TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#524: Bloody road

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Chapter 524 bloody road 第524章血路 Goes down to this attractive bright and beautiful city, forgot in the underground sewer in a labyrinth like darkness. You and fully-armed Tazaki source numerous, arrived at this piece of light and shadow interlocking place.】 【深入这座光鲜亮丽的城市,被遗忘在地下的下水道就像一座黑暗中的迷宫。你和全副武装的田崎源众,来到了这片光与影的交错之地。】 【The Tazaki source numerous show the way before your body, the cautious overstepping sewage, avoids these to stick the slippery lifeform and is hanging the spider web on pipeline.】 【田崎源众在你身前领路,一路小心翼翼的踏过污水,避开那些黏滑的生物和悬挂在管道上的蛛网。】 You not only need here facing mouse that odor air and crawls everywhere randomly, but must deal with almost suffocating silencing, only then occasional bicker and own heartbeat can break this quietly......】 【在这里你们不仅要面对恶臭的空气和满地乱爬的老鼠,还要应对几乎使人窒息的静寂,只有偶尔的流水声和自己的心跳声能打破这份静谧……】 With was tight! The sewer of motherfucker this metropolis was transformed the natural labyrinth by this group of oafs, each corner possibly is the outlet, possibly is the blind alley, is not familiar with here person, suddenly comes here, has not likely walked several to become lost.” The Tazaki source numerous are urging you , to continue to go through in the ozone of sewage.】 【“跟紧了!MD这座都市的下水道被这帮畸形儿改造成了天然迷宫,每一个拐角都可能是出路,也可能是死路,不熟悉这里的人,忽然进来这里,很可能没走几步都会迷路。”田崎源众叮嘱着伱,继续在污水的臭气中穿行。】 Oaf? You were said the person who produced that movie was the abnormality clan?” You asked.】 【“畸形儿?你是说制作那部电影的人是畸形者氏族?”你问。】 Abnormality this city one of the nine big clans, but situated in the clan of lowest level, because appearance grotesque, can only live all day long in the sewer. 畸形者正是这座城市的九大氏族之一,不过是处于最底层的一个氏族,因为样貌过于奇形怪状,只能成天生活在下水道里。 Continues, some wanderers are involved. They even give back to me to send have played to invite, but was rejected by me, I know from the beginning, dares to do this matter flagrantly, sooner or later will be criticized by these aristocrats.” The Tazaki source numerous sneer to say.】 【“不止,还有一部分流浪者参与其中。他们甚至还给我发过出演邀请,不过被我拒绝了,我一开始就知道,敢明目张胆做这种事,迟早会被那些贵族清算的。”田崎源众冷笑道。】 Has many people to participate?” You asked.】 【“有很多人参与?”你问。】 Altogether the 40~50 individual...... felt relieved, their overwhelming majorities with your same 10 generations of vampires, over 9 generations altogether also few, a strongest leader, with me same is 8 generations of vampires.” 【“总共四五十个人吧……不过放心,他们绝大多数都是跟你一样的十代吸血鬼,九代以上的总共也没几个,最强的一个领头人,也不过和我一样是八代吸血鬼。”】 【The Tazaki source numerous comforted your one, later turn head sweeps to your behind darkness, asked quietly: That track also with?” 【田崎源众安慰了你一句,随后回头扫向你身后的黑暗,悄声问:“那个跟踪的还在跟着么?”】 Still spoke thoughtlessly in......” you.】 【“还在……”你随口说。】 Mu You simply does not have the ultra feeling talent, is naturally impossible to feel that behind has the person, but thinks also to know, by the strength of that mask person, is impossible is so easy to throw away. 沐游根本没有超感天赋,自然不可能感觉到后面有没有人,不过想想也知道,以那个面具人的实力,不可能这么容易甩脱。 tch, sticks the person compared with the sticky candy! Came to this damned place also to be able with......” the Asian men to criticize one Yin, the look clear uncertain.】 【“,比牛皮糖还粘人啊!都来这种鬼地方了还能跟下来……”亚洲男子暗骂一声,神色阴晴不定。】 Also far?” You asked.】 【“还有多远?”你问。】 No rush, will draw near......” 【“别急,就快到了……”】 ...... …… Then Mu You continues to follow this Asian male, left Raoyou in the sewer circles, about after one hour, as if finally was close to the station of opposite party. 接下来沐游继续跟着这个亚洲男,在下水道里一路左绕右绕,大约一个小时后,似乎终于接近了对方的驻地。 You feel, some are front people hiding?” The Asian men turn head open the mouth suddenly in a low voice.】 【“你感受一下,前面有人藏着么?”亚洲男子忽然回头低声开口。】 You look up, the front is by the intersection points of two main large-scale pipelines, four sides the wall flooded a rough feeling of ancient industry, the bricks and stones on wall had been rubbing off the edges and corners by the mobile sewage, became clear slippery. The intriguing pipeline interlocks in this, formed an excellent ambush place.】 【你抬头看去,前方是由两条主要大型管道的交汇处,四面墙壁充斥着一种古老工业的粗犷感,壁上的砖石早已被流动的污水磨去了棱角,变得圆润湿滑。错综复杂的管道交错于此,形成了一处绝佳的埋伏地点。】 Must probe this place to have the enemy, the method are many are, the opposite party actually takes the risk of exposition turn head to ask him specially, obviously was studies ultra feeling this matter not to believe firmly to his first completely, now is seizing the chance to test him. 要试探这种地方有没有敌人,方法多得是,对方却特意冒着暴露的风险回头问他,显然是对他第一个学习了‘超感’这件事还没有完全确信,现在是在趁机试探他呢。 No one.” You want not to think that said.】 【“没人。”你想也不想的说。】 【The Tazaki source numerous nod, immediately grasped the submachine gun to run out, turned around the corner.】 【田崎源众点了点头,当即握好了冲锋枪冲出,拐过了拐角。】 【Shortly after the Tazaki source numerous just disappeared, the front stormy sound of gunfire resounds suddenly, in the short several seconds, a male bloodstain, dragging the weapon to return distressedly, gets angry toward you: „Didn't Gan, you say no one? damn behind hid entire six!” 【田崎源众刚消失不久,前方一阵密集的枪声骤然响起,短短数秒内,男子一身血迹,拖着武器狼狈逃回,朝你怒道:“淦,你不是说没人吗?TM的后面藏了整整六个!”】 „, I know now.” You said.】 【“哦,现在我知道了。”你说。】 „?” The Asian men are shocked, does not understand your meaning.】 【“嗯?”亚洲男子愣住,不明白你的意思。】 Recollection.” Mu You presses down the pocket watch promptly. “回溯。”沐游及时按下怀表。 【The time circulation, before you returned for ten seconds .】 【时光流转,你回到了十秒之前。】 „...... Feels, does front have the person?” The Tazaki source audience's inquiry just resounded.】 【“……感受一下,前面有人么?”田崎源众的提问刚刚响起。】 Has, six, moreover all provided the weapon!” You said assuredly.】 【“有,六个,而且全都配备了武器!”你笃定的说。】 So many?” The men are surprised, actually does not dare to act rashly, gave a hand signal toward you, is frowning cautious crawling in another direction.】 【“这么多?”男子惊讶,却也没敢轻举妄动,朝你比了个手势,皱着眉头小心翼翼的爬往另一个方向。】 Taking advantage of the shields of several quarry stone, you crawled smoothly the other aspect of corner, from your positions, can see clearly opposite scene finally completely.】 【借着几块乱石的掩护,你们顺利爬到了拐角的另一面,从你们的位置,终于可以完全看清对面的场景。】 Really, six grotesque abnormal monsters, all grasp the firearms, or stands or lies in opposite drainage.】 【果然,六个奇形怪状的畸形怪物,全都手持枪械,或站或趴于对面的水沟中。】 Confirmed that your information is unmistakable, Asian man slightly surprise looked at your one eyes, the matter was again unsuspicious to you learned/studied ultra feeling.】 【确认你的情报无误,亚洲男子略微诧异的看了你一眼,对你学习了‘超感’的事再无怀疑。】 Is waiting here!” The men leave behind one, then takes up a silver nature short sword to rush over.】 【“在这儿等着!”男子留下一句,便抄起一把银质短刀冲了过去。】 Quick, is a stormy sound of gunfire and war cry resounds. From your present position, can clear sees opposite tactical situation.】 【很快,又是一片密集的枪声和喊杀声响起。从你现在的位置,可以清晰的看到对面的战况。】 Sees only a Tazaki source numerous blade, breaks during surrounding of six vampires, meets no resistance, is shifting position unceasingly high-speed......】 【只见田崎源众一人一刀,冲入六个吸血鬼的包围之中,如入无人之境,不断高速转移着位置……】 In the rapid traverse of man, other six people of as if six young children, was played jokes upon by him with stock palms, is unable to catch his form, can only wild opens fire toward air, finally was met cutting of blade to turn by a men's blade in place......】 【在男子的快速移动中,其他六人仿佛六个稚童,被他戏耍与股掌之间,根本无法捕捉他的身影,只能狂暴的朝着空气开枪,最后被男子一刀接一刀的砍翻在地……】 【After several minutes, the sound of gunfire stops finally, but this moment opposite is also standing the person, has only had Tazaki source numerous.】 【数分钟后,枪声终于停止,而此刻对面还站着的人,已经只剩下田崎源众一人。】 Has saying that this injustice plants the elder brother truly a little method, at least on the battle efficiency that present this ultimatum appears, at all not like 8 generations of vampires, before by mask male second of killing time, looked like simply changed a person. 不得不说,这个冤种哥确实有点手段,至少就眼下这一战表现出的战斗力,根本不像一个只有八代的吸血鬼,和之前被面具男秒杀的时候,简直像换了一个人。 Mu You guessed that the opposite party should activate what blood law, otherwise is impossible to have such big change. 沐游猜测对方应该是激活了什么血律,否则不可能出现这么大的变化。 Just thinking, the game Chinese text is continue spring. 正想着,游戏中文本继续弹出。 Fight ended, one is the Asian man of blood to/clashes side you, somewhat disgruntled looks at you: You have not really helped......” 【战斗结束,一身是血的亚洲男子冲回你身边,有些不悦的看着你:“你还真就一点都不帮忙啊……”】 Speech at the same time, on him the only several bullet holes, the by visible speed is restoring, suddenly then complete such as beginning.】 【说话的同时,他身上的仅有的几个弹孔,都在以肉眼可见的速度恢复,眨眼便完好如初。】 Was not you said that making me do not crop up? If by some chance makes a move to be discovered by the opposite party, what to do grasps me to be the hostage?” Your natural reply.】 【“不是你说的,让我不要冒头吗?万一出手被对方发现,来抓我做人质怎么办?”你理所当然的回答。】 Actually Mu You lashed out a moment ago, mainly to try this person of delivering firearms is easy-to-use, finally is very pleasantly surprised, does not know that is his Agility attribute enough high reason, simply Trueshot! 其实沐游刚才还是出手攻击了的,主要是为了试一下这人送的枪械好不好用,结果挺惊喜,不知道是不是他敏捷属性够高的缘故,简直百发百中 The scene that but these open fire was recalled by Mu You, the opposite party does not know. 只不过这些开枪的场景都被沐游回溯了,对方根本不知道。 Considers as finished, when I had not said that......” man by dumbfounded of your a few words resentment, has to shift the topic.】 【“算了,当我没说……”男子被你一句话怼的哑口无言,只得转移了话题。】 【The opposite party noticed that you have been staring at the corpse of distant place, as if saw you have to attract press out their wishes, said with a smile: „After vampire dies, the inferior vampire that without the special method preservation, the blood of fast deactivation heart lineage/vein, these will have died, your suck dry their blood, could not obtain any talent even, is more impossible to reduce the algebra, wants to gain the talent, mainly depends upon the low generation of vampires the blood of heart lineage/vein!” 【对方看到你一直盯着远处的尸体,似乎看出了你有吸榨它们的意愿,不由笑道:“吸血鬼死后,如果没有特殊方法保存,心脉之血就会快速失活,这些已经死去的劣等吸血鬼,你就算吸干了他们的血,也得不到任何天赋,更不可能降低代数,想要获取天赋,主要还是依靠低代吸血鬼的心脉之血!”】 Mu You indeed is interested in the corpses of these vampires, but actually not to attract presses out, because of ‚the niche of blood existence. 沐游的确对这几个吸血鬼的尸体感兴趣,不过倒不是为了吸榨,而是因为‘血之龛’的存在。 This cinerary casket is in this scene can have the present item only, the effect is: Absorbs a vampire completely the remains, extracts the blood of available heart lineage/vein. The blood of intensity of heart lineage/vein extracting, according to the complete degree and death age of remains decided, the corpse is more complete, the death time was nearer, more had the probability to extract the blood of complete heart lineage/vein. 这只骨灰盒是这个场景中唯一可以具现的道具,效果是:完全吸收一个吸血鬼的遗体,从中提取出可用的心脉之血。提取出的心脉之血强度,根据遗体的完整程度和死亡年代决定,尸体越完好,死亡时间越近,越有几率提取出完整的心脉之血。 But at present these corpses just died, the breakage is not serious, is the extraction painstaking care best time. 而眼前这几具尸体刚刚死亡,破损也不算严重,正是提取心血的最佳时机。 What a pity, this person looks in side, he has not wanted to expose this item temporarily. 可惜,这人在旁边看着,他暂时还不想暴露这件道具。 【The Asian men looked that you look to be a pity the color, thinks that you were losing a being promoted opportunity pitifully, laughs saying: „Did my blood law see a moment ago? What kind of, is very strong?” 【亚洲男子看你面露可惜之色,以为你是在可惜失去了一个晋级的机会,不由大笑道:“刚才我的血律看到了吧?怎么样,是不是很强?”】 【The opposite party blows own horn, in your heart moves, seizes the chance to inquire the opposite party, a moment ago what used is what blood law?】 【对方自吹自擂,你心中一动,趁机询问对方,刚才用的是什么血律?】 Is named ‚a bloody road blood law: In the surrounding ten meters scopes, shows the lifeform of explicit hostile act more to you, your entire ability, including the attribute, the sensation, defends, the reply speed wait/etc, will have a proportional relationship is promoted sharply!” Man's self-confident introduction his blood law effect.】 【“是一个名叫‘血路’的血律:周围十米范围内,对你展现出明确敌意行为的生物越多,你的全能力,包括属性,感知,防御,回复速度等等,都会成比例得到大幅提升!”男子自信的介绍出了他的血律效果。】 No wonder......” “怪不得……” Mu You looked that immediately understands, no wonder the opposite party must discard the firearms a moment ago, turns around to run in the crowd near body fight, this blood law simply by the few enemy many masterstrokes, what a pity only then can display in the close combat. 沐游看完当即明白,难怪对方刚才要舍弃枪械,转身跑去人堆中近身搏斗,这血律简直是以少敌多的神技,可惜只有在近战中才能发挥出来。 Truly fierce!” You set upright giving the thumbs-up heartfeltly.】 【“确实厉害!”你衷心的竖了竖大拇指。】 Hehe, this is a rare fight blood law! Entire has person not over five of this blood law by the city in!” The men happily boasted, a speech sound revolution, looked to you mislead opens the mouth: What kind of, is interested in inheriting my talent?” 【“呵呵,这可是一个稀有的战斗血律!整个以诺之城中拥有这个血律的人不会超过五个!”男子得意吹嘘,说完话音一转,看向你蛊惑般的开口:“怎么样,有没有兴趣继承我的这个天赋?”】 The opposite party inquired suddenly must inherit the talent, the implied meaning is actually asked he must take opposite party the blood of heart lineage/vein. 对方忽然询问要不要继承天赋,言下之意其实就是问他要不要服用对方的心脉之血。 This......” your surface hesitates presently. The blood of clothing/taking attentive lineage/vein will definitely produce the blood to tie up, the blood servant who is equal to to become the opposite party.】 【“这个……”你面现犹豫。服用心脉之血必然会产生血缚,等同于成为对方的血仆。】 How? You worried that my blood ties up to control you! You were oversensitive! We subordinate the same clan, from name me is your elder, will I harm you? I help you, to carry forward bloodlines of blood shadow clan purely. The blood that blood of the drop of heart lineage/vein produces ties up is unreliable, has not at least been able to always follow completely, most can only keep you from me producing the heart of injuring, if I really am critical you, you can leave at the appointed time greatly!” The Tazaki source numerous said.】 【“怎么?难道你担心我用血缚来控制你!你多心了!我们隶属同族,从名义上我算是你的长辈,我怎么会害你?我之所以帮你,纯粹只是为了将血影一族的血脉发扬光大而已。况且,一滴心脉之血产生的血缚并不牢固,至少还无法让人完全言听计从,最多只能让你无法对我产生加害之心而已,如果我真要害你,你到时大可以自行离开!”田崎源众说。】 Drop of insufficient, therefore proceeds in an orderly way, does the lukewarm water boil the frog? 一滴不够,所以循序渐进,温水煮青蛙是吧? Mu You sneers. Under after clothing/taking the blood of heart lineage/vein, does not obtain the complete blood law of opposite party directly, but can only obtain part randomly . Moreover the rarer blood law, the acquired probability is lower. 沐游冷笑。服下心脉之血后,并不是直接获得对方的全部血律,而只能随机获得一部分,而且越稀有的血律,获得的概率越低。 Obviously the opposite party is gambling, bets him only to depend on a drop of heart lineage/vein blood unable to inherit bloody road directly, to pursue the strength, can only continue to take opposite party more painstaking care, until was controlled thoroughly. 显然对方是在赌博,赌他仅靠一滴心脉血无法直接继承到‘血路’,为了追求力量,就只能继续服用对方更多的心血,直到被彻底控制。 Only pitifully, this person does not know that has pocket watch type of thing, probability type of thing, does not exist to him. 只可惜,这人不知道有怀表这种东西,概率这种东西,对他来说不存在的。 You display some meanings to move, after considering the moment, you told the opposite party, if the opposite party can help you complete this quest, you believed him, under clothing/taking the blood of his heart lineage/vein.】 【你表现出些许意动,思虑片刻后,你告诉对方,如果对方能帮你完成这个任务,你就相信他的话,服下他的心脉之血。】 Man hears the word great happiness, quickly strikes one's chest the guarantee: You could rest assured that this quest wraps on me and ensure helps you successfully complete!” 【男子闻言大喜,急忙拍胸脯保证:“你放心,这个任务包在我身上,保证帮你圆满完成!”】 Quick, here, quick arrived at their supreme headquarters!” The men said then impatient makes you continue to hurry along......】 【“快,在这边,很快就到他们大本营了!”男子说完便迫不及待的引着你继续赶路……】 After the commitment can take the blood of his heart lineage/vein, this injustice planted the elder brother with hitting chicken blood resulted, went all out led path to come to him. 在承诺会服用他的心脉之血后,这位冤种哥就跟打了鸡血似得,更加卖力的给他带起路来。 In the following several hours, two people search in this underground world, the fundamental mode is at every place of visit possibly the places of some people, is first found out the enemy intelligence by the Mu You recollection, is intended a wave to kill by the Asian male, the person keeps off the murder along the way, the ghost keeps off the slaughter ghost. 接下来的几个小时内,两人在这片地下世界一路搜索,基本模式就是每到一处可能有人的地方,就先由沐游回溯摸清敌情,再由亚洲男出手一波袭杀,沿途人挡杀人,鬼挡屠鬼。 After three hours, weather bright time, two people through the numerous checkpoints, killed the opposite party den finally. 三个小时后,天色将亮的时候,两人终于通过重重关卡,杀到了对方老巢。 Regarding this Mu You also can only sigh with emotion, he truly a little underestimated this quest difficulty, really must make him make this quest alone, was absolutely impossible to find here! 对此沐游也只能感慨,他确实有点小看了这个任务的难度,真要让他单独来做这个任务,是绝对不可能找到这里的! Mu You here sigh with emotion time, in the game the two sides have hit. 沐游这边感慨的时候,游戏中两边已经打了起来。 „The Tazaki source numerous, the father does not have the enmity with you without the injustice, why acts to us with no reason at all!” A bald youth of whole face tattoo, looks at ground several tragic deaths the corpses, angry staring to the front East Asian man.】 【“田崎源众,老子跟你无冤无仇,为什么无缘无故对我们出手!”一个满脸纹身的光头青年,看着地上几具惨死的尸体,愤怒的瞪向前方的东亚男人。】 Is sorry Ariane, I do not want to spell with your blood, what a pity who made me bump into quest, must eradicate you......” the Tazaki source numerous to sneer, the figure shuttled back and forth in the crowd like the ghosts and demons as before, had the person's shadow to call out pitifully unceasingly dropping down.】 【“抱歉阿里安,我也不想跟你血拼,可惜谁让我碰上了任务,必须铲除你们呢……”田崎源众冷笑,身形依旧如鬼魅般在人群中穿梭,不断有人影惨叫着倒下。】 „Will people like you choose unexpectedly to the prince regent works as the running dog?” Bald youth hears word is angrier, quick such as the form of lightning opens fire toward that say/way unceasingly, simultaneously sneers to make noise: Really thinks that I don't know your weakness? Others stop, making me select with him only!” 【“你这种人居然会选择给摄政王当走狗?”光头青年闻言更加愤怒,不断朝着那道快如闪电的身影开枪,同时冷笑出声:“真以为我不知道你的弱点吗?其他人都停下,让我跟他单挑!”】 With the bald man's order, the surrounding more than ten little brothers immediately stopped the attack, the form speed that at the same time, in the field that ghosts and demons move fast plummets, gradually revealed the figure.】 【随着光头男子的命令,周围的十多名小弟立即停止了攻击,与此同时,场中那道鬼魅飘忽的身影速度骤降,逐渐显露出了身形。】 【The Tazaki source numerous direct exposure before the person, feels the strength on fast passing, in great surprise, quickly wants the violent recession to open.】 【田崎源众直接暴露在人前,感受着自己身上快速流逝的力量,也不由大惊,急忙想要暴退离开。】 „, The bloody road, bestowed on me to accept on this day! Since you deliver personally, I am impolite!” The bald man one step caught up with the Tazaki source numerous, reveals pair of Vampire Claws, slaughters one group with the enemy......】 【“嘿嘿,血路,这天赋我早就想收下了!既然你亲自送上门来,那我也就不客气了!”光头男子一步赶上了田崎源众,亮出一对吸血鬼之爪,与敌人厮杀成一团……】 Mu You looks at the brow slightly wrinkle. 沐游看得眉头微皱。 Bloody road talent is very indeed powerful, especially in present this pair of more than ten close combat fights, was almost equivalent opened the unparalleled pattern, this was also the East Asian men dares the one person alone to come up the reason of challenge. 血路这个天赋的确很强大,尤其在眼下这种一对十几的近战搏斗中,几乎相当于开启了无双模式,这也是东亚男人敢孤身上去挑战的原因。 What a pity, the weakness is also very obvious, the activation condition of this blood law is the surrounding some people makes hostile act, once the bystanders stop attacking, the addition naturally can vanish instantaneously. 可惜,弱点也很明显,这血律的激活条件是周围有人做出‘敌意行为’,一旦外人都停止攻击,加成自然会瞬间消失。 Therefore this blood law most fears selects only. 因此这血律最怕的就是单挑。 Obviously the injustice plants the elder brother not to expect, this damned place also some people know that his blood law effect, fell instantaneously leeward. 显然冤种哥没料到,这种鬼地方也会有人知道他的血律效果,瞬间落入了下风。 At this time fights two people is eight generations of vampires, but the injustice plants the elder brother obviously not to beat, the life slides fast, must first be killed shortly. 此时战斗中的两人都是八代吸血鬼,可冤种哥明显不敌,生命快速下滑,眼看着就要先一步被杀。 Mu You hesitant, the decision makes a move to help. 沐游犹豫了一下,还是决定出手帮忙。 First, to complete this quest, if here injustice plants the elder brother to be killed, he is almost impossible to eradicate this group of people by himself. 一是为了完成这个任务,如果这里冤种哥被杀,他靠自己几乎不可能铲除这伙人。 Second, is because he has had a liking for the injustice has planted the elder brother bloody road talent, practical does such talent, how possibly make others rob? 第二,则是因为他已经看上了冤种哥的‘血路’天赋,这么实用的天赋,怎么可能让其他人抢走? You hide in the distant place, smells there is something wrong, suddenly draws out the revolver, touches off the trigger toward the battlefield continuously.】 【你藏在远处,见势不妙,忽然拔出左轮手枪,朝着战场连续扣动扳机。】 Several gunshots get down, the strategic points of all bullet accurate hit bald men.】 【数道枪响下去,所有子弹均精准命中光头男子的要害。】 Under the specially-made silver nature bullet, the bald man eats the pain, the pitiful yell again and again, the life falls suddenly.】 【在特制的银质子弹下,光头男子吃痛,惨叫连连,生命暴跌。】 Good marksmanship!” The Tazaki source numerous seeing that great happiness, quickly steps up to make up the number blade, in the bald male incredible vision, first step emptied the opposite party life......】 【“好枪法!”田崎源众见状大喜,急忙加紧补上数刀,在光头男子不可置信的目光中,先一步清空了对方生命……】 Yesterday morning starts continuously the low fever to the present, but also thinks that was the two days clouds over the cold, in the afternoon measured with the reagent, unexpectedly was duplicate/restores Yang...... this symptom was not fortunately heavy, checks to have what variant recently probably, everyone paid attention to go out wears the mask. 昨天早上开始一直低烧到现在,还以为是这两天变天感冒了,下午拿试剂测了一下,居然是复阳了……还好这次症状不重,查了一下最近好像又出了什么变种,大家注意出门戴口罩。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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