TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#529: Nun Liz

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Chapter 529 Sister Liz 第529章修女莉莉丝 Recollection......” “回溯……” Mu You presses the table to come silently again. 沐游默默按表重来。 【The time circulation, before you returned for ten seconds .】 【时光流转,你回到了十秒之前。】 【The second floor red clothes female just disappeared, you catch up, knew perfectly well that the staircase has the issue, this time you bypass the staircase, chooses climbs up along the wall.】 二楼的红衣女子刚刚消失,你重新追上,明知楼梯有问题,这次你绕过楼梯,选择沿墙攀上。】 you climbed up second floor softly, has not triggered any sound.】 【伱轻手轻脚的爬上了二楼,并未引发任何动静。】 Arrives at second floor, the original red clothes female has disappeared, but in the table center of not far away, is actually as if placing a newspaper, was happen to illuminated under a desk lamp.】 【来到二楼,原本的红衣女子早已消失,但在不远处的餐桌中心,却似乎摆放着一张报纸,正好被照亮在一盏台灯之下。】 You walk to go forward quickly, take up the newspaper, notices the newspaper the striking red title: Holy Mother or devil? A monastery nun Liz night massacres 11 adopted sons!’ 【你快步走上前,拿起报纸,一眼就注意到报纸的醒目的红色标题:‘圣母还是恶魔?修道院修女莉莉丝一夜间残杀十一名养子!’】 Under title, has a detailed report of entire chapter, in addition a picture, in picture is red clothes woman holding the blade stands scene in pool of blood, her under foot is lying down 11 covered with blood children, but woman is lowering the head slightly, looks at lens with expression that one type smiles craftily, is exactly the same as the crazy Jack facial expression that you saw a moment ago......】 【标题下方,配有一整篇的详细报道,此外还有一张照片,照片中是一个红衣女人持刀站在血泊中的场景,她的脚下躺着十一个血肉模糊的孩子,而女人正微微低头,用一种诡笑的表情看着镜头,和刚才你见到的疯狂杰克神情如出一辙……】 Mu You looks knits the brows. 沐游看得皱眉。 The nun in this report, is so-called Allah? 这报道里的修女,难道就是所谓的‘真主’? The ghost of that red clothes woman, obviously wants to make him come to here a moment ago, saw this newspaper. 刚才那个红衣女人的鬼魂,明显是想引他来这里,看到这张报纸。 But in this newspaper reported that is actually to her disadvantageous content. The red clothes woman should know oneself help her, why can that also make him come to see this type specially to the disadvantageous report? 可这报纸上报道的,却是对她不利的内容。红衣女人应该知道自己来帮她的,那为什么还要专门引他来看这种对自己不利的报道? The only possibility, is the matter in this report has the trick, is not a truth...... 唯一的可能,就是这报道中的事情有猫腻,并不是真相…… Mu You is just thinking, in the game springs the text suddenly. 沐游正想着,游戏中忽然弹出文本。 Looks!! You!! Hehehe......” the high-pitched and fine sound resounds in your front together suddenly, raising the head of your instinct, sees in the darkness of front not far away, crazy Jack does not know when had approached you, is showing the crazy man (Han) smile toward you......】 【“找!到!你!了!嘿嘿嘿……”一道尖细的声音忽然在你前方响起,你本能的抬头,就见前方不远处的黑暗中,疯狂杰克不知何时已经靠近了你,正朝你露出痴汉般的笑容……】 You have not acted with enough time, crazy Jack teleport has thrown, an axe has delimited your chest, divides into two you......】 【你还未来得及动作,疯狂杰克已经瞬移般的扑来,一只斧头划过你的胸口,将你一分为二……】 Gan......” “淦……” Mu You criticizes one, this fellow is haunted by the ghost, quickly according to table recollection. 沐游暗骂一声,这家伙真是阴魂不散,急忙按表回溯。 【The time circulation, you appear before the table once again.】 【时光流转,你又一次出现在餐桌前。】 Examines carefully without enough time, you quickly start amazingly quick, takes up the newspaper on table, turns around to run.】 【来不及细看,你急忙发动‘神速’,一把抄起桌上的报纸,转身就跑。】 【Shortly after you just left on the spot, an axe then howls to divide, deducted the fragment the table.】 【你刚刚离开原地不久,一只斧头便呼啸劈来,将餐桌劈成了碎片。】 Follows close on the crazy Jake's roaring sound to resound again, in sound obviously is flooding angrily......】 【紧跟着疯狂杰克的咆哮声再次响起,声音中明显充斥着恼怒……】 Too quick......” “太快了……” The Mu You heart said that studied amazingly quick thanks to before, pocket watch type of divine tool is auxiliary, otherwise changes others to come, facing invincible one generation of vampires, has died now absolutely several times. 沐游心说多亏之前学了神速,还有怀表这种神器辅助,不然换其他人进来,面对一个无敌的一代吸血鬼,现在绝对已经死好几次了。 【Before the amazingly quick effect vanishes, you maintained ran into the second floor deep place as far as possible lithely.】 【神速效果消失之前,你尽量保持轻盈的逃进了二楼的深处。】 second floor is lodging area, was filled up by massive guest rooms, corridor that are spreading rug spreads across, just like labyrinth......】 二楼是住宿区,被大量的客房填满,一条条铺着地毯的走廊纵横交错,宛若迷宫……】 You in labyrinth aimless is walking randomly, entered quickly a long corridor.】 【你在迷宫中漫无目的的游走着,很快走进了其中一条长走廊。】 You just prepared the half step to pass through here, actually the end of discovery corridor, emerged out of thin air two girls hand in hand, the appearance clothes are all exactly the same.】 【你刚准备快步穿过这里,却发现走廊的尽头,凭空出现了两个手拉手的女孩,样貌穿着打扮皆一模一样。】 Comes, joins us, becomes here part!” The twin smiles is extending a hand toward you respectively, sends out the invitation.】 【“来吧,加入我们,成为这里的一部分!”双胞胎微笑着各朝你伸出一只手,发出邀请。】 You only thought that two people smiles so cure purely, body subconscious walks toward them.】 【你只觉得两人的微笑是如此纯净治愈,身体下意识的朝他们走去。】 Wipes the red shadow to flash through from you suddenly at present, when you look again, the front twin has poured in the pool of blood, whole body covered with blood, but originally clean neat corridor, already fills up by the blood and hashed meat.】 【一抹红影骤然从你眼前闪过,你再看之时,前方的双胞胎已经倒在血泊之中,浑身血肉模糊,而原本干净整洁的走廊,也已经被鲜血和碎肉填满。】 You awaken suddenly, quickly turns around to escape to corridor another end.】 【你猛然惊醒过来,急忙掉头逃向走廊另一端。】 However the corridor end of this time another end, behind the curtain screen gushed out a lot of scarlet liquids suddenly, like the ocean waves of red rum, gushes out crazily, sweeps across toward you. You choose......】 【然而此时另一端的走廊尽头,帘子后方忽然涌出了大量的猩红液体,如同红色朗姆酒的海浪,疯狂涌出,朝你席卷而来。你选择……】 Broke through in low spirits!” “闷头冲过!” Here scene changed the Astral Spirit Realm person possibly not to know, the player but who Earth came basically can one come out shortly, movie «Dodged Spirit» two signboard scenes. 这里的场景换了星灵界人可能不知道,但地球来的玩家基本都能一眼看出来,正是电影《闪灵》中的两个招牌场景。 Obviously this manor is also the manager refers to the scene of filmmaking, but according to the content of movie, these all flashes the spirit picture, is not real. 显然这座庄园也是管理员参照电影制作的场景,而根据电影的内容,这些全都是闪灵画面,并非真实。 You regard the bloody water ocean waves , if no thing, closed one's eyes broke through in low spirits.】 【你视血水海浪如无物,闭眼闷头冲过。】 【The quick blood wave sweeps across from your side, has not actually created any hindrance to you.】 【很快血浪从你身边席卷而过,却并未对你造成任何阻碍。】 You open eyes to look, the present all phenomenon have vanished without the trace, restores for the normal corridor scene.】 【你睁眼看去,眼前的一切异象都已经消失无踪,恢复为了正常的走廊场景。】 Not!” You hear desperate yelling suddenly.】 【“不!”你忽然听到一声绝望的大叫。】 You turn the head to look, this discovered, crazy Jack does not know when had been close to you again, but does not have time to attack to you, but kneels down in position that twin flashed a moment ago, desperate shedding bitter tears, both hands trembling is picking up anything from the ground, however in hand actually completely empty, seems performing no material object performance......】 【你转头看去,这才发现,疯狂杰克不知何时已经再次接近了你,但却没有时间向你攻击,而是跪倒在刚才双胞胎闪回的位置,绝望的痛哭流涕,双手颤颤巍巍的从地上捡起着什么,然而手中却空空如也,仿佛在做无实物表演……】 Mu You looks stares. 沐游看得一愣。 Has not thought flashes the spirit picture not to deceive itself, actually this homicidal maniac deceiving. 没想到刚才的闪灵画面没有骗到自己,却把这个杀人狂给骗住了。 From the background story of this manor, this to the twin should be the daughter of this homicidal maniac, this moment opposite party obviously somewhat could not distinguish clearly realistic and illusory, saw the daughter who two tragic deaths collapsed instantaneously. 从这座庄园的背景故事来看,这对双胞胎应该就是这个杀人狂的女儿,此刻对方明显有些分不清现实与虚幻了,见到两个惨死的女儿瞬间崩溃。 Recalled again in the text prompt wiped red shadow a moment ago, Mu You guessed that should be that red clothes woman makes a move to help at crucial moments, although she is unable the direct attack, actually to make to flash the spirit scene, she used the use to flash the spirit picture to be restored a moment ago soberly by oneself, simultaneously lets the homicidal maniac temporarily the nervous breakdown. 再回想起刚才文本提示中‘一抹红影’,沐游猜测应该是那个红衣女人在关键时刻出手帮忙了,她虽然无法直接攻击,却可以制造闪灵场景,刚才正是她用利用闪灵画面让自己恢复了清醒,同时让杀人狂暂时精神崩溃。 Looks at the present description, this fellow estimated that can stop some time, is the good opportunity of exploration. 看现在的描述,这家伙估计能消停一段时间了,正是探索的好机会。 Mu You hurries to control the character to escape. 沐游赶紧操控人物逃跑。 You seized the chance to leave same place......】 【你趁机离开了原地……】 Gets out of trouble, you arrive in second floor another corridor.】 【兜兜转转,你来到二楼的另一条走廊中。】 【The red clothes woman comes once again, appears in your front not far away, tranquil looks at you, puts out a hand to aim around elevator.】 【红衣女人又一次现身,出现在你前方不远处,平静的看着你,伸手指向一旁的电梯。】 In you before, the red clothes female then vanishes again, but front elevator door also just opens in this time. Enters?】 【在你靠近之前,红衣女子便再次消失,而面前的电梯门也刚好在此时打开。是否进入?】 Yes.” “是。” Where this red clothes demoness wants to make him go to...... the issue through the elevator evidently is she has not said several buildings! 这红衣女鬼看样子是想让他通过电梯去什么地方……问题是她没说几楼啊! You step into the elevator, just prepared turn head to press the floor automatically, the elevator door closed, and auto-run, slowly to rising.】 【你踏入电梯,刚准备回头按楼层,电梯门自动闭合,并且自动运行了起来,缓缓向上升去。】 You look that elevator floor number from 2 starts, jacks, soon was over 10......】 【你看着电梯楼层数从‘二’开始,一路抬升,很快超过了十层……】 „?” “?” Mu You confuses the face, he remembers indistinctly this building only has three to come...... 沐游迷惑脸,他隐约记得这栋楼只有三层来着…… You feel the under foot suddenly boiling hot, lowers the head looked, bottom of the elevator starts to get angry unexpectedly!】 【你忽然感觉脚下滚烫,低头一看,电梯底部居然开始冒火!】 【The turbulent flame soon occupied the entire elevator, the entire elevator turned into an airtight furnace!】 【汹涌的火光很快占据了整个电梯间,整个电梯变成了一个密闭的熔炉!】 You were swept across by the raging fire, the life passes fast. Roasts to roast in the flame, your blood group resilience expires automatically, was quick you then to be fired the ashes......】 【你被烈火席卷,生命快速流逝。在火焰炙烤下,你的血族恢复能力自动失效,很快你便被烧成了灰烬……】 Day!” “日!” A Mu You heavy line, this repertoire also is really the old mother pig wears the bra, one after another. Besides that homicidal maniac, the manager still established all kinds of cheating mechanisms/organizations in this building evidently. 沐游一头黑线,这套路还真是老母猪戴胸罩,一套又一套。看样子除了那个杀人狂外,管理员还在这栋楼里设置了各种各样的坑人机关。 However, more does everything possible the place that like this prevents him to approach, is more likely to bury the key clue! 不过,越是这样想尽办法阻止他靠近的地方,就越有可能埋藏着关键线索! 【The time circulation, you enter the elevator again.】 【时光流转,你再次进入电梯。】 【After treating the elevator door closes, your hurried flying jumps, cut a small mouth on the ceiling, you ripped open the opening forcefully, left from the elevator crown drill furiously.】 【待电梯门关后,你急忙飞身跳起,在天花板上切割出了一道小口,你强行撕开口子,奋力从电梯顶钻出。】 You stand on the elevator look up, the electricity stairwell extends several hundred meters unexpectedly upwardly, almost cannot see the end.】 【你站在电梯上抬头看去,电梯井竟向上延伸出数百米,几乎看不到尽头。】 Connects the steel wire of elevator to tow the elevator rapid rise. You before the elevator are on fire, rises with a spring, hung hangingly in the steel wire.】 【连接着电梯的钢索正拖着电梯间飞速上升。你在电梯起火之前,一跃而起,悬空吊在了钢索上。】 Quick, the under elevator by the raging fire gable, became a side airtight furnace once again, you hang in several meters high position, can still feel clearly heat wave that under wells up.】 【很快,下方电梯间再次被烈火包覆,成为一方密闭的熔炉,你吊在几米高的位置,依然能清晰感觉到下方涌来的热浪。】 After dozens seconds, rope pull-up finally becomes slow, finally stopped in 44 positions.】 【数十秒过后,绳索的拉升终于变缓,最终停在了44层的位置。】 This time elevator had been burnt as one group of burned black iron stands, in your again rebound elevator, and follows the elevator door that opens, entered 44.】 【此时的电梯间已经被焚为一团焦黑的铁架,你重新跳回电梯内,并顺着打开的电梯门,进入了44层。】 You observe the situation for a week, discovered that this one ring-like corridor, from the door plate, the two sides is distributing 13 rooms, the head and tail is connected.】 【你环视一周,发现这一层只有一条环形走廊,从门牌号来看,两边共分布着十三个房间,首尾相连。】 You enter the first room to examine.】 【你进入第一个房间查看。】 This is an abandoned children's room, dim obsolete, the window curtains was shattered, the ground accumulated the thick dust, the abandoned rag dolls and various toy junks throw everywhere is, on the table is faintly visible the trace of pencil and crayon.】 【这是一间废弃的儿童房,昏暗陈旧,窗帘破碎,地上积满了厚厚的灰尘,废弃的布偶和各种玩具杂物扔的满地都是,桌上依稀可见一些铅笔和蜡笔的痕迹。】 Your front ray flashes suddenly, when opens eyes again looks, the dim obsolete room suddenly changed, becomes bright and clean, all things brand-new such as beginning. A red clothes female hugs the little girl to read before the desk, the little girl is swaying the both legs, happy smiling, in the room filled the reading sound and child's happy talks and laughters, the woman looks at the appearance that the girl laughed heartily, the corners of the mouth also showed the satisfied smile......】 【你面前的光线忽然一闪,再睁眼看去时,原本昏暗陈旧的房间忽然大变,变得窗明几净,一切事物崭新如初。一个红衣女子抱着小女孩在书桌前看书,小女孩晃荡着双腿,开心的笑着,房间里充满了读书声和孩子的欢声笑语,女人看着女孩欢笑的模样,嘴角也露出满足的微笑……】 Was only a pity that this happy scene flashes past, time that you rub the eyes, the front has changed that to abandon the gloomy room again.】 【只可惜这美好的场景只是一闪而过,你揉了揉眼的功夫,面前已经再次变回了那个废弃阴暗的房间。】 You search in the room, has not discovered any useful thing.】 【你在房间内搜索一圈,并没有发现任何有用的东西。】 You leave No. 1 room , to continue to go to next room......】 【你离开一号房间,继续前往下一个屋子……】 Then Mu You looked at these more than ten rooms in turn, as expected, each room is the children's room, demonstrated to him respectively red clothes females and more than ten children are together flashes the spirit picture. 接下来沐游将这十几个房间依次看了个遍,不出所料,每一个房间都是儿童房,也都向他展示了一副红衣女子和十几个孩子分别相处的闪灵画面。 Mu You estimated that red clothes woman should not have the means and his first hand exchange, therefore can only with dodging the spirit way, comes indirectly demonstrates some to him truth. 沐游估计那个红衣女人应该没办法和他直接交流,所以只能用闪灵的方式,来间接的向他展示一些‘真相’。 In that newspaper that just, Mu You found before, this woman killed her 11 children finally, two children who here actually 13 rooms, come out what's the matter? 只不过,之前沐游找到的那份报纸中,这女人最后杀害了她的十一个孩子,这里却有十三个房间,多出来的两个孩子是怎么回事? You examine, before arriving at the last room, quickly.】 【你一路查看,很快来到了最后一间屋子前。】 【Before you just arrived at the gate, the front door actually ‚’, opens automatically.】 【你刚走到门前,屋门却‘吱呀’一声,自动打开。】 You enter the gate, looks all around, this room and beforehand room layout are not different, the only difference is, in the corner of room, squats to sit a young boy. The small boy figure is slim, the figure rickets, lie to bend down in the corner, is turning away from you, sends out gnawing of rustling sound to nip the sound.】 【你走进门,环顾四周,这间屋子和之前的房间布局并无不同,唯一的区别是,在房间的角落里,蹲坐着一个小男孩。小男孩身材瘦弱,身形佝偻,趴伏在角落里,背对着你,发出悉悉索索的啃咬声。】 You approached the boy out of curiosity.】 【你出于好奇靠近了男孩。】 【It seems like hears your sound of footsteps, the boy turns head suddenly. Presents before you, is a burnt down face, filled the crowded and ugly scar and fold, outside the eyeball raised, the five senses twist, the corners of the mouth spread completely the blood.】 【似乎是听到你的脚步声,男孩骤然回头。呈现在你面前的,是一张被烧毁的脸,充满了密集而丑陋的疤痕和褶皱,眼珠外凸,五官扭曲,嘴角涂满了鲜血。】 But in the hand of this time boy, is holding a dead mouse, the back of mouse had been gnawed to nip a row of bloody indentation......】 【而此时男孩的手中,正捧着一只死老鼠,老鼠的后背已经被啃咬出了一排血淋淋的齿痕……】 Hiss!” The boys reveal a canine immediately, shouts fiercely toward you.】 【“嘶!”男孩立即露出一口尖牙,朝你呲牙咧嘴的嘶吼起来。】 Light glittered suddenly, after the ray stability, the form of young boy has disappeared without the trace, however on the room positive/direct wall, presented three bloody large characters: Get lost!!!】 【灯光忽然闪烁了一下,光线稳定之后,小男孩的身影已经消失无踪,然而在屋子正面的墙壁上,却出现了三个血淋淋的大字:滚出去!!!】 At the same time, all goods in entire room, all start to tremble fiercely, dances in the air automatically, pounds toward your whole body, ping bell pang lang crashes to resound through in the entire building.】 【与此同时,整个屋子里的所有物品,全都开始剧烈震颤,自动飞舞而出,朝你全身砸来,乒铃乓啷的碎裂声响彻在整座大楼之中。】 Mu You looks at the eyelid to jump, this seems like the tricks that the manager gets up. 沐游看得眼皮一跳,这看来又是管理员做的手脚。 The junks that these fly randomly are unimportant, he has the iron slab, how to pound not to injure it again, the issue is this sound, certainly must attract the following that lunatic. 这些乱飞的杂物不要紧,他有铁块,再怎么砸也伤不到它,问题是这动静,肯定又要把下面那疯子吸引上来了。 You depend the defense of iron slab, disregarded the surrounding flier, forces one's way in the room, starts to search.】 【你仗着铁块的防御,无视了周围的飞行物,强行闯入房间,开始搜索。】 You in the drawer under desk, discovered a itself/Ben orphanage diary, had described flashed the spirit orphanage since establishment, orphan situation of each adoption, but one page, intended fold.】 【你在书桌下的抽屉里,发现了一本‘孤儿院日志’,描述了闪灵孤儿院自建立以来,每一个收养的孤儿情况,而其中某一页,被有意的折叠了起来。】 You turn to this page of examinations.】 【你翻到这一页查看。】 „On March 12, flashed spirit orphanage to adopt one strange infant, this child appearance was ugly, figure was thin, found its time, it in garbage heap is gnawing insect......” 【“3月12日,闪灵孤儿院收养了一名‘怪婴’,这孩子长相丑陋,身形骨瘦如柴,找到它的时候,它正在垃圾堆里啃虫子……”】 As the same day on-duty nun, Liz brought back to the orphanage it, cleaned the body for him, changes the clean clothing, becomes one of the orphanage.” 【“作为当天的值班修女,莉莉丝将其带回了孤儿院,为他清洗了身体,换上干净的服装,成为孤儿院的一员。”】 „Other quick nuns discovered, this child appearance is incessantly ugly, the character is extremely also eccentric, in addition, this child does not eat any fruits and vegetables unexpectedly, instead cherishes to the flesh of animal, particularly blood! Many nuns personally see him to bite to death the picture that cats and dogs in institute blood sucking......” 【“不过很快其他修女们就发现,这孩子不止长相丑陋,性格也极度孤僻,此外,这孩子居然不吃任何果蔬,反而对动物的血肉钟爱有加,尤其是血液!不少修女亲眼见过他咬死院内的猫狗来吸血的画面……”】 This child was treated as true anomaly by all nuns from this, several nuns even think that it is some evil lifeform, proposed sends to the sacred light church intensely him, purifies this weird lifeform by the sacred light strength......” 【“这孩子由此被所有修女当做了真正的怪胎,几名修女甚至认为它是某种邪恶生物,强烈提议将他送去圣光教会,靠圣光的力量来净化这个邪门的生物……”】 Good Liz perhaps is the maternal eruption, does not endure to see disappearance of pitiful life, adopts the strange infant to become her 13 th child on own initiative. In order to avoid the strange infant cruelly harms the animal again, Liz rather cuts open oneself wrist/skill every day, feeds it with own blood......” 【“善良的莉莉丝或许是母性爆发,不忍看到一个可怜生命的消失,主动收养怪婴成为她的第十三个孩子。为了避免怪婴再去残害动物,莉莉丝每天宁愿割开自己的手腕,用自己的血去喂养它……”】 Liz became emaciated day after day, under the strange infant instead in the Liz's blood provides, smooth is growing healthy and strong. It is entangling Liz every day, as if regarded the true mother her, sucks in her blood greedily...... this way, I really worried that Liz which day will leave us......” 【“莉莉丝日渐消瘦了下去,怪婴反而在莉莉丝的血液供养下,顺利的茁壮成长着。它每天都缠着莉莉丝,似乎将她当成了真正的母亲,贪婪的吮吸她的血液……这样下去,我真担心莉莉丝哪一天会离开我们……”】 This day imagines me is quicker, but I have not thought dies is not Liz, but is her child......” 【“这一天来的比我想象中更快,只是我没想到死的不是莉莉丝,而是她的孩子……”】 Liz's other 12 children, as if quite envy regarding this new strange infant, thinks that it seized mother's love, therefore always with various methods pushes aside it, bullies it, strange infant has endured all these silently, until one night, strange infant bit to death quietly a child, and attracts cleanly his blood......” 【“莉莉丝的其他十二个孩子,对于这个新来的怪婴似乎颇为嫉妒,认为它夺走了母亲的爱,于是总是用各种方法明里暗里的排挤它,欺负它,怪婴一直默默忍受了这一切,直到某一天晚上,怪婴悄悄咬死了其中一个孩子,并将他的血吸得干干净净……”】 This matter vibrated the entire orphanage, we ignore the Liz's entreaty, recognized consistently this child is the monster! In the unbridled resistance of strange infant, our several people tie up forcefully it, sent to the church, accepted purification ceremony......” 【“这件事情震动了整个孤儿院,我们再不顾莉莉丝的哀求,一致认定这个孩子是怪物!在怪婴的疯狂反抗中,我们几人强行将它绑起,送去了教会,接受了‘净化仪式’……”】 „The body of strange infant was taught to deliver afterward, had been purified the strange infant, had turned into one hard coke. On that day, Liz like being as if in a trance, saying a word gathered up dead bodies for she two dead children, buries in the graveyard in back side of the mountain......” 【“怪婴的尸体后来被教会送了回来,被净化过的怪婴,已经变成了一具‘焦炭’。那一天,莉莉丝就像丢了魂一样,一言不发的为她两个死去的孩子收尸,埋葬在了后山的墓园中……”】 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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