Chapter 522undergroundblack market
第522章地下黑市【„What does rewardhave?”Youhave not paid attention toopposite party'shide-and-seekinvitation , to continue to reply the mail.】
【“奖励都有什么?”你没有理会对方的捉迷藏邀请,继续回复邮件。】【„Reallymustprepareenoughreward, canmake your playersdynamic?”】
【“果然要准备足够的奖励,才能让你们这些玩家有动力么?”】【When „is like otherservers, after leaving the scene, youwill returnpass through the gate the condition, allblood groupdifferent functions that butyouobtains at the scene, will preserveinyourgene, becomesyourpart of talents, asin the futurereduction of youralgebra, thesebloodlawdifferent functionswill awakenin turn, can, asyourgene, transmitstoyourheirdescendant.”】
【“和其他服务器一样,离开场景后,你会回归进门时的状态,但伱在场景内获得的所有血族异能,都会留存在你的基因中,成为你的一部分天赋,将来会随着你代数的降低,这些血律异能都会依次觉醒,也可以随着你的基因,传输给你的子嗣后代。”】【„Other, ifyouleaveafter the entry, yourthinbloodbottleneckcannaturallybreak through, returnsby the condition of first ancestor, otherwiseyouwill stay the condition of vampiredukeas before, andforeveris unable to arrivenext. Mustknowto becomefirst ancestorinitiallysupports the ceremony, to a bloodKaminokadomost importantpass/test, besides here, you may be unable to find to makeyouinotherplacesbreak throughthinblood the opportunity!”】
【“另外,如果你是在通关后离开,你的薄血瓶颈会自然突破,以始祖的状态回归,否则你将依旧保持吸血鬼公爵的状态,并且永远无法走到下一步。要知道成为始祖的初拥仪式,是通往血神之门最重要的一关,除了在我这里外,在其他地方你可找不到能让你突破薄血的机会!”】【„In addition, isallserverscanhave the strength and the god who god against reward, from10 thgeneration of starts, youreduceonegeneration at the scene every time, youwill obtainstrength and godguarding of the god, together with the 10 thgeneration of rewards, mostcanobtain the rewards of attacks and defenses of tengod, butthislosing concentrationattack and defenseispermanent, cancarry over the scene.”】
【“此外,就是所有服务器都会有的神之力和神之防奖励,从第十代开始,你在场景中每降低一代,你就会获得一点神之力和一点神之防,连同第十代的奖励,最多可以获得十点神之攻防的奖励,而这部分神之攻防是永久的,可以带出场景。”】【„Naturally, is the beforehandcondition, evenyoucannotpromote at the scene toinitiallygeneration of vampires, so long asyoufoundmyexistence, the attack and defense of reward that godIwill fulfil the quotadirectlygivestoyou!”】
【“当然,还是之前的条件,就算你在场景中没能晋升到初代吸血鬼,但只要你找到我的存在,我都会直接将满额的神之攻防奖励赋予给你!”】【„, butremembers, so-called‚foundme’, is not the avenuelooks forpersonone by oneinquirycasually‚you are the manager!’Thisstupidissue, even ifyoureallyreferred tome, Iwill not acknowledge that only ifyoucanproduce the tangibleevidence, orenoughconvincedmyreason, showed that Iwas a manager!”】
……Mu You asked that the opposite partyactuallyreturned toa series ofnews, displayedextremelystrongexpressiondesire.沐游就问了一句,对方却回了一连串消息,表现出了极强的表达欲。Mu Youfirstlooked atto playat this time the panel.沐游先是看了眼此时游戏中的面板。【Status: Seine·Wriston】
【身份:莱茵·利斯顿】【Algebra: 10generations.】
【代数:十代。】【Bloodservant: Does not have】
【血仆:无】【Heir: Does not have】
【子嗣:无】【Strength: 53】
【力量:53】【Agility: 106】
【敏捷:106】【Intelligence: 159】
【智力:159】【Physique: 55】
【体质:55】【Reallife: 60 / 60】
【真实生命:60/60】【Currentlifeself-recoveryspeed: Everysecond1points( when receivessilverware, Sacred Light Disciplineandflameare, the attack of thunder and lightningdepartmentthis/shouldinvalid)】
【当前生命自动恢复速度:每秒一点(受到银器、圣光系、火焰系、雷电系的攻击时该项无效)】【The strength of god: 1point】
【神之力:一点】【Guarding of god: 1point】
【神之防:一点】【Humanepoint: 6points】
【人性点:六点】【Bloodlaw: Does not have】
【血律:无】【Surplusbloodlawpoint: 1point】
【剩余血律点:一点】【May the awakeningbloodlaw: Giant Killer, talentabsorption, amazingly quick, ultrafeeling】
【 Curse:
【诅咒:Burning Hope: The direct exposureunder the sunlight, you feel weak the whole body, within the bodybloodfluidized bed combustion, bears the pain that livesto might as welldie, untilwas burntas the ashes.灼日:直接暴露在阳光下,你将全身乏力,体内血液沸腾燃烧,承受生不如死的痛苦,直至被焚为灰烬。Hungryblood: Youneedto suck the bloodto supplementstaminaregularly, ifhas not eaten foodfor a long time, youwill be incapableweakly, is unable to fight. When blood suckingmayrapidlybring back to the damagelife. The takenaverage personwill lose the hemophagiaedmemoryafterward. 】
饿血:你需要定期吸食血液来补充体力,若长期没有进食,你将虚弱无力,无法战斗。吸血时可快速恢复受损生命。被吸食的普通人事后会丢失被吸血的记忆。】【Has assembled the item: The niche of blood, spatialandspatial】
The panel of thispanelandbeforehandformidabletower is entirely different, completelywithoutinvolving the divine nature and godtechnique, orin the blood groupconcept, the bloodlawdifferent functionsistheir‚godtechnique’.
这面板和之前勇者之塔的面板大不相同,完全没有涉及神性和神术,或者说,在血族的概念中,血律异能就是他们的‘神术’。Mu Youin‚mayawakeningbloodlaw’inseveralentriesclickedto examinerespectively.沐游在‘可觉醒血律’的几个词条上分别点击查看了一下。【Giant KillerLV1: Createsdoubledamageto the height over hundredmetersreallifeform. Becoming effectivepassively, does not have the consumption.】
【巨人杀手LV1:对于身高百米以上的真实生物造成双倍伤害。被动生效,无消耗。】【TalentabsorbsLV1: After attractingpresses out a vampire, randomlyobtains the bloodlawtalent of opposite party, whatifobtainsis the existingtalent, thencausesthis/shouldtalentlevel up. Becoming effectivepassively, does not have the consumption.】
【天赋吸收LV1:吸榨一名吸血鬼后,随机获得对方的一个血律天赋,如果获得的是自身已有的天赋,则使该天赋升级。被动生效,无消耗。】【Amazingly quickLV1: After the activation, enters the accelerating regime, the speedpromotes360times , to continue for 3seconds, launches the attackorleavesinitialplace1000 meters awayto relieve the effectautomatically, the cooldowntime60seconds. Startseach timeneedsto consume20pointreallives.】
【神速LV1:激活后进入加速状态,速度提升360倍,持续三秒,发动攻击或离开初始地点1000米外自动解除效果,冷却时间60秒。每次发动需要消耗20点真实生命。】【UltrafeelsLV1: Youhave the dangerousinductionability of farsupernormalpersoninborn, mayactivateon own initiative, inoneminute after activation, the field of vision and perception areaare raisedsharply, when fightmayforecast the nextmovement of enemyindistinctly. The activationconsumes20pointrealliveseach time.】
【超感LV1:你天生拥有远超常人的危险感应能力,可主动激活,激活后的一分钟内,视野和感知范围大幅提升,战斗时可隐约预测敌人的下一步动作。每次激活消耗20点真实生命。】Severalblood grouptalentevolutionsforcanafter the real worlduse‚bloodlaw’, the effectchanges, for exampleGiant Killer, wants the height over hundredmetersnow, is‚giant’, places the truegiantworld is very actually useful, butin the presentmetropolisscene, thisbloodlawis equal to the waste.
几个血族天赋进化为可以在真实世界使用的‘血律’后,效果都有所改变,比如巨人杀手,现在要身高百米以上,才算‘巨人’,放在真正的巨人世界倒是很有用,但在眼下的都市场景中,这条血律等于废物。NextishisVampire Skincore competencies‚talentabsorption’, inAstral Spirit Realm, thisabilitycanbe usedto swallow the unnecessaryskin, obtainsto correspond the ability of skin, andobtains a curse.
其次是他吸血鬼皮肤的核心能力‘天赋吸收’,在星灵界的时候,这个能力可以用来吞噬多余皮肤,获得对应皮肤的能力,并获得一个诅咒。Buthere, obtainedto cursethisside effectnot to haveactually, the range that butmayswallow, was actually also limited the blood group, can only conduct similarremnant, steals the different functions of opposite party.
而这里,获得诅咒这个副作用倒是没了,但可吞噬的范围,却也被限制到了血族内部,仅能进行同类相残,来盗取对方的异能。ThisabilityandGiant Killerare just the opposite, Giant Killerishereuseless, is practicalin the outside world, but the talentabsorptionactuallymay be called the masterstroke/divine skillin the presentvampiremetropolisscene! If by any chanceleaveshereto return to the real world, insteadwill turn into a uselessskill, because the presentgiantworldabsolutelydoes not haveexistence of vampire.
The remainingamazingly quickandultrafeelingchanges are actually not big, the onlydifferencewas the presentstartshad the consumption, consumptionwas not the energy, butwas the life!
剩下的神速和超感倒是变化不大,唯一的区别是现在发动有了消耗,不过消耗的不是能量,而是生命!After all is ‚bloodlaw’different functions, throughburning the bloodstarts, poursdoes not have the problem, moreover after becoming the blood group, the liferestores the speedto increase, hecurrently10generations of returningbloodspeedshave every second a point, waits for the algebrato reduce, will be definitely quicker.
毕竟是‘血律’异能,通过烧血来发动,倒也没毛病,而且成为血族后,生命恢复速度大增,他现在十代的回血速度都有每秒一点,等代数降低下去,肯定会更快。Likeformerthatdistortionrobust man, was exploded the headby the pebble, canreplyin several secondsnormally, in the fight was almost equal toexistence that does not die!
就像之前遇到的那个变形者壮汉,被石子爆头,都能在几秒内回复正常,战斗中几乎等于不死的存在了!Naturally, did not say that the vampire of lowalgebrawas invincible, on the contrary, the vampireweakness is actually very obvious, besidesfearsunlightwell-knowncurse, inpanel‚replyspeed’ a column, has given the explicitprompt: The silverware, and attack of Sacred Light DisciplineFire DisciplineThunder Discipline, will make the vampirelose the resiliencetemporarily, no matterhighrank, even if promotedinitiallygeneration of vampires, is unable to exempt fromtheseflaws.
当然,也不是说低代数的吸血鬼就此无敌了,相反,吸血鬼的弱点其实很明显,除了害怕阳光这个众所周知的诅咒外,面板中的‘回复速度’一栏,已经给出了明确提示:银器,以及光系火系雷系的攻击,都会使吸血鬼暂时失去恢复能力,不管是多高的等级,哪怕晋级到初代吸血鬼,也无法豁免这些缺陷。【„What is humanepoint?”】
【“人性点是什么?”】Looked at the panel, Mu Youaskedin the gamesuddenly, each in thispanel, was not difficultto understand, except forthispersonalpoint.
看完面板,沐游忽然在游戏中问了一句,这面板中的每一项,都不难理解,除了这个人性点。【„, Almostforgotto remindyou.”】
【“哦,差点忘了提醒你。”】【„Tolet the sceneis more real, inthisvampire, about1%population, is the realperson, rather thanvirtualprogram. Theseinclude the average person, includingvampire, ifyoudid not massacrethesehonorable peoplecarefully, will deduct your human nature, whenyourhuman naturenulling operation, thenquestautomaticfailure!”】
The reply of opposite partymakesMu Youlookknits the brows.
对方的回复让沐游看得皱眉。【„Real person? Youfinger/refer, living personfromAstral Spirit Realm?”】
【“真人?你是指,来自星灵界的活人?”】【„, not onlyAstral Spirit Realm, Land of Forgetting, yourin the societythesemissingpopulation, the partwas used the special methodto shiftinmyscenebymeevery year, naturally, Ihad transformedtheirmemory, placed the appropriatestatustothem, letstheirnormallifehere, will not have the suspicion.”】
【“不只是星灵界,还有遗忘之地,每年你们的社会中那些失踪的人口,有一部分就是被我用特殊方法转移到了我的场景中,当然,我已经改造了他们的记忆,给他们安置了合适的身份,让他们正常的在这里生活,不会产生怀疑。”】【„Thisistopreventsomeextremeplayerbehaviors, for exampletoseek formyexistence, the resident in slaughterentirecity, wantsto look formeby the elimination methodwantonly. Do not feelnot possible, becausehad hadthismatter, Ihave torevise the rule, introduced the humanedesign.”】
【“这是为了防止一些极端的玩家行为,比如为了寻找我的存在,大肆屠杀全城的居民,想靠排除法来找我。别觉得不可能,正是因为曾经发生过这种事情,我才不得不对规则进行了修改,引入了人性的设计。”】【„Can yourmanagerjurisdictionalsointerfere with the outside world?”Youasked.】
The Mu Youcomplexionis strange, he himselfis a manager, thereforeunderstoodvery much how the jurisdiction of managerexpandsagain, nothing butismanages the correspondingserverthatlittle plot of land, if can also interfere with the region outside server, was too rather odd.沐游脸色古怪,他自己就是一个管理员,所以很了解,管理员的权限再怎么扩大,无非也就是管理对应的服务器那一亩三分地,如果还能干涉到服务器以外的区域,未免太离谱了。【„Hehe, so long asis creating the jurisdiction of mountains marking a borderto be highenough, will not have the lifeform that the divine natureinvolvesto make the shift and transformation, naturallydoes not have the issue. After allyour these people, to put it bluntlyalsoonevirtual data that bycreating the mountains marking a borderis created......”】
【“呵呵,只要在创界山的权限足够高,将一些没有神性牵扯的生物进行转移和改造,当然没问题。毕竟你们这些人,说白了也都是由创界山创造出来的一串虚拟数据而已……”】Mu Youlooksis startled, inthese words of opposite party, actuallyshowed a flaw, hesaid that ‚your these people’, simply put, notandFoolas well asAstral Spirit Realmpersonconverges a kind.沐游看得一怔,对方的这句话中,其实露出了一个破绽,他说‘你们这些人’,言下之意,并没有将自己和愚者以及星灵界的人归为一类。In other words, the opposite partywas not createdvirtualNPC that the mountains marking a bordercreate, butis some lifeform of coming from the giantworld?
也就是说,对方并不是被创界山创造出来的虚拟NPC,而是一个来自于巨人世界的某种生物?【„Iknow that youdo not believe. Ok, Igaveyouto prove, so as to avoidyourlaterhuman natureselected, thinks that wasIdoeswhatsafety strip.”】
【“我就知道你不信。行吧,那我给你证明一下好了,免得你以后人性点掉了,以为是我搞什么暗箱操作。”】At this time the mail of opposite partytransmittedagain.
这时对方的邮件再次传来。【„Diedthatboystillto remembera moment ago? By that twovampireseat, thissmallunluckyegg is just the real person who an outside worldcomes...... wú, tomorrow morning, youshouldbe ableto seehimfromyournewsprobably.”】
【“刚才死掉那个男孩还记得吧?被两只吸血鬼分食的那个,这个小倒霉蛋刚好就是一个外界来的真人……唔,大概明天早上,你应该就能从你们的新闻上看到他了。”】【„In brief, needsto warn that yourso many, thenhopes that cansee a splendidperformance!”】
The reply of opposite partythisstops suddenly.
对方的回复到此戛然而止。Mu Youlooked that heno longerspoke, did not haveto inquireanythingagain, information that no matter the opposite partysaidfinallyreal, to himhas not affected, has the pocket watch, henot possiblewrongto killinnocently.沐游看他不再说话,也没有再去询问什么,不管对方最后说出的情报是不是真的,对他来说都没有影响,有怀表在,他不可能错杀无辜。Recovers, Mu Youreorganized a nextstatus quo.
回过神来,沐游整理了一下目前的现状。BecauseBurning Hopecursed, heusuallybasically can only at the night action.
因为灼日诅咒,他平时基本只能在夜间活动。Because of the shunning the worldiron rule, heis unable to exposeoneselfvampireabilityin public places, will otherwise be chased downbytrial.
因为避世铁律,他无法在公众场合暴露自己的吸血鬼能力,否则会被审判者追杀。Simultaneouslybecause‚attractspresses out’refuses the behaviorin the ethnic groupinterior, hecannotbyattractingpresses out the same clanto reduce the algebra, at leastcannotbe in front ofothervampiresto attractpresses out.
同时因为‘吸榨’在族群内部是严禁行为,他不能靠吸榨同族来降低代数,至少不能当着其他吸血鬼的面吸榨。Underthisall sorts oflimits, hemustinmistrusting each other of nineclans, the counterattackgrowstep by step.
在这种种限制下,他要在九个氏族的尔虞我诈中,一步步逆袭成长起来。In addition, in secret a fellow who says the manager, is surroundinghisevery action and every movement......
此外,暗中还有一个自称管理员的家伙,在围观他的一举一动……Mu Yourubbed the forehead, heunderstandsfinallywhy the pastblood groupfirst ancestor, spent for a halfyear to go through customsto leavehere.沐游揉了揉眉心,他总算明白为什么当年的血族始祖,花了半年才得以通关离开这里。
The first ancestors were very possibleto look forsomeclanto attachinitially, from beginning to enduses all mightin the floor, depends onhas towedhardly for a halfyear, just nowgoes through customs.
始祖当初很可能是找了某个氏族依附,从头到尾都在底层摸爬滚打,靠着硬拖过半年,方才通关。Butnow, Mu Younot only need walkto murder the route, the preparationpromotesto the vampireapex, but alsowantsto playfastpasses the pattern, inseveraldaysmustgo through customs, the difficultycan be imagined.
而现在,沐游不但要走杀伐路线,准备一路提升到吸血鬼的顶点,而且还想玩速通模式,几天内就要通关,难度可想而知。Recovers, Mu Youshakes the head, turns on the panel, firstcurrentonlypoint‚bloodlawpoint’, in additionto‚talentabsorption’.
回过神来,沐游摇了摇头,打开面板,先将目前的唯一一点‘血律点’,加给了‘天赋吸收’。【Youawakenedbloodlaw‚talentabsorption’, presentlyLV1.】
【你觉醒了血律‘天赋吸收’,当前LV1。】Heentersthisdungeon, the most fundamentalgoaltakes the reward.
The rewardis divided intotwoparts: The attack and defense and bloodlawtalentgod.
The attacks and defenses of thattengoddid not say, can only step by steproutinelygains.
那十点神之攻防就不说了,只能一步步按部就班的获取。Butbloodlaw, has the talentto absorbthisability, theoreticallyheevencanwithoutattaching toanyclan, collectson the blood groupcompletetalentoneself!
It can be said that thisability, is he foundation of counterattackinthisscene, naturallywantsin the firstpoint.
可以说这个能力,就是他在这个场景中逆袭的基础,当然要第一个点上。Chooses the bloodlaw, Mu Younot to waste the time, immediatelyby starlightgoes out, the preparationfirstwas the prince regentto arrangeto his quest.
选完血律,沐游也没浪费时间,当即趁着夜色出门,准备先去做了摄政王安排给他的那个任务。【Youarrived at‚undergroundblack market’, hereisby the city of byunderground, severaldarkmarket that abandons the air-raid shelterto linkbecomes, sells the contraband goods in varioustypes of cities, anything that for example the weapon, prohibitedculturalworkwait/etc, basicallyyouneed, canbuyhere, but the premiseisyoumustbe richenough, because of the cargo of black market, the selling price is quite often soaring!】
The prince regentgiveshisquest, investigates a vampiremovie that stems from the black market, whatcluehas not givenhimin addition, Mu Youalso can only firstcome the black marketto have a look.
摄政王给他的任务,是调查一部出自黑市的吸血鬼电影,除此之外什么线索都没给他,沐游也只能先来黑市看看。【Youstrolledinundergroundblack marketamong the roads, disregardedsurroundingmanyvision of harboring evil intentions......】
【你在地下黑市中一路闲逛,无视了周围许多不怀好意的目光……】【Youbefore a stall keeper who sells the audio-video productstopped, onrags that the frontground, a black manis spreading outtogether, chocked upall kinds ofsmall dishpieces, light/only the title page that indecentlyfromtheseplate of piece that youcanimagine why thesemovieswill be listed aswill ban the piece.】
【你在一处售卖音像制品的摊贩前停了下来,前方的地上,一个黑人男子在一块摊开的破布上,摆满了各式各样的碟片,光是从这些碟片那不堪入目的封面,你就可以想象到为什么这些影片会被列为禁片。】【„A newguest? Whatneeds? Iguaranteedmyis the entireblack marketis newest the most explosiveflat and thin piece!” The blacksgreetedyouto go forwardwarmly.】
【“一位新来的客人?需要些什么?我保证我这里的都是整个黑市最新潮最劲爆的片子!”黑人热情的招呼你上前。】【Does yourdirect examinationopposite party, have the moviesell of vampire?】
【你直接询问对方,有没有吸血鬼的电影出售?】【„Vampire? Do yourefer to‚blood groupsecret history’?”Black personhearswordextracts a small dishpiece after behindboximmediately, demonstratedtoyou.】
【“吸血鬼?你是指‘血族秘史’?”黑人闻言立即从身后的箱子中抽出一张碟片,向你展示。】【Thissmall dishpiecetitle page, beforeyouinexactly the same that prince regenttheresees.】
【这张碟片的封面,和你之前在摄政王那里见到的一模一样。】【„Brotheris insightful! Thisflat and thin pieceisthis monthinmost popular the movieby the city, does not have the cityvaluably, herealsoonlyremainedthislast, todaylooks atyouto be predestined friends, the fixed-price, 1000soldyou! What's wrong?” The blacksreveal a wordstooth, lookstoyourlooklikeseeing a fatsheep.】
【“老兄有眼光!这片子是这个月以诺之城中最受欢迎的电影,有价无市,我这里也只剩这最后一盘了,今天看你有缘,一口价,一千块卖你!如何?”黑人露出一口白牙,看向你的眼神如同看到一只肥羊。】【1000, areyourcurrentcompletesavings. Youchoose......】
【一千块,已经是你目前的全部积蓄。你选择……】【Remembers the shunning the worldiron rule, the low keydisburses moneyto buy.】
【牢记避世铁律,低调出钱买下。】【Inquired the source of opposite partyflat and thin piece.】
【抢了就跑。】„Whathasn't tracked?”
“就没有跟踪什么的?”Mu Youwaited fora while, has not sprung the option of track, tracked the opposite partyto find the denobviouslyat this timeis the rightestchoice.沐游等了一会儿,始终没有弹出跟踪的选项,明明这时候跟踪对方找到老巢才是最合适的选择。Helplesshealso can only firstchoosesecond.
无奈他也只能先选了第二项。【The source of yourdirect examinationopposite partyflat and thin piece.】
【你直接询问对方这片子的来源。】【Black personheard that the wordcomplexionactuallysuddenlychanges, received a hurrycompletely the small dishpiece of ground: „Does not sell, today'sbusinessachieveshere.”Said that thenlifts up the package, left the scenequickly.】
【黑人闻言脸色却忽然一变,匆匆将地上的碟片全部收起:“不卖了,今天的生意就做到这里。”说完便扛起包裹,快步离开了现场。】【Youwantto tag along after the opposite partysubconsciously, at this timeperipheryactuallyjumped a 7~8formsuddenly, surroundedyou, allharbors evil intentionslookstoyou. Inseveralpeople of handsis all grasping the club, dresses upin the local ruffian the local ruffianair/Qi, lookedmingles among the bludger in streetfor a long time. Youchoose......】
【你下意识的想要尾随对方,这时周围却忽然跳出来七八道身影,将你包围了起来,全都不怀好意的看向你。几人手中全都握着棍棒,打扮痞里痞气,一看就是长期混迹街头的混混。你选择……】【Remembers the shunning the worldiron rule, the little darlingmakes a paymentto eliminate the risk.】
【牢记避世铁律,乖乖交钱消灾。】【Resists stubbornly, was hit.】
【负隅顽抗,然后被打一顿。】【Went tohis mother'siron rule, the vampire can also make the mortalbully? Has a bloody road.】
【去他娘的铁律,吸血鬼还能让凡人欺负了?杀出一条血路。】„?”Mu Youlooksconfuses, thiswhatbrokenoption?
( This chapterends)
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