Chapter 526sudden rising
第526章诈尸【Youappearin‚the reception room of prince regent’.】
【你出现在‘摄政王的会客室’中。】【After frontdesk, the maskmaletoward the youngdelicate and prettyprince regentin a low voicewhisper, once for a whileis looking liketowardyou, the complexionslightlyhas the surprise.】
【前方书桌后,面具男正在朝年轻俊美的摄政王低声耳语,时不时朝你看来,面色略有诧异。】【Youare bored to death, turn the headto size upin the room the environment.】
【你百无聊赖,转头打量起屋中环境。】【Onthisdecorationmagnificenthallfourwalls, is hangingseveralgiantmurals, eachuses the classicaloil painting the style, is drawing up the interactions of somecharacters.】
【在这座装饰华丽的大厅四壁上,悬挂着数幅巨大的壁画,每一幅都用古典油画的风格,绘制着一些人物的互动。】【youlooksin turnaccording to the order,soondiscovers the main characters in thesemurals, first ancestor who as ifin the blood groupspreads‚this/shouldhidden’.】
【伱照着顺序依次看去,很快发现这些壁画中的主人公,似乎正是血族中流传的始祖‘该隐’。】【The simpleseveralpictures, describedthis/shouldhiddenandAbe, as well asthatstory that passed by the gods, the godsdisplayed the biastotwobrothers the attitude, finallythis/shouldhiddenassassinatedAbe, enraged the gods, was lowered the curseby the gods, exiled the place of hopeless situation...... thisand you story that splicedfrom the first ancestordiary is almost identical.】
【简单几幅画,描绘出了该隐和亚伯,以及那位路过神明的故事,神明对两位兄弟表现出偏心的态度,最后该隐刺死亚伯,触怒神明,被神明降下诅咒,流放到绝境之地……这和你从始祖日记中拼接出的故事几乎雷同。】【But the presentmuralstorylinehad not ended, behindalsohad/left a painting.】
【但眼前的壁画故事线并未就此结束,后面还多出了一张画作。】【Inlastpicture, presented a woman, the red clothesblood, makingsare noble, whole bodyhiddenhassacred lightto cover, kneeling down that this/shouldhiddensheds bitter tearsbeforewoman, womanis with smile on the face, is ordinarylike a Holy Mother of affection , helping uphim......】
【在最后一张画中,出现了一个女人,红衣似血,气质高贵,浑身隐有圣光笼罩,该隐痛哭流涕的跪倒在女人面前,女人却面带微笑,如同一位慈爱的圣母一般,将他扶起……】【„Hehe, interesting......”youwere estimatingmeaning in lastpicture, the prince regentsmiledsuddenly, the setting outracketbeginsto walktowardyou.】
【“呵呵,有趣……”你正揣度着最后一幅画中的意思,摄政王忽然笑了起来,起身拍着手朝你走来。】【„, althoughyouplayedsometricks, butIhave toacknowledge, thisquest, youcompleteis very perfect.” The prince regentarrives in front ofyouwith smile on the face, took out a finejadebottle.】
【“虽然你耍了些小聪明,但我不得不承认,这个任务,你完成的很完美。”摄政王面带微笑的走到你面前,取出了一个精致的玉瓶。】【„Thiswasbeforecomplies withyourpassivepainstaking care, Ilived up to one's words.” The prince regentgives you jadebottle.】
【“这是之前答应你的无源心血,我说到做到。”摄政王将玉瓶递给你。】【Youobtained‚passivepainstaking care’ * 1, the algebra: 6generations, mayreduce the algebrafor below 7generationsvampires, the implicationbloodlaw: Unknown.】
【你获得了‘无源心血’,代数:六代,可供七代以下吸血鬼降低代数,蕴含血律:未知。】【This timeprince regenthas opened the mouthagain: „Moreover, youdo not needto worry that Beverly'sexistence, Imakehimfollowyou, considersforyoursecuritypurely, after allyoubutnow the celebrity, almostattracted the attention of allclan, wantsin secretto the person who youmake a move, has numerous number......”】
【此时摄政王已经再次开口:“另外,你也不用担心贝弗利的存在,我让他跟着你,纯粹是为了你的安全着想,毕竟你现在可是名人,几乎吸引了全体氏族的注意,暗中想对你出手的人,多不胜数……”】【Prince regentsmileslookstoyou: „Naturally, the smart personlikeyou, howshouldnot needmeto talk too muchfrom the place, Ido not beat around the bush, spoke frankly, I ’ was interestedinyour ‚ talentabsorptionvery much, join the royal family, Iwill promoteyou, whenmyleft and right hands, positionnot under Beverly, simultaneouslyItoyoubestresources, so long asyoujoined the royal family, next dayIcanrecommend for admission to schoolyouto4generations of vampires!”】
【摄政王微笑的看向你:“当然,像你这样的聪明人,该如何自处想必无需我多言,那我也就不拐弯抹角了,直说吧,我对你的‘天赋吸收’很感兴趣,加入王族,我会提拔你当我的左右手,地位不会下于贝弗利,同时我会给你最好的资源,只要你加入王族,第二天我就能保送你到四代吸血鬼!”】【„Do not feel4generationsinsufficientlyhigh, in fact, inthiscity, most powerfulvampirealsoonly then3generations, moreover a populationhandcan count, as forone or twogeneration of vampires, has vanished.”】
【“别觉得四代不够高,实际上,在这座城市里,最强大的吸血鬼也只有三代,而且人数一只手都数得过来,至于一二代的吸血鬼,早已经绝迹了。”】Mu Youlooks at the prince regenttohisa series ofguarantees, selected the eyebrow, inquiredingame.沐游看着摄政王给他的一系列保证,挑了挑眉,在游戏里提问。【Youinquired the prince regent, howpreparedto obtainyourbloodlaw?】
The bloodlaw can only normallyby the lowgeneration of biographiestotallDai, moreoveropposite party, iftakes the blood of hisheartlineage/vein, canbecomehisbloodslave? Only iffalls the homicideafterward, relieves the bloodto tie up the effect.
血律按说只能由低代传向高代,而且对方如果服用他的心脉之血,岂不是要成为他的血奴?除非事后将他杀掉,解除血缚效果。【„In this regard, Inaturallyhavemymeanswell......, toshow the sincerity, Icantellyouahead of time: Iam grasping a relic of bloodgod, candepute the blood of heartlineage/vein, eliminatesbloodto tie up the effect, in addition, myalsoonetypecanenhance the algebratemporarily the ability, thesetwotypes of thingscoordinate, thencanletmewithoutkillingyour, noside effectobtainsyourtalent, what a pitythisrelichas the number of timeslimit, usuallyis unable easilyto use, otherwiseIalsohad no needto wait foryouspecially.”Prince regentconfidentsay/way.】
【“关于这一点,我自然有我的办法……好吧,为表诚意,我可以提前告诉你:我掌握着一件血神的遗物,可以提纯心脉之血,消除其中的血缚效果,此外,我还有一种可以临时提高自己代数的能力,这两种东西配合起来,便可以让我在不杀你的情况,无副作用的得到你的天赋,可惜这件遗物有次数限制,平时无法轻易动用,不然我也用不着专门等你了。”摄政王坦然道。】【„Other, cooperateswithme, youdo not need anythingto dismantle the bridge after crossing, the worry of trusted aides are eliminated after they have outlived their usefulness, Iasprince regent, cultivate the behavior the firstimportant matter that worksamto stressprestige, will not makethisself-destructionreputation/honorarymatter, in addition, Iactuallyknow some of your things......”】
【“另外,和我合作,你无需有什么过河拆桥,兔死狗烹的担心,我身为摄政王,做人做事的第一要务就是讲信誉,绝不会做这种自毁名誉的事,此外,我其实知道一些你们的事情……”】【„Hasabout your outcomers, the rule that althoughonetypeis very difficultto contend with, has been attemptingto revisemycognition, butIlivedafter allhereso manyyears, feels something somewhat: Yourtheseoutcomers, actuallycomeinformed and experiencedhere, will not stayherepermanently, right? The year, youwill disappearmostmostly, sinceyouwill not threatenmyposition, Inaturallydo not needto begintoyou, eveninhalf year, will also helpyoucompleteon own initiativeinformed and experienced.”Prince regentfromchannel.】
【“有关于你们这些外来者,虽然有一种很难抗衡的规则,一直在尝试修改我的认知,但我毕竟在这里活了这么多年,多多少少还是感觉到一些东西的:你们这些外来者,其实只是来这里历练的,并不会在这里永久停留,对么?最多半年,你们就会消失,既然你们不会威胁到我的位置,我自然无需对你们动手,甚至还会在这半年内,主动帮你完成历练。”摄政王自信道。】„Oh?”“哦?”Mu Youis somewhat surprised, meaning that thisprince regenta littleNPCawakensunexpectedly, buthas not awakenedthoroughly, herealizedindistinctlyoneselfis the NPCfact, because perhapsis the high-ranking, hedoes not planto revolt againstall these, insteadenjoysownpresent situationvery much.沐游有些意外,这个摄政王居然有点NPC觉醒的意思,只不过没觉醒彻底,他隐约意识到了自己是个NPC的事实,但或许因为身居高位,他并不打算反抗这一切,反而很享受自己的现状。Recovers, Mu Youalsohas tosigh, gives the devil his due, the condition of thisprince regentactuallyhas the attractionvery much, not onlyguaranteeshimto live for a halfyear, but alsovariousaspectswill provide the bestsupport, cansay,thisis a verysmoothshortcut, so long ascomplies, canguarantee the risk-freeentry, ifchangedotherplayerto come, it is estimated thatwill unable to bearcomply.
回过神来,沐游也不得不感叹,平心而论,这个摄政王的条件是其实很有诱惑力的,不但保证他活过半年,而且各方面都会提供最好的支援,可以说,这是一条很顺畅的捷径,只要答应,就能保证无风险的通关,如果换了别的玩家来,估计都会忍不住答应。What a pity, the opposite partydoes not know that entryalsoonetype‚becomesking’pattern, in a short timebecomes this metropolisking of vampire, because Mu Youdoes not have the timeto stop over, can only be forcedthispattern, thisis doomedhe is not not possibleto cooperatewiththisprince regent.
可惜,对方并不知道通关还有一种‘成王’模式,在短时间内成为这个都市里的吸血鬼之王,而沐游因为没有时间逗留,只能被迫走这种模式,这就注定他和这个摄政王不可能合作。Naturally, herehas no needto explain.
当然,这里用不着说明白。【Yourhesitantmoment, shakes the head , indicating that youneedto consider.】
【你犹豫片刻,还是摇头,表示你需要考虑一下。】【„Naturally. Whenyouconsideredto be clear, Iwelcomeat any time.” The prince regentveryself-confidentopens the mouth, believes that youwill make the wisejudgmentfinally.】
【“当然。等你考虑清楚了,我随时欢迎。”摄政王很自信的开口,相信你最终会做出明智的判断。】【Youafterprince regentsaid goodbye, aloneleftmansion......】
【你向摄政王告辞后,独自离开了公馆……】Heretextsaid that is‚leavesalone’, butMu Youestimatesthatmaskpersondefinitelyalsowith.
这里文本说是‘独自离开’,不过沐游估计那个面具人肯定还在跟着。Mu Youevenoncesuspected, thismaskpersoncanbeso-called‚manager’, the goal of manageris the onlookingsees a playafter all, naturallycan the short distancewatchmomentarilywell.沐游甚至一度怀疑,这个面具人会不会就是所谓的‘管理员’,毕竟那管理员的目的是旁观看戏,当然能够随时近距离观看最好。Bythisperson of following, Mu Youmanyoperationsare unable to implement, happen to at this timeplays the weatherto shine, hedrawsin the apartment that assignsto rest the charactersimply.
被这人跟着,沐游很多操作都无法实施,正好此时游戏里天色已经亮起,他索性将人物拉去分配的公寓中休息。Butin the reality, healsoseized the chance the line, returned to the roomto make upthinks.
而现实里,他也趁机下了线,回屋补了一觉。Waitsto wake upagain, islate in the morning.
等再醒来的时候,已经是日上三竿。Mu Yougoes downstairslooks, inpet shoplonely, Little YaLin Xuetheyare not, alsohas not done business, did not have the pastliveliness.沐游下楼一看,宠物店里冷冷清清,小雅林雪她们不在,也没有营业,丝毫没有往日的热闹。Exquisitehad not turned over tolast nightall night, whichwavealsodid not know, at this timein the shoponly thenmedicine picker and medicine picker liangs clone.
玲珑昨晚彻夜未归,也不知去哪儿浪了,此时店里只有采药人个分身。medicine pickersitsonthattableby the windowas before, lowers the headstampcell phone that looks at steadily, evenactedandyesterdayis identical, Mu Yoususpectedhishereliverseriously for one day and one night.采药人依旧坐在那张靠窗的桌子上,低头目不转睛的戳手机,连动作都和昨天雷同,沐游严重怀疑他在这里肝了一天一夜。As forNightwatcher, holdsColato siton the sofaat this time, to rubcatwhilewatches the television.
至于打更人,此时则抱着可乐坐在沙发上,一边撸猫一边看电视。„tchtch, worthilyisthat side the Algerian-USstyle, this was also too free......”
“啧啧,不愧是阿美那边的风格啊,这也太自由了……”Mu Youapproaches, justhearsthefeeling of Nightwatcher, looks up, at this timein the televisionis broadcasting the international press, that sideAmericansomecity, on the streetfacing the streetis lying downhorizontally a corpse that hit the code, obviously the deadshapeis quite frigid.沐游走近的时候,刚好听到打更人的这句感慨,抬头一看,此时电视里正播放着国际新闻,美洲那边的某个城市,街道上当街横躺着一具打了码的尸体,显然死状相当惨烈。„It is not good, ourheartgoodcould not look atthis, changed a stage...... wú, heremoviecan the selection and broadcast, youngeightyouwantfirstto watch‚the disaster of crazypython’, was the story of ocean of the lawandwhitesnake?”Nightwatchersaidwhileis pressing the remote control.
“不行,咱心善的看不了这个,还是换个台吧……唔,这边电影可以点播,小八你是想先看‘狂蟒之灾’,还是法海和白蛇的故事?”打更人边说边按着遥控器。„Canshut up? The fatheronlywantsto restnow!”Has the snakehot temperedvoiceto resoundfrom the Nightwatcherbrain.
“能闭嘴么?老子现在只想休息!”具蛇暴躁的声音自打更人脑中响起。„Yeahwait/etc, do not change the stage......”Mu Youto open the mouthsuddenly.
“哎等等,别换台……”沐游忽然开口。„Well? The main bodyyouawoke!”Nightwatcherturns head, thisseesMu You.
“咦?本体你醒了!”打更人回头,这才看到沐游。Mu Youis actually fixing the eyes on the news in television, the lookis gradually dignified.沐游却紧盯着电视中的新闻,神色逐渐凝重起来。At this timewhatreportedwason the street in someAmericanurban district, suddenlyappeared a body of youngster, the deadshapewas quite frigid, probablywas eaten the foodto be excessively ordinarybysomewild animal, caused a bigstirin the area, the policehave cleared the scene, is investigatingand so on.
此时报道的是美洲某市区的街道上,忽然惊现一具少年的尸体,死状相当惨烈,像是被某种野兽啃食过一般,在当地引起了不小的轰动,警方已经封锁了现场,正在调查云云。ThisnewsmakesMu Youthinksuddenly that managerseeminglyhad said yesterday that anything‚next dayyoucan in the newssawhiscorpse’and so on message.
In thiscorpsewaslast nightplaysthatyoungster?
难道这尸体就是昨晚游戏里那个少年?Becausein the televisionhits the codeto be thick, moreoveris not the important matter, wasdozensseconds of disseminating news of thenjumped overmerelyquickly, Mu Youdistinguishedradicallywithout enough time.
电视里由于打码过于浓厚,而且也不是什么大事,仅仅是几十秒的播报便很快跳过了,沐游根本来不及分辨。Thinks,hedecidesto go to the sceneto have a looksimplypersonally.
想了想,他索性决定亲自去现场看看。As formustflyother side ofEarth is not actually difficult, beforeMu Youkeptteleportation arrayunderallblack holesspecially, butblack hole of the case locationthat sidefromAmericas is not too far.
至于要飞去地球另一面倒是不难,之前沐游在所有黑洞下方都专门留了传送阵,而案发地点距离美洲那边的黑洞并不算太远。Then the Mu Youdirect transmission the Americas, by the ghost shiplongstatus, explained an owndemandwith the local officialinfluence.
接下来沐游直接传送去了美洲,以幽灵船长的身份,和当地官方势力说明了一下自己的诉求。Regarding thisthat side the USnaturallyishighlyattaching great importance. Cannot attach great importance to? His world'sfirstexpert, every action and every movementwere the focus of attention, go into otherdomainnowsuddenly, the requestlooks at a corpse, was really stranger.
After Mu Youexplained the situation, Americanseveralbiginfluencesalsooperatedimmediately, allproceduresallavoided, but alsoarrangedmanymanpower‚accompaniment’, went to the happeningcitywithhimtogether.沐游说明情况之后,美洲几大势力也都是立即运作起来,所有手续一律免除,还安排了众多人手‘陪同’,和他一同前往了案发城市。
After twohours, Mu Youarrived inthatcityfinally, in the distancecrime scene not farmorguesomewhere, saw the body of thatyoungster.
两个小时后,沐游终于到达了那座城市,在距离案发现场不远的某处停尸间里,见到了那具少年的尸体。„Biggodyoulooks, thisisthatdead, justdiscoveredtime, itwas hanging a peakinclock tower, because the weatherwas dimat that time, crossedfor a long timesomepeopleto discoververy much, after weanswered alarm, sent for the sheriff who cleared the scene...... to be responsible forthiscaseimmediately”, cautiousandMu Youis explaining the situation.
“大神您看,这就是那位死者,刚发现的时候,它被悬挂在一座钟塔的顶端,因为当时天色昏暗,过了很久才有人发现,我们接警之后,也立即派人封锁了现场……”负责这次案件的警长,小心翼翼的和沐游说明着情况。„Thisperson of status, confirmation?”Mu Youknits the browsto look at the presentcorpse.
The corpseseems likeindeedis young child, the both eyescircleopens the eyes, the complexionis pale, the loathsome appearanceis panic-stricken, the twowounds of chest, seems likeby the vampirecanineis torn, whatis strangerisin the wounddoes not have a drop of bloodstain, because the blood in within the bodyhad been takencleanly.
Regardless how to see, in thiscorpseandlast nightplayed the deathshape of thatyoungsterto be exactly the same,
无论怎么看,这尸体都和昨晚游戏里的那个少年的死状一模一样,„Confirmed, isseveralyears ago our localmissingchild, in the pasthas put a case on file and begun investigations, what a pitydid not have the result, finally can only let it go, never expected thatmeetshimto cometodaysuddenly......”
The sheriffis explaining the situation, cannot bearmanylocalbig shot who looked atbehindto follow, lookedagaintoMu You, carefulopens the mouth: „Did biggod, is it possible thatthischild, youknow?”
警长说明着情况,忍不住看了看后面跟着的众多当地大佬,再看向沐游,小心的开口:“大神,莫非这个孩子,您认识?”„, unknown, but before me, justsaw the news, felt that thismatteris somewhat strange, thereforecomesto have a look.”Mu Youspoke thoughtlesslyto explainone.
“哦,不认识,只是我之前刚好看到了新闻,感觉这个事情有些离奇,所以过来看看。”沐游随口解释了一句。„......”Peoplehearswordlook at each other in blank dismay. Yourthisreasonalso was too rather careless, howsomepeoplewill runspeciallymostEarth, corpse that tolook at a Mois not acquainted?
“呃……”一众人闻言面面相觑。您这理由未免也太草率了,怎么会有人专门跑大半个地球,就为了看一具陌不相识的尸体?„Ok, troubledeveryone, the deadreceived.”
“行了,麻烦各位了,死者收起来吧。”Mu Youlooked atseveralafter the corpsesimply, thenwaves, preparesto say goodbye.沐游在尸体周围简单看了几眼后,便挥了挥手,准备告辞。„, Doesn't the biggod, needto go to the sceneto have a lookagain?” A personis busy atasking.
“啊,大神,不需要再去现场看看了么?”一人忙问。„Does not need.”Mu Youbeckons with the handthenmustleave, is heis onlyconfirmsthisperson the youngster in game, nowbasicallydeterminesthis point, thisenough.
The sheriffgawked, quicklycatches up withhim: „Biggod, tothiscase, what you have......, suggestion?”
警长愣了一下,急忙追上他:“大神,对这件案子,您有什么……呃,建议吗?”„Suggestion? No, Iam notinvestigate, howyoushouldcheckhowcheckwas enough.”Mu Yousaid,declined the invitationanddetaining that presents others, flew from the local areadirectly, before returning toteleportation array, the transmissionreturns to homeland.
“建议?没有啊,我又不是来查案的,你们该怎么查怎么查就行了。”沐游说完,谢绝了在场其他人的邀请和挽留,直接飞离了当地,回到传送阵前,传送回国。Leaves behindonegroup of peopleto look at each other in blank dismay, thereforepersonalsoreallytocome to see a corpse?
留下一群人面面相觑,所以人还真就只是为了来看一眼尸体?Mu Youwalks, presents the reason that otherpowerful officialshave not left behind, after chitchattingsimplyseveral, leftquickly.沐游一走,在场其他权贵也没有留下的理由,简单攀谈几句后,也都很快离开。Suddenly, in the morgueis reminded of dear ones who have left, was only left over the manager of sheriffandmorgue.
眨眼间,停尸间里人去楼空,只剩下了警长和停尸间的负责人。„Sheriff, thatthiscorpse?”managerinquiredlookedto the sheriff.
“警长,那这尸体?”负责人询问的看向警长。„Receives......”sheriffto smile bitterlybeckoning with the hand, immediatelyrememberedwhatquicklyto tell: „, Remembersto preserve, do not makeanybodyapproach! Hasanyexceptionally, mustinformmeimmediately!”
“收起来吧……”警长苦笑着摆了摆手,随即想起了什么急忙吩咐道:“哦,记得保存好,不要让任何人靠近!有任何异常,也要立即通知我!”„Yes.”managersent in the corpse the corpsecabinet, locks.
After two peoplealsoleave, inmorguethoroughpeaceful.
待两人也离开后,停尸间内彻底安静了下来。Just, no onehas noticed, in the corpsejustsent inshortly after the morguecabinet, in the refrigerator, thatbyeveryonehas been thought the youngster who has diedthoroughly, opened the eyesuddenly......
The matter that side the Americasfollowinghas, Mu Youdoes not know, after going home, hethenagainput into the game.
美洲那边后续发生的事情,沐游并不知道,回家之后,他便再次投入了游戏中。【Youwake upinapartment......】
【你在公寓中醒来……】【Youfelt that in the abdomen the empty, intensesense of hungeris remindingyou: Youneedto find a job the personto eat foodas soon as possible, otherwise, under the hungrybloodcondition, yourentireattribute and bloodlaweffectwill drastically reduce......】
【你感觉腹中空荡,强烈的饥饿感在提醒你:你需要尽快找活人进食,否则,饿血状态下,你的全属性和血律效果都会大幅降低……】【Goes outto intakeimmediately?】
【是否立即外出采食?】Honest, the vampireneedsblood suckingthis pointevery day, isverytroublesome. BeforeMu Youdid not havethisaspectworry , because heraiseda gargoyle, every daycanhelphimsupplementblood qiautomatically.
诚实来说,吸血鬼每天都需要吸血这一点,还是挺麻烦的。之前沐游一直没有这方面烦恼,是因为他养了一只石像鬼,每天都可以自动帮他补充血气。What a pitygargoyleis unable to haveinthisscenepresently, heredailyblood sucking can only do it yourselfbyhim.
“否。”Mu Youshakes the head, the issue of blood sucking said that waits for the darknessto goto look forcornersquattinga while to squatcasually the prey.沐游摇了摇头,吸血的问题好说,等天黑了出去随便找个角落蹲一会儿就能蹲到猎物。Nowtrueissuethatmaskmale, entire day24hoursis monitoredbythisfellow, Mu Youfelt that makesanything is not comfortable.
现在真正的问题还是那个面具男,被这家伙全天二十四小时监视,沐游感觉做什么都不自在。Butmustsaycasts off the opposite party, is onlyhe himselfseeminglynot to really be able to achieve......
【你的电脑响起邮件的提醒声……】How in the Mu Youthinkingshouldcollapse, in the gamespringssuddenlypromptstogether.
就在沐游思索该怎么破局时,游戏中忽然弹出这么一道提示。Mu Youhas not thought that before controlling the characterwalkingcomputer, opened the mailto look at the eye.沐游也没多想,操控人物走去电脑前,打开邮件看了眼。【„For the observerheadache that the prince regentdoes arrange? If so, immediatelycomes to‚the Chifenggraveyard’, Icanhelpyouthrow offhim.”】
“嗯?”Mu Youlooksis startled, hewas considering that thismatter, justsomepeoplesentthismailtohim, soto be how skillful?沐游看得一怔,他正在考虑这件事,就刚好有人给他发了这种邮件,怎么会这么巧?Mu Youquicklylooked at a bearer: Katerina.沐游急忙看了眼送信人:卡特琳娜。„Katerina......”
“卡特琳娜……”Mu Youhesitates, thisnamehissomeimpressions. Hejustentered the scenebeforetime, metthreevampiresinrooftop.沐游沉吟,这个名字他有些印象。他之前刚进入场景的时候,在天台遇到了三个吸血鬼。ButKaterina, inthreepeoplethatwears the black robe, says‚perishinglanguage’ the woman of clan.
( This chapterends)
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