TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#518: The place of origin

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The place of Chapter 518 origin 第518章起源之地 【The wheel disk knob rotates under your swaying from side to side continually, the speed is getting more and more slow, gradually exudes ka-beng ka-beng the sound, as if had been turned the limit, but the water current of water outlet still flows in the small stock. Whether continue?】 【轮盘旋钮在你的扭动下持续转动,速度越来越慢,逐渐发出嘎嘣嘎嘣的响声,似乎已经被扭到了极限,但出水口的水流依然在小股流淌。是否继续?】 Yes.” “是。” You disregarded the protests of pipeline , to continue to catch up, you felt that trembling of under foot pipeline is even more frequent...... until some moment, the pipeline of knob place cannot bear pressure finally, blasts open from knob edge loudly, the water current of front water outlet by compared with also wants turbulent several times of speeds to run out immediately at first......】 【你无视了管道的抗议声,继续发力,你感觉脚下管道的震颤越发频繁……直到某一刻,旋钮处的管道终于承受不住压力,从旋钮边缘轰然炸裂,前方出水口的水流顿时以比最初还要汹涌几倍的速度冲出……】 „......” “呃……” Mu You is awkward, is thinking screws tight, gets it over and done, has not thought that twisted to explode directly...... 沐游尴尬,本想着拧紧一点,一劳永逸,没想到直接拧爆了…… Is good because of the opportunity of having again coming quickly, Mu You according to the table recollection, and stopped catching up of Qilin arm. 好在有重来的机会,沐游急忙按表回溯,并停止了麒麟臂的发力。 you stopped gyrating the wheel disk knob promptly, this moment knob had almost been turned the embed limit, but the water current of water outlet still in murmur flowed out.】 【伱及时停止了旋动轮盘旋钮,此刻旋钮已经几乎被扭到了承载极限,但出水口的水流依然在潺潺流出。】 You observation moment before the water tank, according to the present storage speed, approximately take about 50 hours from hollow box to gathering completely......】 【你在水箱前观察片刻,按照现在的蓄水速度,从空箱到蓄满大约需要50小时左右的时间……】 Cannot die of suffocation completely, but tsunami time was lengthened for 50 hours from one hour, increased enough two days of many gaps, regarding the exploration of players, was basically sufficient. 没能完全堵死,但‘海啸’时间由一个小时延长到了五十个小时,增加了足足两天多的间隔,对于玩家们的探索来说,基本也够用了。 Mu You turn head said in city Lord group this news, making them adjust the tsunami the clock. 沐游回头将这个消息在城主群里说了一声,让他们调整一下海啸的时钟。 This news makes several city Lord spirits inspire immediately, must know that since has entered the real world is so long , because of the threat of tsunami, causing the innumerable players to be stranded in throughout exporting nearby little plot of land, is unable to explore outward. 这消息顿时就让几个城主精神一振,要知道进入真实世界这么久以来,正是因为海啸的威胁,导致无数玩家始终被困在出口附近的一亩三分地里,无法朝外探索。 People more than one, why no matter to curl, recently the people had felt obviously, collects the divine nature efficiency to reduce day after day, this way, will fear is among the players the attack robs the spoils of war mutually the matter quickly becomes universal. 人一多,不管干什么都卷,最近众人都已经明显感觉到,收集神性的效率正在逐日降低,再这样下去,怕是玩家之间互相攻击来抢夺战利品的事情很快就会变得普遍。 Closes down the tsunami now luckily promptly, solved this urgent matter finally, then the players can expansion outward heartily, according to the number and enthusiasm of present player, are clear this region thorough fumble, is the matter in several days. 幸好现在及时关停了海啸,总算解了这个燃眉之急,接下来玩家们可以尽情的向外扩展,按现在玩家的数量和热情,将这片区域彻底摸索清楚,也就是几天之内的事。 The city Lord received the news, starts to organize the exploring party immediately, prepares to open up wasteland outward. 城主们收了消息,都立即开始组织探险队,准备向外开荒。 Mu You has not worried to explore actually outward, instead plunges into the sea again. 沐游这边倒是没有着急往外探索,反而再次跳入海中。 Since can get by under false pretences by the shield of chapter dried shark skin, he instead wanted to explore one actually. 既然靠章鱼皮的掩护就可以蒙混过关,他倒是反而想要进海里探索一番了。 Can attract one compared with nine star also powerful mysterious lifeform, stations in this sea area for a long time, this into the sea|nautical mile likely has what secret. 能够吸引一只比九星还强大的神秘生物,长期驻留在这片海域中,这海里很可能藏有什么秘密。 You plunge into the sea, travels to go toward below.】 【你跳入海中,朝下潜游而去。】 You equipped relic jellyfish poisonous cheek, temporarily obtains the ability of underwater breath, but the life value under the jellyfish toxin influence, by a point speed continuously drops every minute.】 【你装备了遗物‘水母毒腮’,暂时获得水下呼吸的能力,但生命值在水母毒素影响下,以每分钟一点的速度持续下降。】 This relic is one of spoils of war the wetland seductive woman blew out a moment ago, Mu You looks that a little with stayed behind. 这遗物是刚才湿地妖姬爆出的战利品之一,沐游看着有点用就留下了。 Although equips will be poisoned continually, but this type of toxin is not fatal, when the life value reduces to half blood below will adapt to the toxin, stops the blood, after all provided the ability of real world rare underwater breath, this side effect also calculates that can accept. 虽然装备会持续中毒,但这种毒素并不致命,当生命值降低到半血以下就会适应毒素,停止掉血,毕竟提供了真实世界难得的水下呼吸的能力,这点副作用还算可以接受。 【The underwater dim piece, the ice is cold. You look toward all around, along the coast of arc, hung all over a water plant of illumination, provided luminously some for the dark sea water.】 【水下昏暗一片,冰寒刺骨。你朝四周望去,沿着弧形的海岸,挂满了一种发光的水草,为黑暗的海水提供了些许光亮。】 You sneak toward below, several several meters octopuses appear in your body week suddenly, mischievous hovers regarding you, is good has not attacked you because of octopuses, instead displays obvious curiosity and friendliness to you, seems inviting you to play together......】 【你朝下潜行,数只几米长的章鱼忽然出现在你身周,顽皮的围绕着你游动,好在章鱼们并没有攻击你,反而对你表现出明显的好奇和友善,似乎在邀请你一同玩耍……】 Enters in the sea, in the imagination numerous savage aquatic organism by the scene that eat has not happened directly, perhaps is only of mystical existence octopus because of that the underwater instead safe, ordinary small water monster does not dare to be dissolute. 进入海中,想象中直接被众多凶残的水生生物分食的场景并没有发生,或许是因为那只神秘章鱼的存在,水下反而安全,普通的小水怪根本不敢放肆。 These that at this time his body week assembles small octopus, seem to should be the child of that big octopus, has the cover shield of octopus king luckily, these small octopuses have not seen exceptionally, regarded person on one's own side him. 此时他身周围聚的这些‘小章鱼’,看起来应该是那个大章鱼的孩子,幸好有章鱼王的外皮掩护,这些小章鱼也没看出异常,把他当成了‘自己人’。 Mu You disregarded surrounding of these small octopuses , to continue to control the character to dive. 沐游无视了这些小章鱼的围观,继续操控人物下潜。 However jumps over downward, in the text periphery is unexpectedly getting more and more narrow in repeated prompt. 不过越往下,文本中居然在反复的提示‘周围越来越狭窄’。 „Is this only one lake?” Mu You thought. “难道这只是一个‘湖’?”沐游心想。 more dives downward is narrower, this situation is similar a cone the funnel, but this type of terrain only has side close lake water to explain obviously. 越往下潜越窄,这情况就类似一个圆锥形的漏斗,而这种地形显然只有一方封闭的湖水才能解释。 However was the words of lake, the issue is bigger. 不过是湖的话,问题就更大了。 Must know water leakage that above the sea level that pipeline will never be standing still, if here is only a close lake, under stores water unceasingly, that should flood the surroundings land early, how consistently to be maintaining the stable water level? 要知道海面上方那条管道可是在永不停歇的漏水,如果这里只是一片封闭的湖,不断蓄水之下,那早该把周围陆地淹了,怎么可能始终保持着稳定的水位? The only explanation, is under this lake somewhere, is the outside world is connecting! 唯一的解释,就是这片湖下的某处,是和外界连通着的! Thinks of here, Mu You continues the downward exploration. Those who let him feel strange, this had not discovered all the way that is only of big form octopus, these small octopuses 0 saw actually numerously had over ten thousand. 想到这里,沐游继续向下探索。让他奇怪的是,这一路上一直没发现那只大章鱼的身影,这些小章鱼倒是零零总总见了有上万只之多。 You dive, under water is even more dark, visibility is extremely low, raises eyes to look, all around piece fuzzy......】 【你一路下潜,水底愈发幽暗,能见度极低,举目望去,四周一片模糊……】 In underwater, although does not have the dense fog to cover, but because the ray is dim, on the visibility instead might as well land, has the broken fog filter to use on the ground after all. 在水下虽然没有迷雾遮挡,但由于光线昏暗,能见度反而还不如陆地上,毕竟在地上还有破雾镜可以用。 Dived for one hour, finally pops up the prompt. 就这么一路下潜了一个多小时,终于弹出提示。 【Under you see suddenly transmit the indistinct bright, close to looks, the front is the seabed ground, the rock vegetation grows thickly, some colorful strange plant growths.】 【你忽然看到下方传来隐约的亮光,靠近一看,前方已经是海底地面,岩石草木丛生,更有许多五彩斑斓的奇异植物生长。】 Your eyes then see in resplendent such as the seabed of star sea somewhere, the circular gap of black japan no light is quite together conspicuous. This gap surrounding area several hundred meters, the peripheral undercurrent surges, is too deep to see the bottom downward, where does not know to lead to......】 【你一眼便看到在灿如星海的海底某处,一道黑漆无光的圆形缺口极为显眼。这缺口方圆数百米,周边暗流涌动,往下深不见底,不知通向何方……】 Jet black vortex: The one rare natural marvelous sight of real world, is distributed in all over the world, after each jet black vortex, is connecting remote another vortex in innumerable. Through these vortex, can span the space, arrives in another completely new region instantaneously.】 【漆黑漩涡:真实世界的一种稀有自然奇观,分布在世界各处,每一道漆黑漩涡之后,都连接着远在无数里之遥的另一道漩涡。通过这些漩涡,可以跨越空间,瞬间抵达另一片全新区域。】 „Oh?” “哦?” Mu You looks at one happily. Isn't this teleportation array? Moreover the wormhole that forms naturally, does not need to consume the energy, can go through to another region at any time! 沐游看得一喜。这不就是传送阵吗?而且还是天然形成的虫洞,不需要耗费能量,可以随时穿行到另一片区域! Mu You operates the character to pass through the vortex immediately to have a look. 沐游当即操作人物想要穿过漩涡看看。 You accelerate to dive, directly soar the dark vortex goes.】 【你加速下潜,直奔黑暗漩涡的而去。】 【When you will soon be close to the vortex, the rear area hears the familiar low whining noise suddenly, in the sound is flooding an anger together.】 【就在你即将接近漩涡之时,后方忽然传来一道熟悉的低鸣声,声音中充斥着一股愤怒。】 【A giant eye opens in your body side not far away suddenly, but in the surroundings of eye, through luminous shine of seabed, you saw an outline of giant octopus indistinctly......】 【一只巨大的眼睛忽然在你身侧不远处张开,而在眼睛的周围,通过海底的光亮映照,你隐约看到了一只巨型章鱼的轮廓……】 The small octopus that around you pursues, by trembling that this low cry frightens, fled side you in abundance startled.】 【你周围一路追来的小章鱼,都被这道低鸣吓的瑟瑟发抖,纷纷惊慌逃离了你身边。】 【When you look again, a sturdy octopus foot has cut the sea water, pulls out rapidly toward you.】 【你再次看去时,一只粗壮的章鱼足已经划破海水,飞速朝你抽来。】 You by octopus full steamroll.】 【你被章鱼足碾压而过。】 You had died......】 【你已死亡……】 ...... …… „......” “……” Mu You is speechless, this big octopus does not come early late, when he puts on the wormhole runs the show to have the feeling. 沐游无语,这大章鱼早不来晚不来,偏偏在他穿虫洞的时候跑出来秀存在感。 Does this fellow protect this wormhole specially here? 难道这家伙是专门在这里守护这道虫洞的? Mu You knits the brows, no matter how, he was attacked at this moment, showed that the skin of octopus king is useless, then escapes is not possible to escape, here must certainly die time one. 沐游皱眉,不管如何,此刻他被袭击,证明章鱼王的皮已经没用,接下来逃是不可能逃掉的,这里肯定要死一次了。 However even if dies, must die has value some. 不过就算死,也得死的有价值一些。 Mu You quickly according to table recollection. 沐游急忙按表回溯。 【The time circulation, before you return for ten seconds .】 【时光流转,你回到十秒之前。】 Sees the close octopus form, you choose to summon the arm of wind Qilin, aims octopus foot that the front will soon arrive.】 【看着近在咫尺的章鱼身影,你选择召唤出风麒麟之臂,对准了前方即将降临的章鱼足。】 Quick, the octopus comes fully again, whether activates the wind to bury the artillery immediately?】 【很快,章鱼足再次呼啸而来,是否立即激活风葬炮?】 You activated the wind to bury the artillery, the energy of your within the body was found time instantaneously, the innumerable close wind edges appeared in the seabed, formed a bright light group.】 【你激活了风葬炮,你体内的能量被瞬间抽空,无数细密的风刃出现在海底,形成了一道明亮的光团。】 The Wind Discipline energy that pinnacle compresses passes through, tore into shreds all along the way, the octopus foot that raids in the wind buries in the artillery also to be drawn back by the bang forcefully, is cut by the wind blade that erupts turbulently.】 【极致压缩的风系能量贯穿而过,撕碎了沿途的一切,袭来的章鱼足在风葬炮中也被强行轰退,被汹涌爆发的风刃切割开来。】 In the deafening angry roaring sound, you sees section of ten several meters octopus full terminals together indistinctly, floats from you. Gathers?】 【在一道震耳欲聋的怒吼声中,你隐约看到一截十数米长的章鱼足末端,从你面前漂浮而过。是否收取?】 Mu You eye one bright, he is thinking, since died, round of wind buried the artillery to try the might most afterward, has not thought that also had the unexpected benefit! 沐游眼睛一亮,他本来只是想着既然死定了,最后来一发风葬炮试试威力,没想到还有意外收获! Mu You quickly clicked on collection. 沐游急忙点击了‘收取’。 You gathered octopus foot of break.】 【你收取了‘断裂的章鱼足’。】 Instance that the prompt springs, Mu You body week, one more than ten meters, the surface covers entirely the orange octopus foot of sucker, appears in the pet shop, the huge build, almost the living room pet shop fully occupies, on the way several tables and cabinets in hall ground the fragment. 提示弹出的瞬间,沐游身周,一根十多米长,表面布满吸盘的橘色章鱼足,出现在宠物店中,巨大的体型,几乎将宠物店的客厅占满,顺道将大厅中的几张桌子和货柜碾成了碎片。 Two are busy at clone of matter hearing the sound, is raising the head of surprise looks like. 两个正在忙自己事情的分身听到动静,都是诧异的抬头看来。 Looks the octopus that the ground jumps for joy as before breaks fully, Nightwatcher complexion strange looks to Mu You: Main body, do we have the Takoyaki to eat tonight?” 看着地上依旧活蹦乱跳的章鱼断足,打更人面色古怪的看向沐游:“本体,我们今晚有章鱼烧吃了?” Mu You smiled bitterly, first was looks down a game. 沐游苦笑了一下,先是低头看了眼游戏。 You were cranked up the meat sauce by the violent anger octopus.】 【你被暴怒的章鱼拍成了肉酱。】 You had died!】 【你已死亡!】 Your soul was directed the soul lamp hauling to return, returned to under the oil lamp.】 【你的灵魂被引魂灯牵引归来,回到了青灯之下。】 You under directing soul lamp resurrect, on the resurrecting stone in hand presented a crack......】 【你在引魂灯下复活,手中的复活石上出现了条条裂纹……】 Nothing accident/surprise, in the game the character had died. 没有任何意外,游戏中人物已经死亡。 Was cut a meat to get down directly, Mu You estimated that is only big octopus definitely to hate to the marrow of the bones about him now, in a short time do not pass to touch mildew again. 被直接切了一块肉下来,沐游估计那只大章鱼现在肯定对他恨之入骨,短时间内还是不要再过去触霉头了。 Mu You shakes the head to close the game, receives the cell phone, arrives at the living room central octopus Zu radical, opens the keyhole backpack entrance, first this big fellow who occupies the place delivered to the backpack space. 沐游摇了摇头关闭了游戏,收起手机,来到客厅中央的章鱼足旁边,打开锁芯背包入口,先将这个占地方的大家伙送到了背包空间中。 【An octopus foot of break, the excellent good food material, you could open one to bake the party with it.】 【一根断裂的章鱼足,绝佳的美食材料,你或许可以用它开一场烧烤派对。】 But you best careful, because eats up its person, in a short time will carry this octopus full smell, this period of time you should better not to loaf near the octopus, otherwise its main body possibly follows the smell to ask you to revenge momentarily.】 【但你最好小心,因为吃下它的人,短时间内会携带有这只章鱼足的气味,这段时间你最好不要在章鱼附近游荡,不然它的本体随时可能循着气味来找你报仇。】 This is the octopus full information that in Omniscient Crystal feeds back. 这是全知水晶中反馈的章鱼足信息。 Mu You looks at some headaches, he also thinks that the flesh lump of this powerful lifeform, some good and evil special functions, for example can treat as the weapon, manufactures the precious material, eats up some add-on attribute anything, gives a divine nature is also good again badly. 沐游看完有些头疼,他还以为这种强力生物的肉块,好歹该有些特殊功用,比如可以当做武器,制作成珍贵材料,吃下后加些属性什么的,再不济给点神性也行啊。 Finally, unexpectedly what special effect does not have, is an ordinary food, moreover ate must bear a grudge by the octopus, was this useful? 结果,居然什么特殊效果都没有,就是块普通食材,而且吃了还要被章鱼记仇,这有什么用? Mu You does not know how for a while this thing should process, can only first lose in the space is putting. 沐游一时也不知道这东西该怎么处理了,只能先丢在空间里放着。 Is good because of this thing, since can extract from the game, means that does not have the life, does not need to be worried that actually it regenerates grows into a complete octopus anything. 好在这东西既然能从游戏中提取出来,就意味着已经没有了生命,倒是不用担心它再生长成一只完整的章鱼什么的。 Returns to the pet shop, Mu You not to have on to play anxiously again, first surrounded a next two clone progress. 回到宠物店,沐游也没急着再上游戏,先去围观了一下两个分身的进度。 That side Nightwatcher, a net buys puts up the cash, after experiencing a local tyrant lived, eventually recalled the proper business, starts to walk the game flow slowly, at this time seems to be looking at reverently his former residence ‚the Nightwatcher hut, in addition still bought one pile of gifts in the entrance old cat store, said that must go to under Dense Fog Mountain to see the grandma later, as for the fight and level up anything, simply has not cared. 打更人那边,一番网购砸钱,体验了一番土豪生活后,终究还是记起了正事,开始慢慢走游戏流程,此时似乎正在瞻仰他的故居‘打更人小屋’,此外还在门口的老猫商店买了一堆礼物,说是稍后要去迷雾山下看望一下老奶奶,至于战斗和升级什么的,根本没放在心上。 medicine picker here progress was more proper, before just entered the game to look for Mu You to borrow directly the scepter of moon/month, started first tower of wanderer formidable. 采药人这边进度就正经多了,之前刚进游戏就直接找沐游借了月之权杖,开始第一时间闯荡勇者之塔。 The time of such a while, Mu You looked again, discovered he has gone through customs unexpectedly 100, but fell on the final fiendish person, according to this speed, it is estimated that did not need and other today to finish, he can the entry formidable tower, enter the real world thoroughly. 就这么一会儿的功夫,沐游再看,发现他竟然已经通关了一次一百层,只不过倒在了最后魔王上,照这个速度,估计都不用等今天结束,他就能彻底通关勇者塔,进入真实世界。 „Did you determine? Really can choose Fire Discipline?” Mu You strange looks at medicine picker. “你确定了?真要选火系?”沐游奇怪的看着采药人 After going through customs a moment ago one round, medicine picker has not started again, but went out then applies to join the hot sun city directly, obviously was prepares to believe the fire god. 刚才通关一轮后,采药人没有再次开始,而是出门便直接申请加入了烈日城,显然是准备信仰火神了。 Un, when bitter and astringent garden considered was very clear.” medicine picker nods, showed that after his is thinks the result. “嗯,在苦涩花园的时候就已经考虑的很清楚了。”采药人点头,证明他这是深思熟虑后的结果。 The fire god is compared with other gods, besides operational capacity, a special significance: He is the god of only forging, from now on can take the route of forging, helping the person build the equipment. 火神系和其他神明相比,除了作战能力外,还有一层特殊意义:他是唯一的锻造之神,今后可以走锻造师的路线,帮人打造装备。 Forges this matter, forever only then most understand their demand. From this point, Mu You and three clone, best to believe the fire god, from now on will be responsible for contracting the equipment issues of others. 锻造这种事情,永远只有自己最了解自身的需求。从这一点上来说,沐游和三个分身之间,最好是有一个能信仰火神,今后负责承包其他人的装备问题。 But medicine picker hopeless other have done several things at the same time from the start, oneself shouldered this work silently. 采药人压根没指望过其他分身,自己默默肩负了这个工作。 Ok, that was laborious you.” “行吧,那辛苦你了。” Mu You nods, some people are willing to undertake the status of this forging on own initiative, he is naturally glad to see him succeed. 沐游点了点头,有人愿意主动承担这个锻造师的身份,他自然乐见其成。 Recovers, he also starts to consider oneself vice- belief issue. 回过神来,他也开始考虑自己的副信仰问题。 He has not determined the vice- belief to the present ; first, because the divine nature is insufficient, provides for god of the order to be somewhat beset with problems, simultaneously raises two god departments, somewhat idealizes in this stage at present. 他到现在还没有确定副信仰,一是因为神性不足,供养一个秩序之神都有些捉襟见肘,同时养两个神系,在目前这个阶段还是有些理想化了。 Two are because he has not determined that which department should choose. 二则是因为他至今没有确定到底该选哪一系。 Because the god of overall deviation order in the assistance, vice- believes Mu You to favor looking for a series of deviation output, alternative has the fire god, war-god and Queen of night, after the Lin Xue god of death god technique comes out, many a god of death. 因为秩序之神整体偏向于辅助,副信仰沐游更倾向于找一个偏向输出的系别,备选项有火神、战神、月神,林雪的死神神术出来后,又多了一个死神。 What a pity, these gods have various flaws respectively, for example the god of death, the output is seemingly aggressive, the situation that but can display full power is actually very limited, once facing good is the lifeform, the battle efficiency will fall short greatly. 可惜,这些神明都是各有各的缺陷,比如死神,输出看似生猛,但能全力发挥的场合其实很有限,一旦面对善系生物,战斗力就会大打折扣。 Mu You is hesitating, a cell phone suddenly sound shaking. 沐游正犹豫着,手机忽然一声震动。 Opens looked, is Little Ya to the news that he sends. 打开一看,是小雅给他发来的消息。 Boss, the long night city has a vampire to look for you.” “老板,永夜城有个吸血鬼找你。” Vampire?” “吸血鬼?” Mu You stares, instinct thought. 沐游一愣,本能的就想到了麦伊。 Before this cheap younger sister, was arranged to seek for the grave of vampire duke by him, had the news? 这个便宜妹妹之前被他安排去寻找吸血鬼公爵的墓葬了,难道是有了消息? Thinks of here, Mu You quickly returned to play, transmits the long night city to look at the eye. 想到这里,沐游急忙回到游戏,传送去永夜城看了眼。 You appear in the long night city.】 【你出现在永夜城中。】 【The sky of long night city was still jet black a piece, in the city actually raised up the innumerable lantern, the dense and numerous street light connections in groups, brilliantly illuminated that shone the city.】 【永夜城的天空依旧漆黑一片,城内却竖起了无数的灯具,密密麻麻的路灯连接成群,将城市照耀的灯火通明。】 Southwest city direction, a city of steel has taken shape indistinctly, mechanical lifeform of innumerable automation walk randomly on all directions street, or transportation mineral, during either delivery goblin, in the deep place of new spiral spring city, high tower buildings is constructing rapidly......】 【城市西南方向,一座钢铁的城市已经隐约成型,无数自动化的机械生物游走在四处街道上,或运输矿物,或运载地精,在新发条城的深处,一座座高塔大楼正在飞速建造之中……】 Southwest the long night city assigns to the domain of goblins, in new spiral spring city under joke, here has drawn in a large quantities of homeless goblin now, the goblin factory has also begun to take shape, depends on the strong labor force that numerous robots provide, has started instead to make up the construction of long night city gradually. 永夜城西南是分配给地精们的地盘,在‘新发条城’的噱头下,如今这里已经收拢起了一大批无家可归的地精,地精工厂也已经初具规模,靠着众多机器人提供的强大劳动力,已经渐渐开始反补永夜城的建设。 Elder brother Sir!” You resound the familiar sound behind.】 【“兄长大人!”你身后响起熟悉的声音。】 Then looks, a bat descends from the sky, falls on the ground, changes into form quickly.】 【回头看去,一只蝙蝠从天空降落,落在地上,很快化为麦伊的身影。】 Does not see long time, thought of really, excited small runs to rush to side you, but sees clearly your appearance, is actually startled immediately.】 【多日不见,甚是想念,麦伊激动的小跑冲到你身边,但看清你的样子,却立即怔住。】 „Was elder brother Sir, you injured?” Worries looks at you, met then to feel your weak immediately.】 【“兄长大人,您受伤了么?”麦伊担忧的看着你,一见面便立即感受到了你的虚弱。】 Weak naturally is because the release wind buries the sequela of artillery, at this time Mu You also has no free time to chat with her, dealt with several simply, then directly soars the subject. 虚弱自然是因为释放风葬炮的后遗症,此时沐游也没空和她拉家常,简单应付了几句,便直奔主题。 You inquired, found the grave of duke?】 【你询问麦伊,是否找到了公爵的墓葬?】 Apology looks at you: Is sorry elder brother Sir, each duke to own burial ground looks very much heavily, little publicized any clue to the external pole, cannot find the useful information temporarily......” 【麦伊歉意的看着你:“抱歉兄长大人,每一位公爵都对自己的葬身之地看得很重,对外极少公开任何线索,麦伊暂时没能找到有用的信息……”】 【A voice revolution, mentioned another matter: But, I when blood group history abandons the tribe to search , the accident/surprise seeks an ancient diary that the blood group first ancestor left behind, above as if mentioned the blood group first ancestor development process......” 【麦伊话音一转,又提及了另一件事:“不过,我在血族历史上的一个废弃部落搜寻时,意外寻到了血族始祖留下的一本古旧日记,上面似乎提及了血族始祖诞生的过程……”】 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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