TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#527: Allah is summoning

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Chapter 527 Allah is summoning 第527章真主在召唤 Mu You turn head checked a next encyclopedia software. 沐游回头查了一下百科软件。 Perishing language clan: By the sensation, predicted, the dead souls research for the perishing language clan of characteristics, is one crowd undergoes the lunatic who the dementia is suffering for a long time, the clan members are acting prophet frequently or necromancer character, they have ability sensation others the imperceptible thing. 【亡语者氏族:以感知,预言,死灵研究为特点的亡语者氏族,是一群长期经受着精神错乱折磨的疯子,氏族成员经常扮演着‘先知’或‘死灵法师’的角色,他们有能力感知别人所不能感知的事物。 Person almost everyone of perishing language clan grasp heart net this unique blood law, the effect, only then, can connect one own consciousness, by all grasps heart net the spiritual contact network that vampire sharing, in the heart net, perishing language can real-time sharing each other sense, can upload knowledge and information in the heart net, but all the information of sharing can by other members momentarily downloading. 亡语者氏族的人几乎人人都掌握有‘心网’这一独特血律,效果只有一个,可以将自己的意识接入一个,由所有掌握‘心网’的吸血鬼共享的精神联系网络,在心网中,亡语者们可以实时共享彼此的感官,也可以在心网中‘上传’知识和情报,而所有共享的情报又都可以被其他成员随时‘下载’。 Therefore when facing perishing language, you thinks that oneself are facing a person, but in fact you may suffer dozens even several hundred people of surrounding very much simultaneously. 因此在面对亡语者的时候,你以为自己只是在面对一个人,但实际上你很有可能在同时遭受几十甚至几百人的围观。 Meanwhile, because in the heart net the storage has the huge knowledge that all previous perishing language upload, therefore overwhelming majority perishing language are always full of the makings of Grandmaster scholar, is almost omniscient. 同时,因为心网中储存有历代亡语者们上传的庞大知识,所以绝大部分的亡语者总是充满了大师学者的气质,几乎无所不知。 In addition, the perishing language controls of extremely few part have prophet the ability, can see some scattered future pictures occasionally, but overwhelming majority prophets, are hard to distinguish between and process these fragmentary message, in the long-time chaotic picture, is very easy to lose, changes the become a demon god schismatic, the prediction accuracy that this also causes perishing language is extremely often worrying. 此外,还有极少部分的亡语者掌控有‘先知’的能力,能够偶尔看到一些零散的未来画面,但绝大部分的先知,都难以分辨和处理这些过于零碎的消息,在长久的混乱画面中,很容易迷失自我,变成精神分裂者,这也导致亡语者们的预言准确性往往极其堪忧。 Clan blood law: The ultra feeling, the crazy technique and heart network, regards, the perishing language and prophet( rarely), to call back from the dead spirit( rare). 】 氏族血律:超感、疯狂术、心网、灵视、亡语、先知(稀有)、招魂(稀有)。】 Heart net......” “心网……” Mu You looks that showing of this blood law selected the eyebrow, isn't this consciousness the version ‚the Internet? 沐游看着这个血律的说明挑了挑眉,这不就是意识版的‘互联网’吗? The other blood laws of this clan are also quite unique, the perishing language, calls back from the dead these, seems a little the meaning. 这个氏族的其他血律也都比较独特,亡语,招魂这些,看起来有点意思。 Mu You estimated, should be this prophet talent, making Katerina know in advance difficult position that oneself were facing, this such coincidence sends in the mail to him. 沐游估计,应该就是这个‘先知’天赋,让卡特琳娜预知到了自己正在面临的困境,这才会这么巧合的给他发来邮件。 However Mu You is unable to determine that temporarily this woman is the enemy is a friend, if the opposite party really has the ability to help him cast off the mask male, he is naturally excited. 不过沐游暂时无法确定这个女人是敌是友,如果对方真有能力帮他将面具男甩开,他自然是心动的。 But the issue this woman has the hostility to him by some chance, once the mask male disappears, the opposite party begins to him, he is very possible not to have the strength of resistance, after all the opposite party good and evil is also long of clan, even if only the ordinary clan, algebra conservative estimate also below six generations. 可问题是万一这个女人对他抱有敌意,一旦面具男消失,对方对他动手,他很可能没有反抗之力,毕竟对方好歹也是一族之长,哪怕只是普通氏族,代数保守估计也在六代以下。 Looks at the information on desktop, Mu You measured for several seconds, finally decides to go, no matter there is a danger, this is the present only collapsing plan, really must have an accident, was on site to adapt to changing circumstances again. 看着桌面上的信息,沐游权衡了数秒,最终还是决定前往,不管有没有危险,这都已经是眼下唯一的破局方案,真要出了什么事,再临场随机应变好了。 After consideration, you prepare to embark to go to keep an appointment.】 【考虑过后,你准备出发前往赴约。】 On you also the drop of prince regent bestows passive painstaking care, after taking, can be promoted your algebra, enhances your ability sharply, could decrease the risk of your trip slightly, whether takes immediately?】 【伱身上还有一滴摄政王赠送的‘无源心血’,服用后可以晋级你的代数,大幅提升你的能力,或许可以稍微减低你此行的风险,是否立即服用?】 No.” “否。” Mu You choice without hesitation. 沐游毫不犹豫的选择。 This drop of blood is a six generations of vampires painstaking care, can is promoted for 8 generations and the above blood group one time. 这滴血是一只六代吸血鬼的心血,可以供八代及以上的血族一次性晋级。 Also has certainly the effect on 7 generations of vampires, but actually cannot be promoted one time. Between the painstaking care that if the blood group and takes only separates one generation, according to vampire Physique and painstaking care's quality, needs 3-10 drops of painstaking care, can complete to be promoted. 对七代吸血鬼当然也有效果,但却不是一次性能晋级的了。如果血族和服用的心血之间仅隔一代,根据吸血鬼的体质和心血本身的质量,需要3-10滴心血不等,才能完成晋级。 Therefore, the best user of this drop of blood, is 8 generations of vampires. 因此,这滴血的最佳使用对象,是八代吸血鬼。 Mu You only has 9 generations now, after waiting to be promoted again one time, again with this drop of blood can achieve it biggest effect. 沐游现在才只有九代,还是等再晋级一次之后,再用这滴血才能发挥出它最大的效果。 You deleted the mail, closes the computer, assembled some guns and cutting tools simply on the body, then left the apartment.】 【你删除了邮件,关闭电脑,简单装配了一些枪支和刀具在身上,便离开了公寓。】 You arrive on the street, both sides stall tide of people surges, the neon light bright with many colors is brilliant. Many young pretty females walk randomly in the night markets, one after another wears cool, brilliant, the whole body is lending the aura of hormone, eyes cannot take it all.】 【你来到街道上,两旁摊位人潮涌动,五光十色的霓虹灯绚烂夺目。众多年轻貌美的女性游走在夜市间,一个个身着清凉,光彩照人,浑身散发着荷尔蒙的气息,令人目不暇接。】 But to you, they send out is actually another seduction: You look the snow white nape of the neck that surrounding that one after another does not cover up, only thinks in the abdomen the sense of hunger manifests suddenly intensely, in the mouth cannot bear the overflow saliva. Starts hunting?】 【但对你来说,她们散发出的却是另一种诱惑:你看着周围那一个个不加遮掩的雪白脖颈,只觉腹中饥饿感强烈发作,口中忍不住溢出口水。是否开始‘猎食’?】 No......” “否……” Helpless Mu You fork. 沐游无奈点叉。 On that mail a moment ago what said is to make him immediately go, feeling that some opportunities were fleeting, here hemophagiaed anything can only endure patiently one temporarily. Was good because of then just started first day, was hungry too has not in a big way been affecting. 刚才那邮件上说的是让他‘马上前往’,有种机会稍纵即逝的感觉,这里吸血什么的只能暂时忍耐了一下了。好在这才刚开始第一天,饿着也没太大影响。 You beckon to block next old style clausena lansium taxi......】 【你招手拦下一辆老式的黄皮出租车……】 After paying 75.3 Yuan fare, the driver carried your destination you: Chifeng Cemetery.】 【在付出75.3元的车费后,司机将你载到了你的目的地:赤峰公墓。】 You appear in Chifeng Cemetery.】 【你出现在赤峰公墓。】 【A night tomb deathly stillness, the moonlight sprinkles on rows of neat tombstones, spills over the light bluish gray color. The breeze wanders in the spacious tomb, brings gloomy and cold, an inexplicable depression envelops your heart.】 【夜晚的墓地一片死寂,月光洒在一排排整齐的墓碑上,泛出淡淡的青灰色。微风在空旷的墓地里游荡,带着一丝阴冷,一种莫名的压抑感笼上你的心头。】 You look all around, has not actually seen other person's shadows, makes you to come this's Katerina not to see the signs.】 【你环顾四周,却并未看到其他人影,约你来此的卡特琳娜丝毫不见踪迹。】 You have the one person alone to step into the graveyard to seek. In extreme peaceful graveyard, besides some cry insect sounds, only then your sound of footsteps reverberates in the silence. The aura of your living person, is incompatible for the burying place that the dead constructs with this piece specially......】 【你只得孤身踏入墓园中寻找。极端安静的墓园里,除了些许的鸣虫声外,就只有你的脚步声在寂静中回荡。你活人的气息,与这片专为死者建造的葬地格格不入……】 Here such strange Mu You of tomb description has not thought of specially, dares to come to here, when the vampire player will fear this? 这里特意把一块墓地描述的这么诡异沐游是没想到的,敢来这里当吸血鬼的玩家怎么会怕这个? However the tomb reminded him actually. 不过墓地倒是提醒他了。 The niche of his blood needs the blood group corpse to use, and may not look for the vampire that these just died in battle, coming in the tomb to dig the grave also yes. 他的血之龛需要有血族尸体才能用,并不一定要找那些刚战死的吸血鬼,来墓地里挖坟也是可以的。 This was known as that vampire place, at least is living over ten thousand vampires, in so many vampires, always cannot be internal fight died in battle, ought to have the natural death by the blood group that the relatives and friends bury. 这座号称吸血鬼之都的地方,起码生活着上万的吸血鬼,这么多吸血鬼中,总可不能都是内斗战死的,总该有正常死亡被亲友安葬的血族。 But at present this place, is entire in only the tomb by the city, to avoid being seen the flaw by human, these blood groups must bury can only bury here. 而眼下这块地方,又是整个以诺之城中唯一的墓地,为了避免被人类看出破绽,这些血族要下葬只能葬在这里。 So long as so, gives him some time, making him all look the vampire remains in this graveyard, should be able to attract to the blood of many heart lineage/vein. 如此,只要给他一些时间,让他把这块墓园中的吸血鬼遗骸全都找出来,应该能吸到不少心脉之血。 Mu You is calculating, in the game pops up the prompt suddenly. 沐游正盘算着,游戏中忽然弹出提示。 You felt surrounding sounds of people incomparable is noisy, as if entered the township street marketplace suddenly. You turn the head to look, opened the mouth.】 【你感觉周围人声无比的嘈杂起来,仿佛骤然进入了乡街市井。你转头望去,不由张大了嘴巴。】 Sees only in the surrounding all tombstones, floats together the quiet blue soul body, these ghosts are maintaining before death physique and clothing, such as old acquaintance general leaves the respective tombstone, takes a walk to chitchat mutually, the quarrel is chatting.】 【只见周围所有的墓碑中,都漂浮出一道幽蓝色的灵魂体,这些幽魂保持着生前的形体和服装,如老熟人一般的离开各自墓碑,互相走动攀谈,争吵闲聊着。】 Your this being incompatible living person stands in one pile of spirits, has not actually brought to too many attention, some ghosts have fluttered side you, merely is strange looks at one, then gets out of the way silently, some ghosts even try and you talk, as to make you help the family member in their world of the living have some last words......】 【你这个格格不入的活人站在一堆幽灵中,却也并未引起太多的注意,一些幽魂飘过你身边,仅仅是奇怪的看一眼,便默默走开,还有一些幽魂甚至尝试和你搭话,似乎想让你帮他们阳间的亲人带些遗言……】 Mu You looks is startled, immediately before remembering, introduction that sees, this obviously is the rare blood law of perishing branch calling back from the dead. 沐游看得一怔,立即想起之前看到的介绍,这显然是亡语族的稀有血律‘招魂’。 It seems like Katerina really in, but Mu You has not thought, she can summon so many ghosts unexpectedly one time! 看来卡特琳娜果然就在附近,只是沐游没想到,她居然能一次召唤这么多幽魂! Moreover Mu You had also guessed correctly faintly, the opposite party prepared to help him cast off the mask male method. 而且沐游也已经隐隐猜到,对方准备帮他甩开面具男的方法了。 Really, without a while, in the game pops up the prompt. 果然,没一会儿,游戏中弹出提示。 【During...... hundred ghosts travel by night, you hear the distant place to transmit suddenly shout and pitiful yell sound, you turn the head to look, in beyond jungle somewhere away your several hundred meters, the black person's shadow was being surrounded by massive ghosts together.】 【……百鬼夜行之中,你忽然听闻远处传来嘶吼声和惨叫声,你转头望去,在距你几百米外的某处丛林中,一道黑色的人影正被大量幽魂包围。】 Ghosts as if entered the wild condition, the body becomes red, attacks toward the person's shadow unceasingly crazily, but the person's shadow is also forced to start to counter-attack, although several moves can extinguish kill a ghost, but does to the ghost is too many, and ghosts of distant place hear the sound, immediately gives up chitchatting, the body in abundance becomes red, flutters toward the support fast.】 【幽魂们似乎进入了狂暴状态,身体变红,不断朝人影疯狂攻击,而人影也被迫开始反击,虽然几招就能灭杀一只幽魂,但奈何现场幽魂太多,且远处的幽魂们听到动静,当即放弃攀谈,身躯纷纷变红,飞快飘往支援。】 Person's shadow was then more gathered more ghosts to submerge quickly, cannot see the trail thoroughly.】 【人影很快便被越聚越多的鬼魂淹没,彻底看不到踪迹。】 You realized immediately, this is the good opportunity of breaking away from the control! Seizes the chance to flee?】 【你立即意识到,这是一个脱离控制的好机会!是否趁机逃离?】 Yes!” “是!” Arrived at this, must continue. 都走到这一步了,肯定得继续。 You escape rapidly toward the person's shadow reversed direction, has not walked several steps, a female ghost has fluttered from your side, suddenly the suspension of movement, looked at your one eyes, put out a hand spookily, aimed at a direction.】 【你迅速朝人影反方向逃去,没走几步,一只女性鬼魂从你身旁飘过,忽然停步,看了你一眼,幽幽伸手,指向了一个方向。】 【The direction that goes to the demoness to direct?】 【是否前往女鬼指引的方向?】 This obviously is Katerina in the control ghost. 这显然是卡特琳娜在操控鬼魂。 The words saying that this ability is actually convenient, does not need the main body to be risky, all depend entirely on the ghost to do for somebody then. 话说这能力倒是方便,根本无需本体冒险,一切全靠鬼魂代劳即可。 You run toward graveyard deep place......】 【你朝着墓园深处跑去……】 Then Mu You starts to flee, on, will present a ghost to show the way to him along the road every other, has run 4~5 minute, finally pops up other prompts. 接下来沐游开始逃离,沿路上每隔一段,就会出现一个鬼魂给他指路,就这么一直跑了四五分钟,终于弹出其他提示。 You as if left the graveyard range, entered one deep forest lands, this stretch of grove was covered by the overlapping thick fog, you walk in the forest, only thought that all around environment is exactly the same, as if the duplication glue, distinguishes the unclear direction radically.】 【你似乎离开了墓园范围,进入了一片深色林地,这片林子被层层叠叠的浓雾笼罩,你走在林中,只觉得四周环境一模一样,仿佛复制粘贴,根本辨不清方向。】 But does not have ghost to appear for you at this time again shows way, you lost thoroughly in fog forest......】 【而此时也再没有鬼魂出现为你指路,你彻底迷失在了雾林中……】 Mu You looks knits the brows, even once suspected that Katerina must harm him, but does not have extremely to worry, the getting lost turns over to the getting lost, here is not far from the graveyard, if the opposite party really intends to harm him, he can recall at any time, then makes the character yell the exposed position, believes that the mask male quick can look. 沐游看得皱眉,甚至一度怀疑卡特琳娜是不是要害他了,不过也没有太过着急,迷路归迷路,这里距离墓园并不远,如果对方真有意害他,他可以随时回溯,然后让人物大叫暴露位置,相信面具男很快就能找来。 You wandered the moment in the forest, when is vacant, a hand suddenly after stretched out, gripped your wrist/skill.】 【你在林中徘徊了片刻,正茫然无措之时,一只手忽然从后伸出,握住了你的手腕。】 You turn head look, the future is hand-held wand, wears the woman of black hood, is Katerina.】 【你回头看去,来者是一个手持法杖,身披黑色兜帽的女人,正是卡特琳娜。】 Comes with me!” Katerina gave a keeping silent hand signal to you, immediately draws you to run toward the grove deep place.】 【“跟我来!”卡特琳娜对你比了一个噤声的手势,随即拉着你往林子深处跑去。】 You have not resisted, along with her leads the way, was far away from the graveyard gradually.】 【你没有抗拒,随她一路前行,渐渐远离了墓园。】 Has run for about ten minutes, Katerina paused finally, closes eyes to feel, immediately on the face relaxes slightly: Temporarily was safe......” 【一直跑了十分钟左右,卡特琳娜才终于停步,闭目感受了一下,随即脸上略略松了口气:“暂时安全了……”】 Mu You clicked on an entry of Katerina silently, information that finally feeds back, is 5 generations of vampires...... 沐游默默点击了一下‘卡特琳娜’的词条,结果反馈的信息,是五代吸血鬼…… This algebra disparity he absolutely does not have the strength of resistance, at present they are away from the mask male already enough far, if the opposite party must begin, at this time is the best opportunity. 这个代数差距他绝对没有反抗之力,眼下他们距离面具男已经足够远,如果对方要动手的话,此时就是最好的机会。 Is good because, has waited for about a half minute, plan that the opposite parties have not begun. 好在,一直等了半分钟左右,对方都并没有动手的打算。 Mu You then loosened gripped the tight pocket watch, continued to input in the game. 沐游这才松开了攥紧的怀表,继续在游戏里输入。 You inquired the opposite party, why can help you?】 【你询问对方,为什么要帮你?】 Katerina carefully looked at your one eyes, said spookily: I am one prophet, yesterday evening, saw your time for the first time, I had seen your some future pictures......” 【卡特琳娜仔细看了你一眼,才幽幽道:“我是一名‘先知’,在昨天晚上,第一次见到你的时候,我就已经看到了你的一些未来画面……”】 „? My future what?” You inquired subconsciously.】 【“哦?我的未来什么样?”你下意识询问。】 You will subvert this city quickly! I saw you step on the innumerable vampire corpses, the whole body are being bathed in blood, stand the scene in corpse summit point......” 【“你很快将会颠覆这座城市!我看到了你踩着无数吸血鬼的尸体,浑身浴血,站在尸山顶点上的场景……”】 Mu You looks selected the eyebrow. This meaning, he had determined that can go through customs quickly here? 沐游看的挑了挑眉。这意思,他已经确定能很快通关这里了? Thinks, Mu You continues to input. 想了想,沐游继续输入。 May the robust man of that distortion as if say, your prediction never accurate.” You said.】 【“可那个变形者的壮汉似乎说,你的预言从来没有准确过。”你说。】 Prediction can rewrites the result through the change behavior and condition forcefully, otherwise predicted that did not have the significance. Moreover, how you know that I am have been playing the role intentionally stupid, builds an image of crude person prophet?” 【“预言是可以通过改变行为和条件来强行改写结局的,否则预言就没有了意义。而且,你怎么知道我是不是一直都在故意扮蠢,给人营造出一个半吊子先知的形象?”】 „Oh?” Mu You looks selects the eyebrow, listens to this meaning, her prediction ability is very fierce, but has deliberately been hiding itself? This for what? “哦?”沐游看得一挑眉,听这意思,她的预言能力很厉害,只是一直在刻意隐藏自己?这又是为了什么? I save you, will not be because of you can in the future to become king, will want to invest you, because, in my so many years foreknowledges, you will be only may help my person, I will need you to help me do a matter!” Katerina kept a serious look suddenly said.】 【“我救你,并不是因为你将来能够成王,想要投资你,而是因为,在我这么多年的预知中,你是唯一一个有可能帮到我的人,我需要你帮我做一件事!”卡特琳娜忽然表情严肃的说。】 What matter?” 【“什么事?”】 I need you to go a place with me immediately, while the present it not in......” 【“我需要你立即跟我去一个地方,趁现在‘它’不在……”】 Who not in?” You asked subconsciously.】 【“谁不在?”你下意识问。】 „The will of this world......” 【“这个世界的意志……”】 Un?” “嗯?” Mu You one startled, the will of the world? Is it possible that refers to the manager? 沐游一惊,世界的意志?莫非是指管理员? Manager not in? 管理员不在? Quick , without the time saying that it quick will come back, we only then very short time!” Katerina is saying, draws you to continue toward the grove outside to flush away hurriedly.】 【“快,没时间多说了,它很快就会回来,我们只有很短的时间!”卡特琳娜说着,匆忙拉着你继续朝林子外冲去。】 【...... Was quick you to run the grove, what presents in your present was an ancient dim manor, the window front gate wall wall was all tattered, seemingly abandoned for a long time.】 【……很快你们跑出了林子,呈现在你们眼前的是一片古旧昏暗的庄园,窗门墙壁皆破破烂烂,看起来废弃已久。】 I the matter that needs you to do, enters this red maple tree manor!” Katerina said.】 【“我需要你做的事,就是进入这栋红枫庄园!”卡特琳娜说。】 【After goes, what needs to make?” You asked.】 【“进去后需要做什么?”你问。】 I do not know.” Katerina shakes the head.】 【“我不知道。”卡特琳娜摇头。】 You throw the puzzled look toward her.】 【你朝她投去不解的眼神。】 Here established barrier, all natives are unable to approach this manor one, I have not gone, only then your outcomers can step into the manor range. So long as you go, naturally can understand that should make anything.” The Katerina tone is somewhat anxious, throws the look that urged toward you unceasingly.】 【“这里设置了结界,所有本地人都是无法靠近这庄园一步的,我也从没有进去过,只有你们外来者能踏入庄园范围。而只要你进去,自然会明白该做什么。”卡特琳娜语气有些焦急,不断朝你投来催促的眼神。】 You actually stand are freezing, her view cannot convince you, enters a completely unknown place adventure.】 【你却立在原地不动,她的说法并不能说服你,进入一个完全未知的地方冒险。】 Asked, Allah is summoning you! Did not have the time, if you want to understand that this race the truth, must go in!” Katerina opens the mouth again, in the vision has taken the hope.】 【“拜托了,真主在召唤你!没有时间了,如果你想了解这个种族的真相,就必须进去!”卡特琳娜再次开口,目光中已经带上了一些祈求。】 You choose......】 【你选择……】 Believes her, perhaps here you really can harvest, Rejects her, she to mislead you obviously brings death 【相信她,或许在这里你真能有所收获】、【拒绝她,她显然是为了蛊惑你去送死】 Two options, Mu You hesitant, elected to believe. 两个选项,沐游犹豫了一下,还是选了‘相信’。 After all the opposite party that good opportunity had not begun to him before, obviously does not make these for his talent, but besides talent absorption, he cannot find out itself in this scene, but also there is anything the thing that is worth the opposite party coveting. 毕竟对方之前那么好的机会没有对他动手,显然不是为了他的天赋而做这些,而除了‘天赋吸收’外,他想不出自己在这个场景中,还有什么值得对方觊觎的东西。 Here opposite party should really need help from him, but, makes Mu You start to be interested truly, that the opposite party said wants to understand that this race the truth, must go in. 这里对方应该是真的有求于他,不过,真正让沐游开始感兴趣的,还是对方说的那句‘想要了解这个种族的真相,就必须进去’。 In addition front she said that ‚the world will in, does not dare to draw him to come to here, obviously, in this manor may be very hiding the big secret about blood group. 再加上前面她说‘世界意志不在’,才敢拉他来这里,显然,这庄园里很可能隐藏着一些关于血族的大隐秘。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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