TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#517: Getting by under false pretences

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Chapter 517 gets by under false pretences 第517章蒙混过关 You flee in sand beach full power, in dense fog the form of giant is partly visible, is still in hot pursuit to you......】 【你在沙滩上全力奔逃,身后迷雾中巨人的身影若隐若现,依然在对你紧追不舍……】 Chasing down of this giant compared with imagination in rigid, that skeleton has the uncommon significance to it evidently. 这巨人的追杀比想象中执着,看样子那具骸骨对它有着不凡的意义。 Now god's flesh and blood had been extracted in the reality by Mu You, even if in the game were really patted not to relate by the giant, but can live naturally to live. 现在神之骨血已经被沐游提取到了现实中,就算游戏里真被巨人拍死也没关系,但能活下来当然还是活着好。 Giant whole body suddenly red warm, was close to you at the speed like lightning, turning round of you instinct defend, was actually flown by the giant strength disparity racket, tumbles in the sand of distant place, the real life plummets, most can only withstand twice such attack again.】 【巨人全身忽然红温,以闪电般的速度接近了你,伱本能的回身御敌,却被巨大的力量差距拍飞了出去,滚落在远处的沙地中,真实生命骤降,最多只能再承受两次这样的攻击。】 【The crime of autotrigger anger, you created same damage to the giant immediately, made the giant retrocede merely one step, delayed its offensive slightly.】 【愤怒之罪自动触发,你立即对巨人造成了相同的伤害,却仅仅只是让巨人后退了一步,稍微延缓了它的攻势。】 Giant is in power unforgiving, rave, to/clashes again toward you. You choose......】 【巨人得势不饶人,狂吼一声,再次朝你冲来。你选择……】 Comes round of wind to bury artillery, making it know your fierce 【来一发风葬炮,让它知道你的厉害】 Activation order breaks extinguishes , to continue to struggle to seek livehood 【激活秩序断灭,继续挣扎求生】 Gives up struggling, seven days later is a real man 【放弃挣扎,七天后还是一条好汉】 This giant seemingly has one type erupts type ability temporarily, whole body red warm time can enhance the physical quality sharply, before struggled free the lock of order had similar prompt, now once again erupts, caught up with him instantaneously. 这巨人看起来有一种临时爆发类的能力,全身红温的时候可以大幅提升身体素质,之前挣断秩序之锁的时候就有类似的提示,现在又一次爆发,瞬间就追上了他。 At present these three options, Mu You does not want to elect. 眼下这三个选项,沐游都不太想选。 The wind buries the artillery might is strong, but at his present energy, most discards a giant leg, wants to strike to kill directly is dream of a fool. 风葬炮威力是强,但以他现在的能量,最多废掉巨人一条腿,想直接击杀是痴人说梦。 But after the activation wind buries the artillery, he can enter the weak condition instantaneously, later basically waits for death same place. 而激活风葬炮后,他又会瞬间进入虚弱状态,之后基本就是原地等死。 Breaks as for the order extinguishes, this giant can pull apart the lock of order, breaks the deceleration that extinguishes not to play too in a big way role mostly. 至于秩序断灭,这巨人连秩序之锁都能扯断,断灭的减速多半也起不到太大作用。 Here at first sight, as if also really must die without doubt. 这里乍一看,似乎还真是必死无疑了。 However Mu You hesitant one second, chose two, because he remembers the means that could make him live suddenly. 不过沐游犹豫了一秒,还是选了二,因为他忽然想起了一个或许可以让他活下来的办法。 You release god technique order to break extinguish, the locks of giant remaining several order were detonated by simultaneously immediately, created slight damage to the giant, and drastically reduced the speed of giant.】 【你释放神术‘秩序断灭’,巨人身上残余的数条秩序之锁顿时被齐齐引爆,对巨人造成了轻微的伤害,并大幅降低了巨人的速度。】 You seized the chance to spread out with giant, you chose to go......】 【你趁机和巨人拉开了距离,你选择前往……】 Wormwood lawn, Outside hole cliff, Jungle region, Seashore...... 【蒿草地】、【洞外山崖】、【密林地带】、【海边】…… Under sprang several peripheral terrains. 下方弹出了几个周边地形。 Mu You wants not to think chose seashore. 沐游想也不想的选了‘海边’。 In here sea has indescribable existence, Mu You plans now tries to be able with this thing to frighten off this giant. 这边的海中有一只不可名状的存在,沐游现在正是打算试试能不能用这东西将这巨人吓走。 In following a half hour, Mu You then pursues chasing to escape with the giant, met a tsunami on the way, but there is a giant skin in the body, the tsunami has not had any influence on them. 接下来的半个小时内,沐游便和巨人一路追追逃逃,途中还遇到了一次海啸,不过有巨人皮肤在身,海啸对他们都没造成任何影响。 After half an hour, two people escaped finally the seashore. 半小时过后,两人终于逃到了海边。 【The front wind power increases suddenly, you appear before storm billowing sea. You choose......】 【前方风力骤增,你出现在一片风浪滚滚的大海之前。你选择……】 Your without hesitation digs in the ice-cold sea water.】 【你毫不犹豫的一头扎入冰冷的海水中。】 【The rear giant, actually in halts before the coast in a flash suddenly.】 【后方巨人转瞬即至,却在靠近海岸之前骤然止步。】 Giant looks at the front billowing mighty waves, surface presently hesitant color, hesitates for several minutes in waterfront, finally does not dare to visit to water, helpless turns back, vanished in dense fog......】 【巨人看着前方的滚滚波涛,面现犹豫之色,在江边踌躇数分钟,最终还是没敢踏足水中,无奈折返,消失在了迷雾中……】 Mu You relaxes. 沐游松了口气。 Really, this into the sea|nautical mile thing is higher than the giant grade, even this nine star giants do not dare to provoke. 果然,这海里的东西比巨人段位更高,即便是这只九星巨人也不敢招惹。 However also a little makes Mu You strange, this giant seems like lives nearby this for a long time, now with player more and more floods into the real world, it has discovered existence of players obviously, since this, why it has not gone to inform other biting god beasts, finds the person to eliminate their these together ant? 不过也有一点让沐游奇怪的,这巨人看起来长期居住在这附近,如今随着玩家越来越多的涌入真实世界,它显然早已经发现了玩家们的存在,既然这样,为什么它没去告知其他的噬神兽,找人一起来消灭他们这些‘蚂蚁’? Has not waited for Mu You to understand, in the game transmitted the private letter of emperor. 还没等沐游想明白,游戏中传来了天子的私信。 Had an accident? Needs to support?” “出事了?需要支援么?” Finished already.” Mu You recovers, controls the character to crawl from the water, but has not walked away, so as to avoid the giant strikes back. “结束了已经。”沐游回过神来,操控人物从水中爬出,不过也没走远,免得巨人杀一个回马枪。 That is good, first comes in the group to look at the spoils of war.” The emperors said. “那就好,先来群里看下战利品吧。”天子说。 During Mu You cuts the group to chat. 沐游切到群聊之中。 This moment channel Solomon they will have struck to kill all spoils of war and effects that the wetland seductive woman obtains displayed one by one. 此刻频道里所罗门他们已经将击杀湿地妖姬得到的所有战利品和效果挨个罗列了出来。 Besides 320 divine nature crystal, other have enough more than 600 spoils of war details, is various types of relics and items! 除了320颗神性结晶外,其余还有足足六百多条战利品详情,全是各种遗物和道具! On this was the insufficiently firm item already by the acid liquid corrosion troubles of wetland seductive woman reason, otherwise this number can also turn several times! 就这还是很多不够坚固的道具都已经被湿地妖姬的酸液腐蚀损坏了的缘故,不然这数字还能翻几倍! But in these more than 600 kinds of items, but also contained 11 complete Hidden Relic! 而在这六百多种道具中,还包含了十一件完好的隐藏遗物 Naturally, looks many, in fact they take six people to carve up, everyone can also divide 100 document receiveds, Hidden Relic is everyone , is less than two. 当然,也只是看着多,实际上他们要六个人瓜分,每人也就能分一百来件,隐藏遗物更是每人只有不到两件。 Carved up the method to defer to decides before, according to the order chose in turn, these round first elected, the next round order must go lower. 瓜分方法还是按照之前商定的,按顺序轮流挑选,这一轮先选了,下一轮顺序就要靠后。 Such overall is fair, naturally, the first round of order is still very important, after all the best several types of things in first round will be basically robbed. 这样总体是公平的,当然,第一轮的顺序依然很重要,毕竟最好的几样东西基本都会在第一轮被抢走。 The people discussed simply, finally decided made this time display most outstanding Lin Xue first elect, to be responsible for diverting Mu You and emperor of next giant, other three people of determinations have not played too in a big way affect, therefore after being willing, elected. 众人简单商量一下,最终还是决定让这次表现最抢眼的林雪先选,负责牵制巨人的沐游和天子其次,其他三人自觉没起到太大作用,所以甘愿后选。 Lin Xue not ambiguous, glances over one after several types of Hidden Relic fast, elected directly is the same. 林雪也没含糊,将几样隐藏遗物快速浏览一番后,直接选了其中一样。 【The boots of expelling wind: The Agility attribute turns time, when is running free moves fast and attacks fast promotion 100 【追风者之靴:敏捷属性翻倍,顺风时移速和攻速提升100】 The people do not have the accident/surprise, the attribute of this item, basically was in 11 Hidden Relic on outwardly best one. 众人也没意外,这件道具的属性,基本就是十一个隐藏遗物中明面上最好的一件了。 Must know that Agility directly affected to move fast attacks fast dodges the hit and other fight characteristics, in addition is running free the increase, these two effects unify, when is equivalent to the fight attacks fast moves fast depending on somersault three times, that was really same can only see the remnant shadow like the wind. 要知道敏捷本来就直接影响移速攻速闪避命中等诸多战斗特性,再加上顺风时的提升,这两个效果结合起来,相当于战斗时攻速移速凭空翻三倍,那真是如风一样只能看到残影了。 Simultaneously this equipment also extremely suitable Lin Xue, she is principal point Agility, but the characteristics of god of death series are to also attack tall low defense, is more similar to the type of assassin, similarly has the extremely high request to the speed. 同时这件装备本身也极为适合林雪,她本来就是主点敏捷的,而死神这个系别的特点也是攻高防低,更类似于刺客的类型,同样对速度有着极高的要求。 Besides Lin Xue, what several people of most suitable this items is nine quiet refined appearance, what a pity Lin Xue has taken away, he also can only look to envy. 除了林雪之外,几人最适合这道具的是九幽的风神,可惜林雪已经拿走,他也只能看着羡慕一下。 After Lin Xue elects, is one's turn Mu You, Mu You not hesitant, swept one then to assign simply was the same. 林雪选完之后轮到沐游,沐游也没犹豫,简单扫了一圈便指定了其中一样。 Portable packet: When does not need to equip, has increases an equipment column automatically.】 【便携小包:无需装备,持有时自动增加一个装备栏。】 Explanation very simple and crude, but the usability is without a doubt. 说明十分简单粗暴,但实用性毋庸置疑。 Equipment column thing, a limited number of , a star only then three, promote two stars to be able every time many, moreover even Mu You will start the vice- belief in the future, will not increase the equipment column to him, to slightly some players of item foundation, equipping the column is never the sufficient condition, choosing this type to increase the thing of equipment column not to owe absolutely. 装备栏这东西,数量有限的很,一星只有三个,每提升两星才能多一个,而且即便沐游将来开启副信仰,也不会给他增加装备栏,对于稍微有些道具基础的玩家来说,装备栏位都是始终不够用的状态,选这种能增加装备栏的东西绝对不亏。 Two candidates end, others also choose in turn, first round carved up ended quickly, most useful several had been basically picked by six people. 两人选完,其他人也依次挑选,第一轮瓜分很快结束,基本最有用的几件都已经被六人捡走。 Then the second round of choice, Mu You and Lin Xue because of previous round first, after these round want, elected. 接下来第二轮挑选,沐游林雪因为上一轮优先,这一轮就要后选了。 Waits to be one's turn Mu You time, 11 Hidden Relic selected only remains last, named ‚the rope of infinite extending, the string that the effect as the name suggests, can elongate infinitely, really infinite does not know specifically, plays to explain in any case mentioned until now no one can detect its limit length. 等轮到沐游的时候,十一件隐藏遗物已经被挑的只剩最后一件,名为‘无限延伸之绳’,效果顾名思义,可以无限拉长的绳子,具体是不是真的无限不知道,反正游戏说明中提到至今没人能测出它的极限长度。 This thing is very at first sight scary, but careful thinks, actually no use, will be remained no wonder finally. 这东西乍一看挺唬人,但仔细一想,其实没什么用处,也难怪会被留到最后。 Mu You has swept in the remaining lists fast, finally has not chosen this string, but was the point chose the different thing. 沐游又在剩下的清单里快速扫过一番,最后也没选这绳子,而是点选了另一样东西。 【The type of rain and dew: Seed that is congealed by the life essence of wetland seductive woman several thousand years of accumulation, after the planter, may have the flower of rain and dew, edible rain and dew flower flower petal and leaf, but accelerates the star-level evolution of low star beasts sharply, only becomes effective to the three stars following lifeform.】 【雨露之种:由湿地妖姬数千年积累的生命精华所凝成的种子,种植后可结出雨露之花,食用雨露之花的花瓣和叶子,可大幅加速低星兽类的星级进化,仅对三星以下生物生效。】 This thing is not the relic, but the material that after is the wetland seductive woman dies, to explode, looking at the explanation is a food, but does not eat, but eats to the animal, the effect is the star class of fast promotion animal. 这东西不是遗物,而是湿地妖姬死后爆出来的材料,看说明是一种食材,不过不是给人吃的,而是给动物吃的,效果是快速提升动物的星级。 The star class of human can stabilize the promotion through the belief, but the animals actually can only through swallow mutually, comes level up by absorption each other divine nature, can level up, absorb many divine nature to be able level up, all looks at the luck, every time completes an evolution is quite difficult. 人类的星级可以通过信仰来稳定提升,但动物们却只能通过互相吞噬,靠吸收彼此的神性来升级,能不能升级,吸收多少神性才能升级,全看运气,每完成一次进化都极为困难。 As you might guess, if the wetland seductive woman were not killed by them, but was the natural death, this seed will be taking root to germinate same place, is born the flower of rain and dew, for the surrounding small-scale lifeform continuous evolution the three stars above lifeform, it can be said that a whale fell, but the myriad things lived. 可以想见,如果湿地妖姬不是被他们所杀,而是自然死亡,这颗种子会在原地生根发芽,诞生出雨露之花,供周围的小型生物源源不断的进化成三星以上生物,可以说是一鲸落而万物生了。 After the Hidden Relic minute/share ends, remaining Common Relic have nothing to snatch, the effect is very mostly ordinary, in addition equips the column to be limited, to the players of their rank, even if washes possibly useful some, still basically loses existence that is covered with dust in the warehouse. 隐藏遗物分完后,剩下的普通遗物就没什么可抢的了,效果大都很一般,再加上装备栏有限,对他们这种等级的玩家来说,就算淘出些许可能有用的,也基本是丢在仓库吃灰的存在。 The remaining item several people carved up fast, Mu You and Lin Xue attain more than 100 respectively, turn head lets clone with Little Ya they to choose, useful after picking completely, the remaining Mu You entire stoppers gave Lu Yao, making her hang in the second-hand shop to sell slowly, can recycle a divine nature is. 剩下的道具几人快速瓜分了一下,沐游林雪各拿到一百多件,回头让分身和小雅他们挑选一番,将有用的全部挑走后,剩下的沐游全塞给了陆瑶,让她挂二手店里慢慢卖着,能回收一点神性是一点。 Hence, this joint operations also successfully ended even, does not know how others feel to harvest, in any case Mu You and Lin Xue are very satisfied. 至此,这次联合行动也就算圆满结束了,不知道其他人觉得收获如何,反正沐游林雪都挺满意。 At this time at the forum, the players are still still discussing the wetland seductive woman to crusade against the war, particularly the performance of out of the ordinary god of death, lets innumerable player shocking at the same time, sound that also has doubts many. 此时论坛上,玩家们依然还在热议着刚才的湿地妖姬讨伐战,尤其是死神的出格表现,让无数玩家惊艳的同时,却也不乏疑惑的声音。 For example what is the god of death final harvesting big move of outcome? Can be away from several star-level suppressions unexpectedly, harvests the wetland seductive woman surplus 4000 many real lives instantaneously, that actual has damage wanted ten thousand? In present this god technique damage generally only then several point dozens points periods, how this damage saw that was too odd. 比如死神最后的收割大招究竟是什么?竟能够隔着好几层的星级压制,瞬间收割掉湿地妖姬剩余4000多的真实生命,那实际伤害岂不是要过万了?在如今这个神术伤害普遍只有几点几十点的时期,这伤害怎么看都太离谱了。 Does not blame the players to have doubts, really before is god of death performance , when to fighting giant, simply probably two gods. 不怪玩家们疑惑,实在是死神这一次的表现和之前对战巨人时,简直像是两个神明。 While the attention orthometric height, Lin Xue also strikes while the iron is hot, edited named «God of death at the forum fast Is Main line God Technique And the Belief Explanation» post. 趁着关注度正高,林雪也趁热打铁,快速在论坛上编辑了一篇名为《死神系主线神术和信仰说明》的贴子。 In the post to the god of death nine main line god techniques conducted the detailed elaboration, and analyzed the god of death fight characteristics, as well as is most suitable to believe the crowd of god of death department. 贴子中对死神的九个主线神术进行了详细阐述,并分析了死神的战斗特点,以及最适合信仰死神系的人群。 Finally then mentioned an idol issue, two weeks later the god of death idol will ship in Earth, the player who intends to believe the god of death can register ahead of time. 最后则提及了一下神像的问题,两周后死神神像就会运来地球,有意信仰死神的玩家可以提前报名。 Looks at the Lin Xue post, the people then understands that the beforehand fight what's the matter, originally the god of death by the soul strip that killing cannot see lethal, was not really one blade second fell several thousand lives. 看完林雪的贴子,众人这才明白之前的战斗是怎么回事,原来死神是靠杀伤看不见的灵魂条致死,并不是真的一刀秒掉了几千生命。 However even, this fight still has so let many direct feels the great strength of god of death, has waited to believe to go to the god of death impatiently. 不过即便如此,这一场战斗也已经让许多人直观感受到了死神的强大,都已经迫不及待的等着将信仰投向死神。 Similarly makes similar announcement at the forum, Solomon's the god of creation living. Actually no matter the gods rank or the god technique system, creating the gods of living are stronger than the god of death, but does to this fights he to display averagely, the god technique mostly assists the type, at this time and god of death puts together, the persuasive power is obviously insufficient, can look only from the reply quantities of two posts, god of death that side post heat degree is obviously higher. 同样在论坛发布类似公告的,还有所罗门的创生之神。其实不管是神明等级还是神术体系,创生之神都比死神更为强势,但奈何这场战斗他表现平平,神术又大多都是辅助类型,此时和死神放在一起,说服力明显不够,单从两个贴子的回复量也能看出来,死神那边贴子热度明显更高一些。 Regarding this Solomon also can only sigh with emotion the luck is not good, catches up with such a monster, simply has not given the space that he displays. 对此所罗门也只能感慨运气不好,偏偏赶上这么一个怪物,根本没给他发挥的空间。 Is good has the upper limit because of idol belief embed, each idol are most can only hold 100 million people of beliefs, many needs to make the idol again additionally. 好在神像的信仰承载都是有上限的,每尊神像最多只能容纳一亿人的信仰,再多就需要额外制造神像。 But at present on Earth overwhelming majority human have not believed that therefore does not need to be worried to receive the issue of non- Manchu actually, most is some disparities in follower quality. 而目前地球上绝大部分人类都还没有信仰,所以倒是不用担心收不满人的问题,最多就是信徒质量上的些许差距罢了。 In the world people also when discusses spiritedly to the god of death and idol, in the Mu You game has actually started off again. 就在世界上众人还在对死神和神像议论纷纷的时候,沐游游戏中却已经再次上路。 You take simple small boat of against clean and smooth-looking shell manufacture, enters in water from shore, rules out to dense fog deep place......】 【你乘坐防水滑壳制作的简易小舟,从岸边进入水中,向迷雾深处划去……】 Now Mu You must close the sea central that water installment, this thing is creates every hour a chief criminal of tsunami. 现在沐游要去关闭海中央的那方储水装置,这东西是造成每小时一次海啸的罪魁祸首。 Previous Mu You rows a boat half, under the lifeform of doubtful octopus by seabed swallowing, but this time he is not unprepared. 上次沐游划船到一半,就被海底下疑似章鱼的生物给吞了,而这次他也不是毫无准备。 Mu You asked the octopus king to want falling off chapter of dried shark skin ahead of time, made clothes with section Yupi, wrapped the whole body. 沐游提前找章鱼王要了一块脱落的章鱼皮,用章鱼皮做了一件衣服,包裹住全身。 If octopus king and this into the sea|nautical mile thing of really subordinates the common origin, by the smell of octopus king, could get by under false pretences. 如果章鱼王和这海里的东西真的隶属同源,靠章鱼王的气味,说不定能够蒙混过关。 You drive into deep water region gradually, raises eyes four unable to see any land, surroundings quiet piece, is white sea water and mist......】 【你渐渐驶入深水地带,举目四望不见任何陆地,周围静谧一片,皆是白茫茫的海水和雾气……】 You hear a distant low whining noise to transmit from mist deep place suddenly......】 【你忽然听到一阵悠远的低鸣声从雾气深处传来……】 You felt suddenly whole body one stiff, as if by vision locking that some lifeform carefully examines.】 【你忽然感觉浑身一僵,似乎被某种生物审视的目光锁定。】 This made you sweat profusely, holding the breath of instinct with rapt attention, did not dare move slightest......】 【这令你大汗淋漓,本能的屏息凝神,不敢动弹分毫……】 【...... Until several minutes, covers vanishes in your line of sight quietly, you retrieval freely......】 【……直到数分钟过后,笼罩在你身上的视线才悄然消失,你重获自由……】 Mu You relaxes, unexpectedly also really mixed...... in the octopus king Heshui thing indeed to have the connection to him evidently. 沐游松了口气,居然还真给他混过去了……看样子章鱼王和水里的东西的确有着关联。 No matter how, the crisis passed, Mu You does not have the time to think, continues to step up to row a boat, arrived in the place quickly. 不管如何,危机度过,沐游也没时间多想,继续加紧划船,很快抵达了地方。 You board the aback in the sea level that the shadow covers somewhere.】 【你在某处阴影笼罩的海面上停船。】 Looks up, in your top of the head dozens meters high position, a giant U pipeline spans in the midair.】 【抬头看去,在你头顶数十米高的位置,一根巨大的U型管道横亘在半空中。】 【Of pipeline extends in the dense fog, another, is connecting a giant water installment of similar irrigation box. In the end of pipeline, mounts is turning the discoid giant metal knob together.】 【管道的一头延伸进迷雾中,另一头则连接着一个类似灌溉箱的巨型储水装置。在管道的尽头,镶嵌着一块轮盘状的巨大金属旋钮。】 From equipment structure, this knob this set of master switch that irrigates the instrument, so long as its spin to the end, can block the water leakage of pipeline thoroughly.】 【从装置结构来看,这旋钮正是这套灌溉仪器的总开关,只要将其旋到尽头,便可彻底阻塞管道的出水。】 Was a pity, the metal knob is giant, and in year and year out wet environment, had been blocked by the stained rusty stain corrosion, without the appropriate tool, wants to rotate it to be almost impossible.】 【可惜,金属旋钮过于巨大,且在经年累月的潮湿环境中,早已被斑斑锈迹腐蚀封死,如果没有合适的工具,想转动它几乎不可能。】 The knob rusts seriously, if he before trading probably also needs a headache, but now this is not the issue. 旋钮生锈严重,如果换之前的他可能还需要头疼一下,不过现在这已经不算问题。 Your flying jumps to the pipeline above, summoned the arm of wind Qilin, held the knob with the Qilin claw.】 【你飞身跳至管道上方,召唤出风麒麟之臂,用麒麟爪抓住了旋钮。】 Your foot steps on the land, the Qilin arm erupts the continuous strength immediately.】 【你脚踩大地,麒麟臂顿时爆发出源源不断的力量。】 With your effort, blocked knob rotates finally slowly, the water current of water outlet also weakens rapidly......】 【在你的努力下,被封死的旋钮终于缓缓转动,出水口的水流也随之迅速减弱……】 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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