TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#523: On me has the person!

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Chapter 523 on me has the person! 第523章我上头有人! Bullies me only to see the writing?” “欺负我只能看到文字是吧?” Mu You is speechless, if meets this retarded option in other place, he has not possibly thought that but in scene that at present in this was designed artificially, unavoidably makes him suspect, was the option is limited specially. 沐游无语,如果是在别的地方遇到这种弱智选项,他可能还不会多想,但眼下在这个被人为设计出的场景中,难免让他怀疑,是不是选项被特意限制了。 His here can depend on the attribute of far supernormal person obviously, without exposing own moves out, finally does not have this kind of option obstinately, either was hit, either recognizes instigated, otherwise can only slaughter. 他这里明明可以靠远超常人的属性,在不暴露自己的情况下全身而退,结果愣是没有这类选项,要么被打,要么认怂,否则就只能大开杀戒。 Is a wave of plot kills?” Mu You thought. The angle of the game manufacturing, he also can only understand that for here is for in the opening to the player a demonstration of authority, making the player clearly recognize oneself place the fact of floor. “难道又是一波剧情杀?”沐游心想。从游戏制作的角度,他也只能理解为这里是为了在开头给玩家一个下马威,让玩家认清楚自己身处底层的事实。 Is hesitating how here should process the time in Mu You, in the game springs the text suddenly. 正在沐游犹豫着这里该如何处理的时候,游戏中忽然又弹出文本。 Embarrassed, has borrowed!” A man of Asian face pushes suddenly from the crowd, shows the smile of flattering toward the surrounding bludgers, arrives at side you: Brother you rushed to here to come, you told that disc that you must look for I had found, coming my family to look together!” 【“不好意思,借过!”一个亚洲脸的男人忽然从人群外挤来,朝周围混混们露出讨好的笑容,一路来到你身边:“老弟原来你跑到这儿来了啊,跟你说伱要找的那盘光碟我已经找到了,来我家一起看吧!”】 Man said, then must draw you to leave, meanwhile looks to the surrounding bludger: Is sorry everyone, this is my friend, just here came, does not understand the custom, asked to the face.” 【男子说完,便要拉着你离开,同时还看向周围的混混:“抱歉各位,这位是我朋友,刚来这边,不太懂规矩,拜托给个面子。”】 【The surrounding bludgers look that this look at each other in blank dismay, but hesitant, has not actually stopped.】 【周围混混们看着这一幕面面相觑,但犹豫了一下,却都没有阻拦。】 Instance that man approaches, you had detected that he is also a vampire, follows the opposite party to leave?】 【男子靠近的瞬间,你已经察觉到他也是一吸血鬼,是否跟随对方离开?】 Yes.” “是。” Here jumps a person to save the scene suddenly, does not know that is the plot arrangement, is really exactly in side, in brief, first followed to leave at this time, having a look at this person to do anything to say again. 这里忽然跳出来一个人救场,也不知道是剧情安排的,还是真的恰好在旁边,总之,这时候先跟着离开,看看这人想搞什么再说。 【Others have not stopped, you followed the Asian men to leave the underground black market, arrived in the ground somewhere unmanned streets and alleys.】 【其他人并未阻拦,你跟随亚洲男子一路离开了地下黑市,来到地上某处无人的街巷中。】 You, just arrived here not awfully, how to dare a person to come out to sway, do you know that now how many people are staring at you?” Nearby after confirmation four no one, a male then face going wild looks to you.】 【“你不要命了,刚来到这里,怎么敢一个人出来晃荡的,你知不知道现在有多少人盯着你?”确认附近四下无人后,男子这才一脸‘抓狂’的看向你。】 Who are you?” You asked.】 【“你是谁?”你问。】 My name was Tazaki the source numerous, I was your same clan!” The men said.】 【“我叫田崎源众,我是你的同族啊!”男子说。】 Mu You looks stares, Tazaki...... adds on ‚the East Asian face again, is this Japanese? 沐游看得一愣,田崎……再加上‘东亚脸’,这难道是个日本人? Same clan?” You inquired.】 【“同族?”你询问。】 „, You are Alex's descendant is right? I subordinated with Alex in blood shadow initially clan, our two good friends.” 【“是啊,你是亚历克斯的后代对吧?我当初和亚历克斯都是隶属于‘血影’氏族的,我们两个还是好朋友。”】 Just Alex left in the past by the city, our clan reveres Lord because also a weird disease left the world, blood shadow clan disintegrates, death that for several thousand years, other clansmen die, disappearance of disappearance, until now, original blood shadow clan members have only had my one, but I do not want to join other clans, can only continuously by wanderer status poses as......” 【“只不过当年亚历克斯离开了以诺之城,我们氏族的尊主也因为一场怪病离世了,血影氏族分崩离析,数千年来,其他族人死的死,消失的消失,到如今,原本的血影氏族成员已经只剩下我一个,而我也不想加入其他氏族,只能一直以‘流浪者’的身份自居……”】 Alex......” “亚历克斯……” Mu You hesitates, this name really has such several points to look familiar, as if Astral Spirit Realm that blood group first ancestor, is this surname. 沐游沉吟,这名字确实有那么几分眼熟,似乎星灵界那位血族始祖,就是这个姓氏。 Then, this person recognized him is the descendant of that first ancestor, did this make a move to save the scene? 这么说来,这人是认出了他是那位始祖的后代,这才出手救场的? However, that first ancestor is more than 2000 years ago dies, he obtains the strength the time, even can trace at the beginning of the era! 不过,那位始祖可是两千多年前才死的,那他获得力量的时间,甚至可以追溯到纪元之初! In other words, this person had survived for more than 3000 years in this city, and also preserved these years memories completely? 也就是说,这人难道已经在这座城市存活了三千多年,并且还完整保留了这些年的记忆? Thinks of here, Mu You inquired in game. 想到这里,沐游在游戏里询问。 Alex , this city does have likely now such developed science and technology?” You inquired.】 【“亚历克斯在的时候,这座城市就拥有像现在这么发达的科技?”你询问。】 Naturally, I remember by the city is now this appearance, never has changed.” The Tazaki source numerous replied.】 【“当然,我记忆中的以诺之城一直是现在这个样子,从未变过。”田崎源众回答。】 Mu You looks, knows this person certainly not possibly before 3000 lives, because before 3000, Earth was also in the Bronze Age, had no modern sci-tech birth. 沐游看完,就知道这人绝不可能是从三千年前活下来的,因为三千年前,地球还处于青铜时代,根本没有任何现代科技诞生。 Therefore this person is lying either, or was implanted by that manager compiled the good memory, he himself actually could not realize, instead believes in firmly. 所以这人要么是在说谎,要不就是被那个管理员植入了编造好的记忆,他自己却意识不到,反而深信不疑。 You said a moment ago, many people are staring at me? Is what meaning?” You looked that inquired to the man.】 【“你刚才说,有很多人盯着我?是什么意思?”你看向男子询问。】 „! Since you are Alex's descendant, you inherited certainly Alex talent absorption blood law comes, right? Must know that this blood law was known as royal family is necessary blood law, because only then this blood law, has the opportunity to gather one talents of major clans, thus rules various clans, becomes the king of true blood group!” 【“是啊!既然你是亚历克斯的后代,那你一定继承了亚历克斯的‘天赋吸收’血律才来的,对吧?要知道这个血律可是号称‘王族必备’的血律,因为只有这个血律,才有机会将各大氏族的天赋汇聚一身,从而统治各族,成为真正的血族之王!”】 Was a pity, my luck is not good, cannot from revering Lord there inherits this blood law, therefore this blood law the revering lords of blood shadow clan died after the past years, has been lost, in your bloodlines talent absorption, is at present in the entire city only one! Such important blood law, nine big clans naturally want to grasp it in oneself hand, therefore now basic all blood groups that receives the message, are asking around your trend! You also dare to come out to run all over the place unexpectedly!” The Tazaki source numerous said with an air of decorum.】 【“可惜,我运气不好,没能从尊主那里继承到这条血律,因此这血律在当年我们血影氏族的尊主死后,就已经失传了,你血脉中的‘天赋吸收’,是目前整个城市中唯一的一份!这么重要的血律,九大氏族自然都想将其掌握在自己手中,因此现在基本所有收到消息的血族,都在四处打探你的动向呢!你居然还敢出来乱跑!”田崎源众煞有介事的说。】 So that's how it is......” “原来如此……” Mu You looks at this explanation, understood finally, why his delicate newborn, can make three clan leaders invite him to join, even was also received by the prince regent personally. 沐游看完这段说明,总算理解了,为什么他一个弱不禁风的‘新生儿’,能让三个氏族首领争相邀请他加入,甚至还被摄政王亲自接见。 He also thinks from the beginning is the plot designs, belongs new course that’ all players can experience, now looks, indeed was works as Monk Tang meat him, to his bloodlines talent, so will be all warm to him. 他一开始还以为是剧情就是这么设计的,属于所有玩家都会经历的‘新手教程’,现在一看,敢情是都把他当‘唐僧肉’了,全是冲着他的血脉天赋,才会对他这么热情。 Naturally, you now newborn, the algebra is too high, but the talent transmission of blood of heart lineage/vein, can only by the low belt/bring biography to the high generation of vampires, moreover can only look at the luck to inherit some blood laws each time, even if the people of other clans now catch you, is unable to inherit the talent from you directly, therefore you now temporarily are safe, but you were promoted to below eight generations, some people will not definitely be able to bear to you make a move!” 【“当然,你现在还是‘新生儿’,代数太高,而心脉之血的天赋传输,只能由低带传向高代吸血鬼,而且每次只能看运气继承到一部分血律,其他氏族的人现在就算抓到你,也无法直接从你身上继承天赋,因此你现在暂时还是安全的,不过等你晋级到八代以下,肯定就有人会忍不住对你出手了!”】 Man sincere gives you to explain the situation, said that suddenly seemingly asked one unknowingly: „, Right, after you regained consciousness, blood law of first learn/study, was talent absorption?” 【男子语重心长的给你说明着情况,说完忽然貌似不经意的问了一句:“哦,对了,你苏醒后第一个学习的血律,是‘天赋吸收’吗?”】 Below three options Replied truthfully, Lies to mix, Evades the question. 下方三个选项【如实回答】、【撒谎混过】、【避而不答】。 Mu You selected the eyebrow. 沐游挑了挑眉。 He naive thinking, this person will certainly not run to save him suddenly, does not have any attempts. 他当然不会天真的以为,这人忽然跑出来救下他,没有任何企图。 According to the view of opposite party, talent absorption this blood law simply compared with «Lord of the Rings» ‚the Lord of the Rings must annoy the person to covet, do other clans want his talent, the opposite party possible exception? 按照对方的说法,‘天赋吸收’这血律简直比《指环王》中的‘魔戒’还要惹人觊觎,其他所有氏族都想要得到他的天赋,对方又怎么可能例外? Now the opposite party snatches to ask that suddenly he does have the learn/study talent absorption, has possibly prepared to begin to him, so long as his here replied that has, the opposite party estimated that will launch an attack immediately, controls him. 现在对方忽然抢问他有没有学习天赋吸收,很可能是已经准备好对他动手了,只要他这里回答‘有’,对方估计会立即发难,将他控制起来。 However hesitates slightly, Mu You here chose truthfully reply. 不过稍一沉吟,沐游这里还是选择了‘如实回答’。 Advised facing the opposite party sincerely, you also chose inform the opposite party truthfully, you have learned talent absorption, and at present only then this blood law......】 【面对对方诚恳的劝告,你也选择如实告知对方,你已经学会了‘天赋吸收’,且目前只有这一个血律……】 Male hears word, some anticipations on face became the pleasant surprise immediately, followed close on was revealing the fierce facial features toward you. The men did not say a word, suddenly sneered to throw toward you, if speed quickly lightning......】 【男子闻言,脸上的些许期待顿时变为了惊喜,紧跟着又朝你露出了狰狞的面容。男子一言不发,忽然冷笑着朝你扑来,速度快若闪电……】 Your small leg bone broke off by the opposite party, you lost ability to act temporarily......】 【你的小腿骨被对方折断,你暂时失去了行动能力……】 Your small leg bone broke off by the opposite party, you lost ability to act temporarily......】 【你的小腿骨被对方折断,你暂时失去了行动能力……】 Your right shoulder was penetrated by the opposite party, life plummets......】 【你的右肩被对方穿透,生命骤降……】 This person of information, Mu You the process that left from the black market had examined a moment ago, this was 8 generations of vampires, did not discuss that the opposite party had what blood law, was only the disparity in this algebra, is doomed present he at all possibly is not this person of opponent. 这人的信息,沐游刚才从黑市离开的过程中已经查看过,这是个八代吸血鬼,不谈对方有什么血律,光是这个代数上的差距,就注定现在的他根本不可能是这人的对手。 Therefore at this time facing the surprise attack of opposite party, Mu You was also only the symbolic resistance, has not gone all out, because he knew the opposite party to not to kill him, but to control him. 所以此时面对对方的突袭,沐游也只是象征性的抵抗了一下,并没有拼命,因为他知道对方不是为了杀他,只是为了将他控制起来。 Simultaneously Mu You is also waiting, if the prince regent gathers his goal is really for his talent, he does not believe the prince regent to meet does not arrange the manpower to follow he. 同时沐游也是在等待,如果摄政王招揽他的目的真是为了他的天赋,那他就不信摄政王会不安排人手跟着他。 At this moment he and other making a move of people in secret, oneself this by the prey that the prince regent settles on, must be started to pick ahead of time, he is always impossible indifferently. 此刻他就是在等那个暗中之人的出手,自己这个被摄政王看中的猎物,都要被人提前下手采摘了,他总不可能还无动于衷吧。 Happen to Mu You also takes advantage of this opportunity, determined that who tracks his person in secret is, strength how, by facilitating the later conduct. 正好沐游也趁此机会,确定一下暗中跟踪他的人是谁,实力如何,以方便以后行事。 Men's in several seconds then discarded your ability to act with ease, bring to grin fiendishly toward you sprinkle next gray powder, powder cover, you only thought that whole body takes off/escapes strength, consciousness rapid dissipation......】 【男子几秒内便轻松废掉了你的行动能力,带着狞笑朝你洒下一把灰色的粉末,粉末笼罩中,你只觉得浑身脱力,意识迅速消散……】 Man took out the string, but when he prepares you tie up, in the upper air several air-splitting sounds transmit, the half body of man explodes the one after another blood hole immediately, several silver needles depart from his body, deeply submerges the ground.】 【男子取出了绳子,不过就在他准备将你捆绑起来之时,高空中数道破空声传来,男子的半边身体顿时爆开一个个血洞,数枚银针从他身体另一侧飞出,深深没入地面。】 In instant time, male then pūtong falls down, dies with injustice unredressed......】 【刹那的时间内,男子便噗通倒在地上,死不瞑目……】 At the same time, familiar form descends before your body together not far away, you depend on consciousness of surviving to look up indistinctly, discovered person is tall, wears black windproof coat, before had seen mask male......】 【与此同时,一道熟悉的身影降落在你身前不远处,你靠着残存的意识隐约抬头看去,发现来人身材高大,身穿黑色风衣,正是之前见过的面具男……】 Really is he......” “果然是他啊……” Mu You shouted the tone, before he had guessed, tracks own likely this mask male, now confirms this point thoroughly. 沐游呼了口气,之前他就猜测过,跟踪自己的很可能还是这个面具男,现在彻底证实了这一点。 This person is four generations of vampires, is can certainly the second kill facing this eight generations of men conveniently. 这人可是个四代吸血鬼,面对这个八代的男人当然是随手就能秒杀。 Confirmed that killing intent of this Asian man, as well as who in secret the character in hidden is, Mu You presses down the pocket watch immediately. 确认这亚洲男子的杀意,以及暗中隐藏的人物是谁后,沐游当即按下怀表。 【The time circulation, before you return for ten seconds .】 【时光流转,你回到十秒之前。】 This time Asia men just asked that your issue, is anticipating your reply, but you in the future, experience had crossed his countenance, you choose......】 【此时亚洲男子刚刚问完你问题,正期待着你的回答,但你已经在未来,见识过了他的嘴脸,你选择……】 Lies to mix.” “撒谎混过。” You inform the man, you have not studied the talent absorption, is the chart self-preservation, your first study blood law is ultra feeling.】 【你告知男子,你还没有学习天赋吸收,为图自保,你第一个学的血律是‘超感’。】 Ultra feeling? Takes seriously?” The question that Asian man hears word does not lose heart immediately, in the eye flashes through a doubt.】 【“超感?当真?”亚洲男子闻言立即不死心的反问,眼中闪过一丝狐疑。】 „! Moreover I can feel, above has a person, this has been tracking me......” you to nod all the way, is saying, while turns the head mystically, looks to is located in the tall building in darkness behind somewhere, position that there the mask male hid a moment ago.】 【“是真的!而且我能感觉到,上面有个人,这一路上一直在跟踪我……”你点头,一边说着,一边神神秘秘转头,望向身后某处位于黑暗中的高楼,那里正是刚才面具男藏身的位置。】 What?” Asian man hears word one startled, subconscious raising the head looked at one in the direction that you looked, actually does not dare to look, took back the vision in a hurry Yin, the look clear uncertain.】 【“什么?”亚洲男子闻言一惊,也下意识的抬头朝你望去的方向看了一眼,却又不敢多看,匆匆收回了目光,神色阴晴不定。】 Is the prince regent, absolutely is the person who the prince regent arranges! The prince regent the blood law has drooled with envy to this being known as royal family was necessary, now you came, he was definitely impossible easily to let off...... the prince regent to send to track your person, perhaps at least was also a vampire of Five Dynasties!” The Asian men are saying assuredly, in the eye flashes through a lingering fear, does not dare to produce to you again any kills intent, instead rushes to try to get close to you.】 【“是摄政王,绝对是摄政王安排的人!摄政王对这个号称‘王族必备’的血律早已垂涎三尺,现在你来了,他肯定不可能轻易放过……摄政王派来跟踪你的人,恐怕至少也是一个五代的吸血鬼!”亚洲男子笃定的说着,眼中闪过一丝后怕,不敢再对你产生任何杀意,反而赶忙和你套起了近乎。】 That trailsman has not begun to you , because he is indefinite you to have learn/study talent absorption, remember, even if then you obtained the blood law point, before the throwing away opposite party, does not want this blood law absolutely, otherwise you will definitely be overpowered by opposite party making a move immediately, when the time comes I could not protect you!” The Asian men partly threatened half advice to say.】 【“那个跟踪者之所以还没有对你动手,是因为他还不确定你有没有学习‘天赋吸收’,记住,接下来就算你获得了血律点,在甩脱对方之前,绝对不要点这个血律,不然你肯定会立即被对方出手制服,到时候我也保护不了你!”亚洲男子半威胁半劝告的说。】 Felt relieved, the truth of talent can arouse jealousy I understand, for security, I have then had this talent to the coffin, will not study.” You to the Asian man guarantee.】 【“放心,怀璧其罪的道理我还是懂的,为了安全,接下来我会将这个天赋一直带到棺材里,都不会学习。”你向亚洲男子‘保证’。】 „, Pours does not need such carefully......” the Asian men somewhat to say awkwardly: Actually, when determined after throwing away the person of that track, you can learn/study this ability, this is we blood shadow the core competencies of clan, you must shoulder the responsibility that it carries forward, naturally, during this, I spare no effort will assist you......” 【“呃,倒也不用这么小心……”亚洲男子有些尴尬道:“其实,等确定甩脱了那个跟踪之人后,你就可以学习这个能力了,这可是咱们‘血影’氏族的核心能力,你必须肩负起将它发扬光大的责任,当然,这期间我会不遗余力的辅佐你……”】 Studied made you and others you snatch? 学习了让你等你来抢是么? Mu You sneers. He the character looked at rearward that a moment ago, pointed out accurately the mask male hiding position, as the matter stands, the mask person definitely believes his first study ultra feeling, will not act to him in a short time, instead will also protect him during this period. 沐游冷笑。他刚才人物看向后方那一眼,准确的指出了面具男的藏身位置,这样一来,面具人肯定相信了他第一个学的超感,短时间内不会对他出手,反而还会在这期间保护他。 As for front man, it is estimated that has not entirely believed that the excuse, he may be unable to determine after all above has the person to hide, but there is this threat, he does not dare easily to begin to himself absolutely again. 至于面前这个男人,估计还没有完全相信刚才的说辞,毕竟他可无法确定上面到底有没有人藏着,不过有这一层威胁在,他就绝对不敢再轻易对自己动手。 As the matter stands, he was equivalent had two bodyguards temporarily. 这样一来,他就相当于暂时拥有了两个保镖。 You the prince regent will confess gives your quest to make a clean breast to the Asian men, and inquired that he has what opinion.】 【你将摄政王交代给你的任务对亚洲男子和盘托出,并询问他有什么意见。】 Really is this quest!” Expression that an Asian man face I have expected, self-confident striking one's chest: Relax, where I know that group of people! This quest wraps on me!” 【“果然是这个任务!”亚洲男子一脸我早就料到的表情,自信的拍着胸脯:“放心,我知道那伙人在哪儿!这任务包在我身上!”】 „? The prince regents does not know that who they are? Do you actually know their stations?” You surprise inquiry.】 【“哦?连摄政王都不知道他们是谁?你竟然知道他们的驻地?”你‘诧异’的询问。】 Naturally, at the business of this type of floor, the aristocrat vampire that these keep aloof, may not necessarily have our these native place civilians to be well-informed!” 【“当然,在这种底层的事务上,那些高高在上的贵族吸血鬼,可未必有我们这些乡井小民消息灵通!”】 Comes with me!” The Asian men said that then runs toward the alley deep place, and greeted you to follow.】 【“跟我来!”亚洲男子说完便朝小巷深处跑去,并招呼你跟上。】 Then Mu You then follows this named injustice plants man, went to his residence. 接下来沐游便跟随这个叫‘冤种’的男人,去了他的住所。 This person demonstrated him in the residence to him munitions. 这人在住所里向他展示了他的‘军火’。 „...... This is this year's latest pistol, this is the specially-made silver nature bullet, specifically is used to cope with the vampire, with was good.” The men picked up a brand-new pistol from the arm chest and one box of silver shining bullet, the stopper gave you.】 【“……这是今年最新款的手枪,这是特制的银质子弹,专门用来对付吸血鬼的,拿好了。”男子从武器箱中捡起一把崭新的手枪和一盒银灿灿的子弹,塞给了你。】 You obtained revolver * 1.】 【你获得了‘左轮手枪’。】 You obtained silver nature bullet * 32.】 【你获得了‘银质子弹’。】 You now only then an ultra feeling blood law, hides in behind later helps my sensation danger be good, do not crop up, the matter of murder gives me!” Men care the urging you, pick up a submachine gun immediately, crowded various types of small-scale firearms and silver nature dagger in the waist.】 【“你现在只有一个超感血律,稍后躲在后面帮我感知危险就好,不要冒头,杀人的事交给我!”男子‘关心’的叮嘱你,随即捡起一把冲锋枪,又在腰间塞满了各种小型枪械和银质匕首。】 Many thanks the injustice plants the elder brother!” You being grateful holds the fist in the other hand toward the man.】 【“多谢冤种哥!”你‘感激涕零’的朝男子抱拳。】 Mu You laughs in one's heart, some people on own initiative to him, when the shield and free labor force, he naturally cannot reject. 沐游暗笑,有人主动给他当盾牌和免费劳动力,他自然不会拒绝。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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