TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#520: Welcome arrives, vampire paradise

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Chapter 520 welcome to arrive, vampire paradise 第520章欢迎来到,吸血鬼乐园 Absorbs, you obtained 0.2 drop first ancestor's blood......】 【吸收完毕,你获得了0.2滴‘始祖之血’……】 Absorbs, you obtained 0.1 drop first ancestor's blood......】 【吸收完毕,你获得了0.1滴‘始祖之血’……】 Absorbs, skeleton destroys seriously, you cannot obtain any first ancestor's blood......】 【吸收完毕,尸骸破坏过于严重,你未能获得任何始祖之血……】 ...... …… Over the following several hours, Mu You starts the unceasing absorption remains. 接下来的几个小时,沐游开始不断的吸收遗骸。 The blood that each corpse can absorb is various, all looks at the luck. 每具尸体能吸收的血液各不相同,全看运气。 After five hours, Mu You attracted seven 7~8 the remains of scene finally eight, but first ancestor's blood that at this time, in the niche of blood gathered has achieved 60 drops! 五个小时后,沐游终于将现场的遗骸吸了个七七八八,而此时,血之龛中先后聚拢的始祖之血已经达到了六十滴! Except that most starts to promote beyond ten drops of duke, he used 50 drops of first ancestor's blood additionally, the prompt that however, in the imagination is promoted again has not appeared. 除去最开始晋升公爵的十滴外,他又额外使用了五十滴始祖之血,然而,想象中再次晋级的提示始终没有出现。 At that time the Count rose the marquis only to use three drops, the marquis rose the duke to use ten drops, according to the rule, the duke promoted the first ancestor, 30 drops of blood this/should enough, however, 50 drops get down at present, was still stirless, this made Mu You have to suspect, is it possible that promoted the first ancestor also to have what other condition? 当时伯爵升侯爵只用了三滴,侯爵升公爵用了十滴,按照规律来说,公爵晋升始祖,三十滴血怎么也该够了,然而,眼下五十滴下去,依然毫无动静,这就让沐游不得不怀疑,晋升始祖莫非还有什么别的条件? On the other hand, so many vampire accumulations here, actually for what? Why will also die a tragic death all? 话说回来,这么多吸血鬼聚集在这里,究竟是为了什么?又为什么会尽数惨死? If that blood group first ancestor is really born from here, then he likely once was also one in these people, but he was quite lucky, after experiencing something, was successfully promoted for the first ancestor left here, on the footsteps of these people without step. 如果那位血族始祖真的是从这里诞生的,那么他很可能曾经也是这些人中的一员,只不过他比较幸运,在经历了一些事情后,成功晋级为始祖离开了这里,没有步上这些人的后尘。 Thinks of here, Mu You turn head looked for Nightwatcher to come jack-o’-lantern, sent in the game. 想到这里,沐游回头找打更人要来了南瓜灯,送入游戏。 you grasps jack-o’-lantern that lightens, walks toward the deep place of underground temporary palace.】 【伱手持点亮的南瓜灯,朝地下行宫的深处走去。】 Under shine of azure glow, in two sides stone wall, the bloodstain of that dry desalination appears again, looks in two frontier walls splashes ink bloodstain, you are conceivable here to have how frigid fight.】 【青色辉光的映照下,两边石壁上,那一块块干涸淡化的血迹再次显现,看着两边墙上泼墨般的血迹,你已经可以想象出这里曾经发生过多么惨烈的战斗。】 You along shocking blood wall, go to expert, toward deep place, the bloodstain color in stone wall is deeper......】 【你沿着触目惊心的鲜血墙壁,一路向内行去,越往深处,石壁上的血迹颜色越深……】 You arrived at the most deep place of temporary palace, front is a blind alley, but in end stone wall, bloodstain has almost congealed essence, under shining of jack-o’-lantern, you even saw that in indistinctly wall is having blood murmur to flow out outward......】 【你来到了行宫的最深处,前方是一条死路,但在尽头的石壁上,血迹已经几乎凝成实质,在南瓜灯的照耀下,你甚至隐约看到墙壁内正有鲜血向外潺潺流出……】 Really has the issue! 果然有问题! Opens jack-o’-lantern, with switching over filtered mirror to result, turned into the terrifying tone instantaneously. 一打开南瓜灯,就和切换了滤镜似得,瞬间变成了恐怖色调。 You take out Lucky Dust, tosses into jack-o’-lantern......】 【你取出一把幸运粉尘,抛入南瓜灯中……】 Dust thing, after the seductresses/evil spirits move in daybreak the city, already no longer scarce, looks for a superior seductress/evil spirit casually, follows on the heels to tag along after a while, can pick big. 粉尘这东西,在妖精们搬来黎明城后,已经不再稀缺,随便找个上等妖精,跟在后面尾随一会儿,就能捡到一大把。 Turbulent combustion of dust in jack-o’-lantern, the jack-o’-lantern ray shone several times suddenly, in the front blood-color stone wall, shone upon a blood gate arched entrance shape indistinctly, blood that on these stone walls overflows, gushes out from the crack in a door of this gate......】 【粉尘在南瓜灯内汹涌燃烧,南瓜灯的光芒骤亮了数倍,在前方的血色石壁上,隐约映照了一道血门拱门的形状,那些石墙上溢出的鲜血,正是从这道门的门缝中涌出的……】 You walk to go forward, attempt to open the blood door, the palm actually direct penetration, without feeling any material object.】 【你走上前,尝试推开血门,手掌却直接穿透而过,没有感受到任何实物。】 You bring a branch from the ground, stretches out toward the gate in again, the branch actually arrived quickly in hard stone wall, is unable to penetrate.】 【你从地上取来一根树枝,再次朝门内伸出,树枝却很快抵在了坚硬的石壁上,无法穿透。】 【Very obvious, this passes through the checkpoint of special establishment together, the person who only then achieves the condition can disregard the wall to enter, but you have met the condition now.】 【很显然,这是一道经过特殊设置的关卡,只有达成条件的人才能无视墙壁进入,而你现在已经符合了条件。】 With approaching the blood gate, in your brain resounds together the chaos low sound of talking suddenly.】 【随着靠近血门,你的脑中忽然响起一道混沌的低语声。】 „, since can find here, you have experienced thin blood initially ‚’ strength, but with the increase of strength, thin blood could not have satisfied you obviously, regarding the hope of strength of more powerful blood, guided here you. Then, whether you prepared to go a step further, break through thin blood the shackles, obtained the strength of genuine blood god?” 【“既然能找到这里,想必你已经初步体验过‘薄血’的力量,但随着力量的提升,薄血显然已经满足不了你,对于更强大鲜血之力的渴望,将你引导来了这里。那么,你是否准备好了更进一步,突破薄血的桎梏,获得真正的血神之力?”】 Oversteps the front door, you will arrive at the vampire the paradise! But please note, in the paradise, you are unable to use the strength outside vampire, this will make you almost does not have a thing in the world, originally powerful you, after the gate weak like a newborn baby.” 【“踏过大门,你将到达吸血鬼的乐园!但请注意,在乐园中,你无法使用吸血鬼以外的力量,这将使你几乎变得一无所有,原本强大的你,在门后将虚弱的如同一个初生的婴儿。”】 Blood group does not receive the spiritless person and twirp, if you feel to dread about all these, currently also has the opportunity turn head, otherwise, these corpses are your fate.” 【“血族不收懦弱之人和无用之人,如果你对这一切感到畏惧,现在还有回头的机会,否则,身后的这些尸体就是你的下场。”】 【, Makes your choice!】 【那么,做出你的选择吧!】 Is marches forward, the baptism of facing directly the blood? Turns head promptly, returns to own comfortable domain?】 【是继续向前,直面鲜血的洗礼?还是及时回头,返回自己的舒适领域?】 Two options: Marches forward With Repents and is saved. 两个选项:【继续向前】和【回头是岸】。 Well?” “咦?” Mu You accidental/surprised. 沐游意外了一下。 Here text and option, unexpectedly before enters the tower of formidable for the first time time is quite similar. 这里的文本和选项,居然和之前首次进入勇者之塔的时候极为相似。 The recombination beforehand blood group first ancestor the deeds that is born from here, Mu You associates quickly, is it possible that is here also one server? The god department that this server can experience, as if only has a blood god, without other choices. 再结合之前血族始祖从这里诞生的事迹,沐游很快联想到,莫非这里也是一座‘服务器’?只是这座服务器可以体验的神系,似乎只有一个血神,没有其他选择。 Moreover, in the tower of formidable, even if overcomes an obstacle the failure, will not have any danger, can start over from the beginning at any time, but here, failed as if really can want the human life...... 而且,在勇者之塔即便闯关失败,也不会有任何危险,可以随时从头再来,但在这里,失败了似乎真的能要人命啊…… Naturally, he in the operation game character, how wants the human life now after all again , can only toss about his character, but can also be away from the mesh wire to affect his main body is inadequate? 当然,他现在毕竟只是在操作游戏人物,再怎么要人命,也只能折腾他的角色,还能隔着网线影响到他本体不成? Marches forward.” “继续向前。” You stepped into the blood gate resolutely.】 【你毅然的踏入了血门。】 You made an insufficiently intelligent choice.” 【“你做出了一个不够聪明的选择。”】 „, Welcome to the vampire, slaughters with bloody heaven —— by the city.” 【“那么,欢迎来到吸血鬼之都,杀戮与血腥的天堂——以诺之城。”】 In brain twittering the sound goes far away gradually, opens eyes again, you discovered that you appears on a broad asphalt street.】 【脑中的呢喃声渐渐远去,再次睁眼,你发现自己出现在一条宽阔的沥青马路上。】 【Under the dim light of night covers the city to be brilliantly illuminated, strings together class/flow restless old-fashioned car to gallop on street, the neon light and billboard in tall buildings find at everywhere, compete blooming brilliance, is attracting your attention, away the bar in your not far away , the DJ vibration of autokinetic effect is away from street to transmit, is stimulating your eardrum......】 【夜色笼罩下的城市灯火通明,串流不息的老式汽车驰骋在街道上,高楼大厦上的霓虹灯和广告牌随处可见,竞相绽放光彩,吸引着你的注意力,距你不远处的酒吧中,动感的DJ震动隔着街道传来,刺激着你的耳膜……】 „???” “???” Mu You looks that these two texts some have not responded for a while. 沐游看着这两道文本一时有些没反应过来。 Neon light? Bar? Automobile? 霓虹灯?酒吧?汽车? This what vampire, such new? 这什么吸血鬼之都,这么新潮的么? He knows that the server can design the background and scene by the manager, but, can the design unexpectedly the freedom to this situation? 他知道服务器是可以由管理员设计背景和场景的,但是,设计居然可以自由到这种地步吗? On the other hand, can design this metropolis scene, is the manager of this server also an earthman? 话说回来,能设计出这种都市场景,难道这座服务器的管理员也是个地球人? 【The brilliant metropolis night scene made you eyes cannot take it all, but when you were busy with the reorganization present situation, the sound raided together air-splitting suddenly behind from you, you wanted to turn around subconsciously, actually discovered that own body is blocked like the robot that has not greased generally, before you responded, a shadow has hung in you behind.】 【绚烂的都市夜景令你目不暇接,但就在你忙于整理现状之时,一道破空声骤然从你身后袭来,你下意识想要转身,却发现自己的身体如同一具没上油的机器人一般滞塞,在你反应过来之前,一道黑影已经挂在你身后。】 You only felt that a nape of the neck stabbing pain, two rows of advantage teeth pricked your skin, you lose strength instantaneously, the blood of whole body pass fast, consciousness rapid murky got down......】 【你只感觉脖颈一阵刺痛,两排利齿刺入了你的皮肤,你瞬间失去力气,全身的血液快速流逝,意识迅速昏沉了下去……】 Un?” “嗯?” Mu You looks knits the brows, instinct according to table recollection. 沐游看得皱眉,本能的按表回溯。 【The time circulation, before you return to be under the attack, the attention puts aside from front heavy traffic immediately, turns head rapidly, vigilant sweeping approaches behind.】 【时光流转,你回到遭遇袭击之前,注意力顿时从前方的车水马龙上移开,迅速回头,警惕的扫向身后。】 However pleasant actually completely empty, has not seen any suspicious form.】 【然而入眼却空空如也,没有看到任何可疑的身影。】 【When you confuse, a shadow throws again from rear area, hung in your back, two rows of advantage teeth pricked your nape of the neck......】 【就在你迷惑之时,一道黑影再次从后方扑来,挂在了你的背后,两排利齿刺入了你的脖颈……】 Mu You is helpless, here seems like a plot to kill, even if detected ahead of time still useless, the speed of this raider was higher than him is too many, moreover in this moment game the panel is not even able to open, what ability is unable to use, not to mention resistance. 沐游无奈,这里好像是个剧情杀,就算提前察觉了也没用,这个袭击者的速度高出他太多了,而且此刻游戏中连面板都无法打开,什么能力都无法使用,更别提反抗了。 However he is not anxious, this test -type scene, is always impossible from the beginning on quest that the establishment must die. 不过他也没太紧张,这种考验式的场景,总不可能一开始就设置必死的任务 Passes in within the body blood fast, you fell into comatose condition quickly......】 【随着体内血液快速流逝,你很快陷入了昏迷状态……】 【During is blurry, you felt suddenly blood of drop of implication divine nature strength floods into your within the body from raider mouth, under the influence of this drop of god blood, your blood group bottleneck natural breakthrough......】 【迷迷糊糊之中,你忽然感觉一滴蕴含神性力量的血液从袭击者口中涌入你的体内,在这滴神血的影响下,你的血族瓶颈自然的突破……】 You by the vampire duke, are promoted to the blood group first ancestor, had the ability of creation exclusive ethnic group, presently algebra: 10 generations!】 【你由吸血鬼公爵,晋升为血族始祖,拥有了创造专属族群的能力,当前代数:十代!】 You fell into stupor thoroughly......】 【你彻底陷入了昏迷……】 Well?” Mu You stares. “咦?”沐游一愣。 His was attracted the blood, actually instead promoted, really promotes the first ancestor to need the extra condition. 他被人吸了血,却反而晋升了,果然晋升始祖需要额外的条件。 Mu You looks in the text prompts implication divine nature blood, it seems like starts from the blood group first ancestor, behind must taking advantage of thinking can the strength be raised? 沐游看着文本中提示的‘蕴含神性的血液’,这么看来从血族始祖开始,后面都必须要借用神的力量才能提升了么? Mu You clicked algebra this entry. 沐游又点击了一下‘代数’这个词条。 Algebra: Also said that generation, the blood group unique digit, each blood group has an algebra, the algebra is representing this/should vampire and first-generation blood group, is among blood god the distance.】 【代数:又称‘世代’,血族特有的计数单位,每个血族都有一个代数,代数代表着该吸血鬼与第一代血族,也就是血神本人之间的距离。】 Blood group supports or the birth through the blood makes the new vampire, but the transmission of each time blood, will let the bloodlines thin point, therefore all new student/life vampires, algebra always compared with their elders and superiors high over one generation. 【血族通过血拥或者生育来制造新的吸血鬼,但血液的每次传递,都会让血脉稀薄一分,因此所有新生的吸血鬼,代数总是比他们的尊长高一代以上。 Usually the algebra is smaller, close to beginning generation of vampires , the strength is more powerful, but will jump over in the future algebra, the bloodlines strength will be thinner. 通常代数越小,越靠近初代的吸血鬼,实力越强大,而越往后的代数,血脉力量越稀薄。 All different functions and attacks of high algebra blood group, will sell at a discount regarding the effect of low generation of blood groups greatly, even possibly does not have an effect completely. Therefore in the vampire, in the following to subdue|grams is almost the not possible event. 】 高代数血族的所有异能和攻击,对于低代血族的效果将大打折扣,甚至可能完全不起作用。因此在吸血鬼内部,以下克上几乎是不可能事件。】 Algebra from the first generation starts, may extend to 16 generations high, because 16 generations of blood groups the bloodlines strength is thin, is unable to create the new blood group again.】 【代数从第1代开始,最高可延伸至16代,16代的血族由于血脉力量过于稀薄,无法再创造新的血族。】 【After 10 generations blood groups, are generally called thin blood group, their blood law different functions are almost impossible to have any influence on the real world. Only then < = 10 generations of vampires, the different functions may become effective in the real world.】 【十代以后的血族,统称为‘薄血族’,他们的血律异能几乎无法对真实世界造成任何影响。只有小于等于十代的吸血鬼,异能才可在真实世界中生效。】 Vampire reduces the algebra to have two methods: 【吸血鬼降低代数有两种方法: 1st, takes the low algebra vampire the blood of heart lineage/vein, can reduce an algebra, but will come under blood ties up the influence, since then becomes this/should low algebra vampire dependency. 一,服用低代数吸血鬼的心脉之血,可以降低一层代数,但会受到‘血缚’的影响,从此成为该低代数吸血鬼的附庸。 2nd, attracts completely presses out low algebra blood of vampire, can reduce an algebra, but this behavior will make the goal die in the extreme pain. In the vampire society, attracts to press out the low algebra vampire to be tried as the forbidden behavior of capital crime. 】 二,完全‘吸榨’一个低代数的吸血鬼的血液,可以降低自身一层代数,但这种行为会令目标在极度痛苦中死亡。在吸血鬼的社会中,吸榨低代数吸血鬼是会被审判为死罪的严禁行为。】 This algebra entry first even/including springs several explanations unexpectedly. 这个‘代数’词条居然一连弹出好几条解释。 Mu You carefully looked two, discovered that this thing and belief star class is almost a meaning, but is just opposite with the star class, the star class is the rank is higher, the strength is stronger, the algebra is the digit is lower, the ability is stronger. 沐游仔细看了两遍,发现这个东西和信仰星级差不多是一个意思,只不过和星级刚好相反,星级是级别越高,实力越强,代数却是数字越低,能力越强。 Segmentation is 1 to 16 generations......” “细分为一到16代……” Mu You hesitated. 沐游沉吟了一下。 He is promoted now is the vampire first ancestor, the algebra is 10 generations, Duke Uncle Hou child male five title, separately represents 11-15 generations downward, actually also one generation blood slave, the vampire retinue, only has extremely thin vampire ability again downward, but is unable to make the new blood group again, showing of this point and here algebra happens to hold the same view actually. 他现在晋级为吸血鬼始祖,代数是十代,往下还有‘公侯伯子男’五个爵位,分别代表11-15代,再往下其实还有一代‘血奴’,吸血鬼的仆从,只具有极其稀薄的吸血鬼能力,但无法再制造新的血族,这一点和这里代数的说明倒是不谋而合。 In game that just thinking, once to be getting down a moment ago dimly, popped up the prompt again. 正想着,刚才一度昏暗下去的游戏中,再次弹出了提示。 Murky, you as if hear surrounding have mixed sound of footsteps and begging for mercy sound......】 【昏昏沉沉中,你似乎听到周围有混杂的脚步声和求饶声……】 ping!” You were awakened by the sound of beverage bottle disruption together.】 【“呯!”你被一道酒瓶碎裂的声音惊醒。】 Opens eyes to look, you discovered you are lying down above a rooftop of roof, the nighttime sky of top of the head was covered by the dark cloud, the neon light that only then the distant place reflects, provided the slight bright for the surroundings.】 【睁眼看去,你发现自己正躺倒在一处楼顶的天台上方,头顶的夜空被乌云笼罩,只有远方反射来的霓虹灯光,为周围提供了些微的亮光。】 【Since you crawl from the ground, discovered that the surroundings are assembling more than ten person's shadows, three two or three two stands.】 【你从地上爬起,发现周围围聚着十几道人影,三三两两的站在一起。】 【The center of crowd, a height two meters robust man grasps the beverage bottle, sits in a wooden box, sneering looks that front kneels down human youngster.】 【人群的中央,一个身高两米的壮汉手持酒瓶,坐在一个木箱上,冷笑的看着面前一个跪倒在地的人类少年。】 Through the blood group unique similar induction, you can the clear feeling, everyone be the vampires, except for this youngster.】 【通过血族特有的同类感应,你能够清晰的感觉到,现场所有人都是吸血鬼,除了这个少年。】 Eldest child, I heard, so long as on the neck the person of belt/bring blood hole the city brings to give you, has money to take, therefore carries him to look your, I really do not know that you are entertaining the guest......” youngster to look in rooftop blood and corpse everywhere, is explaining startled.】 【“老大,我只是听说,只要将城市里脖子上带血洞的人带过来交给您,就有钱拿,所以才扛着他来找您的,我真不知道您正在招待客人……”少年看着天台上满地的鲜血和尸体,惊慌的解释着。】 Robust man grinned to smile, extends the rush-leaf fan big hand to pat several on the youngster face: Good, you are an obedient subordinate, what a pity is not very smart, dashed our meeting, is working as so many similar, your lets my very difficult office......” 【壮汉咧嘴笑了笑,伸出蒲扇大的手在少年脸上拍了几下:“不错,你是个听话的手下,可惜不够机灵,偏偏撞破了我们的聚会,当着这么多‘同类’,你这让我很难办啊……”】 Eldest child, I, I do not ask for money, only asked you to let off me, I ensure can all that forgets to see today, was not right, I have forgotten, I anything have not seen...... to look at the smile of robust man today, the youngster was more flustered, the whole body shook such as shakes chaff.】 【“老大,我,我不要钱了,只求你放过我,我保证会忘记今天看到的一切,不对,我已经忘了,我今天什么都没看见……”看着壮汉的笑脸,少年却更加慌张,浑身抖如筛糠。】 Not, one yard normalizing code.” The robust men put out a hand from fish out one stack of paper money behind, forced in the youngster coat, said with a smile: Reward must, my Wallow a promise that can be counted on, not owe others' account.” 【“不不不,一码归一码。”壮汉伸手从身后摸出一沓纸币,塞进了少年上衣,笑道:“报酬还是要给的,我瓦罗一诺千金,从来没有欠过别人的账。”】 „, but, in our vampire, there is an unwritten shunning the world iron rule: Once were seen the scene of blood group characteristics or feed by human, wants first to process the eyewitness, otherwise, has the exposition the blood group to the vampire of human, will be chased down by all blood groups!” The robust men filled a liquor, grins to look at the human youngster: Therefore, you do not die today, dying was I.” 【“不过,在我们吸血鬼内部,有一条不成文的避世铁律:一旦被人类看到了我们的血族特征或进食的场景,一定要第一时间处理掉目击者,否则,将血族存在暴露给人类的吸血鬼,将会被全体血族追杀!”壮汉灌了口酒,咧嘴看着人类少年:“所以,今天你不死,死的就会是我了。”】 Youngster heard that the word stiffens thoroughly, as if realized oneself keep here today to die without doubt, no longer entreats, suddenly sets out to flush away toward the rear rooftop edge, as to jump down, seeks that a slim chance of survival.】 【少年闻言彻底僵住,似乎意识到了自己留在这里今天必死无疑,不再哀求,忽然起身朝后方天台边缘冲去,似乎想要一跃而下,来寻求那一线生机。】 Was a pity that has not waited for him to rush to the edge, behind the robust man, two vampire men have been sneering going out, the speed if quickly the lightning, the teleport general appearance in the youngster behind, him knocks down.】 【可惜还不等他冲到边缘,壮汉后方,两个吸血鬼男子已经冷笑着走出,速度快若闪电,瞬移一般的出现在少年身后,将他扑倒在地。】 In the pitiful yell sound of youngster, two robust men takes the blood of youngster greedily, attracted person to do him quickly......】 【在少年的惨叫声中,两个壮汉贪婪的吸食少年的鲜血,很快将他吸成了人干……】 Really is uncouthly, just now completes initially to support ’ the thin blood children of ceremony to frighten......” robust man not far away this ‚, the female who a metropolis work place dresses up complained, stands up, arrives in front of you, pushed the eyeglasses, showed the smile to you, gentle opens the mouth: „Is child, interested in joining our blood rose clan, we most were good at teaching to the road ahead confused child......” 【“真是粗鲁呢,把这位才刚完成‘初拥’仪式的薄血孩子都吓到了……”壮汉不远处,一个都市职场打扮的女性抱怨了一声,站起身来,走到你面前,推了推眼镜,对你露出了笑容,温柔的开口:“孩子,有没有兴趣加入我们血玫瑰氏族,我们最擅长教导对前路迷茫的孩子了……”】 You look at the present metropolis beautiful woman, only thought that she so has no time beautifully, you rather pay all for her, only to win her smiles.】 【你看着眼前的都市丽人,只觉得她是如此的美丽无暇,你宁愿为她付出一切,只为博得她一笑。】 You are just about to comply with her invitation, suddenly side hears together the woman cold hum/snort: Vick, your dissolute bluish green pond, is in front of so many to dare to a newborn to use to attract, but also dares is not concerned about face?” 【你正要答应她的邀请,忽然听到旁边又一道女人冷哼声:“维克朵,你这个浪荡的碧池,当着这么多人面就敢对一个新生儿用魅惑,还敢再不要脸一些吗?”】 You turn the head to look, what making noise is a woman who wears the black robe, grasps wand, half face hidden in the hood.】 【你转头看去,出声的是一个身披黑袍的女人,手持一根法杖,半张脸都隐藏在兜帽中。】 【The black robe woman looked at this time to you: Newborn, you best or choose us perishing language, I will teach you to predict and ability of dead souls dialogue, this is the most practical blood group different functions.” 【黑袍女人这时看向你:“新生儿,你最好还是选择我们‘亡语者’,我会传授你预言和死灵对话的能力,这都是最实用的血族异能。”】 hahaha, Katerina jumped to install the god woman, perhaps what a pity your prediction always crossed.” The robust man of excessive drinking looks to you, laughs saying: Young people, do not listen to two women to be chatty, is the man joins us distortion, I will teach you most purely the fight skill, believes me, as sincere as the fight of meat is most suitable your!” 【“哈哈哈,卡特琳娜又跳出来装神婆了,可惜你那预言从来就没准过。”酗酒的壮汉看向你,大笑道:“年轻人,别听两个娘们叽叽歪歪,是男人就加入我们‘变形者’,我将教你最纯粹的战斗技巧,相信我,只有拳拳到肉的战斗才是最适合你的!”】 Three vampire leaders sent out invitation to you, you choose to join......】 【三个吸血鬼首领都对你发出了邀请,你选择加入……】 To deceive, to confuse, performance for forte blood rose clan.】 【以欺骗,迷惑,表演为长项的血玫瑰氏族。】 To distort, fight, wild for the forte distortion clan.】 【以变形,战斗,狂暴为长项的变形者氏族。】 By sensation, prediction, dead souls research for the forte perishing language clan.】 【以感知,预言,死灵研究为长项的亡语者氏族。】 Mu You has not thought that just came up to come three teachers to him for the program that you turn around. 沐游没想到刚上来就给他来了一出三家导师为你转身的戏码。 Mu You has not known actually temporarily the vampire in this city is divided into many factions, in brief here three options, his does not want to elect. 沐游暂时还不知道这座城市里的吸血鬼究竟分为多少派系,总之这里的三个选项,他一个也不想选。 Do not look on these three people of mouths said is of pleasant to hear, will join later will teach him what different functions, will give him what advantage wait/etc, but all these premises, will be he must first under the clothing/taking the blood of others heart lineage/vein, after degenerating into the dependencies of these factions, will give him the advantage. 别看这三人嘴上说的多么好听,加入之后会教他什么异能,给他什么好处等等的,但这一切的前提,是他得先服下人家的心脉之血,沦为这些派系的附庸之后,才会给他好处。 Mu You as a player, the goal is to go through customs, was definitely impossible just to start to fall into such passive position by oneself. 沐游作为一个玩家,目标是来通关的,肯定不可能刚开始就让自己陷入这么被动的境地。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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