious, does not expose the vampire in the face of the public the status.” “好在,这些吸血鬼们自知自己是见不得光的寄生虫,为了避免再次被群起攻之,他们专门在内部制定了‘避世’的铁律,未经允许绝不再随意传播血疫来扩大族群,始终保持人口在一个可控的范围内,而且所有人吸血也要小心翼翼,绝不在公众面前暴露吸血鬼的身份。” Also because just the vampires are low-key enough, other god clans have the respective matter, has no free time to waste on them, this turns a blind eye, the surplus vampires will not have been ruthless......” lamp god to recall. “也正因为吸血鬼们足够低调,其他神族也都有各自的事情,没空一直浪费在他们身上,这才睁一只眼闭一只眼,没有将剩余的吸血鬼们赶尽杀绝……”灯神自顾自的回忆着。 The Mu You hear knits the brows: „After that trial ? Was the blood god executed?” 沐游听完不由皱眉:“那审判之后呢?血神就被处死了?” The lamp god shakes the head: Originally indeed is the preparation executes, but implements truly time had the difficult problem: Then Liz is almost the entire world most powerful gods, after absorbing the blood of entire Red Sea, she had the ability that the eternal life did not die, even if we slivered the fragment her, ground the dust, she can also reorganize quickly!” 灯神摇了摇头:“本来的确是准备处死的,但真正实施的时候遭遇了难题:当时的莉莉丝已经几乎是全世界最强大的神明,吸收了整个‘红海’的血液后,她拥有了永生不死的能力,纵使我们将她切成碎片,碾碎成尘埃,她也可以很快重组!” That time Liz, the only weakness only had the sunlight, however the sunlight, is unable to kill her even thoroughly, most can only guarantee that she lost the supernatural power......” lamp god to recall then scene, still sobbed. “那时的莉莉丝,唯一的弱点只有阳光,然而就算是阳光,也无法彻底杀死她,最多只能保证她失去神力……”灯神回想起当时的场景,依然唏嘘不已。 Final result?” Mu You asked. “最后的结果呢?”沐游问。 We discovered that cannot do to Liz, is considered before her numerous philanthropic undertakings, this has not been ruthless. However the capital crime may exempt, the suffering is difficult to escape. Finally we divided six her body of not dying, the torso, four limbs and head, escorted to real world the places of several secret respectively, locks them in the sunlight never the place of extinguishment, on the one hand seal her strength, on the one hand is also makes her suffer the penalty that fierce Sunburn roasted to make reparations forever and ever.” “我们发现奈何不了莉莉丝,同时也是考虑到她以前的众多善举,这才没有赶尽杀绝。不过死罪可免,活罪难逃。最后我们将她的不死之躯分割成了六块,躯干、四肢和头颅,分别送往了真实世界的几个秘密之地,将它们锁定于阳光永不熄灭之处,一方面封印她的力量,一方面也是让她永生永世遭受烈日炙烤的刑罚来赎罪。” „......” Lamp god was just saying suddenly lives, slightly somewhat hesitates. “只不过……”灯神说着忽然顿住,略有些犹豫。 What?” “不过什么?” Completes in us to the second day of Liz body seal, her head then vanished into thin air...... at the same time, in Astral Spirit Realm, subordinated in that server of blood god, entered the god hidden condition automatically, before the god clan perishes, again did not present......” lamp god to say with a sigh. “在我们完成对莉莉丝躯体封印的第二天,她的头颅便不翼而飞了……与此同时,星灵界中,原本隶属于血神的那座服务器,也自动进入了神隐状态,一直到神族灭亡之前,都再没有出现过……”灯神叹息道。 So that's how it is......” “原来如此……” Mu You shouted the tone, listens to the secrets of these god clans, he also thoroughly understood the bitter experience in game. 沐游呼了口气,听完这些神族的隐秘,他也就彻底明白了游戏里的遭遇。 Obviously, the red clothes female in game is blood god Liz, but strange infant, is the vampire first ancestor, this/should hidden. Liz is using to flash the story of spirit manor, to the bitter experience in his metaphor reality. 很显然,游戏中的红衣女子就是血神莉莉丝,而怪婴,则是吸血鬼的始祖,该隐。莉莉丝是在用闪灵庄园的故事,向他隐喻自己现实中的遭遇。 Initially this/should stealth was a mortal, was lowered the curse by some gods, eliminated all, infiltrated the place of exile. On the way of the exile, he ran into Liz, universal love Liz gave shelter to him, not only has not shut out him, but also treated as own child him, fed him with own blood, hopes that made him cast off the difficulty of curse. 当初该隐身为凡人,被某位神明降下诅咒,剥夺了一切,打入流放之地。在流放途中,他遇到了莉莉丝,博爱的莉莉丝收留了他,非但没有嫌弃他,还将他当做自己的孩子,用自己的血来喂养他,希望让他摆脱诅咒的困扰。 But before Mu You, that ring that picks, likely is also Liz for this/should hidden builds. 沐游之前捡到的那枚戒指,很可能也是莉莉丝为该隐打造的。 The later story in the story with game was the same, initial perhaps hidden is the sincerity is also lingering at Liz, works as mother her, but Liz's other 12 successors will not accommodate him. 之后的故事就和游戏里的故事相同了,最初的该隐或许也是真心依恋着莉莉丝,把她当母亲的,可莉莉丝的其他十二个传人不会容他。 How among the people experienced one to mistrust each other, Mu You does not know, in brief the final result, was Liz this/should hidden is instead attracted presses out, 12 successors died all, this/should hidden fused together with Liz, and obtained the strength of blood god. 众人之间经历了怎样一番尔虞我诈,沐游不知道,总之最后的结果,就是莉莉丝反被该隐吸榨,十二个传人尽数死亡,该隐与莉莉丝融为一体,并且获得了血神的力量。 After fusion blood god strength the hidden, becomes in the world the initial vampire embryonic form, therefore he is the vampire first ancestor, pours also right. 融合血神力量后的该隐,成为了世界上最初的吸血鬼雏形,所以说他是吸血鬼始祖,倒也没错。 But calculates strictly, the true blood group first ancestor, is still Liz, she is the sources of all blood group strengths, but this/should hidden is just one steals god. 但严格来算,真正的血族始祖,依然是莉莉丝,她才是所有血族力量的来源,而该隐只不过是一个‘窃神者’。 The blood group bloodlines, should be frank and upright, are representing the blood of warm good inclusive salvation, actually by this/should hidden pollution, for the gloomy and evil parasite bloodlines, all blood group later generation, can only follow he, is forced to withstand to fear the light to fear the curse of fire forever. 血族的血脉,本应该是光明正大,代表着温暖善良包容的救世之血,却被该隐污染为了阴暗和邪恶的寄生虫血脉,所有的血族后人,都只能跟着他,被迫永远承受惧光畏火的诅咒。 Mu You sighed. To understand all these, the status of manager also on vivid —— this/should hidden oneself. 沐游叹息一声。想明白这一切,管理员的身份也就呼之欲出了——正是该隐本人。 Why this is also he covers vigorously flashes the reason that the spirit manor has, this inside buries, is he does not hope absolutely the known black history. 这也是他为什么极力掩盖闪灵庄园存在的原因,这里面埋藏的,都是他绝对不愿被人得知的黑历史。 In the past after the following the crowd god hand escaped, this/should hidden inherited the Liz's manager jurisdiction, hid in the server, avoided chasing down of other gods. 当年从众神手中逃脱后,该隐就继承了莉莉丝的管理员权限,藏身在服务器中,躲避其他神明的追杀。 Until the god clan perishes now, this/should hidden then dares to appear in public once for a while. 直到如今神族灭亡,该隐这才敢时不时的抛头露面一下。 Is good because, present the hidden is only left over a head, the four limbs and torso still by the seal under the sunlight of real world, causing him almost to have no battle efficiency now. In scene he is the world will, is controlling all, so long as leaves the scene, it will become incomparably emaciated, so long as were caught, can only let the person to act bashful. 好在,现在的该隐只剩下一个头颅,四肢和躯干依然被封印在真实世界的阳光下,导致他现在几乎没有任何战斗力。在场景中他是世界意志,掌控着一切,但只要离开场景,它将变得无比孱弱,只要被人抓到,就只能任人拿捏。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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