TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#525: Murdering with a borrowed knife

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Chapter 525 murders with a borrowed knife 第525章借刀杀人 Presents other vampires, looks own leader died a tragic death, subconscious looks like in the direction of sound of gunfire, soon discovered your form.】 【在场其余吸血鬼,看着自己首领惨死,下意识的朝枪声的方向看来,很快发现了你的身影。】 Several vampire simultaneously angry kills toward you.】 【十几个吸血鬼齐齐愤怒的朝你杀来。】 You quickly retrocede to escape, simultaneously turn head opens fire again and again, stops the footsteps of people.】 【你急忙后退逃跑,同时连连回头开枪,阻拦众人的脚步。】 Is good because of the rear Tazaki source numerous has set aside the hand, immediately turns back in order to help friendly forces, once again plunges into the crowd.】 【好在后方田崎源众已经腾出手来,立即回援,又一次跳入人群中。】 Wish of many vampire instinct turn head instead hits, actually instead activated the Tazaki source numerous bloody road talent.】 【不少吸血鬼本能的想要回头反打,却反而激活了田崎源众的‘血路’天赋。】 Tazaki source numerous incarnation war-god, jumps in crowd again repeatedly horizontally, figure moves fast like ghosts and demons, the one after another vampire called out pitifully one after another is dying under his blade......】 【田崎源众再次化身战神,在人群中反复横跳,身形如鬼魅般飘忽,一个个吸血鬼接连惨叫着死在他刀下……】 Then did not need Mu You to begin, these little brothers like their eldest children, the effect of clear bloody road, the silly choice resistance, more did not revolt dead obviously at this time finally quickly. 接下来就不需要沐游动手了,这些小弟显然并不像他们老大那样,清楚血路的效果,此时傻乎乎的选择反抗,结果越反抗死得越快。 【After several minutes, the vampire that last attempts to escape was also caught up with by the Tazaki source numerous, was put on the chest to puncture, a blade is killed violently.】 【数分钟后,最后一个妄图逃跑的吸血鬼也被田崎源众追上,被穿胸刺过,一刀毙命。】 Fight ended, in this spacious underground factory was flooded by the rich smell of blood, you looks at the blood group corpse everywhere, the symptom in within the body thirsty blood manifests suddenly faintly, making you unable to bear want to rush to eat to the heart's content.】 【战斗结束,这座空旷的地下工厂内被浓郁的血腥味充斥,伱看着满地的血族尸体,体内渴血的症状隐隐发作,令你忍不住想要冲上去大快朵颐。】 Was good because of your reason restrains your impulsion promptly: The behavior that similar eats, was strictly forbidden in the blood group, particularly has in the bystander situation on the scene.】 【好在你的理智及时克制住了你的冲动:同类相食的行为,在血族中是被严厉禁止的,尤其是有外人在场的情况下。】 【The Tazaki source numerous return to side you, toward nod of you commended: „Very good, the time and angle of a moment ago beginning may be called perfect, you have the talent in fight evidently inborn!” 【田崎源众回到你身边,朝你赞许的点了点头:“很不错,刚才动手的时机和角度都堪称完美,看样子你天生就有战斗方面的天赋!”】 【The Tazaki source numerous first commended your one, immediately a voice revolution: Because , you are so needing a powerful the fight talent, displays your special skill! What kind of? Must absorb the blood of my heart lineage/vein immediately, the luck good words, can perhaps inherit my bloody road for the first time!” 【田崎源众先是称赞了你一句,随即话音一转:“不过正因如此,你就更需要一个强力的战斗天赋,来发挥你的特长了!怎么样?要不要立即吸收我的心脉之血,运气好的话,说不定第一次就能继承我的血路!”】 Misleads facing the Tazaki source numerous suggestion, you choose......】 【面对田崎源众蛊惑般的建议,你选择……】 You do not have the direct reaction, but asked the opposite party, injury how?】 【你没有直接回答,而是反问对方,伤势如何?】 This person seemingly gave full play of power and strength a moment ago, a person selected to turn more than ten, but in fact he did not return safe and sound, on the contrary this time he almost remnant blood, moreover before and bald fight, most wounds were the attack of restraint class create, at this moment restored is also extremely slow. 刚才这人看似大发神威,一人挑翻了十几个,但实际上他可不是毫发无伤,相反此时的他几乎已经残血,而且之前和光头的战斗,大部分的伤口都是克制类的攻击造成的,此刻恢复起来也是极慢。 Felt relieved, this small wound, goes to look for a human to attract blood later casually a time, can restore.” Beckoning with the hand that the Tazaki source numerous do not care about , to continue to look with the urging look to you, among the looks some have not borne: I fulfilled the commitment, with heart and soul help you complete quest full power, under your also this/should photo agreement clothing/taking my painstaking care?” 【“放心,这点小伤,稍后出去找个人类随便吸一次血,就能恢复过来。”田崎源众不在意的摆摆手,继续用催促的眼神看向你,神色间已经有些不耐:“我可是履行承诺,全心全力帮你完成了任务,你也该照约定服下我的心血了吧?”】 Naturally, so long as you did not fear one have problems, I momentarily!” You said with a smile.】 【“当然,只要你不怕自身出问题,我随时都可以!”你笑道。】 That good, matter cannot be delayed, now comes.” Tazaki source numerous hears word one happy, first is vigilant looked toward the surroundings, drew you to arrive in shadow under a corner: Low voice, do not let that fellow see......” 【“那好,事不宜迟,现在就来。”田崎源众闻言一喜,先是警惕的朝周围望了一圈,拉着你来到了一处角落下的阴影中:“小声点,别让那家伙看见……”】 Is saying at the same time, the Tazaki source numerous put out a hand, in the palm condensed drop of dark red blood drop fast. But becomes along with congealing of blood drop, the complexion of Tazaki source numerous also rapid pale.】 【一边说着,田崎源众伸出手,手心中快速凝聚出了一滴深红的血滴。而伴随着血滴的凝成,田崎源众的脸色也迅速苍白了下去。】 You obtained one drop ‚the blood of heart lineage/vein, algebra: 8 generations, may inherit the blood law: Unknown, after taking, may enable you to promote is 9 generations of vampires.】 【你获得了一滴‘心脉之血’,代数:八代,可继承血律:未知,服用后可使你晋升为九代吸血鬼。】 Visited you to meet the blood drop, the Tazaki source numerous could ignore the weak, hurried urging looks at you, hinted you as soon as possible under the clothing/taking. You choose......】 【看你接了血滴,田崎源众顾不得虚弱,急忙催促的看着你,示意你尽快服下。你选择……】 You told Tazaki suddenly the source numerous, before taking painstaking care, you had a matter to him confess.】 【你忽然告诉田崎源众,在服用心血之前,你有一件事情必须要向他坦白。】 What matter?” Tazaki source numerous strange looks at you.】 【“什么事?”田崎源众奇怪的看着你。】 Actually, my blood law of first learn/study, is not an ultra feeling, but is talent absorption!” You said calmly.】 【“其实,我第一个学习的血律,并不是超感,而是‘天赋吸收’!”你平静的说。】 What?” The Tazaki source numerous are shocked immediately, suddenly one step to/clashes, seized your collar, stared the eyeball to stare at you round: Said, no one tracks you, have you been deceiving me?” 【“什么?”田崎源众顿时愣住,忽然一步冲来,揪住了你的衣领,瞪圆了眼珠盯着你:“这么说,根本就没有人跟踪你,你一直在骗我?”】 Was sorry, without your help, I may be unable to complete this quest, can only offer this bad plan......” you to reply honestly, said then deducted the trigger in hand quietly.】 【“抱歉,没有你的帮助,我可完成不了这个任务,只能出此下策……”你诚实的回答,说完便悄然扣下了手中的扳机。】 ping ping......” in gunshot sound, several silver nature bullets flew into the Tazaki source numerous abdomens, the opposite party the weak life, plummeted again a section.】 【“呯呯……”枪响声中,数枚银质子弹飞入了田崎源众腹中,对方本就虚弱的生命,再次骤降一截。】 You...... court death!” With your attack, the Tazaki source numerous guessed correctly quickly your intention, after attaining the blood of heart lineage/vein, he who will be on the verge of death again strikes to kill, can not have the side effect obtains the advantage of blood of heart lineage/vein.】 【“你……找死!”伴随着你的攻击,田崎源众很快猜到了你的意图,在拿到心脉之血后,再将濒死的他击杀,就可以没有副作用的得到心脉之血的好处。】 Realized oneself were regarded the tool completely, the Tazaki source numerous was angry, endures the severe pain to throw toward you: Really thinks the father can blood, you can kill father? Too naive! Now makes you experience one next 8 generations and 10 generations of disparities!” 【意识到自己被完全当成了工具,田崎源众大怒,忍着剧痛朝你扑来:“真以为老子残血了,你就能杀的了老子?太天真了!现在就让你见识一下八代和十代的差距!”】 Tazaki source popular anger extremely under erupts full power, if speed quickly remnant shadow, you when responding, had been trampled by the opposite party flies, only felt that within the body five main internal organs (entrails) shifts, life falls crazily......】 【田崎源众怒极之下全力爆发,速度快若残影,你在反应不及之时,已经被对方一脚踹飞,只感觉体内五脏六腑都移了位,生命狂降……】 Has not waited for you to respond, the Tazaki source numerous once again teleport the appearance before you, grinning fiendishly looks at you: Boy, you died! However I will not make you die simply, I first your hewing person stick, making you collection that soaks in the medicine vat, cannot seek livehood, asked unable, when waited for father to inherit talent absorption, perhaps the mood good to bestow you dead......” 【还不等你反应过来,田崎源众又一次瞬移般的出现在你面前,狞笑的看着你:“小子,你死定了!不过我不会让你这么简单死去的,我会先把你削成人棍,让你成为泡在药缸里的收藏品,求生不得,求死不能,等什么时候老子继承了‘天赋吸收’,或许心情好了才会赐你一死……”】 【The Tazaki source numerous grasped chopper, complexion threw fiercely, must cut toward your both legs......】 【田崎源众手持砍刀,面色狰狞的扑了过来,就要朝你双腿斩去……】 【When is at a crucial moment, you hear above sound to get up suddenly air-splitting......】 【千钧一发之际,你忽然听闻上空一阵破空声响起……】 Mu You eye one bright, really came! 沐游眼睛一亮,果然来了! He confessed him not to study the ultra feeling, causing the opposite party to think subconsciously no one tracked them radically. 他坦白了他没学超感,导致对方下意识的以为根本没人跟踪他们。 In fact, this matter thinking, can discover many issues slightly, for example, if he has not really studied the ultra feeling, why all the way the distribution of enemy to clarity that can instruct? 实际上,这事情稍一思索,就能发现很多问题,比如如果他真的没学超感,为什么一路上对敌人的分布能指示的那么清楚? What a pity, Mu You makes a move to attack suddenly, simply has not left the time that the opposite party ponders, the opposite party also by the anger drift, the start of instinct the counter-attack, this fell into his snare thoroughly. 可惜,沐游忽然出手袭击,根本没留给对方思考的时间,对方也是被怒气冲头,本能的开始了反击,这就彻底落入了他的圈套。 Because has attempted one time, Mu You is very clear, distant place that mask male will not see he has an accident, this moment this person begins, definitely will be instead killed by the mask male. 因为已经尝试过一次,沐游很清楚,远处那个面具男是不会眼看着他出事的,此刻这人一动手,必然会被面具男反杀。 But blood of thing heart lineage/vein, so long as the main body dies, immediately deactivation, therefore Mu You must catch up before this person was killed, absorbs energy. 而心脉之血这东西,只要本体一死,就会立即失活,所以沐游必须赶在这人被杀之前,吸收掉其中的能量。 Facing close attack, you have not dodged, instead takes the blood of heart lineage/vein just started fast......】 【面对近在咫尺的攻击,你并没有闪躲,反而飞快服下了刚入手的心脉之血……】 Blood drop entrance, a turbulent energy explodes immediately in your within the body......】 【血滴入口,一阵汹涌的能量顿时在你体内爆开……】 At the same time, several silver hidden weapons fly, in Tazaki source numerous body week blasting open.】 【与此同时,数枚银色暗器飞来,在田崎源众身周炸裂。】 【The Tazaki source numerous were rumbled to fly instantaneously, is maintaining incredible expression, falls down, soon did not have sound......】 【田崎源众瞬间被轰飞出去,保持着不可置信的表情,倒在地上,很快没了声息……】 Broad form descends before you together......】 【一道宽阔的身影在你面前降落……】 Mu You knows that definitely was that mask person arrived, but he had no free time to pay attention radically. 沐游知道肯定是那个面具人到场了,不过他根本没空理会。 At this time plays, the prompt that is promoted related is springing one after another. 此时游戏中,有关晋级的提示正在接连弹出。 You used the blood of low generation of heart lineage/vein, your blood group bloodlines were purified largely, you promote for 9 generations of vampires!】 【你使用了低代心脉之血,你的血族血脉被大幅纯化,你晋升为了九代吸血鬼!】 【The purification of bloodlines, making you awaken in blood law talent from you bloodlines: Attracting.】 【血脉的纯化,令你唤醒了一个源自你自身血脉中的血律天赋:魅惑。】 Attracting has become may awakening blood law.】 【‘魅惑’已成为‘可觉醒血律’。】 Because is promoted, you obtained the blood law point: 2 points.】 【因为晋级,你获得了血律点:二点。】 You inherited blood two random blood laws from heart lineage/vein: Carries thorn and enduring patiently.】 【你继承了来自心脉之血中的两个随机血律:‘背刺’、‘忍耐’。】 Back thorn and enduring patiently has become may awakening blood law......】 【‘背刺’、‘忍耐’已成为‘可觉醒血律’……】 Because of the blood of absorption heart lineage/vein, you obtained the blood law point: 1 points. Presently available: 3 points......】 【因为吸收心脉之血,你获得了血律点:一点。当前可用:三点……】 ...... …… One skewer of texts spring, Mu You has looked simply, immediately according to table recollection. 一串的文本弹出,沐游简单瞄过一遍,立即按表回溯。 Can see from this skewer of prompts, acquisition of blood law from two aspects, first is in the gene the talents of these deep sleep, for example Mu You came from the Seine family, his gene culmination is born with nine big talents containing Seine family: The amazingly quick and great strength, Giant Killer and talent absorption, atomizes and attracts, iron slab, the ultra feeling and deflection. 从这串提示就可以看出,血律的获得来自两个方面,第一是自身基因中那些沉睡的天赋,比如沐游来自莱茵家族,他的基因中天生就含有莱茵家族的九大天赋:神速、巨力、巨人杀手、天赋吸收、雾化、魅惑、铁块、超感、偏转。 Giant Killer and talent absorptions, the ultra feelings and amazingly quick four talents had been activated in his beforehand title promotion in turn, after arriving at this scene, condition that directly may learn/study, so long as assigns the blood law point to give them, immediately can become the actual battle efficiency. 这其中,巨人杀手、天赋吸收、超感、神速四个天赋已经在他之前的爵位晋升中被依次激活,来到这个场景后,直接就是可学习的状态,只要分配血律点给它们,立即就能成为实际的战斗力。 But the remaining five talents are not the obvious conditions, needs to be promoted in the future algebra, lightening of one after another, until thorough unlocking all bloodlines talents. Naturally, lightens, wish makes the talent the true blood law, similarly needs first to invest the blood law point to them. 而剩下的五个天赋则是不可见状态,需要在今后的代数晋级中,一个个的点亮,直至彻底解锁所有血脉天赋。当然,也只是点亮,想要让天赋成为真正的血律,同样需要先对它们投入血律点。 But the second blood law originates, is the others 's blood of heart lineage/vein. 而第二种血律来源,则是他人的心脉之血。 Takes the blood of attentive lineage/vein each time, can inherit 1-3 bloodlines talents randomly. 每次服用心脉之血,可以从中随机继承1-3个血脉天赋。 Own hidden talent is indifferent, can awaken in any case sooner or later completely, the Mu You present goal is to brush in the blood of heart lineage/vein that rare bloody road. 自身的隐藏天赋无所谓,反正迟早都能全部觉醒,沐游现在的目标是刷出心脉之血中那个稀有的‘血路’。 【...... You inherited blood a rare blood law in bloody road from heart lineage/vein!】 【……你继承了来自心脉之血中的一个稀有血律‘血路’!】 This time random is slightly more difficult than the imagination, in the bloodlines of this Japanese, besides bloody road, more than ten ordinary talents. 这次随机比想象中稍难一些,这个日本人的血脉中,除了血路之外,还有十多个普通天赋。 Approximately random more than 30 times, finally presents the bloody road for the first time, what a pity this only had/left a talent. 大约随机了三十多次,才终于首次出现血路,可惜这回只出了一个天赋。 Mu You continues randomly, prepares a roll perfect result. 沐游继续随机,准备roll个完美结果。 However is quick he to discover, bloody road presents each time time, always only has a talent. 不过很快他就发现,每次‘血路’出现的时候,总是只有一个天赋。 Also can treat as the coincidence 1-2 times, but first even/including more than ten are this times, makes Mu You have to suspect: Can the rare talent only appear alone? 1-2还可以当做巧合,但一连十多次都是这样,就让沐游不得不怀疑起来:难道稀有天赋只能单独出现? After guessing correctly this point, he does not have to make anything to be not studious again, then roll several hundred times, while random bloody road, while convenient own hidden talent roll. 猜到这一点后,他也没再去做什么无用功,接着roll了几百次,在随机‘血路’的同时,也顺便将自身的隐藏天赋roll了一下。 【...... You awakened in the blood law talent from you bloodlines: Iron slab!】 【……你唤醒了源自你自身血脉中的血律天赋:铁块!】 【...... You inherited blood a rare blood law in bloody road from heart lineage/vein!】 【……你继承了来自心脉之血中的一个稀有血律‘血路’!】 ...... …… Until looks at this result, Mu You just now stopped according to the table. 直到看着这个结果,沐游方才停止了按表。 Iron slab: When fight makes your body hard like the iron, greatly enhances to the defensive power that the physics attacks.】 【铁块:战斗时让你的身体变得坚硬如铁,大幅提高对物理攻击的防御力。】 Although the folk has iron slab dog not study rumor, but here iron slab, is actually not in the animation that type can only stand the waste skill that came under attack, but so long as the learned can become effective by dynamic energy. 虽说民间有着‘铁块狗都不学’的流言,但这里的铁块,却不是动漫中那种只能站着等挨打的废物技能,而是只要学会就能一直生效的被动能力。 Besides permanent promotion defensive power, this blood law regarding vampire, a unignorable important meaning: Can prevent the attack of silverware! 除了永久提升防御力之外,这个血律对于吸血鬼来说,还有一个不可忽视的重要意义:可以防止银器的攻击! The method of silverware most common restraint vampire, other Sacred Light Discipline, Fire Discipline and Thunder Discipline are the spell attack, in the complete vampire talent, instead is the rare ability. 银器最常见的克制吸血鬼的手段,其他的光系火系雷系都属于法术攻击,在全部的吸血鬼天赋中,反而属于稀有能力。 Therefore in the vampire civil war, damage that the silverware creates, can say that undertook completely damage over 80%! If nothing else, that mask male murder, must use the silver nature hidden weapon, can want to see broad of silverware popularization in this city. 因此在吸血鬼的内战中,银器造成的伤害,可以说承担了全部伤害的8成以上!别的不说,就连那个面具男杀人,都要用到银质暗器,可以想见银器在这座城市里的普及之广。 But the degree of hardness of iron is higher than the silver, the attack of silverware is very difficult to penetrate the defense of iron slab, even leaves behind the scratch to be difficult. Therefore iron slab this talent, the performance-to-price ratio in this vampire metropolis is extremely high, selects first-level can almost disregard from now on all the attack from silverware, does not owe absolutely. 而铁的硬度要高于银,银器的攻击很难穿透铁块的防御,甚至留下划痕都难。因此‘铁块’这个天赋,在这座吸血鬼都市里性价比极高,点一级就能几乎无视今后所有来自银器的攻击,绝对不亏。 You learned/studied blood law bloody road, presently LV1.】 【你学习了血律‘血路’,当前LV1。】 You learned/studied blood law iron slab, presently LV1.】 【你学习了血律‘铁块’,当前LV1。】 You learned/studied blood law amazingly quick, presently LV1.】 【你学习了血律‘神速’,当前LV1。】 after roll has two blood laws, the distinction that Mu You wants not to think spent a blood law point, two practical ability respective points first-level. roll出两个血律后,沐游想也不想的分别花了一点血律点,将两个实用能力各自点了一级。 As for last blood law point, his slightly thinking, selected in amazingly quick this multipurpose ability. 至于最后一道血律点,他稍一思索,还是点在了‘神速’这个万用的能力上。 You look at dumbly same place, is reorganizing the harvest of being promoted fast.】 【你呆立原地,快速整理着晋级的收获。】 【The mask person holds the chest to stand in the one side, unemotional looks at you, until looking at you handled own matter, this long opens the mouth: You are very indeed intelligent! But in this city, you best or receives your cleverness in trivial matters, is not all vampires, can tolerate your use like me . Moreover, I need to warn you, if there is the next time, of dying can be you.” 【面具人抱胸站在一旁,面无表情的看着你,直到看你处理完了自己的事,这才悠悠的开口:“你的确很聪明!但在这座城市中,你最好还是收起你的小聪明,不是所有吸血鬼,都像我一样可以容忍你的利用,另外,我需要警告你,如果有下一次,死的那个会是你。”】 【The mask male sound sounds without the fluctuation, but you can still feel weight/quantity. You understand immediately, if you will use the same method use opposite party from now on, the opposite party will certainly be relentless to kill you.】 【面具男的声音听起来毫无波动,但你依然可以感觉到其中的分量。你立即明白,如果你今后再用同样的方法利用对方,对方一定会毫不留情击毙你。】 Mu You looks to sigh, really this bodyguard is not easy to act bashful, naturally, this murdering with a borrowed knife method, he has not planned to use for the second time is. 沐游看完叹息一声,果然这‘保镖’没那么容易拿捏,当然,这种借刀杀人的手段,他也没打算用第二次就是。 What blood law studied newly?” The mask male asked suddenly.】 【“新学了什么血律?”面具男忽然问。】 Bloody road, iron slab and amazingly quick.” You replied truthfully.】 【“血路、铁块和神速。”你如实回答。】 Because Mu You had clearly pointed out from the beginning position that the mask male hides, at this moment in mask male cognition, his first study is still the ultra feeling. 因为沐游一开始就明确指出过面具男藏身的位置,此刻在面具男的认知中,他第一个学的依然是超感。 But after this wave is promoted, he declared to the outside has not studied talent absorption, this is not difficult to understand, after all this blood law now seems like a hot potato, not study time he is safe, will study became will instead be the target of public criticism. 而这波晋级后,他对外宣称还是‘没学’天赋吸收,这也不难理解,毕竟这个血律现在看来就是个烫手山芋,不学的时候他是安全的,学了反而会成为众矢之的。 Mask male hears word nods, without suspicion, has not wanted you to show, but is the right hand wields, palm a lot of roaring flame circle in flight the formation, flew to all corpses on the scene. During several breath, nearby you more than ten corpses were swept across by the roaring flame, burn down the ashes.】 【面具男闻言点了点头,没有怀疑,也没有要你证明,而是右手挥出,手心大量烈焰飞旋成型,飞向了在场的所有尸体。几个呼吸间,你附近的十几具尸体都被烈焰席卷,焚烧成了灰烬。】 Completes all these, the mask person then turns the head the exit|to speak toward underground factory to walk: Comes with me, should see the prince regent.” 【做完这一切,面具人这才转头朝地下工厂的出口走去:“跟我来,该去见摄政王了。”】 tch, really be careful......” ,真小心啊……” Mu You curls the lip, if the ignores the niche of his blood absorbed these remains, at least can make him be promoted again one time. 沐游撇了撇嘴,如果放任他用血之龛吸收了这些遗体,至少能再让他晋级一次。 What a pity, was all burnt down by this fellow. 可惜,全被这家伙一把火烧了。 Naturally, this is not the opposite party aims at itself but actually intentionally. The words that these vampire corpses do not process, will be found by human in the future sooner or later, the opposite party as the person of law-enforcing departments, to maintain shunning the world iron rule, conveniently the processing corpse is very normal custom. 当然,这倒也不是对方故意针对自己。这些吸血鬼尸体不处理掉的话,将来迟早会被人类发现,对方身为执法部门的人,为了维护避世铁律,随手处理尸体是很正常的习惯。 Mu You shakes the head, controls the character wait/etc to receive entirely ground these remaining firearms and silver nature weapon, this follows the opposite party to leave. 沐游摇了摇头,操控人物将地上那些剩下的枪械、银质武器等等统统收起,这才跟随对方离开。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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