TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#519: Blood group mass grave

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Chapter 519 blood group mass grave 第519章血族乱葬岗 Blood group first ancestor?” “血族始祖?” Mu You stares, wasn't that had died more than 2000 years of blood group old ancestors? 沐游一愣,不就是那位已经死了两千多年的血族老祖? Recorded the diary of his development process...... 记录了他诞生过程的日记…… The Mu You complexion is strange, but thinks also is really, at present all vampires are created by this blood group first ancestor generations , does that this first vampire come? 沐游脸色古怪,不过想想还真是,目前所有的吸血鬼都是由这位血族始祖一代代创造出来的,那这第一个吸血鬼又是怎么来的? Gives you ancient books badly-damaged.】 【麦伊将一本残破不堪的古旧书册交给你。】 You obtained incomplete vampire first ancestor diary.】 【你得到了‘残缺的吸血鬼始祖日记’。】 Mu You extracted to come to see the eye this diary. 沐游将这日记提取出来看了眼。 Incomparably obsolete books appear in his hands, said is the diary, is more like the cultural relic that just unearthed, the paper page yellowing curls up, in ten pages has looking awful that nine pages break, above the handwriting is to stick is hard-to-identify. 一本无比老旧的书册出现在他手中,说是日记,更像是一本刚出土的文物,纸页泛黄蜷曲,十页里有九页都破的不成样子,其上字迹更是糊的难以辨认。 Mu You game made wait a bit, sits diary to glance through this from beginning to end carefully. 沐游游戏里让麦伊稍等,坐下来将这本‘日记’从头到尾仔细翻阅了一遍。 Because some handwriting are really fuzzy, in addition the diary narrated is in itself also off and on, Mu You outlined for one hour, finally was also only the summary that half ignorant/veiled partly guessed some information of diary. 由于部分字迹实在是过于模糊,再加上日记叙事本身也是断断续续,沐游勾勾画画了一个多小时,最终也只是半蒙半猜的总结出了日记的部分情报。 The general idea/careless of diary, is this blood group old ancestor, before being very long, is only a Astral Spirit Realm ordinary farmer, until one day, his mistake arising out of chance circumstances entered a mysterious city, stayed six months there, after departure, he then had the abilities and various mysterious blood group different functions of immortal. 日记的大意,是这位血族的老祖,很久以前只是星灵界一位普通的农民,直到某一天,他阴差阳错的进入了一座神秘的城市,在那里停留了半年时间,等离开后,他便拥有了长生的能力和各种神奇的血族异能。 However, he actually lost all memories in this city, he does not remember how completely own curse and different functions come, in the half year the experience, like cut forcefully from his brain generally. 然而,他却失去了在这座城市里的所有记忆,他完全不记得自己的诅咒和异能都是怎么来的,这半年来的经历,就像从他脑子里被人强行剪去了一般。 Remains only in his brain, only has a personal name, with a legend. 唯一残留在他脑中的,只有一个人名,和一段传说。 This person called this/should hidden, with him same was a farmer, this hidden also younger brother's name was Abe, was a herdsman, one day, the envoy of some gods passed by their farms, requesting the two brothers to offer sacrifices the most precious thing to the gods, to demonstrate to Lord sincerity. 这个人叫‘该隐’,和他一样是个农民,该隐还有一个弟弟叫亚伯,是个牧人,有一天,某位神明的使者路过他们的农场,要求兄弟俩对神明献祭自己最珍贵的东西,以展示对主的诚意。 This hidden in vegetables and grain take on the tribute to offer, after Abe also slaughters lushest domestic animal in his flock of sheep, offers. Gods' sacrificial offering to Abe is full of praise, was actually concerned with this/should hidden sacrificial offering. 该隐将地里的蔬菜和粮食作为贡品上献,亚伯也将他羊群中的最肥美的牲畜宰杀后献上。神明对亚伯的祭品赞不绝口,却对该隐的祭品不闻不问。 This hidden is very painful, as the farmer, he has itself the best thing to give to the gods, why is unable to make the god satisfied. This hidden inquiry envoy, the envoy told him, what the gods wanted was in their respective hearts the most precious thing, this/should hidden has definitely concealed, will make the gods discontented. 该隐对此十分痛苦,作为农民,他已经将自己所拥有最好的东西献给了神明,为什么还是无法令神满意。该隐询问使者,使者告诉他,神明想要的是他们各自心中最珍贵的东西,该隐肯定有所隐瞒,才会令神明不满。 This hidden is suddenly enlighted, therefore in offers sacrifices for the second time, this/should hidden draws out the sharp instrument, thing that oneself will most like, is his younger brother Abe blade assassinates, gave to the gods. 该隐恍然大悟,于是在第二次献祭时,该隐拔出锐器,将自己最喜欢的东西,也就是他的弟弟亚伯一刀刺死,献给了神明。 Gods angry, spoke frankly the person who Abe not this/should hidden most likes, this/should hidden envied the brothers to receive gods' recognition purely, therefore killed the younger brother. 神明大为愤怒,直言亚伯并不是该隐最喜欢的人,该隐只是纯粹嫉妒兄弟受到了神明的赏识,所以才杀死了弟弟。 The gods therefore to this/should hidden lowered three curses: 神明于是对该隐降下了三个诅咒: First, he and his descendant longs for the blood forever, forever can only work as a parasite. 一,他和他的后代将永远渴望鲜血,永远只能当一个寄生虫。 Second, he and his descendant will be afraid the sunlight forever, can only hide like the mouse in the gloomy sewer all day. 二,他和他的后代将永远害怕阳光,只能像老鼠一样整日躲在阴暗的下水道里。 Third, he will unable to live dead cannot, in named eternal curse, suffering of forever withstanding first two curse. 三,他将活不得死不能,在名为永恒的诅咒中,永永远远的承受前两条诅咒的折磨。 Mu You looks that on the paper the content under record knits the brows. 沐游看着纸上记录下的内容皱了皱眉。 This named this/should hidden person , by Astral Spirit Realm vampires generally belief blood god, in the blood group interior he is the recognized vampire first ancestor. 这个名叫‘该隐’的人,也正是之后被星灵界吸血鬼们普遍信仰的‘血神’,在血族内部他是公认的吸血鬼鼻祖。 Just, in this legend only mentioned this/should hidden was lowered three curses of vampires by some gods, how without mentioning his strength to come, how later to become the blood god by the mortal. 只不过,这则传说里只提到了该隐被某位神明降下了三种吸血鬼的诅咒,却没提到他的力量怎么来的,之后又是如何由凡人成为血神的。 In brief, information so many that can obtain from this diary. 总之,从这篇日记里能得到的信息就这么多。 Mu You is preparing to receive the diary, actually in some page of crevices of surprise diary, an corner/horn of flimsy reveals quietly. 沐游正准备收起日记,却意外发现日记的某页夹缝中,一张薄纸的一角悄然露出。 Mu You pulls out this paper, opens looks, unexpectedly is a handpainted map. 沐游将这张纸抽出,打开一看,竟是一张手绘的地图。 The line on this map is quite crude, looks like doodle conveniently, can only roughly see a shape in mainland, but in middle some position, labelled a small fork number. 这地图上的线条相当简陋,就像是随手的涂鸦,只能大致看出一块大陆的形状,而在当中的某个位置,标注了一个微小的叉号。 „Is this place that the blood group first ancestor is born?” Mu You selects the eyebrow. “这就是血族始祖诞生的地方?”沐游一挑眉。 This map clamps in this diary, always not possible and diary has no connection, that in diary that the biggest possibility, above sections out mentioned place. 这地图夹在这本日记中,总不可能和日记没有任何关联,最大的可能,上面标出的正是日记中提到的那个‘地方’。 Mu You quickly looks for the Astral Spirit Realm map, on the mainland with paper contrasted, without a while then confirmed an extremely similarity: Not turns over to the big desert! 沐游急忙找来星灵界的地图,和纸上的大陆对比了一番,没一会儿便确认了一块极为相似的地方:来无归大沙漠! Unexpectedly in desert?” Mu You accident/surprise. “居然在沙漠里?”沐游意外。 Not turns over to the desert is a Astral Spirit Realm biggest sand mainland, before Mu You went to azure rock desert and scarlet desert, is one of the mainland regions. 来无归沙漠是星灵界最大的一块沙地大陆,之前沐游去过的青岩沙漠和猩红沙漠,都是属于这片大陆的区域之一。 Mu You has not thought of the vampire actually the birthplace unexpectedly in the sunny desert, no matter how, discovers the clue now, is really false, must first have a look to say again. 沐游倒是没想到吸血鬼的诞生地居然会在日照充足的沙漠里,不管如何,如今发现了线索,是真是假,都得先去看看再说。 Then Mu You returns to play, said with, oneself prepare desert, promptly requests and him goes together, but was rejected by Mu You. 接下来沐游回到游戏,和麦伊说了一声,自己准备去沙漠一趟,麦伊立即要求和他同去,不过被沐游拒绝了。 The desert can be said as the place that the entire Astral Spirit Realm not most suitable vampire to take a walk, Fool at least also has other skin for the daytime to act, the proper vampire runs desert that is looks for the crime to receive. 沙漠可以说是整个星灵界最不适合吸血鬼走动的地方,愚者至少还有别的皮肤可以供白天行动,正经的吸血鬼跑去沙漠那是去找罪受的。 You in the vision that does not abandon, said good-bye to her, stepped into teleportation array of long night city alone.】 【你在麦伊不舍的目光中,向她辞别,独自踏入了永夜城的传送阵。】 you appears in the city of daybreak.】 【伱出现在破晓之城。】 The stay region of city of desert land daybreak, Mu You are many here acquaintance, besides Solomon, Ai outstanding of Mars empire army regimental commander Evans, was an old friend. 沙漠地带正是破晓之城的停留区域,沐游在这边熟人不少,除了所罗门外,还有艾卓玛尔帝国的军团长埃文斯,也是老朋友了。 Mu You asked the native to inquire casually, then obtained the place position —— Huangshi desert that on the map labelled, the water not loud. 沐游随便找当地人打听了一下,便得到了地图上所标注的地点位置——黄石沙漠,水无响。 The Huangshi desert is in nearby several deserts, an arid degree highest region, dead at the age of everywhere the yellow sand to be famous. 黄石沙漠是附近几片沙漠中,干旱程度最高的一块区域,以终年漫天的黄沙而著名。 But water not makes a sound, is in the Huangshi desert the extremely arid land belt/bring of most core place, here even peak Water Discipline wizard, cannot summon even if a grain of water element, therefore was called water not to have the place of echo. 而‘水无响’,又是黄石沙漠中最为核心处的一块极旱地带,在这里即使是最顶尖的水系魔法师,也召唤不出哪怕一粒水元素,所以被人称为‘水无回响之地’。 Such extremely dry places, are not naturally able to be occupied by the person, should say that the entire water not loud as well as peripheral region, does not have any human footmark exists, is entire not turns over to the desert, place that only block completely no one visits. 这样一片极旱之地,自然是无法住人的,应该说整个水无响以及周边区域,都没有任何人迹存在,也是整个无归沙漠中,唯一一块完全无人踏足的地方。 Mu You has not expected the vampire the source area in this damned place, at this time could not find the person to accompany , can only steer land Chuan alone, sailed to the desert deep place. 沐游也没料到吸血鬼的起源地偏偏在这种鬼地方,此时找不到人随行,也只能独自驾驶陆船,驶进了沙漠深处。 After several hours of traveling schedule, Mu You went the places. 几个小时的行程后,沐游到达了地方。 【...... land Chuan stopped thundering, you arrived at water not to make a sound.】 【……陆船停止了轰鸣,你到达了‘水无响’。】 You leave land Chuan, sees only everywhere yellow sand to caress the face to blow, you only thought that corner of the eye lips and tongue are thirsty, nasal cavity such as burns down general scalding hot, subconsciousness wants to supplement water source, twists off canteen, but has not waited to lift, a drop that water source has evaporated does not remain......】 【你离开陆船,只见漫天的黄沙扑面吹来,你只觉得眼角唇舌干渴,鼻腔如火烧一般灼热,下意识想要补充水源,拧开水壶,但还不等抬起,其中水源早已蒸发的一滴不剩……】 Really lives up to reputation, this damned place drought to even the tears and saliva can the situation of instantaneous air-drying, no wonder is unvisited. 果然名不虚传,这鬼地方干旱到了连眼泪和唾液都能瞬间风干的地步,难怪人迹罕至。 Mu You does not want to be dull in this damned place, immediately takes the scepter of next month, activated the divine tool on the spot. 沐游也不想在这种鬼地方多呆,当即取出月之权杖,现场激活了神器。 You activated the scepter of moon/month, the surroundings originally bright weather instantaneous jet black piece. A round of full moon quiet appearance in the upper air, the mercury moonlight falls in torrents above the desert, is actually hard the heat wave that counter-balances here often to curl up......】 【你激活了月之权杖,周围原本明亮的天色瞬间漆黑一片。一轮圆月悄无声息的出现在高空中,水银般的月光倾泻在大漠之上,却难以抵消这里不时卷起的热浪……】 You switch over to boil the wolf of skin blood.】 【你切换为沸血之狼皮肤。】 Before boiling the wolf of blood is Mu You, brushes the skin that from that werewolf youngster, is to the vampire perception capability strongest one werewolf, in night of the full moon, the perception capability will reach the peak, can be away from several hundred kilometers distance, deeply buries the sensation to these in the place bottom vampire grave. 沸血之狼是沐游之前从那个狼人少年身上刷出来的皮肤,是对吸血鬼感知能力最强的一种狼人,在月圆之夜的时候,感知能力将达到顶峰,可以隔着几百公里的距离,感知到那些深埋于地底的吸血鬼墓葬。 In this desert bare piece, even if really has the vampire related thing, still definitely buries in underground, can only induce by the werewolf skin. 这片大漠上光秃一片,就算真有吸血鬼相关的东西,也肯定埋在地下,只能靠狼人皮肤来感应。 Then Mu You then holds while the full moon in addition, opens the werewolf skin to dash about wildly in the desert, if the map in diary real, that skin should be able the sensation to something. 接下来沐游便趁着月圆的加持,开着狼人皮肤在沙漠里狂奔起来,如果日志中的地图是真的,那皮肤应该能感知到一些东西。 Really, just started to search for few minutes, in the game then pops up the prompt. 果然,刚开始搜寻没几分钟,游戏中便弹出提示。 【...... You felt strong blood smell, underground exudation from front not far away!】 【……你感受到了一股浓烈的血腥气味,正从前方不远处的地下渗出!】 【The blood of your within the body fierce ebullition is reminding you, hides in underground vampire likely incessantly one, and is quite powerful! You best to approach carefully.】 【你体内剧烈沸腾的血液在提醒你,藏在地下的吸血鬼很可能不止一只,而且极为强大!你最好小心靠近。】 „Oh?” “哦?” The Mu You surprise, popped up the warning prompt unexpectedly together...... incessantly, the grave accumulations of many vampires here? 沐游诧异,居然还一同弹出了警告提示……不止一只,难道有很多吸血鬼的墓葬聚集在这里? You are approaching bloody place......】 【你正在靠近血腥之地……】 You are far away from crisis......】 【你正在远离危机……】 ...... …… Mu You depends on the prompt unceasing adjustment direction that the text feeds back, approximately after looking for dozen minutes, finally found right the place. 沐游靠着文本反馈的提示不断调整方向,大约找了十几分钟后,终于找对了地方。 Here! Your bloody aura strongest position, as you of werewolf, best leave this place as soon as possible! But as the vampire, you could get down to have a look!】 【正是此处!你脚下正是血腥气息最为浓烈的位置,身为狼人的你,最好尽快离开此地!但作为吸血鬼,你或许可以下去看看!】 Mu You switches over machine armor skin directly, equipped named pangolin drills machine a gold metallurgy installment, starts to dig the sand toward below. 沐游直接切换成机甲皮肤,装备了一个叫‘穿山甲钻地机’的炼金装置,开始朝下挖沙。 Drill bit circles in flight, innumerable gravels from underground fly upwards, body fast thorough underground......】 【钻头飞旋,无数砂砾从地下飞扬而出,机体正在快速深入地下……】 In excavation......】 【挖掘中……】 Then is the long excavation course, about after ten minutes, machine armor then excavated the sand body, arrived at the ore-bearing rocks region, here ore contains the metal, the degree of hardness is extremely high, enters the technique unable to penetrate, can only put on with the drill bit hardly. 接下来就是漫长的挖掘过程,大约十分钟后,机甲便挖穿了砂层,到达了矿岩地带,这边的岩矿富含金属,硬度极高,入地术也无法穿透,只能用钻头硬穿。 【The bellow of gold metallurgy engine resounds through sky over the desert, has not known how long, you felt the under foot suddenly, as if unearthed somewhere the hollow region, you lost the dependence, the entire body fell under.】 【炼金引擎的轰鸣声响彻在大漠上空,不知过了多久,你忽然感觉脚下一空,似乎挖掘到了某处中空地带,你失去依靠,整个机体直坠而下。】 Dust fly upwards, you think suddenly again conscientiously, opens eyes to look, discovered you have placed in an ancient underground temporary palace.】 【一片尘土飞扬中,你忽觉再次脚踏实地,睁眼看去,发现你已身处一座古老的地下行宫之中。】 In the surrounding stone wall is carving various style strange murals, but in channel, dry corpses is lying this way and that finds at everywhere, dead shape varies......】 【周围石壁上雕刻着各种风格奇异的壁画,而在通道之中,一具具干尸横七竖八,随处可见,死状各异……】 When falls, Mu You has grasped the pocket watch, prepared for greeted war momentarily. 在落下来的时候,沐游已经握好了怀表,做好了随时迎接一场大战的准备。 Finally, the powerful enemies and various types of murder mechanisms/organizations in imagination, has not appeared, in this temporary palace as if simply does not have the living person. 结果,想象中的强敌和各种杀人机关,一个都没出现,这行宫里似乎根本没有活人。 Mu You knits the brows, control machine armor unloads the drill bit, equips the good shotgun , to continue to proceed to explore. 沐游皱眉,操控机甲卸下钻头,装备好散弹枪,继续往前探索。 You close to a dry corpse of your recent dead shape terrifying, from its side dry blood aura, this person before death at least is a vampire duke......】 【你靠近离你最近的一具死状恐怖的干尸,从它身边干涸的血液气息来看,这人生前至少是一名吸血鬼公爵……】 【The second dry corpse, dead shape is also frigid, seems like discloses innermost feelings to dig lung dead, from aura, this person was also duke level......】 【第二具干尸,死状同样惨烈,似乎是被人剖心挖肺而死,从气息来看,这人同样是达到了公爵层次……】 ...... …… Mu You proceeds to search, more looked that more is the heart is startled. 沐游一路往前搜索,越看越是心惊。 In this temporary palace everywhere is the vampire corpse, is a vampire grave, rather is a mass grave! 这行宫里到处都是吸血鬼的尸体,与其说是一座吸血鬼墓葬,倒不如说是一座乱葬岗! What is more important, vampire that these died, unexpectedly is the duke rank, without exception! 更重要的是,这些死掉的吸血鬼,竟全都是公爵级别,无一例外! So many dukes?” “这么多公爵?” The Mu You complexion is strange, he before, was also worried the vampire grave that found is insufficient. Must know that light/only from marquis Duke level up, needs ten drops of first ancestor's blood, by the extraction of niche of blood, at least needs to find the graves of ten vampire dukes to achieve. 沐游脸色古怪,他在来之前,本来还担心找到的吸血鬼墓葬不够用。要知道光是从侯爵升级公爵,就需要十滴始祖之血,靠血之龛的提取,至少要找到十座吸血鬼公爵的墓葬才能达成。 The vampire duke is how rare status, entire blood group duke in history adds, feared that will not be over three figures, thinks that found ten, easier said than done? 吸血鬼公爵是多么稀有的身份,整个血族有史以来的公爵加起来,怕是都不会超过三位数,想一下找到十个,谈何容易? However, at present this subverts his concept thoroughly: At this moment is only his, at least lay down several hundred the remains of vampire dukes, again place that cannot see toward deep place these, the remains will be only more. 然而,眼前这一幕彻底颠覆了他的观念:此刻光是他脚下,就至少躺了数百具吸血鬼公爵的遗骸,再往深处那些看不见的地方,遗骸只会更多。 The solemn vampire duke, places in the blood group to be in existence of apex now, before placing, unexpectedly such rotten avenue? 堂堂的吸血鬼公爵,放在如今血族中处于顶点的存在,放在以前居然这么烂大街的吗? You take the niche of hemorrhage, places on the remains of under foot.】 【你取出血之龛,放在脚下的遗骸身上。】 【The niche of blood shines automatically, starts to absorb on remains remaining energy......】 【血之龛自动亮起,开始吸收遗骸身上残余的能量……】 Absorbs, you obtained droplet first ancestor's blood, its energy normal first ancestor's blood 1/10 of......】 【吸收完毕,你获得了一小滴‘始祖之血’,其能量只有正常始祖之血的十分之一……】 The absorption process was quicker , for about a half minute the imagination in attracts remains, but does not know that was here corpse destroyed too fierce reason, the obtained first ancestor's blood only had 1/10 drops. 吸收过程比想象中快一些,大约半分钟就吸完了一具遗骸,不过不知道是不是这里尸体被破坏的太厉害的缘故,得到的始祖之血只有十分之一滴。 The scene corpse are luckily many enough. 幸好现场尸体够多。 Mu You brought the niche of blood to absorb the past. 沐游带着血之龛一路吸收了过去。 After one hour, attracted more than 100 remains, in the niche of blood collected 10 drops of first ancestor's blood finally. 一个小时后,吸完了一百多具遗骸,血之龛中终于凑齐了十滴始祖之血。 Your collection simultaneous/uniform ten drops first ancestor's blood, whether fuses immediately?】 【你集齐了十滴‘始祖之血’,是否立即融合?】 Note: After the fusion , the vampire marquis skin will be promoted to vampire duke, before had awakened the blood group talent to be strengthened, and comprehends a brand-new talent ability automatically.】 【注:融合后你的吸血鬼侯爵皮肤将晋升为‘吸血鬼公爵’,之前已觉醒的血族天赋将得到增强,并自动领悟一种全新的天赋能力。】 Yes.” “是。” This hesitates, Mu You conducted the promotion at the scene. 这个无需犹豫,沐游当场进行了提升。 Promotion is completed, your Vampire Skin is promoted to vampire duke.】 【晋升完成,你的吸血鬼皮肤晋升为‘吸血鬼公爵’。】 Your Giant Killer and talent absorptions and amazingly quick three talents obtained the strengthening.】 【你的巨人杀手、天赋吸收、神速三个天赋得到了强化。】 You awakened the brand-new talent: Ultra feeling.】 【你觉醒了全新天赋:超感。】 Is promoted successfully completes, is just like the previous time, only then the talents of several blood groups obtained the strengthening, these talents that swallows are unable to promote. 晋级顺利完成,还是和上次一样,只有几个血族的天赋得到了强化,吞噬来的那些天赋无法提升。 Mu You looked at the eye simply, three talent improvement scopes are not too big, Giant Killer was only the percentage rose ; The amazingly quick percentage is invariable, the cooldown time may activate one time by one minute, is shortened for a half minute one time. 沐游简单看了眼,三个天赋提升幅度都不算太大,巨人杀手只是倍率上涨了一些;神速倍率不变,冷却时间由一分钟可激活一次,缩短为了半分钟一次。 As for talent absorption, was reduced the side effect again first-level, from now on after absorbing the talent , the curse that obtained, will reduce two ranks continuously, some ordinary curses will vanish directly, even cursed forcefully, will still be significantly undermined the effect. 至于天赋吸收,则是再一次将副作用降低了一级,今后吸收天赋后获得的诅咒,将连续降低两个级别,一些普通的诅咒将直接消失,就算是强力诅咒,也会被大大削弱效果。 The ultra feeling of finally newly obtaining, this is not no need to say much, his younger sister at first activation is this talent, before Mu You, with she acts time, sees her to use repeatedly, endures compared with the story color, can strengthen the field of vision sharply, expects the enemy situation, counter- tracing, the counter- ambush wait/etc, the effect is quite good. 最后才是新获得的超感,这个不必多说,他妹妹麦伊最初激活的就是这个天赋,沐游之前和她一起行动的时候,多次见她用过,堪比见闻色,可以大幅强化视野,料敌先机,反追踪,反埋伏等等,效果相当不错。 Here new talent can use pocket watch roll actually, but the several other talents of their department, attract, the great strength, atomization, deflection and iron slab, as without obviously is also more practical than the ultra feeling, Mu You simply would have no to use energy again roll. 这里新天赋倒是可以用怀表roll一下,不过他们这一系的其他几个天赋,魅惑、巨力、雾化、偏转、铁块,似乎也并没有比超感明显实用的,沐游索性也就没再费劲去roll。 After designating the talent, in Mu You has turned head, looks to begin the niche of blood, has a look at remains everywhere again. 选定天赋之后,沐游回过头,看着手里的血之龛,再看看满地的遗骸。 Originally this time can promote the duke one time, had exceeded his estimate greatly, however the present situation, made him have some greedier thought: As if can also continue to promote...... 本来这次能够一次性提升到公爵,已经大大超出了他的预计,然而眼下的情况,却不由让他产生了一些更贪婪的念头:似乎还可以继续提升下去啊…… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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