TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#530: Head?

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Chapter 530 head? 第530章头呢? „......” You are immersing in the story of diary, suddenly hears a scream.】 【“啊……”你正沉浸于日志的故事中,忽然听到一声尖叫。】 Looks up, sees 11 whole bodies is the child of blood, appears in the room entrance, but another was stopped up by them in the room, is the red clothes woman.】 【抬头看去,就见十一个满身是血的孩子,出现在屋门口,而另一头被他们堵在屋内的,则是红衣女人。】 【The red clothes female sees her children with the heart pain and guilty facial expression, puts out a hand to touch them.】 【红衣女子用心痛和愧疚的神情看着她的孩子们,伸手想要触摸他们。】 Murderer!” A child opens the mouth suddenly, frightens to tremble the woman, stretched out hand also hovering in midair.】 【“凶手!”一个孩子忽然开口,将女人吓得一个哆嗦,伸出的手也悬停在了半空。】 Murderer! Murderers! Murderers......” 11 children unemotional is meditating the same words and expressions, approaches step by step toward the red clothes woman.】 【“凶手!凶手!凶手……”十一个孩子面无表情的默念着同一个词语,一步步朝红衣女人靠近过来。】 Red clothes woman shakes the head again and again, mouth gathers unceasingly, is actually not able to make any sound, can only have tears streaming down the face looks expression that her children hate, helpless turns around to flee, from your side after......】 【红衣女人连连摇头,嘴巴不断地一张一合,却无法发出任何声音,只能泪流满面的看着她的孩子们憎恨的表情,无奈转身逃离,从你身旁经过……】 Children come behind, just like zombie that only makes threatening gestures......】 【身后孩子们一拥而来,宛如一只只张牙舞爪的丧尸……】 You concentrate to stand freeze, the quick all person's shadows penetrate from you, vanishes does not see.】 【你凝立原地不动,很快所有的人影从伱身边穿透而过,消失不见。】 【The utensil of scene dances in the air is also stopping finally at this moment, in room thorough peaceful got down......】 【现场的器物飞舞也终于在此刻停下,屋子里彻底安静了下来……】 Mu You sighed, made the character take out the beforehand newspaper, contrasted time on time and newspaper of diary record. 沐游叹息一声,又让人物取出之前的报纸,对比了一下日志记载的时间和报纸上的时间。 The quick confirmation, the murdering child tragedy on newspaper, happened one month that later in the diary the strange infant died. 很快确认,报纸上的弑子惨剧,就发生在日志中怪婴死亡的一个月之后。 This month, record in diary, only then all as usual, but wants also to know, during this, definitely had anything, will make one rather feed the blood to child's Holy Mother, turns crazily devil who murdered the child. 这一个月的时间,日志中的记录只有一句‘一切如常’,但想也知道,这期间肯定发生了什么,才会让一个宁肯喂血给孩子的圣母,变成了一个疯狂弑子的魔鬼。 Just, a little makes Mu You quite obscure. 只不过,有一点让沐游相当费解。 The person and story in this manor, and even this world, normally is only the virtual story that the server creates, does not exist , why that manager also wants the using energy strength, wants to cover up all these? 这座庄园的人和故事,乃至这个世界,按说都只是服务器创造出来的虚拟故事,又不是真实存在的,那为什么那个管理员还要费劲力气,想要遮掩这一切? As the manager, the founder in this world, does not want to let the words that a place has, erased this is not partially good directly? 况且作为管理员,这个世界的缔造者,不想让一个地方存在的话,直接删掉这部分不就好了? Has not waited for Mu You to be clear, in the game springs the text. 还不等沐游想清楚,游戏中又弹出文本。 You go out of the front door, discovered that the red clothes female appears once again, whole face thin and pale standing before the front's sixth child's door, looks in the door to be in a daze.】 【你走出大门,发现红衣女子又一次出现,正满脸憔悴的站在前方第六个孩子的房门前,望着房门内发呆。】 Your subconscious walks toward her.】 【你下意识的朝她走去。】 Was same as before, in you before her, the red clothes female then first step vanished.】 【和之前一样,在你靠近她之前,红衣女子便先一步消失。】 You arrive at the position of red clothes female, looks toward the room, wants to have a look at her to look at anything.】 【你走到红衣女子的位置,朝屋内望去,想要看看她在看什么。】 Was a pity that in the room as before the dim messy and dirty piece, and has nothing unusually.】 【可惜屋内依旧昏暗脏乱一片,并没有任何异常。】 You felt that an under foot stabbing pain, lowers the head looked, this discovered you stepped on a ring.】 【你感到脚下一阵刺痛,低头一看,这才发现你踩到了一枚戒指。】 You pick up the ring, this is a fine red ring, the blood jade gem under the dim ray as before splendid.】 【你捡起戒指,这是一枚精致的红色戒指,血玉般的宝石在昏暗的光线下依旧熠熠生辉。】 Blood god's blessing: In the legend the blood god's for the divine tool of some children refinement, wears specially on the finger, may cause the vampire immunity sunlight. The real goods, may carry over the scene.】 【血神的祝福:传说中血神为某位子女专门炼制的神器,佩戴在手指上,可使吸血鬼免疫阳光。真实物品,可带出场景。】 Un?” “嗯?” Mu You stares, almost thinks oneself misread. 沐游一愣,差点以为自己看错了。 Divine tool! Real goods! 神器!还是真实物品! He just now enters this manor not to have one hour, then picks the divine tool that can carry off conveniently? 他才刚进这庄园还没一个小时,然后就随手捡到了一件可以带走的神器? Mu You suddenly had to plant in downstairs retail shop touched a lottery ticket conveniently, in the result the feeling of first prize. 沐游忽然有种在楼下小卖铺随手摸了张彩票,结果中了头奖的感觉。 Naturally, did not say that his luck is so good, can pick the divine tool conveniently, if a moment ago were not the direction of red clothes female, he could not discover this thing absolutely, therefore strict, this should be the red clothes female intends to give his gift. 当然,也不是说他运气真有这么好,能随手捡到神器,刚才如果不是红衣女子的指引,他绝对发现不了这东西,所以严格来说,这应该算是红衣女子有意送他的礼物。 Immunity sunlight......” “免疫阳光啊……” Looks at the effect of this ring again, indeed has no qualms the name of divine tool, must know that the vampire biggest weakness, is unable to move in the daytime, but this divine tool directly wiping to disappear this weakness, did not fear that sunlight vampire, is what concept? 再一看这戒指的效果,也的确无愧神器之名,要知道吸血鬼最大的弱点,就是无法在白天活动,而这神器直接将这弱点给抹消了,一个不怕阳光的吸血鬼,是什么概念? Kills......” you to result in occasionally most precious object is joyful, suddenly heard a rave sound to transmit from, in fast is close toward you......】 【“杀杀杀……”你正为偶得的至宝欣喜,忽然听到了一阵狂吼声从下方传来,正在快速朝你接近……】 Mu You is speechless, this lunatic was also too professional, cannot give him time...... 沐游无语,这疯子也太敬业了,就不能多给他一点时间么…… You wear the ring carelessly on the finger, left hurriedly same place.】 【你将戒指胡乱佩戴在手指上,匆忙离开了原地。】 You rushed to the elevator mouth quickly, the discovery elevator has actually damaged thoroughly, is unable to use.】 【你快步冲到刚才的电梯口,却发现电梯已经彻底损毁,无法使用。】 【The red clothes female comes in away your not far away, aims at a gate on nearby wall.】 【红衣女子在距你不远处现身,指向旁边墙上的一道门。】 You rush to near the gate following the prompt, opens the door to look, the discovery unexpectedly is a stair hall.】 【你循着提示冲到门边,推开门一看,发现竟是一个楼梯间。】 You quickly full speed go downstairs along staircase......】 【你急忙沿着楼梯全速下楼……】 He on 44, the running staircase gets down now, how long does not know to want, but here simply does not have other outlet, even the window has not remained, jumps the window unable to achieve. 他现在可是在44层,跑楼梯下去,不知道要多久,可这里根本没有别的出路,连窗户都没留,跳窗都做不到。 【...... You arrived at 40, is preparing to continue downward, suddenly feels a palpitation.】 【……你来到了四十层,正准备继续向下,忽然感觉到一阵心悸。】 【The stopping footsteps of your instinct, what a pity were late one step. An axe chops from the above, you only see top of the head crazy Jack that grinning fiendishly face with enough time, the next moment, you were then divided into two by the axe......】 【你本能的停下脚步,可惜还是晚了一步。一只斧头从上方劈来,你只来得及看到头顶疯狂杰克那张狞笑的脸,下一刻,你便被斧头一分为二……】 Recollection......” “回溯……” Mu You according to the table, knits the brows immediately. 沐游立即按表,同时也不由皱眉。 He discovered that this lunatic a little method, seems like the crazy not to have the brain, but has been studying to progress actually, most started itself only to use one simply amazingly quick then cast off the opposite party, later said goodbye him, he learned silent to be close, but now learns to hide he to swallow the bait...... 他发现这个疯子有点手段的,看上去疯癫无脑,但实际一直在学习进步,最开始自己只用了一个简单的神速便甩开了对方,之后再见他,他就学会了无声接近,而现在更是学会了藏起来等他上钩…… This way, Mu You estimated oneself escape again several times, possibly even recalls to by the opposite party be sentenced in advance...... 照这样下去,沐游估计自己再逃生个几次,可能连回溯都要被对方预判到…… In brief, has escaped, is not the means. 总之,一直逃跑下去,不是办法。 【The time circulation, before you return for ten seconds .】 【时光流转,你回到十秒之前。】 Knows perfectly well crazy Jack on conceals , under waits for gains without pains, you paused promptly, dash in 41......】 【明知疯狂杰克就藏在下方守株待兔,你及时停步,飞奔进了41层之中……】 Steps into 41 front doors, you actually discovered that front is the church hall that a side abandons, in the hall covers entirely the dust, thing that sees pleasant ruined rotten.】 【踏入41层大门,你却发现面前是一方废弃的教堂大厅,大厅中布满灰尘,入眼所见的事物都已破败腐烂。】 【The four directions window curtains shuts tightly, but you can still penetrate the slit of window curtains, saw that projects sunlight that continuously from outside.】 【四方的窗帘紧闭,但你依然能透过窗帘的缝隙,看到从外投射进来的缕缕阳光。】 Suddenly, in church suddenly becomes spring beautiful, clean neat, lots of children gather in church create a disturbance, laugh heartily and pursue, several nuns have a headache pursues children to run, the sunlight of out of the window sprinkles into hall, the loud noise complementing of children has temperature......】 【一个眨眼间,教堂中忽然变得春光明媚,干净整洁,大量的孩子聚集在教堂中打闹、欢笑、追逐,数名修女头疼的追着孩子们跑,窗外的阳光洒入大厅,将孩子们的喧闹声映衬的更有温度……】 Dodges spirit picture to flash to pass, all sounds stop suddenly, in front of you became that ruins scene again......】 【闪灵的画面一闪而逝,一切声音戛然而止,你面前再次变为了那片废墟景象……】 Mu You looks sighs, understands indistinctly. 沐游看得叹息一声,隐约明白过来。 This building surface only then three, but actually also has the innumerable hidden floors upward, but these floors not in space sorting, but is the time. 这栋大楼表面只有三层,但其实往上还有着无数的隐藏楼层,只不过这些楼层不是以空间排序,而是时间。 Here each, is representing once some period on this lands. 这里的每一层,都代表着曾经这片土地上的某个时期。 Perhaps the manager is not does not want to delete here history, but is unable to delete, here very possible is the center of this world, just like at the same time bearing wall, if moved here, the whole world will follow to crash, therefore manager no matter also acts unreasonably, can only the history of here all previous generations, all hide in the way of floor, will put in order a manor to be close again, does not make anybody have to be close to here opportunity, buries head in the sand by this. 管理员恐怕不是不想删除这里的历史,而是无法删除,这里很可能是就是这个世界的中心,就宛如一面承重墙,如果砸掉了这里,整个世界就会跟着崩塌,所以管理员也不管乱来,只能将这里历代的历史,以楼层的方式全部隐藏,再将整栋庄园封闭,不让任何人有接近这里的机会,以此来掩耳盗铃。 However, truth will out, no matter this place hidden how to hide again, so long as remains, will have sooner or later revealed a day. 然而,纸包不住火,不管这地方被隐藏的再怎么隐蔽,只要还存在,就迟早会有被人揭穿的一天。 You hear outside hall to resound crazy Jack indistinctly annoying roared......】 【你隐约听到大厅外响起疯狂杰克懊恼的咆哮……】 Unsurprisingly, the killer must come. 不出意外,杀人魔又要来了。 However this Mu You does not have the plan to run again, here environment, making him have other ideas. 不过这次沐游没打算再跑,这里的环境,让他产生了一些别的想法。 He prepares here, makes to mediate with this killer. 他准备在这里,和这个杀人魔做个了断。 You locked on the other side the staircase front door, runs to go to near the wall of hall, hid taking advantage of the shields of numerous furniture.】 【你反锁了楼梯大门,跑去大厅的墙边,借着众多桌椅的掩护隐藏了起来。】 Bang!” Quick, the entrance resounds pounds the gate sound, the axe point chops together into after the gate, is especially resounding in the spacious silent church.】 【“嘭!”很快,大门口响起砸门的声音,一道斧尖从门后劈入,在空旷寂静的教堂中格外响亮。】 Axe was extracted quickly, then chops again......】 【斧头很快被抽出,接着再次劈下……】 In pounding engine knock one after another, front door quickly divided torn to pieces of metal. After several seconds, a face enters from the lacking oral thermometer of front door, takes a fast look around for a week in the hall, looks at inside close environment, the corners of the mouth quick high crack: Small cute, conceals may be unable to escape here!” 【接连的砸击声中,金属的大门很快被劈的支离破碎。数秒后,一张脸从大门的缺口探入,在大厅中扫视一周,看着里面封闭的环境,嘴角很快高高裂起:“小可爱,藏在这里可逃不掉了哦!”】 You continue to hide after the table, has not sent out any sound.】 【你继续藏在桌后,没有发出任何动静。】 Crazy Jack soon did not have patience, put out a hand to twist open door lock, pushed door to enter, double carries with the hand axe, is bending the waist, step by step, searched your trace in hall slowly......】 【疯狂杰克很快没了耐心,伸手进来扭开了门锁,推门而入,双手提着斧头,弯着腰,一步一步,在大厅内慢悠悠的搜索你的踪影……】 Jake's doing an inspection one after another, have not been able to find your trace......】 【杰克一排接一排的巡查而过,始终没能找到你的踪影……】 【When until the opposite party is close to the business hall, you then suddenly stick out suddenly, in the hand dual spears/pistols simultaneously deducts the trigger, in the grating sound of gunfire, two skewers of large flames blast open in various Jack body week places.】 【直到对方接近大厅中央时,你这才忽然暴起,手中双枪齐齐扣下扳机,刺耳的枪声中,两串火舌在杰克身周各处炸裂。】 In here, small cute! Then, was prepares to give my daughters to be buried along with the dead?” Two shuttle bullets cannot create any damage to Jack, Jack grin visit you with a smile, is playing jokes upon the mouse just like one cat.】 【“在这儿啊,小可爱!那么,是准备好去给我的女儿们陪葬了么?”两梭子弹并未能对杰克造成任何伤害,杰克咧嘴笑着看着你,宛如一只正在戏耍老鼠的猫。】 You exchanged two new magazines fast, but in this short losing concentration, crazy Jack sticks out suddenly suddenly, the list hand held axe, to/clashes like lightning.】 【你快速换上了两个新的弹匣,而就在这短暂的分神间,疯狂杰克忽然暴起,单手提斧,闪电般的冲来。】 When you raise the spear/gun again, Jack has killed in front of you.】 【当你再次举起枪时,杰克已经杀到了你面前。】 You startled, had not opened promptly amazingly quick......】 【你并未惊慌,及时的开启了‘神速’……】 Starts successfully! Surrounding all slow.】 【发动成功!周围的一切慢了下来。】 Under the angle of view of slowly putting, you can see clearly crazy Jack finally quick such as the speed of lightning. However, even if amazingly quick in addition holds, you discovered that Jake's look and attack movement are locking you as before stubbornly......】 【在慢放的视角下,你终于得以看清疯狂杰克快如闪电的速度。然而,纵使神速加持,你发现杰克的眼神和攻击动作依旧在死死锁定着你……】 Mu You said the anomaly, by speed, almost can catch up with his amazingly quick effect only unexpectedly, obviously initially generation of vampires foundation speed quick. 沐游直呼变态,单靠本身的速度,竟然就几乎能赶得上他神速的效果,可见初代吸血鬼的基础速度有多快。 You draw back after the violent, simultaneously the dual spears/pistols hold up, continue to touch off the trigger, but the goal is actually not Jack, but is the window rope in upper air.】 【你朝后暴退出去,同时双枪举起,继续扣动扳机,但目标却不是杰克,而是高空中的窗绳。】 Crazy Jack as if caught your movement, in the eye flashed through the short doubts, but this doubts quickly turned panic-stricken.】 【疯狂杰克似乎捕捉到了你的动作,眼中闪过短暂的疑惑,但这种疑惑很快就变成了惊恐。】 Your bullet accurately hit several window ropes that are distributed in various hall places, next second, relieve amazingly quick, in hall all window blinds crash accordingly, dazzling sunlight unretentive sprinkling enters hall, in all gloomy corner photos hall well-illuminated......】 【你的子弹准确命中了分布在大厅各处的几道窗绳,下一秒,神速解除,大厅内所有的窗帘应声坠落而下,刺眼的阳光毫无保留的洒入大厅,将大厅内一切阴暗的角落照的通亮……】 Jake's axe point stops in your body first several centimeters place, the first wisp of sunlight directly photo to his face, Jack whole body shivers, brings extremely panic-stricken, wants to flee same place, what a pity he has gone down to the hall, is hard to evacuate, and vampire that arrived by the light directly shoots, will lose the physical strength rapidly.】 【杰克的斧尖在你的身前几厘米处停下,第一缕阳光径直照向了的他脸,杰克浑身颤抖,带着极度的惊恐,想要逃离原地,可惜他已经深入大厅,难以撤离,并且被光直射到的吸血鬼,将迅速失去气力。】 Jack just ran one step, then the whole body falls down the ray that weak, the whole body was chased down thoroughly covers, even is unable the asserting with confidence axe.】 【杰克刚跑出一步,便浑身瘫软跌倒在地,全身彻底被追杀来的光线笼罩,甚至无法拿稳斧头。】 „!” The axe tumbles, Jack whole body braved the flaming flame, Jack in the flame fierce wailed to struggle, actually did not help matters......】 【“哐!”斧头滚落,杰克浑身冒起了熊熊火光,杰克在火焰中剧烈的哀嚎挣扎着,却无济于事……】 【...... Quick, Jack changed into a burned body in flame thoroughly, did not have sound......】 【……很快,杰克在火焰中彻底化为了一具焦尸,没了动静……】 Mu You looks that the text somewhat sobbed. 沐游看着文本有些唏嘘。 This is the vampire biggest weakness, fears the sunlight, no matter is powerful, approaches the vampire of first ancestor, is unable to avoid this curse. 这就是吸血鬼最大的弱点,惧怕阳光,不管是多强大,多靠近始祖的吸血鬼,都无法免除这一诅咒。 The middle rank of level blood group stands in great numbers, the hierarchical system is stern, only has under the sunlight, blood group all people being equal. 血族之中阶级林立,等级制度森严,唯有在阳光之下,血族人人平等。 Also can see from this point, the ring that he obtained a moment ago is abnormal, depends on this ring, he has the opportunity to massacre any vampire in this city only! 从这一点也可以看出,他刚才得到的戒指有多么变态,靠着这枚戒指,他有机会单杀掉这座城市里的任何一只吸血鬼! 【After treating confirmation crazy Jack died, you drew in the window curtains, drags Jake's remains to the shadow, takes the niche of hemorrhage, absorbed his remains.】 【待确认疯狂杰克死亡后,你拉上了窗帘,将杰克的遗骸拖到阴影中,取出血之龛,吸收了他的遗体。】 Absorption is completed, you obtained one drop ‚the blood of passive heart lineage/vein, algebra: 1 generation, blood law: Unknown.】 【吸收完成,你获得了一滴‘无源的心脉之血’,代数:一代,血律:未知。】 You pick up the axe that Jack fell.】 【你捡起了杰克掉落的斧头。】 Crazy blood axe: May through absorb unceasingly promotes the energy frightened the evil axe, whenever you cause to frighten to others one time, the blood axe obtains one crazily, each crazy causes your speed, strength and perception capability promotes a scale, simultaneously loses part of reason, upper limit ten. When enemy be at frightening, defense or escaping condition, the attack of blood axe can disregard all defenses.】 【疯狂的血斧:可通过不断吸收恐惧来提升能量的邪恶之斧,每当你对他人造成一次惊吓,血斧获得一层‘疯狂’,每层‘疯狂’使你的速度、力量和感知能力提升一个档次,同时丧失一部分理智,上限十层。当敌人处于惊吓、防御或逃生状态时,血斧的攻击可以无视一切防御。】 tch tch, no wonder......” ,怪不得……” Looks at the effect of this axe, Mu You knows finally why this fellow always likes acting like a madman was scary, indeed to meet the launch request of weapon, only then first frightens the person, can make this weapon achieve the proper effect. 看完这柄斧头的效果,沐游总算知道为什么这家伙总是喜欢疯疯癫癫的吓人了,敢情是为了满足武器的发动要求,只有先吓到人,才能让这武器发挥出应有的效果。 Mu You shouted the tone, no matter how, this he may be time the harvest a wave, beginning a drop generation of blood group painstaking care, a strong weapon, an immunity sunlight divine tool. 沐游呼了口气,不管如何,这一次他可算是丰收了一波,一滴初代血族心血,一柄超强的武器,还有一件免疫阳光的神器。 Has three types of things, he even felt oneself have been able to go to select that prince regent only. 有着三样东西,他甚至感觉自己已经可以去单挑那个摄政王了。 Naturally, thinks that person not to the opportunity that he selects only. 当然,也就是想想,那种人可不会给他单挑的机会。 You are reorganizing the harvest, suddenly shakes to the hall entrance, the form of red clothes female appears again, when you looked at the past, she put out a hand under the direction, later the form disappeared fast.】 【你正在整理收获,忽然晃到大厅门口,红衣女子的身影再次浮现,待你看过去,她伸手指向下方,随后身影快速消失。】 Must go downstairs......” “还是要下楼吗……” Mu You does not have the accident/surprise, obviously the red clothes woman also has the thing to him look. 沐游也没有意外,显然红衣女人还有东西要给他看。 You turn back stair hall, along staircase downward......】 【你走回楼梯间,沿着楼梯一路向下……】 【...... You arrive at the 12 th time, saw red clothes female again, before she is congealing is situated in 12 stairways gates, aims in gate, hints you to go in......】 【……你来到第十二层的时候,再次见到了红衣女子,她正凝立于十二层楼梯口的门前,指向门内,示意你进去……】 You go forward to open the door, walked into 12.】 【你上前推开门,走入了十二层。】 【The pleasant institute, is open land in the stretch of night, the open land is being neutral steles, seems like the tomb.】 【入眼所及,是一片黑夜中的荒地,荒地中立着一块块石碑,似乎是坟墓。】 This time red clothes female is standing before a stele is waiting for you.】 【此时红衣女子正站在其中一块石碑前等着你。】 【Before you arrive at that stele, the red clothes female disappears automatically. You look to the stele, on the stele are only carving a crooked number 13.】 【你走到那块石碑前,红衣女子自动消失。你看向石碑,石碑上只雕刻着一个歪歪斜斜的数字‘13’。】 Therefore this is the tomb of that strange infant?” Mu You thought. “所以这就是那个怪婴的坟墓?”沐游心想。 Before the diary of orphanage mentioned, after the strange infant dies, was buried by the red clothes female in the graveyard in back side of the mountain, should be here. 之前孤儿院的日志中提到,怪婴死后被红衣女子埋葬在后山的墓园中,应该就是这里了。 But the red clothes female makes him come to here, obviously wants to make him dig up this tomb. 而红衣女子引他来这里,显然是想让他挖开这处墓穴。 The death of strange infant it seems like in the diary described, really had the trick. 看来日志中描述的怪婴的死亡,果然有猫腻。 You found a break in nearby shovel, starts to unearth this tombstone......】 【你在附近找到了一柄断裂的的铲子,开始挖掘这块墓碑……】 【...... Has unearthed close to ten meters deep place, you unearth to an exquisite inner and outer coffin finally.】 【……一直挖掘到接近十米深处,你才终于挖掘到一口小巧的棺椁。】 You pry open the inner and outer coffin, discovered in inner and outer coffin peaceful lay down a whole body burned black corpse...... exactly saying that was a headless corpse!】 【你撬开棺椁,发现棺椁中安静的躺着一具全身焦黑的尸体……确切的说,是一具无头尸体!】 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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