TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#528: Dodges the spirit manor and crazy Jack

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Chapter 528 flashes the spirit manor and crazy Jack 第528章闪灵庄园和疯狂杰克 You nod, agreed with Katerina's request.】 【你点头,同意了卡特琳娜的请求。】 Visits you to comply, Katerina one happy, quickly reported the information of this manors to you simply.】 【看你答应,卡特琳娜一喜,急忙向你简单介绍了一些这栋庄园的信息。】 This manor established in several hundreds the year before last, once was a tourist attraction, was most famous by the autumn red maple tree, therefore was named as the red maple tree manor.】 【这栋庄园建立于数百前年,曾是一处旅游胜地,以秋天的红枫最为出名,所以被命名为红枫庄园。】 But before the manor establishes, historically here is a monastery, or the orphanage, the good nuns accept the society to donate, are responsible for adopting nearby orphan, raises the adult them.】 【但在庄园建立之前,历史上这里一直是一处修道院,或者说孤儿院,善良的修女们接受社会捐助,负责收养附近的孤儿,将他们养大成人。】 This should be a symbolic good and happy place, but why does not know, in this orphanage always appears flashes spirit phenomenon......】 【这本来应该是一处象征善良和美好的地方,但不知为何,这间孤儿院里总是出现‘闪灵’现象……】 Dodges the spirit?” you somewhat strange interruption Katerina.】 【“闪灵?”伱有些奇怪的打断卡特琳娜。】 „, All steps into person, will see the picture that flashes randomly, these pictures are very fragmentary, quite baffling, somewhat happened in the past, will somewhat happen in the future, but was quite often frightened, here the person of dull long time, will become one startled one for the first time, many people even became the neurosis, therefore this place was also called by the bystander flashes spirit orphanage, being haunted orphanage wait/etc, because of these bad names, is willing the kind-hearted person who donated to here to be getting fewer and fewer, the orphanage also went out of business to abandon slowly.” 【“是的,所有踏入其中的人,都会随机的看到一些闪回的画面,这些画面十分零碎,没头没尾,有些发生在过去,有些发生在未来,但往往极为惊悚,在这里呆的久的人,都会变得一惊一乍,不少人甚至成了精神病,所以这地方也被外人称为‘闪灵孤儿院’,‘闹鬼孤儿院’等等,因为这些坏名声,肯向这里捐助的善心人士越来越少,孤儿院也就慢慢倒闭废弃了。”】 Afterward was next donor took over this land for building, overthrew orphanage, transformed red maple tree manor, however, people soon discovered, even if were transformed as beautiful manor, enters strange picture that here person can still see these to flash once for a while, what was worse, afterward here had a shocking homicide case, the dead was manorial lord oneself, it is said that he his wife and two daughters dismembered in manor cruelly, later oneself still committed suicide...... after this, here was then abandoned thoroughly, becomes manor that a place left uncultivated......” 【“后来就是下一任金主接手了这片地皮,推翻了孤儿院,改造成了红枫庄园,然而,人们很快发现,即便被改造为漂亮的庄园,进入这里的人依然时不时能看到那些闪回的诡异画面,更糟糕的是,后来这里发生了一起骇人听闻的命案,死者就是庄园主本人,据说他在庄园里将他的妻子和两个女儿残忍分尸,随后自己也自杀身亡……在这之后,这里便被彻底废弃,成了一座荒废的庄园……”】 Mu You looks at the complexion to be strange. 沐游看得脸色古怪。 How does this story...... seem a little looks familiar? 这故事……怎么看起来有点眼熟? Katerina told the previous generation of this manor this life, looked that said to you: Now the person in this city, is deleted the memory of related this manor by the world will, the manor was hidden in the dense fog forest, to prevent to spy on. I also in a heart net extremely secret corner, found the information that some position perishing language left behind in the ancient times, can know these.” 【卡特琳娜讲述了这栋庄园的前世今生,又看向你说:“如今这座城市里的人,都被世界意志删除了有关这栋庄园的记忆,庄园被隐藏在迷雾森林里,就是为了防止被人窥探。我也是在心网一个极其隐秘的角落中,找到了某位古代‘亡语者’留下的信息,才得以知道这些。”】 Acts according to the view of this perishing language ancestor, historically first perishing language, was in once orphanage, orphan who grew up since childhood here. He then suffered since the childhood here flashes spirit suffering of picture, the time grew, unexpectedly oneself awakened flashed spirit the ability, even after growing up left the orphanage, can at any time see flashed spirit the picture, but this ability, afterward as still his bloodlines, were passed to his posterity, this is actually present perishing language prophet the origin of this talent.” 【“根据这位亡语者先祖的说法,历史上第一位亡语者,正是曾经的孤儿院中,一位从小在这里长大的孤儿。他从幼年起便在这里遭受‘闪灵’画面的折磨,时间长了,竟然自己觉醒了‘闪灵’的能力,即便长大离开孤儿院后,还是可以随时看到‘闪灵’的画面,而这个能力,后来也随着他的血脉,被传到了他的子孙后代身上,这其实就是如今亡语者们‘先知’这个天赋的来源。”】 Originally is this......” “原来是这样……” Mu You selected the eyebrow, no wonder said that perishing language clan many people are the neuroses, dodging the ability may not necessarily be the good deed, imagines, dodging of disorderly disorder returns to the picture, always random appears in your life . Moreover the terrifying scene, was very often auspicious the happy daily life, the next second turned into the bloody terrorist style, the time was long, very easily the dementia, not being able to distinguish clearly to be realistic and illusory, developing the disassociation of personality may be too normal. 沐游挑了挑眉,难怪说亡语者氏族很多人都是精神病,闪回能力可未必是好事,想象一下,杂乱无序的闪回画面,总是随机的在你的生活中出现,而且往往还是恐怖的场景,本来很祥和欢乐的日常生活,下一秒就变成了血腥恐怖的画风,时间久了,很容易让人精神错乱,分不清现实和虚幻,发展成人格分裂可太正常了。 You continue to ask the opposite party, a moment ago said what ‚is Allah?】 【你继续问对方,刚才说的‘真主’是什么?】 Allah is Allah, a entire world greatest Holy Mother. According to ancestor's message, Allah once flashed the director in spirit orphanage, was his adopter, raised the innumerable orphans.” 【“真主就是真主,一位全世界最伟大的圣母。按照先祖的留言,真主曾经是闪灵孤儿院的院长,也是他的收养者,先后养育了无数孤儿。”】 She now in manor?” You asked.】 【“她现在在庄园里?”你问。】 „, She was long ago summoning me, once a long time, in my sleep can the dream to a red clothes female of sob, she want to speak to me, I actually cannot hear her sound, I know that Allah has certainly the matter to need me to do, what a pity I am unable to step into here, therefore can only ask you to do for somebody.” Katerina said.】 【“是的,她很久以前就在召唤我了,曾经很长一段时间内,我睡梦中都能梦到一个哭泣的红衣女子,她想要对我说话,我却听不到她的声音,我知道真主一定有事需要我做,可惜我无法踏入这里,所以只能请你代劳了。”卡特琳娜说。】 Red clothes female?” “红衣女子?” Mu You looks is startled, the association of instinct in mural that prince regent there sees. 沐游看得一怔,本能的联想到了之前在摄政王那里看到的壁画。 In mural that at that time that row introduced this/should hidden story, last marked, had once presented a red clothes female, the description said that like a Holy Mother of affection, with the person that present Katerina said that seemed somewhat similar. 当时那一排介绍该隐故事的壁画中,最后一副画上,也曾出现过一名红衣女子,描述说‘如同一位慈爱的圣母’,和眼下卡特琳娜说的这人,似乎有些相似。 【After you enter the manor, certainly will see flashes the spirit picture, remember, gives your prompt besides Allah, do not believe other things that you see, these to prevent you see Allah obstacles established!” Katerina urged finally.】 【“你进入庄园后,一定会看到很多闪灵画面,记住,除了真主给你的提示外,不要相信你看到的其他东西,那些都是为了阻止你见到真主而设置的障碍!”卡特琳娜最后叮嘱道。】 You nod to indicate to understand, later leaves forest, steps into lawn, walks toward manor cautiously......】 【你点头表示明白,随后离开森林,踏入草地,小心翼翼朝庄园走去……】 Confirmed the situation, Mu You has not wasted the time again, immediately starts to explore. 确认了情况,沐游也就没有再浪费时间,当即开始探索。 In the dim light of night, the outline of manor gradually appears. The moonlight sprinkles on the worn-out stone wall, screens the motley shadow. You felt indistinctly neck latter cool feeling, seems the spirit of manor was warning to you. You get hold of the spear/gun in hand , to continue gradually to move toward this dark labyrinth.】 【夜色中,庄园的轮廓逐渐显现。月光洒在破旧的石墙上,映出斑驳的影子。你隐约感到颈后一股凉意,仿佛是庄园的幽灵在向你警告。你握紧手中的枪,继续一步步走向这座黑暗的迷宫。】 You arrive at the manor entrance, sees the front to take the manor main body in three buildings, is shining some pale yellow lights.】 【你来到庄园门口,就见前方作为庄园主体的三层建筑中,亮着一些昏黄的灯光。】 Because your nearness, the silent manor as if living, all lantern started to glitter suddenly crazily, seemed warning that you leave!】 【但因为你的靠近,原本寂静的庄园似乎忽然‘活’了过来,所有的灯具都开始疯狂闪烁,似乎在警告你离开!】 You disregarded the warning , to continue to go forward.】 【你无视了警告,继续前进。】 Bang!” You just got to the entrance, the two flares before building explode suddenly, the boiling hot glass corn stuck your face......】 【“嘭!”你刚走到门口,大楼前的两盏照明灯骤然爆裂,滚烫的玻璃碴子糊了你一脸……】 Also no passing through the gate makes so many petty actions, this place looks like indeed has ghost. 还没进门就搞这么多小动作,这地方看来的确有鬼。 Shakes the head, Mu You continues to explore. 摇了摇头,沐游继续探索。 【„ Gate ‚’ opens, is especially grating in the lonesome and quiet night.】 【“门‘吱呀’一声打开,在幽静的夜里格外刺耳。】 You step into front door, is actually in chaos scene pleasant, the portrait on wall scatters place, on worn-out furniture covers entirely thick dust, spider web proliferates in all around corner, the light in hall indistinctly, flickers, making the feeling of your instinct restless......】 【你踏入大门,入眼却是一片混乱的景象,墙壁上的画像散落一地,破旧的家具上布满厚厚的灰尘,蛛网遍布在四周的墙角上,大厅内的灯光影影绰绰,忽明忽暗,令你本能的感觉心神不宁……】 Bang!” You the cautious vanguard, was just going out two steps on the soft wood floor, in the sky a lightning chops suddenly.】 【“轰隆!”你正小心翼翼的前行,刚在松软的木地板上走出两步,天空中一道闪电忽然劈下。】 Under shine of lightning, you sees the left side end in the keeping out the wind cotton thread, was shone upon shadow that a man who grasps the axe.】 【在闪电的映照下,你看到左侧尽头的挡风布帘上,被映照出一个手持斧头的男人的影子。】 【The lightning electric light is fleeting, that side suddenly dark. Goes to examine?】 【闪电电光稍纵即逝,那边眨眼间已经黑暗了下去。是否前去查看?】 You depend boldness because of one's skill, charged into the left side fast, curtain screen that lifted end......】 【你仗着艺高人胆大,飞快冲向了左侧,一把掀开了尽头的帘子……】 However after the curtain screen, is actually only a narrow washroom, completely empty, and no one.】 【然而帘子之后,却只是一个狭窄的盥洗室,空空如也,并没有任何人。】 You have to turn around to leave.】 【你只好转身离开。】 „The ding-a-ling bell......” you just returned to the hall, on the corridor wall, away your close plane telephone, resounds the grating ting suddenly, almost made your heart and lungs stop suddenly. Resounds at the midnight ting, was disclosing the boundless strangeness, did answer?】 【“叮铃铃……”你刚回到大厅,过道墙壁上,距你近在咫尺的一个座机电话,忽然响起刺耳的铃声,差点令你心肺骤停。响起在午夜的铃声,透露着无边的诡异,是否接听?】 Answering.” “接听。” Mu You unemotional choice. If this time is he at the scene, perhaps will really have a scare, but is away from text game pitifully, not sense of hearing and visual impact actually, this frightening feeling will only sell at a discount greatly. 沐游面无表情的选择。如果此时是他本人在现场,或许真会被吓一跳,但可惜隔着一个文字游戏,没有实际的听觉和视觉冲击,这种惊吓感只会大打折扣。 You picked up the phone, puts near the receiver the ear.】 【你拿起了电话,将听筒放到耳边。】 In the silent piece, crossed for several seconds, when you think opposite no one, suddenly resounds the sound that a man laughs wildly.】 【里面沉默一片,过了数秒,直到你以为对面没人之时,才忽然响起一个男人狂笑的声音。】 „...... hahaha, you died...... I to with axe cut to pieces you...... kill you...... to hew the sliced meat you, boiled soup...... to kill...... dead your bone dies dies...... hahaha......” 【“……哈哈哈,你死定了……我要拿斧头将你切碎……杀了你……将你砍成肉片,将你的骨头煮汤……杀杀杀杀……死吧死吧死吧……哈哈哈……”】 Laughs wildly intonation to increase unceasingly, quickly turns into grating scream, shaking your tympanic membrane is painful, you quickly hung up telephone, the world is finally quiet......】 【狂笑声调不断增大,很快变成刺耳的尖叫,震得你鼓膜生疼,你急忙挂断了电话,世界终于清静下来……】 Mu You looks knits the brows. 沐游看得皱眉。 Katerina light/only makes him come, without telling him should make anything, said that will be anything Allah will prompt him on own initiative, Mu You also thinks a moment ago this telephone will be the prompt of Allah, finally the opposite actually will be the summit man...... 卡特琳娜光让他进来,却没告诉他该做什么,说是什么‘真主’会主动提示他,沐游刚才还以为这电话就是真主的提示,结果对面却是个颠佬…… Therefore prompt where? 所以提示到底在哪儿? 【Side you hear suddenly resound rapid sound of footsteps, you turn the head to look subconsciously, happen to saw a white clothing woman runs fast into the corner from the corridor of distant place, vanishes does not see. Traces?】 【你忽然听到旁边响起一阵急促的脚步声,你下意识转头看去,正好看到一个白衣女人从远处的走廊飞快跑入拐角,消失不见。是否追踪?】 Tracing!” “追踪!” Finally had the woman to appear, although was a white clothing...... first has a look to say with the past in brief again. 总算有女人出现了,虽然是个白衣……总之先跟过去看看再说。 You start directly amazingly quick, surrounding all slow, you move toward that side corner quickly, however turns the head to look, in the corner is actually a blind alley, room that only then three doors shut tightly, no one 's shadow.】 【你直接发动‘神速’,周围的一切慢了下来,你快步走向那边的拐角,然而转头看去,拐角内却是一条死路,只有三个房门紧闭的房间,根本没有任何人影。】 You walk to go forward, examined the third room gate in turn......】 【你走上前,依次查看了三间屋门……】 Three front doors were deadlocked by the door lock, you want to open the door forcefully, but you soon discovered, at your strength, is unable to twist open the door lock unexpectedly, as if these three gates are only the decorations.】 【三个屋门都被门锁锁死,你想要强行开门,但你很快发现,以你的力量,竟也无法扭开门锁,仿佛这三道门只是装饰。】 Has not discovered any clue, your disappointed sighing, turns the head to be about to leave.】 【没有发现任何线索,你失望的叹了口气,转头准备离开。】 However just turned around, you actually noticed that in the background presented a man, only has several meters away away you, blocked your way.】 【然而刚刚转身,你却看到来路上出现了一个男人,距你只有几米之遥,堵住了你的去路。】 Man grasps a felling ax, the whole body bloodstained, lowers the head slightly, splits the corners of the mouth, wear a look of craftily smiles is staring at you, the look made you absolutely terrified!】 【男子手持一柄伐木斧,浑身染血,微微低头,裂开嘴角,面带诡笑的盯着你,眼神令你毛骨悚然!】 Your both hands subconscious fishing out firearms, skilled opening fire, the connected bullet blasts out on the man, actually like hitting on steel plate, falls in abundance falls on the place, cannot leave behind any wound to the opposite party.】 【你双手下意识的摸出枪械,熟练的开枪,连串的子弹在男子身上炸开,却如同撞在钢板上,纷纷摔落在地,没能给对方留下任何伤口。】 „?” “?” Mu You looks stares, this flashes the spirit? 沐游看得一愣,这是闪灵? If this person flashes the illusory picture that spirits, the bullet shouldn't pass the body? Possibly how to be rebounded? 如果这人只是闪灵出的虚幻画面,子弹不是应该透体而过么?怎么可能被反弹回来? Thinking, Mu You was clicking on subconsciously entry that holds the axe man. 想着,沐游下意识的点击了一下持斧男子的词条。 Crazy Jack: Unknown vampire, algebra: 1 generation......】 【疯狂杰克:未知吸血鬼,代数:一代……】 One generation?!” “一代?!” Mu You looks surprisedly, didn't say the vampire in this city to be highest only to three generations? How to run suddenly one generation of vampires? 沐游看得惊讶,不是说这城市里的吸血鬼最高只到三代吗?怎么忽然跑出一个一代吸血鬼? Kills...... you chop the sliced meat, after hahaha......” short looking at each other, the opposite party suddenly grins fiendishly toward you to clash, in hand great axe raises, chops layer on layer/heavily, if speed quickly lightning......】 【“杀杀杀……把你剁成肉片,哈哈哈……”短暂的对视后,对方忽然狞笑着朝你冲来,手中巨斧扬起,重重劈下,速度快若闪电……】 Your subconscious withdrawing, the danger avoided the axe, was actually blown sharp by the axe, iron slab the defense was ripped open like the flimsy, under your left rib had an exaggerating wound, the life plummeted the majority!】 【你下意识的后撤,险险躲开了斧头,却还是被斧尖刮到,‘铁块’的防御如同薄纸般被撕开,你的左肋下出现了一条夸张的伤口,生命骤降了一多半!】 Mu You looks at the eye to jump, this damage, scratched to cut his half of blood, really can be cut that not to die without doubt? This fellow also is really real one generation of vampires! 沐游看得眼睛直跳,这伤害,擦一下砍了他一半血,真要被砍中那不是必死无疑?这家伙还真是货真价实的一代吸血鬼! Dies stubbornly stubbornly!” Crazy Jack has laughed wildly to hold the axe to divide again. You quickly started amazingly quick.】 【“死死死死死!”疯狂杰克已经再次狂笑着持斧劈来。你急忙发动了‘神速’。】 Starts the failure! Because the enemy algebra is lower than you is too many, your initiative kind of blood law starts the failure in opposite party front enormous probability! The passive kind of blood law effect drastically reduces!】 【发动失败!由于敌人代数低于你太多,你的主动类血律在对方面前极大概率发动失败!被动类血律效果大幅降低!】 Hiss, recollection!” “嘶,回溯!” Mu You has according to the table. 沐游只好按表。 Is good to start the probability to be low, is unable to start, so long as there is an opportunity to be good. 好在只是发动概率低,并不是无法发动,只要有机会就好。 Starts failure amazingly quick......】 【神速发动失败……】 Starts failure amazingly quick......】 【神速发动失败……】 ...... …… Starts successfully! You activated amazingly quick, surrounding all slow, crazy Jake's every action and every movement become the slow motion in your eyes.】 【发动成功!你激活了神速,周围的一切慢了下来,疯狂杰克的一举一动在你眼里成为了慢动作。】 Mu You relaxes, more than 200 times was successful for this skill roll, obvious initially generation of vampires to his suppressed strength strong. 沐游松了口气,为这一个技能roll了两百多次才成功,可见一个初代吸血鬼对他的压制力有多强。 Started the skill so to be difficult continually, counter-attacked anything does not need to think, this type of thing is not present he can cope. 连发动技能都这么困难,反击什么的就更不用想了,这种东西根本不是现在的他能对付的。 Mu You controls the character to travel immediately. 沐游当即操控人物跑路。 You while the amazingly quick time, go round from the opposite party, drills from the slit of wall, fled fast same place.】 【你趁着神速的时间,从对方旁边绕开,从墙壁的缝隙中钻出,飞快逃离了原地。】 You dashed the business hall, the amazingly quick effect ended, the time speed of flow self-recovery was normal.】 【你飞奔回了大厅中央,神速效果结束,时间流速自动恢复正常。】 You hear indistinctly hear Jack angry roaring sound behind, chops to cut to come, in fast is close toward you......】 【你隐约听到身后传来杰克愤怒的咆哮声,一路劈砍而来,正在快速朝你接近……】 You quickly hide in nearby staircase shadow, holds the breath with rapt attention, eliminates all sounds......】 【你急忙躲进一旁的楼梯阴影中,屏息凝神,消除一切动静……】 Quick laughs wildly sound to get up together, by the slit of staircase plank, you saw form that a blood dyes, dragging axe to howl to break through from outside, went far away toward another, had not discovered that your existed......】 【很快一道狂笑声响起,透过楼梯木板的缝隙,你看到一个血染的身影,拖着斧头从外呼啸冲过,朝另一头远去,并没有发现你的存在……】 Mu You relaxes. 沐游松了口气。 This lunatic always possibly is not Allah. 这疯子总不可能是‘真主’。 In other words, in this manor Allah Holy Mother besides that anything outside, a true killer is hiding, hunts all the person who rushes from outside. 也就是说,这庄园里除了那个什么‘真主圣母’外,还有一个真正的杀人魔在潜藏着,狩猎一切从外闯进来的人。 This can also understand, if the goal of that manager, is not to make the bystander come here, with that Allah exchange, manager does not know that now, must certainly make some defensive measures to this restricted area. 这也可以理解,如果那个管理员的目的,是不让外人进来这里,和那个‘真主’交流,现在管理员不知道去了哪儿,对这处禁地肯定要做些防御措施。 But this killer, obviously is the defensive strength that he arranges: 1 generation of vampires, in the entire scene basically are finally existences of boss rank! 而这个杀人魔,显然就是他安排的防守力量:一代吸血鬼,在整个场景中基本就是最终boss级别的存在! But now, Mu You is equivalent needs to play a game of cat catch mouse here, he needs under besieging and pursuing of this killer blocks off, found so-called Allah, the ascertaining opposite party needs anything. 而现在,沐游相当于需要在这里玩一场猫捉老鼠的游戏,他需要在这个杀人魔的围追堵截下,找到所谓的真主,问清楚对方到底需要什么。 【After confirming the opposite party went far away, you from the staircase careful going out, the step are as far as possible lithe.】 【确认对方远去后,你从楼梯下小心的走出,步履尽量轻盈。】 In corridor quiet piece, not person's shadow. You just relaxed, look up, actually just casts aside to a woman of red clothes, on the second floor platform for observing astronomical phenomena of revolving staircase is looking at you secretly, when you look like, her actually bite back vision, the whole person disappears quietly. Traces?】 【走廊里静谧一片,并无人影。你刚刚松了口气,抬头望去,却刚好撇到一个红衣的女人,正在旋转楼梯的二楼观台上偷偷望着你,待你看来的时候,她却急忙收回目光,整个人悄然消失。是否追踪?】 One that Mu You looks at happy, presented the red clothes woman finally! 沐游看的一喜,总算出现红衣女人了! Tracing!” “追踪!” You guessed that this female likely is Allah that’ you must look, quickly steps the revolving staircase to go upstairs.】 【你猜测这女子很可能就是你要找的‘真主’,急忙踏上旋转楼梯上楼。】 You just went into the staircases, the plank of under foot breaks suddenly. This staircase is in disrepair after many years, cannot withstand stepping on person. This moment surroundings plank breaks all, you lose the backing, falls, fell into the basement from the first floor directly.】 【你刚跑到楼梯中间,脚下的木板骤然断裂。这楼梯过于年久失修,根本经不起人的踩踏。此刻周围连片的木板尽数断裂,你失去依托,直坠而下,从一楼直接摔入了地下室。】 Meanwhile, the sound of plank disruption, attracted the attention of distant place killer instantaneously.】 【同时,木板碎裂的响动,瞬间吸引到了远处杀人魔的注意。】 You heard the crazy Jake's big laughter again, axe towed place sound rapidly toward you close to......】 【你再次听到了疯狂杰克的大笑声,斧头拖地的声音正在飞速朝你靠近……】 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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