TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#516: Walking with dog tactic

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Chapter 516 walking with dog tactic 第516章遛狗战术 Both did arrive? Arrived we to open strangely.” Solomon asked in group. “两位都到位了吗?到位了我们要开怪了。”所罗门在群里问。 Opens.” “开吧。” Momentarily Ok.” “随时可以。” Mu You and emperor also replied. 沐游和天子同时回答。 Good.” “好。” The group to be then quiet, wants to come four people to begin in the preparation. 说完群里便沉寂下来,想来四人已经在准备动手。 The Mu You character great distance is too far, naturally cannot see, is good because of having the stream post. 沐游角色相隔太远,自然是看不到,好在有直播贴。 Finally must start! We see, four big shot from four directions, simultaneously had surrounded the past toward the wetland seductive woman......” “终于要开始了!我们看到,四位大佬已经从四个方向,齐齐朝着湿地妖姬包围了过去……” In the stream post of forum home page, pasting the lord is a person who grasps 'to look into the distance' effect relic, can be away from several hundred meters to see the scene in dense fog, at this time is acting as the war correspondent at the scene, real-time will play the text retransmission to the post, attracted lots of ordinary players to surround to watch the fun. 论坛首页的直播贴中,贴主是一位手持‘远望’效果遗物的人,可以隔着数百米看到迷雾中的场景,此时正在现场充当战地记者,实时将游戏中的文本转播到贴子中,吸引来了大量普通玩家围观看热闹。 What first rushing is the war-god! Grasps the great axe, one step jumps, chops high......” “第一个冲上去的是战神!手持巨斧,一步跃起,高高劈下……” Attack hit at the same time, four big giants change the body together! Too graceful!” “攻击命中的同时,四大巨人一同变身!太帅了!” No shadow war-god and Solomon's the gods and nine quiet refined appearance creation living, the god of death of red sickle young girl, four big shot besiege together, outputs from four directions full power!” “无影的战神、所罗门的创生之神、九幽的风神,还有红镰少女的死神,四位大佬一同围攻,从四个方向全力进行输出!” Wetland seductive woman really violent anger! The attention, should to start to counter-attack, making us come to see, the hatred that which big god attracts is highest, is not out of the anticipation the words, should be able to be......, the wetland seductive woman first attacks unexpectedly is...... the god of death?!” Pastes Lord surprised rephrased in own words this conclusion. “湿地妖姬果然暴怒了!注意,应该要开始反击了,让我们来看看,哪位大神吸引的仇恨最高,不出意料的话,应该会是……呃,湿地妖姬首先攻击的竟然是……死神?!”贴主惊讶的转述出了这个结论。 But at this time at the scene, nine quiet, Solomon, some no shadow three people of also surprise. 而此时在现场,九幽、所罗门、无影三人也都有些诧异。 Generally speaking, facing this wisdom not too high unusual animals, is sorest, created damage that who hits is highest, the hatred and counter-attack will arrive on whom. 一般来说,面对这种智慧不算太高的异兽,都是谁打的最疼,造成的伤害最高,仇恨和反击就会降临在谁身上。 Creating the fresh department was auxiliary did not say that the people think was responsible for continuing the hatred should by the war-god that the violent output grew perceptibly, should the refined appearance focusing on spell damage, finally, actually be the god of death again badly? 创生系是辅助就不说了,众人本来都以为负责承接仇恨的应该是以暴力输出见长的战神,再不济也应该是以法术伤害为主的风神,结果,却偏偏是死神? Because the god of death is not in the experience range of tower of formidable, many people fully do not know about the god of death until now, only high light time, only then in the war of giant, once struck to kill an acting alone giant before. 因为死神并不在勇者之塔的体验范围内,很多人直到现在对死神都完全不了解,唯一高光时刻,只有之前巨人之战中,曾击杀过一只独行的巨人。 But that also achieves with the help of over ten thousand players, the god of death has not shown the enough domineering strength, especially selected compared with five brilliant achievements with the god of afterward order, seemed ordinary. 但那也是在上万名玩家的帮助下才达成的,死神本身并没有展现出足够强势的实力,尤其和后来的秩序之神一挑五的辉煌战绩相比,更显得平凡。 Finally now, draws with other gods the comparison on the same starting line, the people just now faint from fear, the output of god of death originally such violent? 结果现在,和其他神明拉在同一起跑线上比较,众人方才惊觉,死神的输出原来这么暴力的吗? The inevitable crowd can only observe the information of surface, was in three in war soon to realize for the god traveler/ascetic actually some truth, guessed in the attack of god of death possibly contained to have some special damage, this absorption hatred especially. 围观人群只能观察到最表面的信息,身在战局中的三个代神行者倒是很快意识到了一些真相,猜测死神的攻击中可能包含有一些特殊伤害,这才格外的吸收仇恨。 However even so, under surrounding of many eyewitness, three people still had some competitive mentalities somewhat, after all they three god skins are that more than promotion the god of death a god bone brought, this compares the god of death, somewhat loses face. 不过即便如此,在众多目击者的围观下,三人也多多少少产生了一些争强好胜的心态,毕竟他们三个的神皮可是比死神多了一块神骨带来的提升,这样都比不过死神,着实有些丢脸。 Therefore three people are the stepping up outputs of instinct, various god techniques do not ask for money will lose outward, wants to try to hate pulls back. 于是三人都是本能的加紧输出,各种神术不要钱的往外丢,想要试着将仇恨拉回来。 However was quick they more surprised, no matter how because they diligently, the wetland seductive women are always staring at the god of death tear and bite, did not bring back to look their. 然而很快他们就更惊讶了,因为不管他们怎么努力,湿地妖姬都始终在盯着死神撕咬,根本不带回头看他们的。 But under the wetland seductive woman's brushing tear and bite continually, the god of death life cannot shoulder, starts the extreme speed whereabouts. 而在湿地妖姬连番的抽打撕咬下,死神的生命也扛不住,开始极速下落。 „More than the 300 players of backing group start the collective to brush the blood to brush the energy to the god of death, they are the safeguards of this campaign continue voyage.” “后援团的三百多位玩家开始集体给死神刷血刷能量,他们是本次战役续航的保障。” Appeared! Created the god of living to release god technique life link, green ray connected in turn on four giants!” “出现了!创生之神释放了神术‘生命链接’,一条绿色的光线依次连接在了四个巨人身上!” This then creates one of the fresh department most practical god techniques, linked person life will enter the sharing condition, damage that everyone receives will share out equally the person who was linked!” “这便是创生系最实用的神术之一,被链接的人生命将进入共享状态,每个人受到的伤害都会平均分摊到被链接起来的人身上!” Under the protection of life link, four people of lives starts to slide evenly, the brushing blood pressure of backing group greatly reduces.” “在生命链接的保护下,四人的生命开始均匀下滑,后援团的刷血压力大大减少。” Wetland seductive woman discovered that kills inadequately, starts then to use the god technique, massive vines from underground gush out, twine on four giants, is hindering their action largely.” “湿地妖姬发现强杀不成,开始转而使用神术,大量的藤蔓从地下涌出,缠绕在四个巨人身上,大幅阻碍着他们的行动。” Wetland seductive woman spouted the big piece poisonous fog, this is wetland seductive woman hardest to deal with attack style monster poison, the strong poisonous fog is corroding the defense of giants fast, the skeletons of four giants during visible melting.” “湿地妖姬喷出了大片的毒雾,这是湿地妖姬最难缠的进攻招式‘妖毒’,浓烈的毒雾快速腐蚀着巨人们的防御,四个巨人的骨骼都在肉眼可见的融化之中。” Appeared! Created the god of living to release god technique to protect fairy, four protected fairy to be summoned, fell on four giants, helping them absorb all toxin, and relieved the control.” “又出现了!创生之神释放了神术‘守护精灵’,四只守护精灵被召唤出来,落在四个巨人身上,帮他们吸收了所有的毒素,并解除了控制。” Here please allow me to explain that an ability that creates the god of living, creates the god of living, the full name is ‚the creation and life god of’, has temporary creates the ability of various strange life and item, god technique overall deviation in assistance, but just like the god of order, depends on later period of the summon ability also to have the good battle efficiency, is a versatile series!” “在这里请容我解释一下创生之神的能力,创生之神,全名为‘创造与生命之神’,拥有临时创造各种奇异生命和道具的能力,神术整体偏向于辅助,但和秩序之神一样,靠着召唤能力后期也具有不俗的战斗力,属于一种全能型的系别!” From now on Sir Solomon will announce creates the more details of god of living related, welcome the interested player to choose the belief to create the god of living!” “过后所罗门大人会公布有关创生之神的更多细节,欢迎有兴趣的玩家选择信仰创生之神!” The post person suddenly temporary emergency broadcast two irrelevant news, looking from the issue speed, obviously has prepared, the direct duplication glues. 发贴人忽然临时插播了两条无关消息,从发布速度看,显然是早已准备好,直接复制粘贴过来的。 Now the seductress/evil spirit clan can make the idol the matter to be known by the major city lords, various cities Lord have been raising the divine nature urgently, prepares to look for the seductress/evil spirit clan to purchase one to two idols, turn head sends Earth to facilitate to expand the follower. 如今妖精族可以制造神像的事情已经被各大城主得知,各城主都已经在紧急筹措神性,准备找妖精族购买一到两座神像,回头送来地球方便扩展信徒。 It can be predicted that on Earth the competition war about belief soon will soon after raise the curtains. But Solomon's the god of creation living , is also the gods who the tower of formidable has not involved, the average person did not understand, some basic propagandas are essential. 可以预见,不久之后地球上关于信仰的争夺大战即将拉开大幕。而所罗门的创生之神,又同样属于勇者之塔没有涉及的神明,普通人根本不了解,一些基本的宣传必不可少。 But post lord who at present this is responsible for stream, is Solomon's player, at this time is high while attention, then gave the gold/metal to focus on an advertisement conveniently. 而眼下这位负责直播的贴主,正是所罗门手下的玩家,此时趁着关注度高,顺手便给金主打了个广告。 In brief, under creating many auxiliary god techniques of god of living, very hard to deal with wetland seductive woman did not have the threat immediately, four giants obtained the extremely easy and comfortable environment, can fully display the respective ability. 总之,在创生之神的多个辅助神术下,原本很难缠的湿地妖姬顿时没了威胁,四个巨人获得了极其安逸的环境,得以充分施展各自的能力。 But in the meantime, in four people of games simultaneously pops up the prompt suddenly: The warning, the giant is approaching! 而就在此时,四人的游戏中忽然齐齐弹出提示:警告,巨人正在靠近! In Mu You here game has also received the related prompt, quickly controls the character to take out the broken fog filter, first 360 degrees swept. 沐游这边游戏中也已经收到相关提示,急忙操控人物取出破雾镜,先三百六十度扫了一圈。 Finally is smooth, beyond the southwest direction more than 9000 meters, illuminated the form of giant directly, toward the position extreme speed long-range raid of wetland seductive woman. 结果还算顺利,在西南方向九千多米外,直接照出了巨人的身影,正在朝湿地妖姬的方位极速奔袭而来。 Came, the giant must come! Surrounded everyone was careful!” The post person also published this news in the forum. “来了,巨人要来了!围观的各位都小心!”发贴人也在论坛中公布了这个消息。 The Solomon four people are quickly are also ready in full battle array, is the most important time, if faces the converging attack of wetland seductive woman and giant simultaneously, will crash absolutely, now only depends on the emperor and ghost ship is long, can block below giant? 所罗门四人也都是急忙严阵以待,接下来才是最重要的时刻,如果同时面对湿地妖姬和巨人的夹击,是绝对会崩盘的,现在只靠天子和幽灵船长,能拦的下巨人吗? Mu You has not worried, according to the table, does not stop using the broken fog filter to confirm that repeatedly the real-time position of giant, has waited for the giant to run the broken fog filter reconnaissance scope, was supposing soon when is close to the wetland seductive woman, he then starts to operate. 沐游没有着急,反复按表,不停用破雾镜确认巨人的实时方位,一直等巨人跑出破雾镜侦查范围,估摸着快要接近湿地妖姬时,他这才开始操作。 In precise god human bone, after it is expected that 15 minutes, finished......】 【凝炼神骸中,预计十五分钟后结束……】 Precise cannot complete one time, so long as in the short time can continued from above, then contract beforehand progress. 凝炼不是必须要一次性完成,只要短时间内能续上,即可承接之前的进度。 You hear ear-spitting roaring to transmit from distant place suddenly, you felt that ground starts to tremble, front giant as if rotated direction, starts fast toward you close to......】 【你骤然听到一声震耳的咆哮自远处传来,你感觉地面开始震颤,前方巨人似乎回转了方向,开始飞快朝你靠近……】 Really, the giant is quite sensitive to this skeleton, he just now begins, immediately attracted the hatred of opposite party. 果然,那巨人对这具骸骨相当敏感,他才刚动手,立即就吸引到了对方的仇恨。 Mu You has not worried to escape , to continue precise, simultaneously locates the position of giant with the broken fog filter momentarily. 沐游没着急逃跑,继续凝炼,同时用破雾镜随时确定巨人的位置。 Before he has consulted the lamp god, even the lifeform of nine stars, visual range not over two kilometers in dense fog, only if after the special preparation, or had farsighted type ability, can look farther ahead. 之前他已经咨询过灯神,即便九星的生物,在迷雾中的目视距离也不会超过两千米,除非经过特殊训练,或者有远视类的能力,才能看得更远一些。 Mu You patient is waiting, when giant close to 2500 meters, this quickly stops precise, moves sideways in the jungle of escaping rearward, hid. 沐游耐心的等着,待巨人靠近到两千五百米以内时,这才急忙停止凝炼,闪身逃向后方的丛林中,隐蔽了起来。 【Before giant rushes to skeleton, looks under sand energy already lost giant skeleton, immediately rave continues, turns the head to sweep to all around, is roaring to air unceasingly, actually cannot discover you in......】 【巨人冲到尸骸前,看着沙地下能量已经有所损耗的巨人尸骨,顿时狂吼不止,转头扫向四周,不断对着空气咆哮,却并未能发现伱的所在……】 Mu You relaxes, this giant has no farsighted ability evidently, two kilometers are the safe distances. 沐游松了口气,看样子这巨人并没有什么远视能力,两千米就是安全距离。 Mu You to that side the emperor sent OK the hand signal. 沐游给天子那边发了‘OK’的手势。 Emperor associative compound, immediately in another summon being lost in thought skin, also does not know that he used anything, in brief in the game prompts: In air transmits sweet fragrance, the giant likely was hungry the insane bear to smell the honey, immediately dropped out the giant skeleton, southeastern North Korea flushes away.” 天子会意,当即在另一头召唤出了神皮,也不知他用了什么东西,总之游戏中提示:“空气中传来一阵甘甜的香味,巨人像饿疯的熊闻到了蜂蜜,当即抛下巨人骸骨,朝东南方向冲去。” The giants ran very much the range of broken fog filter, that side the concrete emperor had anything, Mu You was unknown, from the sound of text prompt, the two sides has contacted obviously directly, but listened to the sound giant should be unable to profit. 巨人很快跑出了破雾镜的范围,具体天子那边发生了什么,沐游就不得而知了,从文本提示的动静来看,两边显然已经正面接触,但听声音巨人应该没能占到便宜。 Mu You also has no free time to inquire that the emperor made anything, quickly controls the character to go back , to continue the precise skeleton. 沐游也没空询问天子做了什么,急忙操控人物回去,继续凝炼骸骨。 The distant place giant the violent anger returns quickly...... 远处巨人很快又暴怒回返…… Then, two people depend on the private letter contact, the tacit coordination, is involving the giant unceasingly during two long-range raids. 就这样,两人靠着私信联络,默契的配合着,将巨人不断牵扯在两头的奔袭之中。 Naturally, the giant is not silly, no matter what they dart back and forth, after rushing to the scene each time, will also gradually expand the hunting zone, wanted to find their chief criminals. 当然,巨人也没那么傻,任他们溜来溜去,每次冲到现场后,还会逐渐扩展搜索范围,想要找到他们两个罪魁祸首。 Especially Mu You, the giant once disregarded emperor that side seduction, once kept by the skeleton to stay for about several minutes, after confirming Mu You disappears completely, this angry departure, but has not actually walked away directly, but ambushes quietly beyond two kilometers, prepares one wave instead to hit. 尤其是沐游这边,巨人曾无视天子那边的诱惑,一度留在尸骸旁停留了数分钟左右,直到确认沐游完全不见踪影后,这才怒气冲冲的离开,不过却没有直接走远,而是在两千米外又悄悄埋伏起来,准备来一波反打。 Changed other person of here really to be swindled, what a pity Mu You had the broken fog filter in the hand, the entire journey the clarity that the movement of giant looked, continued to ambush, lost the patience to the giant, attacked after the emperor that side again, he appeared slowly, then went back precise. 换了其他人这里可能就真上当了,可惜沐游有破雾镜在手,全程将巨人的动作看的清清楚楚,继续潜伏,一直到巨人失去耐心,再次突袭往天子那边后,他才慢悠悠露头,接着回去凝炼。 The giants are been incomparable by the violent anger that two people play jokes upon, does not have the means that also in two people involving, the giant had completely forgotten the wetland seductive woman that side battlefield. 巨人被两人戏耍的暴怒无比,却毫无办法,也是在两人的牵扯中,巨人已经完全忘记了湿地妖姬那边的战场。 The time passes slowly, quick a half hour passes by. 时间缓缓流逝,很快半小时过去。 At this time the cliff bottom under exit|to speak, the wetland seductive woman had been killed to be close to 40% lives. 此时在出口下的崖底,湿地妖姬已经被杀下了接近40%的生命。 „The reply ability that really goes against heaven's will......” Solomon cannot bear in the group chats to complain. “真是逆天的回复能力啊……”所罗门忍不住在群聊里抱怨。 On this big mouth flower only lost more than 2000 points of real lives outwardly, but they at least have in fact created 20,000 points above outputs! 明面上这大嘴花只损失了两千多点真实生命,但实际上他们至少已经造成了两万点以上的输出! This middle difference, was all given the counter-balance by the abnormal reply ability. 这中间的差额,全都是被变态的回复能力给抵消的。 Wetland seductive woman not only hit enemy time can blood sucking, itself can also by sacrificing a root replies a big section blood strip instantaneously. The plant class unusual animals of real world basically have this ability, this was also they sacrificed the survival capability that the mobile capability traded. 湿地妖姬不只命中敌人的时候可以吸血,本身还可以靠牺牲一条根部来瞬间回复一大段血条。真实世界的植物类异兽基本都有这种能力,这也是它们牺牲移动能力换来的生存能力。 Nine quiet and do not have the shadow not to speak, but also has similar feeling. According to the present efficiency, it is estimated that must about an hour they be able to carry out thoroughly to strike to kill. 九幽和无影没说话,但也都有类似的感觉。照现在的效率,估计还得一个小时左右他们才能彻底完成击杀。 Is good is long because of another ghost ship and emperor is very steady, temporarily will not threaten them who the hatred of giant draws. 好在另一头幽灵船长和天子将巨人的仇恨拉的很稳,暂时不会威胁到他们。 Three people have completed preparation that fights the protracted war, but at this time, has opened the mouth in the red sickle young girl of output unexpectedly silently suddenly. 三人都已经做好了打持久战的准备,但没成想这时,一直在默默输出的红镰少女忽然开口。 Several, please retrocede slightly some, is the range attack.” “几位,请都稍微后退一些,接下来是范围攻击。” „Oh?” “哦?” Three people accidental/surprised, but has not thought, thinks she loudly has anything to invite displays, the control character of instinct retroceded two standards. 三人意外了一下,但也没多想,以为她有什么大招要施展,本能的操控人物后退了两格。 Finally the next moment, in the Lin Xue character hand on the sickle the black gas welding even/including erupts, the darkness of big piece was the energy swept across the wetland seductive woman. 结果下一刻,林雪角色手中镰刀上黑气接连爆发,大片的暗系能量席卷了湿地妖姬。 With blade light sound of sword, the wetland seductive woman but who also remains 60% lives, miserable howling, the head hung down suddenly, the leaf blade and vine of whole body also rapid on the wane, falls down softly, did not have the sound again. 伴随着刀光霍霍,还剩60%生命的湿地妖姬,忽然惨嚎一声,脑袋低垂了下去,全身的叶片和藤蔓也迅速凋零,软倒在地上,再没了声息。 That moment that the wetland seductive woman drops down, in the forum stream post springs the connected question mark and exclamation immediately. 湿地妖姬倒下的那一刻,论坛直播贴中顿时弹出连串的问号和惊叹。 What's wrong?” Has the people inquiry of unclear situation. “怎么了?”有不明情况的群众询问。 God of death eruption! A wave claimed the wetland seductive woman finally 60 many lives directly!” “死神爆发了!一波直接带走了湿地妖姬最后60多的生命!” How possibly?” “怎么可能?” I also feel not possible, but the fact is this, so many people saw......” “我也觉得不可能,但事实就是这样,现场这么多人都看到了……” Too odd......” “太离谱了……” God of death originally such strong?” “死神原来这么强的么?” ...... …… This sudden accident, makes in the post discuss immediately in abundance. 这突然的变故,顿时让贴子中热议纷纷。 But at the scene, Solomon nine does not have the shadow three people quiet, from the beginning also shocked, but quick realized anything. 而在现场,所罗门九幽无影三人,一开始也都是震惊了一下,不过很快就意识到了什么。 Because in their text angles of view, the life of wetland seductive woman actually does not have the nulling operation finally, it maintained 62 lives dead directly, this explained that the red sickle young girl obviously not the wetland seductive woman who used the normal method to strike to kill. 因为在他们的文本视角中,最后湿地妖姬的生命其实并没有归零,它是保持着62的生命直接死去的,这说明红镰少女显然并不是用正常的手段击杀的湿地妖姬。 Kills the soul?” Did not have the shadow first to guess correctly the truth. “是杀伤灵魂么?”无影最先猜到了真相。 The two look suddenly, the god of death are also creating killing to the soul strip of wetland seductive woman indeed from beginning to end, with them at all is not a route that takes. 其他两人一看也是恍然,敢情死神从头到尾都是在对湿地妖姬的灵魂条造成杀伤,跟他们根本不是走的一个路线。 The wetland seductive woman resilience is strong , can only bring back to the life, soul thing is extremely difficult to restore, a moment ago seemed like that the wetland seductive woman also remained 62 lives, in fact the soul strip possibly is being on the verge of death condition, therefore the red sickle young girl can a wave of eruption harvest. 湿地妖姬恢复能力再强,也只能恢复生命,灵魂这东西可是极难恢复的,刚才看似湿地妖姬还剩62的生命,实际上灵魂条可能已经是濒死状态,因此红镰少女才能一波爆发收割。 Thinks through these, three people felt relaxed much. 想通这些,三人释然了不少。 However, they can think through, actually does not represent the ordinaries also to do to understand such complex relations. 不过,他们能想通,却不代表普通群众也能搞明白这么复杂的关系。 In the ordinaries angle of view, they only saw god of death one wave of eruption relaxed second killed wetland seductive woman result. 在普通群众视角中,他们只看到了死神一波爆发轻松秒杀了湿地妖姬这个结果。 At least the list from the result of this fight, the performance of god of death is better than other three gods. 至少单从这一场战斗的结果来看,死神的表现远优于其他三个神明。 Had finished? Compared with estimate in also quick......” “已经结束了么?比预计中还快啊……” Mu You looks the news that side Lin Xue spreads, knits the brows slightly. 沐游看着林雪那边传来的消息,略微皱眉。 Because precise of this moment giant skeleton has not completed, but also misses the final dozens seconds. 因为此刻巨人尸骸的凝炼尚未完成,还差最后的几十秒。 But opposite giant already again toward his racing to come. 而对面巨人已经再次朝他奔来。 On actually a chapter of giant has gotten suspicious, stayed here was very long, until Mu You once thinks when it will not leave again, the giant could not repress to be attracted finally by the emperor, but this time, saw the skeleton that almost must vanish, the giant feared will not be swindled again. 其实上一回巨人已经起了疑心,在这边停留了很久,直到沐游一度以为它不会再离开时,巨人才终于按捺不住被天子吸引过去,而这一次,看到几乎要消失的骸骨,巨人怕是不会再上当了。 Therefore is best one time has supported finally these dozens seconds, is thoroughly precise god's flesh and blood, otherwise progress bar to 99, makes him give up, really pitifully. 所以最好是一次撑过最后这几十秒,将神之骨血彻底凝炼,不然进度条到了99,又让他放弃,着实可惜。 Thinks of here, Mu You decides to give it all simply. 想到这里,沐游索性决定放手一搏。 You released god technique ‚the eye of day.】 【你释放了神术‘天之眼’。】 You released god technique order guard.】 【你释放了神术‘秩序守卫’。】 The giant who long-range raid comes stepped into the visual range of eye of day quickly.】 【奔袭而来的巨人很快踏入了天之眼的目视范围。】 【The eye of day locked the giant in movement, chops together the thunder and lightning, and increased lock of the order for the giant.】 【天之眼锁定了移动中的巨人,劈出一道雷电,并为巨人添加了一层秩序之锁。】 Examines existence of lock of order, the order guards goes to attack the giant automatically.】 【检测到秩序之锁的存在,秩序守卫自动前往攻击巨人。】 【...... The eye of day chops the thunder and lightning to the giant, and increased lock of the order.】 【……天之眼向巨人劈出雷电,并向其添加了一层秩序之锁。】 Giant initiative attack order guard, obtained lock of the order automatically......】 【巨人主动攻击了秩序守卫,自动获得一层秩序之锁……】 ...... …… The eye of day will not attack the order guard, Mu You stops in same place precise god bone, will not be attacked, only then the giant, runs several steps to be exploded, the body folded the locks of several order quickly. 天之眼是不会攻击秩序守卫的,沐游停在原地凝炼神骨,也不会被攻击,只有巨人,跑几步就要被炸一下,身上很快就叠了数层的秩序之锁。 The Mu You itself/Ben thinks that such giant ought to stop met, finally giant's response actually imagines verve many compared with him. 沐游本以为这样巨人总该消停一会了,结果巨人的反应却比他想象中刚猛的多。 Was divided by thunder and lightning continuously, giant violent anger, jumps suddenly high, took over the midair eye of day, two made an effort, tore fragment it......】 【连续被雷电劈中,巨人暴怒,忽然高高跃起,一把揽下了半空中的天之眼,两手用力,将其撕扯成了碎片……】 Giant falls to the ground, the two or three move then guarded the body to twist the bread twist the order, lost to the one side.】 【巨人落地,三两招便将秩序守卫身体拧成了麻花,丢向一旁。】 Order guards vanishes automatically, the giant did not have the hindrance, to/clashes directly toward you.】 【秩序守卫自动消失,巨人没了阻碍,径直朝你冲来。】 【During moves, the giant both arms erupt full power, the whole body becomes red, after gathering the strength ten several seconds, the lock of most outer layer order will struggle free unexpectedly forcefully. Presently the lock of order surplus: 9......】 【跑动之中,巨人双臂全力爆发,全身变得通红,蓄力十数秒后,竟强行将最外层秩序之锁挣断。当前秩序之锁剩余:九层……】 ...... …… This was also too fierce......” “这也太猛了……” Mu You looks at the eyelid to jump, worthily is the giants of nine stars, does not know that is the star class suppresses is too high, is his god technique rank is too low, unexpectedly even the lock of order can be pulled apart by the opposite party forcefully...... 沐游看得眼皮直跳,不愧是九星的巨人,不知道是星级压制太高,还是他的神术等级太低,居然连秩序之锁都能被对方强行扯断…… As the matter stands, wants to depend to fold the lock of second order to kill this giant is not definitely impossible. 这样一来,想要靠叠秩序之锁秒杀这巨人肯定不可能了。 Is good because, has several dragging that a day of eye and order guard, Mu You finished the god human bone finally precise. 好在,有天之眼和秩序守卫的几番拖延,沐游这边终于将神骸凝炼完毕。 【The god clan skeleton completes precise, you obtained god's bone * 1, god's blood * 1, divine nature crystal * 405.】 【神族尸骨凝炼完成,你获得了神之骨,神之血,神性结晶。】 Besides god's flesh and blood, had/left more than 400 divine nature crystal unexpectedly additionally precise. 除了神之骨血外,居然还额外凝炼出了400多神性结晶 After nine star lifeform die , the divine nature that blows out selects certainly incessantly, but this giant had died after all for many years, in within the body overwhelming majority divine nature have naturally dissipated in year to year windblown and sunburnt, can plunder so many are a unexpected happiness. 一只九星生物死后爆出的神性当然不止这么点,但这巨人毕竟已经死去多年,体内绝大部分神性早已在常年的风吹日晒中自然消散,能搜刮出这么多已经是意外之喜。 Mu You also thinks without enough time, controls the character to receive the spoils of war, quickly turns around to start to travel. 沐游也来不及多想,操控人物将战利品一把收起,急忙掉头开始跑路。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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