TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#521: Guesses that who I am?

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Chapter 521 guesses that who I am? 第521章猜猜我是谁? Facing the vision that three people cast, you have not chosen to respond to anyone of anticipation.】 【面对三人投来的目光,你并没有选择回应任何一人的期待。】 You told three people, you were newly-arrived, still did not know about here all, is unable to make the decision.】 【你告诉三人,你初来乍到,对这里的一切尚不了解,无法做出决定。】 ping!” The beverage bottle in robust man hand explodes on the ground. The reply of you as if angered three people!】 【“呯!”壮汉手里的酒瓶在地上爆裂开来。伱的回答似乎惹怒了三人!】 How? The boys, you also look down upon our these ordinary vampires, wants to give these so-called upper-level vampires to work as the running dog?” The robust men looked that sneers to you.】 【“怎么?小子,难道你还看不起我们这些普通吸血鬼,想去给那些所谓的上层吸血鬼当走狗?”壮汉看向你冷笑。】 Upper-level vampire? 上层吸血鬼? Really the vampire clan these three, Mu You is incessantly more impossible to decide the whereabouts at present casually. 果然吸血鬼的氏族不止眼前这三个,沐游更不可能随便决定去向了。 However, after he makes the choice, the trend in this moment game is a little dangerous. 然而,他做出选择后,此刻游戏中的走向却有点危险。 Looked that you did not speak, the robust man jumped down from the wooden box, is moving the neck and arm, devils walked toward you: „The boy who was just born, do not give me to let success go to the head!” 【看你迟迟不说话,壮汉从木箱上跳下,活动着脖子和手骨,凶神恶煞的朝你走来:“一个刚出世的小子而已,别给我太得意忘形啊!”】 Must know like you do not have the status not to have background imp, in this city does not know that every year must die many.” 【“要知道像你这样没身份没背景的小鬼,在这座城市里每年不知道要死多少。”】 You only have one minute, in our three people you must choose one, otherwise, I did not mind that makes in this city again many imp corpse.” 【“你只有一分钟的时间,我们三个人里你必须选一个,否则,我不介意让这座城市里再多一具小鬼的尸体。”】 Robust man coldly is staring you, rear two females also shuts up to congeal to stand at this time same place, slightly not for the meaning that you spoke.】 【壮汉冷冷的瞪着你,后方两个女性此时也闭嘴凝立原地,丝毫没有为你说话的意思。】 One minute quick in the past, you choose......】 【一分钟的时间很快过去,你选择……】 Blood rose, Distortion, Perishing language. 【血玫瑰】、【变形者】、【亡语者】。 Mu You knits the brows, here also really must choose one, won't elect dead? 沐游皱眉,难道这里还真就必须选一个,不选就会死? Thinks from the logic of game, this really could not convince, the gods founded the goal of server, was to make the player come this fully to experience the ability and characteristics of this/should gods follower, without truth from the beginning the road of player dying of suffocation. 从游戏的逻辑来想,这实在说不通,神明创建服务器的目的,是让玩家来此充分体验该神明信徒的能力和特点,没道理一开始就把玩家的路给堵死。 On the other hand, is because has the pocket watch in the body, Mu You here dares to make some bold attempts safely. 另一方面,也是因为有怀表在身,沐游这里才敢安心做一些大胆的尝试。 One minute!” Before the robust men twisted the sandbag big fist to arrive at your body : Boy, you really wants to ask evidently, I also can only help you!” 【“一分钟时间到!”壮汉拧着沙包大的拳头走到了你身前:“小子,看样子你是真想求死,那我也只能成全你了!”】 【The fist of robust man pounds suddenly toward you, you only thought that this fist as if carried thousand honored strength, will block all will crush under this fist before it......】 【说完,壮汉的拳头骤然朝你砸来,你只觉得这一拳仿佛携带了千钧之力,拦在它面前的一切都会在这只拳头下粉碎……】 „Xiū!” in the fist will soon arrive when your body, the flank sound gets up together air-splitting, the side temples of robust man blossom suddenly, the whole person departs in the blood splash splash loudly, rolled ten several meters on the ground continually, finally knocks in one pile of wooden barrels, just now stops.】 “咻!”就在拳头即将降临在你身上之际,侧方一道破空声响起,壮汉的一边太阳穴骤然开花,整个人在血花飞溅中轰然飞出,在地上连滚了十数米,最后撞翻在一堆木桶中,方才停下。】 You turn the head to look, another direction, a face belt/bring mask, wears the tall and strong man of black clothes, does not know when presents the edge in rooftop, in the hand throws up and down is flying several grains of pebble.】 【你转头看去,另一个方向,一个脸带面具,身穿黑衣的魁梧男子,不知何时出现在天台的边缘,手里上下抛飞着几粒石子。】 Bang!” Great bear common robust man quickly vivid jump from ruins, just presented the man who to be foul-mouthed toward the distant place: Mother's Beverly, acting in a play to start to need is so heavy?” 【“轰!”巨熊一般的壮汉很快从废墟中生龙活虎的跳出,朝着远处刚出现的男子骂骂咧咧:“妈的贝弗利,演个戏下手有必要这么重吗?”】 Speech at the same time, grain of pebble falls falls on the place, you notice on the robust man temples, that nearly exploded the wound of head a moment ago, is returning to the original condition at the visible speed.】 【说话的同时,一粒石子摔落在地,你注意到壮汉太阳穴上,刚才那近乎爆头的伤口,正以肉眼可见的速度恢复原状。】 【The mask man has not actually paid attention to the robust man, but looks like toward you: Guts test, passes, your brave strove one time for you opportunity of seeing right in front of one prince regent.” 【面具男子却没有理会壮汉,而是朝你看来:“胆量测试,通过,你的勇敢为你争取到了一次面见摄政王的机会。”】 Can rookie who when my fist surface coating is still without turning a hair, but is rarely seen, this imp a little meaning, no wonder will be summoned...... robust man to walk crassly by the prince regent, wipes to turn one's face on bloody water, when arrives at your side, cracks into a smile toward you: You also saw, probes, do not bear a grudge me, is those words, having the interest can come me to distort at any time the clan.” 【“能在我拳头罩面之时依然面不改色的新人,可不多见,这小鬼有点意思,难怪会被摄政王召见……”壮汉骂骂咧咧的走来,一把抹掉脸上的血水,走到你身边时,朝你咧嘴一笑:“你也看到了,都是试探,可别记恨我,还是那句话,有兴趣可以随时来我变形者氏族。”】 „, but, do not think made contact with the prince regent from now on to have no more worries, the new protection period only limits tonight.” 【“不过,你可别以为搭上摄政王今后就可以高枕无忧了,新手保护期仅限今晚。”】 Other, gives you an advice, in the vampire society, the more upper-level circle, more without the freedom, does not want to become upper level the words that raises the line puppet, do not join.” The robust men finally said meaningfully, is in conspiracy with two women, jumped down rooftop, vanishes in the dim light of night.】 【“另外,给你一句忠告,在吸血鬼的社会里,越上层的圈子,越没有自由,不想成为提线木偶的话,就不要加入上层。”壮汉最后意味深长的说了一句,便伙同两个女人,先后跳下了天台,消失在夜色中。】 Test...... 测试么…… Mu You relaxes, this probe also really suffices the hard core, develops actually at the last minute, if no pocket watch to reveal, he estimates also the move. 沐游松了口气,这试探还真够硬核的,硬是演到最后一刻,如果不是有怀表兜底,他估计也得中招。 If here recognizes ahead of time instigated, behind that mask person will not likely appear, he also can only join one of the three clans, starts to play by the disadvantaged situation. 而如果这里提前认怂,后面那面具人很可能就不会出现,他也就只能加入这三个氏族之一,以劣势的情况开始游戏。 Naturally, now he also strives for himself to an extra opportunity, is good has not said badly. 当然,现在他也只是为自己争取到一个额外的机会,是好是坏还不好说。 Comes with me!” Mask male brief and to the point leaves behind one, then turns around to jump, such as the bat fell in distant place another roof, then flew up to the eaves and walls toward the distant place departs. Follows?】 【“跟我来!”面具男言简意赅的留下一句,便转身跃起,如蝙蝠般落在了远处另一座楼顶上,接着飞檐走壁朝更远处离去。是否跟随?】 Mu You first clicked on mask male entry. 沐游先是点击了一下‘面具男’的词条。 Beverly: 4 generations of vampires, subordinate in trial clan, is responsible for regulating the execution of shunning the world iron rule, and tries and eliminates these violate the prince regent government order the vampire.】 【贝弗利:四代吸血鬼,隶属于‘审判者’氏族,负责监管避世铁律的执行,并审判和清除那些违反摄政王政令的吸血鬼。】 Mu You is also thinking tries to run away directly, the opening free pattern, the result saw this text cancelled this thought decisively, the algebra differed too, present he is similar in front of this person and an ant, here the little darling followed. 沐游本来还想着试试能不能直接逃走,开启自由模式,结果一看到这条文本果断打消了这个念头,代数相差太多,现在的他在这人面前和一只蚂蚁差不多,这里还是得乖乖跟上。 You follow the mask male, runs cool sky over the city, finally stops in front of a commercial complex.】 【你跟随面具男,在城市上空一路跑酷,最终停在一栋商业大楼前。】 You step into the building front door along with the mask male, enters the elevator, the human security along the road all turns a blind eye to you.】 【你随面具男踏入大楼大门,进入电梯,沿路的人类保安对你们全都视若无睹。】 In an attic luxurious theater box, you saw the vampire leader in this city, prince regent Morteza · Jukic.】 【在顶楼一间豪华的包厢中,你见到了这座城市的吸血鬼头领,摄政王莫尔塔扎·尤基克。】 【The so-called prince regent is the middle-aged person of suit and dress shoes, the appearance is handsome, the manner scholarly, the hand pinches one glass of red wines to stand before the window looks into the night scene, only looks at the semblance, how to see is in a famous metropolis city the successful commercial tycoon, definitely is unable with the vampire to link.】 【所谓的摄政王是个西装革履的中年人,样貌英俊,举止儒雅,手捏一杯红酒站在窗台前眺望夜景,仅看外表,怎么看都是一名都市中成功的商业大亨,完全无法和吸血鬼联系在一起。】 Saw the prince regent, Mu You first examined an information of opposite party. 见到摄政王,沐游首先查看了一下对方的信息。 Morteza: 3 generations of vampires......】 【莫尔塔扎:三代吸血鬼……】 Mu You stares, prince regent unexpectedly also three generations? 沐游一愣,摄政王居然也才三代? Hello, newborn! This city too for a long time does not have the fresh blood to join, your appearance is I hears the best news tonight.” The prince regent welcome you with smile on the face, among the manners made you bathe in fresh air, has not felt ill any.】 【“你好,新生儿!这座城市已经太久没有新鲜血液加入了,你的出现是我今晚听到最好的消息。”摄政王面带微笑的欢迎了你,举止间令你如沐春风,并未感觉到任何不适。】 Takes the gift on first meeting, I prepared an apartment for you, with some emergency cash.” The prince regent said, his behind mask male and sealed envelope stopper of one pack of cash to give you one bunch of keys.】 【“作为见面礼,我为你准备了一套公寓,和一些应急的现金。”摄政王说完,他身后的面具男将一串钥匙和一封装着一叠现金的信封塞给了你。】 Mu You tried, here key and cash are unable to extract, this point is like the tower of formidable, obtains the item that in the tower is the virtual goods, can only use at the scene, does not exist actually. 沐游试了一下,这里的钥匙和现金都是无法提取出来的,这一点和勇者之塔一样,在塔内获得的道具都是虚拟物品,只能在场景中使用,并不实际存在。 You fully realized that the space will not fall the pie the truth, without accepts the gift directly, but inquires the prince regent, what accepts the prices of these things is?】 【你深知天上不会掉馅饼的道理,没有直接接受礼物,而是询问摄政王,收下这些东西的代价是什么?】 And the smart person talk is simple.” The prince regent appreciates looked at your one eyes: Actually I planned to drag into the royal family you directly, what a pity the following person did not agree, therefore, you can only first help me make quest, proved that your ability, blocks the mouths of others while convenient.” 【“和聪明人谈话就是简单。”摄政王欣赏的看了你一眼:“其实我本打算直接将你拉入王族,可惜下面的人不同意,所以,你只能先帮我做一个任务,来证明你的能力,顺便堵上其他人的嘴。”】 Must make quest......” “还是得做任务啊……” Mu You sighed, actually he hopes that by the restraint of any flow, the freedom did not go out to explore the scene, what a pity without was so easy, the present his when one's position is lowly one's words carry no weight, lives under subjugation, can only first come according to others' meaning, but the advantage was the security has the safeguard, was insufficient dead a violent death suddenly. 沐游叹息一声,其实他更希望不受任何流程的约束,自由出去探索场景,可惜没那么容易,现在的他人微言轻,寄人篱下,只能先按别人的意思来,不过好处是安全性有保障,不至于忽然暴毙。 Our blood group since the birth, has been complying with the ancient shunning the world treaty, this is we can in the foundation that in this city has for a long time. However now, actually some people want to destroy the iron rule of my clan.” 【“我们血族自诞生以来,一直遵从着古老的避世条约,这是我们能在这座城市中长久存在的基础。然而现在,却有人想要破坏我族的铁律。”】 Prince regent is saying, puts out one volume of recording tapes from the drawer, puts in the instrument, near the wall on the theater curtain projects together immediately the image.】 【摄政王说着,从抽屉中拿出一卷录像带,放入仪器中,墙边一块幕布上顿时投影出影像。】 You looked simply for several seconds, in the discovery video recording is a related vampire movie.】 【你简单看了数秒,发现录像中是一部有关吸血鬼的电影。】 This was recently much-quoted a new movie in the city black market, ordinary human thinks mostly the vampire in piece is only the special effect, but person of our blood group can look, what this Pianzili is the real thing!” 【“这是最近在城市黑市中广为流传的一部新影片,普通人类大都以为片中的吸血鬼只是特效,但我们血族的人一眼就能看出来,这片子里的是真东西!”】 Obviously, some brain not good blood groups, are treating as the method of our races making money safely.” The prince regent looks to you: Your first quest is very who simple, the maker found this movie, and reported to me, naturally, if you can process the mouse that this crowd does not understand the discretion by your ability, I did not mind.” 【“显然,有些脑子不好的血族,正在将我们的种族安全当做赚钱的手段。”摄政王看向你:“你的首个任务很简单,找到这部电影的制作者,并向我报告,当然,如果你能靠自己的能力处理掉这群不懂分寸的老鼠,我也不介意。”】 „, if you can complete this quest attractively, I not only will join royal family's opportunity to you, will also deliver you one drop passive painstaking care.” 【“如果你能漂亮的完成这个任务,我不但会给你加入王族的机会,还会送你一滴‘无源心血’。”】 Passive painstaking care: Referred to leaving behind the blood group of blood of heart lineage/vein dead, with the blood of heart lineage/vein the special method preserved. After other high algebra blood groups take, can reduce the algebra normally, but will not produce the blood to tie up.】 【无源心血:指留下心脉之血的血族已经死亡,用特殊方法保存下来的心脉之血。其他高代数血族服用后可以正常降低代数,但不会产生血缚。】 Has this type of thing?” “有这种东西?” Mu You eye one bright. Said early, he joins royal family's opportunity is not interested to anything, joins the royal family and joins the beforehand that three clans not to have the essential difference, works as the cannon fodder, the thing that this type does not have the side effect is he needs. 沐游眼睛一亮。早说啊,他对什么加入王族的机会丝毫不感兴趣,加入王族和加入之前那三个氏族没有本质区别,都是给人当炮灰,这种没有副作用的东西才是他需要的。 【After receiving quest that the prince regent arranges, you leave from the building, return on the street that the dim light of night covered. You prepare to go......】 【接下摄政王布置的任务后,你从大楼离开,重新回到了夜色笼罩的街道上。你准备前往……】 Leaves the building, his character shook off others 's controls finally temporarily, naturally, by the ability that here vampire mysteriously appears and disappears, Mu You estimated that now should also many people monitor him in secret. 离开大楼,他的角色总算暂时摆脱了其他人的控制,当然,以这里的吸血鬼神出鬼没的能力,沐游估计现在应该还有不少人正在暗中监视着他。 Mu You has not worried to make quest, but first defers to the place that on the key instructs, looks that prince regent to apportion his house. 沐游也没着急去做任务,而是先按照钥匙上指示的地点,去看了看那个摄政王分给他的房子。 You arrived at Lishui apartment 3, found own No. 204 room in second floor.】 【你来到了丽水公寓三栋,在二楼找到了自己的204号房间。】 Opens the door, what presents before you are one only has more than ten square meters houses, besides a bed and a computer table, in room completely empty.】 【打开房门,呈现在你面前的是一间仅有十多平米的房屋,除了一张床和一张电脑桌外,房间内空空如也。】 Closes the front door, you turn on the computer, after the starting desktop function is more succinct, only have named vampire encyclopedias the software your room and a receiving and dispatching mail button.】 【关上屋门,你打开电脑,开机后的桌面功能比你的房间还要简洁,只有一个名为‘吸血鬼百科’的软件和一个收发邮件的按钮。】 The computer in Mu You also hopeless game really can access the net anything, first was selects vampire encyclopedias to look. 沐游也没指望游戏中的电脑真能上网什么的,先是点开‘吸血鬼百科’看了看。 By the vampire of city, is divided into nine clans from top to bottom: 【以诺之城的吸血鬼,从上至下分为九个氏族: Vampire royal family who the control, rule and leadership grow perceptibly...... 以支配、统治、领导能力见长的吸血鬼王族…… Takes regulating, placing on trial and enforcing the law as the trial clan of inherent responsibilities...... 以监管、审判、执法为天职的审判者氏族…… In order to do business the Gold Touch clan that eloquence and transaction ability grow perceptibly...... 以经商、口才、交易能力见长的点金手氏族…… Takes deceiving and confusing, performance as the forte blood rose clan...... 以欺骗、迷惑、表演为长项的血玫瑰氏族…… Takes the distortion and fight, wild as the forte distortion clan...... 以变形、战斗、狂暴为长项的变形者氏族…… Takes the sensation, prediction and dead souls research as the forte perishing language clan...... 】 以感知、预言、死灵研究为长项的亡语者氏族……】 This so-called encyclopedias, introduced the surveys and clan abilities of nine clans in detail. 这所谓的‘百科’中,详细的介绍了九个氏族的概况和氏族能力。 And the first three clans are the aristocrat in vampire, can see from the status, trial who the royal family who is responsible for leading, is responsible for enforcing the law, is responsible for the economical Gold Touch, was equal to the power, the gun and economic lifeline wins over simultaneously in one. 其中前三种氏族属于吸血鬼中的贵族,从身份上也能看出,负责领导的王族,负责执法的审判者,负责经济的点金手,等于把权力,枪杆子和经济命脉同时拉拢在了一起。 Middle three types , before is him, that three vampires, then ruled civilian clan. 中间三种,也就是他之前遇到的那三个吸血鬼,则是被统治的平民氏族。 In addition three not popular clans, called wanderer clan and abnormal clan respectively and ‚the transformation clan, can see their situations from the name probably. 此外还有三种不入流的氏族,分别叫‘流浪者氏族’、‘畸形氏族’和‘变革者氏族’,从名字也能大概看出他们的处境。 The wanderers are these do not want to join the organization to put it bluntly, only thinks worthless person vampire that single or a small family has lived. 流浪者说白了就是那些不想加入组织,只想单人或一个小家庭过自己生活的散人吸血鬼。 The abnormal clan was quite miserable, because the vampire is the inbreeding, causing the descendant abnormal probability greatly to promote. 畸形氏族就比较惨了,由于吸血鬼很多都是近亲繁殖,导致后代畸形的概率大大提升。 The defective birth who these inborn appearances are at variance with the average man, will be abandoned since childhood, degenerates into the abnormal clan, because is not usually able to expose before the person, they can only hide in the gloomy sewer for a long time. 那些天生长相异于常人的畸形胎儿,从小就会被抛弃,沦为畸形氏族,由于平时无法暴露在人前,他们只能长期隐藏在阴暗的下水道里。 As for transformation, then refers to these discontented current vampire social structures, wants to overthrow the royal family to rule jointly, advocates all blood to spring up in a throng, but equal vampire, these people naturally are three thorn in the side of aristocrat clans, but because the huge quantity, has formed the scale, three aristocrat clans do not have the good way to eradicate them for a while, can only recognize their existences. 至于‘变革者’,则是指那些不满当前的吸血鬼社会结构,想要联手推翻王族统治,倡导所有血族生而平等的吸血鬼,这些人自然是三种贵族氏族的眼中钉肉中刺,但由于数量庞大,已经形成了规模,三个贵族氏族一时也没有太好的办法铲除他们,只能承认他们的存在。 Read this so-called encyclopedias, Mu You also calculates the basic understanding of the current situation. 看完这所谓的百科,沐游对当前处境也算有了基本了解。 Immediately he opened the mailbox to look at the eye. 随即他又打开邮箱看了眼。 You turn on the mailbox software, discovered that in the inbox is having four not to read the mail to flicker.】 【你打开邮箱软件,发现收件箱中正有四封未读邮件在忽明忽暗。】 Mu You examined in turn, three mails are the invitations, respectively from the blood rose, distortion and perishing language, informed their headquarters to be, from now on he will want to join these three influences time, can go at any time. 沐游依次查看了一下,其中三封邮件都是邀请函,分别来自血玫瑰、变形者和亡语者,告知了他们的总部所在,今后他想要加入这三个势力的时候,可以随时前往。 These three mails have no accident/surprise, what making him feel strange is last. 这三封邮件没什么意外,让他奇怪的是最后一封。 Last mail signature is anonymous, content also simple a few words. 最后一封邮件署名是匿名,内容也只有简简单单的一句话。 How experiences? ghost ship is long.” 【“体验如何?幽灵船长。”】 „?” “?” Mu You looks is startled. 沐游看得一惊。 In this completely independent dungeon scene, some people of did call his game ID unexpectedly? 在这个完全独立的副本场景里,居然有人一口叫出了他的游戏ID Who are you?” You reply.】 【“你是谁?”你回复。】 „Very obvious, the manager of this server, is the designer in this city.” The reply of opposite party springs quickly.】 【“很显然,这座服务器的管理员,同时也是这座城市的设计者。”对方的回信很快弹出。】 Opposite party's reply has not stemmed from Mu You to expect actually, can call him the status here, only possibly was the back manager. 对方的回答倒是没有出乎沐游预料,能在这里叫出他身份的,也只可能是背后的管理员了。 Thinks of here, Mu You will want consciousness to sink to the causes and effects line subconsciously, actually looks will be which manager in the unseemly behavior. 想到这里,沐游下意识就想要将意识沉入因果线中,去找找究竟是哪一个管理员在作怪。 Theoretically all managers, causes and effects line connection on creating mountains marking a border. 理论上所有的管理员,都会有一根因果线连接在创界山上。 I guess that you wanted to find me, but does not need to use energy, I was one spirit manager, the jurisdiction wants high the manager who you were ordinarier than first-level, only then I can see you, you could not see my.” The reply springs again.】 【“我猜你想要找到我,不过不必费劲了,我是一名‘幽灵管理员’,权限比你们普通的管理员要高一级,只有我能看到你们,你们是看不到我的。”回复再次弹出。】 Mu You looks knits the brows, listens to this person of tone, seems before very long, became the manager. 沐游看得皱眉,听这人的口气,似乎很久之前就成为管理员了。 Does the scene that how, I design how experience? Made you immerse in which?” 【“怎么样,我设计的场景体验如何?有没有令你沉浸其中?”】 The opposite party were still inquiring, as if cares about his appraisal very much. 对方还在询问,似乎很在意他的评价。 Mu You has not answered the opposite party the issue, but asked the proper business. 沐游没回答对方问题,而是问起了正事。 What is here entry condition?” 【“这里的通关条件是什么?”】 This server since later, always without prompting concrete entry condition, Mu You still does not know how should be to pass through. 这座服务器从进入以后,始终没有提示过具体的通关条件,沐游至今不知道该怎么样才算过关。 Good issue!” 【“好问题!”】 Entry method has three types!” 【“通关方法有三种!”】 First, survives for over a half year in this city.” 【“第一,在这座城市里存活半年以上。”】 Second, becomes in this city the vampire apex.” 【“第二,成为这座城市里吸血鬼的顶点。”】 Third...... found me!” 【“第三……找到我!”】 Mu You looks stares. 沐游看得一愣。 First two he can understand, in the past the blood group first ancestor also just stayed for a half year to leave here, used should be the first entry method. 前两条他都可以理解,当年血族始祖也刚好是在这里停留了半年才离开,用的应该就是第一种通关方法。 But this condition Mu You actually has more than enough, he may not have so many time waste here, he can walk, only then latter two. 只不过这个条件沐游却用不了,他可没有那么多时间浪费在这里,他能走的只有后两条。 Article 2 is also very good to understand, murders, continuously reduces the algebra, the promotion strength, until becoming this city the king of vampire. This road most simple and crude, but is also most dangerous. 第二条也很好理解,一路杀伐,不断降低代数,提升实力,直到成为这座城市的吸血鬼之王。这条路最简单粗暴,但也最危险。 But this third...... 而这第三条…… Found you? Are you also playing?” 【“找到你?你也在游戏中?”】 Naturally, I most like character acts! Player who comes to challenge regarding each, I will act fixed character at the scene, who as for this time is? Must guess by yourself! In brief so long as you remember, you anyone in this city, no matter the man woman, the old person child, the mortal or the vampire, anybody, can be me disguise as?” 【“当然,我最喜欢的就是角色扮演!对于每一名前来挑战的玩家,我都会在场景中扮演一个固定的角色,至于这次是谁?就要靠你自己来猜了!总之你只要记住,你在这座城市中遇到的任何一个人,不管是男人女人,老人小孩,凡人还是吸血鬼,任何人,都有可能是我假扮的?”】 No matter, regardless of what condition, so long as you can find character that I act in the game, I will calculate you to go through customs unconditionally, give you entry reward of highest rank!” 【“不论何时,不论何种境况,只要你能在游戏里找到我扮演的角色,我都会无条件算你通关,给予你最高级别的通关奖励!”】 „, Is ghost ship so long, is interested in playing a hoodman-blind?” 【“那么,幽灵船长,有兴趣来玩一场捉迷藏游戏吗?”】 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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