TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#571: Machinists

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Chapter 571 machinist 第571章机械师 In the basin of edge of the abyss, Mu You stealthy circling arrives at the rear area, is staying the stealth condition, approaches the battleship that the front anchored step by step. 深渊边缘的盆地中,沐游鬼鬼祟祟的绕到后方,保持着隐身状态,一步步靠近了前方停泊的战舰。 Finally, this time has not waited for him to hit the outer layer barrier, the battleship bow in barrier, a red searchlight searches immediately in his direction, under shine of red light, the figure clear exposition that Mu You hid in the air. 结果,这次还不等他撞到外层的屏障,屏障内的战舰船头,一颗红色的探照灯顿时朝他的方向探来,在红光的映照下,沐游隐藏的身形明明白白的暴露在了空气中。 Discovers the invisible unit, the status determination is: Fool! Risk factor appraisal: Highly dangerous. Performance order: The elimination, wipes to disappear, action of driving away......” “发现隐形单位,身份判定为:愚者!危险度评估:高度危险。执行命令:清除,抹消,驱赶……” Really is not good......” “果然不行么……” Looks that front is the innumerable muzzles turns out instantaneously, Mu You sighed, silently according to table recollection, after retreated quietly, returned in the jungle quickly. 看着面前又是无数炮口瞬间翻出,沐游叹息一声,默默按表回溯,朝后悄悄撤退,很快退回了刚才的密林中。 In determining this battleship anchors after the abyss, Mu You does not lose heart circled, wants to have a look at the defense of ships the region of oversight. 在确定这艘战舰停泊在深渊上后,沐游不死心的绕了一圈,想看看舰船的防御有没有疏漏的区域。 The result showed, the sky as if defends the weakest direction, other ground directions all arrange the counter- hidden installment, as long as close to hull certain range, will then be discovered immediately. 结果证明,上空似乎还是防御最薄弱的方向,其他地面方向全都布置有反隐装置,但凡靠近到船体一定范围,便会立即被发现。 Wipes the blue smog to emit from the oil lamp of his waist, transforms for the form of roaming reading poems person. 一抹蓝色烟雾从他腰间的油灯中冒出,幻化为游吟诗人的身影。 This is the legendary mechanical life...... a little meaning......” lamp god feels the chin, curious looks at the distant place to anchor the battleship that. “这就是传说中的机械生命么……有点意思啊……”灯神摸着下巴,好奇的看着远处停泊的战舰。 Just right that you come out, I just want to ask, who these mechanical men are make?” “你出来的正好,我刚想问问,这些机械人到底是谁造出来的?” Mu You seizes the chance to inquire: In god clan has what ‚the god of machinery and so on gods?” 沐游趁机询问:“神族中有什么‘机械之神’之类的神明吗?” The lamp god shakes the head: Does not have god of authority machinery, I have not at least heard......, but, I know a person actually, perhaps is to make these mechanical lives prime culprit......” 灯神摇了摇头:“没有机械之神这种权柄,至少我没听说过……不过,我倒是知道一个人,或许是制造这些机械生命的‘元凶’……” Who?” “谁?” From number machinist god clansman.” “一个自号‘机械师’的神族人。” „An ordinary god clan?” Mu You stares, don't these mechanical life bodies, stem from gods' hand unexpectedly? “一个普通神族?”沐游一愣,这些机械生命体,居然不是出自神明之手? Yes, although this fellow has not grasped any authority, but is actually a true talent, said that is 100,000 years of the talents that is difficult to meet is not overrated, his head intelligent like a mortal, many people did not even suspect, he inherited wisdom this authority.” “是的,虽然这家伙没有掌握任何权柄,但却是个真正的天才,说是十万年难遇的天才都不为过,他的脑袋聪明的不像一个凡人,很多人甚至怀疑,他是不是继承了‘智慧’这种权柄。” What did he make?” Mu You is curious. “他做了什么?”沐游好奇。 This person of original occupation is the props master who to help the person builds the equipment, actually studied diligently the pinnacle in item, made many powerful war armor, his strength was very actually weak, was of floor in the entire god clan, but depended on these war armor, his battle efficiency even can be on par some ordinary gods!” The lamp god says with emotion. “这人原本的职业是帮人打造装备的道具师,却在道具方面钻研到了极致,制造了许多强大的战甲,他本人的实力其实很弱,在整个神族中都属于底层的那种,但靠着这些战甲,他的战斗力甚至能比肩一些普通的神明!”灯神感慨道。 Source first fight armor?” Mu You blurted out. “源初战甲?”沐游脱口而出。 „, Called this name probably......” “哦,好像是叫这个名字……” The roaming reading poems person recalled, shakes the head saying: In brief, depends on these mysterious war armor, the machinist in the past years was also a man of the hour, the popularity in the god clan was not low, afterward was also invited to participate in the floor design of Astral Spirit Realm by high-rank gods, now Astral Spirit Realm spreads alchemy, was actually he according to the mechanical knowledge that oneself mastered, virtual life occupation that designs.” 游吟诗人回忆了一下,摇头道:“总之,靠着那些神奇的战甲,机械师在当年也是个风云人物,在神族中知名度不低,后来还被一众上位神明邀请参与了星灵界的底层设计,现在星灵界所流传的‘炼金术’,其实就是他根据自己掌握的机械知识,所设计出的虚拟生活职业。” The lamp god looks to that giant battleship of distant place: These mechanical divine creative force, if that fellow creates, I am not accidental. When the fellow is alive, most craves with the machinery, creates the real life, what a pity before the god clan destroys, no one fortunately saw that this achievement is published...... looked from the present situation, this fellow seemed to be successful, but also really lets other party had/left become a demon the mechanical body.” 灯神看向远处的那艘巨型战舰:“这些机械造物,如果说是那个家伙创造出来的,我一点也不意外。因为那家伙在世时,最热衷的就是用机械,创造出真实的生命,可惜一直到神族毁灭前,都没人有幸见到这项成果问世……不过从眼下的情况看,这家伙似乎成功了,还真的让他造出了‘成精’的机械体。” „The father of gold metallurgy study......” the Mu You hear somewhat is also sigh with emotion. “炼金学之父么……”沐游听完也有些感慨。 Can by the body of mortal, be the level of being on par gods, this machinist indeed is a extraordinary character. 能以凡人之躯,达到比肩神明的层次,这名机械师的确是个了不起的人物。 This also made Mu You be interested in his these source first fight armor, the mortal used these war armor, can endure compared with the gods, then he by Physique of gods, in addition the assistances of these war armor, the strength level can a level higher inevitably. 这也让沐游对他的那些源初战甲更感兴趣了,凡人利用这些战甲,都能堪比神明,那么他以神明的体质,再加上这些战甲的辅助,实力层面必然能更上一层楼。 What a pity was these war armor seems to be ruined artificially, only remained some fragmentary fragments, does not know that also enough put together complete war armor. 可惜的是这些战甲似乎已经被人为毁掉了,只剩一些零碎的残片,不知道还够不够拼出一具完整的战甲。 Can make a vow?” The lamp god the chin selected the mechanical battleship of front at this time, asked toward Mu You. “要许愿吗?”灯神这时下巴点了点前方的机械战舰,朝沐游问。 Made a vow......” “许愿……” Mu You looks to the battleship of distant place. 沐游看向远处的战舰。 Now he only has the last no price desire. Later cannot make a vow actually not, but wants to make a vow again, must pay the same weight/quantity the price. 现在他只剩下最后一个无代价愿望了。之后倒不是不能许愿,只是再想许愿,就要付出同等分量的代价。 Is worth him going to permits desire specially, often is that basis cannot pay the price the great desire, but desire within the tolerance range, often is the small scale, hardly has the actual role, therefore, these three free desires are so precious. 值得他专门去许的愿望,往往是那种根本付不起代价的宏大愿望,而承受范围之内的愿望,又往往是小打小闹,几乎不产生实际作用,也正因此,这三次免费愿望才那么珍贵。 Naturally, if at present threats that made a vow to be able directly these mechanical men completely eliminated, pouring was not owes. The desire used, covers to does not have to hope permits in the hand finally, instead is a waste. 当然,眼下如果一个许愿就能直接将这些机械人的威胁彻底消除,倒也不算亏。愿望本来就是这么用的,捂在手里一直到最后无愿可许,反而是一种浪费。 That...... uses up.” Mu You shouted the tone. “那就……用掉吧。”沐游呼了口气。 Ok, this is your freedom, can make a vow?” The lamp god condensed the supernatural power, has prepared to deliver energy. “行啊,这是你的自由,要许什么愿?”灯神凝聚起了神力,已经准备发功。 On permits......” “就许……” Mu You said two characters, actually live suddenly. 沐游说了两个字,却忽然顿住。 Right, now can make a vow? 对啊,现在要许什么愿? Destroys the front battleship directly? But is this useful? The battleship is only part of mechanical man strength, their real threats, come from main-brain Eva in Garden of Eden, as well as that nearly has the extermination mechanical man ten million/countless. 直接摧毁前面的战舰?可是这有什么用?战舰只是机械人力量的一部分,它们真正的威胁,来自于伊甸园中的主脑艾娃,以及那近千万具灭绝者机械人。 Even if destroyed the complete four battleships, the threat has not relieved. 就算摧毁了全部的四艘战舰,威胁也并没有解除。 Control central Eva who then, kills the robot? 那么,杀死机器人的主脑艾娃? However, Eva is not a living person, but is a data body, a virtual life, can live in any machinery, where their Eva is not even clear, the strength of miracle, can this type virtual exists to become effective? So long as is the data life, has the possibility of backup, even if ruined that under Garden of Eden main-brain, she later may still resurrect from other mechanical bodies momentarily. 然而,艾娃并不是活人,而是一个数据体,一个虚拟生命,可以活在任何机械中,他们甚至连艾娃在哪儿都不清楚,奇迹之力,能够对这种虚拟的存在生效吗?况且,只要是数据生命,就有备份的可能,就算毁掉了伊甸园下的那个‘主脑’,她之后也有可能随时从其他机械体上复活。 Not to mention, even if the second killed the main-brain, does not eliminate the words of these mechanical men, the order of originally theoretically they will continue to carry out, still eliminates Fool. 更不用说,就算秒杀了主脑,不消灭这些机械人的话,理论上它们还是会继续执行的原本的命令,也就是消灭愚者 Did that make a vow second to kill all mechanical men? 那许愿秒杀所有机械人? Mu You believes that the strength of miracle, can certainly the instantaneous second kill on this star all mechanical men, but these mechanical men have the resurrecting ability, even if kills their one round, they can still resurrect suddenly completely. 沐游相信奇迹之力,一定可以瞬间秒杀这个星球上所有的机械人,可这些机械人都是有复活能力的,就算杀它们一轮,它们也能眨眼间全部就地复活。 To keep these mechanical men from resurrecting, only if made a vow to kill of mechanical man within the body microorganism that made mana, pinched out the energy that they resurrected from the root. 想让这些机械人无法复活,那除非许愿杀死机械人体内的那种制造魔力的微生物,从根源上掐灭它们复活的能量。 However, this desire Mu You actually non- I daresay. 然而,这个愿望沐游却不敢许。 Because of these microorganism, likely is the origin of Astral Spirit Realm mana, if wipes to disappear these microorganism all, the Astral Spirit Realm rule can collapse from the root? 因为这些微生物,很可能是星灵界魔力的来源,如果将这些微生物尽数抹消,星灵界的规则会不会从根源上崩溃? Perhaps this microorganism, has several hundreds of millions in each mechanical human body even several billions, nearly mechanical man ten million/countless adds, that absolutely is astronomical figures. 这种微生物,在每个机械人体内恐怕都有数亿甚至数十亿之多,近千万的机械人加起来,那绝对是一个天文数字。 But the strength of miracle is also limited, whether not to mention the ability of lamp god can realize this magnitude second to kill, even if really can achieve, because must resist the robot, instead played to collapse entire Astral Spirit Realm, the issue may be bigger...... 而奇迹之力也是有限的,且不说灯神的能力能否实现这种数量级的秒杀,就算真能做到,因为要对抗机器人,反而把整个星灵界玩崩了,问题可就更大了…… Thinks it over, Mu You discovered unexpectedly, he is unable to discover an appropriate desire, comes this event disposable solution. 思来想去,沐游竟发现,他无法找出一个合适的愿望,来将这次的事件一次性解决。 What's wrong? Can't?” The lamp god looked that he did not speak, asked. “怎么?不许了吗?”灯神看他迟迟不说话,不由问道。 „...... Wait...... the Mu You forced smile shakes the head. “还是……等等吧……”沐游苦笑摇头。 Even if really must make a vow, must wait for the situation to be bright, had the enough appropriate desire to say again. 就算真要许愿,也得等情况明朗下来,有了足够合适的愿望再说。 Ok, looks at you, I momentarily.” The lamp god said indifferently. “行吧,看你,我随时可以。”灯神无所谓的说。 Then Mu You has not stayed behind wastes the time, direct transmission daybreak city. 接下来沐游也没留下浪费时间,直接传送回了黎明城。 What kind of?” Sees Mu You to appear on teleportation array, medicine picker quickly asked. As clone, he knows certainly that Mu You goes to the abyss the goal. “怎么样?”看到沐游出现在传送阵上,采药人急忙上前询问。身为分身,他当然知道沐游去深渊的目的。 „It is not good, without opportunity.” Mu You shakes the head, looks to all around: Here?” “不行,没机会。”沐游摇了摇头,又看向四周:“这边呢?” Drew near, for about ten minutes!” medicine picker said. “快到了,还有十分钟左右!”采药人说。 What he said arrives in the time of rainbow light city. 他说的是抵达虹光城的时间。 In fact, at this time the people have been able to hear the fire from distant place to thunder indistinctly with the monster shout the sound. 事实上,此时众人已经可以隐约听到来自远方的炮火轰鸣和怪兽嘶吼声。 After continue face forward to fly the moment, an abandoned ancient city appeared in the people field of vision. 继续朝前飞行了片刻后,一座废弃的古旧城市出现在众人视野中。 When to near looked, the players saw let they life-long unforgettable one. 待离近了一看,玩家们更是看到了让他们终生难忘的一幕。 Sees only the front mirage common border region, three giant steel battleships show the glyph arrangement, floats sky over the ruins of city. 只见前方的蜃气交界地带,三艘巨大的钢铁战舰呈品字形排列,漂浮在城市的废墟上空。 But around the battleship, is arranging in order the square formation that the dense and numerous mechanical men blot out the sky, is lifting the manages artillery on arm, shells toward below thick fog. 而在战舰周围,密密麻麻的机械人铺天盖地的列着方阵,全都举着手臂上的管炮,朝下方浓雾中轰击。 The intensive fire a death twisted the meat field below mirage area bombing, has the clam crab and clam shrimp unceasingly in the face of this certainly strong firepower, by the rumbling broken carapace, the body in the flesh and blood flying in all directions was disrupted, until changing into a beach mud in battlefield. 密集的炮火将下方的蜃气区域轰炸成了一片死亡绞肉场,不断有蜃蟹和蜃虾在这种绝强的火力面前,被轰碎甲壳,在血肉横飞中身体碎裂开来,直到化为战场上的一滩烂泥。 The mechanical man army like a mechanical mighty current, by the absolute discipline and perfect coordination, prompts forward unceasingly. 机械人大军如同一股机械的洪流,以绝对的纪律和完美的配合,不断向前推进。 Compared to the calmness of robot army, the giant monster army appears wild and violent, these ineffective and worthless troops seem to have also killed to get angry, like one only the devil that gushes out from the hell, the body is sending out the powerful strength and terrifying aura, taking place of the fallen initiates the charge toward the battlefield frontline. 相对于机器人大军的冷静,巨型怪兽大军则显得狂野而暴力,这些虾兵蟹将似乎也已经杀红了眼,如同一只只从地狱涌出的恶魔,身上散发着强大的力量和恐怖的气息,前仆后继的朝战场前线发起冲锋。 The mirage lifeform has such as the skin of armor firmly, can protect them to be exempt from most attacks, but their sharp claws and canines seem to tear and swallow to live. The fire of robot falls in torrents like the rainstorm, hits on the body of monster, explodes a spark piece by piece. But the mirage lifeform responded with their powerful meat stamina quantity and roaring sound, the charging into robot that fierce did not fear, tore with the lackey, with tail sweeping, tearing into shreds of robot one after another, threw into the mirage again. 蜃气生物都拥有坚如铠甲的皮肤,能保护它们免受大多数的攻击,而它们的利爪和尖牙则像是为了撕裂和吞噬而生。机器人的炮火如同暴雨般倾泻而下,打在怪兽的身上,炸出一片片的火花。而蜃气生物则用它们强大的肉体力量和咆哮声来回应,悍不畏死的冲向机器人,用爪牙撕扯,用尾巴扫荡,将机器人一个个的撕碎,再丢进蜃气之中。 The whole looks, the two sides as if in the rapid personnel losses, however the two sides military forces are seeming like cannot see the end continuously generally, from the scene, cannot see the victory and defeat only. 整体看下来,两边似乎都在迅速减员之中,然而两边的军力也都像是源源不断一般看不到尽头,单从场面上,根本看不出胜负。 Can judge the situation truly, is actually the movement of battleline. 真正能够判断局势的,其实是阵线的移动。 The mirage lifeform good and evil is the associated lifeform of disaster beast, the strength is not certainly weak, but the away game battles after all, under mechanical man so bombing, still retreats in defeat again and again violently. 蜃气生物好歹是天灾兽的伴生生物,实力当然不弱,但毕竟客场作战,在机械人如此猛烈的轰炸下,依然节节败退。 The edge of this moment mirage, at the visible speed, is retreating toward the rear area. 此刻蜃气的边缘,正以肉眼可见的速度,朝后方退去。 But ten day empty cities that Fool leads, then intruded the battlefield in this case. 愚者率领的十座天空城,便在这种情况下闯入了战场。 Is careful! Is primarily disturbing, try not to leave the mirage range, will have the opportunity outside mechanical man to draw in the mirage......” “都小心点!以干扰为主,尽量不要离开蜃气范围,有机会就将外头的机械人拖入蜃气中……” Several cities Lord urged players in various cities simply, then ordered to begin directly. 几个城主简单叮嘱了一下各城的玩家,便直接下令动手。 Suddenly, the dense and numerous players leap from the day empty city, started the attack toward the mechanical man army. 一时间,密密麻麻的玩家从天空城上跃下,朝着外界的机械人大军开始了攻击。 Originally mirage lifeform and mechanical man both sides dozen has to have, the mechanical man slightly is in the upper hand, but Fool this insertion, the situation inclines immediately. 原本蜃气生物和机械人双方打的有来有回,机械人略占上风,但愚者这一插入,局势顿时倾斜过来。 But sees player who closes, some perplexed mirage lifeform, instinct integrated the attack range them, tries to attack toward the players. 而看到一拥而上的玩家,一些不明所以的蜃气生物,本能的将他们纳入了攻击范围,试图朝玩家们进攻。 However when the attack will soon be stopping the movement, will focus in the mechanical man, has not paid attention to the player again. 不过都在即将攻击之时止住了动作,重新将目标放在了外界的机械人身上,没再理会玩家。 Mu You estimated, this should be the clam tapir transmits the instruction to them, the clam tapir can see in the mirage the scene, perhaps was feels them is helps, temporarily tacitly approved and them collaborates. 沐游估计,这应该是蜃貘给它们传达了指令,蜃貘是能够看到蜃气中发生的场景的,或许是感受到了他们是来帮忙的,暂时默认了和他们联手。 This made the players relaxed many, can feel relieved focuses in the mechanical man. 这让玩家们轻松了不少,可以放心的将注意力放在外界的机械人身上。 Attacks these mechanical men also to have the experience to take, does not need to kill them completely, even after they die, immediately resurrects, the experience that the players should take can attain. 攻击这些机械人也是有经验可拿的,不需要完全杀死它们,就算它们死后立即复活,玩家们该拿的经验还是能拿到。 In addition this crowded front, the attack loses now casually, can in the bang a stretch of goal, practicing the stage efficiency is not worse than the underground city, this made the players quite pleasantly surprised. 再加上现在这种密集的战线,攻击随便丢出去,都能轰中一片目标,练级效率丝毫不比地下城差,这令众玩家相当惊喜。 Because the underground city good and evil also has the number of times and time limit, but here, they can actually open fire infinitely! 因为地下城好歹还有次数和时间限制,而在这里,他们却可以无限开火! After battle moment, many players fall in love with this experience to rub the feeling of rise quickly. 交战片刻后,不少玩家很快爱上这种经验蹭蹭上涨的感觉。 In addition, several cities Lord to encourage the player, jointly issued city lord quest specially: Everyone each success paralyzes machine armor, can obtain ten Fool prestige, each city strikes to add up totals highest a group of players, but can also obtain in day empty city the opportunities of major key post assignment. 此外,几个城主为了激励玩家,特意联合下达了城主任务:每人每成功瘫痪一具机甲,都可以获得十点愚者声望,每个城市击杀数最高的一批玩家,还可以获得在天空城各大重要职位任职的机会。 Under the dual drives, the players are also again unscrupulous, one after another acts goes all out resolute. 双重激励下,玩家们也是再无顾忌,一个个出手的更加果决卖力。 In this frigid exchange of fire, the time passes slowly. 就在这种惨烈的交火中,时间缓缓流逝。 Suddenly, is one day passes. 眨眼间,又是一天过去。 Engaged in fierce battle day of players stamina to be even good, still the tired exhaustion, has the going back changing shifts that did not abandon. 鏖战了一天的玩家们就算体力再好,也已经累的筋疲力竭,只得不舍的回去换班。 But the new a group of players had also rushed to the battlefield at this time, made up their position. 而新的一批玩家此时也已经陆续赶到了战场,补足了他们的位置。 Next morning, Mu You and several cities Lord concentrate, held a temporary conference, was mainly counts a next yesterday's victory and casualty situation. 第二天清晨,沐游和几个城主又集中起来,开了个临时的会议,主要是统计一下昨天的战果和伤亡情况。 Casualty situation has nothing actually, players astute, generally is dreadful hiding behind the mirage lifeform, making them act as vanguard anti- damage, then seizes the chance to sneak attack.” “伤亡情况倒是没什么,玩家们精明的很,一般都是猥琐的躲在蜃气生物后面,让它们充当先锋抗伤害,然后趁机偷袭。” Even if had occasionally unlucky died in battle repeatedly, that experience that deducted could not compare the experience that brushed completely, the overall was to gain, otherwise the players will not be willing came the frontline to slaughter.” Nine are looking at the data interpretation in hand quiet. “就算偶尔有倒霉多次阵亡的,扣掉的那点经验也完全比不上刷到的经验,总体都是赚的,不然玩家们也不会这么心甘情愿的来前线厮杀。”九幽看着手中的数据解释着。 „The battle loss of mechanical man?” The emperors asked. “机械人的战损呢?”天子问。 Yesterday a day engages in fierce battle, we altogether captured more than 73,000 machine armor, seems like the huge quantity, but compared to the number of mechanical man army, is still only an insignificant small part, simply has not vacillated to their foundations.” Nine said quiet. “昨天一天的鏖战下来,我们总共俘虏了七万三千多具机甲,看似数量庞大,但相对于机械人大军的数量来说,依然只是微不足道的一小部分,根本没有动摇到它们的根基。”九幽说。 Front? How many advanced?” “战线呢?推进了多少?” This was the biggest problem, day , the mirage edge only advanced about three kilometers to the front, according to the present speed, wants the mirage advancing front to the big abyss, but also took at least four months!” Nine quiet dignified say/way. “这就是最大的问题了,一天的时间,蜃气的边缘只向前方推进了三千米左右,按照现在的速度,想要将蜃气边界推进到大深渊,还需要至少四个月!”九幽凝重道。 Is so long?” The people heard that the word somewhat knits the brows. “这么久?”众人闻言都有些皱眉。 This time imagines them is much longer, they were estimating in 1-2 days can push the front, it seems like want is too many. 这个时间比他们想象中长得多,他们原本预计着1-2内就能将战线推过去呢,看来是想太多了。 Naturally, the mechanical regiment currently estimates that worries compared with them, originally is thinking repels Astral Spirit Realm the mirage lifeform, finally not only cannot repel the opposite party, the mirage is still spreading toward the big abyss unexpectedly. 当然,机械军团现在估计比他们更着急,本来是想着将蜃气生物打退出星灵界的,结果非但没能打退对方,蜃气居然还在朝大深渊蔓延。 Must know that the mirage boundary advances one meter every time, regarding the mechanical man was equal to that approached one meter to the death. 要知道蜃气边界每推进一米,对于机械人来说就等于向死亡靠近了一米。 Therefore situation outwardly, Fool occupy superiorly. 所以明面的形势,还是愚者们占优。 However the issue is they cannot tow, the nine black holes on Earth are also in good health, Gao Tian's giant may discover that anytime these black holes remain, then invades, they must before then, the day empty city flying, block these black holes. 然而问题是他们也拖不起,地球上的九个黑洞都还健在,高天的巨人随时有可能发现这些黑洞残留,进而入侵过来,他们必须在此之前,将天空城飞天,堵上这些黑洞。 This deadline how long, no one can reach an agreement, must look at the luck, but definitely could not wait for four months is so long. 这个期限有多久,谁也说不好,要看运气,但肯定等不了四个月这么久。 Boss, some people look for you......” “老板,有人找伱……” Mu You in the conference ponders the solution the time, Little Ya pulled his lower hem corner suddenly, said in a soft voice. 沐游正在会议上沉思解决办法的时候,小雅忽然扯了扯他的衣角,轻声道。 „? Who looks for me?” Mu You looked at Little Ya one, sees out her hand direction, then hinted to the people, temporarily leaves the table, along with her goes out of the conference room. “哦?谁找我?”沐游看了小雅一眼,看到她手指向门外,便向众人示意了一下,暂时离席,随她走出会议室。 Outside the conference room, really has the familiar person's shadow to wait for him together. 会议室外,果然已经有一道熟悉的人影在等着他。 Katerina? What's wrong?” Mu You looks at front female. “卡特琳娜?怎么了?”沐游看着面前的女子。 The entrance person, was before with him together from another vampire of city of entry by, perishing language Katerina. 门口的人,正是之前和他一起从以诺之城通关的另一名吸血鬼,亡语者卡特琳娜。 Last night, I saw your future in the dream once again!” Katerina solemn say/way. “昨夜,我在梦中又一次看到了你的未来!”卡特琳娜神情肃穆道。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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