TTAGITP :: Volume #5

#443: Careful should not be stepped on by the cat

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Chapter 443 careful should not be stepped on by the cat 第443章小心不要被猫踩到 In everywhere yellow sand, the soldiers in Ai outstanding Mars empire are still resisting the dead spirit army at risk of life. 漫天的黄沙之中,艾卓玛尔帝国的士兵们还在拼死抵抗着亡灵大军。 Hand over the whining noise along with the war cry and gold/metal iron, on the sand the pitiful yell sound rises from all directions, flesh and blood flying in all directions everywhere, has the sharp blade penetration soldier military uniform of dead spirit unceasingly, brings the blood stain of handful of splashes. 伴随着喊杀声和金铁交鸣声,沙地上惨叫声四起,满目的血肉横飞,不断有亡灵的利刃穿透战士军衣,带起一捧捧飞溅的血污。 Soldiers one after another is whooshing, on the fierce face is flashing the ray of hatred, throws toward the dead spirit. 战士们一个个嘶吼着,狰狞的面孔上闪动着仇恨的光芒,朝亡灵扑去。 With the passage of fight time, in the battlefield gradually starts the field littered with corpses, the bloody aura in air also starts to be getting more and more thick. 随着战斗时间的推移,战场上逐渐开始尸横遍野,空气中的血腥气息也开始越来越浓。 Evans wielded a sword to be the same like before innumerable, a sword cut off the heads of front three skeleton soldiers, immediately temporarily pulled open the space, turned the head to look toward all around. 埃文斯如同之前无数次挥剑一样,一剑斩断了前方三只骷髅士兵的头颅,随即暂时拉开了空间,转头朝四周望去。 At this moment in the boundless desert, the dense dead spirit army still wells up generally in the tide, seeming not to have the end to be the same. 此刻在苍茫的大漠上,黑压压的亡灵军队依然在潮水一般涌来,好似没有尽头一般。 But his soldiers of body week, has killed to get angry, one after another is going against the whole face blood stain, in the vision only then the front dead spirit army, in the look is passing the heroic spirit of fighting to the death all. 而他身周的战士们,也早已杀红了眼,一个个顶着满脸血污,目光中只有前方的亡灵部队,眼神里无不透着决一死战的豪气。 However, victory and defeat that both armies battle, is very difficult because of the courage and faith these things about, with continuing of war, his army soon started to present the battle loss, and battle loss proportion rapidly is still expanding. 然而,两军交战的胜负,却很难因为勇气、信念这些东西而左右,随着战局的持续,他的部队很快开始出现了战损,并且战损比例还在迅速扩大着。 The soldier of big piece pours in the crossflow pool of blood unceasingly, raises eyes to look, all around can see the corpse that dies with injustice unredressed everywhere, the dark red blood flows unceasingly, is almost incarnadine the yellow sand of trim battlefield, seems like like placing a human purgatory, making person of hair Guju respect. 大片的士兵不断倒在横流的血泊中,举目望去,四周到处都可以看到死不瞑目的尸体,殷红的血液不断流淌,几乎将整片战场的黄沙染红,看起来如同身处一片人间炼狱,令人毛骨俱竦。 In addition, compared with reduction of soldiers rank, the reduced these negative factors of population, a more direct influence battle efficiency factor: Weary! 此外,比起士兵们等级的降低,人数的减少这些负面因素,还有一个更直接的影响战斗力的因素:疲劳! In this fighting against odds campaign, quicker appearance of weary influence in compared with imagination. 在这场以少打多的战役中,疲劳的影响比想象中更快的显现。 Before their army besieged the scorpion lion, reason that can engage in fierce battle continuously that for a long time, was because the enemy only had one, they can maintain the onset and retreat to be ordered calmly, took turns to rest, one batch hit changed one batch tired, will therefore never have the weary feeling. 之前他们大军围攻蝎狮,之所以能连续鏖战那么久,是因为敌人只有一个,他们可以从容的保持进退有序,轮换休息,一批打累了就换下一批,因此始终不会有疲劳的感觉。 But now, they to war actually does not know that what weary is dead spirit, moreover is ten times in their quantities! 而现在,他们在对战的却是不知疲劳为何物的亡灵,况且还是十倍于他们的数量! Finished......” “结束了么……” Looks the weary condition on the surrounding one after another soldier face not being able to keep, Evans sighed. 看着周围一个个士兵脸上藏不住的疲态,埃文斯叹息一声。 Leads to battle over a thousand years of general as one, he understands certainly that this means anything, this is the omen of being annihilated, did not say exaggeratingly, now this group of soldiers, are all hanging with the one breath, relaxes slightly, is the fate of total military defeat. 作为一个领军作战上千年的将军,他当然明白这意味着什么,这是全军覆没的前兆,毫不夸张的说,如今这群士兵,全凭着一口气在吊着,稍一放松,就是兵败如山倒的下场。 But he expected matter that these can also certainly look with he many years of veteran, but, no one has displayed at this time, from entering the war from the beginning, they prepared sacrifice here. 而他预料到的事情,这些跟了他多年的老兵当然也能看出来,不过,此时谁都没有表现出来,从参战一开始,他们就都做好了牺牲在这里的准备。 Is facing periphery all over, the countless dead spirit, the soldiers of whole body blood stain are making the final fight at risk of life, lifts the blade to slash, while pulls wild animal crazy shouting from the throat, is erupting the final physical strength, strikes off toward the dead spirit unceasingly. 面对着周围漫山遍野,数之不尽的亡灵,满身血污的士兵都在做着最后的拼死搏斗,一边举刀猛砍,一边从喉咙里扯出野兽般疯狂的嘶吼,爆发着最后的气力,不断朝亡灵砍去。 When everyone prepared for wrestled at risk of life. 就在所有人都做好了拼死一搏准备的时候。 Suddenly, in the sky together crack, is the intensely bright brilliance eruption, making in the ground battle both sides to suspend acting subconsciously, looks up. 忽然,天空中一道炸响,紧接着便是耀眼夺目的光彩爆发,让地面上交战中的双方都下意识的暂停动作,抬头看去。 In the upper air, the light of colored miracle is sparkling, spread the entire horizon, then changes into the innumerable luminous spots, such as the raindrop falls thick fallingly, each grain of luminous spot, accurate falling on a dead spirit. 高空之中,彩色的奇迹之光闪耀着,蔓延了整个天际,接着化为无数光点,如雨点般纷纷扬扬落下,每一粒光点,都准确的落在了一个亡灵身上。 But any by the dead spirit skeleton that the luminous spot contaminates, then sent out the frightened wailing, from top to bottom, the whole body changes into the black dust fast, dispersing, until vanishes with the wind thoroughly. 而凡是被光点沾染到的亡灵骷髅,则都发出了恐惧的尖啸,由上至下,全身快速化为黑色尘埃,随风飞散,直至彻底消失。 Soldiers dumbfounded looks scene that the dead spirits dissipate unceasingly, one after another mouth big, unbelievable. 士兵们目瞪口呆的看着亡灵们不断消散的场景,一个个嘴巴大张,难以置信。 Until after dozens seconds, the last dead spirit also changes into the black smoke to vanish on the spot. 直到数十秒过后,现场最后一只亡灵也化为黑烟消失。 The people looked at each other in blank dismay, this started to burst into the cheers. 众人面面相觑了一下,这才开始爆发出了欢呼声。 The cheers are getting bigger and bigger, link up into a single stretch, the surrounding sand dune that shakes start to tremble faintly. 欢呼声越来越大,连成一片,震的周围的沙丘都开始隐隐震颤。 Victory!” “胜利了!” We won......” “我们赢了……” ...... …… The soldiers weep, the mutual hug cheers heartily, but this relaxes, was hanging a moment ago that will stretches instantaneously, the one after another soldier the resembles took off/escaped the strength immediately generally, ignored the image lay down, the back faced upwards toward the yellow sand surface, is releasing the joy of being survivor of disaster. 士兵们纷纷喜极而泣,互相拥抱尽情欢呼,而这一放松下来,刚才吊着的那股意志瞬间绷断,一个个士兵顿时都像脱力了一般,不顾形象的躺倒在地,背朝黄沙面朝天,释放着劫后余生的喜悦。 Several military officers look that the appearance of soldiers somewhat knits the brows, if by this time condition again and dead spirit army charge, feared that is one minute does not insist, will collapse. 几名军官看着士兵们的样子有些皱眉,如果以此时的状态再和亡灵部队冲锋,怕是一分钟都坚持不到,就会崩溃。 Several people of subconscious wishes said anything, was actually blocked by Evans. 几人下意识的想要说什么,却被埃文斯拦了下来。 Evans looks lay down lying this way and that a soldier of place, smiles, has not castigated anybody, from the Gate of Death one time, this response was just normal. 埃文斯看着横七竖八躺了一地的士兵,笑了笑,没有苛责任何人,刚从鬼门关上走了一遭,这反应再正常不过。 Let alone these soldiers, even he had the impulsion that wish lay down to sleep well at this moment. 别说这些士兵了,连他此刻都有种想要躺下来好好睡一觉的冲动。 What a pity, he was unable to rest now. 可惜,他现在还不能休息。 Evans turn head looks to distant place the place of oasis. 埃文斯回头看向远处的绿洲之地。 At this time in the center of oasis, the form of Caesar giant is still clearly discernible. 此时在绿洲的中心,恺撒巨人的身影依然清晰可见。 Meanwhile, Evans has also seen flew that person's shadow in sky. 与此同时,埃文斯也已经看到了飞在天空中的那道人影。 Obviously, ghost ship long successfully attained the magical brush, and completed the matter of agreement: Eliminated Caesar's army with the magical brush, this made them live. 很显然,幽灵船长成功拿到了神笔,并完成了约定的事情:用神笔消灭了恺撒的大军,这才让他们活了下来。 But now, he also needs to complete oneself mission. 而现在,他也需要去完成自己的使命。 Evans touches to the short-sword of waist, deeply inspires, is separated from the team, rushes toward the oasis fast. 埃文斯摸向腰间的短剑,深吸了口气,脱离队伍,朝着绿洲快速奔去。 ...... …… Mu You is in the midair, stopped wielding of pen of order slowly, the body week surged order rune/symbol writing incessantly to dissipate fast. 沐游身在半空,缓缓停止了秩序之笔的挥动,身周涌动不止的秩序符文快速消散了下去。 Just before making a vow, he has taken the lead to revise the order rule of oneself body week with the magical brush, making the divine nature suspend the consumption. 刚刚许愿之前,他已经用神笔率先修改了自己身周的秩序规则,使神性暂停了消耗。 But at this moment made a vow to finish, in Mu You was hurried regarded. 而此刻许愿结束,沐游急忙内视了一番。 Really, at this moment in the order angle of view, order rune/symbol writing of his within the body has one to turn into the red less than half. 果然,此刻在秩序视角中,他体内的秩序符文已经有一小半变成了红色。 The deviation amount of real world fluctuates, really the simulation scene in order barrier was not simple like the former, in the lighthouse, early period of Mu You acted unreasonably, the deviation amount also grew at a slow speed throughout. 现实世界的偏差值波动,果然不像之前在秩序结界中的模拟场景那么简单,在灯塔里,沐游前期那么乱来,偏差值也始终以一个缓慢的速度增长。 But in the reality, only such a temporary revision, then let the chaotic order in his within the body directly 1/3, obviously reality the influence of order rule was larger. 而在现实中,只这么一次短暂的修改,便直接让他体内的秩序混乱了三分之一,可见现实中的秩序规则的影响要大的多。 And...... 而且…… Mu You looks to the writing brush in hand. 沐游看向手中的毛笔。 【 The pen of order: God of one of the order divine tools, has the strength of revising the surrounding space order rule, or ability of chaotic order restore. 【秩序之笔:秩序之神的神器之一,拥有修改周围空间秩序规则的力量,或将混乱的秩序修复的能力。 Each time when revision rule, holds the deviation amount of author to promote, the degree of deviation depends on the rule serious degree of revision. In a short time the continual revision rule, the deviation amount fluctuation speed will multiply. 每次修改规则时,持笔者的偏差值将提升,偏差度取决于修改的规则严重程度。短时间内连续修改规则,偏差值波动速度将倍增。 The deviation amount will reduce with the lapse of time slowly, until the nulling operation, restores the surrounding space on own initiative the chaotic order, may speed up the deviation amount the restoration speed. Attention: When the deviation amount surpasses the critical point, will fall into the irreversible chaotic state, enables to hold the personality and thought of author changes permanently. 】 偏差值会随着时间的推移缓慢减小,直至归零,主动修复周围空间的混乱秩序,可加快偏差值的恢复速度。注意:当偏差值超过临界点,将陷入不可逆转的混沌状态,使持笔者的性格与思想永久改变。】 This is the explanation of pen of order in Omniscient Crystal, simply speaking is two usages: First, temporarily revises the body week rule ; second, to help these orders accidentally/surprisingly chaotic the person or the thing return to normal. 这便是秩序之笔在全知水晶中的说明,简单来说就是两种用法:一是暂时修改身周规则,二是帮那些秩序意外混乱了的人或物恢复正常。 As for the limit of pen of use order, then all centers on deviation amount this concept to launch. 至于使用秩序之笔的限制,则全部围绕‘偏差值’这个概念展开。 The so-called deviation amount, to put it bluntly is a float in strength of user top of the heads all orders ‚the sword of Damocles. 所谓的偏差值,说白了就是一柄悬浮于所有秩序之力使用者头顶的‘达摩克利斯之剑’。 Once the deviation amount is too high , is within the body order is complete, will overstate, beyond redemption, by permanent change mental, turns into Caesar like this by the chaotic state of tyrannical and slaughtering controls. Mental was changed continually, in this situation am oneself also live am not being able to determine. 一旦偏差值过高,也就是体内秩序全红的话,就会走火入魔,万劫不复,被永久的改变心智,变成恺撒这样被暴虐和杀戮支配的混沌状态。连心智都被改变,这种情况下本人还算不算活着都无法确定。 But pen of these two usages order, will increase the deviation amount and reduced deviation amount respectively, for example he just, to make a vow to revise the divine nature rule, directly caused within the body deviation amount one to increase 1/3. 而秩序之笔这两种用法,分别会增加偏差值和减少偏差值,就比如他刚刚,为了许愿修改了神性规则,直接导致体内偏差值一下增加了三分之一。 Moreover in the rule also has one: In a short time the continual revision rule, the increase speed of deviation amount will be raised sharply, in other words, if he revises the rule to make a vow at this moment immediately again, the deviation amount might break through the upper limit directly, making him overstate. 而且规则中还有一条:短时间内连续的修改规则,偏差值的增加速度会大幅提升,也就是说,如果他此刻立即再次修改规则来许愿,偏差值很可能会直接突破上限,使他走火入魔。 Therefore, then he needs first to wait for the deviation amount to return to normal, or looks for the bug points in these spaces on own initiative, makes the deviation amount enull by restore order bug fast, can use the magical brush again. 因此,接下来他需要首先等待偏差值恢复正常,或者主动去找那些空间中的bug点,靠修复秩序bug来使偏差值快速归零,才能再次使用神笔。 No!” “不!” Mu You also when the familiar magical brush usage, the distant place Caesar's angry roaring sound resounds suddenly. 沐游这边还在熟悉神笔用法的时候,远处恺撒的怒吼声忽然响起。 Looks up, the blue giant is unwilling looks at the outside world, these by the dead spirit army who he uses oneself supernatural power personally elimination, extremely annoying. 抬头看去,蓝色的巨人正不甘的看着外界,那些被他用自身神力亲手消灭的亡灵大军,极度的懊恼。 Turns head, Caesar immediately angry staring to Mu You of midair. 回过头来,恺撒顿时愤怒的瞪向半空的沐游 Has him of pen of operation experience order to be very clear, the magical brush is unable to use in a short time continuously, making a vow of magic lamp also has the cooldown period lasted one week, in other words, the opposite party only has making a vow opportunity at present a time. 有过秩序之笔使用经验的他很清楚,神笔短时间内无法连续动用,况且神灯的许愿也有着长达一周冷却期,也就是说,对方眼下只有一次许愿的机会。 Caesar thinks this only making a vow opportunity, the opposite party will be used to destroy his supernatural power, making him restore for physical body every embryo, can eliminate him with ease, has not actually thought, this person chose unexpectedly first eliminated his army...... 恺撒本来以为这唯一的许愿机会,对方会用于剥夺他的神力,使他恢复为肉体凡胎,就可以轻松地消灭他,却没想到,这人竟然选择了先消灭他的军队…… This is also good! 这样也好! Since this fellow has used the making a vow opportunity, he also got rid temporarily the risk that loses the supernatural power, gives the opportunity that he overturned. 这家伙既然已经使用了许愿机会,他也就暂时摆脱了失去神力的风险,给了他翻盘的机会。 Recovers, Caesar wants not to think charged into Mu You, this person threatens is too big, must remove immediately, once otherwise and other opposite party deviation amounts restore, he almost must die without doubt. 回过神来,恺撒想也不想的冲向了沐游,这人威胁实在太大,必须立即除掉,否则一旦等对方偏差值恢复,他几乎必死无疑。 The body of Caesar giant like insane same threw toward Mu You, Mu You does not have as silly meets the tough head-on with toughness as and a giant, immediately turns around after flies. 恺撒巨人的身躯如同疯了一样朝沐游扑来,沐游也没傻到和一个巨人硬碰硬,当即转身朝后飞去。 Good before has trained the broom flight, the Mu You line start the unlimited pattern of broom, flutters in the midair up and down, if the speed quickly the lightning, Caesar is also hard to catch up with him for a while. 还好之前训练过扫把飞行,沐游直接启动了扫把的无限制模式,在半空中上下翻飞,速度快若闪电,恺撒一时也难以追上他。 Moreover, the rear reinforcements have arrived. 而且,后方援兵已经到来。 Keeps off!” “挡!” The depressed ding resounds suddenly. 沉闷的钟声骤然响起。 Under ding reverberation, Caesar's body immediately such as falling mire. 钟声回荡之下,恺撒的身躯顿时如坠泥沼。 Caesar turn head looks, at this time rear area the empty shadow of that god of death, in the hand had presented ancient bell, this sound conveys from the ancient bell. 恺撒回头一看,此时后方那道死神的虚影,手中已经出现了一口古钟,这声音正是从古钟中传来的。 The town/subdues wicked death knell, this records big move of a day can only use one time, before Lin Xue, had not used, to wait for the best time, if with cannot eliminate Caesar to waste early. 镇恶丧钟,这记大招一天只能使用一次,林雪之前一直没有动用,就是为了等待最合适的时机,如果用早了消灭不了恺撒就是浪费。 But at this moment, confirmed that the teammates all after the plan takes place, she then first sounded the death knell. 而此刻,确认队友们全都按计划就位后,她这才第一时间敲响了丧钟。 With the ding, the ground of Caesar body week, gushed out innumerable illusory imp immediately. 伴随着钟声,恺撒身周的地面,顿时涌出了无数虚幻的小鬼 Tens of thousands of ghost shadow bands fierce laughing, is throwing toward Caesar, in his body week congealment is jet black ropes, pesters in his whole body, locked in same place him. 成千上万的鬼影带着狰狞的大笑,朝恺撒扑来,在他身周凝结为一道道漆黑的绳索,纠缠在他全身上下,将他锁定在了原地。 „......” “啊啊啊啊……” Caesar goes all out struggles to face forward to step, the both arms go all out to wield, finally shook off black ropes, however, shakes off together the rope every time, then the new windings, cause difficulty that even more he moves immediately. 恺撒拼命的挣扎着朝前迈去,双臂卖力挥动,终于挣脱了一道道黑色绳索,然而,每挣脱一道绳索,便立即有一道新的缠绕上来,使他移动的越发艰难。 Roar!” “吼!” At this time, the scorpion lion and bone dragon also seized the opportunity, surrounded from the both sides one on the left and other on the right. 这时,蝎狮和骨龙也抓住机会,从两侧一左一右包围而来。 The scorpion lion put on Caesar, bites toward his throat, but the bone dragon such as the spirit snake twined Caesar's both arms stubbornly. 蝎狮一把扑在了恺撒身上,朝他咽喉咬去,而骨龙则如灵蛇般将恺撒的双臂死死缠绕了起来。 Under the controls of two god beast in addition death knells, makes Caesar be detained finally same place, is unable to move thoroughly. 两只神兽外加丧钟的控制下,总算让恺撒滞留原地,彻底无法动弹。 Attacks his left rib second rib position, that is his weakness!” “攻他左肋的第二根肋骨位置,那是他的弱点!” Mu You also rides the broom to return to the battlefield at this time, immediately the switch over is the robot skin, floats the spatial machine muzzle to lift, toward Caesar's rib, makes one skewer of large flames. 沐游此时也骑着扫把返回战场,随即切换为机器人皮肤,浮空机枪口抬起,朝着恺撒的肋下,打出一串火舌。 Floating the spatial machine gun is naturally useless to the giant, Mu You for points out the weakness accurate position of opposite party with the bullet to others at this time. 浮空机枪对巨人自然没用,沐游此时只是为了用子弹给其他人指出对方的弱点准确位置。 Although the magical brush is unable to use temporarily, the order angle of view that but the magical brush provides he can see momentarily, but under the order angle of view, the giant strategic point and weak point, he looks clear. 神笔虽然暂时无法使用,但神笔提供的秩序视角他随时可以看到,而在秩序视角下,巨人身上的要害和薄弱点,他看得一清二楚。 Looks the position that the large flame directs, the scorpion lion first begins, under claw flexure, accurate tearing in Caesar left rib, tittered one full power, tears directly the body under giant left rib, but the sharp claws were also blocked by below rib, is unable to continue thoroughly. 看着火舌指引出的位置,蝎狮最先动手,一爪全力挠下,准确的撕扯在了恺撒左肋,噗嗤一声,直接将巨人左肋下的皮肉撕扯开来,不过利爪也被下方的肋骨挡住,无法继续深入。 Is good has the helper because of side! 好在旁边就有帮手! The bone dragon transferred the dragon's head to come at this time, toward bone that the giant exposes, emitted full power poisonous fog. 骨龙这时调转龙头过来,朝着巨人暴露出的骨头,全力喷吐出了一口毒雾。 The quiet green poisonous fog spreads instantaneously, attaches above the skeleton and flesh, the powerful corrosiveness, makes the surrounding rib soften immediately at the visible speed. 幽绿的毒雾瞬间蔓延进去,附着在骨骼和血肉之上,强大的腐蚀性,顿时让周围的肋骨以肉眼可见的速度软化下来。 Simultaneously Lin Xue has controlled the god of death flying to jump, raises the sickle of god of death, toward exposing the wound cut. 同时林雪已经操控死神飞身跃起,扬起死神之镰,朝着暴露出的伤口斩了下去。 !” “噗!” A blade gets down, the sickle cut off three ribs directly, bared in -depth flesh, hid the red internal organs of that beat to expose the interior. 一刀下去,镰刀直接斩断了三根肋骨,剥开了更深层的血肉,将内部隐藏着的那颗跳动的红色脏器暴露了出来。 Scoundrel!” “混账!” Caesar can certainly feel the change of body at this time clearly. 恺撒此时当然能清晰感觉到身体的变化。 Has not thought that these three motley crew collaborate, unexpectedly one bared his defense actually face to face layer upon layer, exposed his heart directly. 万万没想到这三个乌合之众联手起来,居然硬是当面一层层剥开了他的防御,直接将他的心脏暴露了出来。 If the opposite party to attack his heart accelerates to kill him, he will not be anxious, after all a life of gods is not easy to kill, his some are the time works loose and restores. 如果对方只是为了攻击他心脏来加速杀他,他也不会太紧张,毕竟一个神明的生命可不是那么容易杀完的,他有的是时间挣脱和恢复。 Makes Caesar startled truly, is form —— that his time corner of the eye split vision shakes unexpectedly is Evans! 真正让恺撒惊慌的,是他此时眼角余光晃到的一道身影——居然是埃文斯! If besides the scorpion lion, these years most lets his fear with the person of hatred, without doubt is Evans, because in this individual hand grasps can kill his item truly one time desert protection. 如果说除了蝎狮之外,这些年最让他恐惧和痛恨的人,无疑就是埃文斯,因为这个人手里掌握着能够真正一次性杀死他的道具‘沙漠守护’。 This once the distance pricked his heart only to miss the one pace the dagger, that time was evaded by him by luck, but now, the opposite party stages a comeback again, moreover in situation that in he is unable to move! 这把匕首曾经距离刺入他心脏只差一步之遥,那次被他侥幸躲过了,而现在,对方再次卷土重来,而且还是在他无法动弹的情况下! Saw that Evans has grasped the short-sword, leaps from a big tree, flies unemotionally toward him, Caesar was thoroughly hurried! 眼看着埃文斯已经手持短剑,从一颗大树上跃下,面无表情朝他飞来,恺撒彻底慌了! Gives me —— to stop!” “给我——住手!” Also does not know that was the crisis of life and death edge stimulates Caesar, when Evans will soon fly before his body, Caesar erupted a great strength suddenly, bellowed to make noise, the left arm shook off the dual fetters of bone dragon and rope unexpectedly forcefully, immediately wants not to think that one passed over gently and swiftly, Evans who will be in the midair grasped in the hand. 也不知是不是生死边缘的危机刺激到了恺撒,在埃文斯即将飞至他身前的时候,恺撒骤然爆发了一股巨力,大吼出声,左臂竟强行挣脱开了骨龙和绳索的双重束缚,随即想也不想的,一把掠过,将身在半空的埃文斯抓在了手中。 Coughs......” “咳……” The life and death time, Caesar this grasps has not kept the hand, under the great strength erupts, by Evanston of giant palm extrusion puts out a blood, depression. 生死时刻,恺撒这一握没有丝毫留手,巨力爆发之下,被巨人手掌挤压的埃文斯顿时吐出一口鲜血,精神萎靡了下来。 Meanwhile, the wound of under Caesar rib with great difficulty making, has been healing fast. 与此同时,恺撒肋下好不容易制造出的伤口,已经在快速愈合着。 hahaha, Evans, before 1000, you could not kill me, now is not also good!” 哈哈哈,埃文斯,一千年前你杀不了我,现在同样不行!” Feels improvement of physical condition, simultaneously most threatening human-controlled trigging, under Caesar heart is slightly peaceful, immediately laughs to make noise. 感受到身体状况的好转,同时又将最具威胁的人控制住,恺撒心下稍安,顿时大笑出声。 However, Caesar laughs, was extruded Evans who the internal organs burst also to show a feeling relaxed smile unexpectedly: It seems like, the gambling won......” 然而,恺撒大笑的时候,被挤压到内脏破裂的埃文斯居然也露出了一个释然的微笑:“看来,赌赢了……” „Does gambling win?” “赌赢?” Caesar stares, the big laughter stops suddenly. 恺撒一愣,大笑声戛然而止。 Has not waited for him to understand what is this time, he notices suddenly, at this moment under his body, by the position that Evans and his left arm cover, is hiding invisible arrow unexpectedly! 还不等他想明白这是什么意思的时候,他忽然注意到,此刻在他身下,被埃文斯和他左臂遮挡起来的位置,竟隐藏着一支隐形的箭矢 This arrow was being wrapped by the strength of rich wind layer upon layer, hidden went to the figure in the midair, even energy extremely few overflows, this has deceived his sensation, under him the rib toward the wound that exposes shoots. 这支箭矢被浓郁的风之力层层包裹着,在半空中隐去了身形,甚至连其中能量都极少外溢,这才骗过了他的感知,直朝他下肋暴露出的伤口射来。 But the one who makes Caesar panic-stricken is, in this arrow arrow place, connects the sword blade that cold light is sparkling. 而更让恺撒惊恐的是,在这支箭矢的箭头处,连接着一段寒光闪闪的剑刃。 Oh no!” “糟糕!” Caesar realized anything instantaneously: Evans is only a pretence that attracts his attention, the true desert protection is not on him, but tied up on the arrow of archer! 恺撒瞬间意识到了什么:埃文斯只是个吸引他注意力的幌子,真正的沙漠守护并不在他身上,而是被捆绑在了弓箭手的箭上! The Caesar both eyes circle opens the eyes, quickly flings Evans, must wield the arm to keep off that arrow. 恺撒双目圆睁,急忙甩下埃文斯,就要挥臂去挡下那根箭矢 What a pity, was late one step. 可惜,还是晚了一步。 arrow has the unapproachable speed and accuracy, first step leapt up his body, across layer upon layer the surrounding of bone and flesh, accurately hit his heart. 箭矢带着无可匹敌的速度与准确度,先一步蹿进了他的身体,穿过层层骨头和血肉的包围,准确命中了他的心脏。 In the heart that moment of arrow, Caesar mind shakes crazily, the whole body cannot stop twitches, immediately the flesh of whole body starts handful to explode, the innumerable golden supernatural powers change into the illusory class/flow smoke, gushes out from his whole body various places, from the sky passes, finally flooded into the miracle magic lamp of his waist all. 心脏中箭的那一刻,恺撒心神狂震,浑身止不住的抽搐起来,随即全身的血肉开始一捧捧爆开,无数的金色神力化为虚幻的流烟,从他全身各处涌出,在空中流转一圈,最后尽数涌入了他腰间的奇迹神灯之中。 No! Goes back, goes back to me!” “不!回去,都给我回去!” Caesar left arm wields crazily, wanting the supernatural power that periphery will overflow according to returning to within the body, finally does not have the function, together streams smoke like gravel, unceasingly since he refers to the seams sneaking off. 恺撒左臂疯狂挥动,想要将周围溢出的神力按回体内,结果毫无作用,一道道流烟如同砂砾,不断从他指缝间溜走。 Waiters, do attractively!” “伙计们,干得漂亮!” roaming reading poems person at this time excited transforms a smog shape from the magic lamp the person's shadow, gives the thumbs-up toward the people crazily, while laughs is gazing after the turbulent supernatural power to be taken back by the magic lamp. 游吟诗人此时激动的从神灯中幻化出一个烟雾状的人影,一边朝众人狂竖大拇指,一边大笑着目送着汹涌的神力被神灯收回。 Notices sky Caesar toward the hatred vision that he stares, swims the reading poems person to sneer immediately: Caesar, you ended, from now on by a status of insect, will then make reparations well......, right, remembers that should not be stepped on by the kitty!” Then, swims both hands that the reading poems person smiles compared with on lip, sounded a whistling. 注意到上空恺撒朝他瞪来的仇恨目光,游吟诗人顿时冷笑:“恺撒,你完了,今后便以一个虫子的身份,好好赎罪吧……哦,对了,记得千万不要被猫咪踩到哦!”说完,游吟诗人笑眯眯的双手比在嘴唇上,吹响了一道口哨。 The roaming reading poems person final words of let Caesar are startled, subconscious turning the head look, this discovered, before was driven away by him, runs into that over a thousand cats in forest, at this moment was summoned by this road junction whistling sound, assembles in the , surrounded him all round, seems waiting for what feast. 游吟诗人最后的话让恺撒又是一惊,下意识的转头看去,这才发现,之前被他驱赶走,逃进森林里的那上千只猫,此刻都被这道口哨声召唤了出来,围聚在附近,将他团团包围了起来,仿佛在等待着什么大餐。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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